February Issue

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ugly revolting





February 2013 Vol. 35 No. 4







repulsive insecure

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Story by Devika Sharan | Photo Illustration by Patrick Buck | Story on page 4 Corona del Sol High School | Tempe, AZ | cdssunrise.com

2 • News

CdS Sunrise • February 2013

Competition Government takes victory at State JOSH AMBRE Online Managing Editor

In the nation’s bustling capital of Washington, D.C., where all the spheres of American society converge at once, one can find legions of lawyers, passels of politicians and handfuls of historians with relative ease. What people would be hard pressed to find in this environment, at least on any date other than April 26, would be a team of several Corona del Sol Competition Government students—students whose roles often demand that they become a mix of all three of these professions. But this year, after victories in both the State and Regional competitions, Corona’s Competition Government students will be taking their skills to the national level, which means that the students must work harder than ever before to make it to the top. “We’re getting new questions and research topics and making new speeches for each topic,” senior Marissa Yocham said. “It’s a lot of research.” According to senior Devika Dholakia, this last victory at the State competition was especially significant, since the team doubled their score from one of their previous events. Although diligence and hard work is all part of the task at hand for these dedicated individuals, the team’s struggles are not without their benefits. “I think it (winning State) is great because you can see all the accomplishments you’ve made so far,” Yocham said. “It makes the experience all worthwhile.” The team’s recent victories have also had a profound impact on the team’s dynamics and sense of unity as their efforts lead them to the next great

Courtesy of JANE MORGAN

Competition Government students gather around adviser Tim Smith after their win at State. Competition Government will now compete at the National level.

phase in their competition. “It (the past victories) has definitely made us closer as time has gone on,” Yocham said. Yet even with the team’s triumphs, its members hope to avoid the dangers of becoming overconfident as the year comes to a close and the last few steps leading up to Nationals are underway. “We’re planning to have an underdog mentality,” senior Gabrielle Dotson said. While this may seem an odd strategy given the

team’s exceptional track record during the season thus far, Competition Government teacher Tim Smith also agrees that the team will face some great obstacles in their next competition against schools across the country, a grand total of 56 teams. “Our biggest obstacle so far has been fundraising,” Smith said. “We’re still going to the competition either way, of course, but we’re trying to raise a total of $50,000, which will cover the total cost of the trip.” ®

Corona takes precautions after Sandy Hook tragedy JACQUI MARZOCCA Editor-in-Chief

The tragic events which occured in Connecticut in December left a whirlwind of questions and fears’ concerning how safe school really is. In the wake of the incident, Principal Brent Brown reassured the student body and concerned parents that there are numerous disaster plans in place. Brown says that there has been a safety plan in place even before the tragedy in Connecticut took place. He says the school has been doing things all along but


A member of Corona’s security monitors as students filter into school by the breezeway. The breezeway is one of two entrances and exits now available to students.

“this sheds a new light on if we are doing enough.” Administrators are looking at the different areas of security and focusing on what areas could be improved. “Corona historically has been a very safe school with few disturbances overall,” Assistant Principal Dan Nero said. “We can always use the help of our students and those in our school community to let administration know of any situation that they may have a concern about. With nearly 3,000 people on campus, if we all, students and staff, make a commitment to be vigilant, Corona will continue to have a safe school environment.” One tactic that the school has in order to protect the students is a group of trained members of the staff who would come together to protect the school. “We have a team put together on this campus that comprises of eight people,” Brown said. This group is called the “Safety Team” and includes Brown, Assistant Principal Holly Secor, Assistant Principal Jim Bell and Tempe Police Liaison John Evans, among others. “We’ve been taking classes, going to trainings, working through scenarios; we did a practice lockdown last semester,” Brown said. Students can expect another lockdown drill in the coming semester as well. “Just in case something would happen, we’d be ready,” Brown said. Evans is the school’s designated Student Resource Officer (SRO) and is currently the only armed person on campus. Another added security feature is the employment of an additional security guard. Nero also adds that “improved procedures to check visitors into our campus, additional security staff, upgrades to video cameras, are some examples” of the additions that Corona is making. Administration agrees that they would like parents to know that safety at Corona is the number one priority. “The biggest thing I could say to a family is we have (a member of the) police on our campus that is willing and prepared to do whatever it takes to stop someone from coming in and doing kids harm,” Brown said. ®

February 2013 • CdS Sunrise

News • 3

Students mourn death of Jake McGrady JOHNNY WADDELL Staff Writer

On Jan. 21, junior Jake McGrady was killed in a sledding accident. He was going down a hill and hit a tree and the impact caused severe injuries that led to his passing. He will be remembered as a great student, friend and athlete. “Jake was a great kid; he worked hard and had a great attitude,” JV football coach Sean Thorton said. “He always tried his hardest. When I saw Jake in class he always seemed to have a smile on his face.” Students and teachers at Corona had nothing but good to say about the kind of kid that Jake was. “Jake was one of my closest friends,” junior Jordan Somerville said. “I grew up with him and he was basically a brother. We would

people were shocked when they heard about the accident, but together the Aztec family is recovering from the tragic loss. “He always made me laugh and was a lot of fun to hang out with and he would always give his honest opinion,” junior Travis Blaser said. “My favorite memories with him were hanging out at all the basketball games and chilling with him and my friends on the weekends.” Jake’s service had so many people in attendance that it filled up the Arizona Community Church. “There was no one else on this planet like Jake McGrady, no one had as unique a personality as he did,” junior Johnny Osgood said. “He could comprehend any joke or concept that

“There was no one else on this planet like Jake McGrady.” - junior Johnny Osgood

Courtesy of Nick Martinez

talk about sports every day and there wasn’t a day that went by that we didn’t talk or see each other. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.” Many

I was trying to get across to him and he would build on it and make it better. Even now after everything, I still text his phone things I think he and only he would laugh at. In a broad view I truly think Jake was the funniest kid I have ever met and I wouldn’t trade our memories for anything.” At the basketball game against the Mesquite Wildcats, the Corona del Sol student section decided to wear the numbers 24 and 81 to honor Jake McGrady. ®

Courtesy of life touch

School offering up incentives to exceed on AIMS AASHINI CHOKSI Calendar Editor

As an Aztec, there are many things to look forward to during the four years of high school – many of them offered only to seniors. One of the most anticipated opportunities is the ability to go off-campus for lunch. Well, starting next year, some juniors will be able to go off-campus too. This, among other privileges, is a reward guaranteed in the AIMS Incentive Reward Program, starting with the class of 2015. It is intended only for sophomores who are taking the AIMS test for the first time and the reward is only valid for their junior year. This program was created as a result of the reduction of the Arizona Board of Regent’s High Honors Tuition Scholarship (also known as the AIMS Scholarship). “Our kids were meeting, but not exceeding, and we figured out it was because of the scholarship. It’s not as much money – it’s not as good financially. I talked to Mr. Brown and we figured we needed an incentive for them to exceed,” librarian Justine Centanni said. She thought of the idea for this program and worked with many people to create it. In addition, Corona del Sol wants to maintain an ‘A’ on the Arizona Department of Education School Report Card and increase its overall performance level. “One of the measurements to determine what grade our school gets is a growth score. In order to show growth, you have to show students who improved from 8th grade,” Centanni said. Sophomores enrolled in the general education classes can qualify for an AIMS Incentive Reward by exceeding the standards in any two of the four AIMS tests (writing, reading, math and/or science). For students who currently receive special education services, the AIMS Incentive Reward is offered for meeting the standards in any two of the four areas. Current sophomores who took the science AIMS last year must exceed in two of the three remaining categories as previous scores will not be counted. “I wouldn’t normally study for AIMS but I would really like to go off campus for lunch next year,” sophomore Jonathan Regenold said. “I will work harder this year.” Although many sophomores have started making plans for next year, some upperclassmen aren’t too happy with this program. “It’s not fair because a lot of people in our grade exceeded AIMS but we don’t

get to go off campus for lunch. I have to wait until my senior year to do that,” junior Abby Romero said. “I know it’s a better deal to get the scholarship but I still don’t feel it’s fair.” According to a flyer handed out to sophomores, there are four rewards to select from. Once in use, the selection cannot be changed. In addition, students must provide a parent signature. The reward options are: 1. An off campus ID during their junior year; as with the current senior offcampus ID, parents have to fill out and notarize the Off-Campus Authorization Form for students to be able to secure this ID. 2. Preferred parking; the parking spot of your choice at no cost. 3. Fine Arts Pass; the ability to attend any fine arts performance for free (this includes band, orchestra, drama and dance.) 4. A “Couple’s Ticket” to Prom. When the school receives the student’s scores for all four tests, they will send an official letter home. It will include a Signature Agreement form which the student and parent must sign and return by Aug. 31, 2013. ®

CdS Sunrise • Feburary 2013

4 • News

Eating disorders consuming students’ lives

teacher at school. “(If a student came to me) I would be kind of concerned and understand Think of the perfect body. What comes to mind? For most people it’s the because of how our entertainment world shows our ideal image,” history teacher thinnest body structure, a look many people can’t achieve. Instead people of Leah Fleming said. “So I would try to help the student find the help that they need whether it’s talking to a counselor or finding enough courage to talking to average weight turn to eating disorders to gain that perfect look. With others, it may be a manifestation of stress or feelings of not having their parents about it.” The most important matter is to get the help that is needed in order to control. People may feel that in their life there is very little that they have control overcome the disorder. over, so they grasp onto the one thing they can: their weight. “If you have an eating disorder, “It’s based on anxiety and worry; you don’t you really need to see a doctor that have a lot of control and controlling what you specializes in that, a psychiatrist, a eat is one of those things that you can,” nurse nutritionist and counselors,” Young Sandra Young said. said. “It’s generally an illness that needs And still, in others, it can be a chemical to be treated by a team.” imbalance in the brain, which can cause the It may take time (some treatments individual to develop the eating disorder. taking a year to complete) and while it “Most of the time there really is an may seem hard to go back to living a imbalance of the biochemical aspect in the normal happy life, it is certainly possible brain. Anytime the brain is out of homeostasis to do so. (balance) there will be a behavioral response,” “It’s one of those things that you psychology teacher Joseph Maisel said. “Thus, need treatment for and people who eating disorders are an overt example of this get treatment can go on to lead happy behavioral response.” lives,” Young said. “But it’s usually not There are many different forms of eating something that can be taken care of on disorders but two are heard of the most: its own without help. So if somebody Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. has a problem with it, there’s help out Anorexia is characterized by excessive food there.” restrictions and an irrational fear of weight Eating disorders are more common gain. Bulimia is characterized by bingeing among young females in today’s society and purging. but men can develop them as well. “People with bulimia can end up having However, they may be even more a lot of problems with their teeth, with their reluctant to share since they may be electrolytes and with their chemistry in their seen in a different light for being a male body because of the cycle,” Young said. “It with an eating disorder. can be pretty damaging to their body.” “You hear it more about young Eating disorders can cause a diversity women, but men do have eating of complications; some can even be life disorders also. It’s more of a barrier threatening. The more severe or long lasting for them to get help when they have an the disorder, the more likely a person is to eating disorder because society believes experience serious impediments. it’s all for women,” Young said. “The risks involved with it can be having Eating disorders are becoming a heart and muscle problems. So if you’re not more prevalent issue in society today, giving your body the right chemicals it needs Students often feel ashamed for eating disorders. Photo illustration by Patrick Buck mostly because of the way an “ideal” to function, it can cause problems with your body image is perceived. But it’s always important for an individual to know that electrolytes that affect how your muscles work,” Young said. Many times a person with an eating disorder has difficulties telling others no matter what society thinks, there are better ways to get to a desired weight than about their disorder, either because they haven’t acknowledged their own problem to turn to an eating disorder. “I would try and encourage them to see that they’re beautiful either way. or are ashamed of what the other person may think. “There’s a lot of shame involved. People are worried that other people are Whether it’s what the entertainment world sees as beautiful or what we see as going to know so they have to hide it, so it damages your relationships,” Young beautiful because what’s inside is just as beautiful as maybe what some of us perceive,” Fleming said. “And I would try and help them understand that it’s said. In order to begin overcoming the problem, a person should have someone to what’s on the inside is way more important than what’s on the outside. I would confide in. A person whom they can trust and talk to, knowing at the same time, encourage them to see themselves as beautiful and that they contribute to the world in so many different ways. Everyone is put on here to be different and while the person may be worried and concerned, they’re there to help. The confidante can be a parent, a close friend, a trusted adult or even a unique and we’re not supposed to look all the same.” ® Devika sharan Life & Times Editor

February 2013 • CdS Sunrise

Life & Times • 5

Corona student hungry for Turkey Junior Hannah Roberts describes her adventures spent abroad and compares life as a high school student

Hannah Roberts Contributing Writer

Many times, when people think of the Middle East they think of war, violence, and third world countries. However, in many countries in the Middle East that is not the case. The media tends to only show one side of the picture and then generalizes it to all countries located in the Middle East. In 2009 I moved to Adana, Turkey, with my family. At first, it was really difficult. I didn’t know anyone, I couldn’t speak the language, and people stared and followed me constantly because I was foreigner. But, after a few months, I grew to love it. I made friends, learned some Turkish and the way around the city and bus

system. Even though it was obvious I wasn’t from that country, I felt like I belonged. In Adana, people were friendlier and more open than compared to a majority of Americans. You could have just met someone at a café or on the bus and they could ask you if you’d like to come over to their house for çay (tea) or even for a place to sleep if you were a traveler. For instance, my family and I went to the park one afternoon and we saw a dog with two front legs accompanied by a back set of wheels being walked by its owner. Naturally, we stroke up a conversation with the owner asking about their dog. After about five minutes the owner

is a normal amount of passengers. We ended up becoming very good friends with this family in a matter of a few hours. Also, in Turkey high school students (or rather, their parents) are much more serious about their education than most students here are. The students there would go to school from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., come home for an hour or two and then go to dershane (dare-son-ee) from 4 or 5 p.m. until 8 or 9 p.m. six or seven days a week. Dershane is an after school program that offers more classes and sometimes tutoring. Like students in the states, they also have to take the SAT during their junior or senior year. But, if you think that that test is hard enough already; think of having to take it in your second language. In Turkey (probably in other countries as well, but I’m not sure on that part), the students take the SAT in English. All the questions are asked in our language and all the answers are in our language as well. For a lot of you, that’d be like taking the SAT in Spanish or French. This probably wouldn’t result in a good Courtesy of Hannah Roberts grade for most test takers. invited us over to their house for çay (chi) and Overall, Turkey is a fantastic country. The dinner. At the time, we didn’t own a car, so the people are wonderful. Their food is tasty. The person who invited us over crammed all nine of transportation is a fun, cultural experience. I us into their five passenger car. This, in Turkey, hope to one day return to Adana, Turkey. ®

It's a rite of passage your own transit pass. It’s time to decide where you’re going in life. Getting to the mall, the park or the movies takes direction. So, let TIM be your guide. You can go wherever you want, whenever you want. Let freedom ring. Kids who live in Tempe can ride transit for free. To get a youth transit pass, stop by the Tempe Transit Store at 200 E. Fifth St. with your parents. And to find bus routes, bikeways and light rail stops all around Tempe, visit tempe.gov/tim or call 858-2350.

bus · bike · walk · rail

6 • Opinions

Bucket list of 2013

Asatta Njuguna Opinions Editor

Whew, that was a close call this past December. It made me rethink the things that I have accomplished. Then I realized, it wasn’t much. Sure, I had a couple of goals under my belt. The typical achievements, but there was no excitement, no thrill. I wanted that thrill and I wanted to make sure that when I actually did die I had accomplished my main goal in life: to live. I remember watching a movie a while back called “ The Bucket List” with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. For those who haven’t seen it, it’s a movie about two aging guys who have a list of things they want to do before they “kick the bucket.” It sounded like a good idea to me. Why not make a list of things that I can accomplish when I have way too much time on my hands? It gives me a legit reason to be out of my house and it’s fun. I didn’t want my list to have the typical bungee jumping and skydiving; I wanted it to reflect myself in crazy outlandish activities such as drive from the southern edge of California to the northern tip of New York City (I love road trips), live in a foreign country for longer than five years (different culture fascinate me and would love to experience them for myself), read 3,000 books in one year (book nerd and proud of it), and become friends with a random stranger (I love meeting new people). My list may not make sense to you but it’s not supposed to, because it’s catered to me. Make your own list of all the things you want to accomplish. Bucket lists aren’t limited to the end of your life. If you want to accomplish a series of things before you graduate, do them. If you have a hundred experiences you have before you turn fifty, go for them. Fill it with things you wish up who you are; could have done in the past but never seemed to have the time for. Add the things that have always interested you. Think of all the crazy things that your mother would die if she found out you’d been doing them, but for some reason you really want to. Comprise your list of the silly and goofy things and activities that make you; then tick them off as you go. The wonderful thing about a bucket list is that it’s for you, not anyone else, so anyone’s judgment is completely null and void and they have no hold on whether you accomplish your list or not. It’s all up to you. So have fun, plan your list, or better yet be spontaneous! It’s your life, live it to the fullest.®

CdS Sunrise • February 2013

The perks of not having a valentine 10 reasons to be your own significant other

elizabeth ChenEy Online Photo Editor

What is love? A deep, passionate feeling directed towards another person? A desire strong enough to drive an individual to extreme lengths? The most wonderful, magnificent, superb, inspiring, spectacular, indescribable, intense euphoric feeling one could ever experience? Well, possibly, if you enjoy a flavorful vocabulary full of synonyms and words that really have no meaning whatsoever. But the real answer? No. Love is a paycheck spent on gifts for your “significant other,” wasted hours spent droning on in conversation, stress for the perfect relationship, sleepless nights, but really, love is a curse. And if it’s Feb. 14, you’re screwed. Still unconvinced? Caught up in the whirlwind we keep calling “love”? Don’t get me wrong, love is great. But unless you’re one of the select percentage of high school students who have already found their “one and only” then you truly haven’t experienced the full “effects” of love. Or rather, the real inconveniences of having “the one”. And as Feb. 14 shows its face, I can guarantee that you’ll be wishing you never found love in the first place. Still skeptical? Then here are 10 reasons not to have a valentine: 1. Remember that paycheck you got last week? No you don’t. It’s all gone. Every single cent. 2. Did you remember to place an order for flowers? Oh no, you forgot? Well, the flower shops have all bumped up their prices and the leftovers are pretty slim pickings. 3. And even more, flowers wilt and die within a few days. What does this say about the future of your relationship? Perhaps your “love” will die away with it. 4. Why express your love for that special person on only one day of the year? True love should be expressed

on a daily basis. Besides, what are those anniversaries for anyways? 5. If you’re a male, the entire course for the future of your relationship relies on this day. If you ruin even one aspect of the night, two words: good luck. 6. Chocolate makes you fat. 7. Pink is the universal color for Valentine’s Day. A very non-slimming color as well. Pink is also a very girly color, which results in insecurities for men. Unless they are confident in their manhood. 8. Why spend your money on a gift for another person, when you could spend it on an “Anti-Valentine’s Day” party. Then you could spend the night with your friends, without being left home alone on Valentine’s Day.

cassidy kamerman

9. Remember those little heart shaped candies in the cardboard box? They now have those for breakups. Imagine your “I love you” hearts turning into “It’s just not working out.” Isn’t that a great way to end a relationship? 10. Lastly, why on earth is a fat, naked baby the symbol of love? Cupid, really? Valentine’s Day just isn’t working for you.®

Sunrise Staff

1001 E. Knox Road • Tempe, AZ • 85284 Editor in Chief | Jacqui Marzocca Online Editor in Chief | Mason Kuluris Managing Editor | Stephanie Dayton Online Managing Editor | Josh Ambre News Editor Grady Douglas Life & Times Editor Devika Sharan Opinions Editor Asatta Njuguna Sports Editor Lilly Berkley Assistant Sports Editor Omar Soussi Photo Editor Patrick Buck Online Photo Editor Elizabeth Cheney Graphics Editor Matthew O’Donnell Copy Editor Alisa Rodriquez

Calendar Editor Aashini Choksi Business Manager Cassidy Kamerman Cartoonist Cassidy Kamerman Staff Courtney Baldenegro, Becca Benzer, Jordan Blitz, Manali Chavan, Natalie Crawford, Sapna Daryanani, Juliana Edwards, Luke Frampton, Caly Heath, Sam Rosendahl and Johnny Waddell Adviser Kris Urban

Front page design by Jacqui Marzocca Front page photo by Patrick Buck The Sunrise is an open forum for student expression and welcomes letters on all matters. The staff reserves the right to edit as required. All materials submitted for publication must be signed. Views and opinions contained herein are those of the author and not considered to be the opinions of the staff, adviser, administration or the Tempe Union High School District. Unsigned editorials reflect the views of the editorial board. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service.

February 2013 • CdS Sunrise

Sports • 7

Seniors commit to future schools

Lucky stars as the lone senior on the girls basketball team OMAR SOUSSI Assistant Sports Editor


Newly-signed seniors pose together while sporting the logo for their future schools. Soccer, football and cross country were the sports that will be played by Corona students next year.


Graduation is just over the horizon for Corona’s class of 2013, as is obvious by all the discussion about post-graduation plans among seniors. By now, many seniors have decided where they plan on attending college in the fall, and on Feb. 6, a handful of varsity athletes signed letters of intent for various colleges across the country. Seven varsity girls soccer players signed to play soccer at different colleges: Kelsey Cartwright, who plans to attend the University of North Dakota; Kate Halligan, Pfeiffer College; Zoe Martinez, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Emily Matthews, the United States Coast Guard Academy; Olivia Montoya, Benedictine University; Steph Petre, New Mexico State University; and Taylour Rohme, North Park University. Matthews did not specifically receive a scholarship to attend the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, as all students who get accepted have their tuition completely paid-for by the government. Many factors contributed to Matthews’ decision to attend the United States Coast Guard Academy. “I have family in the Coast Guard, and my mom really wanted me to go there. I went to a program there this past summer and I enjoyed it a lot,” Matthews said, adding that she plans to continue playing soccer in college. Cross-country and track athlete Hallie Swenson signed to attend Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego. “It’s a smaller school and it’s right in San Diego,” Swenson said. “The team is great and I just really felt at home when I was there.” Swenson, who has run on the varsity teams for both crosscountry and track since her freshman year, is excited to run for Point Loma’s team next year. She will be receiving a 75 percent tuition scholarship to attend Point Loma. In addition, a few athletes signed to play football in college. Maceo Brown plans to play at the University of Mary in Bismarck, N.D.; Sam Radford will attend Scottsdale Community College; and Aaron Simons will attend Colorado Mesa University. Brown, a two-year varsity football athlete, will receive a partial athletic scholarship to attend the University of Mary. “It’s a great academic school and a great opportunity,” Brown said. ®

For more photos visit cdssunrise.com

With the girls basketball team, they have only one senior, Lauren Lucky. She is one of the team captains who are leading the girls team to a 9 – 9 record, including tournament. She started her season off well averaging 13.5 points and 14.5 rebounds and has received scholarships for basketball and track and field. “I’ve had an offer from Glendale community college for basketball but all my other scholarships are form track,” Lucky said. Lucky understands that she needs to be an influence to the fresh players on the team. “We have a pretty young team; we need guidance and someone to help us stick together through all the ups and downs that the season brings,” Lucky said. She has helped the younger players mature quickly.

“Honestly, it doesn’t make anything different that there’s only one senior. We all look up to her as a leader but at the same time we’re all very close and get along really well,” junior Vicky Sanford said. Coach Andy Strom understands the importance of senior leadership but doesn’t want it to be a huge deal on the team. “She and others have had a good season so far,” Strom said. Strom also knows when he has a good player, he understands that Lucky is an all around player, aggressive on both sides of the game. “Lauren is a very aggressive ALAYA HYTER player, she has a strong will. Lauren is a very good rebounder, She has the tenacity to battle for the basketball underneath the basket.” Strom said. This will be her sixth year playing basketball and she still hasn’t lost her love for the game. “Its completely different, in 7th grade I did it cause I was tall and I try it but now I love and understand the game,” Lucky said. ®

Girls soccer wraps up the season NATALIE CRAWFORD Staff Writer

The Corona girls varsity season has come to end. The girls ended the season with a win loss ratio of 10-7 and earned a spot in the state playoffs. Although CdS wasn’t able to beat its top rival, Desert Vista, the Aztecs did beat another major rival, Mountain Pointe, toward the end of their season. This year, the varsity team added three freshman into their family: forward Amariza Garcia, defender Izzie Cartagena and defender Lexi Reynoso. “I like my team and we play well together,” Garcia said. Garcia is also known as Ama Llama by a lot of the upperclassmen. She has contributed many goals to the teams stats. “It’s been a good season and we all have good chemistry playing together.” Cartagena said. Corona’s girls soccer program has always been based on a close-knit group of girls and these newbies seem to have been warmly welcomed by the upperclassmen and fit in smoothly with the team’s playing style. However, with the arrival of newcomers, the team will also have to be saying goodbye to their seniors- defender Emily Mathews, midfielder Kelsey Cartwright, forward Stephanie Petre, defender Olivia Montoya, forward Mikaela Wolf, midfielder/forward Kate Halligan, forward Zoe Martinez, midfielder/forward Madeleine Caldwell, forward Victoria Haun, midfielder Alexi Romano and goalkeeper Taylour Rohme.

Looking at next year, the team will have to be looking to recruit many offensive players to compensate for what they will lose at the end of the season. Another player, sophomore Jennifer Carty, played her first year on varsity and said, “This season definitely met my expectations and it was a lot of fun.” The seniors played their final home game on Senior Night against Alhambra. There was a bit of an upset before the game even started. Alhambra wasn’t looking to send a team to Corona and simply forfeited. However, this would make the Corona girls unelligible for the state tournament. Athletic Director Dan Nero was able to make some calls and Alhambra was forced to send a team made up of JV and varsity players to play at Corona. The final score of the game was 9-0 and Corona was able to enter themselves into the state tournament. For the first game in their tournament they played the No. 1 team in state: Pinnacle High School. Looking back, forward Paige Monroe said, “This season was fun and I loved all my teammates. We always put all of our energy out on the field.” The girls wouldn’t be able to move on further into the playoffs like they had hoped for. They lost to Pinnacle with a score of 3-0. They were still able to end the season on a good note in comparison to last year when they weren’t even able to enter the state tournament. But until next year, the season is over. Some will go back to club soccer, others to track and other sports, and maybe some will wait around until next season with anticipation. ®

8 • Sports

CdS Sunrise • February 2013

4-eigners impact the soccer team MASON KULURIS Online Editor-in-Chief

Moving to a new school is already unnerving to many, but imagine moving from your home to a brand new country, where you not only have to learn a new language, but also attempt to emerge yourself into a new culture. Four boys all share common threads: their love for the game of soccer and their Brazilian heritage. Seniors Yago Martins and Dylan Conboy, junior William Conboy and freshman Thiago Pinherio moved from Brazil to the United States. Martins moved from the city of Sao Paulo. “My parents wanted me to learn English and experience a different culture,” Martins said. His family has been living in the United States for nine years. “The hardest part of the transition was learning English,” Martins said. Martins has been playing soccer since he was 2 years old and still living in Brazil. Martin plays for the Corona varsity team, mostly as midfield and occasionally defense mid-left back. Martins would like to continue playing soccer in college at Yavapai Community College. Martins loves the teams Palmeiras, for Brazil, and Manchester City, and his favorite player would be Ronaldo who used to play for Real Madrid. The Conboy brothers moved to the United States from the city of Belo Horizonte after their mother married. Both boys agreed the hardest part of moving was leaving their friends and family behind. They have been living in the United States for a year-and-a-half. Both boys started playing soccer back in Brazil. “Everyone plays there, so I just started playing too,” William Conboy said. Dylan Conboy has been playing since he can remember. “I played on a team of friends, called Johnathan e a nova geração,” Dylan Conboy said. Dylan Conboy plays on Corona’s boys varsity team as a left wing or a left midfielder. He played for Corona last year as well. “I just wanted to play,” Dylan Conboy said.

Left to right: Dylan Conboy, Thaigo Pinheiro, William Conboy, Yago Martins

The younger brother, William Conboy, has been playing soccer since he was 8 years old. “In Brazil, I played just for fun,” William Conboy said. The younger Conboy is a double roster player, so he plays for both the JV and varsity teams. He mostly plays center mid field. Both boys share the same favorite team, Atletico Mineriro, and the same favorite player, Renaldinho, who is a Brazilian player. The last of the four boys is Thiago Pinheiro. He moved here four years ago from the city of Curitiba. Pinheiro lived with his aunt until his parents moved to the United States at a later time. “Learning English was the hardest part (of the transition),” Pinheiro said. However, “hanging out with my family helped me adjust to the new country.” Pinheiro has been playing soccer his whole life “but playing competitive since I was 7,” he said. Pinheiro played back in Brazil on an academy club called Curitiba Nationals. When he came to Corona he sought out the Corona soccer team. He is a double roster, so he plays for JV and varsity as a midfielder or a right forward. When high school soccer isn’t in he


plays for the club team, Sereno. “Corinthians is my favorite soccer team,” and “Robinho for the Brazilian team is my favorite player,” Pinheiro said. Varsity Coach Dan Salas sees the boys in a different environment than the rest of school does, on the soccer field. “They bring a foreign aspect, which is more creative than the average player, and they are not surprised by the ball,” Salas said. Salas made light of their ability to speak two different languages. “I told them on the bench they can speak English or Chinese,” Salas said. “Their language keeps them unique.” All four boys agreed that Brazil’s soccer program is more competitive than the United States program. “In Brazil there is more soul put into playing the game than there is here,” Dylan Conboy said. All the boys share the passion for soccer, and had to endure the difficulties of moving not only to a new home but also away from the country in which they were born.®

Farina brothers make wrestling a family affair LILLY BERKLEY Sports Editor

Corona del Sol has had many families set foot on campus. One of those families currently is the Farina family. All the brothers, junior Glenn, and freshman triplets Anthony, Ryan and Marc, make great impacts on the school through academics and sports. Having all four brothers on the wrestling team gives them support for one another, as well as competition within their household. “My whole family has done it, and I wanted to be a part of what my brothers are doing,” Anthony said. Having the whole family be apart of something like wrestling unites the family in many ways. “It’s gives us (as a family) a common goal, and to all have something to work towards together as a team and family,” Glenn said. With their dad wrestling in college first at Rhode Island for a year and then transferring to University of Buffalo because Rhode Islands wrestling program got cut, it gives the brothers a path to follow and create a family tradition. “My dad wrestled in college and that’s what got me into it,” Glenn said. All of the brothers started wrestling in elementary school and continued through junior high to prepare themselves for high school wrestling in hopes of making it to varsity, winning state or going to college to wrestle. “To be a national champ is my dream; to be the best in country,” Glenn said. All of the brothers have their own goals they want to accomplish by the time

they graduate high school. “Winning state by my senior year is in my reach and I’d like to accomplish that,” Marc said. All of the boys compete in different weight classes, which allows them to shine on their own, yet still have the support of their family. Anthony wrestles at 120 lbs, Ryan wrestles at 113 lbs, Marc wrestles at 126 lbs and Glenn wrestles at 135 lbs. “I appreciate all the talent that they bring to the room. They are all competitors,” Coach Jim Martinez said. Having Anthony, Ryan and Marc be triplets adds an additional push in the wrestling world. “It can be challenging that my brothers are on varsity; my goal is to get on varsity by my senior year,” Anthony said. Every athlete has a different ritual of preparing for a competition. “To prepare for competition I usually just focus on my match and keep a positive attitude,” Ryan said, “It is less stressful to tell yourself to wrestle hard rather than to tell yourself to win.” All of the brothers are so different in their own ways when it comes to wrestling. “It requires that I expect each talent and skill level and set expectation levels for each one appropriately,” Martinez said. When your whole family is working hard for something, accomplishing it can be gratifying. “It’s fun but a lot of work: when you win and succeed it’s really rewarding,” Anthony said. ®

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