10 minute read
Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
Hello world my name is Marcus Leonardo Boyd i am 40 years old i am from Atlanta GA/ Brooklyn NY. I am a proud person who has autism i wear it so nicely I am the first african american in history to be a 7x award- winning autism activist also I am a 13x award- winning music producer and composer. I am a business owner who has his own clothing line called the a collection clothing and I have my own shoe line which is the very first spiritual tennis shoe called G Soles Sneakers. I am a lyrical gospel rapper and songwriter and a professional DJ that goes by DJ Marcus or Dj Marcus Boyd, a lot of people ask me who I am. Well let me answer that for you. I am a black man who is proud to have autism who is proud to be considered special needs. I am a father of 3 kids, I am a god father to 4 god sons, I am a uncle, great uncle, a brother, a friend and a loyal and humble person, I am a musical genius to many and a voice for autism to millions. I am a person that comes from the ghetto or projects, I am a person that has emotional behaviors and still goes through my trials with having autism but I wouldnt change it for the world. I believe trials and tribulations help mode you to be the person you are destined to become; iIm learning every day to be more grateful humble and more willing to be more of a vessel that God can use.

How would you define your purpose?
You know for a very long time I didn’t understand or even know if God had given me a purpose, see a lot of us go off flesh and wants rather than the spirit and what God wants us to do or become. We look at music videos celebrities basketball and football stars and since we live in the hood we instantly want to become these people we see, a lot of the times its out the question to fast and pray and ask god what he will want us to do and what's his purpose for us. So with me I was just like that another number another lost brother without the right guidance. So at first I thought the streets was my purpose so I jumped head first into that but how I was so wrong. Then I wanted to do music be a music producer and composer now I am still in that field but I now know that wasn’t my purpose, me being a autism activist is. It is life changing and its so bigger than awards or interviews or any self glory. I truly give my time, my talent and work for autism. My job is to be a voice for those who cant be a voice for themselves rather it's laws, I have to fight to make better or rights I have to force to get past or to create or if its programs that we need to make better or include it’s the families of autism kids and teens that have to go slient because there is no one to help advocate for them. So with me having autism and being non verbal for almost 14 years of my life and being bullied and mistreated I understand all sizes of autism. I use my testimony my knowledge and my passion for autism to help create change not just for this generation but for the next one as well. So the way I define my purpose is a God given super power that allows me to be powerful unique unstoppable and faithful to make a change with having autism and being a voice for autism.
Tell us a little about your journey and how you got to where you are today.
I was born with autism and I was born in Atlanta GA and rasied between Atlanta GA/Brookyln NY. I come from a large family and I didn’t know I was different until I was 4 yrs old, my birth father had a problem with me and my behavior. I was disgusting to him. He was a walking monster horrficly and abusive. I mean anything from peeing on me, breaking my ribs with a metal bat, kicking me in my face with his boot, making me be naked and have my face to the wall and my nose on the edge of the wall while holding heavy encyclopedias one on each arm and if i dropped it then i would get beat all night long. Going to school with no socks or shoes on, having scars on my face, back and butt and he still sent me to school. Where I come from it's every man for himself your taught surivial and snitching is against family codes I don’t know if my mom truly loved me because she was getting abused too. The scariest moment I had with big Tommy my birth father was when I was 4 yrs old he got mad because I still had trouble with the bathroom and using it on myself so it was on a saturday in june 1987 when he came in the bathroom and saw urine every where and he snatched me and drgged me outside in the front yard. He was yelling and cursing calling me names and saying i was so retarded I wasn’t his son and I deserve to die so he had me by one arm and he grabbed the gun out of his truck and by this time Teena my birth mother was standing outside watching him do all of this and said nothing and then he put the gun in my mouth and said you are a piece of s***. I will never love you and mental people like you needs to die you are a waste of space and then he tried to pull the trigger but you heard the gun jamming so he tried again and again and again but the gun kept jamming so he got really upset and started to pistol whip me repeatedly by the grace of God a neighbor came out to take his trash out he looked to see what was the yelling all about and then he saw what was going on so he rushed to push big Tommy off of me they got to fighting police got called and big Tommy got locked up but Teena went to bail him out so with that being said I been in so many foster homes, group homes, mental hospitals, so much trails in my life but I realized God wasn’t done with my story and about 6 years ago I was invited by a good friend of mine to go speak at her church about me having autism and what God has done for me. At first I didn’t want to do it I wanted to fit in and be normal not realizing I was already normal so I agreed to go to her church. After I spoke at the church I realized this is not about Marcus at all it's about the millions of people who's stories doesn’t get shine or light who has to sacrifice just to get their kids some therapy or medication that they need. So I decided to become a voice. Someone who can help speak and fight for change when it came to autism and I been on this road of being a autism activist every sense.

What are some goals you want to accomplish in the next 3 years?
Well for me I want to conquer the world while providing better services and opportunities for autistic individuals and families worldwide. I want to have a media center called autism world media where you can come learn how to become a music producer composer where you can record songs and get your songs mixed and mastered. Also where you can get photo shoots done and make music videos to your songs or make commercials to your brand and where you can have interviews on the hottest radio show in the nation, I want to be a successful internation keynote speaker about autism, I want to have a successful clothing line and shoe line, I want to have an up and running autism career days, autism music fest and autism art films. I just want the world to see and deal with autism differently and see the gifts and talents we have. We are so smart we are geniuses, we are kind, loving and understanding and we can do anything we put our mind too if we are given the chance too. In the next 3 years i want to hire autistic people so they can help run some of these businesses I have. I truly do,if we are not given a opportunity we have to create one.
What has been one of the most memorable moments you’ve had in your career? Well God has blessed me to have a lot of them but I think my most memorable one was when I had a chance to go to London UK and be the main speaker at the national autism society. I got to speak in front of 20,000 people they were hearing my story on autism, I got to answer questions and hear feedback and I got to ask questions also. I got to talk to some of the world leaders over there to really understand how autism is different in there country but the same in actions and behaviors for me being a boy from Brooklyn NY/ Atlanta GA and to get a chance for your voice to be heard in a major platform. To me that is mind blowing because I know personally about having autism and being non verbal for almost 14 years of my life and being made fun of, picked on, builled, being medicated, having speech therpist and behavior aids and be separated from my birth family. So I just don’t speak. I speak for the millions of families who doesn’t get a chance to have their stories told.

Tell us more about getting inducted into the library of congress.
For me it was a shock im still in shock that people would see my work in that type of light. For me it’s not about fame or trying to get rich or awards it's about helping people who cant help themselves. When I first got the news I cried on my knees screaming. I just couldn’t believe they would pick me. All of my life I been trying to be heard and prove that I am not what people say I am with having autism, honestly I'm honored because I know with this type of honor the next generation of kids can read about a person not only having autism but a person who helped to makes changes for autism. If my gradmother was still here I know she would be proud of me. I just wish people like Bob Ordner and Dorothy Carr could be here to see this day happen they always spoke life into me and I feel like by having my face in history books will only prove what we can do in the autism community once we are given the chance to show our gifts and talents.
If you could go anywhere in the world and speak, where would it be?
Well for me that place would be Paris France because I love their culture the people the style of conversation and clothing, I love their food and just how they operate and I would love to do a tour there as well. Autism in france is super big and they need to know more about autism the traits of autism and the behaviors dealing with autism there.
What advice can you give to others that have Autism?
I would first say that God made you to be amazingly great be proud of who you are hold your head up and know you have superpowers and you can do anything you put your mind and heart to, don’t allow anyone to say what you can do or will do with having autism. Yes, we are different but that doesn’t mean we are unable, we are kind hearted, smart, intelligent giving type of people and all we want is acceptance and a chance to show what we can do. Now the road may be tough but with God your village of people that care for you and your faith and dedication then you can get over anything , you are tomorrows leaders your voice matters and we need you to tap into your greatness and reach beyond your infinity and continue to show the world why you and autism is a force to be reckon with. I love you and there's nothing you can do about it.
Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events?
Yes I am, I am always on something. My team be telling me to slow down but I will sleep when God takes me home lol but seriously I have my clothing line called the a collection clothing it’s a street wear and urban /casual type of fashion and it's for men, woman and kids and it will come in all sizes. This clothing line was formed from the autism community. I wanted the autism community to have a designer clothing line something they could feel good in and represent themselves, next I have my shoe line called: G Soles Shoes or sneakers. G Soles is the very first spiritual tennis shoe with scriptures and up lifting sayings that you will see on the shoe and with creative and unique designs this is truly a godly walking shoe and we wanted to show that its cool and dope to worship God and have him near you at all times. Next I have a comic book I am working on called super Marcus and the autism squad it will be like xmen but super Marcus and the autism squad is protecting autism and special needs communites and showing the super powers they have inside of themselves. I am working on a 4 part docu series called autism the american family story it will be a docu series that follows the lives of 4 different families that have dealings with or have autism themselves and how they live how they fight or strugggle and cope with autism on a daily basics. I have a radio show for holy hip hop its called kingdom bizness radio where holy hip hop lives and where you will have lit conversations and dope interviews amazing music and giving new artists a spotlight and where God will be in the atomsphere and you never know what I will be doing next. You just have to stay tuned.
Where can the readers follow you?
Before I answer this question I have to tell my fiance Tremell Moore that I love you so much thank you for staying with me and supporting me and seeing me for me. You are my world and my heart to our kids Zamarrian R Moore, Za Dariyah M Moore and Malakai D Boyd yall are the greatest blessings I have ever received. I love yall so so much and I am so honored to be ya'll father and daddy thank you for teaching me and guiding me and supporting me without ya'll I am nothing. Now people can reach me on TikTok @marcusstrozier Instagram @ autismactivistmarcusboyd & @maarcus_the_interviewer and Facebook : Marcus Boyd or Marcus l Boyd.