3 minute read
from November 2022 Issue
Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell us who you are and what you do.
A. My name is Lorenzo I am a Health Coach and educator.
Q. Tell us a little bit about your journey and how you got to where you are today?
A. I am a two-time cancer survivor and also Covid-19 survivor. We contribute my survival first to the grace of God and then a God Inspired Nutritional diet to a full recovery in the body.
Q. Let’s talk about “Journey 2 a Better Health” and how it got started.
A. Journey 2 A Better Health was Birthed out of my quest to survive terminal illness and being given 3 to 4 months to live. My wife and I decided that we would take our journey and experience to help others, thus Journey 2 A Better Health.
Q. What are three tips on being healthy and fit?
A. 1. Understanding the foods, you put in your body. 2. When faced with opposition never accepting defeat only triumph. 3. Understanding the power of your mind and what can be accomplished with determination.
Q. Where do you see yourself in the next three years?
A. I see my wife and I helping hundreds of thousands of people Be proactive concerning their health and also helping terminal illness patients to fight harder from an all-natural perspective.
Q. Can you tell us some challenges you’ve had in your career?
A. The challenges that I have had, all of the damage that has been done to my body fighting sickness and disease. But the bigger challenges have been communicating with people about natural recovery because that is not something that we have had shown to us in our culture. So the biggest challenge is that people just don’t believe that they can heal naturally and my mission is to show people that’s not true because I am a living example of what can happen Through an all-Nutritional recovery process.

Q. Do you offer any programs for fitness?
A. Our main focus is on nutrition, although fitness and exercise are a part of our program. Our main focus is what is necessary for one to put in their body for internal strengthening and fighting sickness and disease.
Q. How would you define your purpose in life?
A. I have always been the type of Person that cared for others and had a heart to see others win in life. I have now discovered through all that I have been through that I am what one would consider to be living hope. So, my purpose in life is to show those that don’t believe that they can make it and there is hope because when someone is given 3 to 4 months to live, and turned down all traditional medicine and takes an all-natural approach to survive, that is not something that normally happens in our culture of life. So, I believe I am living hope to the world.
Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events?
A. Yes, we have lots of information that we are sharing in the near future. We have a book Release Taking Place March 18th speaking on the complete journey. We will be doing all kinds of fundraising and collaborating with organizations to bring awareness to alternative living outside of traditional medicine, so Lots to come.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. You can follow us on Instagram at J2abetterhealth, Journey 2 A Better Health on Facebook. And our website is Journey2abetterhealth.com.