September 14, 2010 • Volume 12, Number 5
Adult Education Fall Program, 2-3 Children’s Ministry Special Events, 6-7 Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study, 9 The Purpose of Ministry, a personal story, 10-11
eDuCAtIoN In this issue: Adult Education..................2-3 Student Ministry.................... 3 Children’s Ministry Sunday School....................4-5 Children’s Ministry Special Events.....................6-7 Pastoral Care......................... 7 Hearts & Hands..................... 8 Women’s Bible Study............ 9 Music Ministry.....................10 Purpose of Ministry....... 10-11 Calendar of Events.............12
Peculiar to Luke T his fall we will be combin-
ing our three adult Sunday school classes into one large class in the Parish Hall. The study will be on those stories only found in the Gospel of Luke and in none of the other three gospels. The class will be taught by Bishop Bill Frey, except for three Sundays when he needs to attend to duties in the Diocese of the Rio Grande. Please come to learn more about our faith and to walk more deeply as a disciple of Jesus Christ. We will still have breakfast available and time for fellowship directly before the teaching. Teaching will take place from 9:1510:00 AM.
Sept. 19: Luke, “beloved physician,” An overview - John Barrett Sept. 26: Luke John Barrett Asst. Rector in relation to the other Gospels - Scott Kitayama Oct. 3: The Oral Tradition, 1:1-4, Did he get it right? - Bill Frey Oct. 10: The beginnings, 1:556, John and Jesus - Bill Frey Oct. 17: Birth of John, 1:5780, Prepare the way of the Lord - Scott Rose Oct. 24: Christmas in October, 2:1-52, Mistaken myth? - Bill Frey Oct. 31: The Baptizer, 3:1-6, 10-14, 18-20 - Bill Frey Nov. 7: Rejection, Commission, Mighty Works, 4:16-30, 5:1-11 - Bill Frey Nov. 14: Setting the Prisoners Free, 7:11-17, 36-50, 8:1-3 - Bill Frey
Cover photo by Susanna Kitayama, Children’s Sunday School, September 5, 2010.
Continued on page 3.
Christ Episcopal Church 510 Belknap Place San Antonio, TX 78212
210-736-3132 office 210-733-1423 fax
Nov. 21: On the job training, Prayer, 9:51-56, 10:1, 17-42, 11:1-8, 53-54 - Bill Frey Nov. 28: Conflict and warnings, 12:1, 13-21, 13:1-17, 31-33, 14:1-14 - Bill Frey Dec. 5: Cost of discipleship, Parables of the lost, 14:2833, 15:1-32 - Bill Frey Dec. 12: Responsibility, 16:112, 14-15, 19-31, 17:7-21 - Bill Frey Dec. 19: Never give up, Self-righteousness, Let’s do lunch, 18:1-14,19:1-27 - Bill Frey
Carriage House T his fall Sunday school
classes for junior and senior high students will continue in the Carriage House. All of the students will gather at 9:00 AM for fellowship and a light breakfast in the downstairs room. At 9:15 the program will begin with music and announcements. Dennis Eberhardt will be leading the 6th-8th graders with teaching upstairs on the Bible study “Everything you need to know to be a Godly Teenager,” geared for the transition from pre- to teen. Tina Bigley and Father Scott Kitayama will teach the 9th12th graders downstairs, studying the Nooma® videos. Priority during the course of the semester is our search for a new youth minister.
Confirmation C onfirmation will begin
Saturday, Oct. 23, with a day retreat. The first class will be on Sunday morning the 24th, continuing until Confirmation Sunday, February 13. To sign up for the class, contact Craig Wilson at 826-5051 or at Confirmation is open to eighth graders and also to high school students who may have missed it. The program at Christ Church is very strong, with solid Bible teaching and application to faith and practice. The class probes what it means to be confirmed in one’s faith and encourages the youth to draw on their faith when facing trials. The class is led by adults who are committed to bringing our youth along in knowing and following Christ Jesus.
W e want to thank Richard Peacock and Me-
gan Gensch, with her husband Daniel, for leading the youth program so effectively the past months and with genuine care for the youth. They will be greatly missed for the way they brought the gospel alive in the lives of the youth. It needs to be mentioned that Richard spearheaded the renovation of the Carriage House last year with the help of several donors. The entire interior is a beautiful place indeed. We are blessed to be gathering, worshipping, and teaching in this space. Photo submitted by Megan Gensch, Youth Mission Trip to Chiapas, Mexico, July 2010.
Our Sunday School Programs O ur regular
fall Sunday school program, made up of Good Shepherd Sunday School for Halleta Heinrich preschoolers Director of through 2nd Children’s graders and Ministry halletah@ the Village of God’s Children for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders, will begin Sunday, September 19, at 9:15 AM in the Family Ministry Center. Locations for classes are rooms 201 and 204 for preschool 3 year olds through kindergarteners, room 208 for first and second graders, and rooms 301, 302, and 303 for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. (See FMC bulletin boards in Tomlin Room on first floor and 3rd floor for grade rotations.) Children’s Chapel will be held for 3 year olds through 5th graders in the FMC second floor Children’s Chapel from 10:15–10:45 AM each Sunday. Preschoolers will break from chapel on most Sundays for Cherub Choir led by Annalisa Mendiola. All chapel children will join parents in church for Holy Communion at announcement time.
Good Shepherd Sunday School Level I: Preschool 3 Year Olds - Kindergarten Good Shepherd Preschool Sunday School Level I is the best preschool Christian formation program available. It is Christ centered, Bible centered, and developmentally appropriate. It has the added plus of including lessons that tie the Bible to the Anglican traditions of liturgy and the sacraments. This method respects the spirituality of each child, giving them choices within loving boundaries to select, which reinforce Bible lessons. The cornerstone of this preschool program is the Par-
Sunday school photo by Todd Heinrich.
able of the Good Shepherd. Children learn that Jesus is their Good Shepherd and loves them unconditionally. This foundation of sure love prepares them for the next level of learning in the Level II Atrium classroom. Please visit our beautiful preschool Atriums any Sunday and see this loving Sunday school program in action. Carmen Lewenthal, Rebecca Facile, and Halleta Heinrich are currently lead teachers in the Level I Atrium. Good Shepherd Sunday School Level II - 1st and 2nd Grades Level II Good Shepherd Sunday School is offered for
first and second graders. The cornerstone of this level is the Parable of the True Vine. Children learn through various Bible teachings that Jesus is the true vine and they are the branches. They learn that only through abiding in Christ will they have a true and abundant life. They also come to realize that they are part of a Christian community and work together in community with many hands-on Bible centered materials. Cynthia Franklin is the lead teacher in the Level II Atrium and represents Good Shepherd Sunday School on the Children’s Ministry Leadership Team. Click Here! See the Christ Church website for details of Bible lessons and other lessons taught in Level I and II Atriums. The Village of God’s Children Sunday School – 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades Our third, fourth, and fifth graders are part of our Village of God’s Children Sunday School program. The main goals of the village are that each child learn to love God’s Holy Word, become familiar and comfortable with the Bible, and learn to apply its teachings to their lives.
Leaders of the village are excited about offering a Bible study on the Gospel of John to the children this year. What greater gift could be given to our oldest children than to have them complete the reading and inward digesting of this beautiful Gospel? Lessons will be spiced up with fun and creative activities, including drama, art, field trips, and outreach and mission projects that relate to the study of John. Mary Ellen and Stephen Archer are lead teachers in the village. Mary Ellen represents the Village Sunday School on the Children’s Ministry Leadership Team. Click Here! See Christ Church website for details of the Bible study beginning September 19th.
Sunday school photo by Susanna Kitayama.
Special Events - Celebrating Jesus All Year Long W e love to celebrate the life of Jesus all year long by sponsoring special events for children and families that go along with the seasons of the church year. These are special parties, programs, and projects in which our children and families can participate in honor of Jesus and all he’s given to us.
All Saints Celebration, Sunday, October 31 Children will be reminded of the real Christian meaning of Halloween—Evening of the Holy Ones or Saints—in Children’s Chapel. They will then be encouraged to spread this message of light, love, and hope to others this Halloween. Our Happy and Sad Jack-O-Lanterns will return to tell the story of life with Christ contrasted with life without Him. We will then celebrate all the saints in heaven and on earth with all saints treats in the Tomlin Room during part of the Sunday school hour. Children should wear their Halloween costumes to church this day to add to the celebration. Bright, positive costumes, please!
Children’s Christmas Pageant Song Practice begins in chapels and Sunday school classes in October—Can you believe it? We need to start early since the Christmas pageant is early, Sunday, Dec. 5. Our pageant will be a wonderful reminder of the real meaning of Christmas as we prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus during Advent. Make sure your children are in chapel and Sunday school every Sunday possible so they feel comfortable participating in this all Sunday school presentation.
Hanging of the Greens 2009 photo by Susanna Kitayama.
SAMM Shelter Christmas Gift Project Begins in November We will begin collecting Christmas gifts for courageous SAMM Shelter families who are transitioning to independent living in November. Each of our children’s Sunday school classes will sponsor families, learn about them, and pray for them during November and December. Our older children will host the SAMM Ministries Christmas Dinner at Christ Church in December where families will receive their gifts. Our prayer is that the gifts our Continued on page 7.
Coping With Grief children and their families shop for will be the most meaningful ones they give this Christmas. Hanging of the Greens, Sunday, November 28 All of our parish family is invited to stay after church this first Sunday of Advent in order to deck our halls— the Parish Hall. A light lunch will be served with Christmas cookies, cocoa, and cider. Christmas carols will be played. “Santa’s Favorite Story,” a new Christmas pageant to be added to our repertoire, will be presented by our children Sunday, Dec. 5, during the church service. Santa will tell the story of the first Christmas, his most favorite story and inspiration. Saint Nicholas himself may be here to tell us about his life and narrate our pageant. Our fifth graders will be starring as the nativity characters with support from other age levels playing: visiting woodland animals and manger animals, sheep, shepherds, Christmas angels and stars, and Santa’s helpers. This new pageant is based on the children’s classic “Santa’s Favorite Story” by author Hisako Aoki, illustrated by Ivan Gantschev, and published by Simon and Schuster.
Christ Episcopal Church Pastoral Care Ministry and Porter Loring Family Care Services will be sponsoring a very meaningful, two-hour program on “Coping With Grief During the Holidays.” Celeste Miller, Bereavement Associate with Porter Loring, will be leading our session. carol miller
Pastoral Care This is a very helpful presentation for those Administrator who have lost loved ones. If you have anyone that would benefit from this program, please share this information with them. We will begin at 12:30 PM in the conference room on November 16th.
In an article I received from Jo Winkowitsch, Sioux Falls, S.D. she said, “Grief is not an enemy or a sign of weakness. It is a sign of being human. Grief is the cost of loving someone.” If you need any information about the class, please call Carol Miller, at 736-1312. Prayer Requests Chuck Miller Scott Parker Sandy Duerr Mary Gail Campbell Rocky Walker Todd Heinrich Charlotte Hansen Bob Wallace Paul Adams Jo Ann Bowermaster Leita Carter Kim Yerly Lance Lewenthal
Joan Brown Georgia Henderson Dick Davis Evie Bartholomew Cindy Holliday Paul Kenyon Greg Waters Donny Duggan Diane Buffington Beverly Hilton Deaths in the Parish Family Elsie Strickland Melinda Walcher
earts & Hands
Calendar of Events Fall Fiesta Thursday, September 30 5:00-7:00 PM Tomatillos on Broadway $16 per person Luncheon October 14 Barbara Frey ~ speaker Parish Hall 12:00-1:30 PM Backyard Blessings Thursday, November 4 Ruth Berg’s house 205 Crescent Street 5:00-7:00 PM
L adies, Hearts and Hands invites women of all ages to our
annual Fall Fiesta. We will officially welcome the Freys, as well as honor the Barretts and the Kitayamas. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend this fun event on Thursday, September 30th, from 5:00-7:00 PM at Tomatillos on Broadway. For $16 per person, you will enjoy hearty appetizers, tea, and soft drinks. A cash bar will be available for all other purchases. This fun event is very casual, but reservations are requested. Please mail your check (payable to CEC, but marked for Hearts & Hands) to the church, attention Cherelle, or just drop the check off in the church office. We hope to see you there—come and bring a friend!
A s a special treat, Barbara Frey has graciously agreed to
be our guest speaker at a Hearts and Hands luncheon following the second Women’s Bible Study (see page 9) meeting on Thursday, October 14th. It will be held in the Parish Hall from approximately 12:00-1:30 PM. Liz and our Christ Church volunteers always prepare a delicious meal, and it is always a blessing to hear a lively, encouraging, and gifted speaker like Barbara. Again, all are invited, and you do not need to be registered in the Bible study to join us for the luncheon. Details to follow on price and reservations, so set aside the time on your calendar now!
Hearts & Hands Valentine’s Tea 2010 photo by Susanna Kitayama.
Remembering the Future A Study of John’s Gospel for the Women of Christ Church To register for the study, fill out the registraF riends, you won’t want to miss this fall’s tion form and either fax (733-1423), mail or email it to Cherelle at the church, cherellel@ (or put it in the offering plate). You may also email Betty Venson (413- 4575) at Winifred Cocke will also be happy to answer any questions. Her phone number is 824-4340. On the registration form, be sure to tell us if you need childcare which we are happy to provide. See you in October!
Bible Study led by Bishop Frey! The study will begin on Thursday, October 7, at 10:00 AM in the Parish Hall. The morning will begin with fellowship and refreshments, followed by small group discussion and prayer regarding the week’s reading assignment and close with Bishop Frey’s lively and stimulating lecture (ending promptly at 11:30). Whether you are a Bible study veteran or a brand new Christian, this study of John’s Gospel will change your life. Together, we will hear God’s voice whisper in our ear. Together we will celebrate our church’s legacy (over a hundred years old) while also remembering the glorious future that lies ahead.
“Remembering the Future” Women’s Bible Study Name: Address: Christ Episcopal Church 510 Belknap Place San Antonio, TX 78212
Preferred Phone Number: Email Address: I do need childcare:
Ages of children: Please return to Christ Church.
Music Ministry Opportunities C hrist Church has been blessed with over
100 years of wonderful choral and worship music. However, many of you may not realize that our varied program offers a rewarding volunteer ministry experience. Whether it is driving the children to Mastersingers rehearsals or singing in any of the numerous seasonal offerings, or simply attending and supporting, we strive to make music a joyful and rewarding extension of your worship and prayer life. Fellowship of an extraordinary kind often follows as life-long Christian friendships are struck-up among those involved as well.
Lessons and Carols, one of the city’s most beautiful and worshipful Christmas musical experiences, is an excellent opportunity for new choristers to participate. Rehearsals begin in November on Thursday eve- owen duggan Music Minister nings, 7:30-9:00 PM. als begin then for our Advent Evensong and Christmas Eve services. Don’t be a “pew sitter” when the Lord is calling you to be in the mix. Praise him with heart and voice! Yours!
The Purpose of Ministry, a personal story W hen I became a “dad”,
everything changed. Not all these changes were for the best, and I struggled with “issues” which could only be fixed by a loving God. After becoming a servant, my eyes were opened to others with servant hearts. Our daughter was a shy little angel and loved sitting with Lisa and I after Halleta brought the kids into “big” church. We had enjoyed the Children’s Choir programs, but our daughter never really showed interest in being up there in front of God and everybody. My heart swelled one morning when she asked if she could be in the choir. My enthusiasm was quickly tempered by the fact that we live in Wilson County, and travel to CEC during the week is a challenge. Lisa and I discussed this 10
Tale of Three Trees, March 2008, photo by Luc Huyse.
opportunity and decided to give it a shot. I did not know Ruth Berg, I only knew of her. We spoke and agreed to get Kaitlyn to as many practices as possible/practical. Ruth also agreed to do whatever she could to help. We learned that she would assign roles
knowing of our limitations and volunteer to work “extra” with the shy one. At about fourth grade, the entire family began to change; to evolve. Until this time, there was really no music in our home. I wanted to give Kaitlyn a well-rounded education in all areas, but I can’t teach what I don’t know. Ruth did teach and share what she knew. At that time, I thought it was music. I now know it was so much more. I now know what our Music Ministry does. After two years of Children’s Choir, I was hooked. One of Kaitlyns’s teachers commented that she “was always singing” in class. We noticed her love of song, but in the fifth grade, we were faced with another challenge: band. I suggested Kaitlyn ask Ruth about instrument selection. Ruth nailed it and suggested the French horn. Four years ago, music was “blasted” into our home. Lisa and I now have a confident, talented and respectful high school sophomore. She/ we love the French horn, and she excels in her role within the Mighty Tiger Marching Band. She has great friends and seeks to serve others in high school.
The CEC Music Ministry’s effect on the Eberhardts does not stop there. In supporting the Children’s Choir, I found myself hanging out with the Adult Choir. Remember, “I” was hooked. Seeing Kaitlyn participate in Lessons and Carols a few years back stirred something within me (as I am sure it does with all of us). I approached Owen and asked if I could assist in this worship service. Hoping he would allow me to serve punch or clean choir robes, he asked me to join them. I reluctantly started attending the Thursday night choir practices in the fall. He didn’t seem concerned about me not knowing how to read music. I was scared and found myself way outside of my comfort zone. Words fall short in my describing what has happened since then, some four years ago.
one. The Music Ministry is now truly part of this/my family. In His service + Dennis Eberhardt For more information, please contact Owen Duggan at 7363132 or, and for more information on children’s choirs at Christ Church, please contact Ruth Berg at ruthaberg@gmail. com.
The Music Ministry at CEC completely represents the purpose of ministry. This incredibly talented and dedicated group has always steered us towards Him. In doing so, there is one more family out here a little closer to understanding God’s love for us. We now sing with joy in our hearts, in the shower, in the car and in the pews. I never knew the importance of church family until I had 11
alender oF eVeNtS
September 14: Circle of Care begins September 14: Simply Delicious Lunch begins, $4.00 each Tuesday in the parish hall September 15: Chi Rho Bookstore presents Nativa, fine Mexican clothing, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM September 19: Fall Sunday School begins, 9:15 AM
Christ Church Ministry Staff: The Rt. Rev. Bill Frey, Interim Rector The Rev. John Barrett, Asst. Rector The Rev. Scott Kitayama, Asst. Priest, Carol Miller, Pastoral Care,
September 21: Daughters of the King, 12:30 PM, Capers Room
Halleta Heinrich, Director of Children’s Ministry,
September 28: Vestry Meeting, 5:00 PM
Dr. Owen Duggan, Music Minister,
September 30: Hearts & Hands Fall Fiesta, 5:00 - 7:00 PM at Tomatillo’s on Broadway October 4: Christ Church will host Life Line Screening
Joshua Benninger, Organist, Ruth Berg, Director of Children’s Music,
Christ Church Support Staff:
October 7: Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study begins, 10:00 AM, led by Bishop Frey October 14: Hearts & Hands Luncheon with Barbara Frey, 12:00 - 1:30 PM October 19: Vestry Meeting, 5:00 PM November 4: Hearts & Hands Backyard Blessings, home of Ruth Berg, 5:00 - 7:00 PM November 12: Bishop’s Golf Classic at Canyon Springs Golf Club November 14: San Antonio Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon (Click here for route of race, which goes around Christ Church) November 16: Vestry Meeting
Gary Birdwell, Parish Administrator, Cherelle Liddle, Executive Asst. to the Rector, Darla Nelson, Office Mananger, Donna Shreve, Financial Manager, Laura Shaver, Director of Communications, Anna Jewell, Receptionist, Pat Wilson, Administrative Asst., Elizabeth Martinez, Kitchen Manager, Robert Vallejo, Facilities Manager,
All events at Christ Church unless otherwise noted.
Rudy Segovia, Hospitality Manager, Joe Garcia, Sexton,
Fall Sunday School for all ages begins Full Steam Ahead on Sunday, September 19, at 9:00 AM.
Send submissions for The Message, website, email newsletter, and Sunday announcements to Laura Shaver, phone: 210.736.3132, fax 210.733.1423, email: Material is published according to timeliness and relevance to the vision of the church. Deadlines for submissions are as follows: November 16: November 2 deadline Ministry info: November 20 - January 7, 2011 The Message is published bi-monthly by Christ Episcopal Church, 510 Belknap Place, San Antonio, TX 78212.
Christ Episcopal Church 510 Belknap Place San Antonio, TX 78212