CDA Journal - July 2020: Licensure

Page 45

RM Matters

C D A J O U R N A L , V O L 4 8 , Nº 7

Seeking Guidance and Finding Focus in Times of Distraction and Distress TDIC Risk Management Staff


entists are experts at building resilience — from the grit needed to graduate from dental school to the patience that comes with practicing compassionate care, especially during times of hardship. Our current circumstances, however, are creating new challenges for even the most seasoned dental professionals. The combination of clinical concerns, business uncertainties and economic pressures can lead to overwhelming feelings of anger, fear, disillusion and grief. Through organized dentistry, members are connected to a network of their peers as well as specialized experts who can share empathetic, objective guidance. Dentists aren’t alone during times of distraction and distress. Through the California Dental Association, members have access to expertise and resources from Practice Support specialists on regulatory compliance, employment practices, dental benefit plans and practice management. And, regardless whether members are policyholders with The Dentists Insurance Company, they also have access to no-cost guidance from TDIC’s Risk Management Advice Line. These experienced analysts provide education, support and advice by phone to dentists to assist them with managing concerning situations. Last year alone, TDIC’s Risk Management Advice Line handled more than 20,000 calls — on pressing concerns around employment, property and patient care issues. Over the past few months, the COVID-19 pressures

Regardless whether members are policyholders with The Dentists Insurance Company, they also have access to no-cost guidance from TDIC’s Risk Management Advice Line.

have created additional concerns and more dentists are calling seeking guidance for new, emotional and high-stakes practice challenges. A recent caller shared that he had not been able to obtain the required PPE to safely reopen his practice. He told the Risk Management analyst that he’d been feeling frustrated and psychologically strained as he faced the real possibly of losing his business,


From one-on-one risk management advice by phone to informed consent forms to expert-led seminars, we’re here to help you practice with confidence. We are The Dentists Insurance Company. Learn more at

Protecting dentists. It’s all we do.


800.733.0633 | | Insurance Lic. #0652783

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