Stairs 6 Textbook

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Cecilie Thorsen og Hege Dahl Unnerud


© J.W. Cappelens Forlag AS, Oslo 2007 Materialet i denne publikasjonen er omfattet av åndsverklovens bestemmelser. Uten særskilt avtale med Cappelen Damm AS er enhver eksemplarframstilling og tilgjengeliggjøring bare tillatt i den utstrekning det er hjemlet i lov eller tillatt gjennom avtale med Kopinor, interesseorgan for rettighetshavere til åndsverk. Utnyttelse i strid med lov eller avtale kan medføre erstatningsansvar og inndragning, og kan straffes med bøter eller fengsel. Stairs 5–7 følger læreplanene for Kunnskapsløftet i faget engelsk og er laget til bruk på grunnskolens barnetrinn. Illustrasjoner: Anne Britt Meese og Solveig Lid Ball (Chapter 4) Omslagsillustrasjon: Anne Britt Meese Omslagsdesign og grafisk formgiving: Substans Design, Mette Gundersen Språklig konsulent: Sally Jane Narud Bilderedaktør: Una Thoresen Dimola Forlagsredaktør: Tone Senje Repro: RenessanseMedia AS Trykking/innbinding: Livoniaprint, Latvia 2009 ISBN 978-82-02-25131-4

Utgave 1 Opplag 5

Innhold Chapter 1 The Radio rats Grammar Rat Affairs Writing

8 12 18 26

Chapter 2 Sports Grammar Quiz Gossip Ask Sandra Jokes Behind the scenes Horoscope Writing

30 32 34 36 39 42 44 48 52

Chapter 3 Funny poems Grammar Scary poems Poems about school Poems about family Writing

55 60 62 68 71 76

Chapter 4 Heroes Grammar Myths and superstition The legends of King Arthur Writing

79 84 96 104 114

Chapter 5 Read and have fun Grammar Dinosaur stories The Invisible Boy Writing

117 120 128 136 148

Chapter 6 The USA The American Dream Grammar Travelling in the USA Writing

151 153 158 160 178

Phonetics Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

180 181 181 182 182 183

Irregular Verbs Alfabetisk ordliste Kapittelordliste

184 185 193

Velkommen til Stairs! I Stairs har vi tekster og oppgaver på tre trinn.

Vi begynner på Step 1. Her øver vi på det vi allerede kan, og vi lærer litt nytt. I margen står det ord som skal hjelpe deg til å forstå teksten.

På Step 2 arbeider vi videre med temaet. Her er det litt lengre tekster. Bakerst i boka finner du ordlister til hvert kapittel.

Step 3 har litt vanskeligere tekster og aktiviteter. Her vil du finne mange forskjellige utfordringer! Bruk ordbok hvis det er ord du ikke forstår.

Chapter 2

Write • Paragraphs • Interview • Crosswords

Speak • Discussion • /θ/ and /ð/

Read and listen • Quiz • Horoscope • Letters to a magazine 28

Grammar • There is/There are • Some/any • Prepositions


team = lag everywhere =

Want to have some fun? Maybe try a new sport? Eleven helps you choose the right sport!

over alt workout = trening


comfortable =

It is fun because – you meet new friends – you are part of a team

behagelig snazzy = stilig

You can do it –


You need – a ball, shorts, shin pads and football boots – someone to play with

Dancing It is fun because – it is a great workout – you can get to meet new friends You can do it – at a dance centre, a disco or at home You need – good music – some comfortable, but snazzy clothes and shoes


Skateboarding It – – –

is fun because you can learn different tricks you meet new friends you can take part in competitions

different = forskjellige competition =

You need – a skateboard – a helmet – protective pads for knees, elbows and wrists

konkurranse protective pads for knees = knebeskyttere elbows = albuer wrists = håndledd

You can do it – in the street – in a skate park

Activity How many different sports are listed? What type of sport do you do and why? Why do you think people practise sports?

Workbook pages 16 and 17


–> Phonetics, page 181

There is/ There are

There is a boy in the picture. There are twenty children in my class.

Regel Det er, eller det fins heter There is på engelsk. Hvis vi snakker om flere enn én, heter det There are.

Preposisjoner Girl: Where are you? Boy: In my room! Between you and the door.

Girl: There is a rat on the table. Boy: There is a cat behind the curtain.

Boy: There is a spider in front of the chair. Girl: There is a lamp over the bed.

Girl: There is a present for you under the bed! Boy: Yes! The card says To Mark From Granny! 32

Lær preposisjonene: in, between, in front of, on, behind, over, for, under, to, from

Workbook pages 17–20, 26, 29, 30 and 32 Some/ any I have some really good books. Do you have any good books? Yes, I have some. Do you have any fun games? No, I don’t have any games.

Regel Some brukes i fortellende setninger. Any brukes i spørsmål og nektende setninger.

Would you like some tea?

Yes, please.

Regel Some kan brukes i spørsmål hvis du tror svaret blir ja.

Workbook pages 20, 21, 25 and 28 33

Quiz Test your general knowledge! Answer the questions, check your answers and sum up your points. Are you a super genius? 1. What is the capital of the USA? a) New York b) Washington c) New Orleans 2. How many people live in London? a) about 1 million b) about 100 million c) about 10 million 3. From which country is the famous footballer David Beckham? a) England b) Scotland c) Ireland 4. In which sport can you hit a home run? a) cricket b) tennis c) baseball 5. Where was the film trilogy Lord of the Rings filmed? a) New Zealand b) Wales c) Australia 6. Which two languages are spoken in Canada? a) English and Canadian b) English and French c) English and German 7. What are the names of Harry Potter’s parents? a) Lily and James b) Vernon and Petunia c) Sirius and Lupinia 8. What is the capital of Australia? a) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Canberra


9. What is Irish money called? a) Euro b) Dollars c) Pounds 10. A book by Roald Dahl is called The magic… a) giant b) finger c) peach 11. Who has illustrated most of Roald Dahl’s children’s books? a) Quentin Blake b) Quentin Tarantino c) Ernest Shepard 12. What is the name of the owner of the chocolate factory in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl? a) Willy Wonka b) Albus Dumbledore c) Wilfred Wong 13. Who is a director of the Harry Potter films? a) Steven Spielberg b) Chris Columbus c) Quentin Tarantino Answers – points: 1b – 2 5a – 3 2c – 3 6b – 3 3a – 1 7a – 2 4c – 2 8c – 2

9a – 2 10b – 2 11a – 3 12a – 1

13b – 3

Now check your score! 28–29 points: Congratulations! You are hereby declared a genius! Did you do better than your teacher? Or are you the teacher? 20–27 points: Well done! You have good general knowledge. 15–20 points: Average. 0–5 points: Oops! Better luck next time.


Gossip Who’s hot and who’s not? Who’s in and who’s out? We give you the latest news on famous faces!

RACE DRIVER MILLIONAIRE RETIRES The famous race car driver Anton McFast has just won the biggest Formula One race in the world. The prize was $ 9,000,000 ! Anton says to Eleven that he now wants to stop racing and have more time for his pet tortoise, Sue.

MONKEY WITH A FLAIR FOR PRESENTS Millionaire Forest Wood’s daughter Treetop was devastated after the magician Filly Ocus’s monkey Light-fingered was found stealing Treetop’s presents in her own birthday party. In the boot of the magician’s car, the police found the stolen goods, but Filly Ocus claims to know nothing about it. Mr Wood says to Eleven that you can’t trust anyone these days. 36

TEENAGE FASHION The hottest thing ever, according to today’s fashion, is paint-on clothing. Easy to put on and even easier to wash off and last, but not least: very cheap! Get out there young ones and buy yourselves some paint and a brush. Let’s get to work! Mrs Pedantic, mother of four, says to Eleven that she is concerned about her furniture.

PARENTS FOR HIRE (PFH) Are you one of those who are fed up with your parents and need a change? This is the answer: A new agency called “PFH” is now renting out the parents of your dreams! Forget about rules, pocket money, when to go to bed or when you have to be in at night. These parents play by your rules! Eleven magazine says: “About time!”

Activity Why do people like to read gossip? Name some gossip magazines. Make a mind map on the blackboard and try to create gossip news.

Workbook page 20 37

The beauty contest

angry = sint beauty contest = skjønnhetskonkurranse

Monica’s mother is very angry. Monica has just lost a beauty contest in the State of Alabama. It is called “The girl with the prettiest smile”. They have spent lots of money on hair, nails, teeth, dresses, shoes, jewellery and make-up. Now everything is lost.

prettiest = peneste State of Alabama = en stat i USA

Let us meet Monica. She is very sad.

spent = brukt jewellery = smykker lost = tapt unhappy = ulykkelig How come? = Hvorfor det? nervous = nervøs forgot = glemte

Reporter: Tell us why you are so unhappy! Monica: Mum is so angry with me. Reporter: How come? Monica: I was so nervous I forgot to smile. Reporter: Oh, I see.

Activity Why is Monica unhappy? Why is her mother angry? Should children take part in beauty contests? Why? / Why not?

Workbook page 22 38

Ask Sandra Do you have a problem? Sandra can help you with big and small problems. Dear Sandra, I have a problem. My parents don’t like my best friend. They say she is rude and doesn’t respect our house rules. My friend says the rules are stupid anyway. My mother says I should spend more time with my other friends. Does she have the right to tell me who I can play with? Susan, 11

Dear Susan, If your friend really is your best mate, she will respect your parents’ rules. She should know that you didn’t make them. Many kids think their parents are too strict. You should sit down with your parents and have a talk with them. Maybe you can work out some rules you all can live with. Good luck! Sandra


Dear Sandra, I have a problem with girls. Every time I try to talk to a girl I like, I blush and I look like a real geek. My friends always laugh at me when it happens. That makes it even worse! Some of my friends have girlfriends. I’m not sure I can ever get one. What can I do? Tom, 12 Dear Tom, You should try to spend time with some girls you feel comfortable around. Make friends with them. Ask them to play football, basketball or hide-and-seek when you are at school. Don’t worry about getting a girlfriend just yet.You’ll know when you are ready for it. Remember: there is nothing wrong with being shy. Girls can be shy too. I wish you the best of luck! Sandra Dear Sandra, I really want a dog, but my sister is allergic! Is it OK as long as the dog sleeps in my room? Gil, 10 Dear Gil, I don’t recommend that you get a dog if your sister is allergic. 40

It depends on how strong her symptoms are. But you do not want to risk it. What if you get a dog and have to give it away? I would recommend that you get a different pet instead. Goldfish, tortoises, stick insects and spiders are safer for your sister. Sandra Activity How many boys have written to Sandra? Who has problems with girls? What happens when he meets a girl? Who is allergic to dogs? What is Susan’s friend like?

Speaker’s corner Should parents decide when their children should go to bed at night? Example: In my opinion parents should decide when their children should go to bed, because they know how much sleep teenagers need. In my opinion, we should go to bed when we want, because we know when we are tired.

Workbook pages 23 and 24 41

Jokes A good laugh makes you live longer. May all you readers laugh a lot! Question: What did one tonsil say to the other tonsil? Answer: “Better get dressed. The doctor’s taking us out tonight.” Q: What animal failed to come to Noah’s Ark in pairs? A: Worms. They came in apples. Q: How did Mrs. Smith have triplets one Monday, and twins a week later? A: One of the triplets got lost. Q: What’s the difference between a Swiss and a jailer? A: One sells watches; the other watches cells. Q: When do giraffes have eight legs? A: When there are two of them. Q: How can you find a lost rabbit? A: Make a noise like a carrot.


Q: What is the difference between an elephant and a flea? A: An elephant can have fleas, but a flea can’t have elephants. Q: How can you divide sixteen apples among seventeen hungry people? A: Make applesauce. Q: Why did the boy stand behind the donkey? A: He thought he’d get a kick out of it.

Activity Find jokes together on the internet and read them to the other pupils.

Workbook page 26


Behind the scenes

theatre = teater lots of = mange see = ser young = ung only = bare

Eleven is in the theatre. There are lots of people here. We can see many children. Some are singing. Some are talking. We are going to meet a young man. He is only eleven years old.

Activity Where is Eleven? What are the children doing? Who is Eleven going to meet? How old is this person?

Workbook pages 26 and 27 44

A young star! Anthony is a young actor. He once saw a play together with his parents Patricia and Geoff and fell in love with the theatre. In spite of his young age, he has worked very hard to get where he is today. Eleven: Congratulations! Great play! Anthony: Thank you. It feels very good. Eleven: Were you nervous? Anthony: I was very nervous. I have never played in front of a big audience before. The closest thing to this must be the annual school plays. They are fun, too. Eleven: You played several parts. It must have been hard to remember all the lines. How do you practise? Anthony: I am lucky to have a good memory, but it is hard work. My mother has helped me sometimes. I have practised both at home and at the theatre. Eleven: How often have you practised at the theatre? Anthony: At the beginning we didn’t practise very often. As we got closer to the premiere, we practised two to three times a week. Eleven: When did you practise? Anthony: We started quite early, that meant being away from school sometimes. Eleven: What did your teachers say to that? Anthony: They were very positive. Eleven: Have any of your classmates seen the play? Anthony: Yes, they came the night before the premiere. They liked it very much. 45

Eleven: Must have been fun for you! Anthony: Yes, it made me very proud. Eleven: Would you like to take part in other plays? Anthony: Yes, if I get the chance. Eleven: Would you recommend this to other children? Anthony: Yes. It is great fun and you get to meet new people. Eleven: What do you do if you want a part in a play? Anthony: First you go to an audition. You get a number on your chest.You sing, dance or read lines for them. Eleven: Must one be tough? Anthony: No, but you really have to want to do it. Try to think that you have everything to win and nothing to lose. Eleven:Thank you for the advice and for letting me interview you. Anthony: You’re welcome. Activity Why did Anthony start acting? Why do you think Anthony has succeeded? Act out the dialogue.

Workbook pages 29 and 30



This week’s horoscope Hello Zodiac friends! This week’s horoscope is full of exciting stuff.

Capricorn 22nd December – 19th January Friends will be a great support this week. Treat them well and they will remain yours forever. Love is to be found where you least expect it. Don’t look for it! It will find you. Fashion is for fools. Dress in whatever you like.

Aquarius 20th January – 18th February Stick to your old friends. The new ones will soon disappear. Love is in the air. Catch her if you can. Dress for success and put your best suit on.

Pisces 19th February – 20th March Friends have disappeared. What have you done? Make an effort and they will come back. An apology is needed! Your love has been unfaithful. Be patient and forgiving and he might come back. If that is what you want? Try to look your best. It’s a sign of confidence.


Aries 21st March – 19th April Friends have entered you in a music contest. This can be your chance to become a star! Put on your cowboy boots and let it rock! This will also be your chance to impress the girls. Go for it!

Taurus 20th April – 20th May Lazy days are over. School waits and so does hard work. Practice makes perfect.You might need help from a good friend. The weekend will bring a surprise. All’s well that ends well.

Gemini 21st May – 21st June Someone offers you a job. Take it! There is money to be made, but save some. It might come in handy later. An old friend returns from abroad.You will spend a lot of time together. Why not go to the cinema?


Cancer 22nd June – 22nd July You have a chance to win this week. Fortune is your middle name. Spend it on someone you love. Look out for false friends. If you are into sports, you will have an exciting week. Professional scouts will keep an eye on you. Do your best!

Leo 23rd July – 22nd August You will receive a present from your parents this week. Take good care of it.You need some new clothes. Ask a friend, and go shopping together. The girls will notice your new image, especially the girl of your dreams.

Virgo 23rd August – 22nd September You are too shy and modest. Show people who you really are.You can be anything you like! A pop star, a dancer, a musician or sports star. All it takes is hard work and some luck. People will look at you with different eyes. The winner takes it all! Libra 23rd September – 23rd October Be careful as you walk down the stairs.You don’t want to have an accident. Especially since you are offered a weekend away from home, together with your best friends, in a cottage. Lots of videos, computer games, cards and no grown-ups that send you to bed early. Freedom, man!


Scorpio 24th October – 21st November One of your best friends really needs you now. Her boyfriend has left her. Tell her not to worry. There are more fish in the sea. Go shopping and enjoy yourselves. Jeans look great with everything. Try and look your best! Two handsome boys need assistance to find their way – to your hearts?

Sagittarius 22nd November – 21st December Your week will be hectic, but fun. Lots of things to prepare for your special friend, before Christmas. It’s good to have some time off. Enjoy your holiday! Next year will bring many happy moments. You will receive a present from a stranger.

Activity Ask around and make a pie chart. See how many of you are born under the different signs.

Workbook page 31



Get started What is your topic? – Back to school – Getting old – Being famous – Hobbies – Pets – Becoming an actor/actress Who do you want to interview? Mum, dad, brother, sister, a famous person, a friend, …

Write Make questions. Start your sentences with who, what, when, where, why, which, how, can or do. How old are you? What is your favourite …? What do you like best…? Do you…? Do the interview. Ask questions and write down the answers.

Edit Show your interview to your friend or your teacher. What is good about the interview? Ask questions or make suggestions, like: – Have you remembered to ask about…?

Write the final version Check your spelling.

Publish Send your interview to the school paper.


PARAGRAPH WRITING A text in English is built up by paragraphs. Each using paragraph starts with a topic sentence. The topic sentence tells your reader what the paragraph is about. • When you are writing a story, always write a new paragraph for every new thing that happens. Example Topic sentence: I am walking in the woods, looking for my dog. I hear a noise behind me. I run the fastest I can. I hear footsteps behind me. Someone is definitely following me! I hear my dog barking, but I can’t find him.

• You can also write a paragraph to describe a person. Example Topic sentence: My grandmother is my favourite person in the world. She is very kind. She always has time when I come to see her. She helps me with my homework. Granny is always in a good mood. • You can tell your reader your opinion in a paragraph. Example Topic sentence: There are too many dogs in our town.They are everywhere: on the bus, in the park and in the streets. Many people are afraid of dogs. People do not always pick up after their dogs. I think there should be rules for how many dogs people can have.

Workbook pages 32 and 33


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