5 minute read
Chong Kim
Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do?
A. I am Chong Kim. I am a speaker, author, producer and Human Trafficking
Awareness Advocate.

Q. Who have been your biggest women influencers in your life?
A. My biggest female influencer is Mya Angelou.
I read a lot of her books, my favorite being, “I
Know Why The Caged
Bird Sings.” I related to it because of the hardships she went through with racism, feeling left out and having to be your own advocate. She didn’t have family support, nor did I. The feeling of being isolated resonates with me. I spoke to her in 2011 or 2012 over the phone. I was discussing a topic for a movie I was considering writing. She told me to “keep speaking out, my voice is my biggest weapon.”
Q. Right now at this very moment what do you want most to accomplish?
A. My TV series, “Every 40
Seconds.” Although I have my movie Eden and my book, Broken Silence, “Every 40 Seconds” will offer the behind the scenes look at my consultant work with the FBI highlighting various Human
Trafficking cases that we worked on. It will also shine a light on other types of less known trafficking crimes that involve missing humans.
Q. Tell us about the “Embrace
Girls Foundation” empowering young girls to success?
A. The Embrace Girls Foundation is an organization that teaches young girls to depend on themselves and others with poise and dignity, in a way that
I never got to experience as a young girl. I wish I was a part of a program that taught me how to be strong, love myself, be empowered.
Q. What is your most memorable achievement or
Accomplishment you have received?
A. It is a toss-up between having a movie written about me or being honored with having my name added to the Wall of Tolerance in Honor of Rosa Parks in
Montgomery, AL, which means that for years on my end, my name will be written into History.
Q. Tell us about “Training &
Breakout sessions” and the motivation behind the session?
A. After experiencing the Training & Breakout session you will leave with more information about the different types of trafficking, behavior detection (understanding in-depth red flags) of predators and it show you how to identify potential victims from a survivor’s point of view. This Session is tailored for community leaders, law enforcement agents and educational leaders.

Q. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?
A. Determination has to be your strongest point, because it ignites your motivation, no matter what happens. Failures, downfalls and disappointments cannot stop you when you have determination. I often have people ask me what keeps me moving forward, and I can say “God” all day, but it's determination that God gives me to keep moving forward.
Q. Are you working on any new events or upcoming projects?
A. Just working to pitch my TV
Series, “Every 40 Seconds.”
Q. How do you educate parents, teens and young adults on the dangers of Human
A. I teach parents, young adults and children how to detect the behaviors, specifically identify red flags of predators’ demeanor and how to identify their intent to harm.
Q. What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
A. I mention this in my book,
Broken Silence, my son’s father, Carlos shared the most powerful words with me. He said, “The best way to get revenge on your oppressors is to become the success they can never imagine.”
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. My website is: IamChongKim.com @IAmChongKim @IAmChongKim @ChongKimLLC