Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience
Professor Gabriele Bammer Australian National University College of Medicine, Biology and Environment
'Addressing complex real-world problems: a new discipline, a repository and you' Please join us for a working lunch Tuesday 24th March 12.30-14.30, River Rooms 1 & 2
Abstract - As researchers, fragmentation hinders our ability to contribute to addressing complex
(‘wicked’) real-world problems such as global environmental change, organised crime and growing inequalities. Although many approaches have been developed to deal with such problems, including systems thinking, inter- and trans-disciplinarity, action research and so on, there are few links between researchers developing or practising them. I propose that a new discipline—Integration and Implementation Sciences (I2S)—is required to develop a repository of methods collected from all these disparate sources and that a Big Science effort, similar in scope to the Human Genome Project, is needed to build the repository. An outline of I2S and of the Big Science project will be presented.
For More Information email cechr@dundee.ac.uk www.dundee.ac.uk/cechr CECHR is a joint initiative between the University of Dundee and The James Hutton Institute.