4 minute read
Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and where you’re from?
A. Thank you for having me. I’m Siergio. R&B singer, actor and songwriter.
Q. Tell us about your new single?
Q. I can’t give too much away about it but it’s definitely a feel-good song with some bounce to it. I recorded this song last year before the pandemic so it’s an interesting time to have it coming out especially since everyone is having cabin fever and wants to get out of the house. It’s fun and I think a lot of people will enjoy it. Also It was produced by my producer DJ Cool.
Q. What or Who inspired you to be the man you are today?
A. Growing up in Chicago definitely inspired me. I saw so much at a young age and that really inspired me to want more for myself and for those around me as well. I’ll also say my experiences all built me to be this guy that I am.
Q. What is one of your biggest challenges working in this industry?
A. One of the biggest challenges I’ll say is finding a common ground between where I think I should be in the industry versus where I actually am. I think we all have this idea of where we feel our careers should be: notoriety, fame, money, “success”. So, for me I have challenges with accepting the place that I’m in and the journey I have to take to get exactly where I want to be. And you have to make sure you don’t become bitter because there will be people who haven’t worked as hard as you and some that aren’t nearly as talented as you are, but they reach higher heights. That can be very hard, but I just try to be happy for everyone and understand the true meaning of seasons. Mine is coming.
Q. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
A. Chicago. Home. I haven’t been home in a very long time, and I miss my family. As my grandmother gets older it becomes harder and harder for me to be away and miss moments. And also, my mother, I can’t hug my mother like I want to especially in such a time. It’s very hard being alone for me right now. So, I’d like to be home.
Q. How do you feel about everything that’s going on with the Covid-19 and the protesting?
A. Wow it’s such an interesting time right now. The protests have been so powerful and forward pushing. It’s amazing how much we can accomplish when we come together and fight for the equality that is owed to black people. It’s hard to see my black brothers and sisters murdered in these streets by first responders and just how less they think of us. It could be me, you or any of our family members gunned down or killed for simply being black so it all hits very close to home for me as a black king. The unity from different races and countries has been beautiful to see. We are all fed up with racial inequality and bigotry. This change is something we needed. As far as the pandemic, whoa! what a year it has been. So many lives lost and so many people sick, based offofpoor leadership and careless behavior. I never thought that in my lifetime I would witness such a plague on humans, and I feel helpless. I try to do my part by staying at home and avoiding gatherings but it’s disheartening to see so many people not take it seriously. I will say this pandemic has allowed me to get into my screenplay writing and to simply sit down, which I can’t say would’ve been possible had the world not been affected by Covid.
Q. What is one fun fact about yourself? A. (laughs) I’m not really a fun person lol. I can play connect 4 better than everyone.

I can arm wrestle so well, I beat my entire middle school once. I can’t really sleep most nights because my creative mind won’t allow me too. Oh wait, this is fun, I think. (laughs) I freestyle all of my songs. I never write them. I just tell my producer to press record and I create the songs.
Q. What new projects are you working on?
A. I have completed my album. I can’t wait to share it with everyone. I have started developing 4 tv shows. I’m so excited to tell these stories and share them with the world. I’ve been so lost in that writing process and building these storylines and characters. It has been fulfilling.
Q. What advice would you give to your younger self in order to pursue in today’s society?
A. Live more. Have fun and do more reckless things. I hate how in line I remained. Coming from absolutely nothing, I maneuvered through everything as if the stakes were very high and they were but I wish I knew how in control I was of my future. You can work hard but you can also live.
Q. Where can the fans follow you?
A. Everyone can follow me everywhere at@siergio. Also be on the lookoutfor my new single and album at: siergiomusic.com.