Graphic Design and Multimedia Student Showcase 2012-2013

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Graphic Design and Multimedia | 2012-2013



Graphic Design and Multimedia | 2012-2013

Table of Contents





Second Year Courses


Third Year Courses


Fourth Year Courses


Fifth Year Courses



It is with great pleasure and price that the College of Design presents its third booklet of student projects which aims to document and recognize students achievements. It showcases projects from students at both the Interior Design and Graphic Design and Multimedia department. The featured work reflects a strong commitment to providing for the needs of society whether in the creation of functional and aestheticaly pleasing physical environments or the visual communication of ideas and brands. The projects are varied in type and complexity and demonstrate the stages of progression through which students pass before they embark on their professional career.

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College of Design Dr. Saeed Al-Awais Dean, College of Design Dr. Hind Al-Gahtani Vice Dean, Accademic Affairs Chair, Interior Design Department Dr. Sumayah Al-Solaiman Vice Dean, Quality Development and Academic Accreditation Chair, Graphic Design and Multimedia Department


Muzon Ashgar Lecturer

Hussah Al-Otishan Teaching Assistant

Rezan Gassas Lecturer

Aisha Al-Afaleq Teaching Assistant

Sangeeta Jain Lecturer

Weam Al-Arfaj Teaching Assistant

Hiba Seif Lecturer

Abrar Al-Kadhi Teaching Assistant

Saman Sohail Lecturer

Noorah Al-Kadhi Teaching Assistant

Kathrya Carlyle Lecturer

Arwa Al-Shawan Teaching Assistant

Verdian Coetzee Lecturer Nada AlAbbad Teaching Assistant Rawan Hammad Teaching Assistant Mysan Ashgar Teaching Assistant

4 5

2nd Year - 1st Term

Design Studio

Sara Al-Hashimi

2nd Year - 1st Term

Design Studio

This exercise focuses on the importance Icons, patterns grids and the relation with mapping and coloring. In the first part of this project: 1. Students are asked to choose one of the landscape given in class. 2. Students shall map the chosen landscape on a butter paper, by zooming in or out the picture, and changing scale. 3. Sudents are requested to Collect 10 images of flowers or plants plus 10 images of insects or animals. 4. Students are requested to observe their images and start converting it to icons using the process of simplification. 5. In addition to that students shall study the created 20 icons by stylizing each of it (20 images -> 20 simplifications -> 20 stylizations or more)

In the second part of this project: 1. Students shall choose 3 final icons and introduce one or more in the grid. 2. By using 3 chosen motifs, students shall create 20 A4 patterns grid using the technique of overlapping, sliding, mirror, rotating… 3. The grid can be modular or column grid... 4. Types of grid: In the final part of this project: 1. Students shall integrate the pattern in the mapped picture on a butter paper (students can zoom in or out the mapped picture) 2. The selection of color is free but don’t pick more than 4 colors (experiment with the color wheel, complementary, analogous, triads…)

3. 30% of the original picture can be colored and the rest 70% of the picture should work according to the grid and pattern.(the landscape picture could be destroyed, enlarged, changed scale …)

Instructors Ms. Hiba Seif Arch. Aisha Al-Abdulazeem Arch. Abrar Al-Kadhi Ms. Rawan Hammad

8 9

Lojain Al-Mubarak

Hind AlEissa

10 11

Nouf AlSada

Dina AlGhamdi

12 13

2nd Year Design Studio - 2nd Term

Batman Shuttle

Shaden AlGarzai

2nd Year Design Studio - 2nd Term

Batman Shuttle

Model1: Batman Shuttle Students created a shuttle for batman inspired by an insect or a combination of 3 different insects. The concept of this model shall be inspired by batman it’s nocturne environment. Students created a model using found objects relating the model to the geometric iteration design. Using glue to connect the found objects. Model 2: Remodel the geometric design iteration into organic iteration shapes. Iteration shall be organic and compatible with the model with different view (top, side & bottom). Students shall emphasize on the organic iterations and create a new model using objects fabricated based on the organic design. Using glue to connect organic objects.

Model 3: For this part of the project students shall emphasize on the functionality of the model and focus on techniques that makes the model useful. Functionality in design is different than design functionality, showing the functional parts of the shuttle and not get the shuttle in function To enhance the functionality of the shuttle, Apparatus shall be added. An apparatus is the organs used to perform a particular bodily function Model 4: For this final part of the project, students shall finalize the functionality and the model by using metal or any other kind of materials (copper metal, steel, wood, Styrofoam, leather or any product used in the car industry). No glue, and welding are allowed. Only use steel wire to connect pieces.

For the body structure use a solid material to hold the weight of the shuttle.

Instructors Ms. Hiba Saif Ms. Verdian Arch. Nada Al Abbad Int Arch. Abrar Al Kadi Ms. Rawan Hammad

16 17

Shaden Al Garzai

Arwa Al Enezi

18 19

Lojain Al Mubarak

Sara Al Hashimi

20 21

3rd Year

- 1st Term

Design Studio

Nada Fallatah

3rd Year

- 1st Term

Design Studio

This course combines studio work with classroom instruction. Students are introduced through lecture, demonstration and hands-on computer work to the basic elements of graphic visual communication. A variety of creative exercises will familiarize the student with basic visual principles such as figure/ground manipulation, shape grouping, letterform shape creation, and grid and system creation. Formal elements of graphic design such as line, shape, color, texture, and principles such as pattern, balance, symmetry, rhythm, space and unity are thoroughly explored by example and hands-on exercises. Special topics included

are: designing with type, layout strategies, logo design, symbol and pictogram development and stationery systems. The course also stress on visual perception and organization, visual problem solving techniques, and visual ideation and addressing formal design issues related to typography, composition, scale and proportion. This studio course also fully explores hand skills by using tools, techniques, procedures and presentations to produce professional graphic design. Students set a standard of quality design work that continues throughout the graphic design program in each specialized course that follows.

Instructors Arch. Waad AlShiddi Ms. Sangeeta Jain Ms. Maisan AlAshgar

24 25

‫‪Sumayyah Al Aqeel‬‬ ‫مؤسسة خط التعليمية‬

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‫‪Sumayyah Al Aqeel‬‬ ‫مؤسسة خط التعليمية‬

28 29

‫‪Alya Al Qarni‬‬ ‫لبيه التطوعية‬

30 31

Mashael Al Wohaib Lomograph club

32 33



Mapping: Bashayir Al Barrak Mapping: Stylizing: the original photo Amor Perfumes Stylizing: original photo Amortheper fumes

Amor Amorper Per fumes fumes Amor per fumes Amor Amor per Per fumes fumes Amor per fumes Amor Amor per Per fumes fumes

Stylizing: Stylizing: Stylizing: Amor is a brand of perfumes which is inspired by fragrance of natural flowers for women wich there are three different types of perfumes for different times of day and night, morning, afternoon and evening perfume.

Process: First we took 2 photos one of an animal and the other fo a flower and mapped them, after that we simplified them to reach the most simple form of the image, then we stylized the both the simple forms in 5 different styles. Then we choose the best stylized form and made a logo by combining it with the first letter of the logo “A�.


Combining the style with typography


Amor Amor per Per fumes fumes

Concept: The logo is for perfumes brand which is inspired by the flowers, so I showed a flower on top of the first letter in the logo to represent it, the flower also forms the horizontal stroke of the letter A, the colors which are taken from the flower’s photo, I chose a delicate typeface for the logo to represent a flower perfume that it has a delicate smell, I have done three types of fragrance logos, a morning perfume, an afternoon perfume and a night perfume, the changes are in the flower’s color:





Amor Amor per Per fumes fumes


Logo Applications:

Logo Applications

-the morning perfume is in Yellow -the afternoon perfume is in Pink -the night perfume is in Purple I combined the flower in different colors withe the letter A in the logo to show the different fragrances of the perfumes company. 34 35

Real picture: Hussah Al Basha Cute Pet

y: lify: Pets is : lify:Cute Cute pet is a gallery that sell birds.


It sell friendly, training colorful birds. 2 2 2 2 2 for pet birds It also offers2 training It also have all the purposes of the birds : Cage, bird toys, bird food processor by specialists .And a clinic to check and treat the birds.

Process: I started4to 4 design the logo after 4 choosing a picture of birds. I trace And try to simplify it in a steps after simplify it I make many stylize then I choose the better one that fit with the brand and work on it . Concept: After simplify the picture of bird, I 5 5have outlines of bird face looking at you, with a cute eye and sharp beaks as if it is saying i am cute, take me home.



the original photo

Stylize: Stylize: Stylize:


1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

6 6 6

5 5 5

Steps of design logo:

Steps of design Stepsof logo: ofdesign designlogo: logo: Steps Then I choose this Then style: I choose this style: Then I choose this style:


Composition: with illostratur : with with illostratur illostratur : : I merge letter C to show like the bird looking from it. and I use this composition to show how the birds are friendly, and then I complete the word . I merge letter C: I merge letter C: I merge letter C:

The color: I choose two colors, mix warm and cold color. Yellow is often considered the brightest And happiness and it is full of energy. Like the birds with lot of energy and Cute petsit 7 make happiness with Chirp. Blue is cold color and it show Friendliness, I choose it to show how the birds is Friendliness.




I remove some I remove I remove some some lines: lines: lines:


7 7


Cute pets Cute pets

Application of the logo:

Logo Applications:

Font: I choose Comic Sans font , it is simple and clear. It consistent with the logo.

36 37 22

Cute pets

Khadija Al Saeed Amor System Manual


Design Process


1- Simplified Orchid

Logo Logo

3- different thickness style

Design Process Design Process

The amor company is based on Stylizing: the fragrances of the The amor company is based on the fragrances of the Orchid flower, that is why the 1-2-Simplified Orchid 3-4-different thickness Dashed line stylestyle Crude Orchid flower, that is why theStyle logo design and 3colour also thickness 1Simplified Orchid different style logo design and colour also was derived from the Orchid flower to produce a logo with was derived from the Orchid flower to produce a logo the withsame characteristics of the flower, which is Elegant, beautiful and expressive to the feminine features. the same characteristics of the Design Process flower, which is Elegant, beautiful and expressive to the feminine features. Design Composition: the logo Composition is an A letter that is composed from the two petals that were chosen from the orchid shape. the two petals went through several steps of tilting and adjusting, then were joined together, and added a curved line in the middle to finally compose the A letter 1- Simplified Orchid shape.


2- Crude Style 2- Crude Style


2- Crude Style


4line style 5-Dashed wavy line 4Dashed line style

Design Process Design Process


3- different thickness style 5- wavy line

4- Dashed line style

4- own s

Logo 4- own style

Design Process


Composition Composition

Composition Composition Composition:

1 1 11

22 Design22Process

Composition 8 Typography: Font used in the logo: Walkway Condensed This Font was used in the logo for its balanced look and simple design that suits the A composition and goes well with its appeal, the font is also kind of geometric unlike the A composition which is very organic and this contrast gives the whole logo a more balanced and comfortable look.

33 Design 3 3Process


45 44 4




99 99



Stylized with Typography in colour



Logo Applecations

Stylized with Typography

Stylized with Typography in colour in colour:

Logo Appl Logo Applecations Wallpapers


6 Logo Applications:




38 39

3rd Year

- 2nd Term

Design Studio

Nada Fallatah

3rd Year

- 2nd Term

Design Studio

Project 1: Habits Poster Information Design is data put into context with thought given to its organization and presentation. The objective of project 1 is to understand the different stages involved in process of Designing with Numbers and their correlations.

Project 2: Information Design for Navigation Signage and Map for the Central Library at the University of Dammam A map is a visual representation of an area. Maps range from static two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional space to dynamic or interactive. Maps are specific to the place and its visitors and guide people to their destinations. Signs are tools that aid in way finding and form an integral part of the maps.

Project 3: Design for Interaction ATM. Automated-Teller Machine. Also known as Any Time Money... well, that’s true only if there is money in the bank account, right? The screen of the ATM is an interface where the machine and the human start connecting to each other and communicating with each other. Many people are not able to use interfaces effectively due to poor design. Good interface design is important for reducing errors, additional training and increasing user satisfaction, productivity, and quality products and services. The secret to good interface design is to keep it simple, balanced and have consistent screens.

Instructors Ms. Sangeeta Jain Arch. Aisha Al-Abdulazeem

42 43

Nada Fallatah Project 1: Habits Poster

Fuel Your Mind... Think


Suad Al Duailej Project 1: Habits Poster

44 45


ad u

pe rso



ei gh t

al th




pa tte

ta bl e


rm oo


lo se

yo u



s le

ti m e

yo ur

yo ur



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C ha ng ed




ng ed

A ra ng e

A rra

Bashayir Al Barrak Project 1: Habits Poster

Join the 80% and stay 100% ďŹ t

20% 80%

Alya Al-Qarni - Somayyah Al-Aqeel Project 2: Library Signs

46 47

Hussah Al Basha - Khadijah Al Saeed Project 2: Library Signs

Hussah Al Basha Khadija Al Saeed

Roqaia Bahammam - Bashayir Al Barrak Project 2: Library Signs

48 49

Alya Al-Qarni Project 3: Desig for Interaction (ATM)

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Alya Al-Qarni Project 3: Desig for Interaction (ATM)

52 53

Somayyah Al-Aqeel Project 3: Desig for Interaction (ATM)

54 55

Somayyah Al-Aqeel Project 3: Desig for Interaction (ATM)

56 57

Suad Al-Duailej Project 3: Desig for Interaction (ATM)

58 59

Suad Al-Duailej Project 3: Desig for Interaction (ATM)

60 61

3rd Year - 2nd Term


Projec1: Travelling eggs Design a package for one raw egg to send by courier, without breaking the egg inside the box. The material of the package should be recyclable and eco friendly. The design must relate a concept, derived from the subject of ‘the egg’. The enclosure should protect your egg in travel. Project 2: Totally Cereal Design a package cereal for a healthy life style. The design must relate a concept, resulting from a healthy lifecycle. The package should focus on the importance of our health and how cereal package can solve our daily busy life by grabbing and eating healthy meals when needed.

The product idea must have at least one unique dietary feature that set it apart from similar cereal product. E.G organic ingredients, sustainably grown fruits, whole grains. Final Project: Design a multipack package for different product from the same kind. A local Indian restaurant wants to roll out a product that allows gourmet eaters to sprinkle their exceptional spices onto their favourite dishes while they are at home or on the go. This restaurant needs a product designer to help them figure out how to make it happen.

While this may seem like a simple problem on the surface, there are many issues that need to be considered. Students designed one package of six packs each holding different type of spices and a delivery package holding the same identity. Students shall think of the mechanism that helps the user to easily choose the spices according to the required dish.

Instructors Ms. Hiba Seif Ms. Maysan Ashgar

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Mashael Al Whaib Project 1: Travelling Eggs

Shurooq Al-Saif Project 1: Travelling Eggs

64 65

Suad Al-Duailej Project 1: Travelling Eggs

66 67

Reem Al-Otaibi Project 2: Totally Cereal

Shurooq Al-Saif Project 2: Totally Cereal

68 69

Yomn Al-Baroudi Project 2: Totally Cereal

Somayyah Al-Aqeel Project 2: Totally Cereal

The idea of this package is to tell or remind people that the cereal is one of most important sources of the calcium. I designed the front side in a way that remind people with Periodic Table and makes them feel that the cereal is the calcium it self standing on the shelf.

70 71

Alya Al-Qarni Final Project

72 73

Boshra Al-Sughaier Final Project

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Somayyah Al-Aqeel Final Project

The Idea of the project is based on the feature of aromatic in Indian spices. I considered the spices as perfumes for food and i made the package to be similar to the way when we perfume. The quantity of the spices will depend on the way we press!

76 77

Nada Fallatah Final Project

78 79

3rd Year - 2nd Term

Typography II

Project 1: Monogram Monogram is a motif of two or more letters, typically a person’s initials, usually connected or otherwise combined in a decorative design. Students had to create their own monogram using their own initial. They can combine the Latin and the Arabic letter together. With the achieved designed monogram students create a patterns using the stamp techniques on a A4 papers.

Final project: Graffiti Besides understanding the aspect of Graffiti and understanding the way of execution, students came-up with an idea based on a certain concept, which is “Happy Moments”. A quote/word shall be chosen by each of you that express the project concept. When finalized, the Graffiti should communicate a happy mood among students.

Instructors Ms. Hiba Seif Ms. Rawan Hammad

80 81

Yomn Al-Baroudi Project 1: Monogram

Yomn Al-Baroudi Final Project: Graffiti

82 83

Hadeel Al-Johani Final Project: Graffiti

Somayyah Al-Aqeel Final Project: Graffiti

84 85

4th Year

- 1st Term

Design Studio (Print Advertising I)

Instructors Dr. Dalia Eldarderi Dr. Hend Ben Mahfoudh Arch. Deema Al-Saleh Arch. Sara Al-Jarallah 86 Arch. Shayma Al-Umran Maryam Al-Ghamdi 87

4th Year

- 1st Term

Design Studio (Print Advertising I)

Project 1: Zine They students chose a topic of their choice and carried out thorough research on their subject. They could use any medium they preferred (collage, paint, draw, illustration, handwrite etc) but the main challenge was that it should be cheaply produced, well designed and give a point across to the reader. Project 2: Wayfinding Working in groups, design a working wayfinding system for the College of Design including icons, maps and the overall system.

Project 3: Culture Shock Our world today is a ‘global village’. This implies that we have all kinds of global information available without having to travel far and wide. Brief : You will explore a chosen culture of your choice (anything other than the Arab culture) and design to bring this culture into the class. You may choose 2-5 elements of your chosen culture and focus on them or represent it as a whole through your work. Make sure to steer clear of known stereotypes!

Instructor Ms. Saman Sohail Arch. Nada Al-Abbad Arch. Noora Al-Kadhi

88 89

Mariam Al-Ghamdi Project 1: Zine

Zine project about Bokja art combining traditional and modern materials in a collage way.

Shuroog Al Saif Project 1: Zine

This zine contains the most beautiful memories that we all lived in our paradise season (childhood). I adopted simplicity to leave large space for your imagination.

90 91

Amwaj Al Zahrani, Bashayer Al Gaw and Athbah Al Ammari Project 2: wayfinding



A dmin

Admi m



s3 s2





2 08





I .R

202 - C omput er lap

Admin - Administ r at ion

203 - Luct uer class

Admin - Administ r at ion

205 - Luct uer class

206 - I nst r ect or s offices

206 - Luct uer class

210 - I nst r ect or s offices

208 - Luct uer class

I . R - I nst r ect or s r oom

s. 1 - S t a i r c a s e s. 2 - S t a i r c a s e s. 3 - S t a i r c a s e

209 - Luct uer class




c .c 309


W. S


w. c



w. c 306








P. J. H A LL

c. 1 w. c


w. c



s3 N

101 - Gr aphic design class

i. d4 - 4t h I nt er ior design

s. 2 - S t a i r c a s e

102 - Gr aphic design class

i. d2 - 2nd I nt er ior design

s. 3 - S t a i r c a s e

103 - Gr aphic design class

i. d3 - 3r d I nt er ior design

P. J - Pr in c e J a wh a r a h h a l l

104 - Gr aphic design class

i. d5 - 5t h I nt er ior design

C - C afe t e r i a

105 - Gr aphic desing lab

P. G - Offices

L - Lobb y

303 - I nt er ior design st or age

N - nur sur y

P. R - Pr a y e r r o o m

W. - Wor kshops class

s. 1 - S t air case

c. c - C o py c e n t e r

92 93

Amwaj Al Zahrani, Bashayer Al Gaw and Athbah Al Ammari Project 2: wayfinding

94 95

Dania Al-Hussain Project 3: Culture Shock

Native American Monopoly Based on the tribes of the native American culture. I designed this Monopoly to present the culture in a fun and joyful way.

96 97

4th Year

- 1st Term

Typography III

Experimental Typography Asked the students to produce an A4 sized typographic magazine. Each of student will produce and design a typography based spread for this experimental magazine. This is an opportunity to be expressive with type. The work should be readable but legibility is not the primary concern; the students have to experimenting and combining different typefaces, manipulating individual letterforms, etc.

Type Specimen Working with your assigned typeface, Design and produce a 16page “specimen� or a typeface. A type specimen is a booklet that demonstrates the range of a typeface, applied to headlines and text in a variety of sizes. Each variation of the typeface should be labelled on the page. Type specimens have existed for centuries to help designers pick a font for a project. Type specimens today can be wildly flamboyant or classical in their approach.

Instructor Ms. Saman Sohail

98 99

Maryam Al-Ghamdi Experimental Typography

Lina AlAbbad Experimental Typography

100 101

Lina Al-Abbad Type Specimen

102 103

Nouf Al-Seikhan Type Specimen

Shareefah Al-Joghaiman Type Specimen

104 105

3rd Year

- 2nd Term

Design Studio


Shuroog Al-Saif 107

1: Exprerience Design Project Working in a group of 6 (assigned by the tutors), the students put together a museum/display/exhibition of using their personal collections (assigned for the whole term). They worked in a group situation to produce a designed space of the collections in a space/room of their choice (in the college) They produced and designed invitations, posters, signage, labels and most importantly catalogues. 2: Photography Project Using photography as a ‘storytelling’ medium, narrate a story about a subject/theme of your choice through 10 images, using text only as a supporting element or where necessary.

3: Science Project Scientific concepts are probably one of the more complicated ones to explain but they always revolve around common behaviour and real life. Brief : The brief is to clearly explain a scientific concept of choice through design. 4: Value (Currency Redesign) The assignment was to create a new and expressive design for Saudi money, one that visually communicates and comments upon the values of society today, or one that communicates the social and economic values that the students think should be upheald or promoted in their society.

5: YCN Student Awards The annual YCN Student Awards exist to inspire, support and showcase emerging creative talent, and to connect it with the creative industries. The Awards centre around a collection of live creative briefs, written each year by partnering organisations, and spanning broad creative disciplines.

Instructors Ms. Saman Sohail Arch. Waad Al Shiddi Ms. Maysan Ashgar

108 109

1: Experience Design (Upside Down)

In a world where each individual has their own busy life, little things can’t be made memorable. These things got the attention in our exhibition. This Exhibition highlights special details that bring pleasure to the viewers. Upside down exhibition showcases 5 collections that have been gathered by the curators. Installations are designed based on the concept of a messy life, this was shown by creating an upside down space. In this mess, the collections will be placed where they belong: cups falling from a desk, boxes falling from the shelves ...etc. The aim is to highlight some of the collected pieces and tell the special stories behind them. The details can refresh your memory to bring back meaningful feelings and some favorite moments in your life.

110 111

1: Experience Design (Upside Down)

112 113

1: Experience Design (Upside Down)

114 115

1: Experience Design (Art Thing Galleria)

116 117

1: Experience Design (Art Thing Galleria)

118 119

1: Experience Design (The Suspect)

120 121

1: Experience Design (The Suspect)

122 123

1: Experience Design (The Suspect)

124 125

Mariam Al Rajeh 2: Photography (Behind the Scenes)

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Mariam Al Rajeh 2: Photography (Behind the Scenes)

128 129

Lina Al Abbad 3: Science Project (Tandem Ru)

An educational board game that explains the act of ants finding food .

130 131

Lina Al Abbad 3: Science Project (Tandem Run)

132 133

Sharefa Al Joghaiman - Bashayer AlGaw 3: Science Project (Denoster Board Gae)

The brief was designing any thing that can a chosen scientific concept. We chose to design a children›s› board/card game about «teeth problems» and we named it Denoster.

134 135

Sharefa Al Joghaiman - Bashayer AlGaw 3: Science Project (Denoster Board Gae)

136 137

Sharefa Al Joghaiman - Bashayer AlGaw 3: Science Project (Denoster Board Gae)

138 139

Shurooq Khalid Al-Saif 4: Value ( Currency Redesign )

The new design of the Saudi banknote portrays the Ka窶話a at center -the transparent squaresurrounding by small arrows pointing to it which establish the Qibla, the direction towards which Muslims pray.

This design shows the Ka窶話a in a very abstract and simple way, in order not to underestimate its high and holy value. The new denominations would be 1- 5 - 10 - 50 - 100 - 500 SAR, the higher denomination, the bigger banknote would be. That

would help the blind and it will be simpler for tourists and children to familiars. The transparent square has a security code which would prevent illegal copy and give it more protection.

140 141

Mariam Abdulrahman, Amwaj AlZahrani, Reem AlOtaibi, Nouf AlSeikhan 5: YCN Student Awards UK Entry (Fedrigoni UK planner for printers)

A planner designed specially for printers using Fedrigoni paper. We worked around the needs of the printer and the planner included paper swatches, pantone swatches, planning stickers and a lot more.

142 143

Mariam Abdulrahman, Amwaj AlZahrani, Reem AlOtaibi, Nouf AlSeikhan 5: YCN Student Awards UK Entry (Fedrigoni UK planner for printers)

144 145

Shareefa AlJoghaiman, Daniah AlHussain, Bashayer AlGaw 5: YCN Student Awards UK Entry (UK Greetings Brief)

Live brief as part of the YCN Student Awards 2013, set by UK Greetings to design a range of greetings cards, for the target audience of 16-35 year olds. The cards theme and occasion was open for choice, as well as place of sale and choice of production. We designed a collection of large pop-up greeting cards for some key occasions like graduation, wedding, new baby and birthday to capture the surprising a joyous element of the events.

146 147

4th Year - 2nd Term


Project 1: Medical Project The human body and its inner workings are a miracle of nature. Every organ and part has a purpose, supporting each other to form a system. Just a like a piece of art or a design project Pick two parts of the human body from the folded papers. Research, study and observe your chosen topic. Using any medium, size and paper stock of your choice, illustrate your findings and observations.

Project 2: Nine Project The task was to design illustrative work using the theme ‘Nine’ Deliverables: Any media, any size and any context the student finds intesresting.They were are judged on concepts, research but also the level of experimentation.

Project 3: Zodiac Project As we are all fimilar, the western zodiac is based on the movement of stars and planets. There are 12 in total and are represented by variousanimals or abstract symbols. The task was to pick all 12 of the existing zodiac symbols and illustrate them in their own way using various handmade or digital media. The context of these zodiac symbols is any genre of magazine of their choice. The illustrations should eventually be suitable for the chosen genre of magazine (fashion, cars, tech etc).

Instructors Ms. Saman Suhail Ms. Maysan Ashgar

148 149

Lina Al-Abbad Project 1: Medical Illustration

In this project two body organs were illustrated: the intestines and the skull. The concept is creating a little sketchbook of scientific drawings owned by an artistic nerd!

150 151

Lina Al-Abbad Project 1: Medical Illustration

152 153

Fatima Al Janaby Project 1: Medical Illustration

I chose the hair and the tooth then I replaced their places in the body. So, I illustrated the hair in the mouth and the tooth in the head.I make it as a doodle art and I used ink hatching in black and white.

154 155

Mariam Al-Ghamdi Project 2: Nine Project

9 times, time travel is an illustration about my own thoughts of time travelling. It describes the process and steps that I think will happen if I once tried it. Transforming, melting, being in two places at one time and finally creating a new memory, sweet enough to make you want to stay where ever that process had left you. It›s a conceptual piece of art to open your mind to a new thoughts of new worlds.


Daniah Al Hussain Project 2: Nine Project

The idea is to represent 9 countries of Middle Eastern Arab men by illustrating the most famous characteristics of their facial features and the way of wearing their costumes. The countries are: Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Emirates, Oman, Yemen and AL Sham (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine).

158 159

Suad Al Duailej Project 3: Zodiac Illustration

How about visualizing the zodiac from a different perspective?

160 161

4th Year - 2nd Term

Publication Design

Project 1: Double Page Magazine Advertisement Prepare a double Page magazine ad for colour reproduction, including a headline and at least three lines of body copy. You are to choose one of the following topics: • An advertisement in the Medical Field • An advertisement in the field of Kids Products • An advertisement in the field of Cosmetics and Health Products. Project 2 : Sound Object The Sound Object”- Graphic Design Class of Publication Using their illustrator and Visual Communication Skills, Graphic Design Students created artworks based upon the Visualization of a variety of Sounds. For example:

•A Car Crash •A Clock •Typing on a Keyboard •A Conversation between a Shy Daughter and an Overbearing Father. •An Argument between an Electric Guitar and a set of Drums. •Bumblebees Making Love •A Basketball Game •A Sound of the Student’s Choice. (adapted from “Visual Literacy” by Wilde and Wilde) Project 3: Menu Design Hierarchy is the use of size, weight, placement and spacing to express the parts of a page or document and its relative importance. This can be a short list/ script of information to lengthy and complex information to express an organisational system for content, emphasizing some data and diminishing others. You need to know where to enter and exit text, also how to scan through the

given script and they should then be able to help the reader to pick and choose among its offerings. • You have collected several copies of existing menus during the break. You will research and evaluate the problems in the menu we will ‘choose’ in class, from your selection. • You will keep the size the same as the original, as well as the colour/s. The information should stay the same, for us to show what the difference is in the applications of design elements- and principals

Instructors Ms. Verdian Coetzee Ms. Rawan Hammad

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Fatimah Al-Janabi Project 1: Double Page Magazine Advertisement

Fatimah Sarhan Project 1: Double Page Magazine Advertisement

Front Side

Back Side

(wrinkled fabric)

(at fabric)

164 165

Arwa Daghistani Project 1: Double Page Magazine Advertisement

166 167

Boshra Al-Sughaier Project 2: Sound Object

Lina Al-Abbad Project 2: Sound Object

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Maryam Al-Rajeh Project 2: Sound Object

Shuroog Al-Saif Project 2: Sound Object


Shuroog Al-Saif Project 3: Menu Design

Lina Al-Abbad Project 3: Menu Design


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange Juice . . Energy Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peach . . Coconut . Pineapple Juice Tropical Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pineapple Juice . . Basic Fruit Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Berry . . Orange Juice Berry Berry Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pineapple Smoothie Mango . Berry . Pineapple Juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Icy Summer Smoothie Orange Juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange Juice . Berry . Banana Berry Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strawberry Pineapple Smoothie Mango Juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange Juice . . Energy Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peach . . Coconut . Pineapple Juice Tropical Svmoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pineapple Juice . . Basic Fruit Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Berry . . Orange Juice Berry Berry Smoothie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Ferrero Rocher . / Yummy Shake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... M&M's . Nutella . M&M's Shake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Cookies . Cookies Shake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Chocolate Syrup . Caramel . Oreo Shake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Shoko Shake Nutella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Wheat Biscuits . Biscuity Shake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Snickers . Snickers Shake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................

Fruity Shake

. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Sunset Shake Reeses's Peanut Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Peanut Butter . Protein . Healthy Shake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Brownie Cake . Brownies Shake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Mango . Peach . Four Season Shake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................

172 173

5th Year Design Studio - 1st Term

Redesign Identity


Gladeshia 175

5th Year Design Studio - 1st Term

Redesign Identity

Project Starting Point Identify a (real) local/or Saudi (female owned and targeted business) that needs help with marketing and promotions. • You can base the project on an imaginary business generally based on an actual business for the model and create a business brief to work from. The Outcomes of the Project 1. An analysis of the company, 2. A design standard (manual), 3. Print collateral (signage, catalogues, menus, packaging, print advertising etc.) for the specific company needs, 4. The multi-media tie in for the advertising: Web page, social media presence, on line/broadcast ads (video or animated).

Project Setup 1. Work in small groups (3 min - 4 max). It builds a better understanding of real world practice. 2. A general discussion of locally owned business profiles in Saudi Arabia - budget considerations for small business. • Target questions for the first part of the discussion: Д How many local (run by and for Saudi’s) businesses do you know of and patronize? Д How many female run and targeted businesses are you aware of? • This can be expanded to include charitable businesses that target the employment of women in need.

• Second the discussion points: Д What businesses do you think could be developed to target an underserved area? Д How would such a business need to present it’s self publicly? Д How would they best go about marketing themselves? Д What parts of “new media” could be utilized to inexpensively promote a new or emerging business? 3. You will break into your small groups for second part of the discussion and address the individual questions, formulate a response and return to the group for mini presentations and more discussion.

Instructors Ms. Kate Carlyle Arch. Muzoun Ashgar Arch. Arwa Al Shawan

176 177

Manal Askar, Nidaa Bukhari, Sara Al Jammal, Asma Bawazeer Brand Identity Guidlines (Gladeshia)

Print Collateral

Letter head

Business Card

Hanan Al-Ansari Founder

Tel: +966 3 8811716 Mob: +966 505901371

Al Gosaibi Village-Alkhobar

Tel: +966 3 8811716 Mob: +966 505901371 Saudi Arabia 23493 Khobar

Print Collateral


CD and cover

178 179

Manal Askar, Nidaa Bukhari, Sara Al Jammal, Asma Bawazeer Brand Identity Guidlines (Gladeshia)

Print Collateral

Gladeshia Saudi Arabia 23493 Khobar Tel: +966 3 8811716 Mob: +966 505901371





PO Number




Total Due



Price Tag

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Manal Askar, Nidaa Bukhari, Sara Al Jammal, Asma Bawazeer Brand Identity Guidlines (Gladeshia)

Usage for Web Design

Usage for Web Design

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Latifa Al Arifi, Sara Al Seikhan, Rawan Al Marshoud Brand Identity Guidlines (Moda World)

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Latifa Al Arifi, Sara Al Seikhan, Rawan Al Marshoud Brand Identity Guidlines (Moda World)

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5th Year

- 1st Term

Branding (Elective)

For this long-term project, each group will develop an idea to sell. This could be a product, a service or an imaginary idea. You will develop a market concept, name, logo, and graphic identity for your chain. The project will begin with concept development and go through visual design. As the term progresses, your brand will come to life with concepts and knowledge from lectures and workshops feeding into it.

Instructor Ms. Saman Sohail Arch. Abrar Al-Kadhi

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Arwa Daghistani, Asma Bawazeer, Manal Askar and Nidaa Bukhari Tec Care

Brand and product development for a medical device that measured heart rate and sugar levels.

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Arwa Daghistani, Asma Bawazeer, Manal Askar and Nidaa Bukhari Tec Care

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5th Year Design Studio - 2nd Term

Graduation Project


Jawaher Al-Owaid 195

5th Year Design Studio - 2nd Term

Graduation Project

Course Description The senior thesis is intended to verify the student’s ability to conceive, plan and execute a body of work appropriate to a professional exhibition. The senior thesis exhibition should represent a cohesive, aesthetically unified, technically accomplished group of works fulfilling the senior thesis project. In senior thesis meetings, critiques and Jury’s, the student will plan, explain and defend the conceptual framework and process of the senior thesis work, as well as the project outcome.

This course will provide student with specific working format and guidance during planning and preparation for the senior thesis exhibition. In this course they will finalize and exhibit their senior thesis project, and finalize and publish their personal portfolio and Identity Kit. Course content will include workshops and planning meetings to support the development of a cohesive body of work and refine student aesthetics and conceptual development.

Senior Thesis Project The instructors of the Studio will be responsible for guidance and assistance in completing the senior thesis work and planning the student’s senior thesis exhibition and for determining whether the student has successfully completed the requirements for the senior thesis. The student may in addition request the assistance and advice of one other faculty member in the development of their thesis. In this case the faculty will need to agree to be available for both of the in class critique sessions.

Instructors Ms. Kate Carlyle Arch. Muzon Ashgar Arch. Arwa Al Shawan

196 197

Manal Askar Tri City Identity

A unified identity for the three cities dammam khobar and Dhahran combined. The first part of the proposal is to create a unified identity for the three cities combined. This identity includes a main logo, sub logos and some applications. The main logo is inspired from the main cultural elements of the cities. Oil well fountain and the palm tree, the oil fountain is presenting the economic system which is the main thing that makes the city grows. The palm tree represents all the beautiful meaning of heritage, unity and giving. The overall shape of the logo is designed as a radial shape to confirm the fact of goods source and giving personality of the cities.

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Manal Askar Tri City Identity

The second part is to improve the way finding by creating an application proposal design and some city entrance billboard so people would figure out which city they are about to get in. The idea of the application is to make it easier for people to find places between the cities and navigate through them. Finally, I hope this project will be an inspiration for all the graphic designers in the area to think more about developing the city visuals and to know more about the benefits of city branding.

200 333 201 334

Manal Askar Tri City Identity

202 203

Jawaher Al Owaid Redesign the identity of King AbdulAziz Public Library

Design new identity which is culturally relevant and modernized and promotional campaign of the library and its activities to refresh the name of library, to give them an effective identity and help them to achieve their goals and to increase number of users.

204 205

Jawaher Al Owaid Redesign the identity of King AbdulAziz Public Library

The project is devided into two parts: the first part is a logo with a culturally relevant and has a modernized identity, the full paclces include basic stationary and identity applications (such as: pens, I.D. cards, book marks, library cars, and so on). The second part is a promotional campaign of the library and its activities, which include: teaser posters (to incite awarenes and attract people to the new identity of library), invitation posters (to invite people to the library‘s booth), booth, brochures and visitor gifts. With this new identity and promotional campaign I aim to refresh the name of library, to give them an effective identity and help them to achieve their goals. Also I aim to promote library‘s activity and increase number of users.

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Jawaher Al Owaid Redesign the identity of King AbdulAziz Public Library

208 209

Sarah Al Jammal A Palestinian Cultural Exhibition

A traveling exhibition that sheds a new light on Palestine by showcasing the diversity and uniqueness of it’s people and their culture.

Embroidered Images

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Sarah Al Jammal A Palestinian Cultural Exhibition

The project examines the importance of embroidery in the Palestinian culture in general and its greater importance in connecting Palestinian expatriates all around the globe to their identity.

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Sarah Al Jammal A Palestinian Cultural Exhibition

The website contains detailed information, resources, means of connecting with Palestinians and for Palestinians to share their daily life with the world.

Exhibition Visuals

214 215

Sarah Al Jammal A Palestinian Cultural Exhibition

The Exibition will display the collected research from interviews with Palestinians from different regions and expats living abroad. The Exhibit also showcases Palestinian embroidery and explains its relevance and importance in affirming a national identity.

216 217

o in math? The answer is “it is about the two subjects Raja’a Altogether”. Qadheeb People able to explain different actions in a Visual Physics Book l way, but it is hard for them to find propriate equations to explain them cally. Whilst in math, the equation ly there and it’s just ready to be without the need to link different ons together and to come up with a new formula to solve the problem. An attempt make physics more ccording to mytoobservations, it of an entertaining, exciting, and that people use physics in their daily easy subject for middle school sations and observations without students by using appealing g thegraphics scientific that andbackground interactivity with taking about. They justgames, explain kids through stories, non-scientific terminology. jokes, and interactive pages. people understand this, a large the problem is solved.

attempted to package physics in ractical way that reflects Arab their daily life, so that they can tand all the information and as without the need of a teacher ain. I have designed a physics book, t an ordinary one. The book is d by two middle school twins (a d a girl). Those characters reflect the alities and thoughts of the targeted ds in a fun interactive way. The designed as if it is the characters’ ok with all their notes written wo different voices alternating. will also be third-party voices, are presented by some of the

students to increase their understanding of science at an early age. It is intended to target children in Arab cultures; as books of this style are very rarely found in Arabic. This book will be one of the first Arabic books that can be used as a source for learning science in a fun, visually appealing way.

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Raja’a Al Qadheeb Visual Physics Book

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Raja’a Al Qadheeb Visual Physics Book

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5th Year

- 2nd Term

Design Seminar (Elective)

Course Description: The students were sent to collect numerical or behavioral data within the college over a certain period of time. Based on a lecture and information given to them, they were required design an infographic visualizing the collected information

Instructors Ms. Saman Sohail

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Suad Al Duailej

Sarah Al Seikhan

226 227

Nedaa Abu Al Saud

Nidaa Bukhari

228 229

Eman Nasser

Manal Askar

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Rajaa Al-Qadheeb

Jawaher Al-Owaid

232 233

Rawan Al Marshoud

Sarah Al Jammal

234 235

This Student Showcase Booklet was designed by the Publication Committee of College of Design

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University of Dammam - College of Design - Tel: 96613331953 - Fax: 966138581610 - e-mail:

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