• Scottish University of the Year 2017
Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) Janice Aitken • Director, Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) Research Centre
International, inter-disciplinary and cross-university research centre Vision • The vision of the TCELT Research Centre is to have an impact on international research, policy and practice in the context of educational and life transitions, and their implications for well-being through an international network of researchers, professionals and communities.
Aims • • • • • • • •
To undertake world-leading research. Provide a focal point for building a critical mass of active international researchers in the area of transformative change and transitions. Provide a programme of research and scholarship activities to link up with academic and non-academic communities. Establish collaborative networks and activities with external partners in the statutory, private and voluntary sectors both nationally and internationally. Make transition experiences as positive as possible by disseminating high quality research that enhances the understanding of the transition process that individuals, families, groups and communities go through, including creation of high quality innovative resources. Promote resilience of individuals, families, groups and communities by producing research that impacts positively on policy and practice that supports those navigating life and educational transitions. To nurture emerging researchers nationally and internationally. Attract high quality national and international postgraduate students, post-docs and visiting scholars.
Directors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Janice Aitken (Arts and design; School of Arts and Design) Ian Barron (Educational Psychology; School of Education and Social Work) Elizabeth Hannah (Educational Psychology; School of Education and Social Work) Jenny Miller (Ex-NHS; CEO PAMIS) Divya Jindal-Snape (Education and Community Learning and Development; School of Education and Social Work) 6. Tim Kelly (Social Work; School of Education and Social Work) 7. Thilo Kroll (ex-School of Nursing and Health Science) 8. Elizabeth Monk (Accountancy; School of Social Science) 9. Fabio Sani (Social Psychology; School of Social Science) 10. Murray Simpson (Social Work; School of Education and Social Work) 11. Lorraine Van Blerk (Human Geography; School of Social Science) 12. Annalu Waller (Human communication technologies; School of Science and Engineering) dundee.ac.uk
Associate Directors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. dundee.ac.uk
Patrick Akos (USA) Chris Boyle (Australia) Laura Bronstein (USA) Jacquelynne Eccles (USA) Maurice Galton (UK) April Herndon (USA) Debra McPhee (USA) Bart Rienties (UK) Jun Yaeda (Japan) 5Page
Themes • Educational Transitions and well-being
• Multidimensional transitions of international students to Higher Education
• Life Transitions and well-being
• Multiple and multi-dimensional transitions: Understanding the life transitions of young adults with life-limiting conditions and the impact on their parents, siblings and professionals
• Social Change for well-being
• Growing up in Protracted Crises: Refugee Youth Experiences of Transitions to Adulthood in Uganda & Jordan
• Values, Approaches and Strategies •
The Voice of the child in child protection 6Page
Multiple and Multi-dimensional Transitions Model* Changing Aspirations and Expectations
Change in Organisational Culture Parent 1-Work
Change in Social Cohesion
Nursery staffCollege course
Child 2Curriculum Child 2Child 1 Teacher-HT
Changing Policy
Parent 1Parent 2
Child 1Nursery staff
Nursery StaffTeacher
TeacherPolicy Educational PsychologistPregnancy
Child 1Dinner Lady
Child 2New primary
Changing Economic Environment
Child 1Teacher
Parent 1Teacher
Child 1Bereave ment
Child 1Parent 1
Child 1peers
Changing Curriculum
*Jindal-Snape, 2012, also cited in Jindal-Snape & Hannah, 2013 dundee.ac.uk