SpinSheet June 2010

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BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup Program Inside!


Young Rock Stars Modern Sailing Clubs Win the Cover Contest!

June 2010


THE FREEDOM OF WIRELESS Wind speed: 24 knots TBS: 8.4 knots True wind angle: 32° Wires: zero

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66 Annapolis NOOD

Regatta Recap

Photo by Dan Phelps

Warderick Wells anchorage in the Bahamas’ Exuma Cays. Photo by Eva Hill

26 42 43 44

Finding the Fireworks Afloat by Ruth Christie Alone Across the Atlantic by Andy Schell The Birds of Summer by Jan Booth Good Guest, Bad Guest: Visiting Friends on Sailboats by Cindy Wallach 50 Modern Sailing Clubs Can Save Sailing

by Nicholas Hayes

70 Lessons From the Race Course by Paul Murphy 83 Racing in Paradise by Aimee Poisson ON THE COVER:

46 Cruising the Exumas by Eva Hill Insert Santa Maria Cup Program 6 June 2010 SpinSheet

SpinSheet photographer Dan Phelps took this photo of Michael O’Toole’s Eastport YC-based J/105 Varmint on a sunny Friday at the Sperry Top-Sider Annapolis NOOD Regatta April 30 to May 2. To find full coverage of this event, turn to page 66. Find downloadable regatta photos for purchase at spinsheet.com.


IN THIS ISSUE CRUISING SCENE 46 Charter Notes: Cruising the Exuma Cays by Eva Hill 53 Cruising and Sailing Club Notes

RACING BEAT sponsored by : 66

Chesapeake Racing Beat: Amazing Racing at Annapolis NOOD Regatta, BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup, Racing in Paradise, Tips for Newbies Racing to Bermuda, and More.


85 Annapolis Performance Sailing Spotlight: Alan Bomar

High school sailors being put through their paces at after school practice. Photo by SpinSheet’s Amy Gross-Kehoe

72 Young Rock Stars:

Youth and Collegiate Racing

DEPARTMENTS and FEATURES 11 12 14 24 28 30 38 40 48 86 96 96 97 99

Editor’s Notebook SpinSheet Readers Write Dock Talk Winch & Kent Southern Baywatch: Hampton’s 400th Birthday Celebration Boatyard Bar & Grill Chesapeake Calendar Chesapeake Tide Tables Where We Sail by Kim Couranz Eye on the Bay: Paradise Found Brokerage Section Brokerage Form Subscription Form Classified Section Index of Advertisers

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Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 7

Cool is Cool!

612 Third Street, Suite 3C, Annapolis, Maryland 21403 (410) 216-9309 • Fax (410) 216-9330 spinsheet.com • spinsheet.info PUBLISHER

EDITOR Molly Winans molly@spinsheet.com

Mary Iliff Ewenson mary@spinsheet.com

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SENIOR EDITOR Ruth Christie, ruth@spinsheet.com

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SENIOR ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE Dana Scott, dana@spinsheet.com ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Rachel Engle, rachel@spinsheet.com Emily Monaco, emily@spinsheet.com

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ART DIRECTOR/PRODUCTION MANAGER Cory Deere, cory@spinsheet.com PHOTO EDITOR / PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Sara Proctor, sara@spinsheet.com COPY EDITOR / CLASSIFIEDS / DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Lucy Iliff, lucy@spinsheet.com ADVERTISING TRAFFIC COORDINATOR Amy Gross-Kehoe, amy@spinsheet.com FOUNDING EDITOR Dave Gendell CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Kim Couranz Jack Hornor Dan Phelps Carrie Gentile Fred Miller Stephanie Stone Fred Hecklinger Lin McCarthy Cindy Wallach Eva Hill Warren Milberg CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Walter Cooper Dave Dunigan Al Schreitmueller Dan Phelps John Bildahl Mark Talbott CONTRIBUTING ARTIST Merf Moerschel DISTRIBUTION Jerry Harrison, Ed and Elaine Henn, Ken Jacks, Merf Moerschel, Ken Slagle, and Norm Thompson SpinSheet is a monthly magazine for and about Chesapeake Bay sailors. Reproduction of any part of this publication is strictly prohibited without prior consent of the officers. SpinSheet Publishing Company accepts no responsibility for discrepancies in advertisements. SpinSheet is available by first class subscription for $28 per year, and back issues are available for $4 each. Mail payment to SpinSheet Subscriptions, 612 Third St., 3C Annapolis, MD, 21403. SpinSheet is distributed free at more than 750 establishments along the Chesapeake and in a few choice spots beyond the Bay. Businesses or organizations wishing to distribute SpinSheet should contact the office.

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© 2010 SpinSheet Publishing Company



NOAA deployed the eighth buoy in the Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System just south of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge on the Potomac River May 14. The “smart buoy” will record meteorological and water conditions and monitor water quality, which is important to scientists working to restore the Bay’s health. Data from all these buoys is available in real time at buoybay.org or (877) BUOY-BAY.

We invite you to be part of the magazine. Contribute or suggest a story: SpinSheet’s editors are always on the lookout for new writers and fresh stories. We welcome author inquiries and unsolicited contributions. We also welcome tips, ideas, and suggestions. All contributions should directly pertain to the Chesapeake Bay or Chesapeake Bay sailors and boats in far flung locales. We are generally not interested in “how-to” articles, log-style accounts, “It was the biggest storm ever” stories, or poetry. Direct story ideas to molly@spinsheet.com. Please be patient: We really do care about your contributions, but we receive so many inquiries and stories that it may take us some time to get back with you. Contribute photos: We are most interested in photos showing boats looking good and people having fun on and along the Bay. Smiling, clear faces with first and last names identified, work very well. Dial your digital camera up to the “Large JPG” setting, ask your subjects to pull in their fenders, and start shooting! Letters: Something on your mind? Drop us a line. SpinSheet Letters 612 Third Street, 3C Annapolis, MD 21403 e-Mail: molly@spinsheet.com Cruising and Sailing Club Notes should be e-mailed to ruth@spinsheet.com. Calendar Listings should be e-mailed to ruth@spinsheet.com.

Upcoming in SpinSheet Magazine July: Rendezvous and Summer Cruising, Living the Mid-Summer Dream, and Solomons and Screwpile Regatta. August: Log Canoes and the Eastern Shore Summer Scene, Oxford Regatta, and More Summer Fun. The deadline for placing display or classified advertising in the July 2010 issue is June 10. Call (410) 216-9309.

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SpinSheet June 2010 9

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Editor’s Notebook with Molly Winans

Don’t Mess with the Gods


hen Commander Chris After the former Valkyrie, then nameless Pa Ti, on a piece of paper, insert it into a Thomassy, Director of the sloop spent a winter on the hard, they conch shell, and have one of the midshipU.S. Naval Academy (USNA) christened her Cigány in the spring, with men toss it ceremoniously into the Bay. Sailing Program, researched boat renamexpensive champagne flowing at both Clearly enjoying the ceremony and its ing ceremonies for the May 1 christening events. playful touches, such as a gong and a few of the program’s new TP 52 Invictus, he USNA’s Commander Thomassy had hip-hip-huzzahs, the midshipmen crew for Googled a few ideas that were a tad too a limited timeframe in which to combine the TP 52 made gestures to appease the Key West party-style for his purposes. So, renaming and christening ceremonies wind gods in all directions. One website I he borrowed the more traditional practices as well as an audience comprised of the found contains theatrical language for this to appease the gods of the sea and wind, original TP 52 Samba Pa Ti’s owners, John part of the ceremony, such as, “Boreas, exfound a midshipman who knew how to and Catherine Kilroy, the new Commanalted ruler of the north, spare us the overpop the cork off a French champagne dant, other USNA officials, midshipmen, whelming scourge of your frigid breath…” bottle with a sword, and crafted a more coaches, and members of the press. We Chesapeake Bay sailors would relate to the USNA-appropriate, yet verbiage in the next step, Midshipman Mary Cox pops the refreshingly lighthearted as we are definitely hoping cork off a bottle of champagne ceremony. “I took the that Notus, god of the south with a sword at the christening spirit of it and paid tribwind, keeps the heat down ceremony for the TP 52 Invictus May 1 at the U.S. Naval Academy. ute to the superstitions,” low on his “scalding breath” he says. this summer. The owners of the Underlying all these Beneteau First 42s7 boat renaming rituals is the Cigány (née Valkyrie), idea that you don’t want Chris Ryder and Lisa to irritate Poseidon for Summers, also not the fear that he will strike the most Key-Westy types ground with his trident and you’ll ever meet—serious wreak havoc on your boat Washington, DC area and crew. Don’t use cheap professionals with at least champagne. A silver dollar three graduate degrees under the mast step may between them—did their invoke good fortune. Say homework and crethank you for taking care ated their own ceremony. of the boat under its former Summers first told me name. Politely ask the god about their boat renaming of the sea to strike the Chris Ryder, Lisa Summers, and their son Nick with their former boat name and christening parties former name from the Ledger of the Deep. Valkyrie, almost scraped off. at last year’s Annapolis all know how the men Ask for acceptance of the new boat name Leukemia Cup Regatta as and women of the and the same privileges received under we bobbed around in the cockpit waiting Navy must mind their Ps and Qs; in this the old moniker. Fling some expensive for wind (hopefully the wind gods will case, Thomassy thought it wise to mind his champagne to Boreas, Zephyrus, Eurus, bless this year’s June 12 event). I made a Gs, as in “god,” a word he struck from the and Notus. Fling some more off the bow mental note that day to write about renamprogram by only mentioning the god of the as you christen the sailing vessel by its new ing rituals, and when the coaches at USNA sea, Poseidon (or Neptune), and the god of name. Then have a little party, because invited me to their boat christening, the the wind, Aeolus, by name. we’re sailors, and that’s what we do. idea resurfaced. Besides just scraping the old boat If you’re participating in the AnnapoSummers borrowed much of her cername off the transom—or torching it as lis Leukemia Cup June 12 (see page 41), emony from sailing author and editor, John one cruising discussion forum member along with the Cigány crew, be kind to Vigor, whose humorous, readable treatproposes—it’s important to remove or erase the wind gods in all directions. If you are ment of the subject is on a higher level, all items inscribed with the old boat name a member of the USNA Varsity Offshore on the Google food chain and in literary from log books to life-rings. One Internet Sailing Team, know that we wish you caliber, than the other fluff online. She and snippet suggested inscribing the old name luck and following seas in the Newport her husband divided their winter solstice on a metal tag and then dropping it into Bermuda Race and beyond. de-naming ceremony into five parts: an the sea to ask the gods to purge the old To learn more about USNA’s new boat and invocation, an expression of gratitude, a boat name from memory. The Navy sailors Bermuda racing, turn to page 78. supplication, a rededication, and a libation. chose to write the former name, Samba Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 11

SpinSheet Readers Write… Hello from an Old Friend Thank you for your wonderful magazine. I really enjoy seeing in every time it comes here. I lived in Grasonville, MD, and Annapolis a couple of times. The first time, I was in the Army from 1970 to 1971 and sailed on Yankee Girl and Bandit, Al Van Metre’s boat and then Running Tide with Peter Clempner and the Van Metres. Then again, from 1989 to 1995, I worked at Lippincott Marina with Richard and Trapper Lippincott and the crew at the Marina. I sailed with the few of the Sobstad boys on a couple of their boats… I still love to sail and will be in the area in June this year visiting friends in Prospect Bay on the Eastern Shore. I will definitely come by say “hi” when I am there. I saw your office in Eastport on Google, and I know the area very well… just down the street from Davis’s Pub. Les Stowe Hemet, CA

Dear SpinSheet Readers, Recently, SpinSheet has received so much wonderful, helpful feedback from “Love the May cover” to “Include more weather analysis.” Whether we get that feedback through letters, boat show booth chatter, or the dockside grapevine, we take it to heart and are always working to improve the magazine. One of the challenges of keeping a good letters section thriving in the modern world is convincing readers to write down their feedback in a format exceeding one or two sentences (or 140 characters for you Twitter fans). If you have feedback for the SpinSheet team, please take a moment to e-mail us a few sentences—or even a paragraph or two—for our letters section. We love your letters. Keep them coming! Molly Winans SpinSheet Editor

SpinSheet Spotlight:

Cindy Wallach


f you’re reading a cruising article in SpinSheet, and it makes you laugh, it may be one of Cindy Wallach’s contributions. The native Chicagoan learned to sail on a Sunfish on Lake Michigan at age 10, igniting a spark that has yet to go away. Her studies at American University drew her to the Chesapeake and to a basic sailing course at Annapolis Sailing School and to Annapolis YC’s Wednesday night races to crew on a J/40. Having read Tania Aebi’s book Maiden Voyage, Cindy had a dream of living on a boat. In 1995, she decided to go to a liveaboard cruisers’ group meeting at Marmaduke’s Pub, even though she didn’t have a boat. There she met a guy named Doug Vibbert, another boatless reader of Aebi’s famous book. The couple eventually married and bought a “very old” PDQ 36 catamaran and sailed it up to Annapolis from Ft. Lauderdale, FL, in late

12 June 2010 SpinSheet

On the month of her first magazine cover shot, Amelia N. Smith, SpinSheet’s May cover photographer, celebrated her birthday. Happy Birthday from the SpinSheet team!

November. She admits, “We didn’t quite know that wasn’t a great time to do that.” A writer for a syndicated kids’ show on Fox and later at CBS, as well as a writer and producer for “fluffy cable shows” on HGTV, A&E, and the Travel Channel, Cindy decided to follow the cruising itch. In 2001, she and Doug sailed to the Florida Keys, through the Bahamas, the Jumentos, and Cuba and then circled back the way they came. In 2004, along came their son Zach, whose dimpled face and adept photography have made appearances in SpinSheet. Cindy says, “Our parents said, ‘Oh good, you’ll buy a home now.’ We said, ‘No, we’ll buy a bigger boat.’” Cindy’s last blog post on zachaboard.blogspot.com revealed a new interior paint job in progress on their 44-foot St. Francis on which they still live and intend to when their new baby arrives in the fall. Still an active freelance writer in television and magazines, Cindy says writing for SpinSheet keeps her better connected to the sailing community on the Bay. “I love that everyone here is a boater. When you’re a liveaboard here, you don’t feel like as much of a freak.” We love Cindy’s writing and quirky humor and look forward to future stories of liveaboard life with a newborn and a five-year-old. ~M.W. spinsheet.com

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Bull and Bear, Classic Racing Replicas, Arrive in Annapolis


by Beth Crabtree

eplicas of one of America’s earliest racing classes, the Sandbagger, are here visiting Annapolis and the Chesapeake Bay until the fall. A good number of lucky locals, sailors and others, adults and children, will be fortunate to catch a ride on these beautiful boats, which are extremely exciting to sail. They come to Annapolis courtesy of the National Sailing Hall of Fame & Sailing Center (NSHOF), which has established the “Friends of Bull and Bear Sandbaggers” in conjunction with the New Jersey-based Bull and Bear Sailing Team, whose mission is to promote youth sailing, teach about the boats and their history, and also to race for charitable causes. Bull and Bear represent extreme sailing as it would have been defined in the late 1800s. Their history is fascinating to any sailor, history buff, or wooden boat enthusiast. The two boats visiting Annapolis, Bull and Bear, are replicas of 19th century Sandbaggers and modeled after the 1869 Sandbagger Susie S. Originally, this class of boat was built for taking oysters to market in New York City. Speed was important because the first boat back to the market could set the price of oysters for the day. At that time, betting on sailboat races was common, and owners and crew began to race for money. There was no restriction on sail dimensions, so to boost speed, sail area was increased, as were the lengths of the mast and boom. While this made the boats faster, they were also more unstable, so crew and cargo were shifted to the windward rail. Eventually, sandbags were used for added ballast; hence, the name sandbagger. The replicas that are in Annapolis were built in 1996 at the New Workshop on the Water in Philadelphia’s Independence Seaport Museum. The boats were named Bull and Bear by a benefactor who made his livelihood in the stock market and saw the connection between setting the daily price for oysters and the market makers and forces of supply and demand that set the price for publicly traded stocks today. 14 June 2010 SpinSheet

Through the NSHOF and other local sailing groups, Bull and Bear will be visible and accessible throughout the summer in and around Annapolis. In keeping with the charitable and education mission of Bull and Bear Sailing, several local groups that promote sailing and education will have the opportunity to incorporate these exciting boats into their programs. “These boats are off the charts [in terms of fun], and we want to get a broad collection of folks out on them. We will have opportunities for city and state government leaders, and we are working with the NAACP and local churches, the Annapolis Maritime Museum, the Eastport Yacht Club Foundation, the Stanton Center, and others,” says Lee Tawney of NSHOF. Anne Arundel County Public Schools will use the boats to teach math and science as part of a program to further develop a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) sailing model. They will also be used for the very popular Annapolis Community Boating FreeSail Program and its youth camp. Additional youth will have access to the Sandbaggers through the Box of Rain program, which gives underprivileged youth the chance to get out on the water and learn the marine industry,

Photos courtesy of Lee Tawney/NSHOF

through Brendan Sailing for youth with learning differences, and through programs at the U.S. Naval Academy. The Sandbaggers can also be seen at the Classic Wooden Boat Rendezvous and Regatta September 18 and 19, on Wednesday evenings sailing during the Annapolis YC’s Wednesday night races, and on display during the U.S. Sailboat Show in October. For more information about these awesome boats, visit bullbearsailing.com. spinsheet.com

Visit World’s End


by Wendy Costa

f you sail up the Sassafras River this summer, take a short detour up Back Creek to visit the Mount Harmon Plantation at World’s End. This somewhat hidden, northernmost tobacco plantation is open to the public and has a protected anchorage and a beach that is accessible by dinghy. The reconstructed Georgian manor house and miles of well-marked trails take you back across more than four centuries of history. In 1608, Tockwogh Indians greeted Captain John Smith not far from this spot. Colonists cleared the woods to plant tobacco, which thrived here for 40 years, after which Mount Harmon switched to other crops. The reconstructed tobacco prize house, with its “hogshead” of tobacco, exemplifies the unique nature of Tidewater plantations. In those days, before railroads or cars, the Bay and its tributaries served as a superhighway. Planters had no need for market towns or cities because they simply loaded their heavy tobacco crops onto sailing ships, which came directly to their docks. During much of the 19th century,

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

Mount Harmon Plantation. Photo courtesy of Wendy Costa

Sidney George Fisher—a prominent diarist from Philadelphia—owned Mount Harmon. Another diarist, Phoebe George Bradford, recorded her life at Mount Harmon during the 1830s. In the 1960s, Marguerite Boden—whose ancestors had been early occupants of the manor house— rebuilt Mount Harmon. This summer, Mount Harmon will finish converting an old stable into an Education/Discovery Center, which will house a permanent exhibit and family activity programs on selected Saturday mornings.

June 6 brings Mount Harmon’s Colonial Picnic, and July 31 brings its American Lotus Festival. Mount Harmon is part of the Chesapeake Gateways Network, the John Smith Water Trail, and the Star Spangled Banner Trail. It is open May through October, Thursday through Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For members, admission is free; for non-members, fees are $10 per adult and $8 per kid. Mount Harmon is close to the marinas and amenities of Georgetown Harbor, but a world away. mountharmon.org

SpinSheet June 2010 15



Sailing in DC: It’s a Breeze!

C Sail offers a wide array of activities to get people out on the water. Of the National Maritime Heritage Foundation’s community sailing program, one sailor says, “The other day, I took a boat out with DC Sail, and I’d definitely recommend it. As a student here for a few years, there are so many times when I crave to get away from the city. Sailing through the Washington Channel is one of the most pleasant areas you can find in DC.” DC Sail offers lessons on Flying Scots, FJs, Lasers, and Bugs for all ages and skill levels. Members enjoy introductory, refresher, racing, and advanced skills classes, as well as U.S. Sailing Certification. The youth sailing program consists of high school racing, Kids Set Sail Summer Camp, and certified after-school programs. June is when things really ramp up. One parent says, “My son had no prior sailing knowledge, and very shortly after beginning the session, he developed confidence and joy in learning to sail evidenced by a huge grin whenever he speaks of his adventures. We are already making plans to

Photo courtesy of dcsail.org

be a part of the program this summer.” June 21-August 13 bring DC Sail’s Kids Set Sail program, eight, one-week summer day camps that offer beginner and intermediate sailing courses for those age seven to 14 years. Kids sail out of the Gangplank Marina. Weekends and weekdays are packed with DC Sail opportunities. For starters, beginners learn to sail 19-foot Flying Scots two weekends in a row. Social Sails on Wednesday evenings in June mix inexperienced sailors with experienced ones. Every Thursday evening from June 10 on is race night for members. DC Sail also offers alternative ways to view the nation’s capital: from the water. Group Sails can host from four to 20

people with instructors onboard during the weekend. DC Sails’ 65-foot Schooner American Spirit offers three-hour private charters for up to 35 people through October 13 as well as Friday evening sails. These have “Happy Birthday” party time written all over it. Beginning June 5, DC Sail will also offer Boating and Baseball charters on its schooner. Go Nats! Another sailor says, “The instructors were excellent, capable, and patient; they gave me a relaxed feeling. I learned so much and never realized how physically and mentally demanding and rewarding it is to sail.” To sponsor a Kids Set Sail junior sailor and for more information about DC Sail, call (202) 547-1250 or visit dcsail.org.

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A Renewed Commitment to the Chesapeake


ike a marriage on the brink of divorce, the history of Chesapeake Bay restoration is littered with broken promises and unfulfilled commitments. The good news is that May 12, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), co-plaintiffs, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) settled CBF’s January 2009 lawsuit. Now, EPA must meet a series of goals to restore the Bay’s health by 2025. The new plan is part of the agency’s response to an executive order President Barack Obama issued one year ago that charged federal agencies to step up their Bay-saving efforts. Currently, the feds are spending $250 million directly on the Bay, and many are proposing a major boost in that sum next year. CBF President William C. Baker says, “While it has taken longer than we would have liked, we are very pleased with the results and commend EPA’s Lisa Jackson and her senior staff for their willingness to work through the bureaucracy to obtain this game-changing agreement.” At the same time it faces an environmental crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, EPA is developing scientific limits on pollution across the Chesapeake watershed. The settlement defines how EPA will ensure that the necessary reductions will be achieved. States will be able to create plans that make sense for them, but the plans must achieve each goal by an agreed upon time or there will be consequences. “We have a firm agreement that would be most difficult for the U.S. government to renege on. I am reasonably convinced that our suit—in no small way—was the stimulus for the executive order and subsequent plan, which is the first of its kind for the Chesapeake Bay,” says retired Maryland Senator Bernie Fowler and wade-in aficionado. As part of the settlement, EPA commits to developing regulations that reduce pollution from agriculture and urban and suburban runoff, which is the only source of pollution that is increasing. To learn more, visit cbf.org/c2k. Terri White—EPA’s Regional Coordinator for the six states in the Chesapeake watershed—has her hands full (white. terri-a@epa.gov) as does EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program Office (chesapeakebay.net). Stay tuned as things develop. For more strategies to help the Bay, turn to page 40. Chesapeake Bay Sailing

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DOCKTALK A viewing ceremony for families takes place the day before the launch of memorial reefs. Photo courtesy of Eternal Reefballs

Interesting Trend in Burials at Sea


efore you write “Bury me in a reef ball off Kent Island” in your will, it may be worth your while to explain to your family why this is a viable and interesting memorial option for lovers of the Chesapeake Bay who choose cremation over traditional burial. Since the late 1960s, scientists and fisheries experts have been developing artificial reefs to preserve, restore, or create fish and oyster habitat on the Bay. For nine years, the Atlanta, GA-based company, Eternal Reefballs, has combined this same practice of nurturing marine life through artificial reef systems with burials at sea as a means of offering living legacies. The “eco-friendly” cast-cement memorial reefs, in which cremated remains are mixed, vary in size from 400 to 4000 pounds and resemble big, grey, (almost) spherical flower pots—but with holes all around. They vary from two to six feet in width and height. For $2500 to $6500, families purchase a package including the following: day one is for the “casting,” during which family members may place handprints, plaques, or other memorabilia on the reefball while the cement is still pliable. The next day, loved ones attend an unveiling and viewing of the completed reefball with other memorial ceremonies at a marina. On the third and final day, families board chartered boats for the final placement of the new reef system. Last month, six people were buried in memorial reefs on the Bay, with the casting ceremony taking place in Stevensville, MD, and a ceremony and launch from Kentmorr Marina, and 10 people were buried off Ocean City, MD. The executors of these estates received two memorial certificates indentifying the latitude and longitude of the memorials. In all, 36 reefballs have been launched in the Bay. Eternal Reefballs also offers a military honors program and options for pet burial. eternalreefballs.com, dnr.maryland.gov/fisheries/reefs and ccamd.org

18 June 2010 SpinSheet

Photo courtesy of surfingsports.com

Don’t Just Sit There, Stand Up and Paddle


by Beth Crabtree

f you’ve been out on the water in the last year or so, you’ve surely seen them—men and women paddling around on boards. The fast-growing sport of stand-up paddle boarding originated in Hawaii and is spreading rapidly on the Bay. It’s a super way to enjoy the water, alone or with friends, and it can be done on flat water or in the ocean surf. It involves standing on a paddle board and propelling yourself forward with a long paddle. As you can imagine, it is a great core workout and a fun way to explore shallow creeks. spinsheet.com

SpinSheet’s Mary Ewenson is an enthusiastic newcomer. “It’s a great way to relax, and my husband and I can easily keep the same pace even though he is taller than I am. It’s like going on a walk, but it works my core and upper body.” You could use a regular surf board, but specific paddle boards are suggested. The boards are generally 10.5 to 12 feet long. Bigger boards are more stable, glide easier, and are good in flat water. Shorter boards are more maneuverable and better for the surf. Likewise, ideal paddle length depends on where you are. Mark Saunders at East of Maui in Annapolis says, “Most boards I sell are being used around this area on creeks, rivers, and the Bay, but many will be used at the beach. Paddle boards are really fun in small to medium waves.” East of Maui sponsors free Tuesday night clinics in and around the Annapolis area from 5:30 to 6:15. Space is limited; reserve your spot now. Basic land instruction precedes onthe-water instruction. East of Maui also hosts race/group paddles Tuesday nights. Register at 6 p.m., race from 6:45 to 7:45, and then join fellow paddlers for fun and food at the Boatyard Bar & Grill. This is part of the 2010 Naish SUP Championship Series, and top finishers can earn an invitation to the Championship Final in Tahoe, CA in September. Mark assures us, however, that the emphasis is on fun. You do not need to be in top competitive form to join the group on Tuesdays; all it takes is a little experience and a desire to get out on the water (eastofmauiboardshop.com). Last summer, local paddlers launched Stand Up Paddle (SUP) Annapolis to sell boards and paddles and offer rentals and lessons (private or group) seven days a week with pickup and delivery service. “What sets us apart is that we come to you,” says founder Ben Butterwei. SUP Annapolis offers tours on request. SUP structured a recent tour on Spa Creek to raise money for the Spa Creek Conservancy and explore the creek (supannapolis.com). Is there a stand-up paddle boarding group in your area? A new club or business? Let us know at ruth@spinsheet.com.

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Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 19


What Is That? Big Boats in Baltimore


In between ocean and Great Lakes sailing adventures, the Farr 80 Beau Geste will be docked at Tidewater Yacht Service Center in Baltimore for the next year and a half. Photo courtesy of Gavin Brady

20 June 2010 SpinSheet

hen traveling north on I-95 over the Hanover Street Bridge in Baltimore, if you saw a towering mast or two and wondered what the heck they were, here’s your answer. According to Tidewater Yacht Service Center’s (TYSC) president Bob Brandon, the facility has two advantages over other marinas on the Chesapeake Bay: deep water and a tall TraveLift—tall enough to accommodate the Merchant Marine Academy’s 97-foot super-maxi Genuine Risk, among other racing machines that have been hauled for service onsite. With our shallow home waters, most Bay sailors rarely catch glimpses of such huge racers, so it’s a treat when we do. In March, two International Monohull Open Class Association Open 60s were serviced at TYSC (and SpinSheet received reports when they sailed under the Bay Bridge). In April and May, the big maxis from the Merchant Marine Academy rolled in as well as Hong Kong-based businessman Karl Kwok’s Farr-built, 80-foot maxi boat Beau Geste, which shattered the record for the Transatlantic Maxi Yacht Cup in December 2009 by a full day. It’s a no-brainer for Brandon to conduct business with these racing programs. He notes that in between Cracker Boy Boat Works in Riviera Beach, FL and New England Boat Works in Portsmouth, RI, there’s nowhere else for these big boats to get hauled for maintenance. An ocean racing machine such as Beau Geste arrives by water and has two containers arrive on land for gear and hardware. The program comes with its own captain and maintenance crew. Brandon says, “They are self-sufficient. They only need us to get the boat out of the water, and we’re happy to do it.” The Baltimore system works for Gavin Brady, New Zealand-born, Annapolis-based skipper on Beau Geste. Such maintenance stops enable him to work and spend time with his wife and three kids, a rarity for a professional sailor who spends the bulk of his time racing all over the world. The Beau Geste team has a busy ocean racing schedule ahead, including the Bermuda Ocean Race (June 11) and the Newport Bermuda Race (June 18). They will be the first boat to attempt back-to-back Bermuda races and will sail from Baltimore to Bermuda, to New England, and then back to Bermuda, covering more than 2000 miles in less than two weeks. To learn more about Beau Geste, turn to the Pettit Racing Beat on page 78. To learn more about Tidewater, visit tysc.com. spinsheet.com

New Owners for Chesapeake Rigging


lay Bartel and Collin Linehan recently bought Chesapeake Rigging from Tom Wohlgemuth. chesapeakerigging.com


Electronic Marine Moves

fter more than 50 years on Fourth Street in Eastport, Electronic Marine has moved into Suite 103 of the Yacht Haven at 326 First Street in Eastport. Phil Mitchell says, “The only other change is that we were an “Inc.” and are now an “LLC.” electronicmarine.com


Tucker Joins Sailrite

eed a sail kit for some serious racing or cruising? Jean Tucker can help. Formerly of Backyard Boats, Tucker recently joined the crew of the retail store of Sailrite Enterprises at 222 Severn Avenue in Eastport. sailrite.com


Reel In and Recycle at DYC

eltaville Yachting Center (DYC)—a Boat U.S. cooperating marina and a Virginia Clean Marina since 2002—participates in the “Reel In and Recycle” fishing line recycling program. Old monofilament line is collected in bins, and DYC sends the line to Iowa for recycling into a useful product. cleanwater@boatus.com, dycboat.com


Two TV Stations Team Up

heSailingChannel.TV (TSC) and Public TV station WPBT2 Miami are co-producing and distributing 10 half-hour TV shows (“Adventures in Sailing”) to PBS stations across the country. The series features documentaries from noted sailors/ producers, including Lin and Larry Pardey and Paul and Sheryl Shard, and will be released nationally next March. Family owned and based in Annapolis, TSC produces and distributes sailing/cruising documentaries. thesailingchannel.tv





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TSC’s production team (L-R): camera/editor Peter Salvia, host/executive producer Tory Salvia, and camera/sound Jon Salvia sail Sparkle Plenty, 1980 Mariner 36.

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 21



Deltaville Boatyard Boasts Seven Master Techs

huck Ruble (left) recently completed his ABYC certification to become Deltaville Boatyard’s seventh master technician. Ruble is the yard’s service writer and project manager. abycinc.org, deltavilleboatyard.com

Chuck Ruble is Deltaville Boatyard’s seventh ABYC master tech.

Send Dock Talk items and high-resolution photos to ruth@spinsheet.com.


EYC Foundation Does It Again

he Eastport Yacht Club Foundation (EYCF) recently gave a $3000 grant to Annapolis Community Boating’s new Boys and Girls Outreach program, the 2010 Spirit of America. The grant will help provide 64 teens attend a week-long camp in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County for free. eycfoundation.org


Coe Comes Home

ike Coe (below), a sales rep for North Sails, will re-locate to the North Sails office in Annapolis after working for 2.5 years at North’s sales office in Milford, CT. His move reunites him with his favorite sailing venue, the Chesapeake Bay, on which he started sailing on Optis at Annapolis YC and moved up to become a leader on the University of Maryland sailing team. Since working at North, Coe has been active in the Melges 32, J/122, and Farr 30 classes among others on up to his recent St. Barth’s Bucket Regatta on the Luca Brenta 122 Ghost. He says, “I can’t wait to get out on the Bay again and back into the local sailing scene.” northsails.com

Merger Announcement Mike Coe joins North Sails in Annapolis.


SYBC Welcomes Kneller

harlie Kneller (below) recently joined the Salt Yacht Brokerage Company (SYBS) sales team. He has sold Caliber and Sabre Yachts on the Bay since 1986 and is a U.S. Sailboat Show regular. saltyachts.com

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Charlie Kneller joins SYBC.

22 June 2010 SpinSheet


West Marine Sponsors NERYC


est Marine recently increased its sponsorship of the North East River YC’s junior sailing program (right). Among a range of club activities for all ages, NERYC’s weekly sessions from June 14 to August 9 teach kids ages six to 18 to sail Lasers, Optis, and Sunfish. The club’s U.S. Sailing-certified instructors help kids of all skill levels. neryc.com, westmarine.com

New Managers for Hinckley Yards


uy Gauvin recently became the general manager of Hinckley Yacht Services off Whitehall Bay near Annapolis, and Matthew Brown is the new service manager for Hinckley’s service yard on Town Creek near Oxford, MD. For amenities and services, visit hinckleyyachts.com.


J. Gordon Is New Furuno Dealer

. Gordon & Company in Annapolis is Furuno USA’s newest Chesapeake Bay dealer and the only one in the Annapolis area. All electronic techs at J. Gordon are manufacturer certified. Ask about free dockage during installations or repairs. furunousa.com, jgordonco.com

Think Of It As Roadside Assistance For Your Boat

NERYC’s West Marine campers Kristen Berry joins DSC.


Berry Joins DSC

nnapolis sailor Kristen Berry (left) has joined Baltimore’s Downtown Sailing Center (DSC) as its executive director. He will combine his consulting and conservation experience with years of coaching at J/World Annapolis and Gale Force Sailing to lead corporate and foundation fundraising efforts. downtownsailing.org

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SpinSheet_4c_7.25x4.625.indd 1

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

5/6/10 10:32:11 AM

SpinSheet June 2010 23


Annapolis Community Boating Offers Play Days on the Bay for Youth Groups

nnapolis Community Boating (ACB), a non-profit dedicated to making boating and sailing accessible to all Anne Arundel County residents, is now offering Play Days on the Bay in Annapolis for groups of kids from the ages of six through high school ages. Groups of 20 kids and four leaders will spend a half day participating in one of two options: Young sailors will take a four-hour sailing trip on a 20-foot sailboat with groups of four or five. While underway, they will learn the basics of sailing. Each hour, kids will swap different small boats, such as powerboats (also called johnboats), kayaks, canoes, and sailboats, with the goal in mind that all participants can experience different types of boats during the four-hour session. Costs for Play Days will be on a sliding scale up to $20 per participant. Boys and Girls Clubs, Scouts, neighborhood and

24 June 2010 SpinSheet

church groups, sports teams, and private parties are all welcome to inquire. Well-known for its tremendously successful (wait-list-only) FreeSail Program, ACB is a community effort to give more residents of Anne Arundel County opportunities to get on the water and enjoy life on the Chesapeake Bay. ACB is working diligently to find a permanent “home” facility; for now, ACB FreeSail programs are run out of Annapolis City Dock at the National Sailing Hall of Fame, and its canoeing and other small boat programs take off from Back Creek Nature Park. ACB youth programs are run out of Mayo Beach Park, City of Annapolis parks, National Sailing Hall of Fame, and onsite at neighborhood sailing clubs. To learn more about Play Days on the Bay and other ACB programs, call (410) 703-8248 or e-mail info@annapolisboating. org. You can find ACB’s website at annapolisboating.org.

ACB’s Wish List ACB seeks the following donated equipment: • Sietech dollies for FJs or 420s (two total) • A 2.5-horsepower motor • A box trailer (approximately eight feet long) • A J/24 sailboat • Optimist rigs and blades (two sets total) • Dollies for Optimists (two total)


Finding the Fireworks Afloat: Look No Further

by Ruth Christie


now how “get a room” works well when faced with mushy PDAs (public displays of affection)? Well, something similar can be said for the Fourth of July holiday: get a slip. That’s not to say you shouldn’t anchor out in a nice, quiet cove before or after the fireworks show dates. And, it doesn’t mean you can’t see the shows from many nice anchorages across the Chesapeake. It’s just safer and smarter for you and yours to stay attached to land. Here are some reasons why. If our luck holds, my family will have slipped into the Reedville Marina July 2 and the Tides Inn July 4. The reason? We want to incorporate more than one Fourth of July fireworks display into our weeklong, Southern Bay cruise with our kids. We also want to explore—by land and by water—destinations we haven’t seen in a

while [Reedville] and ones that are annual family favorites [the Tides Inn, among others]. And, we want to do it all safely and in the comfort of air conditioning, if needed. Visit the calendar of events on spinsheet. com for at least 32 locations around the Bay that will host on-the-water Independence Day fireworks between July 2 and 4. Bay-side communities, big cities with wide harbors, and small towns on rivers are perfect places to see big, professional fireworks displays reflected on the water. The best spot to see a show depends on where you live, where your boat is, where you plan to be the next day, and where your favorite destinations are. When we ran down that calendar list, carefully marking “anchor” or “slip” next to the events, only two of the events got a

preliminary “anchor” notation: Oxford and St. Michaels, both with July 3 shows. But, even though great anchorages abound just outside each town, SpinSheet got to really thinking about what fireworks shows are like on the water. Often, in addition to boats and raft-ups at a bunch of regular anchorages on the charts, lots of other boats will leave their docks to float in the rivers, creeks, and Bay waters to prime spots near the shows. This means many new, make-shift anchorages will appear, sometimes hours before the events; sailboats and powerboats will bob around during the airborne festivities; and then skippers will head back home as soon as the shows are over, often before the last smoke trail has dissipated, the last boom echoes across the sky, and the last horn of appreciation blows. What does that mean?

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On the days after the fireworks, thirst, hunger, loneliness, and heat will be your worst enemies. Plan your travel companions wisely. Raft-up photo by Al Schreitmueller

Lots of boats making wakes… in the dark. The shows start at dusk and end at night. After a long day on the water, chances are good that captains will be tired (at best), crews will be exhausted, and boats will get cranky. Nobody wants to be part of a rowdy parade of boaters speeding home or back to an anchorage, especially if you have kids onboard. So, pick your show marina carefully. Urban areas have a vast array of marina opportunities for all types and sizes of boats; at least 12 big cities are on our list. For example, between July 3 and 4, you’ll be able to see fireworks from at least four cities at the Hampton Public Piers. Imagine seeing fireworks off Chesapeake Beach while floating down the lazy river

July 3; the water park there will stay open until 10 p.m. that night. Other big shows will grace the skies over Annapolis, Baltimore, Herrington Harbour South, Kent Narrows, Rock Hall, and Washington, DC, among other ports.

Start planning now. If you can stay at a quiet anchorage safely and still see the fireworks nearby, do so. Otherwise, slip into a marina. And, let ruth@spinsheet.com know your favorite fireworks hot spots and why.

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SpinSheet June 2010 27


WE SWAGE! Southern Bay

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Clifton Massey , chief rigger

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Scenes from Hampton’s Blackbeard Festival, Saturday street festivals, and Afrikan American Festival last year. Photos courtesy of hamptoncvb.com


y our careful calculations, 400 years span 97 leap years, with a whole lot of human history in between. Oh the changes we have seen since 1610, from lanterns to LEDs, from compasses to GPS, from feather and ink to iPads. The history of it all is mind-boggling and worthy of a party. For Hampton Roads, that’s exactly what’s happening, and then some. spinsheet.com


Deltaville “This year is really shaping up to be one of our finest,” says Ryan LaFata, Media Relations Manager for the Hampton Convention & Visitor Bureau. “To celebrate our 400th anniversary, the city is hosting several great signature events and exhibits. Annual festival favorites such as the Afrikan American Festival, Blackbeard Pirate Festival, and Hampton Bay Days will complement new events, including Thunder on the Bay, a drumming and dancing pow-wow focusing on the Native American heritage, and fun exhibits, such as ‘The City of Hampton: Through the Lens of Reuben V. Burrell and James Van Der Zee’ at Hampton University Museum. We are also excited about a series of anniversary and legacy projects. Hampton has just completed a new six-hour oral history video series in which more than 100 residents tell their stories about city landmarks, including the Hampton Coliseum, St. John’s Church, Fort Wool, and NASA; the four DVD set costs $20. During 400th Anniversary Weekend/11th Annual Blackbeard Pirate Festival July 8-11, we will dedicate nearly 70 historical markers at various sites throughout Hampton. Later in the year, the city will dedicate a 400th Anniversary Statue on the downtown waterfront.” “America’s oldest Anglican parish in continuous existence, St. John’s Episcopal Church, also will celebrate 400 years with services, activities, receptions, and community projects. On July 11, the Virginia Air & Space Center will host a party featuring a cake sculpted in the form of the church. The cake will be prepared by Charm City Cakes, which was featured on the Food Network’s reality TV program entitled ‘Ace of Cakes.’ As you can imagine, planning committees all over Hampton are beyond busy,” he adds with a smile. For the full schedule, grab some cake and coffee and visit hamptoncvb.com/go/events. Chesapeake Bay Sailing

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To benefiT The Chesapeake bay foundaTion

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1-Aug 1

Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse Tours Annapolis. amaritime.org

1-Aug 25

Stand-Up Paddle Board Clinics and Races Tuesday nights. Hosted by East of Maui Board Shop in Annapolis. Postpaddle party at Boatyard Bar & Grill. eastofmauiboardshiop.com


Benjamin Greene Produces First Widely Used Sunscreen, 1944 Red Vet Pet was a disagreeable, sticky jelly.


Art on Fishing Bay Fishing Bay YC, Deltaville, VA. Part of Leukemia Cup Regatta. leukemiacup.org/va


Art Between the Creeks Annapolis YC. June 4 evening reception. artbetweenthecreeks.us


Beneteau Rendezvous Deltaville, VA. annapolisyachtsales.com

ayC wed night race films all summer

June 24 – d’Vibe & Conga July 22 – d’Vibe & Conga

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Great American Dock Party Hampton Public Piers, VA. Food, contests, music, prizes, and more. hamptoncvb.com


4-Aug 6

Shagging on the Riverwalk Oh, behave. Friday nights. Riverwalk Landing, Yorktown, VA. Free, beach music series. (757) 890-3500


Westover Lawn Party 3 to 7 p.m. Westover, VA. Seafood, bluegrass, auctions, and kids’ fun. jamesriverassociation.org

5 5 5


Benefit by the Bay Cape Charles, VA. artsentercapecharles.org Clean the Bay Day All over Virginia. cbf.org

Open House and 7.5-Mile Swim for the Environment Point Lookout State Park, Scotland, MD. pllps.org

Wade-In 2 to 5 p.m. Anita C. Leight Estuary Center, Abingdon, MD. Boating, animals, music, and more. otterpointcreek.org

Celebrate the Rappahannock River Old Mill Park, Fredericksburg, VA. riverfriends.org


Chesapeake Bay Wine Festival Noon to 6 p.m. Terrapin Beach Park, Stevensville, MD. Food, wine, art, and entertainment on the Bay! chesapeakebaywinefestival.org

“Suddenly in Command” Course 9 a.m. to Noon. West Marine, Annapolis. Presented by USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 22-10. (410) 384-7753

5-6 5-Sep 26

Upper Chesapeake Residential Hospice Regatta 5 to 9:30 p.m. Havre de Grace, MD. uchs.org


5 5

Photo: Lindsay Foster

Chesapeake Calendar presented by

Ocean City (MD) Air Show ocairshow.com

Defenders Return to Fort McHenry 1 to 4 p.m. Baltimore. nps.gov

Potomac River Gala 4 to 7 p.m. Potomac Riverkeeper celebrates 10 years with a party on the Paddleboat Cherry Blossom. potomacriverkeeper.org

6 7-18

World War II’s Normandy Landings Begin at 6:30 a.m., 1944

NauticEd Practical Sailing Classes Annapolis Bay Charters. annapolisbaycharters.net


Bloody Point Hole South of Kent Island Measures in as Maryland’s Lowest Point, 1968 It’s 174 feet below sea level.

8-10 All hail the Tiki King as he arrives to reign over the Solomons Tiki Bar’s season opener April 16. Photo by John Martin and Ron Triplett

30 June 2010 SpinSheet

Marine Diesel Engine Workshop In partnership with Anne Arundel Community College, Annapolis School of Seamanship will host this class. (410) 777-2325 spinsheet.com


Potomac River Festival Colonial Beach, VA. Land and boat parades, pageants and pet parades, carnivals and contests, arts and crafts, music and fireworks, and more. colonial-beach-virginia-attractions.com

Spring Cotillion 5 to 10 p.m. Block party, Eastport YC style. Sendoff party for yachts racing from Annapolis to Bermuda June 11. eastportyc.org

Civil War Canoe Float Hosted by Friends of the Rappahannock. riverfriends.org


10 11-12

Tribute to USCG Washington, DC. coastguardfoundation.org

Maryland Chapter Leukemia Cup Regatta Eastport YC. Benefits Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. race.eastportyc.org


Celestial Navigation Workshop Sarles Boatyard and Marina, Annapolis. Features SpinSheet writer Andy Schell. fathersonsailing.com

eake Bay11-13

Norfolk Harborfest Town Point Park, Production by: Beth Norfolk, VA. Food, fun, and fireworks! festevents.org




Cypress Festival 6 p.m. Cypress Park, Pocomoke City, MD. Potato guns, rides, arts and crafts, music and games, food and exhibits, and car, bike, dog, and talent shows! pocomoke.com

12 12

Magothy River Day Off Dobbins Island, MD. Raft-up-appropriate music by Nautical Wheelers, wade-in [it’s a Guinness World Record attempt for number of participants], raffles, and more hosted by Magothy River Association. [Bad weather site is Bamboo Bernies.] magothyriver.org

12 12

National Marina Day marinaassociation.org/nmd

River Artsfest Village Green, Indian Head, MD. charlescountyarts.org


St. Clement’s Island Heritage Day Colton’s Point, MD. co.saint-marys.md.us


The “Officers and Sports Knife” Debuts, 1897 It’s better known as the Swiss Army Knife.


Annapolis Arts and Crafts Festival Navy-Marine Corps Stadium. annapolisartsandcraftsfestival.com


Food and Wine Festival National Harbor. Get your fill of food, wine, beer, spirits, music, demos, and fun. Benefits a local charity. foodandwinenh.com

12-13 12-Sep 11

HonFest Baltimore. honfest.net

Boating Safety Course Second Saturday of the month. Yankee Point Marina, Lancaster, VA. Presented by USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 33. a0540303.uscgaux.info/pe.htm


Celtic Festival Steppingstone Museum, Havre de Grace, MD. steppingstonemuseum.org


Great Chesapeake Bay Swim bayswim.com

Shouldn’t you spend your weekends sailing? Let Relms Landscaping take care of all your year-round residential and commercial landscaping needs

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SpinSheet June 2010 31

june Continued... 13

Jamaican Me Crazy Dinner Party and Cruise 6:30 to 9 p.m. Sail out of Annapolis on the Schooner Woodwind. For the full schedule of fun cruises and charter opportunities, visit schoonerwoodwind.com.


St. Mary’s Crab Festival Leonardtown, MD. Crabs, seafood, car show, demos, arts and crafts, farm animals, lively music, and dancing. stmaryscrabfestival.com


View Back to the Future in Oxford 9 p.m. Oxford’s Causeway Soccer Field. portofoxford.com


Mid-Atlantic Nordic Tug Owner’s Rendezvous St. Michaels Harbour Inn, Marina, and Spa. nordictug.com


Flag Day Ceremony 6 to 9 p.m. Fort McHenry, Baltimore. americanflagfoundation.org


What’s Up Doc? Prototype of Bugs Bunny First Graces the Big Screen in “Porky’s Hare Hunt,” 1938



Precision Rendezvous Stream Cleanup 9 a.m. to Noon. 2010 The Sailing EmpoHosted by Magothy River Asrium in Rock Hall, MD and Backyard Boats sociation. magothyriver.org in Annapolis. Day sailing, racing, Swan Tag Team Triatha-Boat-Athon! Creek raft-up, BBQ hosted by Backyard 9 a.m. Choptank River off TilghBoats, town tours, and more. man Island, MD. Walk, bike, and paddle to sailboatrendezvous.com benefit the river. crebconservancy.org Classic Wooden Boat Alexandria Red Cross Festival Chesapeake Bay Waterfront Festival Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. See 11- to Oronoco Bay Park, Alexandria, VA. Tall 76-footers, and enjoy seminars, a nautical ships, music, rides and kids’ fun, arts and flea market, arts and crafts, kids’ fun, classic crafts, food and wine, and more. sales, and vendors galore. visitalexandriava.com chesapeakebayacbs.org Summer Sailstice Bands in the Sand! Chesapeake Celebration Bay Foundation Beach, Annapolis. summersailstice.com Food, drinks, and music by STORM and






Misspent Youth. cbf.org


19 19

Offshore Round DelMarVa Womanship, Annapolis. womanship.com

Cape May Harbor Fest capemayharborfest.com

Old Pompey Dies, 1948 He was the last of a long line of alligators to inhabit the marble pools at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, VA.

19-Aug 14

Movies on the Dock 9 p.m. Select Saturdays. City Dock, Crisfield, MD. Free! crisfieldevents.com


Father’s Day Thanks to the efforts Rhythm on the River 5 p.m. of Sonora Louise Smart, the first Hartge Yacht Harbor, Galesville, Father’s Day was celebrated June 19, 1910. MD. Drinks, dinner, and live music. $35. Benefits West/Rhode Riverkeeper Spinsheetprograms. June 2010:Spinsheet 10_05 4/26/10 10:46 AM westrhoderiverkeeper.org


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Page 1




Father’s Day River Paddle Noon to 3 p.m. Deep Bottom Park and Boat Landing, Richmond, VA. Explore the tidal James River. jamesriverassociation.org

Canal Day Chesapeake City, MD. Bands, food, raft-ups, raffles, kids’ fun, and crafts to celebrate three decades of fun! chesapeakecity.com

Gwynn’s Island Festival Mathews, VA. Fun, food, music, local crafts, and heritage displays. visitmathews.com

Father’s Day Festival Commemorating Craney Island Hoffler Creek Wildlife Preserve, Portsmouth, VA. Re-enactors, music, historians, and kids’ fun. hofflercreek.org

Cardboard Boat Race The Strand, Oxford, MD. Benefits Special Olympics of Maryland. Healthy competition, food, and fun. oxfordpool.org

Multi-Cultural Celebration 5 to 9 p.m. Leesylvania State Park, Woodbridge, VA. dcr.virginia.gov

20 20

Lizzie Borden Is Acquitted of Murdering Her Stepmother and Father, 1893 Disputes over the identity of the killer(s) continue to this day.


Mid-Summer Faire St. Mary’s City, MD. Colonial merriment, games, music, entertainment, and competitions, including pig races. stmaryscity.org

26 26

Eastport a Rockin’ Annapolis Maritime Museum. Three stages and 27 bands. Local music, food, kids’ fun, and more. Benefits local charities. eastportarockin.com

26 26

Not on the 4th Fireworks Tim’s Waterfront Restaurant, Dumfries, VA. timsrivershore.com


South River Sojourn and Wade-In Harbor Hills Community Beach, Davidsonville, MD. Paddle, picnic, and wade-in. southriverfederation.net

21 21-26

First Day of Summer!

Teen Boat Building School Havre de Grace Maritime Museum. hdgmaritimemuseum.org

24 24

“The Movie “On the Waterfront” Is Released, 1954

Full Moon Party Boatyard Bar & Grill, Eastport. Food, fun, and music from D’Vibe & Conga. Tell ‘em SpinSheet sent you. boatyardbarandgrill.com


Sail-a-Thon Fishing Bay YC, Deltaville, VA. Part of Leukemia Cup Regatta in Virginia. leukemiacup.org/va


Patuxent Sojourn Night paddles, camping, music, and great speakers. paxriverkeeper.org


Afrikan American Festival Mill Point Park, Hampton, VA. Live music, rides, arts, crafts, food, seminars, demos, and more to benefit a local charity. hampton400.com


AT&T Bayou Boogaloo and Cajun Festival Town Point Park, Norfolk, VA. “Boogalooers” will enjoy music, cruises, arts, Cajon cuisine, demos, jugglers, and more. festevents.org


Hampton Jazz Festival Hampton Coliseum, VA. Evenings will sizzle with classic performances by R&B, pop, and soul legends. hamptonjazzfestival.com


Leukemia Cup Powerboat Poker Run Benefits Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. SpinSheet is a sponsor. leukemiacup.org

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 33

27 june Continued...

Bay to Bay Ride for the Blind 6:30 a.m. Betterton Beachfront, MD. chestertownlions.org



The Movie “Moby Dick” with Gregory Peck Is Released, 1956 Starbuck’s Coffee took its name from the character Starbuck of the Pequod crew.


Sam Foster and Bill Grant Start a Company to Make Hair Accessories, 1919 Ten years later, the Foster Grant Company begins making sunglasses.

Summertime Blues Festival Steppingstone Museum, Havre de Grace, MD. Music, beer and wine, food, tours, and artisans. steppingstonemuseum.org Tilghman Island Seafood Festival Local, hot, steamed crabs, music, crab races, and more. tilghmanmd.com/seafood.htm


30-Aug 4

Five Boating Skills Seminars 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Newark (DE) Senior Center. Hosted by Wilmington Sail and Power Squadron. wilmingtonpowersquadron.org

June Racing


29-Jul 4

4-6 11


29-Aug 28


U.S. Air Force Completes Network of 24 Satellites To Form Global Positioning System, 1993 That pesky “Where am I?” question quickly becomes a thing of the past. Kayak Pool Party West Marine, Annapolis. westmarine.com


LatinoFest 2010 Noon to 9 p.m. Patterson Park, Baltimore. Live music, food, and more near the waterfront. latinofest.org


Log Canoe Racing Miles River YC.

Havre de Grace Independence Celebration Havre de Grace, MD. Carnivals, parades, concerts, and fireworks. (410) 939-4362 Get the Dirt Out Chesapeake Three workshops hosted by Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper and Waterkeepers Chesapeake. harborwaterkeeper.org


The Movie “The Perfect Storm” Is Released, 2000 So long, Billy, Alfred, Sully, Bugsy, Murph, and Bobby.

Southern Bay Race Week Hampton YC. blacksealcup.com

Bermuda Ocean Race Start Fifty brave souls will sail 125 miles down the Bay and 628 miles offshore. Organized by Eastport YC and St. George’s Dinghy and Sports Club. Catch first gun at 1 p.m. in Annapolis. bermudaoceanrace.com

Annapolis Leukemia Cup Friday night fundraiser at Annapolis YC followed by Saturday racing and crew party at Eastport YC with live music. eastportyc.org

12 18

NERYC Invitational neryc.com

Newport Bermuda Race Biennial 635-mile offshore race, “The Thrash to the Onion Patch.” bermudarace.com

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26 26-27



26-28 27


6 6-Aug 13

Shearwater Twilight Race shearwatersc.net

PSA Overnight Race Potapskut SA’s overnighter. psasailing.org Northern Bay Race Week glenmarsailing.org

SMSA Summer Invitational Southern Maryland SA keeps a SpinSheet banner up behind the bar all year long. We love that! smsa.com


1 2

Bobby Darin’s Version of “Beyond the Sea” Is Released, 1959

Elvis Presley Records Hound Dog, 1956 It took 31 takes at RCA Studios in New York to get it right.


Fourth of July Fireworks All over the Bay. Sail to SpinSheet’s top picks at spinsheet.com.


Independence Day Deck Party 7 to 10 p.m. Baltimore. Food, live music, tours, cannon, fun, and fireworks onboard the Constellation. historicships.org

Fireworks Cruise! 6:30 p.m. Depart Annapolis Waterfront Marriott. Enjoy live entertainment as the Schooner Woodwind anchors to see the fireworks! For more schooner shenanigans, call (410) 263-7837. schoonerwoodwind.com

Independence Day Fireworks Cruise 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Light Street Finger Piers, Mt. Washington, MD. baltimoreboatcruises.com


Kent County Watermen’s Day 1 p.m. Rock Hall Bulkhead, MD. Don’t miss the most patriotic workboat, anchor toss, and workboat docking contests. Cash prizes, food, music, and dunking booth fun! rockhallmd.com


Two Free Skipjack Sails Noon and 1 p.m. Onboard Nathan of Dorchester in Cambridge, MD. tourdorchester.org


Nude Recreation Week For starters, there’s always the White Tail Resort near Newport News, VA. [We can’t take credit for that one.]


Summer Camps by the Bay Havre de Grace Maritime Museum. hdgmaritimemuseum.org

Bruce, the Troublesome Shark in Jaws, Sinks Like a Ton of Bricks the First Time He Hits the Water, 1974 Hans Egede and Crew Spy a Humongous, Finned Sea Serpent, 1734

Summer Camp for Kids Eight weeks. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, MD. serc.si.edu


Blackbeard Pirate Festival Hampton, VA. The seaport will celebrate 400 years with Captain Edward Teach and his cohorts, parties, tall ships, sea battles, jugglers, musicians, street entertainers, puppet shows, rides, fireworks, and more. blackbeardpiratefestival.com

9 9 9-11

First “Pirates of the Caribbean” Movie Is Released, 2003 Savvy? Bob Dylan Records “Blowin’ in the Wind,” 1962

Leukemia Cup Regatta Stingray Point Marina, Deltaville, VA. Benefits Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. leukemiacup.org


Guided Canoe Float 7:30 to 10 p.m. Fredericksburg City Dock, MD. riverfriends.org

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Dog Days of Summer? “Dakota” Holt is ready to go cruising. And thanks to BoatU.S., his boat is ready too. Quick and caring claims staff, committed to getting you back on the water – faster. Just one of the reasons so many boaters choose BoatU.S. to protect their boats.

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SpinSheet_BW_7.25x4.625.indd 1

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

5/6/10 1:16:32 PM

SpinSheet June 2010 35

10 July Continued...

Taste of Cambridge Crab Cook-Off 5 to 9 p.m. Downtown Cambridge, MD. cambridgemainstreet.com


Harbor Party! 6 to 10 p.m. Cape Charles, VA. Lively music, hot food, cold drinks, and fine family fun. northamptoncountychamber.com


James River Runoff Rundown Run the entire 340-mile length of the James River to benefit James River Association. jamesriverassociation.org

10 10

Open House Point Lookout, Scotland, MD. pllps.org

Pirate Gala 7 to 11 p.m. Susquehanna Museum, Havre de Grace, MD. lockhousemuseum.org


Potomac Jazz and Seafood Festival 3 p.m. St. Clement’s Island Museum, Colton’s Point, MD. Enjoy three dynamic jazz groups and seafood delicacies on the riverfront. stmarysmd.com


Sharkfest! Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons. Hands-on fun, fish face painting, marine games, crafts, fossil displays, and shark mural painting. calvertmarinemuseum.com

Kent County Fair On the Bay near Tolchester, MD. Great food, exhibits, and local entertainment. kentcounty.com

Pirate Invasion Susquehanna Museum, Havre de Grace, MD. lockhousemuseum.org

Log Canoe Racing Hosted by Rock Hall YC. rockhallyachtclub.org


10-11 11

Lawnmower Races!? Steppingstone Museum, Havre de Grace, MD. Racing, kids’ activities, ice cream eating contest, sack races, face painting, food, and classy car show. steppingstonemuseum.org


J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake 12:30 to 4 p.m. Somers Cove Marina, Crisfield, MD. All-you-caneat crabs, clams, fish, corn on the cob, and watermelon. Forty bucks get you admission, a mug, and a mallet with customized logo as supplies last. crisfieldheritagefoundation.org

14-Aug 11

Crab Feasts on the Harbor Queen 7 to 10 p.m. Departs from Annapolis City Dock. Crack crabs and watch Wednesday night racing. watermarkjourney.com

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Log Canoe Racing Hosted by Chester River Yacht and Country Club. crycc.org

15 15-17

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19-25 20

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Egyptians Develop First Sailboats, Five Thousand Years Ago Today Each ship had 40 oars and one large, sling-like, square-shaped sail supported by a bipod.


Leatherman Tool Group Begins Catalog Sales of its Pocket Survival Tool, 1983

20 21

Leonardo da Vinci Invents First Primitive Hygrometer, 1400s

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Full Moon Party Boatyard Bar & Grill, Eastport. Food and fun punctuated with live music by D’Vibe & Conga. boatyardbarandgrill.com


Norfolk Jazz Festival Town Point Park, Norfolk, VA. festeventsva.org


Mari*Fest 2010 Havre de Grace Maritime Museum. Enjoy Bay food and beverages, music, dancing, demos, crafters, boat rides, sailing races, raffles, and kids’ fun, including a cardboard boat race. hdgmaritimemuseum.org


Tidewater Archaeology Weekend Historic St. Mary’s City, MD. stmaryscity.org

25-Aug 8

Restaurant Week: Savor St. Mary’s County stmarysmd.com


History Camp Captain Salem Avery House and Museum, Shady Side, MD. Kids ages eight to 13 years explore early life in South County with Georgia Ladd. shadysidemuseum.org

July Racing


“Animal House” Is Released, 1978 Who dropped a whole truck“Sail for Kids” Race to load of fizzies into the swim meet? Who Baltimore Starts off Baltimore delivered the medical school cadavers to the Harbor Light. bcya.com alumni dinner? Delta House, sir.

10 11 11 16


Baltimore Harbor Lighthouse Classic rockcreekracing.org

Halley’s Comet “Returns,” 2061 The dust ball last appeared in the inner Solar System February 9, 1986.

Southern Bay Leukemia Cup Regatta leukemiacup.org/va


Pony Swim Benefits Chincoteague (VA) Volunteer Fire Company. chincoteaguechamber.com

EYC Solomons Island Invitational Mid-summer overnighter from Annapolis to Solomons. eastportyc.org


Chesapeake Folk Festival Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. Live music, demos, crafts, food, and boat rides. cbmm.org


Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge Solomons. Hosted by Southern Maryland SA. Sponsored by SpinSheet. screwpile.com


Creek Critters Day Hoffler Creek Wildlife Preserve, Portsmouth, VA. hofflercreek.org

24 25

CCV Moonlight Triangle Race hamptonyc.com

CRYC Corsica River Race and Back Corsica River YC’s regatta and race back hosted by Magothy River SA. cryc.org


Middle River Dinghy Poker Run Red Eye YC, Baltimore. Captains meet July 30. Benefits Norris Lane Foundation in Joppa, MD. dinghypokerrun.org

31 31


Log Canoe Racing Fun spectator sport at Miles River YC. (410) 745-9511

Chesapeake Bay Women’s Challenge eastportyc.org

Integrity Yacht Sales Summer Invitational Herrington Harbour SA. hhsa.org



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SpinSheet June 2010 37

Selected Chesapeake Tide Tables for June 2010



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38 June 2010 SpinSheet


Selected Chesapeake Tide Tables for June 2010

• Capital Yacht Club, Washington, DC • Kozy Korner, Chesapeake City, MD • Love Point Deli, Stevensville, MD • UPS Store, Chestertown, MD • Marshy Creek Liquors, Grasonville, MD • Nanticoke River Yacht Club, Seaford, DE • Sam’s Deli, Havre De Grace, MD • West Marine, Middle River, MD

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 39


where we by Kim Couranz


A Solid New Plan for Bay Health

he federal government came out ment, and you’ll see some tangible goals, And we know that not only are oysters with yet another document dealing supported by well-fleshed-out plans. For tasty (well, some of us think that), they are with Bay health and restoration last example, the feds commit to improving the also important habitat- and water-filterers, month. Over the years, small plots of forest health of streams so much that 70 percent as well. It will take a good amount of solid have been sacrificed to commit plans to science to decide where oyster restoration restore the Bay to paper—though to be efforts should be located, so that they have fair, this most recent version is available a good chance of succeeding. online at executiveorder.chesapeakebay.net. Sailors should pay special attention to Does the new federal government’s the goals related to public access. Many “Strategy for Protecting and Restorof us are very lucky that we can get out ing the Chesapeake Bay Watershed,” on the Bay and its tributaries as easily as released May 12, really mean anything? we do. We park at the marina, put some Does it actually say anything new? provisions on board, cast off a few lines, The answer to that is a resounding and there we are—out enjoying the Bay’s yes. The document lays out a clear vision breezes. We have direct, tangible contact for the Chesapeake’s future—one that with the health of the Bay every time we we sailors can certainly agree with. Who leave the dock. But for the vast majority wouldn’t want fishable, swimmable of Bay watershed residents, water access water, ample public access, and healthy is not nearly so easy. So much of the populations of crabs and oysters? Bay’s edges are privately owned; public And while getting the federal governramps and parks are few and far between. ment to try something new is much akin How can you understand and appreciate to getting a container ship to change the Bay if you can’t even see it? So the course (hint: lots of time and room strategy includes a goal to increase public needed), the departments and agencies access by adding 300 new access sites—a involved in drafting the document really 40-percent increase—by 2025. are stepping out of their traditional boxes Here’s the million-dollar question: to do some cross-training to undertake Will the federal government’s “Strategy innovative, collabfor Protecting and Restororative new actions. “Take a spin through the chunky document, ing the Chesapeake Bay Perhaps most imporWatershed” really help and you’ll see some tangible goals, tantly, the document make the Bay cleaner? The supported by well-fleshed-out plans.” sets out pretty clear answer to that is a resoundexpectations and tags ing maybe. the shared federal leadership for the effort of streams that are sampled throughout the Therein lies the challenge of American with accountability. watershed are “fair, good, or excellent” by democracy and government of, by, and for The federal government will add strin2025. While not 100 percent, that’s still the people. The government has laid out a gent new regulation and enforcement for a pretty big jump from today’s dismal 45 clear roadmap for recovery. But are we, the pollution controls to bring cleaner water; percent. Many fish need to head upstream people, willing to make the sacrifices—in enact agricultural conservation practices on to spawn—but find their trips cut short due dollars and lifestyles—to enable it to come four million acres of farms; conserve two to dams and other obstacles: the strategy to fruition? Will we encourage our elected million acres of land; and restore oyster includes a goal to open an additional 1000 officials to support funding for Bay recovpopulations in 20 Bay tributaries. Lofty miles of stream access for those little fishies ery efforts and to enact needed legislation goals indeed, but the Bay sure needs them. by 2025. This is critical for species includto make the many goals outlined in the To jump-start the renewed effort, many ing river herring, American shad, and strategy come to fruition? Will we stand of the projects set out in the full strategic American eel. up to those who say “it’s too hard” to say document will be implemented in the next One of the things we cherish so much instead “let’s do it anyway”? few years. That might seem like a while— about the Chesapeake is its great variety I’m pretty sure we can. After all, the Bay but remember, this is the government we’re of fish and wildlife. This document aims depends on us. talking about. That’s pretty darn quick to restore native oyster populations in 20 About the Author: Kim Couranz is an Anturnaround. We can’t ask the Tooth Fairy tributaries by 2025. While some effective napolis resident who writes on Bay-related for Christmas presents; we can’t ask that restoration projects have established living topics. A member of Severn SA, she enjoys container ship to stop on a dime. oyster reefs, no tributaries currently have racing on one-design boats including her Take a spin through the chunky docuhealthy, sustainable oyster populations. Laser. kimcouranz@yahoo.com. 40 June 2010 SpinSheet


18th Annual Annapolis Leukemia Cup Regatta Proudly Presented By:

Gary Jobson, National Chairman A Sailing Fundraiser Friday & Saturday, June 11-12, 2010 CBYRA SANCTIONED HIGH POINT REGATTA Join “The Crew That Cares” Part Can ici Regis ’t Visi pate in ter a P Race? t ww ha th e w.le most ntom B uke i mia mporta oat! cup n PARTY .org t race o /md f toda all! y!

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Friday, June 11, 2010 SUNTRUST BANK SAILOR’S LAUNCH O NT OPE BLIC! U P on THE Donati erson $10 d Per P e uest q e R

Annapolis Yacht Club - 6:00 p.m. Exciting Live & Silent Auction Featuring Special Guest: Gary Jobson

Saturday, June 12, 2010 THE 18TH ANNUAL ANNAPOLIS LEUKEMIA CUP REGATTA Supported by Eastport Yacht Club & Annapolis Yacht Club Rendezvous - 11:00 a.m.

UNITED HEALTHCARE ALL HANDS CREW PARTY! Dinner, Dancing, Awards & Silent Auction Eastport Yacht Club - 4:00 p.m.

OP E THE N TO P U BL IC! $30 P er Perso


IF YOU REGISTER & RAISE $100 BY MAY 17TH YOUR BOAT’S NAME WILL BE LISTED ON THE OFFICIAL LEUKEMIA CUP REGATTA T-SHIRT! For more details about sponsorship, race registration or online fundraising, please contact: Steve Reinker, Sports Events Campaign Manager Phone: (410) 891-1867 or (800) 242-4572 ~ Email: steve.reinker@lls.org ~ Web: www.leukemiacup.org/md 2010 Honorary Skipper “Samantha (Sam) Pratt is a typical high energy 4-year old that likes to play dress up, do arts & crafts, ride her bike & fights with her little brother Ryan with one exception...on February 20, 2009, we received the shocking diagnosis that she has Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL). Sam & our family have had a year filled with ups & downs but Sam has been strong, brave & smiling through all of it! She will continue receiving chemotherapy until April 28, 2011. She is looking forward to a summer of swimming, tubing & sailing on the Bay & of course eating crabs!” -Jennifer Pratt (Mom)

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Annapolis became Matt’s staging ground for his trans-Atlantic ambitions. He took a job at North Sails over in Eastport for two years to finish getting the boat ready. The time flew by, and after he’d triple-stitched all of his sails at the North loft, his departure date loomed. Matt’s goal was originally to make it to Iceland, an even more ambitious idea than what he actually accomplished. He made his way north along the East Coast after sailing up the Chesapeake and transiting the C&D Canal. Matt’s plans for Iceland changed when he was blown south in a gale off of Sable Island in Nova Scotia. “I rode it out on a drogue that I bought from West Marine,” Matt said. “It was the best piece of equipment I had on the boat. I perched myself down below for 72 hours and read while the boat just drifted. We took a beating, but I finally got comfortable below, whether I wanted to or not.” Matt made landfall in Falmouth, Engby Andy Schell land, after 34 days at sea. He made his way Matt wasn’t a better sailor than anyone up the weathered west coast of Ireland, was when he bought his first boat. It was 2004, adopted by an Irish family for a few weeks, and the boat was a 25-foot Coronado he and made himself quite at home on dry bought for $2000 in nearby Trappe, MD. land again. “The Guinness kept flowing, it He taught himself to sail it as he went south was excellent,” Matt tells me. “But I really from the Bay, eventually winding up in the wanted to get to Africa.” Keys. The only route from the United King“It was a bad year for hurricanes down dom to the European mainland is via the there,” Matt remarks. “We made it through notoriously boisterous North Sea. It was Hurricane Charlie and Hurricane Frances only a 180-mile passage, a “day-sail” after on anchor. I didn’t call the marina early what he’d been through, but the weather enough for a slip, and the dockmaster just was wet the whole way; it was windy, and laughed at me when I told him what kind of he didn’t sleep, for the shipping traffic. boat I had. Hurricane Jean finally knocked Matt was out of money, chasing rumors of us out. The boat smashed against a piling a cheap marina in Amsterdam where he and pretty much sank out from under me.” could leave his boat for a bit while he reMatt regrouped. After several years stocked his cruising funds. In a move about outfitting his new 32-foot Pearson (which, as far from boating as he could get, Matt ironically, had survived Hurricane Katrina) flew to Austin, TX, for five months, fixing up an old Alfa Romeo sports cars with an old friend. With his bank account flush and a renewed desire to go back to sea, Matt set off from The Netherlands and would eventually sail south to Gibraltar, where he’d re-stock and head for Africa. Catch for ocean sailing, he returned to the Chesa- the July issue of SpinSheet for the rest of peake from St. Augustine, FL, on his first Matt’s story. single-handed cruise offshore. “I was awake About the Author: Andy Schell is a for four days rounding Cape Hatteras. The professional captain and freelance writer. most challenging aspect of single-handing He operates Father & Son Sailing with was getting comfortable down below with his dad in Annapolis. Catch their next no one on deck. At one point, I had to just celestial navigation workshop and check lie ahull in the middle of the Gulf Stream to out Andy’s first book, Travels in Foreign get some rest. I was exhausted.” Countries, at fathersonsailing.com.

Alone Across the Atlantic


att Rutherford is a better sailor than you. That is, unless you have had the gusto to attempt not one, but two single-handed trans-Atlantic voyages, with passages across the North Sea and Bay of Biscay, a run down the west coast of Africa, and 200 miles motoring up the Gambia River for good measure. Matt’s story begins, as many of yours will this summer, at the foot of the Route 50 Bridge on the Severn River. By the time he returned to this same spot in Annapolis, his log had spun for 15,000 miles. I met Matt—a late 20-something with reddish hair and a salty beard—one evening in April, at the small marina at the end of Burnside Street in Eastport. At the time, he’d only been back in town for a

“The most challenging aspect of singlehanding was getting comfortable down below with no one on deck.” month, and perhaps tellingly, he was flying south again soon after to deliver a 50-foot Hinckley back to the Chesapeake with his business partner Simon Edwards. Together they operate Endurance Yacht Deliveries out of Annapolis, a business, Matt says, that stemmed from his own experiences. Over a couple glasses of cheap Scotch, Matt told me his story. 42 June 2010 SpinSheet


The Birds of Summer


ou’re lounging in your cockpit with a cool drink and a gentle breeze off the bow. Your eyes wander occasionally toward the shoreline, the sandy cove or marshy river’s edge. Among the fallen trees and discarded shells of horseshoe crabs, you catch a glimpse of some sprightly, feathered busybodies about their daily rounds—the shorebirds of the Chesapeake Bay and the mid-Atlantic coast. We gasp with admiration when a magnificent American bald eagle or osprey appears, fish or crab between claws or beaks. But, we pay less attention to the more modest feathered flocks along the shore. Let me take a moment to draw your attention and your binoculars toward the small, unobtrusive shorebirds that may be sharing your anchorage. Let’s sort our shorebirds by size: the small, slender sandpipers (known commonly as peeps); the mid-sized plovers; and the graceful herons and egrets. If you catch sight of birds along the tide line, make a casual guess as to their size—small, medium, or majestic. Note the colors of their plumage—white, tan, beige, and sometimes black for accent. (Yawn. Is it time to open a book or pour another glass of wine?) Ah, but look a bit more closely. You may be missing an opportunity to enjoy some sociable, little guys—the sandpipers. Sandpipers are rather hyperactive, flying and foraging in flocks; taking flight suddenly, en masse when startled. Their airborne silhouettes are crisp and sharp, with pointed wings. Sandpipers or peeps, have relatively short legs and bills, designed for the water’s edge and surf line. You might also see their cousins, the lesser and greater yellowlegs, whose slender, long bills and legs allow them to wade past the surf line and probe the mudflats for their prey. Sandpipers dine on tiny insect larvae and pupae as well as spiders and some plant seeds. The bills of sandpipers have unique, tactile, and chemo-sensitive nerve receptors at their tips to help them locate food beneath the surface of sand or water. The somewhat larger, sturdy plovers and their cousins, the turnstones are showier shorebirds. While sandpipers are rather clannish, plovers don’t mind keeping comChesapeake Bay Sailing

by Janice F. Booth

pany with gulls and people, too. They have handsome head markings, including black or white eye masks, and white necks and chests with black collars or rings. Their workman-like bills are usually black or yellow, tipped in black. Distinctive features for plovers are the two bands of white and black parallel stripes outlining each wing. Plovers rely on their eyesight to locate food such as earthworms, larvae, tiny crabs, shrimp, or spring berries. Plovers run, full-tilt, along the shoreline, stopping suddenly, raising their heads, and looking about for the telltale movement of unwary

Speaking of beautiful design, consider the Bay’s herons and egrets. With a bit of patience, you can see all five common types of herons that make their home along the shores of the Chesapeake: the iconic great blue, the little blue heron, the tri-color, and the more reserved green and night herons. Egrets—the great, the cattle, and the snowy—are members of the heron family, too. You can guess why herons have long necks and legs; yes, their preferred diet is fish, with some tasty crabs and small crustaceans thrown in for variety. The elegant “S” shape of the neck allows the head to spring out and forward, spearing the fish or crab with its long, slender bill. The heron can stand motionless, neck outstretched, for long periods, until a fish swims into the cool shadow cast across the water by her neck; with a quick spring-like neck motion, she spears her prey. You may even see a heron performing a strange wing-dance just above the water’s surface; the movements apparently send the fish and crabs scampering… and provide easy pickings for the wily heron. Populations of herons, like all our Bay wildlife, have been in decline, but with the grow“You may see a heron performing a strange ing conservation wing-dance just above the water’s surface…” and restoration efforts around the Chesapeake, the conditions of the prey on or beneath the sand. waterways and shorelines that provide food You have a real treat in store some lazy and shelter for these intriguing creatures summer’s day if you catch a glimpse of the have begun to improve. The populations ruddy turnstone, a member of the plover of peeps, plovers, and herons are modestly clan. They’re stand-outs, with amazing rebounding. From your cockpit vantagerusset-orange backs and wings, decorated point, you’ll be able to judge for yourself, with black feather-tips. A turnstone’s head, over time, how well our restoration efforts throat, and chest are white with black are working by the number and variety of markings above the bill and across the the feathered friends you’re able to sight throat. When they take flight—wow! Geoalong the shoreline, season-after-season. metric designs in orange, black, and white About the Author: Janice F. Booth writes from wing-tip to wing-tip and head to tail and teaches when she’s not hanging around remind me of the exotic patterns used in boats with a pair of binoculars at the ready for Native American baskets and rugs. birdwatching.

SpinSheet June 2010 43

Good Guest, Bad Guest by Cindy Wallach

“…even a good friend can make a bad guest when it comes to sailboats.” What Do Ya’ Do With A... The number one thing fellow sailors say can spoil having friends aboard is “the drunk.” I know, I know, it’s five o’clock somewhere, and you’re out sailing and feeling like a Jimmy Buffett song. That doesn’t mean anyone onboard, especially your hosts, want to deal with your drunken bumblings. It’s not a glossy magazine ad; it can be hard work to sail your besotted behind around the Bay while keeping up with busy weekend boat traffic and ever-shifting winds. Not to mention, it’s just plain unsafe. If you want to celebrate your newfound sea legs, do it back at the bar. There’s truly nothing dumber than purposefully messing up your sense of balance and good judgment on a slippery, leaning, wobbling hunk of plastic surrounded by sea water.

Potty Trained

Photo by Al Schreitmueller

It looks like a toilet, it smells like a toilet, but it is not a toilet. It’s a head, and they call it head because they tend to have a mind of their own. One false move and you’re bunking with raw sewage. Please, please, ask your boat host for a crash course in taming the sewage beast. When in doubt, ask for help. Trust me, we’d rather flush your business for you than have you try it yourself and mess up the whole system.

Stuff It


ou can spot them a mile away: black soled shoes and crisp white pants, awkwardly dragging their hard-sided suitcase down the long stretch of dock. And that’s just the first piece of luggage for the three-day weekend. Yes, it’s “the guest,” the one sharing all 35 or so feet of fiberglass with you while bobbing around the Bay. For many of us, the sight strikes fear in our hearts even when the guest is someone we truly like, because even a good friend can make a bad guest when it comes to sailboats. 44 June 2010 SpinSheet

You truly don’t need much when you’re out sailing, whether it’s a day sail or a week of cruising. A swimsuit, a warm sweatshirt for night time, a few pairs of shorts and T-shirts, some sunglasses, and reasonable shoes. Plus maybe a good paperback to curl up with and your iPod. That’s it. Do you really need a suitcase for that? Remember that when you’re in a small space like a sailboat, you not only need to think about where your stuff will get stowed, but also where your luggage itself will get stowed. Pack lightly in a soft bag that can easily be packed away. When in doubt, ask your boat host what to bring and not to bring.

Living on Island Time

Sailing isn’t necessarily about getting from Point A to Point B; it’s about just being out there. Part of becoming a “real sailor” is remembering that ultimately, Mother Nature is in charge. Although you cast off from Deltaville, VA hoping to make it to Solomons by the end of the day, that won’t necessarily mean that you will. Part of being a good guest is accepting this fact with grace and good humor. Leave your schedules at home, and don’t pressure your host to get you back to the marina in time for an appointment or dinner date. Clear your calendar and be ready to go with the flow.

Button Pushers

Oooo, what does that button do? Hey, this is just like my iPhone… how hard can it be? Sometimes, a tech-curious boat guest is worse than a toddler. We had a guy who used to wreak havoc every time he came aboard simply by bumping into our breaker panel. Unless the captain asks you to flip a switch, try to keep your fingers to yourself.

Oh, Pool Boy

It’s hard not to feel fabulous when you’re out sailing on a perfect day. But feeling fabulous doesn’t mean kicking your feet up and ordering drinks from the captain and mate. Being a guest on a friend’s boat is not the same as chartering a crewed boat. They are not staff, they’re your friends, so lend a helping hand. Offer to bring some cold beer and good grub, bring a cool drink to whoever is at the helm, and always, always offer to hang out when the trip is done to clean the boat. Guests who cheerfully work with you as a team are the ones who get asked back again and again. About the Author: Annapolis writer Cindy Wallach has lived aboard for 12 years, currently on a St. Francis 44 catamaran on Back Creek with her husband and five-year-old son. Click to her blog at zachaboard.blogspot.com. spinsheet.com

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Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 45

An Astonishing Array of Beaches: Cruising the Exuma Cays by Eva Hill


ew are the Annapolis cruising sailors who haven’t dreamed of shaking off the shackles of land and taking off to the islands. And few among those sailors haven’t dreamed of the Bahamas’ Exuma Cays as one of their destinations. Unless you’ve been able to commit to a long-term cruise, until recently, a sailing charter has been impossible, as there have been no bareboats in the Exumas (though a costly crewed charter could be arranged). More recently, Florida Yacht Charters based in the Abacos and Navtours in Nassau have

permitted qualified sailors to sail to the Exumas. Because both of those journeys require extra days and good weather, neither of which is necessarily available to those of us who vacation in one-week bites, having cruising friends in the Exumas gave us a chance to sail these magical waters and experience a small taste of the cruising life. Among the Chesapeake escapists in the Bahamas are Skip and Harriet Hardy on their boat Moondance, a Sabre 38 like mine. We flew on American Eagle from Miami,

FL, to Georgetown, Great Exuma, during the last week of March, bringing with us a week of nearly ideal weather, something that had been in short supply during the past chilly and excessively windy season. The Exumas are a chain of nearly 360 mostly tiny cays in the Bahamian archipelago, running roughly north to south, through which the Tropic of Cancer passes. Despite the large number of cays, the population is small and clustered in a handful of towns and settlements, the most populous of which is Georgetown (with


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46 June 2010 SpinSheet


as well as a collection of driftwood artifacts left by visiting boats. Of course, Warderick Wells is but one of the locations where I was awed by the superlative beaches. Other stunning or quirky spots (such as Big Majors Spot, where the famous swimming pigs live) are available to explore throughout the Exumas. While cruise ships might offer

endless food buffets, our cruising experience offered a feast for the eyes, body, and soul of the beach lover. About the Author: Eva Hill is a corporate lawyer at Whiteford, Taylor, and Preston in Baltimore. She and her husband, Rick, sail their Sabre 38 out of Annapolis and escape to tropical anchorages in the offseason. E-mail her at lattitudes@hotmail.com.


location, location, location...



Chesapeake Bay Sailing

Begging for scraps in the Bahamas. Photos by Eva Hill


about 1000 residents). Most necessities can be had in those settlements, but without much variety or quantity. Our cruising plan was to cover as many miles northward (toward the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park) as possible the first few days, and then enjoy a leisurely trip back toward Staniel Cay, from which we’d catch a charter flight to Georgetown. Our first day’s journey of about 40 miles was on the “outside”—the Exuma Sound side east of the cays—but the remaining miles thereafter were covered on the “inside.” Because the more protected “inside”—the Exuma Bank side—is shallow and riddled with the vast sand bores that provide characteristic watercolor swirls, some passages must be made on the less protected but significantly deeper waters of the Exuma Sound. To get back inside, where the anchorages are, requires careful attention to weather and tide, as strong reversing currents flow through most of the cuts. Indeed, weather and sea conditions dictate just about every activity in these small exposed islands; information is available through assorted cruiser nets and paid services. While we had beautiful sunny skies during our entire visit, the winds were significant and not always favorable for the direction we were heading. We had some gorgeous sails, but our first and last days on the boat were spent motoring, pounding into choppy seas. Most places we traveled were very remote, not offering as much as a public toilet or fresh water, much less a beach bar. Although getting staples could be a challenge, our meals were wonderful, combining food brought from the United States with Bahamian treats, such as the famous bread as well as fresh spiny lobster and grouper. The challenges of communication (my Blackberry worked only in Georgetown) could also be viewed as a luxury, as we had no choice but to disconnect for a week. We put more than 80 miles under the keel to get to Warderick Wells, the headquarters of the Exuma Park. Moorings are available there for a mere $15 per night (free if you do a hard day’s volunteer work), in one of the most remarkable anchorages I’ve ever seen. The main basin is extremely shallow water, some of which dries to pink-white sand at low tide, with a deep but narrow J-shaped channel running through it. Warderick Wells and the surrounding cays offer dozens of beaches, each prettier than the next. A hike up Boo Boo Hill affords a view of the surrounding area,


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Eye On the Bay Paradise Found


hile most Bay sailors were shoveling their way out of an obnoxiously harsh winter up here, Eva and Rick Hill were wise beyond their years and skedaddled onto their friends’ boat in Bahamas’ Exuma Cays. Eva says, “Those swimming pigs alone are reason to get to the Exumas! Way better than Disney.” For their story, see page 46. Send your bluewater sailing stories and photos to ruth@spinsheet.com. We love to live vicariously. Photos by Eva Hill

48 June 2010 SpinSheet


Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 49

Modern Sailing Clubs Can Save Sailing by Nicholas Hayes


inding time.” It’s the first answer given by people who would like to learn to sail but don’t, and it’s also the first answer given by people who used to sail but don’t anymore. This week, I’m looking at fresh data; 150 responses from an annual survey of prospects, members, and past members of a not-for-profit sailing club. To the question: “Which factors affected your decision not to sign up (for our sailing club)?” most respond, “I could not find enough time to take advantage of it.” To the question: “What made you stop sailing?” most say, “I am too busy to find time to sail.” Sadly, most people who leave sailing also add, “I don’t sail anymore, but I am still interested.” Perhaps surprisingly, the mean age of people who leave sailing clubs is 34, while the mean age of people still in sailing clubs (including kids) is more than 55. It’s also generally true that if you leave at 34, you don’t come back.

If you read the online discussion forums about my book Saving Sailing, you’ll find lots of chatter about how it’s all about getting kids into lessons. In fact, it’s not about that at all. Youth-only sailing lessons are fine for teaching skills and can pack a kid’s summer time with fun in the sun. But really saving sailing isn’t only about the kids; it’s about their parents. Parents are the people not sailing, precisely because parents are the people with the least time. At best, parents drop off their kids for lessons (as they might drop off kids at soccer). At worst, nobody in a family goes sailing at all.

Now imagine that you’re running a sailing program, perhaps for a club or a community center. What does this mean to you? I am suggesting bold changes. It’s not just about acting “family-friendly.” It’s about reintroducing sailing to the American family in a new and modern way. To do this, clubs and organizations will have to create and share a new vision— that sailing is one among a very few ideal vehicles for active parenting, as important and effective in stimulating quality of life as reading to a toddler or introducing bilingualism early on. To do this, clubs and organizations will reject the notion that

Sailboats for Sale:

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25 Hunter (1977) Good cruiser for the Bay. Average condition. Main, jib, genoa. Honda 8hp OB. $1,900 25 Pacificana (1975) Traditional style sailboat, with long overhangs and low freeboard. O/B. Main and roller furling jib. Fresh bottom paint. Sound boat. Ready to sail., $1,500 25 Whitby (1964) New standing & running rigging, rudder, toe rail, life lines, reinforced stanchions, much more. Fresh bottom paint. $5,000 30 Tartan (1975) Atomic 4. Recent Main & 150 RF Genoa. 135 jib, working jib, and storm jib; 2 spinnakers. Wheel and AP, Dodger, small inflatable dinghy, ground tackle. $8,000 1977 Hunter 30 Cherubini design, keel model, Yanmar diesel, wheel steering, r/f jib. good. $8000

Powerboats for Sale: 24 Limestone (1989) Volvo 270 I/O, 900+ hours. Bertram-style, built by Hinterholer. Express cruiser. $6,500 26 SeaRay (1989) Overniter w/454 ci Mercruiser Bravo rehubbed w/stainless prop, recent risers $6000

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50 June 2010 SpinSheet

(410) 626-0273 crab-sailing.org

For more information on these and other boats call Don Backe, (410) 626-0273. Proceeds from these sales support Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB), a not-for-profit group which provides sailing opportunities for people with disabilities. CRAB accepts boat donations.


“It’s not just about acting ‘family-friendly.’ It’s about reintroducing sailing to the American family in a new and modern way.” sports or outdoor summer activities should separate the generations. They will show instead that sailing is a close-quarters, funpacked, challenging endeavor that everyone in a family can do and enjoy together and that it can create a vast body of fond memories and lessons for living. Research shows that when parents (and other guardians and mentors) are made aware of these truths through clubs and other social networks, they usually find their own ways to recover lost time. When you ask parents, “Would you prefer to drop your child off for lessons or take lessons together?” more than 50 percent choose the latter. (Incidentally, when you ask single parents the same question, more than 70 percent choose together-time.) But to play a part, clubs and programs will have to consider fundamental changes: First and foremost, clubs and centers will need to create offers tailored for intergenerational participation. These may be all-ages training classes, a series of events such as games or fun races, or special clubs within clubs. The challenges of doing this are usually the same: When? Finding the block of time that works best for families is tough. Start with Sunday afternoons. And beyond simple schedules, clubs must face the fact that starting when kids are eight is often too late. Parents need to start the “together time” habit much earlier to have it stick. How? Leaders who can engage people of all ages are rare. Look for creativity, flexibility, and contagious, authentic enthusiasm for all types of sailing over all other attributes. Start with skilled, energetic teachers. Kids often take to sailing more easily: programs need to help parents take to it and keep pace. A new curriculum design is in order. Where? Most families don’t have boats, so sailing clubs should offer shared fleets but insist that the same families volunteer to help with upkeep. Access to water is under attack from all sides: developers, municipalities, and states. Marinas are viewed as profit centers as opposed to parks. When more families enter, it will be harder to take this valuable public resource away. Why? Sailing programs tend to try to compete with other youth-sports activities, such as soccer and hockey. This is a misChesapeake Bay Sailing

take. No grandma is going to play hockey with a granddaughter, but grandmas and granddaughters can sail together. Programs need to show how. Instead of assuming that parents can’t or won’t actively mentor, sailing clubs should provide parents with the tools to engage and teach their kids in their free time and practical ideas for making more of it. If sailing clubs do this, then sailing can play a real role in strengthening the fabric of American society in the 21st century.

About the Author: Concerned about the decline of sailing and other life pastimes, Milwaukee, WI-based sailor Nicholas Hayes wrote Saving Sailing (savingsailing.com). When he’s not sharing his ideas via articles and speaking engagements, Hayes sails with his family on their B-32 Syrena.

Family Fun and Pursuit Start Races ! A Mount Gay Hat Regatta !

Boatyard Regatta & The Battle of the Chesapeake

Saturday, Aug 28 at Eastport Yacht Club Benefits CRAB, a 501C (3) non-profit organization dedicated to making sailing available for people with disabilities

Both Races: 11 am on the Chesapeake Bay south of Bay Bridge. Entry deadline: Aug 20 without a PHRF rating, Aug 24 with a valid PHRF certificate Party: 5–8 pm $5 advance purchase crew tickets, $10 at door. Mt. Gay Hats & Rum! Heineken beer. Food & drink tickets sold at party. Band: Misspent Youth

Regatta rules: www.crab-sailing.org sponsors as of May 10, 2010

Coastal realty

SpinSheet June 2010 51

Broad Bay Sailing Association Presents the Seventhth Annual

Cape Charles Cup Saturday & Sunday, August 14 th & 15 th, 2010

THE Cruising event for serious Racers! THE Racing event for serious Cruisers!

We've grown from 13 boats in 2004 to 88 boats last year!!! Cruising and PHRF Class victors BOTH win a beautiful Weems & Plath Yacht Lamp trophy!

Saturday: Little Creek, VA to Cape Charles, VA Sunday: Cape Charles, VA to Buckroe Beach, VA NEW for 2010 – We’ve added a Cruising Mutihull division!

Entry Fee - $75 if received by July 24, otherwise $95. Includes registration, hat, tee shirt, two Saturday dinner tickets, skipper's bag, and our notorious PARTIES!


Come out to see World Class Match Racing on the Chesapeake Bay!

Photo by Sara Proctor, www.sailfastphoto.com

June 1-5


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2010 Women’s Match Racing Championship • 1

RACE SCHEDULE Don’t miss the opportunity to view the excitement of the 2010 BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup races. The full Race Schedule for competitors, umpires and race committee can be seen on our website www.santamariacup.org

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4:00-5:30 Teams Sail on Severn River 4:00 Watermark Spectator Cruise on Harbor Queen Public Invited with Tickets Details and Tickets: www.watermarktours.com 6:00 Opening Ceremonies at City Dock Public Welcome, No Tickets Required 7:00 Womanship/NSHOF Welcome Reception at History Quest - By Invitation

Wednesday, June 2

8:00 Competitor Briefing 9:00 First Official 2010 SMC Race Round Robin Races All Day

Thursday, June 3

8:00 Competitor Briefing 9:00 First Race of the Day Round Robin Races All Day 7:00 Adopt-A-Team Sponsor Dinner at EYC By Invitation 7:00 Umpire Cookout - Location TBD By Invitation

Friday, June 4 Womanship.com / 800-342-9295

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8:00 Competitor Briefing 9:00 First Race of the Day Round Robin Races and Semi-Final Races All Day 6:30 Women’s International Match Racing Association (WIMRA) Competitor-Umpire Reception at Paca House. Public Invited with Ticket $25

Saturday, June 5


8:00 Competitor Briefing 9:00 First Race of the Day Round Robin Races and Semi-Final Races Are Run until Completed Petit Finals and Finals Approx 7:00 Prizegiving and Closing Ceremonies Buffet Dinner, Drinks and a Band Public Invited with Ticket $30

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Tuesday, June 1st at City Dock at 6:00 p.m. Public Welcome, No Tickets Required

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2 • BoatU.S. 2010 Santa Maria Cup

A Special Supplement to SpinSheet Magazine

Welcome to the 2010 BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup!

© 2007 Lisa Masson Photography


The Eastport Yacht Club sponsors the BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup annually and invites 10 teams of the world’s top-ranked women sailors to this premiere match racing event in Annapolis. 2010 is the 15th year that BoatU.S. has been the proud title sponsor of the Santa Maria Cup and the 14th year that the Eastport Yacht Club and over one hundred volunteers have hosted the event. Women’s keelboat match racing has been designated an Olympic sailing event for the 2012 London Summer Games, and pre-Olympic competition will be keen in this 20th anniversary year of the Santa Maria Cup on Chesapeake Bay. On behalf of both the Eastport Yacht Club and the over 500,000 members of BoatU.S., we extend a warm welcome to the competitors and offer many thanks to the scores of volunteers, the generous sponsors, and the sailing fans who follow the competition. June 1-5 will provide five days of excitement at the mouth of the Severn River. We encourage you to come out and watch the races. If you are onshore, we hope you will learn more about one-on-one match racing and keep up with the near real-time results at www.BoatUSSantaMariaCup.org. Please join us at City Dock on Tuesday, June 1, to welcome these champions to Annapolis at the 6 p.m. Opening Ceremonies of the 2010 BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup. Have fun and good luck to the 40 racers! Sharon Hadsell Commodore Eastport Yacht Club

Nancy Michelman President BoatU.S.

How To Watch Match Racing Watching a match race event on the water is just a little different than watching the America’s Cup on TV from the comfort of your favorite barcalounger. Come on out and watch the BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup! You can check the website to find a diagram of the mouth of the Severn River that shows approximately where the races will be sailed on what days. www.santamariacup.org

Tuesday, June 1 4:00 PM

BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup Spectator Cruise

Tickets and Information www.watermarkcruises.com

When you go out to watch on a boat, here are a few tips: • Sailors – keep your sails down – just use your engine.. The wind shadow of your boat extends a long way! • If a pair of boats is coming at you and you can not get out of the way without getting in the way of one of the boats, put the boat in neutral and put your hands in the air. This signifies to the teams that your boat is stationary; you then become an obstruction under the Racing Rules. (By all means, try not to get in this situation!) • Watch out for the Umpire Boat! Don’t forget there is an Umpire Boat associated with each pair of racers! • Give the rounding marks more room than you might during a regular race; the competitors might not round them immediately! (And don’t forget, they turn right, not left!) • Look at the race course diagram, and please try to stay outside the diamond indicated. • Obey the official boats – if someone asks you to back away or go somewhere different, please just do it without a big argument… • When trailing a pair of boats to watch, keep a sharp eye out all around – there are 6 pairs of boats out racing on the same course! Enough rules - Support the sport – Come out and watch! www.santamariacup.org

2010 Women’s Match Racing Championship • 3


San Francisco, CA St. Francis Yacht Club

Genny is an Elliott 6 women’s match racing skipper for the U.S. Sailing Team Alphagraphics. She finished second in the 2009 BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup and went on to win the 2009 U.S. Women’s Match Racing Championship in St. Thomas (ISV). Genny was named the Female Collegiate Sailor of the Year as a sophomore at Harvard and was a member of the Morning Light team, racing a TP52 in the 2007 Transpac Race about which a Disney movie was made. Demonstrating her diverse sailing skills, in the 2009 Rolex Sydney to Hobart Race, she led the Spencer 65 Ragtime as a watch-captain/helmsman to win their division. Crew: TBA.


Toronto, Canada Royal Canadian Yacht Club Sarah is new to match racing having competed in only seven ISAF events since her first in August of 2008 where she raced Sonars. She began her international racing in 2006 sailing women’s Yngling. To date, the highlight of her short match racing career has been her 2009 win in the RCYC Women’s Invitational Match Race regatta. She and her team have participated in clinics, in a weekly match race series, and at various regattas around the Great Lakes. The 2010 BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup will be Sarah’s first ISAF grade 1 women’s match racing event. Sarah’s crew includes: Jen Aprile, Ali Beck and Caroline Kaars Sijpesteijn.


Cleveland, OH Pymatuning Yacht Club

Maegan began sailing at the age of four in the Optimist Dinghy and sailed a variety of boats as a junior sailor, before finding her way to the Lightning Class around the age of 16. After many successful years fleet racing in a very competitive Lightning Class, including multiple appearances at North American and World Championships, Maegan switched her focus to Match Racing in the fall of 2008. In 2009, the team entered many events, but the team’s best event to date was its March 2010 win at the Sundance Cup in Ft. Worth, TX, and an automatic invitation to the BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup. Her team is TBA.


Nantes, France Sport Nautique de Saint Quay Portrieux

Returning 2009 BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup Champion, Claire Leroy, has an impressive match racing resume, including World Champion in 2007 and 2008, European Champion in 2007, and Champion of the Nations Cup in 2006 and 2009. She was also the 2007 ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year. Listing all of Claire’s match racing wins would exceed this program space but it is impressive to note that Claire first took the #1 ranking in Women’s ISAF World Match Racing in May 2005. She held that ranking continuously until April 7, 2010, an unprecedented run. Claire’s Mermaid team includes: Elodie Bertrand, Marie Riou and Claire Pruvot.


Brasilia, Brazil IATE Clube de Brazilia

Raquel started to sail at the age of 9 on Lake Paranoa in the Optimist Dinghy class and the Europe Dinghy class. At 16 she joined the female crew of Hookipa on a 26-foot boat. In 2006 she and her crew began match racing. In 2009, Raquel became the skipper of the team. In the two ISAF Grade 1 events she entered in 2009, Trentino (ITA) and St Quay Portrieux (FRA), she finished in the top 10. This will be Raquel’s first BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup. Raquel’s crew includes: Mariana Lacerda, Sandra Branchine and Sônia Gargiulo. 4 • BoatU.S. 2010 Santa Maria Cup


Fort Lauderdale, FL North Cape Yacht Club On May 8, Team Tunnicliffe won the XII International Women’s Match Race Criterium in Calpe (ESP) taking her one step closer to the 2012 Olympics in Women’s Match Racing. Anna won the Gold Medal in the 2008 Olympic Games in the Laser Radial and was awarded the 2009 ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the year. In addition to this she was awarded the 2008 and 2009 Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year. The team’s successes include 1st at the 2010 Rolex Miami OCR, 2nd at the 2010 at Semaine Olympique Francaise, 2nd at the 2009 U.S. Women’s Nationals, 2nd at the 2009 Rolex Osprey Cup, and 3rd at the 2009 Skandia Sail for Gold. Anna’s team includes: Molly Vandemoer, Debbie Capozzi and Liz Bower. A Special Supplement to SpinSheet Magazine


FRANCE Equipe de France Militaire de Voile

Anne-Claire began sailing at seven in the Optimist Dingy class. Her first ISAF Class 1 match racing event sailed was in August 2005, and she quickly rose through the ranks. In 2008, Anne-Claire finished second at the BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup and also won the Gay Lynn Memorial Trophy. In the five 2009 Grade 1 match racing events she entered, she won the Syraka Cup in Sicily (ITA), placed second at St. Quay Portrieux (FRA), and sailed to third at Trentino (ITA), Caixanova (ESP), and the Rolex Osprey Cup in St. Petersburg, FL. She has held her #6 world ranking since December. Sailing with Anne-Claire this year are: Alice Ponsar, Myrtille Ponge and Ophélie Théron.

Niteroi, Brazil IATE Clube Brasileiro Juliana is returning to the BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup having graduated this spring and entered the Brazilian Navy. She has been racing since age 4. but began match racing at the end of 2007. In her short match racing career, Juliana has had wins at the 2008 and 2009 Northern Lights Cup in Sheboygan, WI, in the 2009 and 2010 Brazilian Olympic trials, and at the 2009 Sundance Cup in Texas. In 2009, she placed an impressive 6th in the ISAF Nations Cup held in Porte Alegre, Brazil, and went on to win the Ibero-American women’s match racing championship in Valle de Bravo, Mexico. Her 2010 team includes: Gabriela Sá, Adhara Ginaid and Amanda Rodrigues.



Nashotah, WI Pine Lake Yacht Club

St. Quay Portrieux, France

Julie began sailing as a teenager and by the age of 18 began match racing as a tactician with Claire Leroy. In 2003, the team placed third in the women’s match racing World Championships here in Annapolis. In 2007, Julie became the skipper of her own team and then won the French Spring Cup in 2008 and took 5th at the European Championship in St. Quay. Training with Laurent Bregeon, Julie placed in five 2009 ISAF grade 1 or Olympic match racing championships, winning events at Trentino (ITA) and St. Quay Portrieux and taking 3rd at Calpe (ESP), Kiel (GER), and St. Thomas (ISV). She returns to Annapolis for her second BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup championship as one of three French teams with an eye on representing France in the 2012 Olympics. Her crew includes: Pauline Chalaux, Sophie D’Ortoli and Céline Devaux.


Sally grew up in a family that counts five generations of sailors. Winner of the prestigious Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year in 2005 and 2007, Sally was recognized for her “versatility and consistency, both abroad and at home” after winning a string of noteworthy international events — including two world championships — in four different keelboat classes. She was a three-collegiate All American at Old Dominion University and represented the United States in women’s keelboat at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Sally has won the BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup three times – 2004, 2007, 2008. In 2004, Sally also won the Gay Lynn Memorial Trophy awarded to the top finishing skipper in her first BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup. Sally’s team for 2010 includes: Elizabeth Kratzig, Suzy Leech, and TBA

PAST WINNERS 1992 Dawn Riley, USA 1993 Julia Trotman, USA 1994 Karen Johnson, CAN 1995 Jody Swanson, USA 1996 Melissa Purdy, USA www.santamariacup.org

1997 Betsy Alison, USA 1998 Paula Lewin, BER 1999 Dawn Riley, USA 2000 Betsy Alison, USA 2001 Cory Sertl, USA

2002 Marie Bjorling, SWE 2003 Liz Baylis, USA 2004 Sally Barkow, USA 2005 Marie Bjorling, SWE 2006 Katie Spithill, AUS

2007 Sally Barkow, USA 2008 Sally Barkow, USA 2009 Claire Leroy, FR

2010 Women’s Match Racing Championship • 5


Nancy & Phil Maher

Susan & Joe Buckley

Clare Vanderbeek & Jack Morkan

Sue & Peter Gaffney Christy Tinnes

Susan & Al Nahmias

Trudy & Tom Stalder AbbyADOPT—A—TEAM & Rob Ruhlman Bridget & Bob Frymier

PATRONS Mark Duehmig Photography

HOUSING HOSTS for COMPETITORS & UMPIRES Debra Kennedy Laura & David Bentley Carey Kirk & Tom Spiegel Liz & Bobby Childs Sally & Walter Laird Jill & Julian Bigden JoAnn & Pat Lavender Sharon & Jeff Borland HOUSING Sally McGee & Mike Brey Susan & Joe Buckley Marsha & David Malkin Phyllis & Dick Emmett Marsha Marshall & Al Graf David Fogel Alison Porter & Greg Baranco Wynee Hawk Rob Rowlands


Liz Filter, Chair Mark Murphy, PRO Sharon Hadsell, Deputy PRO

Jeanne Michels Anne Borland Meg Moffat Jack Borland STEERING COMMITTEE Jack Morkan Jeff Borland Nancy Mullan Bill “Sparky” Cusack Tom Mullan Kathy Downs Susan Nahmias Catharine Evans Nancy Noyes Bridget Frymier Sandy Grosvenor Tom Stalder Clare Vanderbeek Rick Jackson Mary Vass Nancy Maher Jamey Mangus

Invite You to meet the

2010 BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup Competitors and Umpires

Friday, June 4 6:30 pm www.santamariacup.org

Paca House 186 Prince George Street Annapolis

Tickets $25 per person Drinks & Lite Fare

The Eastport Yacht Club BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup Steering Committee thanks the staff and publisher of

for your hard work and generosity in the production of this program 6 • BoatU.S. 2010 Santa Maria Cup

A Special Supplement to SpinSheet Magazine



at the 2010 Santa Maria Cup!

Annapolis (410) 212-4916 Chesapeake (410) 269-5662 northsails.com

BOATS The BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup features all locally owned J/22s which are rotated among the race teams. For 2010, the boats and their owners are:

S & M

Permanent Custody Trouvere All Tackle 1093 Dark and Stormy Tiger Twisted Sister Silent Harp Commitment Liten Up

Sandy Grosvenor Cheryl Jersey Jim Fay John Meiser Robert Martensson Mia Anderson Tom Donlan Stacy Renauld Andrew Hughes Chris Gaffney Terry Schertz

The BoatU. S. Santa Maria Cup team wishes to thank the following owners who have generously loaned their powerboats for use by the on-water team:

Nancy Adams AYC Junior Fleet Norm Baldwin Susan & Joe Buckley Keith Drewett Don Eames Ursula Kuehn


Liz & Henry Filter Jeffrey Ford Jim Hayes Mike Krissoff Jamey Mangus Virginia Tippe Farrell Jack Fillmore

2010 Women’s Match Racing Championship • 7

One-on-One Racing and One-on-One Service

Photo courtesy of Sara Proctor, Sailfastphotography

These competitors know what it takes to race at the international level: skill, commitment, and the need for an adrenaline rush whether being the first one at the mark or over the finish line. Boat Owners Association of The United States knows what it means to own a boat. With over 500,000 members, we work to make your boating better. Whether its providing a national boating voice on Capitol Hill, giving you the information to make a smart purchase or to help you stay safe on the water,

providing a gentle tug off a shoal, offering marina and shopping discounts as well as boat insurance, we want you to get everything you can out of your sailing lifestyle. As title sponsor of this world-class match racing event, we applaud the competitors and the volunteers of the 2010 BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup. We don’t take their commitment lightly. Whether it’s big boats or one designs, cruisers or racers, or a little trailer boat that’s perfect for taking out the family or friends on warm Saturday afternoons, we want to be there for you, too.

Join BoatU.S. today at a special online rate of only $24 a year! To Join, call 800-395-2628 or log-on to BoatUS.com A Special Supplement to SpinSheet Magazine BoatU.S. has been serving the interests of boaters for more than 40 years.

8 • BoatU.S. 2010 Santa Maria Cup

SpinSheet_4c_9x11.5.indd 1

5/3/10 11:30:42 AM

Cruising Club Notes Well… What Do We Have Here?


verything, but the kitchen sink. To say that June is overflowing with a variety of club events is a humongous understatement. SpinSheet’s head is spinning with all the sailing activities our Bay clubs have planned. From cruising farmers to zigzagging racers, our sailors cover the gleeful gamut of Bay-based fun. Put your feet up and read on. For the Cruising Club Directory and to sign up for updates, visit spinsheet.com. By June 10, send ruth@spinsheet.com your Club Notes and photos, Directory updates, and hot pigs in a blanket. —Ruth Christie


pril 30-May 2 saw nearly 150 hardy sailors from the Kempton YC (KYC) enjoying the 25th running of their “Arrrgh, Arrrgh Regatta” in Rock Hall, Annapolis, and St. Michaels (right). Kempton is a rural, farming community north of Allentown. PA. Twenty-five years ago, several friends discovered that in addition to manure-spreading skills, they shared a fascination with sailboats. They soon formed two groups, found two boats, and declared a race… and an excuse to move the party to the Bay. As the collection of wayward country misfits grew, it began to call itself the Kempton “Yacht” Club in a losing effort to “lipstick the pig.” Their official burgee sports a John Deere Spreader, no doubt to inspire fear, awe, and recoil in the minds of any effete “yachties” who cross tacks with this bunch, or stumble inadvertently into the KYC group enjoying the Bay’s watering spots. It’s a storied and sordid history of guys leaving wives and girlfriends behind to sail, eat, guzzle beer, and compete in an annual regatta. The trophy is a John Deere model fully rigged with two masts and a flying burgee whose crew heft a manure shovel and a case of lager (right). The trophy normally sits in its place of honor on top of the Kempton Hotel bar’s cigarette machine until it goes to the year’s victor. Twenty-four brass plaques at the base honor the captains and crew of previous winning vessels. The annual KYC Regatta takes place each spring on a three-day weekend nearest Cinco de Mayo. KYC has one standing officer, commodore and founder Mike Ondra, plus a few suffering conscripts who inadvertently missed the organization meeting/happy hour and were volunteered to set up logistics. There are no dues, no expenses, no ongoing duties, and none of the hassles of a normal club. A few captains own vessels, but most charter out of Rock Hall or other nearby ports. There’s a lot of tradition to be found in these ports; some of the finest sailors in the world call them home. And, some of the finest manure-spreaders from Pennsylvania like to sail in those waters, too (kab@insaco.com). —by Klaus Burckhardt


Northerners from KYC descend on the Bay.

So Nice of You To Visit

KYC’s trophy. Are wheels in the rule book?

Here’s to a Great Sailing Season


he Chesapeake Bay Triton Fleet (below) brunched at the Riverwatch Restaurant in Baltimore April 18 to finalize the fleet racing schedule, exchange sailing stories, and elect new officers: commodore Matthew Houghton, vice commodores Sara Parkerson and Steve Sinson, secretary/ treasurer Dan Lawrence (cbtf.info). —by Kristin White

What a Great Idea!

n March 27, the Catalina 36 Fleet III on the Chesapeake Bay held its spring meeting at Pirates Cove Restaurant in Galesville, MD. After a scrumptious lunch, members finalized plans for the 2010 raft-up schedule. The first raft-up will be held in the West River on Memorial Day weekend. We also discussed changes made by the Catalina International Association, particularly the recommendation for 36 fleets to seek out and incorporate Catalina 375s into their clubs. Catalina Inc. has discontinued manufacturing the 36, and therefore, to keep our clubs vital and interesting, we are encouraging 375 owners to consider joining Fleet III for fun and fellowship. Bay sailors who are interested in joining our fleet, or would like more information about our club, should visit c36fleet3.com. —by Ann Miller Chesapeake Bay Sailing

Sara Parkerson, Lori Raugh, and Kristin White (L-R) enjoy themselves at the terrific Triton brunch in April.

SpinSheet June 2010 53



Spreading the Joy

Shaping Sailing Friendships

ailors in the Tartan 34 Classic (T34C) Association (right) are dedicated to sharing the joy of owning these great boats. We keep a roster of hulls on the water, and we are actively looking for others missing from our registry. We invite all sailors who admire our classic boat to help us complete our list by contacting Chris Crighton at tca34_treasurer@yahoo.com with information or photos that might lead us to our next discovery. Visit our website at t34classic.org, and give us a big wave when you see us on the water. —by Grace Holt



Breaking the Ice at Quiet Waters?

ailing Chavurah’s Ice Breaker May 1-2 brought two sailboats and one social member in a motorboat to a raft-up in Harness Creek. One of the sailboats picked up members whose boats were not ready for the season at Quiet Waters Park. Cocktails, appetizers, and dinner were shared by all. As the sun set and the park began to close, the motorboat shuttled people back to shore. We dodged Sunday’s sailboat races as we sailed back to our home ports. Memorial Day weekend saw our group meet in St. Michaels and Turkey Point. Fun was had by all. Ten boats will participate in the 15-day Summer Cruise starting the last weekend in June. We will visit many anchorages and marinas between the Magothy River and Havre de Grace, MD. For more information, visit sailingchavurah.com. —by Andrea Landis


Fun and Safe… It’s All Good

uring the Dundalk Sail and Power Squadron’s general membership meeting (GMM) May 19, we learned all about the DSC (digital selective calling) radio. Know that search and rescue authorities no longer continuously monitor the historical distress VHF channel 16. We all benefited from hearing what is needed to improve and simplify an emergency situation. Next up are National Safety Week Shakedown Cruise to the Baltimore Marine Center May 21-23, our GMM June 16 (don’t miss the good food and great camaraderie), and our cookout at the Red Eye YC on Sue Creek June 26. If you have any questions, give us a call at (410) 282-6464, or visit uspsdundalk.org. —by Linda Coleman

54 June 2010 SpinSheet

This lovely T34C, Esmeralda, sails on the Chesapeake skippered by Don Smith with first mate Pat Durkin. Over 500 of these boats were built from 1968 to 1978, and after 40 years of wind and weather, the majority are still sailing. Photo courtesy of Don Smith


niversal Sailing Club members recently held our spring kickoff meeting at the Benjamin Banneker Historical Park and Museum in Baltimore County, which is named after the African-American scientist and engineer whose family home was in the area. We adopted a schedule of activities for the season, including a Memorial Day cruise and one during the last weekend in August to which other boating organizations will be invited to participate. We also heard a report by Donald Lawson, a young member who is entered in the Velux 5 Oceans Race (donaldlawsonracing.com). Several club boats from Baltimore participated in a shakedown cruise to Annapolis and the Severn River the first weekend in May. Our Facebook fan page has drawn dozens of friends from across the nation and a few internationally; it continues to deepen our ties with other sailing organizations elsewhere around the nation to promote the sport of sailing among people of color (universalsailingclub.org). —by Baxter Smith

Good and Plenty with the C20!

hat was the toast at the Chesapeake 20 Association’s spring meeting at the West River Sailing Club to celebrate good racing and plenty of boats. Roast pork tenderloin and eye round, ginger-rice salad, a delicious curry dish, and fresh strawberry and cantaloupe for dessert were served on tables decorated with boxes of Good and Plenty candy! The spring series began May 16. The Galesville Heritage Race will be June 6. On June 18, our “Beer Can” race (westriversc.org) will finish at the bar and barbeque. During

Rock Hall YC’s One-Design Regatta June 10-13, we will race to win back the “Morris Trophy.” The challenge is on! Thanks to our past president, Ted Weihe (below), for his wonderful years of service; his C20 book might be published this year. We welcome Gerhard Klose, Osprey’s new owner. Alex DeTesserieses recently acquired Magic and is replacing the frames and trim work, and Lady Luck (#13) is being restored at a Baltimore trade school (chesapeake20.org). —by Clay Taylor

Congratulations to Ted Weihe (first place) and Bob Blomquist (second place) and crew! Ted (right) receives CBYRA’s High Point trophy from incoming C20 president, Clay Taylor (left) May 7. Photo by Pamela Taylor



A Well-Adjusted Mud Lover?

long with the Chesapeake Bristol Club’s regular schedule of cruises, race director Paul Kavanaugh has planned trophy-laden races for every cruise. The races will count toward the end-of-the-season Broad Arrow Award. We’ll put to good use the excellent sail-trimming advice from Jeff Jordan, codirector of the J/World Annapolis Performance Sailing School, during our Spring Luncheon at Pirates Cove Restaurant in April. For some of us newbie racers, it was an eye-opener to realize just how many things there are to think about beyond just raising the sail. A welladjusted smart pig (cunningham) is one of the many tricks Jeff suggested. The Spring Cruise begins May 31 at the end of our Memorial Day festivities with the Eastport YC and Magothy River SA in Granary Creek. Spring Cruise leaders Val and Jane Taliaferro will head out for 11 days of easy cruising that will include the Choptank Rivers (big and little) as well as stops on the western side of the Bay. Ted and Carol Reinhold will host our end-of-the-cruise party in the Magothy River. Marty and Joyce Suydam and Dick and Anne Segermark will lead our Fireworks Cruise June 30 (cbclub.info). —by Deb Coons

The Crossing


he provisions were purchased and stored; the USCG inspected the vessel for seaworthiness and found all in order; a sail plan was posted in case they were overdue; electronics were checked, batteries charged, the engine tuned, and sails inspected; and passengers, crew, and skipper were manifested and trained for emergencies. At 5 p.m., the lines were slipped, and the vessel departed. At 5:05 p.m., the vessel arrived. It had safely crossed the marina to the dock party (right)! And a great time was had by all (norfolknavalsailing.org)! — by John Peterson of the Norfolk Naval SA


Sweet 16! Norfolk Naval SA’s party rocked the docks this April.

What’s So Great about Bodkin Creek?

n a sunny but blustery May 8, the Chesapeake Corinthian Sailing Club (CCSC) met at Hammock Island Marina on Bodkin Creek for a potluck picnic and to discuss the 2010 cruising schedule (right). Twenty-seven activities and cruises are on our calendar. We will have man-overboard drills at Hammock Island June 6. June 12-13 bring our annual “Best Wine Cruise,” and June 19-20 feature a cruise up Bodkin Creek for a picnic and breakfast at the home of members Robbie and Ed Sabin (tomandadrian90@gmail.com). —by Adrian Flynn

CCSCers party on Bodkin Creek.


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SpinSheet June 2010 55



Windy Spring Fling

April 17, PSA sailors held their first annual “end of winter” sockburn cookout and flea market at Oak Harbor Marina in Pasadena, MD April 17 (L-R): Dick Cusick, Larry Conforti, Mary Cusick, Joan Criscuolo, and Ed Criscuolo.

pril 17 found six boats full of valiant Annapolis Fleet Corinthians and guests kicking off on-the-water events for 2010 by racing a zigging course from Annapolis to Galesville in 20-plus knots of gusting wind from the northwest. When all was settled, Hannah Brown and Julian Bigden took first, Spring Moon and Dick Tudan shined into second, and Scrimshaw and Jerry Cully etched into third. Once ashore, dozens of friends and guests joined the racers via land yachts. In all, 58 Corinthians and guests gathered at Pirates Cove Restaurant for cocktails and to review the day’s experiences, and catch up with friends not seen near a boat since last fall. With the wind still howling, all parties moved indoors for a fine dinner of salad, steak, crab cakes, dessert, and requisite beverages. Our Spring Raft-Up May 8 at Clements Creek on the Severn River brought gale-force winds. Look for the Corinthian flag and join the fun (thecorinthians.org)! —by Tom Berry


Burn, Baby, Burn

embers of the Pearson Sailing Association of the Chesapeake Bay (PSA) (above) will raft up for dinner at the Maryland YC on Memorial Day weekend. Our annual Dun Cove Race will be in conjunction with the Rhode River Boat Club June 19 (cbpsa.org). —by Ed Criscuolo


Ai, Ai, Captain

n May 8, two sailors from the Chesapeake Hobie Island Group hit 14.6 and 15 knots in 15- to 30-knot winds, with gusts over 40! Members also explored the Tridelphia Reservoir near Brookeville, MD May 22. Future meet-ups include the Northern Neck Kayak Festival and Expo June 5 hosted by the Kilmarnock-Irvington-White Stone Rotary Club in Kilmarnock, VA. Activities will include a fishing tournament, a poker run, and a Hobie Adventure Island (AI) Regatta (fleet940.com). —by Glenn Hartwell

NOR: Notice of Rendezvous


he Wauquiez Sailing Club of the Chesapeake will rendezvous at the Annapolis Cove Community Marina July 10. For directions and details, call (410) 263-4060 or e-mail jerudec@aol.com. —by Jerry Dechter

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“Giving-Back” Cruises Catch On

It’s Like Owning a Boat Without the Expen$e


s the brave men and women of our Armed Forces return from foreign lands, we should all seek ways to thank them for their service to our country and our freedom. Since 2008, the Northern Virginia Sail and Power Squadron (NVSPS) has done just that by sponsoring a “Day on the Bay for Wounded Warriors.” Working with the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and friends from local organizations each year, we have hosted groups of veterans and their families for a day cruise and an evening meal. Each event is a moving and emotional experience. The responses of the veterans have been overwhelming. For some, it’s the first time they’ve been able to relax in a while; for others, it’s their first time boating on the Bay. We are planning our third Day on the Bay for later this season. News of our wounded warrior program has traveled through the U.S. Power Squadron District 5, and several squadrons are interested in sponsoring a similar program. We hope that others will find, as we have, that this is a fulfilling and rewarding experience for all involved (nvsps.org). —by Frank Shults


hoy sailors. Dreamt of owning your own boat, but not quite ready to throw money to fill in that hole in the water? We offer the next best thing. The Parklawn SA (below) has been around for 30 plus years. We are a cooperative group of 40-50 sailors, with all levels of experience. We sail a Catalina 34, Hunter 34, and an Express 30, and cruise, train, party, and race as a club. When you are checked out as a skipper, you can take out our boats for your own use at a fraction of the cost of a regular charter (parklawnsailingassociation.org). —by Janet Goldberg and Joyce Kelly

Nine Parklawn SA sailors share one of their party platforms.

Now in our 42nd year! Dear Trav

is and Co lin: We’ve ha d a wond of sailing ...and have er ful summer received complim numerou ents s and the im on the sails, Mac k-Pa proved pe rformance cks, boat. We’ ve done a of th e bit of racin after a cla g and, ssic boat race, one (a sailmak competit er or really impr in Seattle) said he wa essed with our sails... s . (happy Po rt Townse nd custom er)

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SpinSheet June 2010 57



John Brown’s “body” looks for a ride home.


Yes, But Does He Do Windows?

hesapeake Catboat Association sailors will start our early summer cruise May 30, meeting up with hearty souls in White Marsh Creek off the Rhode River and starting our journey home June 5 from our anchorage in Smith Creek off the West River. With short trips up and down the mid-western shore and even some time ashore at Skipper’s Pier for a night to explore and eat out, this cruise will allow us to have some fun just sailing where we want, with good breezes and warmer weather hopefully to come. We

will again have the pleasure of shipping out with “John Brown’s body” (above) and may see him looking for a place to rest his head as he was in the photo. Last year, his skipper on Wanderer headed off to see his daughter graduate from high school. Rest assured, he’ll find a place on something a bit bigger than this, but not by much. We vary in size from 18- to 25-footers, with more than enough room for a Dark’n Stormy (chesapeakecatboats.org). —by Butler Smythe

he Jewish Navy’s summer raft-ups and rendezvous continue. On June 18, we will head for Worton Creek to enjoy an evening with the Chestertown Havurah. Following dinner at a local marina, we will be ferried to a waterfront home to participate in and enjoy a Friday night Oneg. The journey continues the following day as we sail to Swan Creek. Dropping anchor in a pleasant location, we will raft up and as is traditional on Jewish Navy raft-ups, we will swap and share “foreshpiez and “bubbe mansehs.” Our members come from all parts of the Bay. We enjoy a special camaraderie that is peppered with lively discussions. While we recognize that it is easier to get older than it is to get wiser, we will, nevertheless, enjoy all that life offers. For more information about joining in on our fun and frivolity, contact jewishnavy@jewishnavy.org. —by Adiva Sotzsky

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58 June 2010 SpinSheet



Fevers, Sweats, and Tears?

his can’t be good. It has been a long winter down on the Lower Potomac. Record snow fall, low temperatures, and acute cabin fever. However, with the coming of spring, the Barnacle Cup Racers quickly turned their attention to getting their beloved vessels back in order (right). After a lot of sweat, tears, and prayers, everyone was ready to set sail for the first race May 15. Indeed, we have an ambitious race schedule, with racing on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month through October. If you are interested in beer-can-style racing, call Buzz Ballard at (240) 298-1211 or visit barnaclecup.com. The start line is at the “HI” buoy near St. Clement’s Island, usually around noon. See you on the water. —by Shawn Moore


What Were They Thinking?

even captains and crew from Club Beneteau Chesapeake Bay braved gale-force winds to anchor on the Rhode River for the Cinco de Mayo RaftUp. All was calm at the anchorage except for the blender used to make margaritas. We feasted on Mexican meatballs, carnitas, shrimp, veggie skewers, salsa and queso dip and chips, and Coronas, Tecate, and Modelo Beer. After dinner, the guys smoked cigars, while the gals enjoyed chocolate-covered strawberries. The next morning, the West/Rhode Riverkeeper’s Honey Dipper made the rounds. As we departed for home on Sunday, after the water blew out of the Bay, one captain made good use of his Sea Tow card, saying, “Man, am I glad I signed up this year!” At press time, 14 33- to 50-foot Beneteaus are on their BOLD experience: the DelMarVa Circumnavigation, with parties planned in the Sassafras River, at Summit North Marina, in Ocean City, MD, at Little Creek Marina in Norfolk, in the East River and Putin Creek with the Southern Fleet, and Deltaville, VA, for the Annapolis Yacht Sales South Beneteau Rendezvous. We also will raft up June 19 in Galesville for Rhythm on the River (cb2.org). —by Kevin McKibben

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SpinSheet June 2010 59


Come One, Come All


ingles on Sailboats (SOS) hosted their annual Spring Training event at Broad Neck High School March 13, which included four 90-minute classes, with a selection of eight subjects offered during each session. More than 300 members and guests attended. Members gathered at ceremonies in Annapolis and Baltimore to celebrate the official arrival of spring, happily tossing their soiled winter socks upon the fire, with eloquent poems to commemorate the occasion. Dockside Training in late March covered use of flares and fire extinguishers, followed by more seamanship subjects on members’ boats, emphasizing man-overboard drills. SOS conducts a wide variety of cruises, including mid-week and weekend day sails, two- and threeday weekend cruises, and an extended 10-day cruise. We also organize charter cruises in waters all over the world and host social events all winter long. We have over 600 members from the Bay and beyond; about one-third of us own boats, while the rest participate as crew (singlesonsailboats.org). —by Alex Doyle


Back to the Bay

nnapolis Naval Sailing Association (ANSA) sailors have launched the sailing season with nine on-the-water activities up to now, including day sails and training. The First Aid and CPR Class is done, and Senior Crew Training and Navigation Class is underway. As the weather gets warmer, we will have some moonlight cruises and down-the-Bay-and-back training cruises. We welcome experienced sailors and anyone interested in learning to join us for a really good time on the water. Take advantage of the best deal on the Bay by joining us (ansa.org). —by Tom Warrington

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Independence and Slice sail for PBC

Busy as Beavers This Spring


he Merrimac Memorial Regatta May 29 kicked off the 2010 dinghy-racing season for the Portsmouth Boat Club (PBC) (above). Competitors came from all over, with 30-plus boats, including Sunfish, Lasers, Moths, and multi-hulls. Almost every type of dinghy was represented within the five fleets. PBC members kicked off the cruising season with a cruise to Smithfield Station on the Pagan River. Always a fan favorite, Smithfield Station offers plenty of hospitality, not to mention their world famous Sunday brunch. Upcoming races include the Barnacle Regatta Summer Series, as well as the Harborfest Hometowne Regatta June 12. And don’t forget the Cock Island Race and Party June 19. This three-day sailboat race has a great party… Or is it a great party with a sailboat race thrown in? Come on down, and see for yourself (portsmouthboatclub.org). —by Jonathan Romero

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It Must Be a Dickerson Thing


or each of the last 42 years, Bay-built Dickerson sailboat enthusiasts have rendezvoused. This historic Dickerson Owners Association (DOA) event consists of a welcoming reception on Friday, followed by a race and awards dinner on Saturday. This year’s event will be June 18-19 in Oxford. The race is very informal, and handicap ratings are based on a secret formula developed over four decades. Originally, the “woodies” dominated the scene—that’s all there were—but even with the introduction of fiberglass boats into the fleet, the Hazen family (right) still dominated in their 35-foot woodie YNot, winning six times. The winner becomes commodore, is forbidden to race the next year, and is responsible for making ALL arrangements for the rendezvous. Hmmm. Is winning such a great thing? Rain or fog, high winds or dead calm, Dickersons always race to win (dickersonowners.org). —by Joe Slavin and DOA’s Membership Committee


Oooh, La, La! Racy NOODs

he Chesapeake Bay Alberg 30 Association racing fleet fielded seven consistent starters in the NOOD regatta in early May, and defending winner, T. C. Williams, won it again in dominating fashion. Lanny Helms took second, and Jonathan Adams grabbed third. The racers were treated to three wonderful sailing days—clear, sunny, warm, and windy. It was fantastic! We will race in the SCC Ted Osius Memorial Regatta June 5. Ted was a winning Alberg 30 sailor prior to his untimely death, and the fleet gives special tribute to this memorial series. June 10 will find Albergers heading for Toronto, Canada, to race the Canadian sister Alberg fleet for the Syronnelle Trophy. This will be the 46th year this friendly battle has been waged. June 19 will bring the Alberg fleet to Broad Creek off the Magothy River for our annual Children’s Cruise. On June 26, the racers will participate in the Potapskut Sailing Association Overnight Race, while the rest of the fleet will gather at Paula Binder’s home on Spa Creek for the Summer Rendezvous (alberg30. org). —by Rolph Townshend

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SpinSheet June 2010 61


Warning: The Choptank River Breeds Eccentrics


or the results of the Choptank SA’s often quirky Tuesday night racing series, visit choptanksa.info. With “no-crunch starts” and “crew sharing,” everyone is equally challenged, regardless of their boat design, equipment, or level of experience. Best of all, there are never any fees involved for anyone participating in this genuinely competitive venue.


How Fast Are You?

errington Harbour Sailing Association sailors have a busy calendar for cruising, racing, and social activities. Starting with a well-attended April Fools Cruise to Oxford, MD, the cruising schedule kept rolling with several events, including the annual New Member’s Breakfast and Cruise. Wednesday night racing has commenced, with several new boats in the fleet. On June 19, almost a dozen boats will depart Herring Bay on a DelMarVa circumnavigation. Our Summer Barbeque June 26 will double as the Awards Ceremony for the annual Cruiser’s Race. The Cruiser’s Race— our summertime Cruiser/Racer Mixer—is a great opportunity for folks more accustomed to the cruisin’ side of sailin’ to see how fast their boats can move! For more information, visit hhsa.org. —by Joe Laun


Pulling an Overnighter

otapskut SA (PSA) sailors cordially invite you to join us for the annual PSA Overnight Race June 26-27. See the Green Book for the NOR and social activity details. Online registration is available at cbyra.org. If you have questions, contact Larry Morris at (443) 742-9878 or morris.lc@verizon. net., or visit psasailing.com. —by Larry Morris


F16s in Galesville?

ix boats from the Formula 16 Fleet (F16) at the West River Sailing Club (WRSC) competed in the U.S. Nationals April 9-11 in Gulfport, FL (below). WRSC is having an open house June 5, where the F16 Fleet is quickly growing. Kris Hathaway was elected to a two-year term as vice president of the U.S. F16 Class (f16usa.net). —by Kris Hathaway

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62 June 2010 SpinSheet

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This Will Make You Laugh


very time I see a message from the sailing group, I go get a beer before opening and reading! You need beer to deal with these hooligans,” and so it goes for John Baker, Keith Chapman, Mike Faber, Sterling Mehring, Daniel Selden, Pat Stadt, and other members of the West River Catamaran Racing Association (right). When a flurry of virtual discussions lament that during the Skippers Meeting April 20, members had the audacity to discuss racing rules and regulations, scoring, instructions, storm warnings, and unregistered “intruders,” rather than just kicking back with buddies, eating some munchies, and drinking beer, you realize you are witnessing greatness. “Folks were on time. What is the deal with that? Cat sailors are never on time for anything. It was a very strange evening.” To redeem themselves, let’s close with this posting: “For anybody reading this who thinks we have lost our way and become too organized, procedural, and maybe even stuffy, I can only offer this: your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!” To view a recent race start, visit youtube. com/watch?v=QTOrw9hLI3g. Visit wrcra.org, if you dare.


Superb Sailing in Solomons

n addition to regular socials on Friday evenings, and the Commodore’s Potluck Dinner June 17, sailors in the Southern Maryland SA are looking forward to cruises to Herrington Harbour Marina June 5-6, Mill Creek June 12-13, and Hudson Creek June 18-20. The fun also includes Wednesday (big boats) and Thursday (small boats) night racing off Solomons, the Small-boat One-Day Regatta June 12, racing to the Little Choptank June 19, the Buccaneer 18 North American Championships June 20-26, and the Summer Invitational June 27 (smsa.com). —by Sandy Leitner

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Chesapeake Bay Sailing


fter three seasons in the water, this was the year to pull Sparkle Plenty, our 1980 Mariner 36 (NH) sloop for maintenance (above). Over a two-and-a-half-week period, I replaced a couple of thru-hulls; prepped the bottom; applied two coats of ablative paint; compounded the hull; applied two coats of wax; wet sanded, buffed, and waxed the cabin sides; cleaned the shaft and prop; and replaced the zincs. Following launch, I got more than seven knots from the old gal on her clean bottom in a fresh West River breeze. I’m sure this story is being re-enacted up and down the Chesapeake as a rite of spring (marinergroup@gmail. com). —by Tory Salvia of the Mariner Yachts Owner Group

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Liz Elliott, commodore Richard Sanger, and Susan Pontano (L-R) dig into the pile at BCYC’s shrimp boil April 10. Chuck and Lisa Gorum put on a fantastic Low Country Boil for 60 members and guests, with shrimp, sausage, onions, potatoes, trash punch, and dessert. Photo by Otto Hetzel

High Jinx in the Low Country


ine boats from the Back Creek YC (BCYC) rafted up with Bruce and Eleanor Krause at Eagle’s Nest on the Magothy River May 1 to share appetizers and main dishes. During the May 15 New Member Party at Bob and Gail Higginbotham’s house off Whitehall Creek, all enjoyed appetizers, a Blessing of the Fleet, BBQ pork and turkey with great side dishes and desserts, and the Preakness race. May 26 brought members to raft-ups in the Severn to enjoy the Blue Angels. We thoroughly appreciated the hospitality of the Maryland YC during the Memorial Weekend Cruise. June 6 brings our Happy Hour and PreCruise Chat. June 12-20 mark our biggest event of the year: the annual Club Cruise! June 23 features our Mid-Week Bak Yacker’s event (for more, see photo on top right). —by Otto Hetzel

A Red Hot Poker Run


he first of more than 45 events for the Chesapeake Bay division of America’s Boating Club was a poker run co-sponsored by the Colonial and Virginia Beach Squadrons out of Salt Ponds Marina in Hampton, VA, April 17 to support the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Thirty boats visited seven locations to collect a five-card hand. Shannon and Rusty Woods collected first prize (a classic foosball table) in their classic folding boat sporting the loudest five-horsepower Craftsman outboard ever made. Second place won a kayak with all the accessories. Third place went to Mike Randall running a 20-foot center console, winning a Dooney and Burke purse/wallet combo. More than $3000 were raised (uspsd5.org/squadron_map.html). —by Harry (Sut) Anderson

Derby Day Delights


ay 1 brought the Old Point Comfort YC (OPCYC) in Hampton, VA, to its clubhouse for the 136th running of the Kentucky Derby and classic Kentucky dishes, such as burgoo and hot brown sandwiches, along with the customary mint juleps (right). Genuine Kentucky Colonels Rich Payne and Eileen Turner led the traditional singing of “My Old Kentucky Home.” Everyone had a terrific time, whether or not their chosen horse won (opcyc.org). —by Michael Turner


Ladies wore their fancy broad-brimmed hats as required by the lore of OPCYC’s Derby Day.

It’s Kind of a Big Deal

ll Tartan sailors are invited to the 50th Anniversary Celebration for Tartan Yachts on Fourth of July weekend at Port Annapolis Marina co-hosted by Mike Titgemeyer of Tartan/C&C of Annapolis and the Chesapeake Bay Tartan Sailing Club (CBTSC) (below). The festivities will include cocktails and food, boat tours, fun racing and lively music, and fireworks. Tim Jackett will bring updates from Tartan and a sneak peek at the new Tartan 4000. Chuck O’Malley of Doyle Sails will discuss cruising sail features and tips on non-spin performance in racing. Lee Tawney has the latest on the National Sailing Hall of Fame in Annapolis. The pros at Fawcett Boat Supplies will demonstrate important safety gear. Don’t miss this great time! To register, go to the sailing calendar at cbtsc.com. —by Grace Holt and Peter Kreyling

Ah, Spring in Deltaville


pening Day festivities at Stingray Harbour YC found bargains galore, a Blessing of the Fleet, and fried chicken to kick off the sailing season. We hoisted the giant stingray burgee over our very own screwpile lighthouse (right); it’s a replica of the one that once stood 1.5 miles away marking shoals off the Rappahannock River. Now, it welcomes us home from our sailing adventures (stingrayhyc. com). —by Pat Anderson

64 June 2010 SpinSheet

CBTSC toured Hart-Miller Island in April to see how the reconstruction there compares to that on Poplar Island, which they visited last year.

Not every yacht club has its own screwpile lighthouse. Stingray Harbour YC at Stingray Harbour Marina in Deltaville, VA, does. Photo by Roland Anderson




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Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 65

Chesapeake Racing Beat Amazing Racing


Strong One-Design Competition at the Annapolis NOOD Regatta

ou see a lot of big smiles and raccooneye tans in the post-race party tent when spring on the Chesapeake Bay blesses us with three days of (mostly) steady breezes and sunny skies. Such was the case for the annual Sperry Top-Sider Annapolis National Offshore One-Design (NOOD) Regatta April 30 to May 2, contested by more than 1000 sailors from all over the country on 215 one-design boats in 16 competing fleets. After a consistent enough performance to capture victory in the J/80 fleet after only posting one bullet, a Quantum sailmaker from Houston, TX, Terry Flynn and his crew on B-Team, also won the

overall prize and an invitation to the NOOD Championship Regatta in the British Virgin Islands in November. J/80, J/80, J/80—you can’t escape hearing about this thriving class as sailors accelerate toward their World Championships in Newport, RI, October 3 to 8. Flynn’s win in the fleet at the Annapolis NOOD was especially impressive, as the 36-boat fleet was the largest and most competitive of the regatta, and his crew had not sailed together before. Flynn told Sailing World that he attributes the win to good starts and a crew communication plan for everyone to give open feedback on tactics, not just the designated tactician.

The Bay contingent among J/80 competitors finished quite well in such a sizable fleet, with last year’s Eastportbased winners, Chris Johnson and crew on Dragonfly, finishing sixth. John White and crew took seventh, while class association president Kristen Robinson, her husband Brian (skipper), and the Angry Chameleon team placed eighth. In another big fleet comprised of 28 competitors, hometown sailor Pete McChesney and crew on The Mystery Machine snagged their first NOOD win in the J/105. McChesney and crew felt rusty during their first Wednesday night

Get that bowsprit outa here! The J/80s in action at the 2010 Sperry Top-Sider Annapolis NOOD Regatta April 30 - May 2. Photo by Sara Proctor/www.sailfastphoto.com

66 June 2010 SpinSheet


race and launched early on the first day of the regatta to smooth out the kinks. “Competition in the J/105 fleet is always good,” he says, and the overall regatta was “a ton of fun.” Canadian sailor James Rathbun on Hey Jude scored second, and local competitors Jim Konigsberg and team on Inigo finished in third place. Annapolis sailors Greg Fisher on What Kinda Gone and Jeff Todd on Hot Toddy traded places a few times at the top of the 24-boat J/22 fleet, with Fisher triumphant at the end and Todd pushed back to second place for the second year in a row. Noting the special camaraderie among J/22 sailors, Fisher says, “Although our fleet was a bit smaller than in years past, the caliber of talent was still huge… Only 14 points separated the top four boats. Frankly, it was so close any one of the three of us could have won.” About the tricky Chesapeake conditions, Fisher says, “The shifty, often lopsided breezes made it difficult to figure out any consistency in the wind. The light winds plus lumpy seas placed a huge emphasis on constant gear changing. Just for added excitement, the freighters at the top end of the beats deflected the wind just as we made our final approach to the weather mark. It was a challenge!” Fisher’s wife JoAnn worked the bow and Jeff Eiber, with whom Fisher sailed for 28 years, trimmed jib and spinnaker., with Leslie Cook and Stef Schwenk rounding out the crew. That the crew has been together for a long time enables them to focus on “the strategic and tactical game” rather than each others’ jobs. Tony Parker captured top honors in the J/24 fleet on Bangor Packet, with Paul Van Ravensway on Millenium Falcon in second and Tim Healy (Newport, RI) in third. Parker noted how the starts were critical, especially since the lines were not quite square, giving racers a slimmer margin of opportunity to nail them. The races in which his team did not start well did not end well. The six good starts made up for them in the end. He says, “It was a wonderful way to spend a weekend on the water doing what we love best.” Although he posted two bullets and a couple of seconds, Annapolis sailor Allan Terhune was fought back to second place by the Etchells fleet winner Hank Lammens on Cruel Jane from the Royal Nova Scotia YS. Annapolis sailor Gary Jobson, who posted three firsts, took third on Whirlwind. T. C. Williams and crew on the Alberg 30 Argo clinched top honors in the fleet, nailing four firsts and two seconds in eight races overall. Lanny Helms from the Potapskut SA and his crew on Windswept placed second, with Tim Williams from Severn SA and his crew on LinGin in third place. Jimmy Praley and his uncle, Mike Praley, dominated the Cal 25 fleet on Upchuck posting five bullets in eight races. David Hoyt took second on Zephyr, and Erik and Marty Lostrom on Krigare, third. Mike Praley notes, “In the first two races it took a while to find the groove for boat speed… We adjusted to the changing conditions and called breeze well and worked together when things were not going our way. No yelling. No implosion. On our boat when things go wrong, there is a silence that can be Chesapeake Bay Sailing

Larry Christie and the Big Kahuna team took second in the J/30 fleet, while Bob Rutsch and Mike Costello captured first on Bebop. Photo by Dan Phelps/ SpinSheet

SpinSheet June 2010 67

Week, Bob Fleck (Hardyville, VA) and crew on the S2 7.9 Horizon locked up top honors in the fleet. The team posted nothing south of a second until the fifth-place score in the final race, which didn’t hurt them one bit, as they still had seven points on second-place finisher, John Spierling’s Rebel (Ontario, Canada). Bob Rutsch and Mike Costello captured first in the J/30 fleet on Bebop. Larry Christy and the Big Kahuna crew placed second, and Ron Anderson’s Insatiable team, third. Rutsch commented on the “great sportsmanship” shown by Bob Putnam’s A Better Mousetrap team, who had been leading the fleet the first two days. The team changed mainsails on Saturday, and after realizing that they had violated the rules in error, retired from the day’s three races. He noted the great race committee work by Eastport YC (EYC) and says, “The NOOD did something I wish Annapolis Race Week would do as well—wrap racing up early on the final day and hand the awards out between 4 and 5 p.m.” After winning three of eight races, Henry Filter was pushed back to second by

scary.” Praley commended the Alberg and Catalina fleets for being respectful of the Cal 25 starts and hoped they had done the same. John Anderson and the Swell crew topped the Catalina 27 fleet by scoring six first-place finishes in eight races, followed by the Tom/John Walsh/Potvin syndicate on SLAM Duck and Jim Urban on Catawampus in second and third, respectively. Anderson says, “Even though the Catalina 27 fleet only had six boats racing, the competition level was very high, and poor starts or choosing the wrong side of the course were unrecoverable.” He tells the story of a close port/starboard situation, “Swell sail trimmer, Robert Gorey, saved the day and the regatta when he yelled for Snagglepuss to bear off, which they did (as did I) resulting in boats missing each other literally by about one inch. And as they say, an inch is as good as a mile.” Anderson noted the “outstanding” race committee work, even though there was no time to eat lunch, which he figures is a small price to pay for “three great days of racing.” Fresh off a win at Charleston Race

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only two points in the Melges 24 fleet on Wild Child. Adam and Lori Burns (North Tonawanda, NY) and their Presto team won the class. West River sailors topped the standings in the Beneteau 36.7 fleet with Peter Firey and the Pegasus crew in first and Art Silcox’s KA’IO team in second. Annapolis sailor Jim Kershaw and his Team Aegis crew placed third. The Farr 30s were dominated by the father-son team of Nick and Bodo von der Wense (Chester River Y&CC) on Turbo Duck, who beat the second place boat by 10 points. Rod Jabin’s Ramrod crew won five races and took first overall in the Farr 40 fleet, trailed by only two points by secondplace finisher Erik Wulff and his team on Endorphin. The Ostberg/Olds/Daily syndicate on Tsunami placed third. As they did at last year’s NOOD Regatta, Bill Sweetser’s J/109 Rush crew topped the fleet, with Rick Lyall’s Storm (Wilton, CT) and Stephen McManus Saykadoo (Annapolis YC) in second and third. Sweetser says, “The competition was great. The top two boats battled it out the whole regatta (one was the reigning North


R 2 010

Friday, June 11, 2010

First Gun at 1 p.m. 12:00 noon – Watch the pre-race Boat Parade from City Dock as racers go to the starting line. The start will be in the Severn River. Come watch and send them down the Bay in style!

Thursday evening, June 10, 5-10 p.m.

Spring Cotillion at EYC - $5 in advance; $10 at the door A block party for the public! Introduction of BOR crews! Awards to our Marine Wizards! Music by the Tiki Barbarians & the Sunny Isle Blues Band Bermuda Ocean Race Gear for sale Watch the boats all the way to Bermuda on iBoat! Go to www.bermudaoceanrace.com


Scott Steele is offering help for your program Sailors and Cruisers alike, (from 8 yrs to 80 yrs) Scott grew up sailing on the Chesapeake and brings a wide range of over 40 years of experience to his customers. As the first All American sailior at St. Mary’s College, Scott was inducted into Hall of Fame member at SMC, inducted into the Anne Arundel County Hall of Fame as well as the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame, Scott has been recognized for his efforts and is now ready to assist you! Scott has not only competed successfully at the Olympic Games, but has also coached Olympic Medalist in the Olympics and coached top ranked Collegiate and High School Sailing programs. Scott can bring value to whatever your program needs are, and if interested can outfit your boat- from Opti to Maxi sails, covers, accessories and more, Scott is ready for a free evaluation of your boat, your sails and your overall program needs! Personal youth seminar and sailing camps information also available. Call or email today to set up a time and lift your sailing to new heights!

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68 June 2010 SpinSheet

Scott Steele - Hyde Sails USA e:scott@hydesailsusa.com w:www.hydesails.com/northamerica t:443-255-6797


American Champion). This was the J/109 Mid-Atlantic Championship and a mandatory qualifier for the J/109 Class Association East Coast Regatta Series Trophy. From the point scores of the other J/109s, you can see they had plenty of competition.” Chuck Kohlerman (Havre de Grace YC) and his Medicine Man team scored second in the J/35 fleet, with Bill Wildner’s Mr. Bill’s Wild Ride (Chesterfield, MI) in first. James Sagerholm and Jerry Christofel’s Aunt Jean placed third. Kohlerman noted that he knew Wildner’s team was a force to be reckoned with. Kohlerman’s team benefited from his winter Star racing in Miami and had not as many kinks to work through as most teams. Many of the competitors interviewed echo Praley’s comments when he says, “I would like to thank the race committee for their time and effort as well as all of the volunteers and staff who make this event possible.” Fisher says, “I am convinced that [race committee members] work three times as hard as the competitors continually maintaining the course set and the line square.” Excellent race committee work by Annapolis YC, EYC, and Severn SA volunteers, sunny weather, and re-connecting with fellow sailors—what great ways to launch the season. Find results at sailingworld.com.

Bob Rutsch and Mike Costello’s Bebop team clinched first in the J/30 fleet. Photo by Dan Phelps/SpinSheet

Nilsen Insurance Congratulates all the Annapolis NOOD Competitors These boats made sure they had Allstate insurance before they left the dock... Beneteau 36.7 ...2nd place........"KA’IO" ...................... Art Silcox ...........................4th place........."Jubilee" .................... Keith Mayes Catalina 27.........3rd place ........“Catawampus” ........... Jim Urban J/35 ....................5th place.........”Bump in the Night" ... Maurey Niebur Cal 25.................6th place........."White Cap"............... Tim Bloomfield J/30 ....................6th place........."Bump..." ................... Pam Morris J/80 ....................19th place.......“White Lightnin” ......... Vince Kalish J/105 ..................5th place........."Jester"...................... Hugh Bethel Cal 25.................3rd place ........"White Cap"............... Tim Bloomfield

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SpinSheet June 2010 69

Lessons from the Race Course

by Paul Murphy


n response to reader requests for specific ideas on sailing in various conditions in specific areas of the Bay, we’ve asked longtime Annapolis sailor Paul Murphy to provide us some feedback from the race course at the Annapolis NOOD Regatta…

Racing Between R2 and Tolly Point in a Mild Southeast Seabreeze


et’s focus on how to unravel or at least manage racing in conditions we often encounter: the mild five- to 12-knot southeast seabreeze. This article is not about how to win; it is about increasing your success ratio on sailing the first beat to rounding the leeward gate. Sailing in any mild seabreeze is challenging due to oscillating shifts and their fields of pressure inside of a filling breeze. The Chesapeake Bay makes it more of a challenge because of our tides. The three-day NOOD was sailed in a “slack and going ebb” situation. (Sunday’s race was the only unstable one, so I’ll focus on Friday and Saturday.) The top boats did a good job of balancing going right early in the ebb (to catch the building southbound tide) and later in the day, once the ebb filled across the course, of going left, for more breeze and stronger current on the beats. Sailing in eight knots instead of seven makes a big difference. In the early part of Friday and Saturday Jack Biddle on the J/105 Rum Puppy, being the good venture capitalist that he is, successfully bought in early, hitting the right hard. Biddle felt he was catching more southbound tide and found a tick more breeze near the right lay-line. At first glance this contradicts my “more breeze on the left,” but what it really says is, “in light air, avoid the middle” or “win your side.” Peter and Margaret McChesney also had success on the right, several times ducking boats on port simply to clear their air. They then had about eight minutes to find a good righty, tack and they were solidly in the top five.

70 June 2010 SpinSheet

Why and When the Right Is Favored


hree things to remember: first, the current changes first near shore. Next, it’s true that the majority of the fleet is pinching to hold a lane, so make a quick tack onto port for clear air. Third, you might find a right shift—the closer to shore, the more likely. Think of current lines as mini time zones. You can be separated by distance and yet have the same water (or time). On a typical day there may be two or three significant current lines within our laylines. In a mild current, each line could be a tenth to a quarter knot difference Most of our southerlies are less than 12 knots, so it’s easy to see the upwelling that develops along current lines. These boundary layers meander north to south, and you’ll see sea grass, trash, feeding birds, and fishing boats. When it is windy, it’s more difficult to detect current differences. Once you cross into the favorable sector (left or right), it’s an interesting game in keeping clear air/lane and not being tacked on. If you’re not in the top four boats, then maybe “going against the grain,” but staying in the current band can create nice weather mark opportunities. ••Sail to weather shores, sail away from leeward shores. ••Tides tend to first switch in shallower water; run longer in the deeper water ••Sail fast, give it time, and if you’re lucky, you’ll find a nice header/puff so you can tack and cross most of the pack.



ven though the water was ebbing, the east side of the course (starboard gybe) solidly paid off. I estimate that for 11 of the 14 runs on Friday and Saturday, it paid to stay on starboard until within two to four minutes of port lay-line. The reason the east generally pays is that there is less wind as we sail toward Annapolis. Staying on starboard gybe keeps us in that extra knot or two of breeze. While it may be a bit nerve-wracking to dig into a corner, those who gybed to port were “losing mainsail” (not progressing as quickly toward the mark). The overly organized crews use a hand-bearing compass to determine how close they are to the lay-line. There is a simpler way: if you’re sailing at the proper wind angle (best indicated by proper spinsheet pressure), your gybe angle is where the tail of your masthead fly is pointed.


Leeward Gates

enerally digging so deep into a corner limits your options, but if it’s later in the ebb, it’s not windy, and you feel the east side is favored, then it’s important to round the east gate. On the second beat, you’re headed to the favored side, without needing to tack, and you’re avoiding the choppy water/air in the center of the course. In a mild seabreeze, if you can get around the favored leeward gate in good shape, the remainder of the race shouldn’t be too difficult. Find more of Paul’s race tips in summer issues of SpinSheet. paul@annapolisinsuranceadvisors.com.


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Young Rock Stars


Chesapeake Bay Youth and Collegiate Sailing

hey start at a young age here on the Chesapeake. Check out the waterfront near any yacht or sailing club on a weekday after school ends, and you’ll see kids heading out in Optimists, Bugs, Sunfish, and a wide array of kid-friendly dinghies. True—some of these kids may never race again after their initiation as six-yearolds, but the ones who do tend to get serious, making the Bay a breeding ground for young sailing talent. In June, we celebrate young sailors with this special feature. Stay tuned to summer issues of SpinSheet for followup photos and recaps of the events you read about on these pages…


ODU Monarchs have won a dozen national championships as well and churned out world-class sailors, such as Annapolis pro Terry Hutchinson, former Rolex Yachtsman of the Year, and Anna Tunnicliffe, Olympic gold medalist and two-time Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year. St. Mary’s Seahawks sailors Michael Menninger ‘11 (Newport Beach, CA) and Kelly Wilbur ‘10 (Ipswich, MA). Photo courtesy of St. Mary’s College of Maryland

The College Sailing Scene

ot only do we churn out top-notch racing sailors on the Chesapeake, but we also attract young racers from all over the country to our many colleges and universities with competitive racing programs. Among them are: St. Mary’s College of Maryland, U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), Old Dominion University (ODU), Georgetown University, George Washington University, University of Maryland, Washington College, and Hampton University. The St. Mary’s Seahawks, who hail from a state school with only 2000 students, have won 14 national championships, including the 2009 Intercollegiate College Sailing Association (ICSA) Coed National Dinghy Championships. The 72 June 2010 SpinSheet

Following a strong performance in 2009, the Georgetown Hoyas were victorious in late February at the College of Charleston Spring Intersectional, where the team captured first of 18 teams—even though record snowfalls hindered opportunities to practice beforehand. The most comprehensive place to find current rankings and regatta results is the ICSA website collegesailing.org. SpinSheet staffer Amy Gross-Kehoe has been on the executive committee of ICSA for five years and involved in college sailing for nearly 20 years. In her experience, rankings are rarely good indicators

The Seahawks battle downwind south of Church Point on the St. Mary’s River. Photo courtesy of St. Mary’s College of Maryland

of which teams will win the national titles in the three divisions: coed dinghy racing, women’s racing, and team racing. “Schools such as USNA, Georgetown, St. Mary’s, or ODU have such discipline in their programs, they can pull wins out of their hats. Even if they’re not favorites right now, don’t discount them.” Adam Werblow, a St. Mary’s sailing coach for 25 years and currently the waterfront director, says that many students come from all over to go to St. Mary’s. “It’s a neat place to go to school,” he says. “Sailing is like a cherry on top. It is a place where students can pursue a sailing dream, but it’s not the only reason to go to school here.” Werblow explains how there is a cap on the number of hours students spend on the team. As a rule, during the season, they practice Monday through Thursday in the afternoons on the St. Mary’s River. They work out two days a week, travel to regattas on weekends, and if the regattas entail extended travel time, such as those in New York or Charleston, SC, sailors take Monday practice off. The big event college sailors have on their agendas is the ICSA College National Championship Regatta May 26 through June 3 in Madison, WI. Footage from the women’s and team racing events will be posted on sailgroove.org, and Gary Jobson will cover coed dinghy racing on ESPNU (to air later). Live results will be posted at collegesailing.org. spinsheet.com

High School Sailing


It’s On, Baby!

hat’s going full speed ahead like a 40-knot gust? High school sailing, that is. We’ve got news of exciting local regattas and national events as well as cool educational opportunities. Thanks to contributions from David Houck (CBYRA) and AYC’s Tarry Lomax, Adrienne

Patterson, and Jay Kehoe. Parents and junior sailors: we want your on-the-water news and high-resolution photos. Shoot them to ruth@spinsheet.com each month. Bonus points if you name names.

Photo by Sam Wheeler.

Gunston’s Women’s High School Regatta

The Results Are In

To help build women’s sailing, Gunston Day School in Centreville, MD, hosted a girlsonly event at its waterfront on the Corsica River. The one-day event came the morning after proms and other regattas but filled nearly to capacity with seven teams. Eight teams had registered, but illness forced Bishop O’Connell and Sidwell Friends to combine at the last minute. May 2 was a beautiful day for sailing, with sun and southeasterly Bay breezes. The breeze manifested as both southwest and southeast along the Corsica River in front of Gunston’s campus. The fleet hit the water to compete in the shifty, puffy three- to 10-knot breezes. All teams competed in both A and B Divisions comprised completely of women. Competition was tight, with lead changes and tight mark roundings in both divisions. Fourteen races were held, seven in each division. Heads-up, smart sailing ruled the day. Archbishop Spalding’s Megan Yeigh, Rebecca Mount, Katie Scheidt and Channing Cook—who often sail against coed varsity fleets—dominated the day and led their team to victory. Gunston’s girls were second overall, followed by the O’Connell/

Rank School 1 Archbishop Spalding 2 Gunston Day School 3 Bishop O’Connell/Sidwell Friends 4 Severn School 5 Key School 6 National Cathedral School 7 Broadneck High School


by Amy Gross-Kehoe

wenty-two active high school sailing teams are in the Central League of the Middle Atlantic Scholastic Sailing Association (MASSA). The Central League covers most of the Chesapeake Bay from Baltimore County to St. Mary’s City and the DelMarVa Peninsula (severnsailing.org/ juniors/centralleague.htm). At any league event, almost half the participants are young women, suited up and ready for wet and wild competition in small dinghies. This might seem a stretch, when, in regular junior sailing, we see slightly fewer girls than boys continuing past their early teens. However, the ease of participation in school sailing and the fortuitous nature of competing with a boat weighing under 280 pounds make it advantageous to have young ladies on one’s team. Many girls come back to sailing in high school because of the competition, camaraderie, and for some, the opportunity to compete with and against boys on a somewhat level playing field. Chesapeake Bay Sailing

A 14 26 23 27 25 42 39

B Total 11 25 11 37 28 51 34 61 39 64 35 77 38 77

Sidwell Friends team. Fully in support of the event, Gunston’s male sailors provided race committee support, and Gunston parents cooked up a delicious spread of food for all the sailors and spectators!


Hot Opti Team Trials

.S. Optimist Dinghy Association’s (USODA) Team Trials Regatta for 2010 National and International teams ended May 2 on Galveston Bay near Houston, TX. The 185 competitors qualified to sail at the team trials through their finishes at regional and national regattas around the country. The team trials are the qualifier for the 2010 National Team and U.S. teams that are sent to various international regattas. Thanks to the host, the Texas Corinthian YC, and congrats to all CBYRA sailors who competed! This year, AYC’s Opti training team included 20 sailors from the club as well as Severn SA and Tred Avon YC. AYC sailors who qualified for this event were Sarah Alexander, Charlie Lomax, Hannah Polster, Kyle Schwitzer, Kyle Comerford, and Carolyn Corbet. Practices were great opportunities for sailors to get exposure to large fleet starts before the big event in conditions similar to those that graced the regatta: 10 to 20 knots with steep, short chop. Thirteen 50-minute races were held. Congrats to Comerford who received the prestigious Sportsmanship Award during the regatta. Congrats, too, to SpinSheet June 2010 73

Lomax who sailed to 19th place and to Maeve White from Severna Park for a 21st-place finish; both earned slots on the U.S. Team at the Opti North American Championships beginning June 26.


Junior Olympics Ramp Up

he Rock Hall YC is gearing up to welcome sailors in the 2010 Junior Olympics July 9-11 for Opti, Radial, C420, Hobie 16, and windsurfer classes. To find the NOR, lodging options, and online registration, click on rockhallyachtclub.org/jo.

AYC’s team and coaches on the lawn at the Texas Corinthian YC, looking out at Galveston Bay during USODA Team Trials this May (L-R): Kyle Comerford, coach Adrienne Patterson, Sarah Alexander, Hannah Polster, Carolyn Corbet, Charlie Lomax, Kyle Schwitzer, and coach Brian Kamilar. Photo courtesy of AYC


Colossal CBYRA Juniors

avid Houck is CBYRA’s new 2010 Junior Division Chair. The Labor Day Clinic and Regatta is now open to registration at tunnicliffeconsulting.com/ labor_day_clinic_2010. Also check out cbyrajuniorsailing.org and facebook.com/ cbyrajuniorsailing.

Topaz Fun Fest!


his summer, seven sailing programs from the Chesapeake region will be chosen for a Topaz Fun Fest Week. topazsailing.com


Midget Eliminations

evern SA’s annual Sandy MacVickar Regatta July 8 will serve as the CBYRA Eliminations for the 2010 Middle Atlantic Midget Championships July 27 at Devon YC in Amagansett, NY. cbyrajuniorsailing.org


Cool Runnings

YC hosted its first March clinic/regatta March 6-7 for Optis and Laser Radials. The clinic ran in 10 to 15 knots of breeze, with a series of drills, starts, boat speed and boat handling exercises,









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followed by a classroom session. The regatta took place on Sunday with perfect sailing conditions. Five races were run in lighter breezes from the north and then southwest. Alexander Hanna (HYC) dominated the Opti class winning every race, with Graeme Alderman (FBYC) in second and Will Whitmore (NYCC) in third. In the Laser Radial class, Ben Buhl (FBYC) finished in first place, with Jeremy Herrin (FBYC) in second, and Jake Spracher (HYC) in third. A

special thanks to coaches David Tunnicliffe and John Shockey, who made the event possible.


Campy Happenings

n addition to individual sailing lessons, club racing, and more, the North East River YC offers nine sessions of a popular Learn To Sail camp, beginning June 14. Don’t miss out on all the Laser, Opti, and Sunfish fun; register at neryc.com now.


Calling All Coaches and Instructors

nnapolis YC is hosting the second annual CBYRA AllInstructor Clinic June 16 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Experts, Olympians, world champions, coaches, and pro sailors make up the impressive roster of speakers who will lead more than 12 workshops during the day. Instructors from all Bay clubs teaching all levels of sailing are welcome to attend. Instructors may choose from learn-to-sail or racing oriented workshops. The clinic will also include tips for managing discipline and even dealing with parents. CBYRA Junior Chair David Houck will be there to give an update on CBYRA’s Summer Events. Fifty bucks gets you in and covers lunch and handouts. To register, contact Dan Ryan at dryan@annapolisyc.org.

Taylor Michie, Author and Sailor


s a busy student, athlete, and author, Taylor Michie has had an exciting freshman year at Archbishop Spalding High School (ASHS), where he was a member of the sailing team while also writing his second book. Last year as an eighth grade student at St. Mary’s Elementary School, he wrote his first novel, Racing Winds, a short mystery involving Volvo Ocean Race (VOR) organizers and sailors. Taylor started the book as a writing assignment for school, but it quickly took on a life of its own, with teachers and family members helping to proofread and edit. Racing Winds, an historical novel geared to adolescent readers, was published in 2008. Taylor was inspired to write the class assignment after witnessing the Baltimore-Annapolis Stopover of the 200506 VOR. When the VOR returned to the United States in 2008-09, Taylor was invited to be a guest in Boston and attend the in-port race and awards ceremony, among other events. Taylor’s story has been documented in the Annapolis Capital and Soundings Magazine and on the VOR official website, including an interview with Chesapeake Bay Sailing

by Beth Crabtree

up to bigger boats, and his latest move was to a J/105 from SSA in conjunction with J/ World. All of us who love to be out on the water can relate when Taylor says, “Sailing is an amazing feeling, whenever you do it or wherever you do it.” Taylor is currently working on his second book, White Caps, which also involves sailors and is due to come out August 15. He lives in Annapolis with his parents and younger brother. As you might have guessed, Taylor is very aware of the bigger world beyond his high school and home town. This environmentally conscientious teenager is raising money for clean drinking water in developing countries, and for each book he sells, a tree is planted. When he is not sailing or writing, Taylor plays for Spalding’s golf team, and he also enjoys swimming, jogging, and reading. He has recently Puma Ocean Racing skipper Ken Read, been asked to write for Eye on Bay author Taylor Michie, and Puma crew Annapolis, a local blog, so look Rob Salthouse last May in Boston at the VOR stopover. for him there or follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/racingwinds. Learn more about Taylor and his in the area. Taylor started out books and charity work at racingwinds.com. in Rainbows at Annapolis Sailing School And of course, look for him in Miami, the and quickly moved to Barnetts. From U.S. Stopover port for the 2011-12 VOR there, he went on to Optis at Annapolis in May 2012. YC. To prepare for high school sailing, About the Author: SpinSheet’s part-time Taylor moved on to Severn SA (SSA) to editor, Beth Crabtree, sails on the Severn learn the Club 420, which he sailed last River with her husband and five kids. fall at ASHS. Taylor continues to move

Taylor and a piece written by him. Although Taylor does not come from a sailing family, his parents, Ward and Gina Michie, have been very supportive. After the family moved to Annapolis from Charlotte, NC, they encouraged him to take advantage of the many sailing venues

SpinSheet June 2010 75

BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup: Great for Spectators


by Nancy Noyes

or a sneak preview of the 2012 London Olympics, the best spectator opportunity around will be the 20th annual BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup Regatta, June 2 through 5 out of Eastport YC (EYC). The prestigious international grade one event annually pits 10 of the world’s top female match-racing teams in a four-day battle through a heated double round-robin series before the top four emerge to sail the finals and petit-finals. This year, with the addition of women’s match racing to Olympic sailing for the 2012 games, the match-ups undoubtedly will feature contests similar to those which will evolve two years hence. Rapidly growing worldwide, especially among female sailors, the sport of match racing probably was once most familiar to U.S. audiences in the America’s Cup. In this event, however, the crews are all teams of four women, and the boats are J/22s. This enhances the spectator experience, as the courses are short and easily viewed from a single vantage point on the water. Since the boats are all closely matched, races are won or lost based on sailing skill, tactics, and finesse, with finishes often just seconds apart. The international skippers include France’s Claire Leroy, on a quest to regain the top world ranking in women’s match racing she just lost but held since 2007. Claire is the defending BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup champion and two-time match racing World Champion. Of her countrywomen, Anne-Claire Le Berre is ranked sixth in the world, and Julie Bossard is ranked eighth. From Brazil come skippers Juliana Senfft, ranked 17th, and Raquelhora Aimone, ranked 72nd, while Sarah Bury from Canada, ranked 68th, completes the non-U.S. contingent. Their American counterparts are among this country’s most elite sailors as well. Beijing 2008 Olympic gold medalist Anna

76 June 2010 SpinSheet

Tunnicliffe, ranked fourth and named 2009 Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year as well as Rolex World Sailor of the Year, tops the list and will sail with members of her current U.S. Sailing Team AlphaGraphics. Also competing will be three-time collegiate All-American Genny Tulloch, another U.S. Sailing Team AlphaGraphics skipper who was picked in 2007 as a member of the Morning Light team, the basis for the Disney documentary feature film, as the only female to make the 11-person race crew and compete in the legendary Transpac Race. Relatively new to match racing, Tulloch already is ranked 13th in the world. These two U.S. sailing stars are joined by Olympian Sally Barkow, Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year for 2005 and 2007 and winner of the 2004, 2007, and 2008 BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup regattas, who currently is ranked 10th, and local favorite Maegan Ruhlman, ranked 50th, who earned her invitation to this regatta with a win in the 2010 Sundance Cup earlier this year in Texas. The pairs of boats go off in closely spaced flights, with each race taking about 30 minutes to complete. The sailors switch boats after each race, and each team will sail every other team twice during the course of the round-robin phase before the top teams advance. In addition to offering the sailors an opportunity to test themselves and each other with an eye to 2012, the results of

this regatta can shake up the world match racing rankings, so each sailor will compete at the top of her skills. On-water umpires watch the action closely, and a call for a penalty turn can have a serious impact in such close racing. This year’s officials, all of whom have been certified by ISAF, include Annapolis locals Jim Capron, Sandy Grosvenor, and Jeff Borland, as well as other top international and U.S. officials. On the afternoon of Tuesday, June 1, prior to the start of match racing, journalists and TV crews are invited to sail with the competitors as they engage local sailors in a special PRO-AM Race. At the completion of the PRO-AM, participants and the public are invited to Susan B. Campbell Park at City Dock for the Opening Ceremony at 6 p.m. The regatta concludes with an awards party at EYC with live music, food, and drink on Saturday evening, June 5. The party is open to the public; tickets are $30 at the door. In addition to title sponsor BoatU.S., other sponsors of the Santa Maria Cup include Gordon Biersch, Go! The Airport Shuttle, Dean’s Yacht Services, North Sails, SpinSheet, Womanship, EYC, Regattaweb.net, Annapolis YC, and the National Sailing Hall of Fame. More information about the regatta, including important tips on how to get close enough to the action for a great view without getting in the way, is available online at boatussantamariacup.org. spinsheet.com

The First Distance Race on the Bay with Live Web Race Tracking

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Movie Star Boat Donated to the U.S. Naval Academy


t the end of April, John Kilroy, Jr. and his wife Catherine of Malibu and San Francisco, CA, donated their modified TransPac IRC 52 Samba Pa Ti to the Varsity Offshore Sailing Team (VOST) program at the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA). Commander Chris Thomassy, Director of USNA Sailing, says, “I would like to thank Mr. Kilroy for his generous contribution to VOST. Navy Sailing competes to win. The addition of a TransPac 52 to our fleet ensures our program remains worldclass and provides us a significant platform for character and leadership development of future American naval officers.” The boat, designed by Spain’s Botin Carkeek Yacht Design and built by the world renowned Cookson Boats of New Zealand in 2006-07, was featured in the 2007 movie “Morning Light” about the Transpacific Yacht Race, in which she won her division. In April, the TP 52 Samba Pa Ti was donated to the U.S. Naval Academy Varsity Offshore Sailing Team, who renamed her Invictus. Photo by Dan Wittig

78 June 2010 SpinSheet

Among her other notable achievements, Samba Pa Ti was the overall winner of the 2007 Waikiki Offshore Series, the 2007 and 2008 Rolex Big Boat Series IRC Division Regattas, and the St. Francis Perpetual Trophy for both years in San Francisco. In her first regatta in Annapolis, the 2008 IRC East Coast Championship, she was the overall winner and made a clean sweep in the 2009 Transpac Race by being the first to finish in her division, winning the coveted Barn Door Award (fastest elapsed time of all of human-powered, traditionally designed sailboats), the King Kalakaua Trophy (best corrected time in the race), the Governor of Hawaii Trophy; the W. H. Steward Memorial Trophy, the Harry Uhler Memorial Trophy, and the trophy for the Shortest Elapsed Time for a sailboat under 73 feet. In considering the future of the yacht, Kilroy realized that he wouldn’t be sailing his TP 52 much in 2010 and possibly into 2011. When asked about his reasoning behind donating the boat to USNA, he comments, “What better way to give something back to the sport and to the people of the military than to donate a world-class racer at the top of its game to the Naval Academy?”

At the May 1 christening ceremony at USNA, the boat was renamed Invictus, which is Latin for “unconquered,” the 2010 class motto. The boat is out on the water all week long as the midshipmen learn to sail this fast and complicated racing machine, capable of moving almost as fast as the wind speed itself. (Peter Gibbons-Neff has witnessed boat speeds up to 23 knots. SpinSheet can attest to 22 knots just outside Annapolis Harbor.) Invictus won her inaugural regatta April 24, headed out to a Delmarva circumnavigation in May, and will spend the month of June competing in the Onion Patch Regattas, including the Newport Bermuda Race. Invictus’s crew is led by 2/C Peter Gibbons-Neff of Radnor, PA and includes 2/C Chris Burke of Missoula, MT; 2/C Alaina DiBiasie of Saugus, MA; 2/C James Allsopp of Annapolis; 2/C Clark Hayes of East Haddam, CT; 3/C Colin Nevins of Bridgeport, CT; 3/C Chris Paulson of Kodiak, AK; 4/C Stephen Jaenke of Annapolis; 4/C Sam Ross of Riverside, IL; 4/C Andrew Shea of Barrington, RI; 4/C Mary Cox of Columbus, MS; 4/C Pat Duffett of Grosse Ile, MI; and 4/C Dan Diaz of Woodland, CA.


Taking One For the Team at the St. Barth’s Bucket Regatta


by Dick Franyo

Around the Island, the Wiggly or Not So arn, as president of the board of the Wiggly, and the Wrong Way Around the National Sailing Hall of Fame, I had to join our board member, Dayton Island Courses. Carr, on Sojana, a Farr-designed, 115-foot ketch built in 2002 for Englishman Peter Harrison in the March 2010 St. Barth’s Bucket Regatta. The Bucket Regattas, held in St. Barth and Newport, RI, are annual regattas for the world’s largest sailing yachts in safe venues. They are extraordinarily Dick Franyo taking one for the team by hanging out well run by Hank in St. Barth's with Jimmy Buffett. Life is tough. Halsted and Holly On Sojana was Severna Park sailor and Paterson. crew regular since 2004, Jim Schmicker, The goal is to have wholesome fun who ably trimmed the mizzen. Jim, good rather than winning—and there is a stated naturedly, put up with my ribbing each “win the party” objective. The three days day when I would say, “You are so quietly of sailing take the 39 yachts on approxicompetent.” So was the rest of the 20-permate three-and-a-half-hour courses—the

son crew—there was never a raised voice during the three days of racing. While the guests were not allowed to even tail a line on Sojana, we were expected to represent the boat by holding our own during the after-race parties, highlighted by the “Yacht Hop” on Friday evening where each yacht has a party. I am told I made Sojana proud in this regard. Besides having the pleasure of spending time with Jim, I also got to have a chat with another Jim, one of my idols, Jimmy Buffett, who sailed on 169-foot Meteor on Friday and then went out and watched the start on his daysailer on Saturday before flying his seaplane off the island later in the day to begin rehearsing for this summer’s concert tour named “Under The Big Top.” Next March is the Bucket’s 25th anniversary, and I trust that Jim and I will be ordered there again. We agreed that if we have to, we will yet again take one for the team.

Beau Geste Set To Compete in Both Bermuda Races


pectators in the waters off Newport, RI, expect to see 80-foot maxi boats fly by at big race starts. Spectators for the Bermuda Ocean Race (BOR) in the shallower Bay off Annapolis, not so much. This year’s BOR start will be different, as Hong Kong businessman Karl Kwok’s Farr 80 Beau Geste (with her 20-foot keel retractable to 14 feet) will sail down from the boat’s maintenance dock at Tidewater Marine Service Center in Baltimore for the June 11 start of the first in her backto-back Bermuda Races, a feat no boat has attempted. The Newport Bermuda Race begins exactly seven days later. “If the wind is good, we’ll do it easily,” says skipper Gavin Brady, an Annapolisbased pro, who has been working for Kwok on various boats (named Beau Geste) since 1994. “This boat does the speed of the wind.” Proof? In December, she beat the Transatlantic Maxi Yacht Club Race record by a day, finishing in nine days and Chesapeake Bay Sailing

almost nine hours. Brady says, “This boat never goes on a ship. She’s so fast, there’s no need to. We delivered her here to Baltimore from Florida in two days.” Beau Geste is set up with tremendous bells and whistles, such as hydraulic winches controllable via remote control, two rudders (which give her “amazing control” according to Brady, who says they have never broached her), a simplified system of sails with a much smaller sail inventory than other boats her size, a deckstepped mast (which greatly increases the space below and keeps it dryer than typical ocean racers), four cabins, a proper shower, an electric head, a microwave, and a refrigerator.

Having such high-tech capabilities and luxuries does have its challenges. Because of the hydraulic winch system, there is no

grinding platform on deck. Brady says, “When you do have a grinding pedestal, you’re constantly reminded of the load SpinSheet June 2010 79

on the sails. You respect it. When you’re pushing buttons to make things happen, you can forget about the dangers. We’re constantly reminding ourselves of that.” In between ocean and Great Lakes racing adventures this summer and throughout the year, Beau Geste will return to Baltimore. Stay tuned to SpinSheet for news on her progress.


A group of EYC sailors has organized the Honorary Skipper J/80 Fun Race, which will be a spectatorfriendly event starting at noon June 12 in front of EYC as part of the Annapolis Leukemia Cup event.

The Crew Who Cares

he first annual Honorary Skipper J/80 Fun Race, as part of the Annapolis Leukemia Cup Regatta, will unfold June 12 right in front of Eastport YC (EYC) for a great spectator view. When Navy Lt. Commander and Chesapeake Bay J/80 fleet captain, Chris Chadwick, presented the idea of having patients and survivors be part of the action instead of sitting on the sidelines, the response was overwhelming. Each boat will be paired up with one or more patients, survivors, and their families to do fun around-the-buoys races. Friends and families can watch or take a turn on the J/80s. It is all about the experience! Longtime committee member, Steve Ostrow, says, “The J/80 Fun Race out in front of EYC is a brilliant idea... It will be the magic wand that transforms the Leukemia Cup from a popular charity regatta to a true mission.” To learn more, contact Steve Reinker at (410) 891-1867 or steve.reinker@lls.org or visit the website at leukemiacup.org.md. EYC J/80 sailors in this photo (L-R): Chris Chadwick (Church Key), Brian Robinson (Angry Chameleon), Jeremy Reynolds (Magic In Motion), Ramzi Bannura (Stacked Deck), Ken Mangano (Mango), Chris Johnson (Dragonfly), and Kristen Robinson (Angry Chameleon).

30th Annual Solomons Island Invitational Through wind, rain, and starry, starry nights, roughly 150 boats will speed down the Chesapeake Bay from Annapolis to Solomons July 16 for the 30th edition of the Eastport YC (EYC) Solomons Island Invitational overnight race—a race that’s referred to in Annapolis as the Solomons Race and referred to in Solomons as the Eastport Race. The regatta is open to the following classes: one-design in Beneteau 36.7, Catalina 27, J/105, J/30, and J/35; multihulls; and PHRF A0, A1, A2, B, C/D, and N. The race starts at dinner time off Annapolis and runs into the night to the mouth of the Patuxent River and into Solomons, where Bloody Marys greet tired sailors. A 30th anniversary awards ceremony will unfold around 5 p.m. (later than last year). Sailors may register at race.eastport.org for $75 before July 9 and $100 afterward. U.S. Sailing members receive a $10 discount. Stay tuned to the July issue of SpinSheet for more details on the 30th anniversary festivities.

Coming in the July SpinSheet Gearing Up for Solomons and Screwpile Santa Maria Cup Recap Down the Bay Report Southern Bay Race Week Annapolis to Bermuda News Governor’s Cup Preview Oxford Regatta Preview… and More 80 June 2010 SpinSheet


More Bermuda Race Memories W ith the countdowns to the Bermuda Ocean Race (June 11) and the Newport Bermuda Race (June 18) in full swing, we’ve been talking to a few of Henry Morgan’s longtime, successful J/42 Dolphin crew about their experiences racing offshore together. A retired Navy Rear Admiral and lifelong sailor, who is in his mid-eighties, Morgan claims that this is his final race from Castle Light at the entrance of Narragansett Bay to St. David’s Lighthouse at the east end of Bermuda. His offshore crew for the better part of a decade remembers the journey as much as the podium finishes. They are honored to sail with him, a bit nostalgic, and filled with interesting bluewater racing stories, containing many nuggets of wisdom for offshore racers anywhere. Here is some of what the Dolphin crew had to say…

Most of you have been together for a long time as an offshore crew. What makes you click as a group? Aaron Maas: I believe we click not just because all eight of us have fairly similar, easy-going temperaments and many years

of diverse competitive sailing experiences on different boats, but also because of a shared mutual respect we all have for Henry. His strategy and instincts are impeccable, his attention to detail and organization is without fault, his memory of almost every tack, every incident, and every situation is flawless, and his sense of responsibility to us as his crew is obvious in the care he puts into ensuring our safety, comfort, and performance. It’s easy to operate as a team when you have such a singular, galvanizing influence as Henry at the helm.

sions. Nothing is done “just by the seat of your pants”… It’s hard to put into words how much I love Henry and the crew on Dolphin.

When it comes to the best race/toughest race, what was your most memorable year?

Aaron Maas: The most memorable Bermuda Race was my first one in 2000. Not because we did well (we didn’t), but because I was totally unprepared for the tough, raw conditions of long-distance ocean racing. Like most former college sailors when big boat racing, I was accustomed to wearing What makes the Dolphin crew unique? cotton polo shirts, khaki shorts, dinghy boots, and a set of cheap, rubber rain Murray Leigh: Henry runs a tight ship by slickers made by Columbia. As bowman making sure we are prepared for every mafor my first Bermuda Race, this is what I neuver. We’re briefed on what we’re going wore. Needless to say, my gear was totally to do and who is doing what, and we make sure we have the steps understood before we inadequate to protect against the elements. I was cold, wet, and miserable for most of proceed. the ride. I learned my lesson the hard way. Kevin Groner: There’s so much mutual respect on the crew. Henry may be over 80, but Since then, I don’t wear any cotton. I’ve invested in a good set of oilers, and I keep he’s open minded. It’s an honor to be with a checklist of essential items I absolutely someone so experienced who doesn’t have airs about him. He’s not afraid to cook us up can’t forget, such as ear plugs, wet wipes, meclizine, and gum. some food. He always has the proper provi“You can smell Bermuda before you see it. A smoky scent, a gathering of high clouds signals the island before you haul it up over the horizon...” Photo by Ted Steeble

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 81

What’s your most memorable wildlife sighting during a race?

Do you have a funny tale you like to tell about one of your offshore adventures? Murray Leigh: During our watch changes, we briefly talk about significant events that occurred. Most of the time nothing changes; however, there are times when everything changes. Once when we stood down from our watch in late afternoon, the wind was light, and we had several other boats around us. I woke up for the watch change, and the wind was still light to a medium breeze. I asked Tom Price if anything happened during the watch. Very calmly he said they experienced a “maelstrom.” I had no clue what he was talking about, so I asked for more explanation. He described swirling seas that had us spinning with another boat in a whirlpool. We had no steerage as the wind had died at the same moment. He described a close call with the other boat that was also caught in the same maelstrom. He looked serious and doesn’t usually make things up, but I still wonder.

Aaron Maas: Last year’s Annapolis to Newport Race was abundant with animal sightings. I think I saw more dolphin in one place than I’ve ever seen before. The most dramatic sighting was when I was on the midnight to 4 a.m. watch on the third night when, under the light of a bright, three-quarter moon, the water started boiling about 200 meters off our starboard bow, as if we were approaching a reef in the middle of the ocean, and all of a sudden a whale breached right out of the water and then disappeared with a splash. Scared the crap out of me, but it was truly aweinspiring and an encouraging reminder that we are not alone on this planet.

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Tips for Newbies Racing to Bermuda by Ted Steeble Safety. Clip in anytime you start to feel uncomfortable. Follow the skipper’s rules for harnesses, but there is no harm in being an early adopter. Make sure you have a strobe and whistle attached to your harness, and that your foulies have reflective patches and a day-glow hood. Knife. Keep a rigging knife with a serrated blade, a shackle key, and a marlin spike handy at all times. Flashlight. Although the diver’s lights are nice, keep a small, key-ring style, squeeze light handy. One with a red light won’t wreck your night vision and won’t disturb the off-watch crew. Ziploc bags. Everything on the boat gets wet at some point or another. Pick up some Hefty 2.5-gallon Ziploc bags, and pack your shorts, underwear, socks, and T-shirts in them. No cotton clothing. Figure on a change of clothes or two over the course of the race. It isn’t a fashion show. Dress warm. Leaving from Newport, you can expect at least one cold night depending on the position of the stream. Pack a watch cap, warm gloves, long johns, and a fleece-lined jacket. From Annapolis, the nights will depend on the prevailing weather pattern, but the midnight watch and the hours just before sunrise can be chilly. Stay dry. You don’t need expensive sea boots, just dry ones. As for your foulies, buy the best you can afford. Putting on foulies that are wet on the inside is not the way to start a long night watch. Waterproof gloves help in the downpours and cold weather. Bonine or Dramamine. Everybody gets seasick at some point. Why not try to prevent it if possible? Start taking it a day or two before the start. Baby wipes and Gold Bond powder. Not much can get the sweat and old sunscreen off faster and make you feel better than a quick once-over with some unscented baby wipes. The Gold Bond body powder fends off diaper rash. Ship shape is not just a phrase. Help cook and do the dishes. Keep your gear stowed. Stow wet gear in the wet locker. Clean up lines. Make repairs. Ear plugs are required equipment. Climb in your bunk as soon as you can when you come off watch and try to sleep. You never know when this is the last 3.5 hours of sleep you will get. An iPod works, too, if you can sleep to music. Sleep with your feet forward. If the bow stuffs into a wave, or worse yet, you hit a whale or a submerged object, you want your knees to take the impact, not your neck. Eat and drink. Stay hydrated. Try to eat something at every hot meal. Just as sleep will get difficult, so will cooking and eating. Reach for fruit and power bars when the going gets too rough to cook. Sunscreen. You can get burnt even when it’s cloudy. Wear it on deck. Paperback book. Doldrums happen...

49 Bellevue Ave., Newport, RI 02840

82 June 2010 SpinSheet


Racing in Paradise

by Aimee Poisson Racing in Paradise


f everything is bigger in Texas, then everything must be more concentrated in the Caribbean.” After a few weeks on the Virgin Island spring regatta circuit, I have to concur with this assessment offered by Kim Jones, owner of Jones Maritime Company in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). Indeed, the Caribbean is an exaggeration of the sailor’s heaven with superior conditions, hospitable venues, strong drinks, intense sun, and spirited competition. Every spring, the Caribbean sailing community welcomes racers from various nations to its clear waters and perfect winds, for a series of international regattas in paradise. The series begins with the St. Croix International Regatta, continues at the Puerto Rican Heineken Regatta, makes a stop at the St. Thomas Rolex Regatta, and wraps up at the BVI Spring Regatta and Sailing Festival. The St. Thomas Rolex and BVI Regatta and Festival are scored together as Virgin Island Race Week, and selected events in the series are cumulatively scored as the Caribbean Ocean Racing Triangle (CORT) series. As we rapid-fired these back-to-back regattas, in such a distant location, I became aware that I was not the only Chesapeake sailor who made the pilgrimage to worship at the altar of wind. I encountered many Bay locals and transplants who agree with my assertion that the Virgin Islands offer

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

the best sailing available. I was thrilled to spend the season on the J/36 Cayennita Grande, crewing for a former Annapolis racer, Antonio Sanpere. The boat is based out of St. Croix full-time but was registered as representing the Naval Academy Sailing Squadron. Our crew was a mix of island locals and others who hail from Puerto Rico, Miami, Great Britain, Michigan, and me, from the Chesapeake Bay. I joined the crew in St. Croix where we boarded our flight to Puerto Rico to meet the boat. After the 2010 winter, I was looking forward to the tropical air, glaring sun, and a chance to sharpen my skills in the ultimate racing venue. I like to believe that sailing is a sport in which we are constantly learning something new. Sometimes, lessons are cultural. At the Puerto Rican Heineken Regatta, I brushed up on Spanish by peppering in some colorful and useful phrases. I am assured by several native Spanish speakers that the expression “Fuakata!” is a local Spanish colloquialism, and not profanity. “Fuakata!” is used to describe the chaos and adrenaline cocktail that takes over when your crew struggles in two languages to sort out a tangled spinnaker halyard, while gybing around the windward mark in heavy air and rough waves. I wrapped up the Heineken regatta soaking wet, salty, sun scorched, and bespeckled by my very own black and blue island chain of bruises.

Our next stop on the trail was the St. Thomas International Rolex Regatta at the St. Thomas YC. This regatta never fails to offer great conditions, warm hospitality, and exciting courses, set against the vivid backdrop of the USVI. The Chesapeake was well represented with hometown sailors on the courses and the committee boats. St. Thomas offers a range of classes ranging from the competitive IC 24 onedesign to the cruising classes, governed by the Caribbean Sailing Association’s rating system. According to IC 24 racer and Annapolis resident Collin Linehan, “The racing is awesome; it’s like a regular Thursday night, but on steroids.” The IC 24 class rolled off 17 races in three days in “ideal conditions, recognizable wave patterns, small oscillations, and big wind.” While the one-design classes benefited from the consistency of Cowpet Bay’s conditions, other fleets enjoyed the longer courses, for which the St. Thomas Rolex is known. These courses lead sailors on a tour of the Virgins’ geography: racing to and from the harbor at Charlotte Amalie, around St James Island, and through the Pillsbury Sound. “It’s too beautiful to not use the geography,” said regatta organizer (and Eastport native) John Sweeny. “People can go anywhere in the world to race windward/leeward courses; they come down here for the island courses.” SpinSheet June 2010 83

During the next leg of the series, “island courses” took on a new meaning. The BVI Sailing Festival was a two-race, three-day event from Tortola to Virgin Gorda and back. With a lay day in between for the fleet to goof off at the legendary Bitter End YC, I expected a laid-back experience, with tons of fun and sun. Again, the islands threw us a curve ball as the heavy breeze died and shifted. Our crew dwindled to just me, a couple of dockside pickups, and the skipper, Tony. Our inexperienced pickup crew watched helplessly as Tony and I fought to complete foresail changes, previously accomplished only with a full crew. Despite a fair amount of “Fuakata,” we sailed successfully and spent the lay day at Bitter End making a few boat repairs in preparation for the BVI Spring Regatta. The ride back to Nanny Cay was frustrating and exhausting. The light winds became shifty and erratic as they bent and wove around Great Camanoe, Beef, and Guana Islands. While the race was virtually a straight shot from Virgin Gorda, the oscillating breeze forced us to alternate between our standard headsail and larger reaching sail with an outboard lead. Any attempt to anticipate the headers was useless. As soon as we set up the appropriate sail, a massive shift would send me hustling to make the suitable changes.

The final leg of the series was the BVI Spring Regatta in Tortola. The course chart looked more like a pirate map, weaving us through passages and around small islands, and providing a fast-paced tour of the BVI waterfront. Locations like Dead Chest, Norman Island, Sopers Hole, and the Sir Francis Drake Channel create long courses while throwing many twists, shifts, currents, and challenges at the 107 participating boats. 84 June 2010 SpinSheet

“’Fuakata!’ is used to describe the chaos and adrenaline cocktail that takes over when your crew struggles, in two languages, to sort out a tangled spinnaker halyard…” Off the water, the BVI Spring Regatta created an experience that combined the best elements from all other events. In addition to the restaurants, shops, chandleries, and amenities that line the docks at Nanny Cay Marina, a regatta support village spontaneously cropped up on the beach. Each evening, the village teemed with party-goers crowding around big screen television slide shows from the day’s racing. Local food stands offered oysters, burgers, and West Indian dishes while steel drums and reggae bands played in the background. When asked what makes this event so special, Annapolis sailor and T2P commentator, Tucker Thompson, says, “Everything about the event besides the event: trade winds, rum parties, and great weather. What more could you want?” All along the CORT trail, while thousands of miles from home, I continued to encounter sailors from the Chesapeake Bay, at each regatta, and on every island. Jim Muldoon’s Donnybrook (Washington, DC) made a customary appearance at the Rolex, bringing a large number of Bay sailors to the event. Chesapeake locals dotted the crews of the IC 24 class throughout the series, and Richard Ewing sailed his Annapolis racing regular, Molto Bene, in the Rolex and BVI Sailing Festival. Later, after

skipper Guy Eldridge, passed away, Ewing stepped in as guest skipper of the Beneteau Luxury Girl, which allowed the crew to complete the series and sail the BVI Spring Regatta in Elridge’s memory. Throughout the series, in all locations, the same groups of sailors gather in pursuit of the same breezy adventure. They come from Great Britain, Canada, Italy, California, Venezuela, and the Chesapeake Bay. The Caribbean community embraces these wandering adventurers and welcomes them into the traveling borderless sailing community. Over the course of the series, the relationships between boats and crews deepen, and their storylines unfold. Woven together, these stories and camaraderie become the tapestry of a vibrant experience, shared by a distinctive sailing community, year after year. When gathered on white sandy beaches, we all find a sense of familiar comfort and a unified identity in celebrating the wind and water. Let us hope that all Chesapeake sailors experience the same solidarity in our own community. Or someday race in the Virgin Islands. About the Author: Aimee Poisson is the director of the Baltimore County Sailing Center. Find her at aimee@bcsailing. com. spinsheet.com

William and Alan Bomar

by Molly Winans

Alan Bomar


t’s true, many Southern Bay sailors speak in a more southern fashion than their mid- and Upper Bay counterparts—think of Southern Bay Race Week’s tagline, “Y’all Come On, Let’s Race!” Alan Bomar’s accent goes a bit deeper than Virginia. The longtime J/24 sailor grew up sailing on Butterflies, Lightnings, and J/24s on Lake Lanier, north of Atlanta, GA, eventually sailing with the club team at Georgia Tech. Bomar moved to Hampton in 1984 and has been a fixture of the sailing scene ever since. “When I first moved to the Hampton Roads area, I was single and free to go sailing all the time. I went every weekend,” he says. He crewed for John Hanna on his Pearson 37 and later a Mumm 36. After marrying his wife, Jan and having two kids, he found Rusty Burshell’s J/30 Cool Change was more conducive to his family sailing life. He brought his family’s 1977 J/24 Roundabout (“not quite as old as Tony Parker’s”) to the Bay in 1997 and has been actively racing her in PHRF C out of Hampton YC (HYC) with a solid High Point record, including winning in 2007 and placing second in 2008 and 2009. Bomar and crew—often including his 17-year-old son William and sometimes his 13-year-old daughter Abby—occasionally travel to Annapolis or to Fishing Bay, but more often than not stick to Hampton. “There’s good cooperation among local clubs to put on racing every weekend,” he says. “Hampton offers a great sailing venue with fairly predictable southwest or easterly winds, and the Lower Bay offers a great, wide platform for bigger events.” Longtime crew Ray Nugent says, “Alan is calm and unflappable, radiating confidence from the back of the boat, keeping the crew on task during crises. Don’t let the gentlemanly demeanor fool, you, however. He is a fierce competitor and tactically savvy around the course.” After breaking his leg while surf kayaking with his son late in 2008, Bomar was diagnosed with a blood cancer called multiple myeloma. His most aggressive treatment to date included recent back-to-back stem cell transplants. At the time of this writing, Bomar was nearing the end of his 100-day recovery period. His



blood counts were good and improving, and he was looking forward to racing in the Leukemia Cup Regatta in Deltaville July 10-11 out of Fishing Bay YC. To learn more about the regatta and its goal of raising money to cure blood cancers, visit leukemiacup.org/va or fbyc.net. SpinSheet: Who are your sailing mentors? John Hanna, Rusty Burshell, and Ted Turner (I’ve never met him, but…). Who are your best sailing buddies? Nick Drake, Ray Nugent, David Hamm, and my son William. Do you have a favorite sailing memory from 2009? Last fall, my son wanted to do the frostbite series. One day, it was blowing 16 to 20 knots. It was just the two of us. We were over-powered, but it was an exciting, memorable day. We didn’t win, but we tried. We didn’t break anything. We had a blast. Is there a place on the Bay that makes you think, “This is why I live here.” Probably just sailing in the Hampton Roads area. You can sail up the Elizabeth River or the James River. There is a variety of ships in the harbor. It’s always changing, always interesting. Is there a sailing story you’ve told over and over again? I was lucky enough to sail on a Mumm 36 for Governor’s Cup when it was blowing 20 to 30 knots. It was like a 505 sleigh ride all night. We got in at 2 a.m. and took first in fleet. What kind of music do you listen to? 1970s rock and roll: the Who, Yes, and Jethro Tull. What magazines do you read? SpinSheet, Sailing World, Sailing, Garden & Gun, and various technology magazines (I’m an engineer at heart). What is your favorite restaurant or watering hole? On special occasions, we go do the commodore’s dining room at HYC. It’s nice looking out on the boats and Hampton University across the river. Do you have any non-sailing passions? I like to check out history museums. And I’m amazed by technology and how it evolved through history. What gear do you wear? Gill foul weather gear and Maui Jim sunglasses. I get lines and supplies from APS. What is your advice for a young sailor? Spend time on the water and race on as many boats as you can. Do you have any advice for sailors in general? Be a mentor to someone who is new to sailing. Take someone under your arm and teach him or her about sailing and being good crew. Is there anything you would like to achieve on the water you haven’t yet? One year, I’d like to do well in the J/24 East Coast Championships. If you won the lottery, what kind of boat would you buy? A 37-foot WallyNano. I love the classic look and reverse transom.

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son ’34 located Chesapeake Harbor, well equipped & professionally maintained. 1/4 share in successful 5-yr partnership: $15K & ongoing maintenance/slip fees. Contact: Jimc9452@hotmail.com or (443) 995-0922.

J/24 Boat Share I have a J/24 that I would like to expense share with someone in the Annapolis or Baltimore areas. Please email HOOPTYS@aol.com or call Jim 410-744-7447.

86 June 2010 SpinSheet

Bargain Pre-owned Sailboats Browse

the entire selection online and at our convenient Mayo, MD location. We may have your boat! (301) 261-4079 www.grabbagsailboats.com

23’ Pearson ’82 Cat Boat Super easy boat to sail. Many extras & improvements. Newer 6-hp OB & sail. $5,000 Located Middle River. Call Ken (410) 583-8160 or khl909@verizon.net

Sailing Dinghy - 12’ Vanguard RS Feva XL ’05 Seitech dolly and cov-

25’ Catalina ’86 Excellent cond.,

er. Excellent cond. Extremely fun youth sport boat, extendable bow sprit & asymmetrical spinnaker. 2006 Sailing World dinghy of year. $2,750. (443) 745-4074.

16’ Doughdish F6, Herreshoff 12 1/2 Classic Gaff main, jib & spin, Honda 4-stroke, Triad trailer. All in excellent cond., $20,000 Call (276) 930-5051.

18.5’ Cape Dory Typhoon Weekender ’82 Fully equipped, one

owner, steel storage cradle, 4.5hp ls Johnson, fresh water sailed on Lake George, 150% genoa, stainless swim ladder, $6,000. Call (518) 464-6456.

swing keel, furling jib, pop-top, marine head, ready to sail. Price reduced to $4,750 obo. Best Deal on the Bay. (410) 280-3499.

25’ Pearson Ariel ’66 Alberg design Reconditioned in 2009. Clas-

sic sloop with beautiful lines. Sails great. See Boats For Sale on YoungsBoatYard.com, (410) 4778607.

27’ C&C ‘74 Westerbeke 20B dsl (<250 hrs); Edson wheel; 2 Danforths; roller-furling jib; lazy-jacks; v.good main w/Slab-reefing, drifter, genoa, working jib; bow & stern pulpits w/lifelines; NEW vhf, CD player/speakers & boxed knot meter; all furnishing; many extras. On lift 6+ years; St. Mary’s City, MD $7,000 obo (301) 862-4535 or m_a_crowe@hotmail.com

27’ Catalina ’87 Tall Rig M-18 Univ. 960 hrs, wheel, Harken R/F, NAVMAN instr., dod/bim, Very well kept, good sails, self-tailers, many new items, boat at Lippincott, $15K, (610) 913-7009,or loggdin2@ptd.net

27’ Catalina ’76 Keel Sloop, good

cond., 9.9-hp OB good cond., main & jib good cond., Sea Scouts $2,900 obo. Steve Alexander (301) 646-0805, stevedalex@msn.com or Doug Yeckley (410) 326-4291, douglas.yeckley@comcast.net

27’ Hunter ’83 This boat has had everything upgraded or replaced! Yanmar 1GM10 w/250 hrs., 155 genoa w/Furlex furler, main w/3 reefs, many upgrades, dodger, bimini & connector, new hatches & ports, standing rigging, traveler, rigid boom vang, refrigeration, includes in-hatch AC. This boat is ready to sail away! $17,000 obo Call (302) 836-3678 or email saillrn@comcast.net 27’ Island Packet ‘89 Sloop Pristine cond., portable AC, Yanmar engine 550 hrs, electric ice box, dodger & bimini, autohelm, GPS, manual windlass $44,800 (301) 938-6661. 27’ Soling ‘79 One design racer, good cond., trailer, main/2 jibs/ spinnaker. Great day sailor. Local racing fleet. $4000. (410) 2959032.

26’ Columbia Sloop rig w/nice

equipment. Harken R/F, dodger/ bimini. Too much to list. Well maintained in very good cond. $4,000 Phone (410) 754-8533.







Leopard 38 - Hull #103 Sale Price $359,000 The Leopard 38 is the newest addition to the Leopard Catamaran litter of exceptional cruising catamarans and has earned multiple 2010 awards in the import and cruising multihull categories from the international sailing press. Leopard 38, hull #103, is the last one available for 2010. Her sale price of $359,000 includes a long list of upgrades such as:       

Larger Yanmar engines Sony and Raymarine electronics package Air conditioning Solar panels Bowsprit and flat top main Additional water capacity In-water delivery from Cape Town to East Coast U.S.A.

Contact us today and you could be sailing her this summer! 1-800-672-1327



32’ Westsail ‘74 Legendary seagoing cutter, professionally finished, good cond., Volvo dsl, rare opportunity!, bargain!, Sea Scouts, $27,900, Steve Alexander, 301646-0805, stevedalex@msn. com, Joel David 703-587-9920, jdavid5158@aol.com 29' Hunter '00 Very clean. Excellent handling. Comfort and performance in one craft. Spacious forward vee. Separate aft cabin. Enclosed head with shower. Sail away @ $41,000. Contact Art Howard, Noyce Yachts, (410) 507-8414.

Olson 30, Hull # 86 Single spread-

er (light) rig. New running rigging, retabbed/painted interior. North Kevlar main, 155, Airex Spin used lightly 5 years, various cruising jibs. Adjustable cars. Mueller Baltoplate. $8,000 (301) 728.6798.

30’ Pearson ’79 Documented and Marine survey available. Inspection by USCG April ’10. Main sail, 2 jibs, and 2 gennakers. Slip available Little Creek, Norfolk (757) 831-2581. $8,000

30’ Tartan 30 ‘72 Ready to sail with

4 sails and fresh bottom paint. Water tight and very well maintained. Great sailing boat with many extras including Awlgrip® and holding tank. Asking $16,000. Located Middle River. Check out photos & specs at www.boatquest.com boat ID #111655 or call Paul (978) 772-0018.

30’ Tartan ‘71 Main, 150 genoa,

RF, tiller pilot, VHF, Atomic-4 runs but needs work, new windows, new main sail cover. In Baltimore. $3,500 (410) 371-0540 admin@ aamaritime.org

31’ Cal ’82 Roller-furling genoa, main w/lazyjacks, bimini, partial winter cover, wheel, depth finder, head w/shower and hot & cold pressure water, AC, VHF, CD/AM/ FM, dsl, cng two-burner w/oven, all safety equipment. Boat is in good cond. Call (443) 949-7094 after 5/12. 31’ Seafarer MKII ’76 Excellent

cond., loaded, Rhodes design, gas engine Palmer 30, Very strong, sails beautifully. Asking $7,500 (410) 647-4421.

Bayfield 32C ’87 Beautiful yacht,

Gozzard design, in water, ready to sail, new Harken furler, traveler, running rigging, new genoa and main by N/S, many extras, http:// KoliCutler.com/Helena or (434) 249-3430.

88 June 2010 SpinSheet

Hobie 33 For Sale, 9.9hp Yamaha Four Stroke, Many new sails, Race ready, Very fast $ 20,900 Contact Jim @ Firewater202@hotmail.com

34’ Bristol Sloop ‘76 Westerbeke dsl w/AP, mahogany interior, RF, main, centerboard, draws 4’6”. $15,000 (c) 410-804-5333, (h) (410) 255-2254, (w) (301) 6695202. 34’ Schock 34PC ’88 Reduced to

36’ Sabre ’86 combines classic elegance with contemporary styling and performance. Her interior layout is designed to allow comfort when cruising and efficiency when racing. Centerboard up 4’ 2”, down 7’ 9”. New Raymarine instruments & autopilot; new Doyle 150% jib; new bimini, dodger, connector, sun screens; engine driven & 12 volt refrigeration, inverter, chart plotter. $77,000 Photos & specs call (443) 223-0290 or hollendu@verizon.net

37’ Tartan ’76 Circumnavigator, SSB, radar, AP, wind, solar, fridge, ’08 FB mainsail, Profurl, hot water, inverter. Missing centerboard, previous owner broke, removed, glassed over, still sweet sailing S&S design. $35,000, jcdefoe52@ yahoo.com, (301) 974-2620.

$19,5K obo. A Nelson/Marek design w/excellent handling characteristics. Shoal draft (4.5’ Hydrokeel). A tri-cabin layout provides the utmost in cruising comfort and style. D: (301) 9954845, n: (410) 394-0390; email: rudymr@comcast.net.

35’ Pearson ‘76 RF, Atomic 4 rebuilt in 2003. Bmini/Dodger. Fully battened main. Good cond. Regularly sailed. $25,000. (410) 2959032.


point winner ’08. Racing/cruising sails. Ready to go! $119,000/offer. (301) 838-7798.

36’ S-2 11.0A ’82 Aft cockpit sloop.

4’8” draft. New 40-hp Yanmar dsl installed 2002. Generous storage & tankage. Well equipped & maintained. $48,000, (703) 573-7344 or sailmanles@aol.com


222 Severn Ave. Annapolis, MD


more than you expect

www.adventure-yachts.com 40’ Bristol ’75 Yawl Shoal draft; Hood design, Westerbeke Four-91 dsl, full electronics ICOM M602, Garmin 182C GPS, Lectra/San, pressure water, Inflatable Dinghy w/2-hp Outboard. Good cond. $20,000. (410) 560-1944.

31’ Island Packet Cutter ’86 A great cruising yacht that is at home in the Bahamas or the Bay. Shoal 4’ draft goes just about anywhere. Priced at $57,900. www. adventure-yachts.com or call (410) 626-2851 35’ C&C MK3 K/C ’87 You will think this is a new yacht when you see her. She’s totally redone in 2005/06 from the keel up. Great instrument package, sail inventory and interior. See pics and specs at www.adventure-yachts.com or call 410-626-2851

35’ Young Sun Cutter ’83 Perry designed, double ender, Yanmar dsl, radar, Aries vane, watermaker, dodger. Classic bluewater cruiser. Hampton, VA. $65,000. ahaleva@ aol.com, (407) 488-6958. Beneteau 36.7 ’04 CBYRA high

43' Morgan '85 Elegant mid-cockpit family cruiser. Two state rooms with separate heads. Spacious salon. New main and jib. Bimini. Dodger. Reconditioned 50HP Perkins diesel. Super value. Asking $59,000. Contact Art Howard, Noyce Yachts, (410) 507-8414.

ur t n e

35’ Baba Cutter ‘79 Perry designed

double ended cruiser. A solid boat great for the bay or off shore. Beautiful craftsmanship inside and out. Located middle bay. $45,900. (717) 572-0484.

41’ Hunter ’01 Fully equipped and well maintained. Fifty % co-ownership $78,500. Located in Oxford. Call Hank (484) 680-2312 or bwn2sum@hotmail.com

40’ Sabre 402 2002 A near perfect example of this wonderful model from Sabre. She is extraordinarily clean and the care and loving her owners give is evident. She is the cleanest boat of this model you will find. Offered by Hinckley Yachts, contact Peter Howard 410.263.0095 or phoward@hinckleyyachts.com

40’ Pearson L/C Sloop ‘80 Owner

has invested 25K in upgrades in the last two yrs. Beautiful Awlgrip hull. You have to see this one. Ask $59,900 www.adventure-yachts. com or call (410) 626-2851

41’ Hunter Sloop ’06 This 2 cabin

model has furling main, full electronics, heat, air and much more. Asking $189,000 See pics and specs at www.adventure-yachts. com or call 410-626-2851.


On Or d


2006 Beneteau First 10R MO NEW DE L!



r Or de On

2007 Wauquiez 41 PS

2010 Beneteau First 40


2010 Beneteau 40

27 28 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33

Se Mu RE PR ll N st DU ICE ow ! CE D!


Bl New ue Hu ll

Listings Wanted! Thinking of selling your boat? Visit www.annapolisyachtsales.com/sellmyboat to learn why you should list it with us. MD 410-267-8181 VA 804-776-7575

2010 Beneteau 50

2010 Beneteau 34

2010 Beneteau 46

Sabre 356

1986 Bristol 38.8 $119,000

2007 Beneteau First 10R $129,900

2000 Catalina 36 MKII $109,900

1979 C&C 40 C/B $59,500

’99 ’00 Beneteau 361 3 from $97,900

2001 Beneteau 461 REDUCED! $189,000

1972 Hallberg-Rassy 35 REDUCED! $44,900

Hunter 27 '05 ................................$49,900.00 Bristol Channel Cutter 28 '87.$124,900.00 Bristol Channel Cutter 28 ‘81.$119,000.00 Aloha 28 '83...................................$24,500.00 Beneteau First 305 '85.................$28,000.00 C&C 30 '88 ....................................$49,500.00 Custom Gaff Rig Schooner '59..$44,000.00 Sea Sailor 30...................................$44,500.00 Nonsuch 30 '87 .............................$64,500.00 O'Day 30 '81..................................$12,500.00 Pearson 303 '84.............................$27,900.00 Acadia 32 '03................................$125,000.00 Beneteau 321 '97 ..........................$65,000.00 Beneteau 321 '97 ..........................$59,900.00 Beneteau 323 '04 ..........................$80,500.00 Beneteau First 32 ’91...................$23,500.00 Halvorsen Island Gypsy 32 '03.$189,900.00 Hunter Vision 32 '91....................$39,900.00 Beneteau 331 '03 ..........................$88,900.00 C&C 33 MKII '85 ..........................$39,900.00 Hunter 33 '04 ................................$89,000.00 Hans Christian 33 '92 ................$109,500.00

33 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 38 38 38

X Yachts 332 '02.........................$129,000.00 Westerly Seahawk '85 .................$74,500.00 Beneteau 10R '07........................$129,900.00 Beneteau 343 '07 ........................$129,900.00 Beneteau First 10R '06 ..............$132,000.00 Pearson 34 '84...............................$37,900.00 Catalina 34 MKII ‘01.....................$89,000.00 Hallberg-Rassy 35 '72...................$44,900.00 Tartan 3500 '04...........................$187,500.00 Wauquiez Pretorian 35 '85 ........$74,900.00 Albin Trawler 36 '79 ....................$69,500.00 Bayfield Cutter 36 '87..................$87,900.00 Beneteau 361 '00 ..........................$99,500.00 Beneteau 361 '99 ........................$104,500.00 Beneteau 361 '00 ..........................$97,900.00 Catalina 36 MK II '00..................$109,900.00 Cheoy Lee 36 '69..........................$69,900.00 Gozzard Cutter 36 '87 ..............$119,000.00 Lord Nelson Victory Tug '86...$194,000.00 Bristol 38.8 ’86 ............................$119,000.00 Irwin Mark II 38 '86......................$72,500.00 Pearson True North 38 '04......$299,900.00

38 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 43

Pearson True North 38 '02......$289,000.00 Wauquiez Hood 38 MKII '84.....$99,900.00 Beneteau 393 '02 ........................$149,500.00 Beneteau 393 '03 ........................$139,000.00 Westerly Sealord 39 '84 .............$79,000.00 Beneteau First 40.7 '00..............$149,000.00 Beneteau 40 '08...........................$224,500.00 C&C 40 '80 ....................................$59,500.00 C&C 40 C/B '79 ............................$59,500.00 Cal 40 '64........................................$25,000.00 Catalina 400 '95...........................$128,500.00 Hunter 40.5 '95 ...........................$109,500.00 Palmer Johnson NY 40 '78 .........$69,000.00 Hanse 400 '06..............................$179,900.00 Hinckley Bermuda 40 '63..........$115,000.00 Beneteau 411 '01 ........................$149,900.00 Lord Nelson 41' 1987 .............$174,000.00 Sigma 41 '83 ...................................$89,500.00 Wauquiez PS 41 '07 ...................$268,000.00 Beneteau 423 '03 ........................$182,900.00 Beneteau 423 '03 ........................$200,000.00 Elan Impressions 434 '05...........$280,000.00

2005 Sabre 426 $389,000 43 44 44 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 50 50 50 57 60 76

Young Sun 43 ' 78.........................$39,999.00 Beneteau 44.7 '05 .......................$259,900.00 Morgan 44 CC '90......................$139,900.00 Fuji 45 '74 .....................................$119,500.00 Hunter 450 Passage CC '98 .....$134,900.00 Howdy Bailey 45 '73 ..................$164,900.00 Wauquiez 45S '05.......................$297,500.00 Beneteau 464 ‘96 ..........................$98,000.00 Beneteau 461 '01 ........................$189,000.00 Hunter 46 '02 ..............................$184,900.00 Tartan 4600 '95...........................$260,000.00 Tartan 4600 '96...........................$324,900.00 Beneteau 473 '02 ........................$219,900.00 Beneteau 47.7 '04 .......................$284,900.00 Beneteau 47.7 '04 .......................$298,500.00 Marine Trader M/Y 47 '90........$169,000.00 Beneteau 50 '07...........................$585,000.00 George Buehler '02....................$119,000.00 Ocean Alexander 50 '79 ...........$150,000.00 Beneteau 57 CC '04...................$689,000.00 Nexus 600 Catamaran '10.... $1,360,000.00 Franz Maas 76 '74 .......................$595,000.00

@ our website for photos . COM • our WWW .A NNAPOLIS YACHT S ALES . COM Visit of all boats www.annapolisyachtsales.com


SpinSheet June 2010 89

Annapolis Ya c h t & B o at 100 Severn Ave., Annapolis


J/105 ’98 has earned a well-deserved reputation as the largest class of cruiser/racer sailboats in the US. This boat is immaculately kept and professionally maintained. New instruments and sails in ’07, new jib for ’10. Offered for $94,500 Robert at (410) 562-1255 or Robert@santacruzannapolis.com Santa Cruz 37 ’08 Sail Magazine’s

2009 “Sail Boat of the Year”. A cutting edge performance sailing boat with full interior including bunks for 6. Priced just lowered at $269,000 including options, instruments and commissioning. Tate or Robert at (410) 505-4144 or info@santacruzannapolis.com

• Deltaville, VA 23043 804-776-7575 • • Annapolis, MD 21403 410-267-8181 •

www.annapolisyachtsales.com Beneteaus, Beneteaus, Beneteaus!! All sizes and prices avail-

able. Great selection available in Annapolis. Call Dan Nardo, your Beneteau man for any info 410-267-8181 or dan@annapolisyachtsales.com

27’ Hunter ‘05 Very clean cruis-

er. Great 2 cabin layout. Perfect pocket cruiser for the Bay, in turn key cond.…sail her away today!!! $49,900 Call Tim (410) 267-8181 or tim@annapolisyachtsales.com

32’ Beneteau 323 ‘04 Classic Bene design for weekending and holidays on the bay! Air/Heat, canvas, cushions, Autopilot. Very clean boat. $84,500 in Deltaville. Call Jonathan (804)436 4484 orjonathan@annapolisyachtsales.com

36’ Gozzard Cutter ’87 Rare op-

portunity to own a well maintained Gozzard 36. Cruising equipped, engine replaced in 2000, recent sails, nice canvas & more!! Near Annapolis. $119,000. Call Denise (410) 267-8181 or denise@annapolisyachtsales.com.

38’ Bristol 38.8 ‘86 Fabulous

cond., centerboard 4’6/10’3, recently varnished interior, new canvas, new cockpit table, well maintained. $119,000 in Deltaville, VA. Call Jonathan (804) 436-4484

40’ C&C ‘79 & ‘80 Both in very good cond., well equipped w/centerboards. Great sailing boats, comfortable lay-out, many upgrades. Battened mains, roller furling genoa, spinnaker gear. $59,500. Charles (410) 267-8181 or charles@annapolisyachtsales. com. 40’ Hanse 400 ’06 Just reduced

$20,000. Quality German construction. Last cruise started in Europe, continued through the Caribbean and ended in Annapolis. Asking $179,900. Call Paul at 410-267-8181 or paul@annapolisyachtsales.com

41’ Beneteau 411 ‘00 (2 Cabin)

A/C, dsl heat, great live aboard. Bring reasonable offer. Asking only $149,900 Call Dan Nardo for any info 410-267-8181 or dan@annapolisyachtsales.com

43’ Elan Impression 434 ’05 Only

Elan 434 on the market! Furling main, RF genoa, radar, chart plotter, GPS, AP. Perfect for the couple who demands performance & quality. $280,000. Charles (410) 267-8181, charles@ annapolisyachtsales.com.

57’ Beneteau 57 Center Cockpit ’04 Built by Beneteau France,

she has a very roomy interior…least expensive 330 on the market in the US…she is clean and ready to sail… call today! Tim (410) 267-8181 or tim@annapolisyachtsales.com where center cockpit cruising boat. Bilge keel, solar panels, wind generator, new Yanmar 50hrs, new genoa, recently painted decks. $74,500 in Deltaville, VA. Call Jonathan (804) 436-4484

90 June 2010 SpinSheet

dodger & bimini, AC, big private aft cabin, this boat is very clean and is an actively used boat on the Bay. $119,000 Bayharborbrokerage.com (757) 480-1073

34’ Catalina ‘00 Wing keel, AC, Ray-

marine AP, depth, speed, dodger and bimini. This is the mk II model with the big cockpit with perch seats and the big aft cabin.$88,000 bayharborbrokerage.com (757) 480-1073.

36’ PDQ Catamaran ‘92 Just back

from a winter in the islands she is well equipped and ready to go. All new electronics ’08 & ’09, sails ’00, canvas ’08. Yanmar dsl, wind generator, solar panels. $134,000 bayharborbrokerage.com, (757) 480-1073

Look for Used Boat Reviews at spinsheet.com

Tiara 3100 A well maintained example of the Tiara 3100 which is priced very well for a quick sale. Engines are in good order & have been well serviced regularly...a serious boat to have fun with ! WOW what a fine example of the Tiara 3100 open. This boat shows great pride in ownership. She has been kept updated thru the yrs. This wide beam gem will entertain your whole family plus some!!! Tiaras are built strong. Just look at the stringers in the bilge. She is a go anywhere boat. Cruise in comfort & style in this beauty. This is a MUST SEE if you are looking for an express!!! Boatshed Annapolis boatshedannapolis.michael@gmail. com. (703) 855-4408

53’ Amel Super Maramu ‘93 Very well equipped and well cared for, this boat is ready for a big trip. She has everything you need to cross an ocean including safety gear. $285,000 bayharborbrokerage.com (757) 480-1073

Boatshed Annapolis.com

International Yacht Brokers Yacht Haven Marina 326 First Street, Suite 403 Annapolis, MD 21403


commissioned, maintained by AYS. One owner yacht. Ready to sail. All the extra equipment you would expect. $689,000 Paul Rosen 410-267-8181, paul@annapolisyachtsales.com

33’ Hunter ‘05 Like new Hunter 330,

34’ Westerly Seahawk Go any-

38’ Hunter ‘02 In mast furling,

CS 30 We were so excited to view this boat that 3 of our brokers photographed her and we were certainly not disappointed. She is a lovely blue water boat that is very versatile. Being a sloop rig she will point true & take you anywhere w/her fin keel. Stable, sturdy & sleek, she is priced for a quick sale. She is extremely clean & well maintained. An excellent family cruiser that needs to be back in the water as soon as possible. Boatshed Annapolis boatshedannapolis.michael@gmail. com. (703) 855-4408

Sea Ray Express 46 This sought after 46 Sea Ray Express has been updated from the electronics to the Awlgrip. The huge TNT swim platform is just one accessory on this boat that shouts relaxation. You can entertain a small army on this vessel with its wide beam. Sit and enjoy umbrella drinks made in the blender during sunsets or have a cup of joe with the built in coffee maker in the morning!!!!! This 2 strm/heads layout gives you plenty of sleeping options with plenty of head room. The starboard engine was replaced in ’00 by Johnson & Towers, port engine SMOH in ’99. Boatshed Annapolis (703) 855-4408 boatshedannapolis.michael@gmail. com.

Chesapeake 48 This custom fishing vessel was build for duty. From the moment I saw her, being an avid fisherman, I knew that she could handle a hot bite w/plenty of open cockpit (16’ by 24’) and a tuna door!!!! She is USCG rated for 47 passengers.This would make a great charter fish or dive boat in the Islands or the bay. The owner loves the boat so much that he is having another one built right now. She only needs a good spring cleaning to be ready to go fishing. Boatshed Annapolis boatshedannapolis.michael@gmail. com. (703) 855-4408


RogueWave Yacht Sales

Deltaville, VA

804-776-9898 www.dycboat.com www.cysboat.com 43’ Bruce Roberts ‘80 Center cockpit, ketch-rig classic blue water cruiser 50 HP Perkins dsl. Two strms and heads. Radar. Comfortable, affordable liveaboard. $59,900 Chesapeake Yacht Sales (877) 218-1633, info@cysboat. com 30’ Catalina ’09 Wing keel. 21-hp Yanmar dsl. Selden furling mast. Folding leather wrapped wheel. Electric windlass. Bimini/dodger/connector. Cockpit cushions. CLEARANCE PRICED! $99,900. (804) 776-9898 or info@cysboat. com. 31’ Pacific Seacraft ‘77 Classic double ender, cutter rigged, Yanmar 22-hp dsl engine, hull #1, 2nd owner. Rich teak interior. Carry-on air conditioning. $39,900 Chesapeake Yacht Sales (877) 2181633,info@cysboat.com

Your Choice for Blue Water Boats! 37’ Pacific Seacrafts Two great examples of the American Sailboat Hall of Famer: PS 37 – ’95 $165,000 and ’87 - $115,000. Both have upgrades. Crusader Yachts www.crusaderyachts.com 410-2690939

Kate and Bernie of RogueWave specialize in high quality, offshore capable sailing vessels! We are proud to be dealers for Outbound and Valiant Yachts. We sell only blue water ocean going sailboats. We want to sell your high quality, blue water boat. Let us help you find your dream boat! By Appointment Only! Any time.

50' Beneteau '00 Owners Version - highly desirable 2 cabin, a/c, roller furling jib and main, Generator '07, Power winches, swim platform, twin helm. $265,000. (410) 269-0939 www.crusaderyachts.com

35’ Catalina ’09 Wing keel. 30hp Yanmar dsl. Reverse cycle AC. Furling mainsail. Ultraleather. Folding wheel. Bimini, dodger, connector. Full electronics. CLEARANCE PRICED! $179,900. (804) 7769898 or info@cysboat.com.

Special Offerings! New Outbound 46, ’10 Special offer ing! Fall delivery in Norfolk! Most popular layout with bonus options thrown in! centerline queen forward, standard draft, Frigoboat refrigeration, standard mainsail. Shipping included $489K

28’ Beneteau First 285 ’89 Volvo

22hp dsl, main, 140 RF, Kevlar 130, knot, depth, - FAST, FUN Ready to Sail! $18,500 Call Tony Tumas’s cell: (443) 553-5046 (day or eve), office: (800) 276-1774 for complete details. Email: tony@ greatblueyachts.com

31’ Pacific Seacraft ’04 Fantastic

bay boat, and will take you farther afield as well. 183 engine hrs. $160,000; Two great examples of the American Sailboat Hall of Famer PS 37 – ’95 $165,000; ’87 - $115,000. Crusader Yachts 410269-0939 www.crusaderyachts. com

35’ Freedom ‘94 A well-balanced

boat that is easy to manage with an electric halyard/mainsheet winch. To tack simply put the helm over. $110,000 Crusader YS (410) 269-0939 www.crusaderyachts. com

30’ Sabre 30 ’86 Sabre quality and

performance, new main ’06, spinnaker, genoa, jib, RF, knot, depth, wind -all new electronics ’06, pilot, VHF, bimini $39,900 Call Tony Tumas Cell: (443) 553-5046 (day or eve), Office: (800) 276-1774 for complete details. Email: tony@ greatblueyachts.com,,

Hylas 49 Center Cockpit, ‘01 Sought after luxurious, center cockpit world voyager, equipped to the max. Beautiful three stateroom layout perfect for family adventure. Ready to go. $495K

32’ Hunter ’02 Very clean, full

main, RF, dodger, bimini, Air/ Heat, $75,500 Call Tony Tumas Cell: (443) 553-5046 (day or eve), Office: (800) 2761774 for complete details. Email:tony@greatblueyachts.com

32’ Morgan 321 ‘82 Classic Cruiser,

very clean! Yanmar dsl, upgraded sails & furling gear, newer canvas & cushions $19,900 Call Tony Tumas cell: (443) 553-5046 (day or eve), office: (800) 276-1774 for complete details. Email: tony@ greatblueyachts.com

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

Valiant 50, ‘02 Like brand new, exquisite fresh water, lightly used, amazing Valiant 50. Well equipped for easy sailing with in-boom furling, bow thruster, and all comforts AC/Heat. Great price $519K

27 28 31 32 37 42 42

NorSea 27 ’95 .................$79K Bristol Channel Cutters! .......... Bristol 31.1 ..................... $45K Contessa ’07 ................. $175K Tayana ’85 .................... $137K Valiant ’95 .................... $295K Custom Norseman ........ $369K

45 47 45 49 50 52 52

Ted Brewer Custom....... $299K Vagabond ’84 ............... $179K Dufour Classic ’98......... $204K Hylas CC ’03 .................. $495K Valiant ’02.................... $519K Tayana CC ’88 ............... $334K Little Harbor’95............ $945K

Call Kate & Bernie

410-571-2955 www.RogueWaveYachtSales.com SpinSheet June 2010 91



#1 in Hunter Marine Service Worldwide!

25 260 27 27 280 28.5 28.5 29.5 29.5 30 30 30 302 31.1 33 33 34 35.5 336 356

Catalina '82 Hunter '02 Hunter ’79 Hunter '84 Hunter '98 Hunter '87 Hunter '87 Hunter ‘95 Hunter ’96 Hunter ‘77 Hunter '81 Hunter ‘86 O’Day ‘89 Bristol ’86 Hunter ‘04 Newport ’85 CAL ’77 Hunter '90 Hunter '96 Hunter '03

ting Celebra



$ 7,500 $ 27,000 $ 9,997 $ 10,000 $ 32,000 $ 18,000 $ 17,500 $ 39,500 $ 37,950 $ 11,000 $ 17,000 $ 30,000 $ 19,000 $ 65,000 $ 105,000 $ 24,000 $ 27,000 $ 55,000 $ 62,000 $123,000

SELECTED BROKERAGE 36 36 36 37 376 38 38 38 380 380 38 410 41 420 44 45 456 46 460 460 49

Catalina '87 Hunter ‘05 Hunter '09 Gulfstar ‘76 Hunter ’96 Hunter '07 Hunter ‘06 Hunter '06 Hunter ’00 Hunter '00 Shannon ‘78 Hunter ‘00 Hunter ‘06 Hunter '04 DS Hunter '04 CC Hunter ’09 Hunter '02 Hunter '02 Hunter '01 Hunter '01 Jeanneau SO '05

$ 59,900 $ 130,000 $170,000 $ 55,000 $ 84,000 $169,000 $164,000 $179,000 $134,950 $129,000 $ 98,900 $144,000 $190,000 $190,000 $239,000 $375,000 $249,000 $195,000 $190,000 $215,000 $299,000

Open 7 Days • ASA Sailing School Check Out Our New Website:

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33’ Offshore Cat-Ketch ’87 Twin Wishbone rig w/staysail, Universal dsl, pilot, dodger - ultimate in solo sailing! $29,900 Call Tony Tumas’s cell: (443) 553-5046 (day or eve), office (800) 276-1774 Email: tony@greatblueyachts.com 35’ Beneteau First 35 ’84 3 Cabin model, Beta 28-hp dsl - new ’95, new RF, new pilot, many upgrades. Call Tony Tumas’s cell: (443) 5535046 (day or eve), office: j800) 276-1774 for complete details. Email: tony@greatblueyachts.com

37’ Hunter 376 ’98 Yanmar, AC/ Gen, RF, AP. New listing $86,500 Lippincott Marine (410) 8279300. 40’ Hunter ’95 Yanmar 50-hp, elect., self-tailing main, full batten main w/Dutchman, Air, AP, inverter $109,500 Lippincott Marine (410) 827-9300.

40’ Hunter ‘85 Custom interior,

New Raymarine C80 plotter/radar, davits, Walker Bay dinghy, Air/ Heat and much more $58,500 Call Tony Tumas cell: (443) 553-5046 (day or eve), office: (800) 2761774 for complete details. Email: tony@greatblueyachts.com

45’ Hunter 45CC ’06 Beautiful Center Cockpit, full island berth aft, private suite forward, In Mast, 2 Zone Air/Heat, Panda generator, E120 plotter/radar w/ repeater below, Pilot, full canvas and much more $285,000 Call Tony Tumas Cell: (443) 553-5046 (day or eve), Office: (800) 2761774 for complete details. Email: tony@greatblueyachts.com,

PO Box 100 • Marina RD • Deltaville, VA 23043 Fax: 804-776-9044 • Email: sales@nortonyachts.com

Alerion 28 ’01. Are you looking for a great Day boat to sail in style? Boat is located at Bert Jabin’s yard and is ready for someone to start enjoying her. Offered at $69,900 If you have been thinking about this boat you need to Call Paul at 410-280-2038 ext 11. Or Email at Paul@NorthPointYachtSales.com

222 Severn Avenue Building 7, Suite 3C Annapolis, MD 21403 (410) 280-0520 annapolis@leopardcatamarans.com

J/30 ’84 She has been fresh water sailed her entire life and has all the go fast gear to make her a contender. In addition she has a number of nice cruising options including roller furling and a dodger. Offered at $27,000. Contact David at (410) 280-2038 or David@NorthPointYachtSales.com

Hunter 376 1996 Yanmar DSL, RF, AP, AC/Gen New listing. $82,500

28’ Cape Dory Sloop Volvo DSL, tiller $18,500 28’ 1986 S2 DSL, wheel steer, shoal draft, RF, bimini $ 15,500 30’ 1984 Seldelmann 30T Yanmar 13hp DSL, RF, shoal $ 14,500 31’ 1983 Dufour 3800 Volvo dsl, wheel. Call/OFFERS 34‘ 1987 Hunter sloop Yanmar 27hp dsl, RF, AC, AP CONTRACT 36’ 1996 Catalina MK II Univ 30hp DSL radar, inverter, R/F $ 88,500 37‘ 1998 Hunter 376 Yanmar AC/Gen, NEW LISTING $ 88,500 37’ 1996 Hunter 376 Yanmar DSL, RF, AP, AC/Gen $ 82,500 40’ 1995 Hunter Yanmar 50hp, A/C, AP, Inverter $109,500 40’ 1984 Lancer CC Excellent liveaboard, cruise equipped $ 64,900

200 Slip Full Service Marina at Kent Narrows Routes 50/301 Exit 42 (410) 827-9300 fax (410) 827-9303

www.lippincottmarine.com 92 June 2010 SpinSheet

43’ Beneteau Cyclades ‘05 located at the Chart House in Eastport area of Annapolis. Priced for immediate sale $140,000 Contact Trip at (410) 280-0520

J/30s ‘79 & ‘84 The ’84 has been

fresh water sailed her entire life and has all the go fast gear to make her a contender. In addition she has a number of nice cruising options including RF & a dodger. Offered at $27,000. Contact David at (410) 280-2038 or David@ NorthPointYachtSales.com

36’ Catalina MKII ’96 Univ. 30hp dsl, radar, inverter, R/F $88,500 Lippincott Marine (410) 827-9300 37’ Hunter 376 ’96 Yanmar dsl, RF, AP, AC/Gen, new listing $82,500 www.lippincottmarine.com, (410) 827-9300.




J/105 '03 Gringo. Rigged and ready for racing. The bottom has a full race finish by Waterlines. Very clean low use boat will be a good J 105 Class racer Price Offered at $114,000. Contact Ken at (410) 280-2038 or Ken@NorthPointYachtsSales.com.

J 42 ’00 She is a proven Racer Cruiser that will appeal to the sailor looking for a boat to race and cruise. She has White hull that has just been polished and that creates a beautiful classic look. Offered at $247,500. Contact Paul at (410) 280-2038 Ext 11 or Paul@NorthPointYachtsSales.com.




Marina RD • Deltaville, VA


36’ Hunter ‘09 What-A-Ride. This J/109 '03 This Deal Will Not Last... PRICED TO SELL. This J/109 is one of the best cruiser racers on the market. The J/109 features the popular carbon fiber retractable bowsprit and asymmetric spinnaker system and a cruisable 2-cabin interior layout w/standing headroom. Offered at $154,000. Contact Ken, (410) 280-2038 or ken@northpointyachtsales.com.

Cape Fear 38 ‘02 A winning race record and a comfortable cruising interior. Shoal draft with A-kites make this an easy boat to have fun with. Offered at $155,000. Contact David at (410) 280-2038 or David@NorthPointYachtSales.com

beautiful 36 was delivered new in July of 2009. The owners must sell due to a relocation. Priced significantly below what they paid for the boat new. Existing warranty transferable until July of 2010. $170,000 Norton Yacht Sales (804) 776-9211 www.nortonyachts.com

38’ Hunter ’06 Bronze

Penny This nearly new yacht has inmast furling, 40HP engine, anchor windlass, ST60 Knot/Depth, ST60 Wind, refrigeration, AC/ Heat, stereo w/CD, TV/DVD, AP, GPS/chartplotter, bimini, dodger, connector. $164,000 Norton Yacht Sales (804) 776-9211, www.nortonyachts.com

Hunter 41 ’06 Aquadoc Generator, AC/heat, in-mast furling, upgraded eng 54hp Yanmar, inverter, AP 6000, ST60 wind, freezer, cockpit cushions, Supreme shades, dinette table/leaf, TV/ DVD, 3 burner stove w/oven, quiet flush head system, bimini, dodger & connector, $190,000 Norton’s Yacht Sales (804) 776-9211, www.nortonyachts.com Hunter 456 ’02 Alcyone 8KW Gen,

Beneteau 423 ’06 superb condition and has a comprehensive inventory. Totally equipped for cruising and built for any sea with comfort and amenities second to none. No options left out including air condition, gen set, flat screen TVs, auto pilot linked with radar and chart. Offered at $219,000. Contact Ken at (410) 280-2038 or Ken@NorthPointYachtsSales.com.

ST60 wind, ST60 Tridata, A/C, GPS, davits, dinghy, two tvs/dvds, cockpit cushions, bowthruster, Autopilot ST7001+, RayMarine chartplotter RL70+. $249,000 Norton’s Yacht Sales (804 )776-9211 www. nortonyachts.com

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Complimentary dockage until SOLD

“As yacht brokers go, John Kaiser is in a class by himself. What, with a typical broker, would have been an expensive, protracted selling process was instead an entirely quick and pleasant one. He sold my Grand Banks cruising trawler in less than a week even as he shielded me from the typical headaches and expenses entailed in selling a yacht. Bottom line: John Kaiser gets amazing results with a minimum of red tape and outlay to both seller and buyer. Do yourself a huge favor and talk with him about selling your boat. You will find him to be exceptionally knowledgeable, proactive, resourceful and pleasant. Compare his approach to the more typical selling process; the difference will be obvious. You will go with John and be really glad you did.” -Charlotte Featherstone Seller 1985 36’ Grand Banks Classic Former Membership Chair, Ches. Bay Grand Banks Owners Assn. Listed 10/5/09, Sold 10/15/09

410.923.1400 cell: 443.223.7864 john@yachtview.com

Y A C H T V I E W. C O M Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 93

27’ Cape Dory ’79 PRICE REDUCED Adriana 8 HP Yanmar dsl. RF, Quantum Sails Price Asking: $9,950 Call Regent Point Marina (804) 758-4457, www.regent-point.com

27’ Soverel Sloop ’87 This is a

very unique opportunity for someone looking for a used boat that has barely been used when most club racers have been “rode hard and put away wet”. Caramba has only been sailed a few times and the rest of her life has been spent on land, dry stored. Her sails are like new due to little use. She is a capable racer and will make someone a great club racer or daysailer w/minimal accommodations for overnighting. Asking $14,000 OBYS (410) 226-0100.

30’ J Boat ’79 Here is another

great performance vessel that should not be overlooked. She is nicely equipped and has done a number of Chesapeake and Club races. The J-boats are known for their competitive capabilities. 15hp Yanmar dsl and nice complement of upgraded sail inventory. Her price has just been reduced to $14,000 and is looking for offers. OBY(410) 226-0100.

36’ Allied Princess Cutter ’79 This

vessel was designed for extended offshore cruising. Only a select few were built with a cutter rig which opened up the cockpit tremendously. If you are looking for a sound, safe, solid, well cared for vessel, look no further. Courtship will make a wonderful cruising vessel for weekends or for live-aboard. She is only asking $43,500 OBYS(410) 226-0100.

45.5’ Bristol Aft Cockpit Sloop ’80 One of only 5 aft cockpit 45s built, Daring is a lovely and well maintained vessel. Excellent blue water cruiser w/shoal draft for the Bahamas. 2 strms, 2 heads, refrigeration, radar, GPS, heater, holding tanks, liferaft, elec windlass, elec and manual ST winches, Hood seafurl RF and much more. This is a lot of boat! Asking $167,500 OBYS (410) 226-0100.

30’ Catalina ’84 <> Roller furling w/150% genoa, bimini, dodger, A/C, 25-hp Universal dsl, Asking: $24,950 Call Regent Point Marina@ (804) 758-4457, www.regent-point.com

ing vessel, radar, chartplotter, AP, Ref. Clean 2 owner boat, many extras, Asking $105,000 Regent Point Marina (804) 758-4457 www.regent-point.com

35.5 Hunter Legend ’88 Lady-

bug 27 HP Yanmar dsl, A/C-Heat Pump, Ref, Auto Helm, RF, dodger, bimini, Many features. Price Reduced: $39,950 Call Regent Point Marina @ 804-758-4457, www.regent-point.com.

Rogue Wave Specializes in High Quality, Ocean-going vessels of

www.sailingassociates.com broker@sailingassociates.com 28’ Cape Dory ‘78 Great starter boat at $14,900. AC. Sailing Associates (410) 275-8171. Valiant 42 ‘95 There is a reason Valiant sets a standard in blue water sailing. This rare pullman layout has the aft head and more storage. Ready to go with radar, chart plotter, and comforts of AC. $295K Call RogueWave at (410) 571-2955 or visit us at www.RogueWaveYachtSales.com

Vagabond 47 ‘84 Wonderful liveaboard and ocean cruiser with loads of upgrades and all amenities in great shape and seller is motivated! $179K, RogueWave YS (410) 571-2955. 50’ Valiant ’03 Leisurefurl and bow thruster, this fresh water vessel, very lightly used, is offered as a serious price! $519K Call RogueWave at (410) 571-2955 or visit us at www.RogueWaveYachtSales. com

substance and character. We are proud to be a dealer for Valiant Yachts. If you want a good solid bluewater boat, or you want to sell your cruising boat, call RogueWave at (410) 571-2955 for an appointment. VISIT US at www. RogueWaveYachtSales.com or at Port Annapolis Marina!

Bristol Channel Cutter 28 ’95 Sam L Morse Lyle Hess BCC28 equipped

to the max for world cruising complete refit in 07 stem to stern, new rigging, new electronics, dsl heat, water maker! Call RogueWave, (410) 571-2955 or visit us at www.RogueWaveYachtSales.

25’ Cape Dory ’78 “Doo Dah Day

Tayana 37 Cutter ’85 Opportunity! Refit in 06-07 for blue water sailing. She is a complete package in beautiful condition ready to sail away. $138K Call RogueWave at (410) 571-2955 or visit us at www.RogueWaveYachtSales.com

clean boat. Call Sailing Associates (410) 275-8171.

31’ O’Day ’86 $24,900 Ready to go. Sailing Associates (410) 2758171. 32’ Catalina ’98 Very clean and

ready to sail. $69,900 Sailing Associates (410) 275-8171.


Catalina ’93 Very clean. $61,900 Sailing Associates (410) 275-8171. 35.5’ Hunter ’93 One owner boat, priced to sell at $59,900 Sailing Associates (410) 275-8171. 35’ Island Packet ’89 $119,000

Call for details. Sailing Associates (410) 275-8171.

37’ Alberg ‘68 In excellent shape

$39,900 Ready to go. Sailing Associates (410) 275-8171.

pletely equipped for offshore cruising. Sailing Associates (410) 2758171.

40’ Palmer Johnson ’78 Traditional 52 Little Harbor ‘95 Exquisite fresh water yacht, three private staterooms, the last one built by Little Harbor, fully equipped for cruising with extensive sail inventory, raced very lightly with impressive record! $945K Call RogueWave at 410 571-2955 or visit us at www.RogueWaveYachtSales.com




ocean racer, ready to go. $59,900 Call Sailing Associates (410) 2758171.

50’ Gulfstar ’77 World cruiser!

$114,000 Sailing Associates (410) 275-8171.

Tom Lippincott • Ben Armiger

52 Tayana ’95 Three-stateroom bluewater cruiser fully equipped and ready to go anywhere. $349K Call RogueWave at 410 571-2955 or visit us at www.RogueWaveYachtSales.com


30’ Catalina ’87 $29,900 Nice,

38’ Morgan 382 ’81 $44,900 Com-

32’ Contessa ’07 A gem! A beautiful boat to just sail the Bay! Built in England by Oyster. No expense spared. Finest aged mahogany and the best shipwrights. She cost over $350K to build. $175K Rogue Wave Boats (410) 571-2955.

View boats online

94 June 2010 SpinSheet

credible custom Bob Perry cutter is now an incredible deal. She has everything! Everything new in ’05. $369K, RogueWave YS (410) 5712955.

34’ Pacific Seacraft Crealock ’90 Sound Harbor Great sea go-

317 Regent Point Drive • Topping, VA 23169

Quantum Sails, RF, 2004 6 HP Four Stroke OB, Great Day Sailor, Clean in very good cond., Price Reduced: $7,950 Call Regent Point Marina (804) 758-4457, www.regent-point.com

Norseman Custom 42 ‘05 This in-

33’ Pearson ‘88 Shoal draft, New Sails! New to market and in great

shape! $47,000 (410) 639-9380, www.saltyachts.com

37’ Hunter 37.5 ’92 Fast, roomy

and attractive. Perhaps the most sensible layout ever for a 37’ boat including a walk in shower and tons of galley space. She has been lovingly maintained. $78,000 Call Ben at (410) 6399380 www.saltyachts.com


41’ Beneteau 411 ’00 Complete and loaded, low hrs, radar, Air, Recent electronics Bristol cond. $155,000 (410) 639-9380, www. saltyachts.com

46’ Warwick Cardinal ‘85 Performance cruiser from the drawing board of New Zealander Alan Warwick …just back from the islands!... asking $135,000 (410) 639-9380, www.saltyachts.com 47’ Beneteau 473 ‘03 2 Cabin Com-

plete and loaded, Gen set, Thruster, Radar, Air, low hrs, Bristol Condition $263,000 (410) 639-9380, www.saltyachts.com




410-923-1400 • 443-223-7864 New Annapolis Listings Needed ASAP We are sold out AGAIN!

Complimentary deep water Annapolis dockage for new listings up to 75 feet, sail or power. Free detailing and weekly washdown. (410) 923-1400 or (443) 223-7864 John Kaiser/cell anytime.

47’ Grand Banks Eastbay Flybridge ’06 Commissioned new in ’08 w/current and extended Caterpillar warranties till ’12 on her C-12 705-hp dsls which cruise her at 26K and top at 31K! She is in flawless cond. and has a current survey to confirm her pedigree as one of the highest quality yachts available. She features all the highest quality cruising inventory including a wireless yacht controller which will operate her bow & stern thrusters in concert with her engines to give her owner total control of her motion from anywhere on the yacht. Her owner has planned a trip to New England this summer and will be interested in selling her in the fall after their cruise. Please feel free to contact his agent John Kaiser @ 443-223-7864 to review her original purchase details and all of her current owners upgrades and additions! She is the finest and most fully equipped Eastbay 47’ available at half her replacement cost! Over 100 current photos @ www.yachtview.com

Too Late to classify

248LS Monterey Montura ‘03, Navy blue hull, low hour Mercruiser 350 MAG w/ new outdrive, Stereo/CD Garmin GPS, full canvas, porto-pottie, 12V Refrigerator, Well cared for by Prestige Yacht Management! Asking $25,900.00 All reasonable offers considered, Photos @ www.yachtview.com 410-923-1400 office 443-223-7864 cell/John Kaiser

34’ O’Day ’83 Estate Sale, new list-

ing. Go to website for photos and further info. $24,900 in Annapolis. Over 100 photos @ yachtview. com. John Kaiser (443) 223-7864 cell anytime.

1982 Bristol 45.5 $259,000

Visit Our Website for Our Complete Inventory... www.martinbird.com • • • •

Professional, Experienced Brokers Complete Brokerage Services Focused on Pre-Owned Yachts 33 Years in Business

410-268-1086 • 877-393-9052 326 First St., Annapolis, MD info@martinbird.com www.martinbird.com

Tacktick Wind System 1 year old, like new, with all manuals . T120 Masthead solar transducer and T112 Multifunction digital analogue wireless display $800. call 443-822-6779

Featured Brokerage

32’ Paceship Chance ’73 Racer/ Cruiser Solid, blue water sailing

boat. History of Newport Bermuda races. Well maintained , many upgrades. Davits , dingy, sail inventory, solar panel, corion.... http://www.sailboatlistings.com/ view/17439 $18000. (443) 8226779.

28’ Columbia ‘71 Excellent cond.,

Bruckmann 50 MotorSailer

Sleeps 6, Atomic-4 eng., with many updates. In Portsmouth, VA. Call Sam (757) 816-0026.

35’ Doral 350 Sport Cruiser ’95 All the options! Bow Thruster, AC/Gen., TV/VCR, ice maker, fridge, full galley, GPS plotter, trim tabs, power bow spotlight, elect. windlass, two staterooms, Mercruiser 7.2 engines, 24k cruise/33.4k top speed. Freshly detailed, Looks great. $39,900. Motivated sellers, all reasonable offers encouraged. 100s of photos @ www.yachtview.com John Kaiser (443) 223-7864 cell anytime

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

1988 Deerfoot 61’ $349,500

50 Foot Slip Available at Horn Point Marina in Eastport, 2nd street and Eastern Avenue. Unobstructed Bay view. Free parking and picnic area. $1,000/month through October. Call Keith (703) 597 5123.

Other sizes and custom boats available

31, 34, 37, 40, 40PH, 44

Pacific Seacraft 40 Port Annapolis Marina

53' 51' 50' 49' 45' 45' 42' 42' 41' 41' 40' 39' 39' 37' 37' 36' 36' 35' 35' 35' 35' 34' 34' 33' 30'

Mason `84 $349,000 Antigua `86 $194,900 Beneteau 2 from $200,000 Wauquiez Centurion `92 $275,000 Liberty `84 $159,000 Morgan Nelson Marek`85 $84,995 Jeanneau `07 $239,000 Moody `90 $160,000 C&C shoal `88 $79,500 Sceptre `88 $179,000 C&C `91 $129,900 Cal `83 $69,000 Southern Cross CE Ryder`82 $97,500 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey`97 $84,900 Pacific Seacraft 2 from $115,000 Beneteau 361 `01 $96,900 Prout `05 $199,000 Contest `90 $85,000 Bristol 35.5 `82 $54,150 Freedom Yachts `94 $110,000 Island Packet Cat `93 $130,000 Kaiser Gale Force `80 $82,500 Pacific Seacraft 34 & 31 from`98$159,000 Hunter 33 & 32 from `93 $43,000 Sea Sprite `84 $31,000

it Viscrusaderyachts.com

for extensive BROKERAGE

410-269-0939 SpinSheet June 2010 95

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96 June 2010 SpinSheet


The deadline for the Brokerage and Classified sections is the 10th of the month prior to publication (June 10 for the July issue).


Contact Lucy Iliff for advertising, (410) 216-9309 or lucy@spinsheet.com. MARINE ENGINES MARINE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE RENTALS RIGGING SAILS




For a Fraction of the Cost!

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Beautiful fast sailing 2004 Bavaria 36' sailing yacht available for bareboat in the Northern Chesapeake.


CHARTER J/34 Daily, Weekly, or Weekend Charters Bareboat or w/captain. Sleeps 6, dsl,

nice galley. Great boat for cruising the Chesapeake. Annapolis (410) 266-0963, (443) 994-1553.

R & R Charters Crewed day, weekend, and week-long charters, leaving from Kent Narrows. Also available certified ASA sail classes. Contact Capt. Dave at (570) 690-3645, renolldh@epix.net, www.randrchartersandsailschool.net RumBob Charters Catalina 40, daily, weekly, or weekend charters w/captain. Leaving from mid Chesapeake Bay. Contact Capt. Bob at (717) 818-2893 or visit www.rumbobcharters.com

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Don’t Own….. Just Sail.

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Lochner Law Firm, P.C. Todd Lochner, Esq. Proctor in Admirality, Maritime Law Association

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

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Captain Bob Dunn, Deliveries, Charters, check outs. Don’t have time to get boat to the yard? Call me. 4 hr minimum. (410) 279-0502, dunnboat@ vzw.blackberry.net Deliveries, Instruction, Owner-Assisted Passages, sail or power. Local, coastal, Gulf,

Caribbean. Three experienced USCG licensed captains. Outstanding references. Insurance approved. (443) 243-4925, www.marylandsailing.com

Crewed half and full-day charters out of the Magothy River. Licensed captain. Call Captain Paul (410) 3702480, www.ladysaracharterservices.com

SpinSheet June 2010 97


Endurance Deliveries Local and long dis-

Sailboats in Motion USCG Delivery captain,

Tim Kohl. Deliveries anywhere in the North East. office: (203) 483-7930, cell: (203) 233-9709.


M Yacht Services, in Annapolis, MD is

growing and in need of additional experienced sailboat riggers. As the area’s premier yacht rigging and spar building company, we offer competitive wages and benefits. Please email Richard Krolak @ rich@ myachtservices.net. For more information go to www. myachtservices.net.


Marine Technician We are a growing rigging

and marine services company in need of a highly experienced installation and service technician. We offer competitive wages and benefits. This individual must have in depth knowledge of marine electrical and mechanical systems. Carpentry and other skills are a plus. Must have a clean driving record. Please email your resume to tifiny@myachtservices.net.

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Riggers Wanted Need a great job? Atlantic Spars



nextgenerationpower.com MARINE SERVICES Complete Underwater Services APOLIS DIVIN NN


& Rigging is looking for experienced sailboat riggers to join our staff. We offer competitive pay, benefits, & vacation. Send resume to marc@atlanticspars.com or call (410) 268-1570.



tance. Twenty-one years experience with clean insurance approved resume. Local references. Recent trips include: Beneteau 54 to Caribbean, Fleming 55 M/Y to Key Largo, Hinckley B 40 from SW Harbor to Key Largo. Please call Simon Edwards (410) 212-9579 or email simon@endurancedeliveries.com

INFLATABLES 10.8’ Dynous Inflatable Dinghy Three air

chambers plus inflatable keel. Non-skid floor. Asking $850. Located Cambridge, MD (410) 221-0776, herbert@shorenet.net

EQUIPMENT Marine Moisture Meters For fiberglass and wood. Non-destructive, simple to use and understand. Electrophysics, Tramex Skipper Plus, and Sovereign meters in stock. J.R. Overseas Co. (502) 228-8732, www.jroverseas.com

Avon 11-’2” Roll-Away Inflatable 2001 model, bought new in 2003. Hypalon 17” tubes, plastic roll-up floor, 20-hp max, 5 person capacity. Annapolis, $500 (281) 492-0727.

INSTRUCTION Learn Celestial Navigation With SpinSheet

writer Andy Schell. Next workshop June 11-13 at Sarles Boatyard in Eastport. To see all of Andy’s sail-training programs, purchase his new book and register for the workshop, visit www.fathersonsailing.com or call (484) 269-3358.

UsedBoatGear.com Raritan Hot Water Heater For Sale Model: 170611. 6 gal capacity - 110 volt electric w/engine heating - never been used. Asking price $425. (856) 696-4149 - azdashevsky@comcast.net

HELP WANTED Captains Wanted Ed Kane’s Water Taxi is ac-

cepting applications for the 2010 season. Seasonal FT and PT positions available, weekend availability a must. Master’s license required. You must like working with the public. Contact Zach Rogers at (410) 5633901 or edkaneswatertaxi@comcast.net

Sailmaker for production\service staff UK Annapolis. The position is full time year around; competitive wages based on experience and benefits. Please Call David Gross 410-268-1175 or David@ukhalseyannapolis.com.

98 June 2010 SpinSheet



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MARINE ENGINES 2007 Yamaha Long Shaft W/Auxiliary Tank Less than 5 hrs operating time. $800 (410)



Shaft/Prop cleaning and service Hull inspection/cleaning Search and Recovery

410-971-4777 COMMANDERDIVE@aol.com


Index of Display





Accent Graphics..................................65

refrigeration and isotemp water heater parts

Annapolis Accommodations................82 Annapolis Bay Charters.......................47

Up The C re e k Diving

Helix Mooring Authorized Installer


WOODREALTYclassifiedAd.indd 1



Mooring Installation & Service Underwater Maintenance & Repair


Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard..................9 5/6/10 2:33 PM

Rigging & Metal Fabrication

Brokers for Quality Power & Sail



MISCELLANEOUS Dreaming of sailing down to the Florida Keys and the Bahamas? Into the Land of Coconut Dreams From Amazon.com Not a cruising guide, just a good sea story...possibly even true.

REAL ESTATE Waterfront, water view, water privileged, whatever. Expert handling from search through settlement and all the pesky little details in between. (410) 703-2350 (410) 972-4090 Susan-Nealey.com

Bacon & Associates..............................5

Bands in the Sand...............................13

122 Severn Ave • Annapolis MD

Bay Ridge Laundromat........................34 Bermuda Ocean Race.........................68 Bert Jabin’s Yacht Yard.......................55 Blue Water Sailing School...................55 Boatshed.............................................93 BoatU.S..........................................23,35

West Systems • MAS Epoxy

703-483-1173 lukeysboats@gmail.com

Atlantic Spars & Rigging......................65

Annapolis 410-268-1570 Herrington Harbour 410-867-7248

Bottom Paint Removal • Gel-Coat Safe Chris Stafford 800-901-4253 www.galeforceblasting.com

• Electrical & Marine Systems • Interiors, Custom Upholstery and Canvas

Annapolis Yacht Sales...................27,89

Baltimore Marine Group........................4


30 Years Experience in Marine Repair

Annapolis Sailing Fitness....................25

with Mobile Service


Expert Marine Services

Annapolis Performance Sailing......71,85

BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup.............Insert Boatyard Bar & Grill.............................30 Cape Charles Cup...............................52

Bacon Sails

CCS Valencer......................................15

Marine Supplies

Coastal Climate Control........................8


Chesapeake Rigging...........................37

Coppercoat USA.................................61 CRAB..................................................50 CRAB Boatyard Regatta.....................51 Crusader Yacht Sales.........................95 David Virtue.........................................34

Your online source for quality pre-owned sails!

Davis’ Pub...........................................34 Defender Industries.............................32 Deltaville Boatyard.........................28,29 Distribution Points...............................39 Diversified Marine................................56 EYC Spring Cotillion............................10 Fair Wind Sailing School................32,46 Fawcett Boat Supplies....................56,62

Chesapeake Bay Sailing

SpinSheet June 2010 99

Index of Display Advertisers




Forespar..............................................21 Governor’s Cup...................................77 Gratitude Marina..................................62 Great Water, Inc..................................21 Hartge Yacht Harbor...........................63 Haven Harbour Marina........................26 Herrington Harbour..............................33 Hinckley Yacht Services......................61 Hyde Sails...........................................68

20Min. From DC Beltway


At Herrington Harbour North

Inner Harbor EAST Marina..................59 J. Gordon & Co....................................58 J/World................................................69

North East River Yacht Club

JR Overseas Company.......................65


Landfall Navigation............................103


Upper Bay Area

Leopard Catamarans...........................87


Leukemia Cup.....................................41


Lippincott Marine.................................92

Basic Keelboat Basic Coastal Cruising Bareboat Chartering Coastal Navigation Pier One Road Stevensville, MD 410 739 4432 www.baybridgesailingschool.com

Mack Sails...........................................57 M Yacht Services................................22 Maggie Lee Designs............................31 Martek Davits......................................65 Martin Bird & Associates.....................95 Nilsen Insurance & Financial...............69 North Point Yacht Sales......................16

Porpoise Sailing Services




porpoisesailing@yahoo.com • 800.507.0119 www.porpoisesailing.com

North Sails Chesapeake........................3 North Sails Direct................................61 Norton’s Yacht Sales...........................92 Patsy Ewenson....................................82 Pettit Marine Paint Vivid......................66

The deadline for the Brokerage and Classified sections of SpinSheet’s August issue is July 10th

Planet Hope.........................................26 Portside Marine...................................59 Pro Valor Charters...............................47 Profurl/Wichard....................................19 Quantum............................................104 Refrigeration Parts Solution................65

100 June 2010 SpinSheet



New Custom Sails New & Used Surplus Sails New & Used Roller Furling Systems

Contact Lucy Iliff for advertising (410) 216-9309 or lucy@spinsheet.com




Solomons, MD



August 31, 2010 6:30 - 10:00 Tuesday Nights for 12 weeks Coast Guard Approved to Teach and Test

CALL CAP’T KEN 410-228-0674 Offshore Swan Sailing Program Real Ocean Seatime. Sail Offshore Aboard a Swan Nov 1st to 18th 2010. 11th Annual NARC Rally. Great boats, Professional skippers. Very reasonable. Small crew means lots of wheel time. Fun!! www.sailopo.com or (631) 423-4988. Summer Sailing Camp - Indian Landing Boat Club. Located on the Severn River. Weekly

summer sessions. Age 7 to 15. June – August. Professional Instructors. Visit: indianlandingboatclub.com to register.



SLIPS 30’ - 35’ Slips Available Annapolis City Ma-

25 Ton Lift!

rina, Ltd. in the heart of Eastport. Includes electric, water, restrooms with showers, and gated parking. Give us a call at (410) 268-0660, www.annapoliscitymarina. com.

Slips up to 50'

40’ Slip, Back Creek Electric included, depth


8’-plus, 13’ beam, no liveaboards, no pets, $5,000 for the year. (410) 271-0112.


Full Service Repair Bottom Paint and and Maintenance Spring Commissioning

Don’t Pay Annapolis Rates this Winter Winter storage $3/foot/month. $90 minimum.

DIY friendly! 410.544.6368 ALWAYS below 700 Mill Creek Rd. • Arnold Annapolis rates!


Very Protected • Trailer Boat Storage �• Public Boat Ramp Expert Fiberglass Repair •� Professional Awlgrip Services

www.ferrypointmarina.com office@ferrypointmarina.com

$12/foot HWBL. In-water storage open and covered up to 50 feet LOA. Full-service BY or DIY. Winterization, sail & battery storage, variety of services: brightwork, shrinkwrap, ask us! 7-foot depth. 30-Ton TraveLift. (804) 472-3955, www.colespoint.com

Modern, Floating Marina - Upper Bay Slips up to 50 feet available. Convenient to N.

Maryland and tri-state area and I-95. North East River Y/C www.NERYC.com, ph: (410) 287-6333.

Slip For Sale - Magothy Marina 32’ by 12’2” Fresh docks, onsite fuel, pump-out, heads,

Repair Yard DIY or Subs.

Bell Isle

(No (No Boat Boat Tax) Tax)

55-Ton Travel-Lift 27,000 lb. Fork-Lifts (Lower (Lower Bay) Bay)

Hampton, VA (757) 850-0466

www.BELLISLEMARINA.com Baltimore’s Inner Harbor East Marina Transient & Monthly Vacation Rates Annual slips for year-round fun! Call 410-625-1700

Short Walk to: Movie Theatre 17 Restaurants Whole Foods Liquor Store Retail Shops Harborplace Aquarium Fells Point Little Italy

Why Pay High Annapolis or Baltimore Rates? Slips $1,250 - $2,200 yr. Land storage $110 monthly. Haulouts $8.50 per foot. Minutes to Bay and Baltimore Beltway. Old Bay Marina (410) 477-1488 or www.oldbaymarina.com


Sailrite Enterprises..............................58 Schaefer..............................................37 Screwpile.............................................45 Shipwright Harbour..............................59 Singles on Sailboats............................63 Spring Cove Marina.............................19 Stur-Dee Boat......................................65

Sunfish Regatta...................................74

Tacktick.................................................2 Tidewater Yacht Service Center..........36 UK-Halsey Sailmakers..........................7 Up-N-Out.............................................65 Vane Brothers.....................................80 West Marine........................................17 West River Rigging..............................36


White Rocks Marina & Boatyard.........57

Power and Sail. Pre-Purchase, Insurance claims, Finance, Corrosion. SAMS & ABYC accredited. 410-745-2454.

Womanship International.....................36


Yacht View Brokerage.........................93 Yankee Point Sailboat Marina.............27

ABYI Marine Surveyors, LLC Sail & power-

Accredited SAMS Marine Surveyor Capt.

Eastport, across from Annapolis Yacht Club. Keep your boat where the Hinckley and Sabre dealers keep theirs. Electric, water, & showers. (410) 990-9515. www.pier4annapolis.com

Jon Sheller, AMS, established 1980, serving MD/DC/ VA, ABYC Master Marine Technician, Power & Sail, Gas & Diesel. Pre-Purchase, Insurance, Finance, Corrosion, (410) 349-7016, jons2011@aol.com

20’-36’ Slips Young’s Boat Yard Inc., Jones Creek, Patapsco River. Deep, protected


Chesapeake Bay Sailing

RogueWave Yacht Brokerage.............91


20’ - 40’ Slips, Pier 4 Marina 301 4th St.,

Clean Marina in protected Deale harbor, excellent boating & fishing, free Wi-Fi & pumpout, 30 mins. from DC. (410) 867-7919, www.rockholdcreekmarina.com

Relms Landscaping.............................31

Tired of Paying Too Much For crowded Solo-

Ad#big LMS-109 Ad Rhymes, boat surveys, or small. Surveys Contact Derek NAMS-CMS and SAMS xA.M.S. 268-4404 or toll Size: 2.304”W 1.0”H(410)02/04/10 free (866) 608-4404. Prepared by Ad Collaborative (215) 242-2005

28’ - 38’ Slips Power & sail, cozy, intimate MD

Regent Point Marina............................60

Summer Sailstice................................46

15’ Up to 60’ Deep-Water Slips On the Magothy. One river north of Annapolis. Easy access to marina by Route 100. North Shore Marina (410) 255-3982.

slips at reasonable rates. 15-Ton open-end TraveLift. Friendly atmosphere with personal attention. Wed. night racing. YoungsBoatYard.com, (410) 477-8607.


showers, swimming pool, launching ramp, and ice. Secure parking. Power and water at slip.(410) 9759881.

mons? Come join others who switched to the open waters of the Potomac. Deep-water slips, covered slips, Jet Ski & boat lifts, ramp. Breton Bay area, Leonardtown, MD. Combs Creek Marina (301) 475-2017, www.combscreekmarina.com.

Dry Storage to 36 feet.

Index of Display Advertisers

Sailboat Trailers & Cradles

Custom-built & fit

Viking Trailers 724-789-9194


Team Dead Flowers Racing at the 2010 Annapolis NOOD Regatta. Photo by Sara Proctor, www.sailfastphoto.com

SpinSheet June 2010 101


Win the SpinSheet Summer Cover Contest


f you have ever uttered the words, “I can take a better photograph than that,” this may be your moment. To enter the 2010 SpinSheet Summer Cover Contest, send us one to three high-resolution digital photographs, which are vertical in orientation. The theme is—you guessed it—summer on the Chesapeake Bay. The subject matter may be racing, cruising, or life along the waterfront. The winning image will be featured on the cover of our August issue in print and online.

102 June 2010 SpinSheet

Design considerations:

• Make sure the horizon is horizontal, not crooked. • Look at our current cover and note the placement of the “SpinSheet” header and the month and the word “free” at the bottom. Photos with big sky and some water in the foreground work best. • Leave room on the side for a few cover lines helps. • Know that some beautiful photographs are too complicated for covers, so shoot for simplicity.

We love:

• Clear faces of smiling sailors, so don’t hesitate to send us people shots. • Dock and anchorage shots as well as those of sailboats underway. • Puppies and kids, too, so feel free to send such photos, especially if they are taken on boats on the Chesapeake Bay. If you look at the photo and think it’s a little too dark or fuzzy, know that we will look at it and think it’s a little too dark or fuzzy to print. We will only accept one entry per person, and within that e-mail, you may submit up to three photos. High resolution for us means 300 dpi. Please send entries to sailors@spinsheet.com by July 10. ~M.W.



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