2 minute read
Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and what you do?
A. I am Aubrey-Simone Williams and I am currently a Senior Producer for a major corporation. I am also the Founder and Artistic Director of my theatre company, TheACTivists.
Q. Who motivated you to be the woman you are today?
A. My mother. She has always been an entrepreneur and the breadwinner in the household. She is the reason I am so independent and why I consider myself a “Go- Getter”.
Q. Tell us about “The ACTivists” Theatre company and how it got started?
A. I was coming out of a teaching job and one of my student’s parents - Erika Respress inspired me to be more than just a teacher. She inspired me to turn my passion into a business. I also wanted to serve those in the way that I had been served: using theatre as healing and therapy for traumatized and abused individuals. I wanted the unheard to be heard and my theatre company provides a space for that.
Q. In your experience, what is the most important quality in a TV Producer?
A. Organization. You have to be organized as a TV producer because things are constantly changing at a very rapid pace.
Q. How was it training at “The Shakespeare Globe Theatre” in London?
A. It was an amazing experience. I received training and insight on acting, stage combat, production, stage management, costuming, and so many other things that I can’t even name. I was also the only African American in the group, so it was also a culture shock.
Q. What is your approach to delegation of responsibility?
A. I am actually not as good at delegating responsibilities as I should be. I am a control freak and I always feel like it isn’t done right unless I do it myself. I’ve learned to let go of some of that over the years, but the control element is still there. I’m just always wanting everything to be perfect.
Q. How has your experience been being Senior Producer for Fox Digital (Fox Soul TV)?
A. It has been great! It’s definitely a steep transition from theatre, in terms of structure, but I’m enjoying the change and it’s helping me with being able to adapt to situations quicker than I normally would. FOX SOUL is expanding rapidly, and I am glad to be one of the founding producing members of the network. I have been there since it’s humble beginnings, so seeing its growth is mind-blowing.
Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years?
A. Still working in the TV industry and owning my own brick and mortar theater building.
Q. Are you working on any events or projects for 2021?
A. Yes! If the world opens up, we are scheduled to take my play “Black Matter” off- broadway, so I am super excited about that. I also am preparing to have another book in the works.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. I can be found on: @_theactivists @masterofthearts.