11 minute read
Tiara Nicole
Q. Tell the audience Who you are and Where you’re from?
A. My name is Tiara Nicole Riley and I am a motivational speaker, 3-time published author, and a business coach! Personally, I am a Christian, a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. (Fall 2010), I am a competitive cheer coach, I am an angel mom (Christopher and Christian, 10.27.16), an auntie of 8, and a big sister! I am from the DMV area, but I currently reside in Charlotte NC!
Q. How do you balance all your Endeavors?
A. I find balance in all that I do by ensuring I’m doing what I’m supposed to do, not just what is a good idea. Understanding the difference between a God thing and a good thing has helped me minimize stress and accomplish all that I’ve been put on this earth to accomplish in this time. When you’re doing what God told you to do, He’ll make provisions and that includes energy, I had to learn that one the hard way. When things are feeling overwhelming or stressful, I ask myself am I doing too much? Plus, I’m intentional about consistency and automation, if it

can be scheduled in advance I do so! Additionally, I have a very consistent self-care routine that allows me to accomplish all that I have on my plate. My week is structured intentionally to ensure there’s order to the chaos, this has been increasingly important as I’ve transitioned to a full-time entrepreneur. I take at least one day a week off to rest, I start my day focused on myself for at least 2 hours. I’m very intentional about where I choose to spend my time and energy and most importantly, I mind my business. You’d be surprised how much of your stress comes from things that has nothing to do with you or you have no control over. I focus on what I can control… nothing more nothing less!
Q. What kind of inspiration can you give the audience as a Coach?
A. Chase your dreams fiercely, there is someone connected to your purpose that is waiting on you to do the very thing you KNOW you’re supposed to be doing. Fear often cripples us, but instead learn to embrace the fear and do it scared. Fear is just an emotion, but we often give it too much power. Just like sadness, anger, hunger, joy, and all the other emotions are tools for communication…so is fear and if you learn to use it as a tool and not a roadblock, you’ll see the results you’re looking for. Be consistent. You’d be surprised what consistency can get you! I’d rather you spend 30 minutes a day working on your dreams than to spend 4 hours once and never touch that dream again. You may not see the results right away but one day you’ll look up and see the fruits of your labor, be consistent anyway! Have accountability! Give those around you the permission to hold you accountable to do what you said you wanted to do. There should be someone who can ask you the tough questions and push back when you start making excuses. Hire a coach, because you don’t know what you don’t know. Yes, you can Google and YouTube your way through, but if you were given the choice between a paper map and a GPS,
you’d take the GPS right? Hire a coach! Even as a coach myself I have coaches, mentors, and accountability partners…it really makes a difference!
Q. Tell us about your Journey being a Speaker, Author and Coach?
A. My journey to each of those titles is one that I was almost thrusted into, and I’m so grateful for it! There were people in my life who saw more in me than I could see for myself and gave me the nudge I needed to step into my true purpose! I became an author because I realized my story could help someone else. My first book (23… And Finally Loving Me) started as a journaling process when I decided to spend my 23rd year of life focused on my growth and healing. It wasn’t even intended to be a book as far as I knew, but God had other plans. Fast forward 2 years later, a lady at my church said her daughter was struggling with depression and suicide and didn’t know how to help her child. I let her know that I had suffered through both and she could call if I could help in any way. A few weeks later her daughter had been date raped and consequently attempted to take her own life. The mother called and I was able to help her communicate with her daughter, understand her daughter’s perspective better, and help to translate her daughter’s words and actions in a way the mother could understand. It was in that moment I knew my story had value in this world and it would be selfish of me to keep it to myself. I became a speaker because my sorority president at the time wanted to host a women’s empowerment event for our chapter. I offered to coordinate the event and do the groundwork because I believed in her vision and wanted to see it come to pass. She casually mentioned “I wonder if anyone in our chapter is an author?” and I let her know that my first book would be published by then and she immediately stated that I need to be speaking as well! Although I had spoken in public before (your purpose always leaves breadcrumbs), this was the first time I stood on stage as a Motivational Speaker. That day I knew this was my true God-given purpose! Finally, I became a business coach because I saw a need that I could serve. People kept asking me how I did this or that and I decided to create a service that could help other business owners create a sustainable foundation for themselves. The content I use to this day was created because I asked

my audience, what do you need help with? How can I serve you? And now I’m able to pull from those experiences and create customized experiences for my clients to ensure they’re growing in the way they individually need to grow! The best part about being a business coach is seeing their businesses grow and thrive, I feel like their results are my results!
Q. What is a big challenge you have had in life?
Surviving the grief of miscarriage is the biggest challenge I’ve ever had to face in my life. I’ve always wanted to be a mother and for my first (and only) pregnancy to end tragedy it literally broke my heart, I’m not sure it’s ever beat the same since. In 2016 I was pregnant with twins and on my 25th birthday I found out one of my sons had been dead for 6 weeks and the other son was suffering as a result. After three weeks of every test imaginable, on October 27th , I learned that because of Christian’s miscarriage, Christopher suffered an extensive amount of brain damage. I made
the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make and decided to induce my labor because I knew Christopher didn’t deserve to live life full of pain and suffering with no relief in sight. I chose to break my own heart so that my child wouldn’t suffer. And that heartbreak has never really healed fully, I’m not sure if it ever really does. But as I walked away from my children in the hospital room, I made a silent promise that there would be purpose from that pain and their life would have meaning. I promised them that I would spend the rest of my life living in a way that would make them proud. Christopher and Christian are my biggest “why” and they push me even when I don’t feel like it. There are very few resources for HOW to process grief, despite miscarriage happening to 1 in 4 women (and the people connected to them). Even beyond miscarriage there was very little information for how to handle grief in general, and people die every day. So, one day my mother challenged me to be the resource I needed when I was suffering most, and from that my 3rd book (Life After Loss) was born. I also run my nonprofit Life After Loss aimed at providing tangible resources to help people create a productive life after loss of any kind.
Q. What are some of your other hobbies?
A. Sleep! Y’all I love sleep! I also love food…it’s the only reason I work out consistently! Going out to eat is my favorite addiction, and every time someone asks to go eat…I always say yes! If you ever need a food buddy, PLEASE call me! For me, I prefer the experience of eating in the restaurant, take out doesn’t do the same thing for me. I could’ve just cooked at home for that matter. While it’s not a “hobby” of mine I am a pretty good cook! But I prefer to cook for others. Food is an experience for me, so I rather do it with people I care about. Competitive cheerleading is a lifestyle and I liveeeeeeee for it! Being a coach to the sport I love is such a rewarding experience! I know what my coaches meant to me growing up, and if I can be even 1/3 of that to my cheerleaders, I know I’m doing my part in this world. I love TV shows and movies. Especially reality tv! Give me all the love and hip hop (the entire franchise, although Atlanta is my fave). I also love movies based on true stories, especially when those stories involve black history!
Q. If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go?
A. As long as it’s warm…count me in! Literally!
Q. What projects are you working on right now?
A. My podcast (Chasing Dreams Podcast), season 2 is airing now but I’m working on recording for season 3! My nonprofit is preparing for our FOURTH annual #LovingMe conference in Charlotte, NC Sept 18-20! We are also hosting FREE virtual workshops every month, except September… we’ll be a little busy with the conference that month! I’m working on my 4th book, more details will be dropping soon! I’m back in school…again! I have my bachelor’s in psychology and my master’s in HR management…I’m not sure who told me to go back for a graduate certificate in project management, but here we are! I’m also working on expanding my coaching services!
Q. What or Who inspired you to be the woman you are today?
A. I’m inspired by so many people! I try to take the good from everyone I encounter! My unofficial mentors are Beyoncé, Oprah, Kandi Burrus, Michelle Obama, and Lisa Nichols. All of these women are black women who have first generation wealth, and all took their natural talents and ability and honed their crafts. That means it’s possible for me too! I also come from a history of entrepreneurs. My mother has owned her accounting business for 20 years and is now a Jackson Hewitt franchisee…all as a single mother! My mom’s mom is a writer and has been her whole life. My dad’s sister has been a hairdresser for as far as I can remember. My dad’s aunt owns multiple massage envy franchises. My dad’s dad used to be a motivational speaker. When I think about where I come from… entrepreneurship was literally in my DNA!. I’m also inspired by my circle! I’m surrounded by so many dope people doing some dope things in this world! In my immediate circle I have a medical doctor, an attorney, a psychologist, a principal, a few financial experts, a pastor, and a string of business owners. And although most of my close friends don’t all do the same things, they inspire me to show up in this world as the best version of myself! Surround yourself by people who require you to level up a bit and walk on your tip toes trying to keep up! I’m in complete awe of the people who God chose to bring into my world! Then I’m inspired by the next generation. So not only my twins and what they mean to me as a mother and a woman. But also, my baby sister (who’s not a baby anymore…). She’s in college learning to be a film director and is chasing her dreams, it’s my goal to be the best example of #BlackGirlMagic I could possibly be for her! I want to be able to fund her dreams when she’s finished with school, and that pushes me like no other! Plus, my 8 nieces and nephews and my future children. I want to be able to pay for their education or invest in their businesses and help them get it off the ground. That inspires me to keep pushing because the next generation needs me!
Q. Where can the fans follow you at?
A. Website: TiaraNicoleRiley.com LifeAfterLoss.me IG @TiaraNicoleRiley
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LifeAfterLoss Nonprofit
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