Missouri Magazine September 2022: Most Beautiful People

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MostBeautifu l Peoplein2022

Thank you for reading our current Issue Our team had a lot of fun putting together our latest issue and we hope you enjoy it This issue features our Most Beautiful People in 2022

Celebrating why we LOVEMissouri and uplifting the community is a big part of our mission at Missouri Magazine That's why we love celebrating so many amazing people throughout Missouri in our Most Beautiful People in 2022 Congratulations to this year?s beautiful people, inside and out! Beauty is more than skin deep It is being a beautiful person inside and out This isn? t just an outwardly appearance based award This group of amazing people were nominated and chosen by people who personally and professionally respect them To our Missouri Magazine?s Most Beautiful People 2022 winners, thank you so much for being a beautiful person inside and out. You?re admired and dear to so many people in your circle and community. We appreciate you and all you do for your family, friends, and community.

We have amazing local businesses featured throughout our current issue. We hope you will stop in and say hi to these businesses and other businesses throughout Missouri Let them know you heard about them at Missouri Magazine We love celebrating Missouri and local businesses


205 N Oak Street Stover, MO 65078 573 284 5406 hello@missourimagazines com Missouri Magazineis published bi-monthly by CDM Media Group Theopinions expressed by contributing writers arenot necessarily thoseof thepublisher or of Missouri Magazine. No part of this magazinemay bereproduced without prior consent of thepublisher Every effort has been madeto ensuretheaccuracy of this publication. However, thepublisher cannot assumeresponsibility for errors or omissions ©2021 CDM Media Group Missouri Magazinewelcomeunsolicited manuscripts and photographs Please email submissions to Cheri Cranford at hello@missourimagazines com MISSOURIMAGAZINES.COM Proverbs 3:5-6 Cont act Missouri Magazine TiffanyAsh BennetBodenstein KatherineMille r Cont ribut ing Writ ers CheriCranford Founder & CEO M i ssou r i M agazi n e Creat ive Direct or CDM Media Group, LLC. AshleyBullard

Chelsea McGill: I was born in Colorado but moved to Missouri when I was 4 I grew up in Jefferson City and moved to California, MO when I was in 6th grade California is where I graduated from high school and found my now husband. After graduation I worked in banking and attended Lincoln University then later transferred to Columbia College when I moved to Columbia. I worked a full time job while managing a full college schedule and paid for college with no student loan debt. I passed up lots of parties and fun to be a responsible adult Though my parents fully supported me, I was on my own I worked in banking for a total of 10 years and had a few other jobs along the way but always maintained a full time work schedule I was married in 2008 to my high school sweetheart, Alex and we moved back to California, MO once he graduated from MU. I continued my career in banking in California and we welcomed our first daughter, Addelyn in 2011 I started a job at Local Area Government Employee Retirement System in 2014 where I moved up from my initial job into investments. We welcomed our daughter Chandler in 2015 which is when life shifted for me I felt a calling to be home and more flexible with my time I wanted to be home and create my own business In 2018 I opened Grind Coffee Shop after years of dreaming/wishing and haven? t looked back!

M os t B eautiful P eople2022 CHELSEAMCGILL


Missouri Magazine: Please tell us about yourself. A brief bio about you.

"I thinkbeauty canbefoundin actions"

Chelsea McGill: I have way too many to pick just one! If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where

Chelsea McGill: Take the risk Don? t live your life wondering ?what if.?I have more respect for someone who took a risk and

failed than someone who always says ?they wish they would have? ?When you

Chelsea McGill: I am a ?fixer?by nature. I saw such a need in our community for a place for people to gather and connect I had been a recipient of such spaces when I lived in Columbia and was so blessed by them So when I saw the perfect space open up, I took a huge leap of faith to make it happen.

I have lived in Missouri for 32 years

Chelsea McGill: I feel completely honored. I have never received an award like this so to be chosen is a completely humbling

Missouri Magazine: What advice would you give a crowd of people?

take the risk though, make sure you have done your homework.

Missouri Magazine: How long have you worked or lived in Missouri?

Missouri Magazine: What is your favorite restaurant?

Missouri Magazine; What inspired you or led you to your current career?

Missouri Magazine: What does it mean to you to be nominated for the most beautiful people in Missouri?

would it be and why?I would love to travel to Ireland

Chelsea McGill: Morris Burger. He is one of the founders of Burgers Smokehouse and was so interesting to talk to Listening to his story Hearing how he pivoted in hard times and overcame obstacles He has since passed away but I cherish the times I was able to sit with him and talk business. Very inspiring.

Chelsea McGill: Halo Home I have volunteered for them and am passionate about the organization.

Chelsea McGill: We are always on the go We travel for basketball, love to vacation in Florida and you will ALWAYSfind us at the county fair every August. We have never missed a day!

Missouri Magazine: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Chelsea McGill: Celebrating 4 years of being open as a business is a big achievement. I now employ 16 employees and have 1 main location and 1 mini location.

Missouri Magazine: What are some of your local favorite places?

Chelsea McGill: I would like to go on a mission trip.

Chelsea McGill: My garden is my happy place. I am an old soul and love to can foods, cook, bake and listen to music We are almost always poolside in the summertime Any other time, we are on the sidelines of a basketball court.

Missouri Magazine: What is something on your bucket list?

Missouri Magazine: Where can someone find you when you are not at work?

Missouri Magazine: What are your family?s favorite activities?

Missouri Magazine: Do you have a favorite local charity?

Missouri Magazine: Who is the most interesting person you?ve met in Missouri?

Missouri Magazine: What do you consider your greatest professional achievement?

Chelsea McGill: Alex- (Husband) Addelyn (daughter) 10 Chandler (daughter) 7 Gidget our dog (blue heeler) 13 We have an outdoor cat, 5 show pigs and a bunch of egg chickens

Chelsea McGill: In an effort to not leave anyone out, I have a lot of favorite places. My #1 goal when choosing a place to support is to find locally owned What is your favorite quote??If you can? t fly then run, if you can? t run then walk, if you can? t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.? Martin Luther King Jr.

Chelsea McGill: I would love to coach entrepreneurs in their businesses. I love speaking life into people so many struggle with self doubt and negativity- I am so passionate to help people recognize their worth and live a life of positivity.

Missouri Magazine: How big is your family?

Missouri Magazine: What is your favorite music?Name three bands you would like to see

Chelsea McGill: I am a 4th generation entrepreneur I come from a long line of family business owners.

Chelsea McGill: I love any band that plays 90?s hits The 90?s was the BEST Missouri Magaizine: What is something interesting that most people don? t know about you?

Chelsea McGill: I think beauty can be found in actions. I love to watch people and how their mind works It?s most beautiful to me when someone sacrifices something for someone else. It?s such an amazing characteristic when you find someone who is constantly watching the actions of others and recognizes by actions/mannerisms a need that needs to be met without anyone saying a word. That is beautiful to me.

Missouri Magazine: What does being beautiful mean to you?

M os t B eautiful P eople2022

Missy Cham bers: I grew up in Reeds Spring, MO so naturally I gravitated to tourism when I was a teenager and got my first job working at the well known Pops Dari Dell I also worked at Silver Dollar City and Rock Lane Resort before moving to Springfield in 1987 I began working at the Hilton Inn of the Ozarks in the banquet department and spent the next 35 years working in various positions of the hotel industry including front desk, sales & marketing and have spent the last 13 years as the General Manger of the Oasis Hotel & Convention Center in Springfield I am married to EricChambers, a fellow Reeds Spring alum and we have a blended family of 2 sons (Chris and Logan), a daughter (Taylor) and 2 beautiful granddaughters (Chloe & Oaklyn).

Missouri Magazine: What does it m ean t o you t o be nom inat ed for t he m ost beaut iful people in Missouri?

"Alwaysbe Kind"

Missouri Magazine: Please t ell us about yourself A brief bio about you



Missy Cham bers: Always be kind.

Missy Cham bers: It is an absolute honor to be considered one of Missouri?s most beautiful people Born and raised in Missouri, I have had

Missouri Magazine: What advice w ould you give a crow d of people?

Missy Cham bers: Growing up in the Table Rock/Branson area I was introduced to the tourism industry as a small child when my mother worked at a large resort. I would often go to work with her and noticed that people were always enjoying vacation and it seemed that those that worked at the resort were always having fun My first ?hospitality?job was at Silver Dollar City where I spent my high school summers enjoying watching families make forever long memories. Following my time at SDC, I went to work for my mom at Rock Lane Resort in both the restaurant and the banquet department I admired the way she managed her employees and how she interacted with the resort?s guests and like most little girls, aspired to be like my mom.

Missouri Magazine: What inspired you or led you t o your current career?

Missy Cham bers: I love the sound, smell and beautiful scenery of waterfalls, so maybe Croatia

Missy Cham bers: To perform in a theatrical play

Missouri Magazine: What are your fam ily?s favorit e act ivit ies?


Missouri Magazine: How long have you w orked or lived in Missouri?

Missouri Magazine: If you could t ravel anyw here in t he w orld right now , w here w ould it be and w hy?

Missy Cham bers: Born and raised Missouri Magazine: What is your favorit e rest aurant ?

Missy Cham bers: I am married to Eric Chambers, and we have a blended family of 2 sons (Chris and Logan), a daughter (Taylor) and 2 beautiful granddaughters (Chloe &

Missouri Magazine: What is som et hing on your bucket list ?

Missouri Magazine: How big is your fam ily?

the opportunity to meet so many beautiful people myself and knowing that someone sees me as such brings gratitude to my heart One of my biggest hopes for my two granddaughters growing up in today?s world is that they both will understand that being beautiful on the inside is so much more gratifying and special than outward appearances

Missy Cham bers: Fire & Ice Restaurant inside the Oasis Hotel & Convention Center of course!

Missy Cham bers: We enjoy fishing, being on the lake, sports and dining out.

Missy Cham bers: Table Rock Lake in Branson and Galloway Village in Springfield

Missy Cham bers: ?Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful?

Missouri Magazine: What are som e of your local favorit e places?

Missy Cham bers: Spending time with my family.

Missy Cham bers: In my industry, I have had the pleasure of working with several nonprofits, each have their own commitment to making lives better so I can? t say that I have a favorite, however I recently served 6 years as a board member and iCare supporter for Harmony House which is SW MO?s largest Domestic Abuse Shelter.

Missouri Magazine: Do you have a favorit e local charit y?

Missy Cham bers: Hopefully still bringing smiles to the guests of the Oasis Hotel & Convention Center

Missouri Magazine: What is your favorit e m usic? Nam e t hree bands you w ould like t o see Missy Cham bers: Eagles, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton

Missy Cham bers: Leading our team to win Hotel of the Year in 2017 out of over 800 Ramada Hotel?s in the United States

Missouri Magazine: What do you consider your great est professional achievem ent ?

Missouri Magazine: Where can som eone find you w hen you are not at w ork?

Missouri Magazine: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Missouri Magazine: Who is t he m ost int erest ing person you?ve m et in Missouri?

Missy Cham bers: Other than my husband Eric, I have been blessed to meet Vice President Mike Pence, Kevin Costner, Congressman Billy Long, Paul Ryan, Bobby Knight and several other interesting people

Missouri Magazine: What is your favorit e quot e?

Missy Cham ers: I like to play Texas Holdem and have actually won a few tournaments

Missouri Magazine: What does being beaut iful m ean t o you?

Missy Cham bers: Being kind, even to those that may not be.Helping others with inspiration, motivation and encouragement Being confident and understanding that outward appearances truly is just skin deep. Being able to bring a smile to those around you. Giving time and attention to others. Helping others discover their own inward beauty.

Missouri Magazine: What is som et hing int erest ing t hat m ost people don? t know about you?

Love Letters started in 2013 with two friends LeAnn and Amy. They both had a mutual passion and a whole lotta coffee and haven? t looked back since. Their major love for their city and the people who live there They wanted to share that love and feeling with women everywhere.

Dress them up?Dress them down? Doesn? t matter, you?re going to look amazing either way! Love Letters is a labor of love and they?re loving every minute of it!

Shoplovelet t ers com

Love Letters designs and sells t shirts for the city and sport you Love! We love how their line makes you feel beautiful and confident even in a t shirt When we came across Love Letters we knew we had to share ?Love Letters?t-shirts with our readers. There are so many t-shirts to choose from. You will fall in love with this line.


Love Letters pride their selves with special designs and an amazing fit all while striving to have a little something for everyone at a really sharp price!

Mary Kay Von Brendel: I was born and raised in Washington, MO the youngest of five kids. In my early thirties, I relocated with my family up north, where we spent 25 years before I got the opportunity to come back home to Missouri I currently live in Lake Ozark with Tom and our two backstage celebrities, Jax and Dutch. When I am not at the amphitheater, I am traveling to visit my kids who live out of state, working in a pit crew for a drag racer with Tom, or exploring the country in my RV.

M os t B eautiful P eople2022

Mary Kay Von Brendel: Don? t take yourself too seriously, none of us gets out of this alive.

Mary Kay Von Brendel: I am not sure the magnitude of this has sunk in yet I am beyond humbled to be considered in the ranks of the other nominees.

Missouri Magazine: Please tell us about yourself A brief bio about you



Missouri Magazine: What inspired you or led you to your current career?

Missouri Magazine: What does it mean to you to be nominated for the most beautiful people in Missouri?

Mary Kay Von Brendel: I have always had a passion for music, and while I let my musical talent take a back burner to raising a family and pursuing a career, I always dreamed that one day I would find myself in the industry. I got to dip my toes into this world for the first time when I took a job as an event coordinator for a local festival, and I was absolutely hooked.

"Wedelightinthebeauty o f thebutterfly, butrarely admitthechangesithas gonethroughtoachievethat beauty."

Missouri Magazine: What advice would you give a crowd of people?

Mary Kay Von Brendel: I grew up here, but moved out of state in 1995 and returned back to the Great State of MO in 2014 However, my family have been Missourians before we were even a state. My ancestors were some of the founders of my hometown Washington, MO.

Missouri Magazine: How big is your family?

Mary Kay Von Brendel: Baxters in Lake of the Ozarks. The chefs never cease to impress me with their creativity and dedication to quality food. If you are in the area, it?s a must stop!

Missouri Magazine: How long have you worked or lived in Missouri?

Missouri Magazine: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

Mary Kay Von Brendel: If time and money were no constraint, then I want to see it all! First on my world tour would be Japan, to visit my adopted son and his family

Missouri Magazine: What is your favorite restaurant?

Missouri Magazine: What is something on your bucket list? Well, at the top of my bucket list is my next (and possibly last, lol) career as a race car driver. What are your family?s favorite activities?Traveling in our RV with the pups and visiting every state, stopping at every odd historical marker along the way!

Mary Kay Von Brendel: It's always growing! Tom and I have two dogs, Dutch and Jax. I have 3 beautiful children Ian, Sydney, and Donovan and their significant others, as well as my bonus son Takeru and his family I would also be remiss to not mention my many ?Fur~Grandbabies?

Mary Kay Von Brendel: Being an integral part of bringing the Ozarks Amphitheater back to life where she and the community can realize her true potential. With a lot of blood, sweat and tears, steel grit determination and dedication, our team has made a name for ourselves in the music industry. And trust me, we aren? t done yet!!

Mary Kay Von Brendel: It would be

Missouri Magazine: What do you consider your greatest professional achievement?

Mary Kay Von Brendel: ?To thine own self be true?

impossible for me to pick a favorite when there are so many people and organizations doing incredible work to uplift our community I am truly in awe of this community and the amount of love and compassion that is displayed on a daily basis

Missouri Magazine: Who is the most interesting person you?ve met in Missouri?

Missouri Magazine: What are some of your local favorite places?

Missouri Magazine: Do you have a favorite local charity?

Mary Kay Von Brendel: Have you ever had the chance to sit down and talk to Matt Suttcliffe, owner and resident DJat Bare Bottom Resort?Or Darin Keim, the former

Mary Kay Von Brendel: There hasn? t been much time this year besides work, but Tom and I love trying new local restaurants or popping into our favorite Saturday evening spot, Bear Bottom Resort. The live music is always great and the fireworks are always spectacular

Missouri Magazine: Where can someone find you when you are not at work?

GM at Big Surf?Or Steve Thompson, the GM of Bridal Cave?They are all one in a million kinds of people and I am blessed to call them my friends.

Mary Kay Von Brendel: Of course, Ozarks Amphitheater, but honorable mentions would be Ha Ha Tonka State Park, Bridal Cave, Lookout Tower on Thunder Mountain and Bear Bottom Resort on a Saturday night for the fireworks and the nachos.

Missouri Magazine: What is your favorite quote?

Mary Kay Von Brendel: Beauty is such an amorphous concept, but I think Maya Angelou captured the meaning of beauty best when she said, ?We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty ?

Mary Kay Von Brendel: Well, if I?m not a race car driver yet because I am still at the Amphitheater, I?ll be spending my off seasons at my daughter?s campground in Chattanooga, Tennessee. What is your favorite music?Name three bands you would like to see I would also love to see GRIZ with my son Ian, Billy Strings with my son Donovan, and Sylvan Esso with my daughter Sydney.

Missouri Magazine: What is something interesting that most people don? t know about you?

Missouri Magazine: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Completely by accident, I discovered that I can play a mean accordion Any song you want to hear, I can play it by ear.

Missouri Magazine: What does being beautiful mean to you?


Missouri Magazine: What advice

"Beautifu l tome , goesfar beyondskindeep. I t'sthe abilitytoseethepurposein others , andtobeableto fue l thatpotential"

Missouri Magazine: What inspired you or led you to your current career?


Alisha Porterfield: Opportunity. And a bit of an accident. I certainly didn? t lay in bed at night dreaming of being a housekeeper when I grew up. I wanted to be a neuroscientist,and I have the student loan debt to prove it! From my teen years and while working on that degree I do not use,I continued to clean condos to keep an income? bonus: it was something that I could do around my schedule and family?s needs. Eventually I came to a point I could grow or remain stagnate. I chose growth. And while this business is slightly less glamorous than decoding the emotional drive in a trauma patient,I have been able to take a low overhang operation,and turn it into a highly profitable business that supports several team members and their families. That I am incredibly proud of.

M os t B eautiful P eople2022

Alisha Porterfield: I am a wife,mother to four amazing kids,and business owner of Lake Premier Cleaning & Care,an interior cleaning company,and Premier Exterior Professionals,an exterior cleaning and maintenance company. We live on a small farm outside of Lake of the Ozarks,and our office is in the heart of Osage Beach.

Missouri Magazine: Please tell us about yourself. A brief bio about you.

Missouri Magazine: What does it mean to you to be nominated for the most beautiful people in Missouri?

Missouri Magazine: What is your favorite restaurant?

Alisha Porterfield: I was born and raised in a small community just outside of Lake of the Ozarks and absolutely love it here. I don? t plan to leave;only short trips away every so often

Missouri Magazine: How long have you worked or lived in Missouri?

Missouri Magazine: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

would you give a crowd of people?

Alisha Porterfield: It is a true honor to

Alisha Porterfield: The moment you see all the things as opportunity,is the moment your life changes and you enter the driver seat. It is up to you to steer in a direction that requires you to be uncomfortable and challenges you to step into new levels of your potential Either way you go,your circumstances are a direct reflection of the effort and dedication you give toward your success? both personally and professionally.

have been recognized? and a complete surprise! I do my best to live with integrity,respect,and in a way I can be proud of. Receiving this nomination tells me my community is proud of me,too,and that is an overwhelming feeling!

Alisha Porterfield: I live in Lake of the Ozarks?we are loaded with amazing dining options,and we try to hit all the spots throughout the season.

Alisha Porterfield: I LOVEto travel,so I will go almost anywhere. We were able to visit The Gulf this summer, Tennessee for mountains last fall,and we are planning a French Quarter trip for around Halloween to do the voodoo tours and all things spooky. I?m craving a Yellowstone trip,so that is atop of my list!?.and outside of the country,I would probably choose Maldives or Greece. No matter where I go,I will always call Missouri home.

Missouri Magazine: What is something on your bucket list?

Missouri Magazine: What are your family?s favorite activities?

Missouri Magazine: Where can someone find you when you are not at work?

Missouri Magazine: How big is your family?

Alisha Porterfield: We are a LOUD family of 6! My husband and I have 3 girls and 1 boy,ages ranging from 4-18!

Missouri Magazine: What do you consider your greatest professional achievement?

Alisha Porterfield: I have several business ventures,personal goals,and dreams I want to pursue,but no real bucket list I actually don? t believe in bucket lists: I think they create limits and stipulations,with a heap of pressure. I would rather just do what fuels me,grows me,enriches my experience whenever I?m inspired to act.

Alisha Porterfield: HOME! I?m rarely at home and it is my absolute favorite place to be.

Alisha Porterfield: Growth I have

Alisha Porterfield: Again,we love traveling. We make it a point to seek out new spots,find hidden gems for adventures and just do whatever sounds good at the time. We are also movie buffs,so we usually try to catch the heavy hitter films in the theatre or plan for a movie night at home. We also have two businesses and a farm that we operate as a family,and that keeps us busy!

Alisha Porterfield: We work closely with several amazing organizations and non-profits. My favorite is The Changing Table This organization meets forgotten needs in our community and has done absolutely amazing things locally and

Alisha Porterfield: My music taste has no limits;ranging from Disney to Snoop?. but I will always have a rock ?n roll soul with a side of dirt country.

Missouri Magazine: Do you have a favorite local charity?

Missouri Magazine: Who is the most interesting person you?ve met inMissouri?

beyond. We are proud sponsors and big supporters!

Missouri Magazine: What is your favorite quote?

Missouri Magazine: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Missouri Magazine: Name three bands you would like to see.

Missouri Magazine: What are some of your local favorite places?

Alisha Porterfield: We love Ozark Amphitheater and try to catch as many shows as we can! Live music is good for the soul! We also do a lot of bass and crappie fishing all around LOZ.

technically been in business as a cleaning company since 2003 Just last year I decided to rebrand,expand and go from a one man army,to a fully functioning business with 20+ working roles. We more than tripled in size our first year since rebranding,and have projections to expand outside of our central office to other amazing destinations. We also won Missouri?s Best exterior cleaning company in 2022 out of an entire lot of worthy nominees? very proud of that as well.

Alisha Porterfield: ?I?m a great believer in luck,and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.? Thomas Jefferson

Alisha Porterfield: I have so many mentors,people I look up to and those who inspire me on several levels.

Alisha Porterfield: I?m full of plans I don? t speak out loud. It?s a rule of mine. But I am nowhere near done here.

Missouri Magazine: What is your favorite music?

Missouri Magazine: What is something interesting that most people don? t know about you?

Alisha Porterfield: Most people do not know that I have my bachelors degree in psychology,I am BCAT certified and used to work with developmental disorders/challenges in clients;specifically autism While I am completely obsessed with running/growing my companies,this was this most fulfilling role/job/privilege of my life.

Missouri Magazine: What does being beautiful mean to you?

Alisha Porterfield: Beautiful,to me,goes far beyond skin deep. It is the ability to see the purpose in others,and to be able to fuel that potential into exponential growth and empowerment It is the ability to see opportunity in places that are not so obvious Beauty is a mindset,an essence,about the way a person interacts within their circles,community and within themselves.

Alisha Porterfield: Literally any live music. It?s important for me to catch a live show a few times a year?.

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