Documents - AMBM's 2012 AGM

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Annual General Meeting of the Association of Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities (AMBM) Date:

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Franco-Manitoban Cultural Centre 340 Provencher Blvd. St. Boniface, Manitoba East Entrance


4:30 p.m. Registration 5:00 pm Business Meeting

PROPOSED A G E N D A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Welcoming Remarks - Mr. Marc Marion, Chairman AMBM Greetings – Special Guests Election of a Chairperson Approval of Agenda Approval of Annual General Meeting Minutes dated October 6, 2011 Approval of 2011– 2012 Audited Financial Report (AMBM) Appointment of Auditors (AMBM) Chairman’s Report – AMBM (Mr. Marc Marion) Executive Director’s Report – AMBM (Mr. Louis Tétrault) CDEM’s 2011-2012 Activity Report (Mr. Paul Grenier and Mr. Louis Allain) Other business Adjournment

Note: Simultaneous translation will be available

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Association of Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities (AMBM) Thursday, October 6, 2011 5:00 p.m. Centre TransCanada Centre Île-de-Chênes, Manitoba 1. WELCOMING REMARKS Emcee Simone Neveux launched the evening’s proceedings under the banner of “A Green Future/Vert l’Avenir.” This year, for the first time, the AMBM’s AGM was held outside Winnipeg, at the new Centre TransCanada Centre community centre in Île-des-Chênes. This centre is a unique “green” project in Manitoba and even Canada. The building is heated by a state-of-the-art geothermal system that connects the community centre to the arena and the Île-des-Chênes fire hall. 2. CALL TO ORDER AMBM Chair Marc Marion welcomed everyone to the annual meeting. 3. GREETINGS – DISTINGUISHED GUESTS He then invited Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux to come forward and deliver his greetings on behalf of the Government of Manitoba. Mr. Lemieux said that he was honoured to have been elected the first MLA of the new Dawson Trail constituency on Tuesday, October 4, 2011. He confirmed his support of CDEM and AMBM projects and said he was proud of the Ritchot municipality's fine project. Mr. Marion thanked Mr. Lemieux for his words. Nicole Forest-Lavergne, Vice-President of the Société franco-manitobaine (SFM) board of directors was then invited to say a few words. She noted that the AMBM and CDEM are moving in the right direction to build a prosperous future for our community. The SFM applauds the initiatives of both AMBM/CDEM Annual General Meeting – Thursday, October 6, 2011

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organizations in striving to develop green projects and she encouraged us to continue working in that direction. Mr. Marion thanked Nicole Forest-Lavergne and introduced Isaël Poirier, Regional Advisor for the Western Provinces with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) in Ottawa, who was invited to come and talk to us about the Green Municipal Fund. The RM of Ritchot benefited from this fund to carry out its major undertaking – the Centre TransCanada in Île-des-Chênes. Mr. Poirier told us that the FCM is the national voice of municipal governments across Canada. The FCM provides $550 million in funding assistance to eligible green projects in the various municipalities. Partnership projects are also eligible. To date, 875 projects have been established, including two AMBM projects, one in the RM of Ritchot and the other in the Town of St. Anne. The Île-des-Chênes project is a major initiative aimed at significantly reducing the municipality’s carbon footprint. The project, one of the first of its kind in Manitoba, is a wonderful example of sustainable development. Mr. Poirier encouraged the province of Manitoba to submit new project requests in December. Mr. Marion thanked Mr. Poirier and presented him with a painting entitled Vert l’avenir (a green future) by Manitoba artist Réal Bérard, created especially for our AGM. Next, Marc Marion invited Doug Dobrowolski, President of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM), to come forward. Mr. Dobrowolski said that the AMM appreciated the opportunity to be able to address today's assembly. He told us that the AMM represents 197 incorporated municipalities in Manitoba, including AMBM members. The AMM and AMBM work effectively together to represent all the province’s municipalities in the Manitoba government. The AMBM and CDEM are also important partners in the Community Led Emissions Reduction Pilot Program (CLER). He congratulated us for having taken the initiative this year to hold a paperless meeting. He concluded by saying that he valued the relationship between the AMM and AMBM. Marc Marion thanked Doug Dobrowolski for his address. The emcee introduced the distinguished guests in attendance at the AGM: Barry Gosnell, Chair, and Vera Goussaert, Executive Director of the Manitoba Cooperative Association; Joe Masi, Executive Director of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities; Diane Dorge, Canadian Heritage Officer; Bernard Lesage, President of the Division scolaire franco-manitobaine; Joël Rondeau, Executive Director of the Caisse Financial Group; Marilyn Robinson, Vice-President, Corporate Marketing, at the Manitoba Lotteries Corporation; Mariette Mulaire, President and CEO of ANIM, Manitoba's Bilingual Trade Agency; Raymonde Gagné, President of Université de Saint-Boniface (USB); Marilyn Kapitany, Assistant Deputy Minister and Karen AMBM/CDEM Annual General Meeting – Thursday, October 6, 2011

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Morrow, Manitoba Regional Coordinator, Western Economic Diversification (WD); Joy Goertzen, Director of Integrated Initiatives, Manitoba Housing and Community Development; Lyle Morisseau, Councillor, Sagkeeng First Nation; Bruno Burnichon, Honorary Consul of France; and Raymond Poirier, Member of the Order of Canada and recently of the Order of Manitoba; as well as all the elected officials and administrators of the 17 member municipalities of the AMBM and a number of provincial and federal officials who work regularly with the AMBM and CDEM. Simone Neveux took the floor again and told us that, in keeping with this year's "green" theme, we had chosen to do things a bit differently and that no paper documents would be distributed at today's AGM. Rather, the documents would be projected on a screen during the meeting. The CDEM annual report would be presented in video format. All of the documents, including the agenda, minutes, financial statements of the AMBM and CDEM as well as the annual reports for both organizations, will be available on the organizations’ websites. Simone Neveux then invited AMBM Chair, Marc Marion, to proceed with the official part of the meeting, which he did after establishing that a quorum was present. 4. ELECTION OF A MEETING CHAIR MOTION Claude Lussier/Guy Huberdeau "THAT Simone Neveux act as the meeting chair." CARRIED 5. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MOTION "THAT the agenda be adopted as presented."

Bernard Vermette/Denis Danais CARRIED

6. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2010 MOTION Rachelle Tessier/Denis Bibault "THAT the minutes of the Annual General Meeting dated October 7, 2010 be approved as presented." CARRIED 7. REPORT OF THE AMBM CHAIR – MARC MARION Simone Neveux gave the floor to Marc Marion to present the report of the AMBM Chair. Mr. Marion said that this year's AGM was truly special because it was being held outside St. Boniface in one of our rural municipalities. He underscored the AMBM/CDEM Annual General Meeting – Thursday, October 6, 2011

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importance of the Île-des-Chênes community centre project, which received some of its funding from the FCM's Green Municipal Fund. He thanked the Ritchot municipal council for allowing us to hold our event in their new "green" community centre. Eleven bilingual municipalities are involved in the FCM’s Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) project. The AMBM is proud of the bilingual municipalities and their efforts to secure this kind of national funding. He congratulated the newly elected officials and re-elected incumbents from the October 2010 elections and thanked them for their commitment to the community. In follow-up to the elections, the AMBM met with each municipality to get a better sense of their issues and priorities. In 2010-2011, the AMBM transferred $156,000 to the bilingual municipalities under the Canada-Manitoba Agreement. In October 2010, the AMBM responded to a call for tenders from the FCM aimed at providing economic development expertise and training over the next four years to the developing nations of Mali and Burkina Faso. In January 2011, the FCM informed us that our project tender had been successful. Mr. Marion was part of this mission at the end of summer 2011. He concluded by recognizing the excellent work of the AMBM and CDEM boards and thanked Executive Director Louis Tétrault for his tremendous commitment and ability to lead our members to new heights. He thanked Mr. Allain and his team for organizing the AGM. MOTION Marc Marion/Claude Lussier "THAT the AMBM Chair’s report be received for information." CARRIED The AMBM’s Executive Director, Louis Tétrault, then presented his report. Mr. Tétrault noted that the past year had been a highly productive one. The next steps for the AMBM involve consolidating its membership and establishing the new Rural Development Consortium for Manitoba's bilingual municipalities. This Consortium will help strengthen the services offered in the territory of each municipality and is the follow-up to the regionalization project. Mr. Tétrault thanked Louis Allain and his team for organizing today’s event. For the 2010 municipal elections, the AMBM ensured documents were available in both official languages. At its provincial forum on economic development, it assembled a few dozen elected municipal officials and representatives of the Community Development Corporations (CDCs) for the provincial economic development forum held on April 9, 2011. The main goal of this forum was to encourage elected municipal officials and economic stakeholders to achieve their objectives through regional and provincial strategic resource sharing. The new CDC network was officially launched during the same forum. Our new Web portal,, was launched on December 2, 2010, and will support the bilingual municipalities in attracting residents and investors to move to or settle in one of Manitoba’s 17 bilingual municipalities. The AMBM member municipalities participating in the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) project receive assistance from CDEM, which supports them throughout the process, primarily in connection with baseline data collection. In 2010-2011, 13 bilingual municipalities, 10 CDCs and three (3) community AMBM/CDEM Annual General Meeting – Thursday, October 6, 2011

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organizations used the AMBM’s translation services. We developed sustainable partnerships at the provincial (AMM, MMAA) and the federal levels (FCM). In 20102011, the AMBM transferred $156,000 to Manitoba's bilingual municipalities under the Canada-Manitoba Agreement. Close to $533,000 was invested in the economic and community development of the bilingual municipalities. This generated considerable impact in our communities via major economic projects as well as business and job creation. One of the most crucial issues is obtaining adequate funding to continue to serve our members. In 2010-2011, we were able to renew all of our financial agreements on a multiyear basis with our funders. One of the priorities this year will be to ensure that our Association has the appropriate human and financial resources to better support our member municipalities so that they can become even greater places to live and invest. MOTION Louis Tétrault/Claude Lussier "THAT the AMBM Executive Director’s report be received for information." CARRIED 8. 2010 – 2011 FINANCIAL REPORT (AMBM) André Couture presented the AMBM’s financial statements as at March 31, 2011. MOTION Rachelle Tessier/Denis Danais "THAT the AMBM’s audited financial report for the year ended March 31, 2011 be approved as presented." CARRIED 9. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS – (AMBM) MOTION Rachelle Tessier/Guy Huberdeau "THAT Chartered Accountant André Couture be appointed Auditor for the AMBM for the 2011-2012 year." CARRIED That concluded the first part of the AMBM Annual Meeting. 10. MESSAGE FROM CDEM PRESIDENT – PAUL GRENIER Paul Grenier said that he was pleased to tell us about the new expansion of the St. Léon wind farm. He then congratulated Raymond Poirier, who received the Order of Manitoba earlier this year. He also thanked Guy Gagnon for agreeing to represent CDEM on the RDÉE Canada board. He thanked Louise Durand for representing CDEM for six years and presented her with a token of its appreciation. Ms. Neveux then asked Louis Allain to come forward and present the CDEM activity report, for information.

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11. CDEM ACTIVITY REPORT – LOUIS ALLAIN Executive Director Louis Allain highlighted CDEM’s achievements in 2010-2011, for information. Mr. Allain told the assembly that CDEM had had a rich and dynamic year with respect to projects. The organization played a catalyst role in green projects and will continue to stimulate, encourage, support and coordinate sustainable development in the municipalities. Louis Allain thanked the government and municipal partners as well as Green Manitoba and the FCM for their invaluable assistance in carrying out a number of green projects in our municipalities. The youth sector focused on several initiatives to raise young peoples’ awareness about green entrepreneurship. As a result of a partnership with the Manitoba Cooperative Association (MCA), CDEM now plays a leading role in developing new cooperatives and promoting the sector. Next year, CDEM will have new challenges related to CDC regionalization, aimed at bringing new life and vitality to our communities. The organization undertook a bold initiative that made St. Boniface the first 3D city on the Internet. To continue with this momentum and in the spirit of the "green future" theme, Mr. Allain said they would now present a video showing a number of the 2010-2011 projects spearheaded by our municipalities. 12. C3A Presentation Louis Allain then asked Dany Robidoux, from CDEM’s Knowledge-based Economy sector, to say a few words and present the interactive television partnership project between CDEM and C3A. The C3A initiative is a convergence media project that brings together the platforms of the Internet, smartphones and interactive television. Dany gave a brief overview of the project to date. In 2007, CDEM conducted two studies, one on the E-Index and the other on a wireless portal in the rural bilingual municipalities. In 2008, the AMBM, together with its counterparts in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, took part in a research initiative on a virtual hub for francophone municipalities in Canada. The results of these two studies were used to create a uniform Web presence. In 2009, CDEM received funding to develop a Web portal for Manitoba’s municipal municipalities: Since its launch in 2010, CDEM has also worked on the St. Boniface in 3D project, involving the creation of storyboards for promotional videos and an application for self-guided tours. The iTV component will be part of this project. Dany also told us about the Ultimate Events Calendar that can be searched by television viewers, in both official languages, on MTS Allstream channel 88. He proceeded to demonstrate how the calendar worked. The meeting chair thanked Mr. Robidoux for telling us about this major undertaking. She then invited André Couture to present CDEM’s 2010-2011 financial statements, AMBM/CDEM Annual General Meeting – Thursday, October 6, 2011

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for information. 13. 2010– 2011 FINANCIAL REPORT (CDEM) Auditor André Couture presented CDEM’s financial statements as at March 31, 2011, for information. The financial statements were approved at the CDEM’s AGM on September 12, 2011. 14. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS – (CDEM) André Couture was appointed Auditor for CDEM’s 2011-2012 financial statements at CDEM’s AGM on September 12, 2011. 15. RECOGNITION OF OUTGOING AMBM AND CDEM BOARD MEMBERS Louis Tétrault and Marc Marion thanked a few of the AMBM’s board members who completed their term that year: Marc Chartrand of the RM of St. Laurent (1999-2010), Réal Curé of the Town of St. Pierre-Jolys (2002-2010), Raymond Philippe of the RM of Ritchot (2002-2010), Diane Dubé of the RM of Alexander (2006-2010), Diane Bazin of the Town of Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes (2006-2010), Claude Moquin of the RM of La Broquerie (2006-2010) and Gérard Archambault of the RM of Somerset (2006-2010). Louis Allain and Paul Grenier went on to thank a few of CDEM’s board members who completed their term that year: Patrick Clément, Knowledge-based Economy (2008-2011), Ginette Vincent, Alexander representative (2008-2011), Michel Tétrault, La Broquerie representative (2007-2011), Louise Durand, representative to RDÉE Canada (2006-2011), Lesley Gaudry, Community Economic Development (2010-2011) and Marcel Verrier, St. Boniface Chamber of Commerce representative (2010-2011). 16. OTHER BUSINESS No other business was presented for discussion. 17. ADJOURNMENT Adjournment was moved by Luc Nadeau.


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The emcee took the floor to invite Mariette Mulaire to present a video announcing the second edition of the Centrallia event targeting small and medium-sized businesses, to be held on October 12, 2012. Ms. Mulaire invited all attendees to take part. Simone Neveux then invited everyone to continue informal discussion over some food and a glass of wine. The wine was graciously provided by the Manitoba Liquor Control Commission and served by MLCC representative Arthur Arpin and his team. Catering services were provided by Joanne Gobeil of Fried Green Tomatoes.

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Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc. Financial Statements March 31, 2012

Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc. Table of Contents March 31, 2012

Independent Auditor's Report

Financial Statements

Statement of Financial Position Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets Notes to Financial Statements Schedule of Revenues and Expenses by Project

581 rue Des Menrons Winnipeg Manitoba 1t2H 21'6 Telephone 204.953,0700 Fax 204.953,0704 E-Mail: andre.couturc@mts.nct

Andre Couture Chartered Accountant Comptable Agree

September 17, 2012

Independent Auditor's Report To the Members of Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc.

I have audited the accompanying financial statements of the Association des Municipalites Bilingues du inc., which comprise the statement of financial position as at March 31, 2012, and the statement of operat changes in net assets for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these fmancial statements in accorx Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, and for such internal control as management determin necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whed fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility

My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. I conducted in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that I comply w requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in th statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the ris: material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk asse! the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financ statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the pui expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluatin appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by main as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my aud Opinion

In my opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc. as at March 31, 2012, and the results of its ol and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting prir

Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc. Statement of Financial Position As at March 31, 2012 2012


ASSETS Current Assets Cash Accounts receivable Grants receivable Prepaid expenses

66,964 13,188 95,463 3,784



L IABIL IT IES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities 4,824 175,229

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Amounts payable to municipalities





Net assets (deficit)


Approved by the Board of Directors President





Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc. Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets For the year ended March 31, 2012 2012

Revenue Canada-Manitoba Agreement Canadian Heritage Interest and other

285,000 124,000 19,899

3l 11

428,899 Expenses Salaries, benefits and resource personnel Transfers to municipalities Public relations and meetings Bad debts Travel Advertising and promotion Printing, postage and stationery Professional fees Other Equipment Telephone and fax Rent

Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses for the year Net assets (deficit) - beginning of year Net assets (deficit) - end of year

197,898 146,979 31,911



12,530 8,729 928 10,927 3,345 514 1,593 3,000 418,354




(11,199) (654)


Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc. Notes to Financial Statements March 31, 2012 1 N a t u r e of Business

The organization is a non-profit organization incorporated without share capital under tht Corporations Act of Manitoba.

The purpose of the organization is to promote the setting up of municipal services in both languages in each municipality having a concentration of French-speaking residents. The organization is exempt from income taxes under section 149 of the Income Tax Act. 2 Significant Accounting Policies Revenue Recognition

The organization follows the deferral method of accounting for contributions. Restricted contributions including government grants are recognized as revenue in the year in which related expenses are incurred. Unrestricted contributions including interest revenue are recognized as revenue when received or receivable i f the amount to be received can be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured. Capital Assets

Capital asset purchases are expensed in the year acquired. Financial Instruments

The organization's financial instruments consist of cash, investments, accounts receivabli receivable, accounts payable and accrued liabilities. The organization has designated its financial instruments as follows:

Cash, bank advances and investments are classified as financial assets held for trading an measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in the statement of operation

Accounts receivable and grants receivable are classified as loans and receivables. They al initially recognized at fair value and subsequently carried at amortized cost using the effe interest method.

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities are classified as other financial liabilities. They. initially recognized at fair value and subsequently carried at amortized cost using the effe interest method. , Fair values

The carrying values of the organization's financial instruments approximate their fair vah to variable interest rates, the relatively short periods to maturity of these items or because are receivable or payable on demand.

Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc. Notes to Financial Statements March 31, 2012

2 Significant Accounting Policies (continued) Allocation of expenses

The organization undertakes various projects each year to promote the setting up of muni services both official languages in each municipality having a concentration of French-sp residents.

Included in the costs of each project are the expenses directly related to each project as w allocation of the Executive Director's salary.

The executive director's salary is allocated to the various projects based on time spent on project. The allocation can be seen on the Schedule of Revenues and Expenses by Project. Use of estimates

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting policies requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect t reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the rt amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could diffet management's best estimates, as additional information becomes available in the future. Statement of Cash Flows

A separate statement of cash flows has not been presented, as in management's opinion it not provide any additional information. 3 B a n k Advances

The organization has a line of credit arrangement of $40,000 bearing interest at the financ institution's prime rate plus 1.5% (4.75% at March 31, 2012). A general security agreemt all of the organization's assets has been pledged as collateral for the line of credit. The lir credit was not in use at March 31, 2012. 4 C a p i t a l management

The organization's capital is comprised of its net assets. The organization's objectives re capital management consist of ensuring the viability of the organization in order to carry i mission. The organization manages its capital structure by establishing and monitoring its budgets to ensure capital is maintained at a satisfactory level. As a not-for-profit entity, if organization's operations depend on annual grant revenues. There have been no changes the organization considers to be its capital since the previous year.

Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc. Notes to Financial Statements March 31, 2012 5 F in an cial risk management

The organization, through its financial assets and liabilities, is exposed to various risks in normal course of operations. The organization's objective in risk management is to optirr risk return trade-off, within set limits, by applying integrated risk management and contn strategies, policies and procedures throughout the organization's activities. The followirq analysis provides a measurement of those risks at March 31, 2012. Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk that the organization will incur a loss due to the failure by its debtor meet their contractual obligations. Financial instruments that potentially subject the orgar to significant concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of accounts and grants receiv The organization is not exposed to significant credit risk as the amounts receivable are ge due from governments and payment is typically collected on a timely basis. Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the organization will not be able to meet its obligations as th due. The organization maintains adequate levels of working capital to ensure all its obliv can be met when they fall due. Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrumer fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The organization is exposed to inter risk as its line of credit is at a floating interest rate. Fixed rate instruments subject the organization to fair value risks whereas variable rate instruments subject it to cash flow ri Foreign exchange risk

Foreign exchange risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial inst will fluctuate because of changes in foreign exchange rates. The organization is not expo! foreign exchange risk as all financial instruments are denominated in Canadian dollars an number of transactions undertaken in foreign currency is minimal. 6 F u t u re accounting policy changes

The Accounting Standards Board of the CICA has issued new standards for non-profit organization's which will be effective for annual reporting periods that commence on or January 1, 2012. The organization will adopt these new standards for its year ending Mari 2013. These new standards will not have any significant impact on the results of operatic)] financial position of the organization.

Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc. Schedule of Revenues and Expenses by Project For the year ended March 31, 2012

Administration $

Translation $

Municipal Libraries $

Sports & Leisure $

Economic Development $

Total 2012 $

Revenue Canada-Manitoba Agreement Canadian Heritage Interest and other

Expenses Salaries, benefits and resource personnel Transfers to municipalities Public relations and meetings Travel Advertising and promotion Printing, postage and stationery Professional fees Other Equipment Telephone and fax Rent

51,727 124,000 19,899





285,000 124,000 19,899







112,698 -


200 979



31,911 11,570 8,729 794 10,927 3,345 514 1,593 3,000 185,081

Excess of revenue over expenses for the year

(S )


960 134 -







197,898 146,979 31,911 12,530 8,729 928 10,927 3,345 514 1,593 3,000 418,354


Association des Municipalites Bilingues du Manitoba inc. Schedule of Revenues and Expenses by Project For the year ended March 31, 2011

Administration $

Translation $

Municipal Libraries $

Sports 84 Leisure $

Economic Development Regionalization $ $

Total 2011 $

Revenue Canada-Manitoba Agreement Canadian Heritage Interest and other

Expenses Salaries, benefits and resource personnel Transfers to municipalities Public relations and meetings Bad debts Travel Advertising and promotion Printing, postage and stationery Professional fees Other Equipment Telephone and fax Rent

36,110 110,000 3,904







800 5,358

( 9 )




382,294 110,000 3,904








9,473 25,896 10,642 6,120 4,317 -


2,202 3,002 1,500 1,500

212,625 161,358 34,437 25,896 21,250 16,223 13,638 10,837 4,108 3,002 2,282 2,160











24,964 9,349 10,103 9,203 10,837 1,906 782 660 150,014

Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses for the year


1,259 118 -




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