Leadership Yearbook 2015

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Class of 2015

Leadership Coeur d’Alene 2015 A program of the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce

Statement and Purpose To identify citizens of the area who have demonstrated the potential for leadership; to provide information which will develop knowledge and understanding of our community, its complexities and its potential; to create an opportunity for participants to meet and exchange ideas with current community/ area leaders; to motivate participants to pursue leadership roles in the community; and to provide participants an opportunity to network and discuss issues in an informal and learning environment.

Program of Work • To recruit, select and graduate a quality class of future leaders. • Focus on differentiating Leadership Coeur d’Alene from all competitive Leadership program in the region. • Focus on ensuring that Leadership Coeur d’Alene is THE premiere Leadership program in the State of Idaho. • Involve the community’s youth into the program to not only help shape and retain our future leaders but to learn from them as well. • Schedule retreat for Leadership Committee and perform S.W.O.T. analysis in order to develop a strategy for the next decade. • Redesign Mission and Vision Statement – focusing on increasing value of the program to Chamber members and the Community. • Determine what is uniquely marketable and improve awareness of the program through exposure in the media. • Actively engage past Leadership Graduates in keeping them involved with Chamber events, activities and programs. • Increase financial position of the Toni Sayler Leadership Scholarship fund.

2015 Leadership Coeur d’Alene Committee Members

Ann Thomas - Chair Leadership Coeur d’Alene

Pam Pratt Brenda Young Vicki Isakson Heidi Rogers Brad Rasor Dustin Ainsworth Marian Pelsma Mike Ward Steve Wilson Doug Jaworski Charlie Linder Britt Towery Brenda Zosel Mike Nelson Jaime Arnold Pastor Craig Sumey Katie Hunt Benjamin Drake Ann Thomas

Retired-Coeur d’Alene School District Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce Idaho Department of Labor Northwest Council for Computer Education bankcda Kootenai Title U.S. Bank Coldwell Banker Schneidmiller Realty Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce Consultant Kootenai Health Kootenai Health Pita Pit USA Coeur d’Alene School District Pacific Source Health Plans First Presbyterian Church Advanced Benefits Pita Pit USA Mountain West Bank

2015 Class Sessions


uring their year in Leadership Coeur d’Alene, class members attended a variety of lectures, demonstrations, tours and activities that allowed them to gain a better understanding of our community. The class met one day per month, with each day focused on a different community theme. They discussed a variety of issues with community leaders, participated in team building exercises and were introduced to businesses and organizations in Coeur d’Alene that have been key factors in our area’s history, development and daily life. Members from the Leadership Class of 2014 were in charge of planning each session, taking into consideration their personal experiences in the program. This task allows former classmates to put their skills to work and demonstrate their growth in leadership. At the end of each day, the class conducted a “Best of the Best” discussion, where they looked at the pros and cons throughout the day and provided suggestions for the future. The comments from each day were collected and used at the Class Retreat to help plan the 2016 Leadership program. The following provide a summary of each day through Leadership 2015. The Leadership Committee thanks all of the community members who have supported the Leadership program throughout the years and have made this experience possible for hundreds of future leaders.

Icebreaker - March 12, 2015 PURPOSE: To meet fellow classmates and learn about your role in Leadership Coeur d’Alene.

Session Planners:

Katie Hunt, Chair Ann Thomas Kellie Peterson Keri Stark Jesse Delavan

Advanced Benefits Mountain West Bank Idaho Independent Bank St. Vincent de Paul Intermax


JJ Jaeger Steve Wilson Sandy Emerson Don Callister Toni Sayler

Chairman of the Board Chamber of Commerce CEO Emerson Valuation Coeur d’Alene High School Leadership Program Toni Sayler Scholarship Program


eeting for the first time, Leadership Class of 2015 shook hands with one another and enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and wine for the Icebreaker session at Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce. After an intense round of “getting to know you Bingo” the class of 2014 introduced themselves and explained each role they held, favorite moments of the previous year and their personal thoughts on the program. We finished the day with a clever game to help everyone remember names and picked nicknames that will haunt us for the next two years. Everyone left excited and eager to start this great adventure.

Setting the Stage - March 26, 2015 PURPOSE: To acquaint the class with the history and heritage of Coeur d’Alene.

Session Planners: Speakers:

Katie Hunt, Chair Ann Thomas Keri Stark Andrea Barlow Cindy Wood Juli Barton

Advanced Benefits Mountain West Bank St. Vincent de Paul University of Idaho North Idaho Family Promise U.S. Bank

Robert Singletary Kris McIIvenna Sandy Emerson Denny Davis Dr. Charles Buck

Museum of North Idaho, Local Historian Greenbriar Inn Emerson Valuation Witherspoon Kelley, Attorneys & Counselors Lewis Clark State College


ur first official session began at the NIC Student Union Building with a light breakfast and socializing with our classmates. Local history expert Robert Singletary regaled the class with stories of the area from prehistory to present, complete with photos and interesting anecdotes. We walked the Fort Grounds and boarded a driving tour that took us through historic neighborhoods and important sites in downtown Coeur d’Alene. Our next stop was the historical Greenbriar Inn for a tour and an impressive lunch. Community heavyweights Sandy Emerson and Denny Davis guided us through the last 60 years of local politics and social movements to give us perspective on where we are today. We finished off the day with a lively getting-to-know-you game and officer elections.

Health Care - April 23, 2015 PURPOSE: Educate the leadership class about the health

resources available in our community and to make a personal commitment to health and well-being.

LEADERSHIP: Understanding your own health status, and

discovering local resources to improve it make you a better leader.

Session Planners: Speakers:

Josh Burton,Chair Katie Hunt Marie Price Ann Thomas Lea Williams Andrea Barlow Jesse Delevan Jon Ness Caryl Johnston Mark Fisher Claudia Miewald Catovia Rayner Jerry Bailey Dr. Jim Robson Whitney Fehringer Dr. Joseph Abate Luke Malek Ashley Piaskowski

Kootenai Health Advanced Benefits North Idaho College Mountain West Bank Tomlinson Sotheby’s International Realty University of Idaho Intermax Kootenai Health CEO Northwest Hospital Alliance Advanced Benefits Kootenai Behavior Health Veterans Association Chiropractic Physician Avondale Dental Kootenai Health Heritage Health Representative Heritage Health Heritage Health


e started bright and early at Kootenai Health, commonly known as the Big Blue Hospital. After a prick of a needle and some biometric testing, we enjoyed a hearty breakfast and got a chance to speak with our fellow classmates. Kootenai Health’s CEO, Jon Ness, kicked off the presentations with information about our beloved hospital. He discussed the challenges of the health care industry along with success stories of our local nurses.


r. Ness spoke about the history of the hospital and its inspiring future. We talked about the new partnership with the Mayo Clinic and how it’s increased employment in just a couple of short years along with the construction plans that are currently in action. We then heard from Caryl Johnston, who is the director of the Northwest Hospital Alliance. She informed us about the partnership Kootenai Health has developed with the surrounding areas and the network they have created to build stronger, regionally based healthcare services. Mark Fisher from Advanced Benefits spoke to us about the Affordable Healthcare Act and all of it’s quirks and strengths. After a quick break we were introduced to Claudia Miewald from Kootenai Behavioral Health and Chris from the VA Hospital. We learned about the alarming rate of suicide in Idaho, specifically Kootenai County, and what it being done to put an end to this tragic statistic. Dr. Jim Robson and Dr. Katie Quinn Martin of Avondale Dental Center gave us a very entertaining presentation on dental care and surprisingly…. Finance advice! Once we broke for lunch, our lab results from the morning tests were handed out. Whitney Fehringer- RDN, gave us a break down of what we were looking at, what to look for, and what to work on. After lunch we toured the hospital and got to enjoy the fresh air on the helicopter landing pad on the roof of Kootenai Heath. What a view!

As a class we made our way to Heritage Health to finish out the day. Dr. Abate, Luke Malek, and Ashley Piaskowski shared with us all the wonderful things Heritage Health offers for the uninsured and under-insured in the community. The afternoon was finished up with a tour of the facility. As a class we spoke about the Best of the Best for the day and headed home, jammed packed with information on our local healthcare system.

Media Day - May 28, 2015 PURPOSE: To understand how an effective leader must

communicate efficiently and strategically with the media. Session Planners: Speakers:


Andrea Barlow, Chair Alison Roberts Benjamin Drake Cindy Wood Juli Barton Angela Peterson

University of Idaho Windermere Pita Pit Famliy Promise U.S. Bank All West Testing

Nils Rosdahl Coeur d’Alene Press Mike Patrick Editor, Coeur d’Alene Press D. F. Oliveria Spokesman Review Laura Rumpler Coeur d’Alene School District Stacey Hudson North Idaho College Sal Piazza Parker Toyota Stephanie Powers Pita Pit Eden Irgens Range Bill Tilson Coeur d’Alene Police Department Kevin Sanders Pita Pit

edia Day started off with a wealth of information from Nils Rosdahl from the Coeur d’ Alene Press. Mr. Rosdahl writes a column for the business section of the paper as well as running the Tid Bits section. He gives the community a sneak peak of new businesses starting in the area, the 411 on a change of ownership and anything and everything in-between. Knowing we would be curious about how he gets new information each day, Mr. Rosdahl told us he takes a different route to the office each morning, meets with a group he calls the “Tips Club” and the locals email him. He gave us tips on how to write a basic press release and how to tailor it to our audience. In addition to the abundance of information we received on communication in the form of writing we were also given a brief overview of another type of communication, the nonverbal kind. Body language. He told us how important a handshake is. How to initiate, deliver and the appropriate length should be. He coached us on what to wear, what not to, how to talk, touch and smell.


ike Patrick from the Coeur d’Alene Press gave us an overview of the paper. We learned what role the press has in the community and how the printed paper is surviving in a time of internet and mobile devices to receive information. Afterwards, we walked over to the CDA Press and toured the facility. After the tour, we heard from D.F. Olivera. He started Huckleberries Online in 2004 and had lots to tell us about the art of blogging. We heard how he receives his information. How he approaches the touchy subjects and how he deals with “internet trolls”. Next up was Nikki and Taylor from the local news stations. They told us how social media has changed the news and how they work alongside the local law enforcement. We were told how they decide what to report and how they make the decision whether to put it on the 5 o’clock news or the 6 o’clock news. Laura Rumpler from Cd’A School District 271 and Stacey Hudson from North Idaho College shifted gears and set up an interactive exercise about how to handle a crisis in the media. We broke into groups and were given a crisis situation and an iPad. We picked a representative from our group and pushed record on the iPad as the rest of us fired questions about our make believe scenario and watched how well they responded under pressure. It was a very interesting experiment. Props to La La La Laura for doing such a fantastic job on camera with no preparation! Afterwards, we had a panel discussion with Eden Irgens, Sal Piazza, and Stephanie Powers about marketing in the local media. We learned about “feel good marketing” where the customer is supporting a great cause as well as getting what they want, and how they attract consumers through goodwill. We watched a great video on the marketing and community involvement from Parker Toyota and learned about the various fundraising opportunities Pita Pit has in our community. Bill Tilson of the Cd’A Police department spoke to us about social media in CDA and his role in it. He let us know about the various social media accounts the police department has set up and how they use it to their advantage in everyday situations. Last but not least, we heard from Kevin Sanders the Vice President of Brand Marketing for Pita Pit Inc. He told us how consumer’s trust in marketing has been declining rapidly as well as his beliefs on why that is. Mr. Sanders showed us statistics on the trust level people have in their government these days and how the recession has effected that. We ended the day with a great group discussion on the Best of the Best and took a group photo!

Environment - June 15, 2015 PURPOSE: To develop knowledge and understanding of the issues facing our national, state and local land, water and other natural resource practices impacting the balance between commerce, growth, sustainability and quality of life.

Session Planners:

Marie Pengilly, Chair Bill McLeod Katie Hunt Todd Kiesbuy Kellie Peterson Tom Pool

University of Idaho Cd’A Cd’A Police Department Advanced Benefits Avista Idaho Independent Bank Mountain West Bank


Mike Clary Brian Riley Alan Harper Mac Mikkelsen Adrienne Cronebaugh Cathy Mayer Rob Ryan Barb Moore Denna Grangaard Ed Moreen Caj Matheson Jamie Brunner Laura Laumatia Jim Remitz

Hecla Mining Company Idaho Forest Group Idaho Forest Group Avista Kootenai Environmental Alliance Kootenai County Solid Waste Idaho Fish & Game Idaho Fish & Game Idaho Dept. of Environmental Quality Environmental Protection Agency Restoration Partnership Idaho Dept. of Environmental Quality Coeur d’Alene Tribe City of Coeur d’Alene


he class started the day off bright and early at the Idaho Forest Group Chilco Mill in Athol, Idaho. We were provided with great coffee and hearty breakfast burritos while Mike Clary of Hecla Mining gave us a brief overview of the mining business, the demand for silver and the various mines that Hecla operates.


fter an explanation of how Idaho Forest Group runs, we embarked on a fantastic tour around the mill. We learned the process a log goes through to become the framing lumber we can purchase at our local Home Depot or Lowes. We also followed the former tree as it became debarked, processed, planed, packaged and ready to be shipped off. We then left Athol and headed out to Post Falls to the Avista Dam. Here, Mac Mikklesen and LaRoy Dowd gave us a rundown of how the dam works and the many jobs it takes on. They told of us how the lack of snow we had last year has impacted the water levels for this year and how they are operating now because of this. Afterwards, the class headed to NIC to hear from Adrienne Cronebaugh who is a part of the Kootenai Environmental Alliance. She told us about a new program in Kootenai County called the Cd’A Glass Recycling Company. This was started by a couple who had just moved to Idaho and realized we were not recycling our glass so they decided to start! The company has grown to service over 200 households and is available to whoever would like to take advantage of it. Cathy Mayer of Kootenai County Solid Waste Management gave us an explanation of the past, present and future of the local solid waste facilities and how they have adapted to the growing county. Next up we heard from Rob Ryan and Barb Moore of Idaho Fish and Game. Rob gave us a summary of the local lakes an what kind of fish we can expect in each one while Barb let us know about the elk monitoring they have been involved in. Denna Grangaard, Ed Moreen and Caj Matheson teamed up and gave us an overview of the Superfund history and ongoing restoration. From historic mill site cleanups and the nature and extent of the contamination to how natural resources were harmed and how they are helping to restore them. Next we heard from Laura Laumatia and Jamie Brunner on the lake management plan. They provided us with facts, measurements and information on the 21 species of fish in our area (even though only 7 are actually native) while a jar of phytoplankton was passed around for us to view. After a quick break we headed to the Wastewater Treatment Plant where we toured the plant, learned the process of wastewater and how great efforts are taken to contain the smell and keep a clean and safe environment. We ended the day in, thankfully, an air conditioned room at the wastewater plant where we discussed the best of the best and talked about what an informative and fun day we had!

Arts & Recreation - July 23, 2015 PURPOSE: To learn about and experience some of the recreational opportunites in the Coeur d’Alene area to include performance, visual arts, and outdoor recreation.

LEADERSHIP: As a leader, expand and develop your own

opportunities to create, imagine and explore yourself through arts and recreation. Develop a balance of work and play that will lead to a refreshed approach to problem solving, innovation and creating a well-rounded life. Session Planners:

Juli Barton, Chair Kellie Peterson Katie Hunt Marie Penquilly Andrea Thomas Jake Yates Andy Boyle

U.S. Bank Idaho Independent Bank Advanced Benefits University of Idaho


Jon Totten Randall Butt Peter Smith Stacy Barney Ali Shute Jennifer Drake Laura Little Hannah Paton Brooke Nicholson Steve Sibulsky Judi Horton Aaron Nicholson Gay Glasson Buddy Le Susan Nipp Mark Robitaille

NIC Outdoor Pursuits Idaho Parks & Recreation Centennial Trail Foundation Salvation Army Kroc Center Arts & Culture Alliance Arts Commission Summer Theatre Modern Theater Ballet Coeur d’Alene Coeur d’Alene Symphony NW Sacred Music Chorale Coeur d’Alene Opera Coeur d’Alene Downtown Association Coeur d’Alene Art Gallery Coeur d’Alene Library Foundation, Mudgy & Millie Silverwood Theme Park

Umpqua Bank Kootenai County Sheriff’s Department


ream Team 2015 started the day off with a quick breakfast and coffee social in the KROC Center as we dove into Arts & Recreation Day. Jon Totten with NIC Outdoor Pursuits explained to us what his main mission was: to get people outside! NIC provides classes, trips and clinics for the activities our neck of the woods has to offer. From sailing, rafting, and paddle boarding all the way to snowshoeing, skiing and fishing. Jon Totten would be a good friend to have. Following that, Randall Butt with Idaho Parks and Rec made his first appearance with us. Randall is the park manager for Coeur d’ Alene and Farragut. He gave us a general overview of the parks in the area, when to visit them, what to bring and what they are most known for. Mostlytheir historical value and beauty. Surprising almost everyone in the room, Randall let us know that Idaho has over 30 state parks and recreational trails. Peter Smith from Centennial Trails Foundation then took the floor. Letting us know that they are here to preserve the trail and advocate for its future. He let us in on the future goals that are currently in place for the trail and what we can do to help. Preserve the trails, everyone! Moving onward, Stacy Barney from the KROC Center gave us the 411 on how this wonderful center came to be in our little town. She told us about what they anticipated opening day would bring in and how it was almost 10 times that! We learned about all the great programs and facilities the KROC has to offer and all the benefits it brings our town. Next we got to learn all about art. Ali Shute from the Arts & Culture Alliance program and Jennifer Drake from the CDA Arts Commission let us in on all the fantastic art filled events Coeur d’ Alene has to offer and how the art we have was integrated into the community. As well as what the future holds for art in CDA. Laura Little spoke briefly about the CDA Summer Theater and upcoming shows. She told us how it operates and all the benefits that theater provides to the community. We then heard from a panel of art influenced professionals in the area. The modern theater, Ballet CDA, the CDA Symphony, NW Sacred Musical Chorale and the CDA Opera to be exact. Each of them told us a little about what their particular organization strives for and how we can get involved. They opened the floor to questions and we were lucky enough to hear the glorious voice of Mr. Aaron Nicholson of the CDA Opera. WOW! After a quick break we hopped on the bus headed to downtown Coeur d’ Alene. Gay Glasson gave us a quick insight into all the great events she coordinates downtown and how to contact her with any ideas we may have. We unloaded at Independence Point and walked over to the CDA Art Gallery and looked at all the fascinating pieces the gallery has to offer. We heard from owner, Buddy Le, on how he acquired all of his pieces and how he got started in the first place. We took a nice stroll to the downtown library where we heard from the creator of Mudgy and Millie herself, Susan Nipp! We learned about the history of the Coeur d’ Alene inspired children’s book, and the silly antics of a moose and mouse. Also, how the book inspired the statues placed around the town today. Back on the bus, we headed toward Farragut State Park where we again met up with Mr. Randall Butt. We toured the Navy Base and our lucky class became the very first group through the new wing that opened just 20 minutes before our arrival. We are now legendary! We finished up at Farragut with a Frisbee game throw down where our own Bible Belt Bill reigned champion! We finished the day at Silverwood Theme Park and heard from Jordan Carter, the social media manager for the park. He played us the new TV commercials for Silverwood and told the various ways the park advertises. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat just to name a few. Jordan told us the history of the park and how they outbid Walt Disney at an auction where Silverwood acquired the famous train that tours around the theme park. We ended the day with time to ride rides and socialize with our fellow Leadership members and families.

Economic Development - August 27, 2015 PURPOSE: To gain a better understanding of the key components of our area’s economic well-being by focusing on specific industries and businesses that have a valuable growth impact on our local economy and are active in promoting economic growth.

LEADERSHIP: Innovative local citizens who actively work

towards growth and development of businesses and commerce. Session Planners:

Lea Williams, Chair Marcus Mitzel Trudi Kuhn Juli Barton Angela Peterson Tom Pool

Tomlinson Sotheby’s Int’l Realty Young Construction Group JL Scott Realty U.S. Bank Property by Prime Mountain West Bank


Troy Tymesen Tony Berns Charlie Nipp Pat Eberlin Jeff Bond Shelly Donovan Dan Stubbs Sam Wolkenhauer Dr. Grant Forsyth Rick Murray Jerry Lyon Russ Porter Alan Wolfe Gavin Mobraten Gynii Gilliam CJ Buck Ron Nilson Dennis Staver Tim Komberec Nick Smoot

City of Coeur d’Alene Ignite Cd’A Parkwood Business Properties Kiemle & Hargood Tomlinson Sotheby’s International NIBCA Idaho Independent Bank Idaho Department of Labor Avista U.S. Bank Community 1st Bank Mountain West Bank STCU Mountain West Bank Jobs Plus Buck Knives Ground Force Esterline Empire Airlines Innovation Collective


conomic Day started with a bang with an enthusiastic presentation from Troy Tymesen, the finance director for the City of Coeur d’ Alene. Troy gave us details about the growth of CDA and our city’s economic development through the years. After we were jolted awake, we heard from Tony Berns from ignite cda, the city’s urban renewal agency. We learned how ignite cda is bringing new life into urban areas and how they’re creating economic vitality through places like the Kroc Center, Riverstone and US Bank Service Center. We took a short break before hearing from a real estate panel made up of local brokers, agents, builders and bankers. From Charlie Nipp with Parkwood Business Properties we learned about the various commercial buildings they have built and continue to manage. Pat Eberlin of Kiemle & Hagood gave us a current market update and what we can expect in the near future for restaurants and shops in CDA. Shelly Donovan of NIBCA gave us a recap of the Parade of Homes that had just taken place and about new residential construction in the area. Jeff Bond of Tomlinson Sotheby’s gave us market statistics for residential real estate in Kootenai County, and Dan Stubbs of IIB let us in on the 411 with the lending industry, and the upcoming changes with the Dodd Frank Bill this October. Very informational stuff! We learned about the state of the economy from Sam Wolkenhauer, from the Department of Labor and Grant Forsyth, the Chief Economist for Avista. They gave us a regional economic update compared to the national forecast and what they predict for Kootenai County’s economic future. After lunch, which was graciously provided by Prime Real Estate Group, we heard from a Funding Source Panel made up of Rick Murray from US Bank, Jerry Lyon at Community 1st Bank, Russ Porter the CEO of Mountain West Bank, Alan Wolfe from STCU and Gavin Mobraten an SBA lender for Mountain West Bank. Together, this very informative panel talked about leadership qualities, the changes in how banks are now lending funds for mortgages and small businesses and again the changes that are taking place with the upcoming Dodd Frank Bill. They discussed the problems they have been seeing with the bill and the concerns they have. They also explained why it is important and why our nation is implementing this bill. We were then given plenty of time to ask questions and discuss our thoughts and concerns with Dodd Frank. Afterwards, we all hopped in our cars and headed out to Buck Knives. We were given headsets and safety goggles and sent out on the floor to see the process these custom knives go through before they are ready to be sold. After we finished the tour, Gynii Gilliam from Jobs Plus gave us a rundown on strategy, her approach on job creation, and how they are strengthening partnerships with the work force. She told us what is currently happening with Jobs Plus and their future visions and business expansions. Lastly we heard from a very entertaining business panel made up of CJ Buck from Buck Knives, Dennis Staver from Esterline, Nick Smoot with Innovation Collective, Tim Komberec of Empire Airlines and Ron Nilson from Ground Force Manufacturing. Together these incredible leaders described how they got to where they are and what leadership qualities they believe every successful person carries. We heard about their personal struggles and strengths with employing in North Idaho and why they believe our nation is the greatest place to live and work in. We finished our day with announcements and the Best of the Best and all agreed how much we enjoyed this day!

Law & Public Safety - September 24, 2015 PURPOSE: To highlight the work performed by public safety leaders in protecting and serving citizens in our community.

Session Planners:

Bill McLeod, Chair Andy Boyle Mike Nash Kim Roby Sarah Sears Juli Barton

Coeur d’Alene Police Department Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office Aces Community Services Idaho Department of Labor Attorney U.S. Bank


Travis Chaney, Undersheriff Lee White, Chief of Police Ben Wolfinger, Sheriff Curtis Kastens, Captain Joshua Olmo Justin Elliott, Sergeant Rich Lyons Pat Cwik Amy Knisley Jason Shaw Shelly Allen Jim Washko, Deputy Chief Sandy Von Behren Barry McHugh, Prosecutor Mayli Walsh, Public Defender Kim Edmondson, Major Andy Deak, Captain

Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office Coeur d’Alene Police Department Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office Idaho State Police Federal Bureau of Investigation Spokane County Sheriff’s Department Kootenai County Sheriff’s Department Coeur d’Alene Police Department/NIVCTF Coeur d’Alene Police Department, Canine Dept. Coeur d’Alene Police Department, Canine Dept. Kootenai County Sheriff’s Dept. 911 Coeur d’Alene Fire Department Office of Emergency Management Kootenai County Prosecutor’s Office Kootenai County Public Defender’s Office Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office Kootenai County Sheriff’s Department


aw and Public Safety Day began with a very enthusiastic and informative presentation from Retired Undersherrif, Travis Chaney. His topic was “Leading others with Integrity.” We then heard from a panel of guests that included Josh Olmo with the FBI, Curtis Kastens, Captain of Idaho State Police, Ben Wolfinger, Kootenai County Sheriff, and Chief of Police, Lee White, with the Coeur d’Alene Police Department. The group spoke to the fact that all of their agencies work as a team to help each other out. After our break we heard from Spokane County Air One representative, Justin Elliot who is a Sargent with Spokane County Sheriff’s office. Their team works with the CDA agencies to help with the recent Bayview fire as well as the Tubbs Hill fire to alert people of the fire as well as assist them in getting off the hill if they were stranded. The Air One unit consists of 10 pilots, 2 certified flight instructors, 7 military pilots and even 1 Hollywood Stunt pilot! We then moved right into an overview of the Kootenai County Joint Agency SWAT team presentation by Rich Lyons, Deputy for Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office. Rich is a K9 handler and SWAT team Leader as well as also works patrol. We learned that the department contracts with Spokane County to share equipment. On average Kootenai County SWAT averages about 20 calls a year versus Spokane which averages about 180 calls a year. Rich informed us that he would be leading our SWAT team demonstration later in the day. This left the group with a bit of excitement and anticipation for what was to come later in the day. After a wonderful lunch prepared by the Search and Rescue team, the rest of the afternoon was spent at the Coeur d’Alene Police and Fire Training Facility where we were part of a live SWAT team re-enactment as well as a few other demonstrations where we witnessed a fire team putting out a fire in a building, and a couple of K-9 demonstrations. We then traveled to the Kootenai County Sheriff’s campus and toured the jail. A very action packed and informative day!

Government & Transportation - October 22, 2015 PURPOSE: To acquaint the Leadership Class with aspects of

local, state and federal government and transportation issues. Session Planners:

Katie Hunt, Chair Jesse Delavan Bill McLeod Josh Burton Cindy Wood Keri Stark Alison Roberts

Advanced Benefits


Jim Hammond Ron Jacobson Steve Roberge Mike McDowell David Stewart Laurie Thomas Luke Malek Katie Brodie Karen Roetter Sid Smith Judy Morbeck Chief Allen Helo Hancock Nancy Strickland Eve Knudtsen Tom Lien Chris Dillman Greg Delavan John Adams Scott Marikis Phil Cummings Fritz Wiedenhoff

City of Coeur d’Alene Mayor, City of Post Falls City Council, City of Dalton Gardens Assessor, City of Coeur d’Alene Kootenai County Commissioner Treasurer, Kootenai County Idaho State Representative Governor Otter Senator Crapo Senator Risch Senator Labrador Coeur d’Alene Tribe Attorney, Coeur d’Alene tribe Mason & Strickland, LLP Knudtsen Chevrolet Post Falls Urban Renewal Agency RL Wadsworth Kootenai County Airport Kootenai County Airport Advisory Board Empire Airlines Kootenai County Airport Kootenai County Airport

CDA Police Department Kootenai Health North Idaho Family Promise St. Vincent de Paul Windermere Real Estate


he Dream Team started the day off at the Coeur d’Alene Library with a very informative panel of local government representitives from the city and county. Representing were: Jim Hammond, CDA City Administrator, Ron Jacobson the Post Falls Mayor, and Steve Roberge of Dalton Gardens City Council. They discussed their challenges of being an elected official as well as current issues in the community and how all of us can get involved. The County panel of Mike McDowell, Kootenai County Assessor as well as David Stewart the Kootenai County Commissioner and Laurie Thomas, Kootenai County Treasurer Clerk, talked about the responsibilities of County officials and how our taxes are assessed. After a quick break, we were introduced to the State, Federal and Tribal panel. Luke Malek, Idaho State Representative talked to us about a couple of current issues he is facing this year: Mental Health Crisis Center and Medicaid expansion. Katie Brody represented Governor Otter’s office. She is responsible for making sure that Governor Otter is aware of what the people are wanting and needing. Karen Roetter, Sid Smith and Judy Morbeck, all regional directors for Senators Crapo, Risch and Labrador respectively, related the importance of building trust with the constituency. Each of them travel to visit the state’s districts to listen to the people’s concerns. Chief Allen, The CDA Tribe Chairman and Helo Hancock, Attorney and Legislative Director talked to us about how the tribe is committed to education and working with the community and businesses. In the past 22 years the tribe has donated more than $21 Million dollars toward education throughout Idaho! We received a brief history of the tribe and how reservations were created by treaties and by government order. Very interesting facts and information. A fun highlight of the day was participating in the mock city council meeting, debating the legality of adult dance club permits versus those of a church meeting house. The best part of the trial was seeing Babyface Bobby dressed up in a boa impersonating a female dancer. A wonderful lunch was generously provided by Knudtsen Chevrolet at their location where we then walked the new I-90 overpass that was scheduled to open next month. The day ended at the Coeur d’Alene Airport for a presentation from Greg Delavan the KC Airport Manager, and John Adams, KC Airport Advisory Board member. We were able to tour the Fire Department, see the airport’s equipment as well as Empire Airlines, a busy base for corporate jets. We thank all of our public officials and support staff for all they do for the community. A very informative day!

Education - November 19 , 2015 PURPOSE: To expose leaders to the values of education in our region and how lifelong learning can lead to opportunites. Session Planners:

Marie Pengilly, Chair Andy Boyle Katie Hunt Kellie Peterson Ann Thomas Josh Burton Marie Price


Matt Handelman Coeur d’Alene School District Casey Morrisoe Coeur d’Alene School District Kara Smith Teacher of the Year 2014 Tim Fortune KTEC Doug Anderson North Idaho College Kassie Silvas Career Technical and Workforce Education Jillian Carlson Home School Dan Nicklay Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Scot Thomson North Idaho STEM Charter School Julie Yetter Christian Center Theresa Carteer Idaho Digital Learning Academy Jimmy McAndrew Coeur Group Doug Jaworski Excel Foundation Lisa May Coeur d’Alene Education Partnership Dr. Lita Burns North Idaho College Sara Schmelzer North Idaho College Rocky Owens Lewis Clark State College Dr. Charles Buck University of Idaho Don Soltman Idaho State Board of Education Graydon Stanley North Idaho College Student Services DeAnn Johnson North Idaho College Completion & Transferability Even Moore North Idaho College PTE Coordinator Judith George North Idaho College Village Project Rand Edwards North Idaho College Health Professional Programs Janet Ackerman Sorenson Magnet School

University of Idaho Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office Advanced Benefits Idaho Independent Bank Mountain West Bank Kootenai Health North Idaho College


ur day started at KTEC with an overview of K-12 education in the Coeur d’ Alene School District. We heard from Superintendent Matt Handleman, Casey Morrisroe from the Cda School District Board and Teacher of the Year, Kara Smith. Each of these outstanding leaders told our class about the ends and outs of their every day and what each of their jobs entail. They answered questions we had about future plans and how the school district is handling population growth in our community. Kassie Silvas from North Idaho College Technical and Workforce Education spoke about their plans for a new location next door to KTEC. She told us about the problems she has encountered with the location so far from NIC and how she is managing to align KTEC with NIC to promote workforce education in our area. Next we heard from Tim Fortune, director of KTEC, and division chair, Doug Anderson, Trades and Industry at North Idaho College. They discussed where the funding for the school comes from, how to apply, and how students are chosen. Afterwards we split up into groups and were given a tour of KTEC from a student. Our guide weaved us in and out of classrooms while excitedly describing what each area of the school was currently working on. From welding, automotive and construction of an actual 1000 square foot home to building electric guitars and a CNA program! After a quick break we drove to North Idaho College to hear a panel presentation on the different schooling options available in our area. Jillian Carlson told us about homeschooling her children and how she manages to keep them social and involved in sports and activities and the benefits of teaching her children herself. Julie Yetter, Principal of the Christian Center, spoke to us about her background and views on public versus private schools that are faith based. Dan Nicklay, Principal of Coeur d’ Alene Charter Academy, and Scott Thomson, Principal of North Idaho STEM Charter Academy, both educated us on what a Charter School is, the extra expectations they require from each of their students, and how raising the bar has helped their students excel in many areas of their lives. We then heard another panel presentation on the community support for education. Charlie Linder Guest Services Manager at Kootenai Health, Doug Jaworski from Excel Foundation and Lisa May from the Coeur d Alene Education Partnership Board explained their roles in the community and how they are advocating education in our area to improve the lives of children. From a better quality education to fundraising for District 271 and projects such as the Locker Program, these innovative community leaders strive to make our education system better. We took a walk to the Health and Science building to learn about post- secondary opportunities in North Idaho. Rocky Owens from LCSC, Dr. Charles Buck from U of I, Sara Schmelzer from NIC and Don Soltman of the Idaho State Board of Education each gave a brief presentation on the various degrees offered and how they are trying to improve the process of getting their school’s information to the high school students in Idaho. After a presentation from a college success panel which included Graydon Stanely of NIC, DeAnn Johnson- Advisor for Completion and Transferability, Evan Moore- PTE Transition Coordinator and Judith George from the Village Project and an overview of the North Idaho College Health Professional Programs we drove to Sorenson Magnet School. Again, we were given a tour from an excited student who was very proud of their school! We learned about the various activities offered at Sorenson and how they set themselves apart from other schools in our area. We finished up the day with the Best of the Best and socialized with fellow classmates.

Quality of Life - December 22, 2015 PURPOSE: To increase the awareness of the human services,

the needs in our community and the organizations and volunteer opportunities that exist to help meet those needs. Session Planners: Speakers:

Keri Stark Marcus Mitzel Cindy Wood Kim Roby Mike Nash

St. Vincent de Paul Young Construction Group Family Promise Idaho Department of Labor Aces Community Services

Lori Dahlke Mark Haberman Megan Dardis-Kunz Craig Sumey Rodney Wright Carolyn Shewfelt Terri Johnson Jeff Conroy Matt Hutchinson Mark Tucker Shelly Zollman Ryan Davis KJ Torgerson Christina Hall John Corcoran Ann Johnson Amanda Miller Katie Coker TJ Byrne

Kootenai County Community Action Partnership Kootenai County Community Action Partnership Idaho Department of Health & Welfare 1st Presbyterian Church Lake City Community Church Kootenai County Community Action Partnership TESH St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul United Way of Kootenai County North Idaho Family Group Boys & Girls Club of Kootenai County CASA of North Idaho Children’s Village Elderhelp The Village at Orchard Ridge Hospice of North Idaho Safe Passages Heritage Health


ur last Leadership Coeur d’ Alene session started at Lake City Community Church. Upon arrival we were split into groups and each given a new identity to participate in a poverty simulation. We were handed bags with transportation cards, our new jobs (if we had one) and Luck of the Draw cards that outlined a particular problem we were each faced with. When the whistle blew we had twelve minutes to overcome our “work week”. Pay bills, get to work, and take care of the children. Many of us had other issues to deal with like where to live had we been evicted and how to pay bills if we had been robbed. After the simulation we discussed our experience as a class. We all agreed that is was an impactful and eye opening exercise. We talked about what changes could be made in real life situations and what we can do as a group and individually to help change the dominant perception of low income families.


ext we heard from the Department of Health & Welfare’s regional navigation supervisor Megan Dardis who spoke to us about what Health & Welfare does to help struggling families, what their mission is and how they operate in our community. We walked to a room inside the church that was set up for Family Promise, a program that helps families transition from the street into a home. There are 20 different churches involved in this program. They work hard to set families up on a 90 day program in which the goal is to assist members to find employment and get their own place while the family can stay together as a unit during the process. We then split into two groups and hopped into our cars and headed to TESH or CAPS to hear from Terri Johnson or Caroline Shewfelt. At TESH we were shown a video about how they are transforming the lives of individuals with disabilities and mental health challenges. At CAPS we toured the food bank and learned the ins and outs of how they operate and all the wonderful things they are doing to help our community. Next we traveled to St. Vincent de Paul to have lunch and heard from Jeff Conroy, the executive director. He spoke to us about the services they provide, the thrift store and housing for low income families. We then toured the St. Vincent de Paul campus and settled in the HELP center conference room for the remainder of the day. We heard from Mark Tucker at United Way of Kootenai County, a nonprofit organization focused on improving the lives of people in our area and creating opportunities for a good life through education, income opportunities and health. Shelly Zollman at North Idaho Family Group told us about their backbone organization that provides support through education, services directory and a magazine now 17 years in publication. Ryan Davis of Boys & Girls Club told the class about their youth development agency that provides access to afterschool activities, homework help, free time and healthy snacks. Christina Hull at Children’s Village, a large group foster home, spoke to us about the program that provides help to children that have been taken from their homes because of situations that were dangerous to them. They provide support to the children and help the families get their life together in order to gain custody of the child once again. The executive director of CASA- KJ Torgerson spoke to us about the state mandated program in place to keep the best interest of the child in mind and ensure they are placed in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment. The program is made up of volunteer advocates and an individual mentor is assigned to each child. Following the Youth Panel we heard from the Senior Services panel made up of John Corcoran - Director of Elder Help, Ann Johnson - Director of Village at Orchard Ridge and Amanda Miller - Director of Communications at Hospice of North Idaho. Together they told us about their overall goals which include keeping senior citizens in their own homes as long as possible with Elder Help, and end of life care at Hospice. Each program, while different, is designed to keep senior citizens in our community feeling safe and comfortable as long as possible. Our last panel was a Social Services group made up of TJ Byrne from Heritage Health and Katie Coker from Safe Passage Violence Prevention Center. TJ Byrne spoke to us about the homeless outreach program and what they are doing to help those without homes in our area. Katie Coker said Kootenai County has one of the highest numbers of domestic violence abuse cases in Idaho and that they are doing their best to change that statistic through safety awareness, resilience of the individuals and empowering the youth of our community. We ended our final session with an epic present wrapping competition (the winner was mysteriously never revealed) and the Best of the Best for Dream Team 2015!

Class Retreat - January 27, 2016 PURPOSE: To review and evaluate the 2015 Leadership Coeur

d’Alene Program, assign session planners for the class of 2016 and to choose members to serve on the Leadership Coeur d’Alene Committee with the Chamber of Commerce. Session Planners:

Ann Thomas Vicki Isakson Craig Sumey Alivia Metts Katie Hunt Cindy Wood Ben Drake Brenda Zosel Bookholtz

Mountain West Bank Department of Labor First Presbyterian Church The Metts Group Advanced Benefits Family Promise Pita Pit Pita Pit


ressed in our favorite sports team’s gear, the 2015 class of Leadership CDA met for the final time for our class retreat at Elk Point. After coffee and morning snacks, we were greeted by the 2014 session planners as they laid out what we had in store for the day. Next, as a class, we discussed our favorite moments throughout the year and which days held special memories for us. We then went through the Best of the Best from each session and discussed what worked great and what needed a little improving and any additional ideas we might have. Afterwards we played an epic battle of memory madness to score some office swag! After lunch we chose a few sessions each of us would like to participate in the planning for the 2016 class and voted for class awards. We ended the day and met up at O’Shays for an after class drink and cheered to the friends we’ve made and all of the wonderful memories of Leadership CDA!

Introducing the

Class of 2015 Laura L. Aschenbrener

WITHERSPOON KELLEY Laura is an Associate Attorney with Witherspoon Kelley. Through Leadership Laura loved learning about Coeur d’Alene’s history and envisioning our community’s future through the lens of what drives our economy and quality of life, from health care to the health of the lake and natural resources. Touring Avista’s power plant at the Post Falls Dam was a highlight, as well as hearing from industry leaders on each jam-packed day. Laura is on the board of Emerge CdA and enjoys Artwalks and watching the Seahawks. Laura is married to husband Zac and has two furbabies.


John is the Vice President of Morgan Stanley and served as 2015 Leadership Class Tail Twister. John enjoyed the people he met past and present associated with Leadership Coeur d’Alene. John was surprised at the breadth and depth of community involvement of the Chamber of Commerce. John is involved in Gonzaga Alumni Association, North Idaho Jr. Cross Country, Sorenson PTA, Canfield PTA and Avondale Golf Club. John was recognized for successfully mentoring two colleagues in his firm. John enjoys golf, skiing, hunting, fishing, martial arts, travel, Gonzaga basketball, cross country running.


Bill is the Director of Operations for Heritage Health. Through Leadership Bill enjoyed the behind the scenes and getting a better understanding of the opportunities unique to Coeur d’Alene. One highlight for Bill was the KTEC tour. Bill enjoys camping, hiking, home improvement projects and shooting hoops. Bill is married to wife Patti and together they have children Jenna (6) and Caleb (4).

Paul Erwin PITA PIT INC.

Paul is VP of Administration for Pita Pit Inc. and has been involved with Pita Pit for 13 years. The experience of becoming engaged and connected to other leaders within the community and forming lasting friendships was a highlight. In addition to the personal connections made, gaining the understanding of the intricacies of various functions within the community and their connections, the impact of non-profits, and the sacrifices made by people on a daily basis had a profound impact for Paul this past year. The day sessions that resonated and were inspiring to him were Health Care, Environment, Law & Public Safety, and Quality of Life. Paul has served as a Board Member for the University of Idaho Ernest W. Hartung Theatre Renovation Project, served as a youth sports coach in basketball and soccer for 7 years, and is a Certified Franchise Executive. He enjoys sports and the arts. Paul has been married to his beautiful wife Shannon, a local artist, for the past 18 years and is the father of two, Ella and Tate.

Greta Gissel


Greta is the Executive Director with the North Idaho Centennial Trail, is a board member for CdA 2030 and serves on their Implementation Committee, a board member on the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, a Chamber Education Committee member, KIDS Camp Director, JINGLE Books Director, and is a PTO member and volunteer at Sorensen Elementary. She also served as the 2015 President of her Leadership Coeur d’Alene Class. Greta’s best experience through Leadership was the connection she made with her classmates. It was a pleasure to meet quality professional individuals who care about making a positive impact on their community with intent and compassion. The knowledge and understanding she gained through this course was incredible and undeniably useful as she moves forward in her career and follows her passion. While there are moments from each Leadership day that stand out, the first class, Setting the Stage, she learned about Coeur d’Alene and its history proved a poignant moment for her when, though she grew up in Coeur d’Alene, she realized how little she knew about local history. The tours of the Chilco Mill, the Post Falls Dam and learning about the health of Lake Coeur d’Alene were extraordinary. As a community that relies heavily on tourism, it is apparent how paramount preservation and protection of local vital resources weighs in on the larger picture. Economic Development was another inspiring day that gave insight into the local economy and the businesses that support it. Law and Public Safety day proved quite intriguing while learning how fire, police and state departments work together keeping the community safe. Education Day served insightful showing the vast array of continuing education choices that help to strengthen local economy. And finally, the last class Quality of Life, provided an excellent overview of the organizations in our community that provide much needed services. “The dedication by many local nonprofits to serve this great community is outstanding and makes me proud to be a resident of Coeur d’Alene. The outpouring of support and dedication from the businesses for the Leadership Coeur d’Alene program proves how integral this program is to our area and in creating solid leaders for our region.” In 2015, Greta received Volunteer of the Year Award for her work with the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations. She enjoys volunteering, reading, traveling, spending time with family and an incredible group of friends. She enjoys her work, spending time outside, riding her bike, running and hiking. Greta’s family consists of a daughter who is 7 and her parents who are actively involved in their lives and who live locally, and a sister in Renton. She also has a second place winning dog named Trux, whom possess the ever rare “adorable gene”. Greta has a hunky seaplane pilot boyfriend who has two wonderful boys ages 8 and 11. Quote of the year from her father (regarding the KIDS Camp program): “Honey, watching you do this is like having a son play football!” Thanks Dad!

Miranda Hamilton

AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE Miranda is the owner of American Family Insurance in Hayden, ID. Through Leadership Miranda enjoyed the relationships that she has gained and getting to hear firsthand from the leaders, movers and shakers of the community. Miranda is on the Chamber Membership Outreach Committee, St. Vincent de Paul Fashion Show Planning Committee and is a Hayden Parks & Recreation Youth Soccer Coach. Miranda enjoys boating on beautiful Lake Coeur d’Alene, traveling, reading, wine and laughing with friends. Miranda has one beautiful, brave and kind daughter who is 6 years old and loves to dance, play soccer, swim and sing silly songs.

Matthew Higgins

UMPQUA BANK Matt works in the Business Development Department at Umpqua Bank. Through Leadership Matt enjoyed most, the relationship value that he gained from the people he met in the class, so humbling and thankful. Making the decision to go through Leadership was one of the best decision he has made, it is a fantastic program and he loved being surprised at how much he learned at every session. Matt is a member of the Chamber of Commerce Commodores where he has served as Chair, the Coeur Group, of course Leadership CDA, and various other service projects. Matt received the honor of North Idaho Business Journal Top Thirty under 40 Award. Matt enjoys golf, skiing, squash, community work and involvement and of course friends and family.


John is a Captain with the Sheriff’s Office .Through Leadership John’s favorite experience was making new friends and the knowledge gained during the Setting the Stage Day. He has lived in Coeur d’Alene his entire life and enjoyed the history lessons that day. John was promoted to Captain July 29, 2014 and enjoys skiing, camping, and any outdoor activity with his family. John is married to wife Tina of 25 years and together they have sons Jesse (14) and Jordan (13). John is a member, and serves on the North Idaho Centennial Trail Foundation Membership Committee.

Frances H. Huffman TESH, INC.

Francis is the CEO of Tesh. In the community Frances’ experience has been limited to educational and non-profit connections. Through Leadership it was such a joy to experience the broad and rich community that Coeur d’Alene affords us. Her two favorite things were getting to know her class mates and seeing the “rest” of the Coeur d’Alene community. Frances is very involved in her family and church, she enjoys kayaking, boating, camping, hiking, and playing with her grandchildren.

Nicole Jacklin Josh Horvath

YOUNG CONSTRUCTION GROUP Josh is a Project Manager for Young Construction Group. Through Leadership Josh realized all the great thing about the community that he did not know. It was great for him to see how many organizations the community has and to actually see how they operate and impact where we live. Josh enjoys camping, hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, horseback riding and being outdoors. Josh is married to wife Lacey and together have son Kohl and twin daughters Abbey and Taryn.

CENTURY 21 BEUTLER & ASSOCIATES Nicole is a Realtor with Century 21. Through Leadership Nicole enjoyed getting to know her Leadership classmates and creating bonds with them. The experience that stands out for Nicole was Quality of Life Day and the Poverty Simulation, it was impactful and an eye opening experience. Nicole is involved in the Festival of Trees as a sponsor and decorator in 2014 and 2015. Nicole’s tree was the winner of “Christmas Memories” in this year’s festival. Nicole welcomed a baby girl in October 2015! Nicole is an avid skier in the wintertime and golfer when the sun is out. She also enjoys building furniture and working with wood. Nicole is married to fellow Realtor Wade Jacklin and has a wonderful stepson Colton and newborn daughter Kennedy.

Steven Kopke

TOMLINSON SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY Steven is a Realtor with Tomlinson Sotheby’s. Steven’s best experience through Leadership was the exceptional working knowledge of Coeur d’Alene and Kootenai County, his 2015 Coeur d’Alene Leadership Class comradery and networking, including with previous classes. Steven is involved in the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce, and the Coeur d’Alene Association of Realtors. Steven enjoys everything outdoors, biking, hiking, fishing, hunting and skiing. Steven is married to wife Lyssa and together they have five children and seven grandchildren.

Kelli Lunceford ST. VINCENT DE PAUL

Kelli is the Housing Director for St. Vincent de Paul. Kelli loves the compassion that the community has to strive to make Coeur d’Alene one of the best places to live; whether they are a business, down to volunteers. Kelli also enjoyed having the high school students be a part of the classes. Leadership 2015 has empowered Kelli to be a great leader and to inspire others. Kelli is involved in Kathy Reed House, Lynn Peterson House & Meadowood Glen II Boards. She is a Housing Board member and volunteers for the homeless and warming center fundraisers. Kelli has achieved mental health certification and Fair Housing training. Kelli enjoys crafts, cooking, baking, gardening, music, learning to play guitar, and camping. Kelli is married to her awesome husband, Jim, for 20 years, and has two daughters, Jamie and Tristan; two beautiful granddaughters, Paris and Ella; a precious son, Mick; and her empty nester “son” Junior -- her spoiled dog.

Kyle Marine CITY OF COEUR D’ALENE Kyle is a Supervisor with the City of Coeur d’Alene Water Department. Though Leadership Kyle enjoyed meeting different leaders from the community and learning from their knowledge and experience along with exploring parts of Coeur d’Alene that he had little knowledge of. Kyle is involved in the City Safety Committee and is a member of AWWA. Kyle is a certified IBOL backflow tester and is a Distribution Operator Class III, and treatment operator. Kyle enjoys spending time with his family, hunting, camping and just about anything outdoors. Kyle is married to Chelsie, has a son Carter and another on the way.

Sarah McCracken

HOSPICE OF NORTH IDAHO Sarah is the Director of Finance for Hospice. Through Leadership Sarah enjoyed meeting great people and Environment Day, the tour Idaho Forest Mill was really fun and eye opening. Sarah is involved in Idaho Panhandle Kiwanis where she served as President, Coeur d’Alene High School Key Club Advisor and a Taste of Coeur d’Alene Chair. Sarah was awarded 2014 Kiwanian of the Year and 2014 North Idaho Business Journal Top 30 Under 40. Sarah enjoys volunteering, camping in her Vintage trailer, making memories with her kids and enjoying the beautiful area she calls home. Sarah is married to husband Dan and has two children Alyse and Eli.


Anna is an Account Manager for Advanced Benefits. Anna absolutely loved the people in her class, especially those that stepped forward to join the officer’s team and have shown the extra interest in joining in. Anna was blessed to have been elected Treasurer and the opportunities and challenges that it presented. Anna has made some great friends and connections and is a lot more informed on what is going on in the community. The most impactful day for Anna was Quality of Life Day. Quality of Life Day opened her eyes as to the problems in the community and the underserved. Anna also enjoyed Law & Public Safety Day. Anna is an active member of Farmgirlfit and accomplished renewing her Life/Health Insurance License with the State of Idaho. Anna enjoys the outdoors, camping, traveling, working out, cooking, movies and cuddling up at home. Anna is enjoying newly married life with her husband Chris and together they have a crazy dog named Achilles.

Scott McNee

T-O ENGINEERS, INC. Scott is a P.E. Project Manager with T-O Engineers. Through Leadership Scott enjoyed meeting new people, especially his 2015 classmates. His favorite experience was learning about all of the non-profits on Quality of Life Day, and the amazing work they do. Scott is involved in Cub Scouts Pack 228 as Committee Chair, is a CTK Youth Chaperon, and Watch D.O.G.S volunteer. Two of Scott’s special accomplishments this year were finishing the Long Bridge Swim with his daughter and climbing Borah Peak with his son. Scott enjoys swimming, skiing, backpacking, hunting and reading. Scott is married to Holly and has sons Aaron (17) and Derek (10), and daughter Carrie (15).

Bobby Myers

NORTHWEST COUNCIL FOR COMPUTER EDUCATION Bobby is the Marketing and Communications Director for the Northwest Council for Computer Education. Through Leadership Bobby learned how much people value living in Coeur d’Alene and what many of them sacrifice to make Coeur d’Alene the community that it is for everyone else to enjoy as much as he does. Bobby is involved in the Coeur Group and has started his Masters MBA Program. Bobby enjoys drives along the lake with his dog, chipping out of the sand, and watching the Seahawks lose (Go Niners!) Bobby blames his family for who he is today.

Eric Olson

HMH ENGINEERING Eric is a Project Manager for HMH Engineering. Eric’s favorite Leadership experience was the jail tour. Eric is involved in Idaho Society of Professional Engineers, City of Coeur d’Alene Men’s Softball as manager and player, and is a Post Falls Little League coach. Eric is proud of his staff growing from 2 to 3.5 members this year. He enjoys hiking, backpacking, boating, card playing, softball, and skiing. Eric is married to wife Rachel who is a 5th grade teacher at Ponderosa Elementary and together they have daughters Sarah (9) and Natalie (11), son Jacob (10) and two puppies Frannie and Bandit.


Hannah is a Key Account Manager for Centennial. Hannah enjoyed each and every session and was left with a whole new understanding of what the community has to offer. Hannah’s best experience was getting to know other leaders in the community and hearing from incredible people who work day in and day out to make this community a better place. Hannah is involved in Innovation Collective, volunteer for St. Vincent de Paul, University of Idaho EMBA program. Hannah enjoys yoga, skiing, hiking and travel. Hannah is getting married to fiancé Packy Tagliaferro in June 2016!


Brent is a Senior Project Manager at Clearwater Summit Group. Through Leadership Brent’s most impactful experience was the relationships created that he is hopeful will last and continue to create ongoing benefits. Brent is involved in Coeur d’Alene Little League, The Coeur Group, AGC Young Professionals, and WALP. He enjoys fishing, skiing, mountain biking, yard work and entertaining kids. Brent is married to wife Erika and has two children Cody (6) and Colin (3) and strives to be the best dad he can be.

Nichole Smith STCU

Nichole is the Branch Manager for STCU. Nichole moved to the Coeur d’Alene area from Spokane right before Leadership started. Leadership allowed her to learn about the community and all the business organizations that are out there as well as the opportunities to get involved. Nichole thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her classmates and has made some great connections through the program. Nichole loves to cook, scrapbook, golf, spend time at the lake, and travel. Nichole married her husband Craig last year who is a Coeur d’Alene native and has two children, a daughter Morgan who is 20 and attending EWU and a son Hayden a junior in high school.

Pete Stayton J-U-B ENGINEERS

Pete is a Project Manager and registered Professional Engineer with J-U-B Engineers. Pete’s favorite experience through Leadership was the in-depth lessons of our history, community and economy in this amazing community full of talented leaders. Coeur d’Alene is full of rich history, and modern opportunities in ways that he never imagined. Pete is involved in the City of Coeur d’Alene Urban Forestry Committee, and Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association. Pete enjoys exploring Idaho with his wife and four year old son, fishing, reading, and graduate studies at Johns Hopkins. Peter is married to wife Rimi and together they have son Soa.

Terry Vulles

SCHAFFERS TOWING LLC Terry is the owner of Schaffers Towing. Through Leadership he enjoyed the people in his class the most and meeting people from many different professions in the area. Seeing how many businesses interact and relate to all the areas of the community was priceless. Terry is a sponsor of 4-H and various youth groups and adult sports in the area. Terry enjoys physical fitness and playing pool. Terry is married and has two children who attend Ramsey Elementary.


Micheal is a Principal Architect with Miller Stauffer. Micheal’s best part of Leadership is the networking connections and friendships that he established during the program. Micheal is involved in City of Coeur d’Alene National Open Space Committee, Coeur Group, Salvation Army Bell Ringing Program, Pro bono design of Veterans Centennial Park. Micheal enjoys boating, wake boarding, car and boat restoration, painting, and drawing. Michael is married to is Stephenie Walker and they have a son is Logan, a dog and a cat.

Chris Way

KOOTENAI COUNTY EMS Chris is the Chief for the Kootenai County EMS. Through Leadership Chris’s most humbling experience was Quality of Life Day. As a community we should highlight the many positive things we have. Chris is the President of North Idaho Fire Chiefs Association and a member of the Kootenai County Airport Advisory Board. Chris enjoys golf, boating, hunting, skiing, outdoors and kids activities. Chris is married to Jennifer and has daughters Kolby and Kennedy, and labs Max and Molly.

Anna Wilson

COEUR D’ALENE SCHOOL DISTRICT Anna is the Director of Title Programs for Coeur d’Alene School District and served as 2015 Leadership Class Vice-President. Anna’s favorite experience in Leadership was meeting new people throughout the community. Through her participation in Leadership CdA she has established connections and friendships that will extend beyond this year’s class. Involvement in Leadership CdA reminded Anna that we live in an amazing community. Anna is involved in KIDS Camp, United Way’s Ready for K! Program, various school district committees, and volunteer opportunities through her children’s various sports and activities. Anna enjoys spending time with family and friends, camping, reading, cheering for the Mariners, and watching her kids’ sports. Anna is married to husband Jim of 20 years and has two children at LCHS Connor (18) and Toriana (14).

1985 - 2014 Graduates 1985

Allen Baldridge James (Michael) Boyd Skip Cole Jim Coleman Bill Cooper Phil Davies Marilyn Deutsch Elizabeth Doran Sandy Emerson Thomas Frazier Betty Kerr Robert McNabb David Oliveria Marlys Rogers Steve Schenk William Sims Gordon Wilcox Edward Wroe


Paul Anderson David Bobbitt Robert Castellaw Rod B. Colwell Dennis Connors Lora Davis Art Elliott Patricia Harris Paula Kellas John L. Mushlitz Sandy Patano Ramon Prohaska Dr. Karolynne Rogers Donald Soltman Joe Stanosch Roger Stewart Cathy Wagner Nancy Sue Wallace Stan Wood


Terry Backs Mary Cederblom Doug Cresswell Steve Delgado Stephen H. Flerchinger M. Kate Meidling Phil Kinzler Ken Johnson Kathryn Lange Alan McGinity Barbara Pleason David Patzer H. David Peters Jon Rolfe Q. Wayne Schneider Tom Snider Paul Stewart, Jr. Sue Thilo Pat Wheeler


Bob Boeh Lee Claires Knute Eie Nancy Flagan Rodney Frey Jack Hawkins Richard Henderson Dave Holloway Donald Holmberg Helen Hood William Jennison Kim Johnson George Krug Katie Mans Kay McGruder Brian Morris Ron Ouren Janet Robnett Patrick Smyly Marcia Souther Patty Stand


Robin Bevis Ken Boni Robert B. Burton Rob Chatters Cayle M. Crane Sandra Ward-Crow Steve Handlen Faith Holt Dave Kilburg Vicki Kok Pat Krug Len Mattei Barbara McFarland Julie McPoland Bob Myklebust JeanAnn O’Brien Ronald Ringel Kris Roby Kaye Ross Ellen Schmand Robyn Smith Muriel Stamps Brent Stinnet Lila R. Truesdell Sylvia Watterson


Lucinda Ade Larry Baker Mike Bevis Mike Boatman David Bruce Vickie Parker-Clark Karen Cook Bruce Cyr Brad Dugdale Kathleen Gans Bernie Gurstein Jan Jesberger

Chuck Kinsey James Lehner John Nagel Dave Newman Daniel Palmer DeeLaine Peterson Nancy Pohlman Paul Robnett Anna Rolphe Sharon Sorenson Rick Verneers Charles Walls


Mic Armon Jane I. Bright Carmen Brochu Larry Bryant Travis Chaney Sharon Culbreth David R. Daniel Kenneth Good Michael Hague Gayle Higgins W.L. “Hap” Hilbish Len Hodge Dave Holinka Patsy Jaspers Robert Ketchum James Lien Vern Newby Sandra Palmer Janna Robnett Ben Rolphe Joann Schneider Leise Thompson Laura Umthun Alan Wolfe


Peter Anderson Hazel Bauman John Cranney Lynne Cuddy Gary Cuff Gary Day Rebecca Dielman Jim Edwards Ann Farrar Kirk Koening Ken Korczyk Frank Kronsnicki Tom Legel Marilyn Lund Mike McDowell Steve McKenna Nancy Potratz Tom Richmond Nancy Rodgers Dean Roland Betsy Russel Marc Schaffner Virginia Taft Andy Warren


Rayelle Anderson Amy Bartoo Chris Beck Carl Blanchette Chris Cheeley Laura Fulton Kristi Hagan Wendy Hague Denny Keim Ralph Kerr Allison Kratt Casey Krivor Jennifer Leui Patrick McGaughey Kiki Miller Stan Moore Richard Nyquist John Parry Julie Prafke Randy Rolphe Diana Thomas Karl Thompson Troy Tymesen Michele Wood


Diane Albrethsen Cheri Andriolo Warren Bakes Michael Bibin Roy Cook Mike Diehkans Don Dorsey Wayne Ellenbecker Robert Faschnact Cathleen Fellows Lee Fields Mike Fish Paul Franz Brenda Garcia Ann Isenberg Wayne Longo Mike McCoy Dona Miller Bryan Ogle Eric Paul Jerri Schaffner Mike Smith Shannon Votava Ben Wolfinger


Reid Ahlf Chuck Anderson Bill Britton Chad Cherry Duane Cone Ray Greene Scott Hoskins Tom Kauffman Suzanne Kaderka Nancy Klein

Jennifer Kosareff Maggie Lyons Katie Marcus Ronda Maxon John Miller Vickie Morris Mark Murphy Rick Murray Jamie Olson Ralph Powell Jan Scharnweber Stan Schedler Nile Shirley Ann Walker Rick Williams Jeanne Worrell


Terri Ahlf Dan Benson Sharmon Case Steve Casey Denny Davis Greg Delevan Mischelle Fulgham Leslie Gourley Tori Gray Bob Gunning Ron Hotchkiss Cheri Howell Scott Hutchins Jan Holmes Rich Nixon Catherine Parochetti David Quinn Dennie Seymour Todd Tondee Jim Walsh Steve Wilke Brad Enders Erna Rhinehart


Tracy Abrahamson Michelle Britton Mark Ellingsen Scott Fischer Laura Garrison Jerry Gee Toni Hackwith Scott Hague Kent Hall Larry Hill Jean Kelleher De Krapfl Rodger Lewerenz Gail McGaughey Dean Moore Scot Nass Gina Parry Lynn Peterson Jim Phelps

Sally Robideaux Ron Sampert Ginger Seaman Justin Thomas Marshall Thompson Dee Dee Tondee


Bobbie Albright Mark Compton Karen Corcoran Patricia Deitch Greg Gfeller David Gibbs Brad Gilbert Jack Heath Carolyn Jorgensen Mike Kennedy Gemi Larson Matt Lyman John Martin Michelle Mitchell Jonathan Mueller Sally Nowak David Rawls Kathy Reed Krystie Robbins Rob Rollins Mara d’Sjostrom Ginny Tate Jeff Thomas Larry Tucker


Joseph Anderson Roger Banks Marty Behm Mike Black Steve Briggs Jim Brown Susan Burgeson Jonathan Coe Jim Edom Janet Flerchinger Jennifer Ford Tammy Kelly Rudy Klein Ada Loper Shellie Loper James Martin Chris Meyer Peggy Polichio Mike Regan Jeri Riggs Shelly ServickFrampton Ann Siebert Alan Solderling Lanny Stein Anne Walsh Shawn Woolley


Jane Baker Eve Benedict Darlene Berkshire Mary Jo Braaten Jim Burtelow Julie Clark Chris Dal Pra Keith Dixon Robin Felton Tanya Frey Samual Grubbs Joel Hazel Malcolm Johnstone Randy Krum Margaret Lightfoot Betty Ann Nelson Valetta O’Day Dale Schuman Dave Walker Mike Ward Jim Williamson John Young


Kent Absec Ed Champagne Karen Cotton Jennifer Edwards Scott Edwards Teri Farr Kevin Glynn Nelson Gourley Curtis Gregory KJ Hackworthy Sheri Knobloch Larry La Bolle John Lynn Elaine Martin Gary Nieborsky Kelly Ostrom William Panos Connie Ripatti Terry Robinson Mandy Root Dan Soumas Bryan Taylor Tom Torgerson Trevor Watkins


Tony Berns Robert Britsch Daniel Burnham Marsha R. Cayko Melissa A. Clair John Deines Daylene Dewey Curtis W. Exley Dale F. Gephart Bruce Gifford Jon Ingalls Deanna Jeffres Heather Johnson Bill Kling Connie Lovoi Renata McLeod Ken Richardson

Neal Robertson Kurt Smith Joe Stringer Heather Turner Dan Whiting Cort Wilcox Kevin Zollman


Karen Alberts Harry Amend Jamie Anderson George Balback Stefany Bales Julie Buck Thomas Burke Angela Erickson Brian Goetz Steve Grourke Tami Haft Anne Hagman Mark Hampe Sherri Lionberger Linda McFaddan Rita Michalak Carrie Oja Elsie Patrick Dusty Pfennigs Victoria Roberge Shelly Romine Clay Schueman Jeffrey Smith Bill Waggoner


David R. Asher George Busch Carrie Butterfield Darrel K. Chapman Carrie Cook Jeri DeLange Dennis L. Dye Steve Griffitts Richard A. Houser Lisa Kincel Johnson Dr. Sarah Marossy Suzanne Metzger Tammie Peacock Nicci Piazza Kelly Porter Kent Propst Jason D. Salois Kevin Shute Debbi Smith Duffy Smock Russ Twardowski Edward Wagner Marilee Wallace Rodney Wright Shelly Zollman


Lisa Aitken Michelle Brandel Victoria Bruno Jeff Conroy Mary W. Cusack Stephanie Davenport

Jan DeFord Jo Ann Edmiston Kim Edmondson Mark D. Fisher Diana Gifford Cyndie Hammond Chris Holloway David McDowell Darrin Murphey Ken Nichols Ryan Nipp Jim Pierce Bradley Rasor Lisa Sayler Rhonda Seagraves Brenda Smith Mary Terra-Berns Kacey L. Wall Nancy White Brenda Young


Keith Bernhart Dwight Bershaw Russell Doumas Tim Feagan Darrin Hayes Shelly Hines Vicki Isakson Peter Job Fonda Jovick Judy Kirking Tim Martin Howard Martinson Alison McArthur Eden Moreland Erika Neff Randy Oaks Stacy Oldfield Mary Lou Piazza Mark Robitaille Hilde Shetler Rick Shipman Cheryl Shippy Tim Stoddard Randy Swick Nathan Vore Al Williams


Bette Ammon Mark Butera Tom Dorr Susan Dubois Melanie Ellingson Lisa Fisher Steve Gibbs Shelly Gillis Alison Gonsalves Crystal Gorman Teri Grubbs Michael King Laura Little Dan Mattos Phil Morgan Chad Murray Brian Petersen Eric Petersen Wanda Quinn

Heidi Rogers Chris Schenek Andy Sims Jeff Voeller Sherry Wallis Donna Wemple Heidi Wilkins Higgins


Jay Baldwin Ginger Dalvini Tifany David Gordon Dobler Tom Hamilton Mark Heckel Kyle Hendricks Drew Hodgson Matt Hutchinson Caryl Johnston Tim Kastning Daniel Klocko Eric Knudtsen Ricia Lasso Sarah Lathrop Anneliese Miller Stuart Miller Allen Naugle Marian Pelsma Pam Pratt Desiree Prohaska MaryBeth Ranum Darell Raver Patty Shea Jim Valle DeeDee Wiliams


Erik Anderson Jeremy Evans Renae Fehringer Cari Fraser Sarah Garcia Matthew P. Grupp Chris Harrison Sam Henkle John Kalb John Kamprath Angela Lemmerman Victoria Mallett Elaine Mansoor Michael Pereira Bryce Ralston Michael G. Schmidt Chris Shelton Thomas Walls Matt Weaver Ben Weymouth Jared Wise Leza Wright Tanya Yost Dani Zibell-Wolfe


Dustin Ainsworth Kim Anderson Alivia Body Melissa Cleveland Judi Cronin

Ninette Goucher Chris Harrison Dennis Grant Alex Harris Dustin Harris Darilyn Johnson Holly Knapp Brent Lyles Amanda Miller Charlie Miller Rob Newman James Norvell Jennie Pipoly Tamara Poelstra Lee Richardson Steve Roth Janie Shioya Scott Sowinski Correen Stauffer Kevin Vedder Jason Wing


Chris Bosley Steve Childers Todd Christensen Brad Coughenour Sue Donaghue Paul Good Mark Haberman Matthew Handelman Kenneth Huitt Doug Jaworski Kandi Johnson Ali Johnson-Petley Chris Kastella Jeanette Laster Christy Markham Gavin Mobraten Becky Monday April Needham Sheldon Nord Michaelle Sande Mrs. Melissa Schock Mike Schock Chris Shipley Laurie Thomas Britt Towery Kory Wilson


Mark Browning Heather Carroll Andy Cleveland Katherine Coppock Brian Dagon Andy Deak Jean-Paul Dupin Taryn Erickson J.T. Jacobsen Shawn Langenderfer Charlie Linder John McMurray Colin Meehan Tom Murn Sarah Neilsen Mike O’Brien Anthony Oss Nicole Pearson

Terry Pickel Jack Reiswig Laura Rumpler Kurt Sager Barbara Smalley Candice Smith Kerri Wilfong Trevor Young Brenda Zosel


Jaime Arnold Shawn Bassham Carri Berglund Sean Brady Lita Burns Ryan DeSchryver Brandy Davis Trevor Frank Theresa Gibbons Bill Greenwood Roxanne Gunther Matt Hague J.D. Hallin Marcee Hartzell Kirk Hobson Scott Hoover Ann Johnson Ryan Luttmann Jeffrey Mahon Shawn Metts Mike Nelson Jeff Odland Brock Olson Stephanie Powers Craig M. Sumey Keith Taylor


Andrea Barlow Juli Barton Andy Boyle Josh Burton Jesse Delavan Ben Drake Katie Hunt Todd Kiesbuy Kellie Peterson Trudi Kuhn Bill McLeod Marcus Mitzel Mike Nash Marie Pengilly Angela Petersen Tom Pool Marie Price Alison Roberts Kim Roby Sarah Sears Keri Stark Ann Thomas Lea Williams Cindy Wood Jake Yates

Class of 2015 Laura L. Aschenbrener John Baldeck Bill Davenport Paul Erwin Greta Gissel Miranda Hamilton Matthew Higgins

John Holecek Josh Horvath Frances H. Huffman Steven Kopke Kelli Lunceford Kyle Marine Anna McKahan

Sarah McCracken Scott McNee Bobby Myers Eric Olson Hannah Palmer Brent Schreiber Nichole Smith


Pete Stayton Terry Vulles Mike Walker Nicole Walls Chris Way Anna Wilson

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