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Carla Pregel Hoderlein


Felix Dörpmund

As Herman Kahn, one of the founding fathers of modern scenario planning, nicely states, it is tremendously important for strategy and policymakers to get a deep understanding of possible future developments to be prepared for them.

The Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) aims to connect, educate and empower the innovators of tomorrow. It is our mission to equip our students with the tools and knowledge they will need to become responsible leaders who actively shape their future environment rather than only react to changes.

This Trend Report is the result of the course Trend Seminar, which is part of the interdisciplinary add-on study program “Technology Management” at CDTM. About 26 selected students of various disciplines, such as Business Administration, Psychology, Medicine, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and others, work together on a relevant topic of our time. Over the course of seven intense weeks of full-time work during their semester break, the participating students dive deeply into the topic of the Trend Seminar. Working in several interdisciplinary sub-teams, students apply the knowledge of their main studies and learn new perspectives from their team members. They conduct trend research, develop scenarios of the future, generate ideas for innovative products or services, and detail them out into concrete business concepts. We would like to take the chance to thank everyone who contributed and made this CDTM Trend Report possible: We want to thank Bayern Innovativ for supporting this Trend Seminar. Particularly, we want to thank Dr. Tanja Jovanovic, Dr. Gunther Pabst, Dr. Matthias Konrad, and Dr. Rainer Sessner for their collaboration, valuable insights, and feedback throughout the whole project. We hope our findings support you in driving innovation in the context of The Future of Mittelstand!

In addition, we very much thank all our lecturers, who shared their knowledge and largely contributed to this project’s success:

Aaron Defort (CDTM) Dirk Maaß (Bayern Innovativ) Dr. Felix von Held (IICM) Dr. Nicolas Folger (Weitergründer) Elizaveta Felsche (CDTM) Felix Schröter (CDTM) Frederik Junge (CDTM) Jeremiah Hendren (Hendren Writing) Johannes Groll (Tacto / Alumnus) Jose Adrian Vega Vermehren (CDTM) Maximilian Keinert (Pacifico Energy) Nadine Schmidt (Professional Coach / Alumna) Niklas Hölterhoff (CDTM) Peter Schniering (Future Cleantech Architects) Prof. Dr. Fabian Zuleeg (EPC) Tobias Gehrke (Egmont Institut) Tom Schelo (CDTM) Zieb Bahrouni (Motius)

“Everybody can learn from the past. Today it is important to learn from the future! Herman Kahn“

Last but not least, we would like to thank the CDTM students of the class of Fall 2022. They put great energy and enthusiasm into this project, which made it a pleasure for us to supervise the course and coach the individual teams. Special thanks to the Heads of the editing-, layouting- and QA-team (Julia Balowski, Konstantin Neureither, Lisa Schmierer) for finalizing the report. Carla Pregel Hoderlein and Felix Dörpmund Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM)

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