M E M B E R S’ A R E A Over the last few months, we’ve been lighting up our monuments in rainbow colours to show our support for the fantastic work being done by the NHS and key workers. Here are just a few of the comments from our lovely followers.
Castell Coch, Cardiff
Facebook Andrea Butler Castell Coch… love that place! Looks amazing Cadw #thankyouNHS Louise Goodwin I remember going there with family in Wales many years ago. It looks beautiful lit up in rainbow colours. Beryl Gray Wonderful photo, we don’t really appreciate the wonderful history we have surrounding us, do we!! It is really special.
Conwy Castle
Facebook Colin Elsbury Diolch yn fawr. Thank you for showing your appreciation for our NHS.
Instagram Travelooneyblog Hope to return to Conwy one day. It’s a special spot!
Sam Tocher Like Wales and its peeps… stay safe all… look forward to a visit when it’s safe to do so. Han Cheek The waiting will make it appreciate it EVEN more # Wales. xxx
Bettyjones11 Beautiful. Proud to be a nhs worker.
We’d like to thank Stage Lighting Services and Stage Sound Services for the wonderful lighting of Castell Coch and Conwy Castle.