5 minute read
Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and what you do?
A. Thank you for having me! My name is William Matthews, and I am from Houston. I have spent over ten years working with many of Houston’s top social, corporate, and non-profit institutions, and my work has included community outreach, project management, workshop felicitation, fundraising, and keynote speaking. For the past five years, I have been a public and community affairs professional with a substantial knowledge base in the areas of corporate relations, civic engagement, and real estate development. Additionally, I have written guides to personal finance and event planning, and planning on releasing my third book, “Everything I Needed to Know About Corporate America” in 2021!
Q. What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?
A. I especially love the freedom and flexibility that it gives you. You are the director of your own movie and you get to decide which projects you choose to work on and who you choose to work with. You dictate your supporting cast, plot, budget, and the final edit of your “movie.” It’s rare to get that level of decisionmaking and power while working for someone else.
Q. Tell us about your book “Everything I Needed to Know About Corporate America”.?
A. I’m currently working on my third book, “Everything I Needed to Know about Corporate America,” with its goal being to help recent college graduates to people in
mid-management positions. I am particularly interested in writing this book for young black and brown individuals who are interested in getting a corporate job and are concerned about systemic racism in the corporate atmosphere. After my experience working in a corporate job, I realized that there were many important tips and tricks that I didn’t know beforehand. For individuals who don’t have the right mentors or parents who worked in a similar field, this transition is much harder. In the book, I discuss interview etiquette and the ins and outs of having a first job, stories about race relations within the corporate workplace, and how to establish your personal brand at work. I will be releasing the book in early 2021 and can’t wait to share it with the world.
Q. Who motivated you to be the man you are today?
A. It took a village, but I give much credit to my mother who was the one to motivated me to pursue my career. She always told me to follow my passion and stay true to who I am. I was fortunate that my hero walked through the door of my home every night. I’ve always admired my mother’s entrepreneurial spirit and witnessed her juggling employees, clients, and several leadership roles, all while never compromising her role as a mother.
Q. Out of all the places in the world you have seen which one has been your most memorable one?
A. I have been blessed to travel to 5 continents and 17 countries, but my most memorable visit was to South Africa after graduating from the Nelson Mandela School of Public Policy at Southern University. I had goosebumps visiting Robben’s Island, learning more about partheid, and watching wildlife up close and personal in a safari in the heart of Johannesburg. This trip forever changed my life.
Q. How do you define success?
A. Success to me is defined by what you were able to learn and the lives you were able to impact along the way. I don’t define success by job titles, money, or tangible things. When I think of being successful, I think about being rewarded with fulfillment. Before agreeing to something, I ask myself, “Can this experience be used to help improve my life overall?”. If the answer is yes, then I do it!
Q. What advice can you give to someone that wants to be an entrepreneur?
A. I’d recommend a few things! First, don’t let anybody tell you who you are. It’s important to find this out for yourself and then stick with those values throughout your career. What type of leader are you? What values are important to you? Don’t sacrifice these important qualities for a seat at the table- other great opportunities will come. Next, surround yourself with people who hold you accountable, and who don’t simply agree with everything you say. Surround yourself with likeminded people who will support you and help you reach your personal and professional goals. Read books and autobiographies on successful people in the field you are trying to break into. Finally, make sure you follow your instinct. My instinct has not stirred me wrong. When something doesn’t feel right, it’s usually not the right path for me.
Q. Are you working on any new events or projects for 2021?
A. As I mentioned previously, my third book, Everything I Needed to Know About Corporate America, will be about how people can thrive as they enter the workforce. Some of these topics include obtaining a work-life balance, requesting a raise, dealing with a bad boss, and collaborating on projects. I also wanted to give a voice to the BIPOC individuals in the workforce who may feel like they don’t belong. My main goal for this book is to show the importance of giving your all to your work without sacrificing who you are. Your job doesn’t define you, but while you’re there, it is essential to define who you are.
Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years?
A. By God’s grace, I’ll be happy and healthy. I am a big-picture thinker and believe it’s important to plan for the future, but I believe it’s important to live in the moment and embrace where you are and what lessons the universe is trying to teach you right now. I’d love to do more TED Talks, become a New York Times Best-Selling Author, or host an international traveling show; however, the main thing for me to remember is the sky is not even close to the limit.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. You can check out my website at williamsmatthews.com, and stay up to date with me on social media here: @williamsmatthews @mrwsmatthews YouTube: https://www. youtube.com/channel/ UCyGmAnxn0uISfV5_8txNBgQ
If you are interested in purchasing my books, feel free to visit my Amazon Author Page here: