5 minute read
JaLia S
Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do?
A. My name is JaLia, I am a flight attendant by day, tech explorer by night and creator of experiences.
Q. Do you understand your passion and purpose in life?
A. Aahhh the infamous question haha. I’ve been on this journey of self-exploration for years and years, expecting to hear from God audibly what my passion and purpose is.
What I’ve discovered this far is that I have a passion for helping people level up. That can translate to anything
I’ve gained awareness of and sharing it with someone, assisting them with an idea they have, exposing students to HBCUs, creating platforms for women to connect, etc. As far as my purpose; I’m still on the quest in figuring that out. I know it has to do with helping people.
Q. How do you balance work and life responsibilities? A. I take lazy days for myself.
As a flight attendant, I allowed this completely new life to take me by storm with: travel, unpredictable schedule changes, time zone differences, flexible time off and practically living in hotels which can be exhausting so it has been difficult to balance which I’m still not doing a great job at haha. I take time to go to the park with my journal, sing as loud as possible in my car, have a glass of wine and enjoy time alone to decompress.
Q. Tell us more about “Future
HBCU Scholar’ and the motivation behind it.
A. While in high school I wanted to attend a Predominantly White
Institution (PWI) because I was raised in a small town with only black students around me.
When I was living in Wisconsin, my peers were diverse, and I wanted to experience that again for college. I began applying to colleges and had my eyes set on two PWIs in Arkansas in which they offered me less than $5,000 per semester. I knew I didn’t want to pay for college so I decided to attend a Lunch n Learn about the Historically
Black College or University (HBCU) in my town, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB). The recruiter pulled me to the side and asked me a few questions; I told him my
ACT score and intended major, he said he could give me a full scholarship so I enrolled that day. I love my HBCU, I don’t regret my decision at all. I just wish I was actively seeking to attend an HBCU and applied to different schools around the country for more options. My niece is a senior in high school and she said she wanted to attend an HBCU but wasn’t sure which one. I decided to create an event for her to talk to her top schools, along with a few others and thought, why not invite more high school students to gain insight into HBCUs as well.
Q. How was the first event?
A. It was amazing! The students were shy at first but began asking tons of questions toward the end of the event.
I was honestly discouraged because we didn’t have many sign ups but my host encouraged me that even if there is one sign up, we will show up and pour everything we’ve got into them! Our second event will be May 29th!
Q. As a female leader, what has been the most significant barrier in your career?
A. I’d have to say my selfconfidence. I didn’t think
I was worthy enough to achieve goals or have support if I share my ideas to the world, specifically monetizing off of it. I am now at a place where I don’t allow my inner critic to stop me when there are passion projects I wish to pursue.
It’s still a work in progress but I am truly improving my confidence. I have the
“Daring Greatly” quote by
Theodore Roosevelt as my wallpaper for reminders when I’m ready to express myself with the world.
Q. Can you tell us about your podcast?
A. My podcast (Love, JaLia S.
Podcast) was inspired by my college internships and love for asking questions haha. I would always ask executives or my coworkers a set of 5 questions and receive amazing insight.
I knew people would also gain more wisdom by hearing people’s stories and life lessons so I began the podcast. I will get back to it in the near future
Q. Where do you see yourself in the next three years?
A. In 3 years I’ll be 29, sheesh! I see myself well-traveled, enjoying the fruits of my labor being put in now.
I know I’ll still have so much work to do but I love to smell the roses presently. I see myself working part time at an amazing tech company while flying on the side and pursuing my love of creating businesses with those I love. Speaking to young girls and women around the world about confidence and that the world of tech is attainable even if you have no technical skills! Possibly working on a deal for my “I Am” t-shirts and accompanying items to be distributed in Targets over the country. I also hope to have at least one child by then with an amazing husband.
Q. Are you working on any new projects?
A. Yes! During a depressive time in my life; I created a huge flower picture with affirmations on it for reminders of who I actually am in a positive light.
I still have days where I am insecure or depressed which is why I finally decided to create my “I Am” flower t-shirt for women like me who may need a physical expressive reminder of the queen they are and reaffirming what we know to be true about ourselves, despite negative thoughts. It’ll launch in July 2021 which I am extremely excited for!
Q. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?
A. I would advise future female leaders to follow your gut even if you’re not completely sure.
If you’re at a crossroads; decide which path you’re going to take and trust that is what will be best for you. Don’t camp out at the crossroads waiting for someone to tell you which to take. You’ll gain more clarity on your journey but you have to take the leap of faith. Also, I would say don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
I’m still working through this because I use to be a perfectionist; everything had to be in order before I made a move but life doesn’t work that way.
Q. Where can the readers find you?
A. All of my social media is : @lovejalias but if you want to connect professionally or join my journey of exploring tech, add me on: JaLia Steward