Research project impact - a function of liberty Iannetta, Karley, Ramsay
The best fertiliser is price The positive effects of legume cropping Decreased GHG emissions Decreased fossil energy use Increased C & N assimilation Increased soil N uptake Decreased N losses (leaching / volatilisation)
Negative Soil Acidification
Increased soil fertility (N-fertiliser offset) Increased C sequestration Increased above and below ground diversity Better soil water retention
Increased N losses
Drinkwater et al., (1998) Legume-based cropping systems have reduced carbon and nitrogen losses. Nature 396, 262-265.
Faba beans
Vicia faba L. (faba bean) Dehulling ca 24 % N, Hulls fractionation Kernals (82%) into three different Milling & Air Classification types of animal feeds. BPC (P:S - 11:1)
BSC (P:S – 1:3)
Fish feed (20 %)
Other feed (62 %)
Ruminant feed (18 %) Air classification was less efficient than anticipated - BPC value was diminished. The value of BSC for use in poultry and pig feed could not compensate this loss. Higher value routes needed for BSC (and hulls) – ca +100k tonnes annually
C = control – no enzymes added T = “traditional” – enzymes added SF = simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
BSC bread – higher protein and minerals Tastes as white - @ 30% inclusion
Current work and the future work Edinburgh science festival - 1000 L – taste/perception tests
• This exploration was not planned
• KE/impact was responsive • Extended beyond contractual obligations /disciplinary constraints
• Management structure - encouraged freedom