2 minute read
My precious family I Koh Huey Fang
Goh Jin Han (Left)
Tan Hong Lean (Right)
Goh Yong Xuan (Bottom left)
Koh Kong Yik (Bottom middle)

My precious family
For a long time, Koh Huey Fang harboured a secret dream—to have a professionally-taken family portrait. However, as money is always tight, she had to push away this daydream and focus on her caregiving responsibilities.
Estranged from her husband, 45-year-old Huey Fang has to care for her autistic son and diabetic father. With her hands full at home, Huey Fang is unable to work. Thankfully, with assistance from the Social Service Office, the family receives financial aid to help with their living expenses. Two of Huey Fang's children attend CDAC tuition and enrichment classes, further easing the family's burdens.
This year, as part of CDAC’s “A Wish Come True Project”, Huey Fang and her family were gifted a photography session to fulfil her long-time dream.
On the day of the photo shoot, the family headed to the CDAC Headquarters by public transport. Huey Fang's father, who is wheelchair-bound and hardly leaves home, was excited to be out and reminisced enthusiastically about the good old days during their commute. Even her second child, who usually does not take well to unfamiliar places because of his autism, was relatively accommodating that day. “I am thankful to CDAC for their constant support and for this photo shoot to preserve precious memories for our family,” she said.
Now, Huey Fang feels a quiet contentment every time she looks at the precious photograph of her, her three children, and her parents.
Huey Fang’s eldest daughter is awaiting employment, and her youngest child doing well in school. While her girls’ independence takes a load off her mind, she remains worried about her middle child. Even though he is already in Secondary Two, his autism and dyslexia make it challenging for him to communicate with others. So, whenever he has a stress-induced meltdown in school, Huey Fang has to rush to the school to comfort and pacify him.
Despite the hardships of being a caregiver, Huey Fang is thankful to her son for teaching her how to be a better person.
"Over the years, I've learnt how to communicate with him. I want him to know that he has taught me more than I have ever done for him and that the family is always proud of his every improvement.”
Huey Fang’s hopes for the future?

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