August 2013 The Message

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Miriam, Dennis, and Jill help move a church during the Short FUSE mission trip to Houston, July 2013

Plumbing the Depths of God’s Love: 2 Making Music to the Lord: 5 It’s a Carnival!: 10 Add a Little Grace to Your Life: 12 Late Pentecost 2013 - To Be a Disciple: 14


In this issue:

Plumbing the Depths of God’s Love For Us

Music Ministry....................... 5 World Missions ...................... 6 Youth Ministry ...................... 8 Family Ministry...................10 Our Church Life .................14 Outreach...............................17


Planned Giving....................18 Calendar of Events ............19

Sunday Services: 7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite 1 9:00 a.m. Family-friendly Communion Service with Music 10:00 a.m. Christian Education for Children, Youth, and Adults 11:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist, Rite 2 6:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite 2

Cover photo by Rev. Brien Koehler Back Cover photo by Susanna Kitayama 2

C.S.Lewis wrote,‘He (Jesus) came to this world and became a man in order to spread to other men the kind of life He has — by what I call “good infection.” Every Christian is to become a little Christ. The whole purpose of becoming a Christian is simply nothing else.’1 This is the first in a series of articles I offer on the subject of conforming our lives to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The goal of our faith, as Lewis boldly states, is not a self-serving one to merely be saved, or to brush some of the dirt off of ourselves. No, the goal of our faith is to be transformed into the likeness of our Savior. Such a goal will take a lifetime from which there is no retirement. 1 C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (New York: Harper Collins, 1952), 177.


more important than attending to his son.

A few years before we met, he had lost everything – his wife, his two children, his house, his job, and most every ounce of his self-respect. He slid quickly from being somebody to being nobody. That’s when he had his dream.

Awaking from the dream, the plumber realized that God did not forget him, far from it. He, the one who squandered all that he had been given, his family, his work, his home, even his self-worth, remained the center of the Father’s love and attention. While my plumber’s dream may seem fanciful, it is inescapably Biblical. Recall another man who lost everything and destroyed his most precious relationships. This man swindled his

y plumber is a prophet. He knows about vents and drains and clogs and leaks and cut-offs and T-junctions and all manner of PVC, ABS, PEX, galvanized, clay and cast iron pipe. But he knows about dreams too.

As the curtain of his dream rose in his unconscious, he saw himself as a child, and not just any child, but the son of a king. His father the king was holding court that day. Surrounded by impressively appareled, important dignitaries, the king was deeply engaged in the vital matters of the kingdom. The son, returning from play, burst through the doors of the palace, broke away from his nanny, and sprinted down the marble aisle yelling, “Daddy, Daddy,” as he runs right into the gathering of eminent notables. The attendants hold their breaths for fear of the king’s response to this juvenile interruption. To everyone’s surprise, the mighty king turns away from the venerable dignitaries, pulls the child onto his lap, and listens to the child’s every word. Nothing in the king’s orbit is

“ He, the one who squandered all that he had been given, his family, his work, his home, even his selfworth, remained the center of the Father’s love and attention. ” brother, lied to his dying father, and entered into a twisted conspiracy with his mother. The man, of course, is Jacob, who would become the father of Israel. Jacob could have merely been a tiny footnote in Old Testament history had it not been for his dream. Jacob experienced his life-changing dream while on the run from his enraged brother Esau, who intend-

From our Rector... ed to kill his sniveling, shyster little the first two steps towards conformbrother (Genesis 27:41-45). Exhaust- ing our lives to the Gospel, which ed from his frenzied flight from his means aligning our lives to the perfect brother, Jacob fell asleep on the bare will of Jesus Christ. First, we must earth, using only a stone for his pil- change course. For some of us, this low. Here in such an alien environ- change will be forced. We will have ment, Jacob has his evocative vision made such a mess of our life and refeaturing a ladder connecting heav- lationships that the center can no lonen and earth, with angels ger hold. gracefully climbing up and “For most of us, however, Louri ktwoe down its rungs. While Jacob rapturously took in the cefriends, we will awaken to the lestial revelation, the Lord the masreality of our lives and God suddenly stood beside querade decide to change course comes to him and said, “I am the LORD, the God of Abraham painful instead of continuing our aend. your father and the God of For drift into a gray, insipid, most of Isaac; and your offspring shall be like the dust of the us, howand uninspiring life. “ earth… and all families of ever, we the earth shall be blessed in will awakyou and your offspring. Know that I en to the reality of our lives and deam with you and will bring you back cide to change course instead of conto this land; for I will not leave you tinuing our drift into a gray, insipid, until I have done what I have prom- and uninspiring life. This rude awakised” (Genesis 28:10-15). ening is reminiscent of Thoreau’s famous decision to step away from his Jacob, the utterly despicable one, life: “I went into the woods because whose very name means “usurper”, I wished to live deliberately.” It was and whose early years fulfilled the Thoreau who also declared, “Not unpromise of his name by weaving til we are lost do we begin to underruin throughout his fabled family, is stand ourselves.” graced with God’s dream for his life. The dream is miraculously fulfilled The second step towards conformwhen Jacob returns to Canaan, is rec- ing to the Gospel is more like fallonciled with Esau, and sires twelve ing. Once we step off the gray, lifesons, whose families will become Is- less path, we fall headlong into God’s rael. dream for us, which is fueled by his love. The only word we have to deJacob’s saga is the ancient edition scribe this falling is grace. No matof the plumber’s story, whose life ter how far we have wandered from was caving in on him until he is re- him and from those he has given us, galed with a dream of how God ac- we are, as the plumber and Jacob tually considers him – a beloved son. learned, in the very center of the FaArmed with that dream, my plumber ther’s love. Over time, we will learn friend changed course and set off in of the extensive plans God has for an entirely different direction. He us, but in the beginning the knowlfound love again, mended his badly edge that God singularly loves us is broken bridges to others, and reen- enough to set us back on our feet. tered his craft in a most honorable way. He was brought back to him- Paradoxically, when I picture myself self. Like Jacob, he returned home, in the embrace of God, it is in those so that God’s desires for him could years that my own dad left our fambe realized. ily. I grieved for him, but even more so for want of a father in our houseThe plumber and Jacob demonstrate hold. In those early, awkward pre-ad-

olescent years, I would lie to my classmates by telling them that my dad was a Secret Service agent sent away on long solitary assignments. My mother reached out for me and my two brothers and sister during those first years of loss, and we felt enfolded by her love. Each one of us came to know that we occupied a unique place in our mother’s heart, and her love buttressed our wounded psyches so that we could fully engage the future. To acknowledge that the Father, the creator of all, adores us in a way even exceeding the sacrificial love of that mother is to begin to understand and undertake our inimitable place in the world. Nevertheless, until we admit that we are lost in the half-life we have woven for ourselves, we will never step away from it long enough to fall into God’s better dream for us. Whether or not we perceive our lives to be as desperate as the plumber and Jacob hardly matters. God does not assign grades to inauthenticity and destructive behavior like some middle school math teacher. An “A-level” trespass rends our relationships in much the same way as a darker one we consider an “F”. A “B” is hardly better than a “D” when we are gaug-

‘“Once we step off the gray, lifeless path, we fall headlong into God’s dream for us, which is fueled by his love. The only word we have to describe this falling is grace ing how true we have been to our real selves. As one year melts into another, we fear we will really never find ourselves at home again. Occasionally though, when our guard is down, we catch a faint glimpse of ourselves as a child. A scent of honeysuckle, the sight of fresh cut grass on a football field, or the cadence of


From our Rector... he get their attention. “Repent”, he says to them, “change course,” and take the straightaway down the steep riverbank. Don’t waste any more years doddering on the riverbank. Once you fall into the water and it rolls over you, you will come back to life and will start your journey back home (Luke 3:3-9). Coming up out of the water, Jesus hears first, what each one of them heard, what the plumber heard, what we will hear, “You are my son, you are my daughter, you are beloved, and you please me” (Luke 3:22). God’s dream enfolds us and we are set back on our feet, put back into life.

an old camp song drives us back beneath the layers of adulthood. We perceive the child that was and see the person we really are without the lacquer of years. “When did I quit

“. A scent of honeysuckle, the sight of fresh cut grass on a football field, or the cadence of an old camp song drives us back beneath the layers of adulthood” being me?” we ask before we quickly turn away to the business at hand, the business that has led us further from our home port. We are like Odysseus carried upon the swift currents of the Aegean, moving fast but never nearing home.

John maps the only avenue home. That first century gaggle on the riverbank is hardly a homogeneous bunch. Only the dissatisfaction with their present life draws them together at the water’s edge. Some there are business people, others are crooks, some are housewives, others are prostitutes, some are esteemed by their neighbors, and others are distained. Each one of us can find our place amongst those on the riverbank, and not one is more treasured by the Father than the other. But we must

The plumber’s prophecy brings us back to port, back to ourselves, back to life. We are the children of the King. We find it almost inconceivable that we are his most pressing business at hand. The world does not revolve around us, but the King’s love does. He takes us up into his arms to let us know that he created us as oneof-a-kind, first editions, treasured sons and daughters.

Your brother,

Patrick U

take those first steps down the muddy slope, away from the unfulfilling


Remember the plumber. Recall his vision of the little boy, who is really the son of the King. Recall, too, how the plumber, on the wings of that dream, began to conform his life to that of Christ who delivered the dream. You and I are that boy. We are the dream of God. We can be so much more. And that’s no pipe dream.

“. . But we must take those first steps down the muddy slope, away from the unfulfilling life that has long held us, to let the waves of God’s gracious dream cascade over us”

Set at the beginning of all four Gospel accounts, John-the-Baptist upbraids the crowd to get started on this journey back to God and self. John harangues the people with the discomfiting news that they have slithered away from the dream God has held for them. He calls them a “brood of vipers,” hardly a term of endearment, but love demands that

life that has long held us, to let the waves of God’s gracious dream cascade over us. If any one of us thinks his is too good or too together or too well thought-of to take the few steps down into the cool shoals of the river, then we have surrendered to the dark songs of the Sirens, are truly lost, and may never find our way home again.

“... Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18a

MINISTRY “Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19 “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp . . . with trumpets and the blast of the Ram’s horn . . .” Psalm 98:4


t Christ Episcopal we take our music seriously. For over a hundred years music has been a part of our D.N.A. Not only do we continuously strive to put our best into praising God to his glory but we also constitute a musical focal point in the city of San Antonio, where outstanding singers and players gather in worship and concert making. OWEN DUGGAN Director of Music and Worship

to Chapel Boychoir grads Noah Witney and Caedon Marty. A sneak preview of the Spring offerings from the Christ Church music ministry includes a new original setting of the Passion of Christ on Palm Sunday as well as the stark and moving Way of the Cross service on Good Friday, followed by a performance by our choir and members of the San Antonio Symphony of Dvorak’s Stabat Mater, depicting the sorrowful mother of Christ at the foot of the Cross.

This Fall look for the All Saints Evensong on November 3 offered by the Chapel Boychoir and members of our Chancel Choir, while Lessons and Carols arrives on December 15 at 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Be sure and choose one of these special occasions to invite someone as a guest to our church home. More outstanding chamber music concerts by Camerata San Antonio and Jennifer Berg’s amazing Q Series will be offered as well as a 30th anniversary celebration from Musical Offerings. Also please join me in welcoming our newest ministry musician, clarinetist Jimmy Covelli, as we say a fond farewell

Student Choirs at Christ Episcopal Student choirs include: Minisingers: students in Kinder— 2nd grades (Rehearse Wednesday afternoons, 4:30-5:15) Minisingers will be directed by Jackie Shepherd and rehearsals begin September 4th; 210-823-5875


alling all hummers, singers, whistlers and praisers!! Set aside your Wednesday afternoons to tuck God’s word into your heart with joyful singing. If you are between the ages of 5 and 18, we have a spot just for you in one of our students choirs. While honoring and praising God through song, choir members learn the fundamentals of music, enjoy community-building activities and certainly have fun!

PARENTS: Please consider setting aside part of your student’s week this year to learn about and praise God through singing—you’ll be glad you did! For more information, contact: Ruth Berg, or (210) 422-9963.

Mastersingers: students in 3rd — 6th grades (Rehearse Wednesday afternoons from 4:15-5:15) Mastersingers will be directed by Ruth Berg and rehearsals begin on Wednesday, September 4th; 210-422-9963 Sanctuary Singers: students in 6th — 12th grades (Seasonal Rehearsals) Sanctuary Singers will be directed by Ruth Berg with times and places tbd— join the email list!; 210-422-9963



Where The Spirit Leads Us...


ission is at the heart of our parish life at Christ Church, and there is a place for every member of our parish family in BRIEN KOEHLER Associate Rector for the mission of Christ. We have Mission and Formaa rich and varied tion history of mission at home and overseas, and Christ Church is a pacesetter for our diocese and the larger Church. Commitments to long-term “in place” missionaries in the Middle East and the Philippines, ministry to children in Uganda and Mexico, new initiatives in Honduras, and urban ministry in other U.S. cities are all part of our recent and current Missions program. Where will we go in the future? The answer is up to the Holy Spirit and you. Where will we go next year, in the 2013-2014 calendar? The door is wide open! In November, Terry Koehler will join the leaders of the Threads of Blessing (a ministry with deep roots at Christ Church) as the program is re-in-

troduced to Honduras where it began years ago. Terry and I hope to lead another team of Christ Church members to Honduras in the Spring or early summer of 2014. John Harrison hopes to lead a team from Christ Church to Uganda again in 2014 as well. And

“First every person in Christ Church can make the world mission of Christ part of her or his daily prayer. This is the bedrock for any successful program.” we want to enlarge and expand our cross-generational family “Urban Ministry” opportunities. Do you have an idea, or a passion about a place we should be at work for the Kingdom of God? Just let us know. We’ll pray with you and work with you to discern God’s plan and purpose for your idea. How can every member participate in the Missions program of Christ Church? You can participate in at least one of three ways. First, every person in Christ Church can make the world mission of

Christ part of her or his daily prayer. This is the bedrock for any successful program. Without it we cannot do the work we have been given to do by our Lord. And this vital and indispensable element is for EVERYONE. Two other ways are easily possible as well. You may be led by God to make special gifts beyond your tithes and offerings to Christ Church to support particular mission projects. Such gifts are always welcome and always needed. In your prayers, ask for God’s leading in this possibility and you will be able to make the right decisions. And finally, you may be led to participate in a mission team. You will not know unless you open yourself to the possibility and begin to ask the Holy Spirit to help you find your place in our Missions program. I know that you are called to be a Pray-er for Missions (it is part of the job description of being a Christian). You may be called as a Give-er. You may be called as a Go-er. Terry and I will be at Christ Church for the annual parish Rally Day on Sunday, September 8; we’ll be looking forward to talking with you about our shared vision for Missions.


Talking about Iran in Israel

Summer is here so the class load at the seminary is light,

but I have been invited to multiple camps for kids to talk about...Iran. Seriously. I have a whole article on conversion to Christianity in Iran (if you want the draft, e-mail me), but the idea is that the kids learn about different countries on different days. Sharon talks about Jordan, someone talks about Syria, and I talk about Iran. A lot of it is pretty basic: the kids know about Purim, when Jewish kids dress up like Persian officers (boys) or queens (girls) to commemorate the events in the book of Esther (hence the queens like Esther and the officials like Mordechai). I tell them, that happened in Iran. And the wise men were from there too. And then tell them a little bit about the ancient religion there--Zoroastrianism (I had to learn how to say that in Arabic). A little about Nowruz (Iranian new year). And so on. At the end I tell them that something very interesting is happening there right now--that tens of thousands of Muslims


are becoming Christians. For the Christian kids they are surprised when I ask for the name of their pastor or priest. And they chime in (most of them know) and then I ask, has he ever been put in jail? I tell them that in Iran this happens. Most of the kids are Christian, but there are always some Muslims as well. They are learning (in a gentle way that will not break any rules) that people can change their religion, and that Muslims are turning to Christ. Most Muslims have never even considered the real possibility that conversion can take place. Will you pray for these kids? That the Christian ones would understand that the name of Christ is worthy of their suffering? And for the Muslim ones to consider the person and teaching of Jesus Christ? Blessings to you all in Christ,

The Millers

World Missions..


Honduras 2013 - Making “Amigos”

t is always a daunting task to lead a mission team with people you don’t know well, but I have always believed that those who choose to go are led by God. Who am I to question that? Each person finds their niche on a trip, and this one was no exception. James had never flown on an airplane, but made the trip in great shape. He worked very hard with the construction crew. He kept us laughing and watching out for him. Since he serves as an usher at church, he stood at the back of the church in Chalmeca on Sunday evening. He wasn’t too happy when three teenage girls strolled in late and took a seat in the middle of the bible reading. By the time the scrawny dog strolled in, I think he figured out that the normal ushering duties for Christ Church, were not going to work in Honduras. He was fond of shouting “Ole!” instead of “Amen!” Sadly, the rocks he wanted to bring home got confiscated at the security check at the airport. James said, “I’ve found a place where I fit and I can be of help.” Nita was a stalwart member of the construction team. She made friends with the Hondurans immediately. She soon found her special place as the English Teacher, as she was for so many years. The fellows anxiously await her return for more lessons. They called her “Nita, Bonita.” Her pretty gardening boots will never be the same, but the concrete remainder will always be a great remembrance of a very moving experience in Honduras. Greg was a great driver, despite the fact that he didn’t much want the responsibility in the first place. We could always be sure he would check and re-check the tires before we left anywhere, which was a good thing since we had two flat tires in the week. He was quickly dubbed “Señor Alto” (Mr. Tall) by the hotel clerk, and since the Hondurans are generally pretty short, he stood out in the crowd! He loved dancing with the children when he got the chance. Renee, having been on many mission trips, was one of our most cool and calm members, taking everything in stride. She was especially great help getting the craft items ready for the children’s bible school – not a small feat since the numbers kept climbing by leaps and bounds – 45, 75, 150! She’s a good puppeteer, too!

Robert worked very hard doing construction, lifting buckets of concrete, tying steel rods together in the foundation support. He was a great team member, always going along with whatever was planned. “You tell me what to do, and I’ll do it!” Every team leader needs “Roberts.” Helen was our optimist. It was so great to have someone on the trip that saw everything as beautiful, enjoyed every meal, loved every minute of the work. We discovered Helen eats like a bird, but has the heart of a bear! She and Renee were indispensable at Bible School craft prep. She’s now an expert at sheep masks! Emily was the children’s delight. You could hear small voices, male and female, shouting “Emily! Emily!” all around the village. She delighted the group of kids who answered her questions with enthusiasm. She danced and danced with them in all the heat and humidity. Late in the trip, we discovered she has the voice of an angel. The Hondurans are already asking her to come back and give a music workshop. Tim kept us all on our toes, mostly determining that his outrageous statements were all in jest! He worked hard, and missed his wife, terribly. He has, almost single-handedly, raised the money to build the church in Chalmeca, and he went home with plans to raise more to get it finished. What a huge heart Tim has, and how grateful we are that God led him to build a church in Chalmeca. Roman was the entertainer for one and all, even during his sermons on Sunday. The Hondurans will forever talk about the priest who came and shared the Gospel with such joy. He was the greatest entertainment for the Bible School children, including the extra 100 that showed up the last day because the word had spread about HIM! You’ve never seen the likes of his “Simon Dice!” (Simon says). Roman recounted the story of the children singing for “our American friends.” The children sang a song by the Brazilian author, Roberto Carlos. “I want to have a million friends, so I can sing with more strength -– Quiero tener un millón de amigos, así que puedo cantar con más fuerza.” Of course, the children have other friends and their song is already strong, but I know that we leave Honduras changed and that we will never be the same – we have become their friends.



Snapshots of “What God Did this Summer”


hat does a small child need to grow and flourish? You might say proper food, nourishment, and also shelter and protection while he is very young and vulnerable. We know today the child also needs to be held, to be talked to, and to be loved. In fact, in some cases CLARK NILES the child will Director of Youth Ministry die if these things are withheld, no mater how much food and shelter he receives. We also know their little brains don’t develop properly without these things. You see we were made to be connected intimately to one another and to God. You could say it is in our DNA. It



same with the body of Christ. This summer I have seen this small body that is our youth community here at Christ Church have a growth spurt. It has been nourished on Sundays through the consistent caring relationships of Dennis Eberhardt, Tina Bigley, and Robert Hanley. Also, the group was nourished through our “Off site” programs that provided unique teachable moments at places like The Tower of the Americas and Olmos Dam. This small community has begun to gel by hanging out with o n e

another and sharing common experiences and adventures, such as working and playing during and after Vacation Bible School in June, helping sponsor St. Jude’s youth at Main Event in June, and floating on the Comal River in New Braunfels in July.


Growth was seen in those youth who were able to attend Camp Capers and other Christian camps like His Hill and Laity Lodge Youth Camps. And significant life change and growth took place on August 2nd-4th at Happening #125 held here in San Antonio at TMI, where 6 of our older teens were involved. Our own Susannah Wright was named the Rector of Happening #126 to be held in Victoria this November. What an honor!!! Way to go Susannah. You’re awesome! These are just a few snap shots of what God has been up to, growing our young people and beginning to reveal in some of our older teens a call to discipleship and leadership. Knowing the goodn e s s of our G o d , I know there are many more great moments to come. In Christ,


Youth Ministry... Christ Episcopal Church 2014 Youth Confirmation All students in 8th grade and above who are contemplating Confirmation in 2014, get ready for a great experience full of learning, fun, and fellowship! Put these dates on your family’s calendar and come add your special gifts to the body of Christ while you take the next step in your spiritual journey. See you soon! Curriculum: Foundations of Discipleship “2.0,” written and adapted for Youth by The Rev. Patrick Gahan Growing in Christ, by J.I. Packer The Book of Common Prayer, according to the use of The Episcopal Church Format: The 2014 Confirmation Class will join all other ages of Youth Ministry in The Carriage House on Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 11:00 am for breakfast tacos, worship music, group teachings of the curriculum by distinguished presenters, and separate small group discussions among the Confirmands following the presentations. 2013 Kick-off Activities… Sunday, September 8th

Sign-up begins for 2014 Confirmation Class at “Rally Day” from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.

Saturday, November 9th 2014 Confirmation Class “Team Building Day” at Camp Capers. Transportation provided from church. November – December SAMM volunteer service opportunities, including involvement and contributions to SAMM Christmas gift collection and participation in the annual SAMM Dinner and gift-giving event on December 8th. 2014 Program… Sunday, January 6th Confirmation classes begin at 9:45 am in the Carriage House followed by the “Commis sioning Sunday” celebration for Confirmands and their families at the 11:00am worship service. Saturday, February 21st- 22nd “Youth in Action” conference at Diocesan Council. Join other youth and delegates from Christ Episcopal for this optional weekend event at St. Mark’s in San Marcos. Tuesday, March 4th Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper volunteer service opportunity involving preparation and serving of pancake dinner to parishioners and guests. Sundays, March 9th & 16th Spring Break – No Confirmation or Youth Classes. Saturday, March 22nd – 23rd 2014 “Confirmation Class Retreat” at the Harrison’s Ranch. Fun, fellowship, and worship for the 2014 Confirmands and Youth Ministry staff. Sunday, April 6th

2014 “Confirmation Sunday” at 11:00 am service in Christ Church sanctuary for Confirmands and their families. Reception following.




ome Get Ready to “.. Grow In the Grace and Knowledge of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”( II Peter 3:18) This Year !

HALLETA HEINRICH Director of Family Ministries

At the Rally Day and Ministry Fair Sunday, September 8 10 am – 2pm On the Church Lawns Christ Church will be hosting a carnival of fun, fellowship and many education-

al and ministry opportunities on our church lawns Sunday, September 8 after the 9 am service through the time following the 11 am service. The theme of Growth, Grace, and Knowledge of Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior as written by Peter in II Peter 3:18 will be our guiding scripture for the year as we learn together and reach out to each other, our community and the world. All educational, service, outreach, and mission ministries

will be represented at this Rally Day and Ministry Fair event. Parishioners will have an opportunity to meet leaders in these ministries, learn more about them, and sign up to be part of them. Some ministries will present the chance to just “Try It!” for a short trial time in a ministry under the direction of an experienced leader. Fun for all ages will be a huge part of the day also with carnival food served and lots of activities for children and youth. Hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy and snow cones are just some of the carnival food treats that will be served. Daisy B the Clown and balloon artist is going to be here to delight children of all ages as well as a few other surprises. Face painting, crafts and games with prizes will keep children and teens busy. Thanks go in advance to Julie Zacher, chairperson of Rally Day Ministry Fair, and a Leadership Team made up of Rick Foster, Sally Watson, Jane Monroe, Laura Nell Burton, Ferne Burney, Jennifer Rose, Sarah Wymer, Catherine Markette, and Gretchen Duggan. The team will be calling for many to help, so say yes ! The more involved, the better the event.

VBS Athens Photo Album


Family Ministry... Fall Sunday School Children’s Fall Sunday School Begins Sunday , September 15 at 10 AM in the Family Ministry Center

“Hands On Bible” First and Second Grade Sunday School Room 208 in the FMC

We are excited to begin Sunday School this Fall with great leaders and great learning from “Hand’s On Bible” Group Curriculum for our preschoolers through second graders and Workshop Rotation Model Sunday School for our third through fifth graders.

Our first and second graders will really get in the action as they get their hands on the Bible each Sunday reinforced by highly energetic games and activities that build their understanding of each week’s teaching. Kids and teachers alike will realize that Bible learning can be meaningful and FUN. Leading this teaching team will be Catherine Markette.

“Hands on Bible” Preschool Sunday School Rooms 205 and 206 in the FMC “Pockets the Puppet” and a great team of teachers will help our 3 year old through kindergarteners get their hands on the Bible accompanied by many fun games, crafts, snacks, and activities that reinforce Bible learning each Sunday Preschool Units of Study for the year will include: Unit One: Creation – God Made Us All (Genesis) Unit Two: Noah and Abraham – God Keeps His Promises and Wants Us to Trust Him (Genesis) Unit Three: Advent – Jesus Came to Save Us and Was Born in Bethlehem (Isaiah, Luke, Matthew and John) Unit Four: Epiphany – Jesus Did What Was Right and Pleased God (Luke and Matthew) Unit Five: Lent – Jesus Is with Us All the Time and Came to Save Us (Matthew and John) Unit Six: Easter – Jesus Came Back to Life (Matthew, Luke, and John) Unit Seven: Pentecost – God Calls Us to Follow Him (Acts)

The Children’s Communion Preparation Class will begin in February for first and second graders utilizing our beautiful Catechesis of the Good Shepherd materials. Children who completed the class last year will have the choice of serving as Mentors in the Communion Class or joining third graders during Communion Class time. First and Second Grade Fall and Early Winter Units of Study Will Include: Unit One: God Creates the World- (Genesis) Unit Two: Noah and Abraham - God Keeps His Promises and Wants Us to Trust Him (Genesis) Unit Three: Advent – Jesus’ Birth Is Good News (Matthew and Luke) Unit Four: Epiphany – Jesus Is the Greatest Gift of All (Matthew, Luke, and John) “Village of God’s Children” Workshop Rotation Model Sunday School For Third – Fifth Graders In FMC Gathering Room 303 and Art, Drama, Kitchen, Movie, and Games Workshops

The Village of God’s Children Workshop Rotation Sunday School enables our oldest children to receive solid Bible teaching each week supported by a variety of creative activities which reinforce learning. A team of consistent teachers will be present each week led by class coordinator Julie Zacher and Bible teacher Stephen Archer. A rotating team of creative “experts” will contribute their gifts as they lead workshops in Art, Drama, Games, Music, Cooking, and Movies that enrich each unit of study. Village of God’s Children Workshop Rotation Units Will Include: Unit One: All About the Bible – An Introduction to Independent Use of the Bible For Our Kids Unit Two: All Saints Unit – How to Live A Saintly Life Based in the “Shema” and the Beatitudes (Deuteronomy and Matthew) Unit Three: Advent Unit – Good News (The Gospels) Unit Four: Epiphany Unit – John the Baptist and the Baptism of Jesus (The Gospels) Unit Five: Lent One Unit - The Sacrament of Baptism (The Book of Common Prayer and the Gospels) Unit Six: Lent Two Unit – The Life of Moses and How His Life Pointed the Way to Jesus ( Exodus) *This unit will be offered in preparation for the tentative Children’s Choir’s Spring Musical based on life of Moses Unit Seven: Easter and Pentecost Unit – We Are the Body of Christ – What the Church Is Intended to Be Through the Power of the Risen Christ ( Gospels, Acts, and Paul’s Epistles)


Family Ministry... Grace Based Parenting Sunday School Class For Parents and Grandparents of All Age Children Sundays September 15 – November 17 10 – 10:50 AM in the FMC Movie Theater Room 302 “Grace Based Parenting” by Dr. Kimmel presents a philosophy of parenting that can be of great help for parents and grandparents of children of all ages. Halleta Heinrich, Amy and Chad Case, and Nancy and Mark Wright will facilitate this 10 session video and discussion series beginning Sunday, September 15 at 10:00 AM in the FMC Movie Theater Room 302. “Grace Based Parenting” is based on the Gold Medallion Book Award winning book by Dr. Tim Kimmel. Dr. Kimmel teaches that we as parents must love our children in the way God loves us through Grace - that unconditional love we can only give with the help of God. Dr. Kimmel also believes that in order for us as parents to be able to base our parenting in Grace, we need to accept that God Our Father loves us with that same Grace based unconditional love. Tim Kimmel and his wife Darcy are founders of “Family Matters,” committed to equipping families for every age and stage of life. Tim is one of America’s top advocates speaking for the family today. He is the writer of

best sellers including “Little House on the Freeway”, “Raising Kids Who Turn Out Right”, “Grace Based Parenting” and many others.

Class Sessions Follow:

The course is based in the discovery that every child’s three driving inner needs are :

Session 2: Why Well-Meaning Parents Fall Short

Session 1: The Big Picture of Grace Based Parenting

Session 3: The Truth Behind Grace 1. A need for security: Based in LOVE Session 4: A Secure Love 2. A need for significance: Based in PURPOSE

Session 5: A Significant Purpose

3. A need for strength: Based in HOPE

Session 6: A Strong Hope

As a parent of adult children and a one year old grandson, I know that this course in Christian parenting will be helpful to me, so I know it will have positive influence on parents of children of all ages from infants to teens and adults, and grandparents, too. There will be time for discussion, community building and support in each class. Amy and Chad Case, Nancy and Mark Wright, and I look forward to being with you as we all learn together to accept God’s gracious love so we can begin to love our children with Grace that only He can equip us to give. This course will be really good, so please invite friends to come along with you!

Session 7: The Freedom To Be Different

Love In Christ,

Session 8: The Freedom To Be Vulnerable Session 9: The Freedom To Be Candid Session 10: The Freedom To Make Mistakes A “Grace Based Parenting” Participants Workbook will be available for an offering of $10 per family as well as the book by Dr. Kimmel “Grace Based Parenting” for an additional $10 if desired. Please RSVP to Halleta at or 736-3132 if you plan to attend the class. Book orders need to be placed by Tuesday, September 3.


Junior Daughters of the King Junior Daughters of the King is a prayer and service organization for young girls 8-18 years of age. All young girls of Christ Church and friends are welcome to join. We typically meet the third Sunday of the month in the admin building on campus or at a host home. Check the schedule to be sure. Co-Directresses Tina Bigley and Elizabeth Martinez. Junior Daughter Fall Events: September 21, 3 pm – September 22, 10 am – Junior Daughter Overnighter in FMC Building. Welcome new members, play games, worship and candle light service. October 20, 11 am – Hand made Birthday Cards for Respite Care of San Antonio November 17, 11 am – Thanksgiving Flowers for Chandler House Residents December 30, 2 pm – Christmas Caroling & Cookies to Fire House and Chandler House Residents


Family Ministry... Let God’s Grace take Root in your life Wednesday Nights this Fall Coming This Fall On Wednesday Nights…

Gospel In Life eight sessions follow:

Gospel In Life - Grace Changes Everything A Series By Tim Keller, Founder of Redeemer Church in New York City

Session 1: City: The World That Is

October 2 – November 20 in the Parish Hall

Session 3: Idolatry: The Sin Beneath the Sin

New York Presbyterian Pastor Tim Keller, the most celebrated preacher in America today states, “…as we learn to reach out into the city where we live, we learn to reach back into ourselves.” On Wednesday nights this fall, we will experience a compelling video study and discussion series led by Tim Keller himself. He will lead us to undertake a new vision of our city of San Antonio and the Gospel life that can be shared there. While we learn ways to root the Good News of Christ in our city, we will also learn how Christ will root himself more strongly in each one of us.

Session 4: Community: The Context for Change

This eight week session will begin on Wednesday, October 2 and end Wednesday, November 20. A delicious supper will be served from 5:15 – 6:00 PM. The program will begin at 6:05 and end promptly at 7 PM. Nursery and Children’s programs will be held during the adult program in the Family Ministry Center from 5 – 7:15 for infants through younger 3 year olds in nurseries 104, 105, and 106. The children’s program will be held from 6:00 – 7:00 pm in the second floor Children’s Chapel and rooms 205 and 206.

Session 2: Heart: Three Ways to Live

Session Five: Witness: An Alternate City Session Six: Work: Cultivating the Garden Session 7: Justice: A People for Others Session 8: Eternity: The World That Is To Come Workbooks will be ordered for each participant, so registration is a must. Contact Anna Jewel Executive Assistant to the Rector if you are planning to come - or 7363132. Book orders are due by September 17. An offering of $10 to cover the cost of your book is appreciated. You may send a check to the church in care of Anna Jewell, Christ Episcopal Church, 510 Belknap Place, San Antonio, Texas, 78232 or pay when you come to the first session. This course will count as our fall Christ Church 2.0 !

“Kids in Christ” Wednesday Night Children’s Event “Kids In Christ” Wednesday Night Children’s Event October 2 – November 20 6 – 7 PM n the FMC Second Floor Children’s Chapel and Rooms 205 and 206 Come for Friendships in Christ With Art, Games, and Movies and Even Study Hall! Children ages 3 through fifth grade are invited to be part of “Kids In Christ” our Wednesday evening children’s program October 2 through November 20 from 6 – 7 PM in the second floor FMC Children’s Chapel and rooms 205 and 206. “Kids in Christ” will coincide with the adult Wednesday evening

offering “Gospel In Life”. “Kids in Christ” will include Art and Games Centers, and Movie Time, as well as a supervised quiet Study Hall for those who have homework. Children will be accompanied by staff members to the FMC after Family Dinner at 6 PM and should be picked up by parents on the second floor of the FMC at the conclusion of the adult program. Nursery care will be provided in FMC nurseries 104, 105, and 106 from 5 – 7 PM for infants through young three year olds. Finger foods should be brought for nursery children not eating with parents.


Late Pentecost 2013: To Be a Disciple Christ Church Bible Study & Preaching Series


esus did not recruit “members” to join his movement; rather, he called disciples. While we toss out the term “membership” when we speak of the Church, we are in error. Christ still calls only disciples that are to be trained and honed for service in God’s New Kingdom. Don’t be misled, the challenges of personal discipleship are formidable. Discipleship is no cakewalk. Yet those who heed Jesus’ call undertake a life’s journey like no other. Jesus said it this way, ‘If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples’ (John 15:7-8). Sunday, September 8

Proper 18

Luke 14:25-33

…we must finish what we start

Sunday, September 15

Proper 19

Luke 15:1-10

…we must change course

Sunday, September 22

Proper 20

Luke 16:1-13

…we must be faithful

Sunday, September 29

Proper 21

Luke 16:19-31

…we must know the Scripture

Sunday, October 6

Proper 22

Luke 17:5-10

…we must go beyond the expected

Sunday, October 13

Proper 23

Luke 17:11-19

…we must offer our gratitude

Sunday, October 20

Proper 24

Luke 18:1-8

…we must have faith

Sunday, October 27

Proper 25

Luke 18:9-14

…we must become humble

Sunday, November 3 Sunday, November 10

All Saints’

Luke 6:20-31

…we must love the unlovable

Proper 27

Luke 20:27-38

…we must look to the resurrection

Sunday, November 17

Proper 28

Luke 21:5-19

…we must endure

Sunday, November 24


Matthew 6:25-33

...we must strive for the Kingdom

“Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”


dult Christian Formation is about equipping our parish members to know what being a Christian is all about: knowing what to believe, and knowing what to do about it. This past year, we presented classes on a wide range of topics including the Baptismal Covenant, the School of Prayer, Stability in an un-Stable World, and through the summer our book study of “Searching Issues.”

vides for use across our parish. The study outline will be the same one used at others times and places through the week, but we are offering a Sunday morning opportunity (at 10am) because so many are unable to be part of weekday study.

Our theme at Christ Church in the year ahead is “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18). Sunday morning class offerings for adults will offer choice and variety supporting the theme. New in the year ahead will be a Sunday morning Bible study based on the weekly study that our Rector pro-

In addition to this allyear Sunday-by-Sunday study, we will offer a class (also at 10am) based on readings from sources old and new found in an anthology titled “Devotional Classics” (part of the Ren-


ovaré series). The Devotional Classics series will allow you to grow in knowledge using (as Jesus suggests in Matthew 13:52) “what is old and what is new.” Each week, one of seven fundamental aspects of the life of all Christians will be featured (for example, Prayer-filled Life, Spirit-Empowered Life, or Sacramental Life). The “old and new” part will be made available by brief readings from ancient and modern Christian writers. The readings are brief, and each week discussion and conversation in the class will be drawn from the content of the readings. This is not heavy duty or demanding reading; rather it is a week by week series of short readings designed to help you think in new ways continued on the next page...

Our Church Life... ...Adult Ed continued about things you are probably already doing. It is a tool to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. The authors include: C.S. Lewis, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Merton, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Teresa of Avila, George Fox, John Wesley, Francis of Assisi, Charles Spurgeon, and G. K. Chesterton to name but a few! During the weeks of Lent, we will continue our theme of “growing in grace and knowledge” of Christian life through a series of week by week presentations by the Bishops of our Diocese, including Bishop Lillibridge, on the subject “What Easter means to me.” These personal testimonies of our Bishops will help every member of Christ Church approach Easter with new understanding and joy. The teaching from our own local Apostles will be a highlight of the year (Sunday mornings in Lent, at 10am). Our plans for the weeks after Easter and the summer at still in formation, and we will announce those courses by mid-year. Visit the Adult Formation table at Rally Day for more information on any of these courses, and be sure to let us know what you would like to see offered as well!

Add a bit of drama to your life...


riends of the Groom, the finest Christian Drama troupe in America, will be with us at Christ Church from Friday, September 27 through Sunday, September 29. The Harry J. Parker Memorial Fund is sponsoring this engaging, highly participatory ministry experience. It is not an exaggeration to say that Friends of the Groom will offer something for everyone in our parish during that weekend: Friday, Sept 27, 6 PM: Dinner Theatre featuring a scrumptious meal and a Christian Crime Noir Comedy (Date Night!) Programs for the children will be offered. Saturday, Sept 28, 9 AM – 12 PM: Intergenerational Christian drama workshop. This will be ideal for parents or grandparents with children, individual adults and teens. Saturday, Sept 28, 12 – 3 PM: Special workshop for teens and adults who wish to perform in the Sunday morning drama presentations. Sunday, Sept 29, 10 AM: Enjoy breakfast with Friends of the Groom along with some powerful presentations and instruction. Sunday, Sept 29, All Services: Friends of the Groom will offer the most dramatic, animated sermons you can imagine. Great fun with a powerful message! Make plans to join us for this inspiring experience. Who knows, this may be part of your dramatic turnaround! Cindy Huey will serve as chair of this fun and challenging weekend.

Join Your Friends for “Girls Morning Out” on Thursdays this Fall Starting Thursday, October 3rd and continuing through November 14th, the Women’s Bible Study of Christ Church will meet for friendship, fun and a deeper understanding of the Bible. Based on the Lectionary lesson appointed for the Sundays of the Fall series, each session is composed of small group discussions and a talk by our rector Patrick Gahan. Through this process we not only gain a deeper understanding of scripture, we also form new friendships and strengthen the ones we already have. And we laugh, and we learn, and we listen, and we become more aware of the teachings of Holy Writ through our experience every Thursday with other people, both those

we have recently come to know and those whom we have known for years. Come join us – whether you’re an old hand or a novice, something insightful and stimulating is available for you! Thursdays October 3rd - November 14th Coffee and cookies 9:45-10:00 AM in the foyer of the Parish Hall Small groups meet in classrooms 10:00-10:50 AM Re-group in the Parish Hall with Patrick 11:00-11:30 AM Bring a Bible of your choosing each week Deadline for registering is September 10th, and can be done by: - mailing the registration card to Christ Episcopal Church, 510 Belknap Place, San Antonio, TX 78212 - going online at and signing up on the church’s website Any questions? Call Winifred Cocke (824-4340) or Mary Ellen Archer (213-2296).


Our Church Life... Adult Confirmation: Fully Embracing the Christian Journey At some point, each one of us must decide whether to get serious about our lifelong journey with Christ and the faith community to which he called us or just glibly step off that path to undertake a life centered mostly on ourselves. To that end, the sacrament of Confirmation is not so much a teenage rite of passage, as we have often considered it, but it is a very serious adult rite. Thus the Church defines Confirmation as – The point in the Christian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you have been baptized and your intention to live a life of committed discipleship. This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming bishop. The Church also asks God to give you power through the Holy Spirit to enable you to live in the way of Jesus. Beginning on Sunday, September 15, Scott, Brien, and Patrick will offer comprehensive Adult Confirmation instruction. During the eight classes, we will examine the History of the Episcopal Church, how it was founded to be both Catholic and Reformed, and how our church struggled to survive after the Revolutionary War. We will take stock of our ancient Worship, how Queen Elizabeth I undertook to protect it and maintain its balance of Word and Sacrament. We will note

the centrality of the Bible in our tradition and its vision of transformation for our world and us. We will delve into the Theology of the Church to see that it is not stuffy and inaccessible, but rather depicts avenues to encounter the living God. We will note the Ministry and Organization of our denomination to discover it does not have a “top down” structure, but a highly participatory and lay-oriented one. As you can see, this will be both an educational and fulfilling venture. Many of you in the Christ Church community have already been Confirmed as teens or young adults. This may be a good time to renew your commitment to Christ and undergo a Reaffirmation of your earlier vows. Some have been Confirmed in another Christian tradition, but now desire to be Received into the Episcopal Church. A few of you have been Confirmed in the Episcopal Church but your spouse has not. In that case, one can prepare for Confirmation and the other for Reaffirmation and receive the blessings while kneeling side-by-side at the altar rail of Christ Church. The Confirmation celebration will be held on Sunday, December 1 at 11 AM, with Bishop Frey presiding. If you would like to take part in this adventure with us, please contact Anna Jewell at or phone her at 210-736-3132.

The Four Primary Ways God Heals On Saturday, September 21, 2013, the Reverend Jack and Anna Marie Sheffield, will be with us at Christ Church to lead a day of understanding The Four Primary Ways God Heals. The day will include an introduction to the basics of Christian Healing, the practice of Inner Healing and learning to intercede for our spouses, children, and friends. We will begin at 9:00 AM and conclude at 3:00 PM. Lunch will be provided for $5.00 donation. Jack will present 1. The Basics of Christian Healing 2. The Four Primary Ways God Heals Anna Marie will talk and conduct an exercise in 3. Inner Healing and Freedom from Emotional Pain 4. Inner Healing Exercise


The Rev. Dr. Jack and Anna Marie Sheffield both experienced a life-changing rebirth into Christ Jesus and His kingdom, and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit in 1973. Together, they have served in ministry for over 30 years, and continue to witness many healings and miracles of God’s grace and power in a variety of forms and manifestations. Jack answered the call to ordained ministry in 1978. He graduated from Southern Methodist University’s Perkins School of Theology, with a Master’s degree in Theology. In 1991, he received further training at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, in Austin, Texas. He was ordained an Episcopal deacon in 1992 and a priest in 1993. Jack earned his Doctorate in Ministry from the Seabury Institute in Chicago, Illinois in June of 2001. In 2004, seeing the need for a safe place that would provide more in depth prayer ministry, Jack and Anna Marie helped to establish Christ Healing Center in San Antonio.

CEC member Steele Sessions, along with family and friends, worked on his Eagle Scout project at one of Respite Care’s houses on Craig St. The boy scout and his peers cleaned up the yard, smoothed out and leveled the ground and laid a new artificial surface in preparation for a playground structure.

Extreme Bedroom Makeover for Respire Care of San Antonio by Nancy Lee Archer


have had the great privilege of growing up with loving parents who care a great deal for me. For many years, I had thought that this was the case for everyone, but I have found this to be false. Recently I have been awakened to the fact that many children, even disabled children, in our community and nationwide are abused and neglected by their parents. There is a need to provide immediate care and shelter for these children once they are removed from their abusive homes, and an even greater need for increased participation in fostering these children long term.

gives the parents time to let go of the stress of caring for these precious children. The Emergency Shelter at Respite Care of San Antonio cares for disabled children and their siblings, who have been victims of abuse or neglect until they are placed in appropriate foster care, or adoption. It breaks my heart to know that these children haven’t had the same love and care that I have experienced, so I decided to make an immediate impact in these children’s lives by performing my Girl Scout Gold Award1 at their facility

Over the last several years I have spent meaningful time serving my church at Vacation Bible School and other events mid week with my mom. At these times I have seen some of the children from Respite Care of San Antonio in their daycare program located at my church, Christ Episcopal Church. Respite Care of San Antonio was founded 27 years ago to give parents of children with disabilities “time off”. It was intended for scheduled respite help, but over the years has expanded into an emergency shelter for children with disabilities and complex medical conditions. Respite Care is fortunate to have onsite wellness services because of a grant from Methodist Healthcare Ministries to El Centro del Barrio/ CentroMed, which pays for licensed medical personnel to give the needed services to the children of Respite Care. Respite Care is the only licensed emergency shelter in Texas to provide medical care on site. Their goal is “to strengthen and stabilize families, prevent possible child abuse, and prevent or delay institutionalization of the child with special needs” (Respite Care Fact Sheet). Respite Care provides a Monday-Saturday daycare program at Christ Church for disabled children of loving parents and foster parents who need out of the home care for their disabled child, as well as parent’s night out programs. This type of care can be seen as a prevention of child abuse and neglect of these children because it

for the children removed from abusive homes. For my project, I did an Extreme Bedroom Makeover at one of the houses that Respite Care owns on W. Craig Place. The room I redid was incredibly boring before I did the makeover. It was painted a creamy white with plain navy blue bedspreads, while the other two bedrooms on this floor already have themes. One is a beach scene, and the other is a roller coaster adventure. I had to do something about this boring room, so I got two of my friends, Rachel Vaughan and McLean Carrington, and my sister, Mary Corinne Archer, to come and help me transform this room. The theme for this room is sports. The four of us painted the room a baby blue color to brighten up the room and McLean painted footballs, soccer balls,


Girl Scout Gold Award: The highest achievement in Girl Scouting

basketball nets, baseballs, baseball bats, mitts, and tennis rackets on the walls. With the children’s help, we put orange bedspreads, sheets, green bed skirts, and pillows on the beds. We also filled the bathroom with colorful towels and rugs to match the colors we used in the designs on the walls and a shower curtain with footballs, baseballs, and basketballs. The next part of my project addresses the need for foster parents and resources for them. The abused children can’t live at Respite Care forever; they need foster parents. Foster Care is taking in children on a temporary basis until a permanent living situation is found, but it can become permanent if the foster parent adopts the child. Taking in disabled children can be a frightening and exhausting situation, but what most people don’t realize is that there are other organizations similar to Respite Care that are equipped to support parents and foster parents of disabled children. Some of these organizations include Easter Seals, Respite Care of San Antonio, Any Baby Can, and From the very first moment I thought of this project, I have been extremely excited to get started and help these children. One of the most rewarding parts of this project was hearing conversations of the children who are living in the bedroom we painted. You could hear them laughing and talking a mile a minute. The one comment that really touched my heart was hearing one of the little boys say, “They are painting my room!” Nothing brings me more joy than to know that I made a little kid happy. My continuing goal for this project is to make resources of respite opportunities for foster families more readily available and accessible. Awareness of this issue can only help to increase support for these organizations and more importantly these beautiful children. Please check out my blog at www.respite4fosterfamilies.wordpress. com and pass it along to your sphere of influence to aid in increased awareness of caring for abused and neglected disabled children.


Outreach... Christ Church is Reaching Out to the Neighbors and Beyond

Christ Church is helping to build a house in Lockhart TX as part of a diocese-wide initiative. The build is on going on the weekends through October. Contact Paul Curl to get involved (210) 2262182 ext. 102 or

The Great Commision Planned Giving

The year was 1976. I had been a Methodist all my life, but I became disenchanted and lonely.

Back to School Time for Our Friends at James Madison Elementary Christ Church will continue and increase its commitment to sponsoring James Madison Elementary this year. We have started them off with some shool supplies and will increase our weekly tutoring and choir involvement for the whole school year. Below are notes from the counselor and students who recieved bicyles for perfect attendance at the end of the year. Dear Christ Church Parishioners, I would like thank you for supporting students of James Madison Elementary. The “Medal to the the Pedal� Attendance Program was a great success. Our students, parents and staff were excited about the event. We achieved our attendance goal of 96% for the school year and were thrilled to award 89 bicycles, helmets and medals to our deserving perfect attendance students. Your generous donation allowed this event to be a success. We look forward to an ongoing partnership. Again, thank you for your support. Grace Roy, Counselor


That was when Doris and Paul Walthall invited me to attend Christ Church with them. It only took a few weeks until I knew it was a church I would never leave. I was immediately placed in a dynamic prayer group. It consisted of Jean Cawthorn, Baker and Sally Duncan, Betty and Billy Chumney, Betse and Bill Rockwood and Mary and Harry Parker. This group was a treasure in my life. Since I joined Christ Church I have enjoyed John McNaughton, then Ted Schroder, Bishop Frey and now Patrick Gahan. Each of these beloved Pastors is my permanent friend in Christ. May I suggest that you remember Christ Church in your will as I have done? Even though it might be a small amount, every gift is precious in the continuation of the ministries of the church. Just remember the Biblical story of the widow and the mite.

Teresa Wilson

OF EVENTS Christ Church Staff: August 25:

Blessing of the Back Packs at 9 AM & 11 AM Youth “Off Site Sunday School” at San Jose Mission No Sunday School for adults or children

The Rev. Patrick Gahan, Rector

September 1:

No Sunday School Christ Church 1.0 at the Gahan’s home. RSVP to Anna Jewell

The Rev. Scott Kitayama, Associate Rector, The Rev. Brien Koehler, Associate Rector for Mission and Formation,

September 2: LABOR DAY - Church Offices Closed September 4: Children’s Choirs begin 4:15 - 5:15 PM September 8: Rally Day & Ministry Fair Carnival 10 AM to 2 PM on the Church Lawn (No Sunday School)

September 9: Chapel Boy Choir begins 4:15 PM. Contact Owen Duggan for more information

Carol Miller, Pastoral Care Administrator, Halleta Heinrich, Director of Family Ministry,

September 13 – 15: Family Camp at Laity Lodge “Hidden Waters” Family Camp

Clark Niles, Director of Youth Ministry

September 15: Fall Sunday School begins for adults and students Adult Confirmation Classes begin (eight week course)

Dr. Owen Duggan, Music Minister

September 21: Prayer Seminar presented by Ann Marie and Jack Sheffield

Joshua Benninger, Organist

September 21 - 22: Junior Daughters of the King Overnighter in the FMC September 27 – 29: “Friends of the Groom” Drama Weekend sponsored by the Harry Parker Healing Mission September 29: 3:00 PM Concert - Camerata San Antonio October 2:

Wednesday Evening Program “Gospel In Life” begins

October 3:

Women’s Bible Study begins 9:45 AM

October 6:

Commission of New Community of Hope Members at 11:00 AM Christ Church 1.0 at the Gahan’s home. RSVP to Anna Jewell

October 20:

JDOK Birthday Cards for Respite Care 11:00 AM

October 27:

Children’s All Saints Celebration

October 31:

Trunk or Treat 5:30 PM

November 3:

3:00 PM Concert - Camerata San Antonio 6:00 PM All Saints Evensong and Eucharist Chapel Boy Choir

Ruth Berg, Director of Children’s Music,

Christ Church Support Staff: Robert Hanley, Parish Administrator Darla Nelson, Office Manager Donna Shreve, Financial Manager Gretchen Comuzzi Duggan, Director of Communications, Anna Jewell, Executive Assistant to the Rector,

November 12: “Coping with Grief During the Holidays Class” 12:30 - 2:00 PM for more information contact Carol Miller November 17: JDOK take Thanksgiving Flowers to Chandler House residents

Birthday Bash on Belknap celebrating the 100th bithday of our sanctuary info coming soon...

Donnis Carpenter, Receptionist Elizabeth Martinez, Kitchen Manager Robert Vallejo, Facilities Manager Rudy Segovia, Hospitality Manager Joe Garcia, Sexton


Patricia McAlpin prays with Claire Kardys during VBS Athens, June 2013

The Message (USPS 471-710) is published bi-monthly by Christ Episcopal Church, 510 Belknap Place, San Antonio, TX 78212. Periodical postage paid in San Antonio, TX. Postmaster: Please send address changes to Christ Episcopal Church, 510 Belknap Place, San Antonio, TX 78212. Volume 15, Number 4.

Periodical Postage PAID San Antonio, TX Christ Episcopal Church 510 Belknap Place San Antonio, TX 78212

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