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Martie Bowser

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Raquel Figlo

Raquel Figlo

A. Tell Everyone who you are and where you’re from?

Hello! My name is Martie Bowser, I am the owner of Role Model Publicity, LLC located in Charlotte, NC.


Q. A. What made you want to be in PR?

Actually, getting into PR was an accident for me. I went to school for sports marketing and management, I wanted to be a sports agent. I would make money on the side writing small articles and papers for people. I was introduced to a gentleman who was active in the indie music scene in Charlotte and he suggested that I merge my story telling/writing abilities with my ability to speak to people. I wasn’t completely sure what PR was at the time and what it looked like, but I did some research and decided to give it a try. It’s certainly evolved from what I thought it was and even from what it was when I started but it’s been a great experience so far.



In your own words tell us what a Publicist is?

A publicist is a professional storyteller. We can take a small brand or a relatively unknown person and with the right angle put them in front of major audiences. Ourjob is to provide exposure forour clients through press/media, partnerships, appearances or any way to project their image and story to the public.

Q. What is one of the biggest challenges you have being a Publicist?

A. Establishing and building real relationships.

As a publicist our relationships are our net worth. Building honest relationships with otherpublicists, the press/media, brands, or anything else that can help our client. Those are the biggest challenges but make the job worth it when it comes to fruition.

Q. What is one thing you think Publicist do not get enough credit on?

A. Besides sometimes working for not enough pay, the fact that we have to sometimes

Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A.

dismiss our own feelings and lives to be on point for our clients is something that often

gets ignored.

What is one fun fact about you that people do not know?

I’m such an introvert. I’m in such a social industry but I’d rather be at home watching


If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go?

For play, Egypt. For work, Los Angeles. What are some of your other hobbies?

I love to read and write. I’m an avid sports fan so watching or attending a sports event. I also love to travel for business and personal, just going somewhere new and adapting to

something outside of the norm is fun for me.

What do you love about being in PR?

I have been blessed with the opportunities to meet and work with some amazing people. Everyone from music royalty such as Just Blaze and Christian/Justin Combs to working with Sybrina Fulton and the Black Media Honors. The opportunities are endless if you work hard and believe in yourself.

Q. What are you working on right now and where can everyone follow you?

A. I’m actually looking to expand my business into otheravenues outside ofjust press/ media and working on opening an online retail space. You can find me on Instagram at @

RoleModelPublicity, Twitter at @RoleModelPR, and my website www.RoleModelPublicity.com

“ A publicist is a professional storyteller. We can take a small brand or a relatively unknown person and with the right angle put them in front of major audiences. ”

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