3 minute read
from April 2022 Issue
Q. Hello, thank you for taking the time to interview with Where It Begins Magazine. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
A. Hi, my name is Corey McIntosh, and I am a lifestyle specialist. What that means is I help individuals achieve their lifestyle goals in an uplifting manner.
Q. What made you want to pursue a career in being a lifestyle coach?
A. A lot of times people go through things in life that we, on the outside, know nothing about. Fitness and health are one of the most empowering components in life to help change your body, but I also add in uplifting the spirit as well. This helps to keep people motivated to continue the journey and for me that is the ultimate goal.
Q. How was the transition from being a basketball player to being a business owner?
A. The transition was fairly easy. It has been about ten years since I started. The business was always there in my everyday life. The hardest part was learning how to become a successful businessman and apply it.

Q. Tell us about your business and some of the services you offer.
A. I offer a few workout plans. I have an eight-week, 12 week and a yearly plan. You get your workout and meal plans along with accountability. I also have a traveling dance class, called Whine and W3rk, we are working on an app coming out as well, where you can dance and workout with me from wherever you are. I also get out and look for content to add to my social media to uplift people.
Q. What has been your biggest challenge with building your brand?
A. I would say my sock line Macw3rk socks. It took so long to get it up and running. A year or more going through the behindthe-scenes issues with the sock line. Also going from person-to-person training to exclusively using online programs.
Q. What are some of your goals you would like to achieve for 2022?
A. I would say working on myself. Continuing to better myself in different areas, such as my delivery, and being more aware of the people and how to meet their needs in the best way possible.
Q. What are some other hobbies that you have?
A. Other than picking up my basketball every now and then fitness is really my only hobby.
Q. Are you trending or using TikTok?
A. Working on that. I have a good following, but I need to get into it just a little more.
Q. What was some of the best advice given to you?
A. Nothing is on your time. You must put in work and be patient. Patience is one of my favorite words, if you use it in every aspect of life you will come out on top.

Q. What advice can you give to anyone trying to stay fit and healthy?
A. To drink as much water as possible and continue to eat. People often think eating too much makes you gain weight, but that is only if you eat the wrong things. You need to eat at least every 3 to 4 hours and incorporate some type of workout and they should see results.
Q. What events do you have coming up?
A. We are currently on the Whine and Work fitness dance tour. The schedule is on my Instagram page Macw3rk you can follow me there and get everyone to join the app so they can work out with me weekly. To my fans thank you and I appreciate and love you all. You can also look at my website Macw3rk.com.