1 minute read
Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
I am TreCinco, a wavy & melodic flowed artist that lives in every genre as well as writing & recording my own music, representing Vallejo CA.
How would you define your purpose?
I’d define my purpose as giving all people around the world timeless vibrations of great music for their ups and down times. Reminding everyone that they can be or do whatever they want in this life.

Who or what motivated you to be a singer?
What motivated me to be a singer would definitely have to be my mother & father instilling R&B, Rap, and Gospel into me as a child.
Let’s talk about your new mixtape and the motivation behind it.
My new project “Summer 4Ever” is a summer & all-year round series inspired by my first high school tour that I started back in 2019. The youth giving me high volumes to feed off during the tour sparked the project series. It’s filled with up-tempo R&B, love songs for the ladies, uplifting rap music for the hustlers, & trap music for the clubs to rock.
What do you think is missing in today’s music?
Today’s music is missing the genuineness for real flows in rap and not only that but the relatable deep feeling in it for others to connect to.

What makes your music unique and different than others?
What makes my music unique is the Melodies’ and the frequency it brings to records in this generation. Not only will you keep replaying it, but it’ll be a highlight of your life that you’ll never forget.
Tell us what you would like to accomplish in the next five years.
In the next five years, I would like to accomplish making my loved ones proud, making sure my record label is the biggest in the world, & placing my clothing line in stores all across the nation.
Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events?
A new project that I’m working on is called “Tre Lorenz” as well as continuing “Summer 4Ever” & also my team and I will be putting together a tour for this year 2023.
Where can the readers follow you?
They can follow me on all social media outlets; @trecinco__