WHOLE WHEAT CREATIVE (#19) MARKETING STRATEGY Jessica Reints Brynna Kibler Ebony Smith Ramiro Adame
Cecilia Rey Cindy Granger Cristal Long
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
SWOT ANALYSIS Key competitors: Dick’s Sporting Goods, Sports Authority Strengths: The store boasts a full-family experience. They are also a regionally-
focused company that emphasizes customer loyalty and satisfaction. Academy Sports & Outdoors also offers a variety of goods that their competitors don’t have at a low price.
Weaknesses: Academy is only located in 13 states, making their presence
limited within the United States. Their name doesn’t generate immediate recognition of a sporting goods retailer. The company also doesn’t offer shopping incentives for their consumers. Opportunities: The company has the opportunity to penetrate the Hispanic/ Latin-American market. Another opportunity is to expand their locations to more states in the United States. Threats: Dick’s Sporting Goods and other competitors are expanding into similar territories as Academy. Academy Sports & Outdoors also has difficulty managing their pace of growth.
TARGET MARKET • The target market is families with children who participate in team sports in the southern region of the United States. The children’s age can range from 2 to high school. Another segment market is the Hispanic/Latin-American family dynamic who have children participating in team sports. • The targeted market is interested in finding the products they need at lower prices than other retailers. • Academy Sports & Outdoors offers the target market a convenient shopping location with low prices and high value.
Clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s objectives: The objective of the company is to develop brand awareness among the target market as well as increase sales and conversion rates. Communication objectives: We wish to appeal to a wide range of families, create a message of a positive and valuable experience, and also demonstrate that Academy is inclusive in terms of races, ages and brands.
CREATIVE BRIEF • Why are we advertising? -To provide brand recognition, create image of dependable, trustworthy, family choice. • Who are we talking to? -Families that have children in team sports. We also wish to communicate with the Hispanic/Latin-American community. • What do they currently think? -Academy provides them with everything they need at a low price. • What do we want them to think? -We would like for consumers to think that Academy is a family store and provides value in both time and money. • What is the single most persuasive idea we can convey? -Consistent high quality and low prices. • Why should they believe it? -Consumers should believe the idea because it is reflected in the marketing efforts of Academy.
THE CAMPAIGN Theme: Family is a team and Academy is here to support them and provide an excellent experience.
Slogan: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Good times for every team.â&#x20AC;? The campaign theme helps achieve the stated objectives because it reaches to consumers who fit the demographics of the target market. It insinuates that the family is also a team that would benefit from shopping at Academy Sports & Outdoors.
BUDGET OBJECTIVES • Our goal is to reach 100 million consumers through our marketing efforts. The intended reach is at least 25% of the consumer market per day. Our media outlets include: • television commercials • radio broadcast • digital media • print media • billboards We have also developed plans for philanthropy efforts in order to appeal to local communities.
TELEVISION COMMERCIAL SCRIPTS In the television commercials, we emphasize that sports play an important role in families. We include that Academy is the number one location for sporting goods needs. This reflects our campaign theme because it includes the idea that team sports and families are closely related. The commercials will be played on channels that families with sport-playing children (including the Hispanic/Latin-America family) typically watch: ABC, FX Sports, ESPN, etc.
RADIO BROADCAST COMMERCIALS In the radio broadcast commercials, a family is having dinner together and discussing the progress of their child’s team sports endeavors. The commercials encompass the campaign theme because they reflect togetherness and good times among “family teams.” The commercials also feature humor in order to draw in listening consumers. The commercials will be played on satellite sports radio stations that highlight on games and sports.
DIGITAL MEDIA We have divided our digital media efforts by their respected outlets: Youtube: We will feature our television commercials as ads for Youtube videos. Facebook: We will use Facebook to reach out to consumers directly. To do this, we will create posts that highlight on sports that are in season and the equipment available in Academy retailers. Twitter: Tweets talking about sports updates and equipment availble for such sports will be sent to Academy followers. Google: We will also utilize Google search terms. The ads will pop up according to the demographic of the consumers. The digital media outlets would reinforce the campaign theme over multiple outlets. Since they will be repetitively shown/ featured, it will increase the consumerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s awareness of the brand.
PRINT MEDIA We also intend to utilize print media such as catalogs and magazine advertisements. Catalogs will be distributed year-round. They will feature all of the products offered by the company and their respective prices. Some magazines that will feature Academy Sports & Outdoors advertisements include: ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Health & Fitness, and Kids Sports Magazine. These outlets will prove to be successful since catalogs are distributed by the company. Magazines are also a way for sports-playing children to find products that they want for the sports endeavors.
BILLBOARDS Billboards will be used in order to convey the message to a broad audience. They will feature a team playing baseball and the slogan â&#x20AC;&#x153;Good Times for Every Teamâ&#x20AC;? and the Academy logo. This method of advertisement will prove to be successful because it will be able to communicate the message to almost anyone, including those not in the target market. It will also expand brand awareness in a matter of seconds while communicate the theme of the campaign. *Billboard artwork is attached.
ACADEMY SPORTS & OUTDOORSPHILANTHROPY Academy Sports & Outdoors is passionate about building their brand recognition in the local communities. We have developed a philanthropy plan that would succeed in expanding the message. We have created a plan to host city-wide â&#x20AC;&#x153;Special Olympics.â&#x20AC;? Academy will sponsor and provide equipment for this event. It will show that Academy is supportive of their local communities and those who are mentally challenged and want to participate in sports. Academy will also host other philanthropy events; however, they will depend upon the success of the ASO Special Olympics event.
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• Track the increase in sales • Track the increase in Hispanic families buying at Academy • Track the increase in number of likes and followers on Facebook and Twitter • Conduct surveys to measure any increase in brand awareness An example survey is attached.
CONCLUSION We recommend that Academy Sports & Outdoors targets team players and families involved in their children’s sports in order to increase their revenue and develop brand recognition. Academy aims to be recognized as the number one low-price retailer for a full family shopping experience. Our campaign emphasizes how Academy is the destination for sportsloving families who crave shopping experiences marked by convenience, broad selections, affordable prices, and a friendly environment. We have also emphasized how sports bring and keep families together. This campaign can be used during all sports seasons to attract families of assorted ages, genders, and ethnicities. It also includes a philanthropy event that will increase the consumer’s awareness and possibility of shopping at Academy. Our campaign shows the company’s effort to be seen as the company that is about “good times for every team.”