Issue Three
Summer 2014
Far Western Region “Inspiring Through Action”
Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporated
Chapter Histories
Director’s Message
Where are all the photographs and documents that are part of your Chapter’s history? Is there a box in each past president’s garage, or have you made a special effort to collect all these photographs documents in one place so the can be preserved and protected?
What a privilege to serve such a dedicated group of committed women. Committed to the goals of Iota Phi Lambda and working together to improve opportunities for young women in our local communities. The reports of your chapter’s activities and the increase in chapter participation in National Programs this past year, has inspired me. This coming year I will continue to reach out to meet the goals set at the beginning of my term:
During the coming year each chapter should discuss the best way to either establish or update their archives and report their progress to the FWR Board
Encourage members to develop an elevator speech to be used to inform potential members and supporters about Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporated. Improve communication between the FWR, chapter presidents and all sorors Assist each chapter to update or establish a website Encourage and assist each chapter to increase their membership Establish new chapters Sisterly, Myrtle Of the 74 active sorors in the Far West and a little over 33% of these sorors attended the FWR Conference. Also in attendance were two National Officers, two Past National Officers and four Regional Officers. Let’s make it a family affair in St. Thomas and shoot for 100% attendance.