The "Cdrik Croll" user's logo

Cdrik Croll

Chalons Sur Saône, France

We are creative minds. In this sense (+), we are able to Human. Understanding and orientating rules. In musical transcription, from the Subvision &|or Infravision of an harmonically establishes group or concret sounds, results a new design in which any kind of rules can't be considered &|or feasible. "Attitude Rock'n'rollesque " pushed to its paroxysm in an individual artistic expression to sentimental restitution. Imaginary launched at any speed in a futuristic tunnel where the sound becomes noisy, textured, layer, mechanic, industrialist, organic. Progressive assembly of sounds, tortured psychedelic ritual , the image is a second media where the coloured matter twists in a postmodern tribalism. cdrikcroll Official website : "Like" my fan page here:
