ÂŁ500,000 winner + ÂŁ500,000 to runners up AIMS: - Develop a Vision - Develop a Strategy - Deliver impact Remit:
Cross disciplinary: -Sustainable use of global resources -Innovative design -Improving social, cultural, physical wellbeing
Excellence with Impact team vision: 1. World’s resources used sustainably, food is secure, energy clean, healthy nutrition and innovative technologies.
1. As Dundee develops, nobody will be left behind. 1. New collaborations with biological science. 1. Train staff for transforming careers.
Dundee wins UNESCO City of Design (30 year masterplan)
Calendar Clock garden: * By first flowering time (public climatometer)
Features: - Insect pollinator friendly - Plants for dyes (design) - Plants for oil, soaps, fibres - Medicine Chest
Features numbered/colour coded - Info board (basic) - App for further info (in depth info) - ……………..
Central Garden: Insect/tourist trails (information boards)