PRODUCT CATALOG Photo by Hardy Jackson
TABLE OF CONTENTS HISTORY / MISSION / SOIL PREP / WHERE TO BUY Welcome & Mission....................................................................Page 3 Soil Preparation.........................................................................Page 4 Definition of Terms....................................................................Page 5 WARM-SEASON ANNUALS Lablab......................................................................................Page 6 Lablab Plus...............................................................................Page 7 Deer Pea Plus............................................................................Page 8 Upland Game Bird Mix..............................................................Page 9 Horn-Maker Xtreme...................................................................Page 10 Sunn Hemp...............................................................................Page 11 COOL SEASON ANNUALS Greenfield................................................................................Page 12 Max-Attract...............................................................................Page 13 Ultra Forage.............................................................................Page 14 Hunting Plot Supercharger.........................................................Page 15 PERENNIALS Western Big Game Combo........................................................Page 16 Alfa-Feast Trophy......................................................................Page 17 Chicory....................................................................................Page 18 Monster Mix..............................................................................Page 19 “5-POUNDER” PLOT ESSENTIALS JUG SERIES Brassica Banquet, Root King, Turbo Turnip, Forage-Max Chicory..........Page 20 Shake & Rake, King Ladino White Clover, T-Raptor Hybrid Rape-Turnip......Page 21
POUNDERS / SEED & PLANT GROWTH ENHANCERS Pounders..................................................................................Page 22 Seed & Plant Xploder................................................................Page 23 MANAGER’S LINE Fall Food Plots.........................................................................Page 24-25 Spring Food Plots, Minerals, Attractants & Plant Enhancers.........Page 26-27 MINERALS & ATTRACTANTS Minerals & Attractants..............................................................Page 28 PLOT EQUIPMENT Plot Protector & Hand Seeder...................................................Page 29 ZONE MAP Zone Map...............................................................................Page 30-31
For over 25 years, Tecomate principles and wildlife management pioneers David Morris and Dr. Gary Schwarz have led the charge in the food plot revolution by working with wildlife biologists and agronomists to maximize wildlife nutrition through food plot management. What they discovered has become the foundation for a year-round nutritional program that is unparalleled in its results. The idea behind the Tecomate Food Plot System is simple: By planting the right plants in the right way, food plots can be used to grow more and bigger bucks; attract and hold deer in a specific area; and relieve pressure on the native habitat so that it actually improves ‌ to the benefit of all wildlife species! We know this to be true because we are doing it on our own properties and helping countless others do it on theirs.
THE TECOMATE FOOD PLOT SYSTEM Developing effective deer nutrition products requires a working knowledge of what deer need and want - nutrition and attraction are paramount. Tecomate researchers know that quality seeds, cultivars and hybrids can best provide the proper balance between nutrition and palatability. In addition, since most food plots are at the mercy of natural rainfall and temperature, we understand the importance of selecting varieties that survive a wide range of weather conditions. Varieties are selected for drought tolerance, germination rate, disease resistance and hardiness, as well as nutrition and palatability. Each selection is tested and studied in a controlled environment before extensive field testing by partner universities and qualified experts around the U.S.
TECOMATE MISSION STATEMENT To inform, equip and assist sportsmen with dreams of managing their own recreational property and a desire to be better stewards of the land and wildlife God entrusted to us. ~3~
HOW & WHERE TO PLANT Planting food plots can be a very rewarding activity, but it takes time and a lot of hard work. In this section we will go over some of the key steps and things to keep in mind when preparing to plant a food plot, and putting the seed in the ground. • Pick the Right Location: You’ll want to pick an open area that gets plenty of sunlight, and is relatively level. • Kill Existing Vegetation: Spray the area with an herbicide to kill any weeds or grasses that are already growing. • Take a Soil Sample: This is one of the most important, but overlooked steps in food plot planting. See our website (, or your county extension office, for more information on how to take a soil sample. • Turn The Soil: Till or disc the area to turn the dead weeds and vegetation underground. • Lime and Fertilize: Apply lime and fertilizer at the prescribed rate from your soil test results. Disc or till again to mix the lime and fertilizer into the soil. • Plant: You should now have a clean and level seedbed to plant on. Broadcast or drill seed at the planting rate we have supplied on the bag, and be sure to plant seed at the correct depth. If your seed is planted too deep, or too shallow, it will not germinate as well as it should. • Pray For Rain: Unless you have the ability to irrigate, try to time your planting when rain is in the forecast. If you want more detailed information on how and where to plant your food plots, visit us at, or call us (210-408-6161).
DEFINITION OF TERMS Alfalfa: A cool season perennial legume. Annuals: Plants that live and die over the course of one year. Brassica: A group of erect, cool-season annuals (turnips, rape and other greens). Clover: High quality, perennial forage legume. Forage: Grasses and other plants that are eaten by animals. Forb: Herbaceous plants such as clover and chicory. Lablab: Warm-season, high-protein forage bean that is native to Australia. Legume: Plants that are able to produce their own nitrogen by gathering it from the atmosphere. Millet: Member of the grass family that produces small seed waterfowl and other game birds love. Perennial: A plant that lives for more than two years. pH: A scale from 0 to 14 that measures the acidity of soil. Rape: A leafy, annual brassica. Tannins: A bitter chemical found in certain plants and nuts. Triticale: A cool-season grain that is a hybrid of wheat and rye.
Wa r m - S e a s o n A n n u a l s
THE “MAGIC BEAN” OF WARM-SEASON DEER PLOTS Warm-season choice for serious managers with reasonable farming capability. The best source of protein (up to 40%), antler-growing phosphorus and key nutrients we have found. Does best in warm climates. Drought, insect and disease resistant! • Annual • Adds 20 to 40 antler inches to mature bucks • Ultimate warm-season “Nutrition Plot” • Drought, insect & disease resistant • Craved by deer Content: Lablab Beans Planting Time: Zones 2, 3 & 4: Spring (Ground temp over 68°F) Seeding Rate: 20 lbs. plants 1 acre Planting Depth: 1 to 2 inches
Bag Weight 20 lbs.
***(Note: Lablab is vulnerable to heavy grazing during the first 5 to 6 weeks. To overcome this, either plant enough acreage to disperse early grazing or temporarily protect young plants with fences.)
Bag Weight 50 lbs.
“What started it all! Lablab will improve the health and size of your deer, bar none!” - Tecomate Co-Founder Dr. Gary Schwarz ~6~
Wa r m - S e a s o n A n n u a l s
WORLD’S FINEST WARM-SEASON NUTRITION PLOT Most nutritious, and preferred big-seeded legume mix available! Delivers the antler-growing/fawning nutrition of Lablab but better able to withstand early grazing because of addition of other big-seeded peas/beans, including our own vining Ebony Pea and forage soybean plus premium sorghum/milo, which both screens the legumes during the early weeks and produces seed relished by deer and game birds. • Annual • High-yield, high-protein big-seeded pea mix • Less vulnerable to early pressure than single cultivars • Grows bigger bucks & healthier deer • Provides cover for greater daytime use Content: Lablab, Cowpeas, Milo Planting Time: All Zones: Spring (Ground temp above 68°F) Seeding Rate: 11lbs. plants ½ acre 22 lbs. plants 1 acre Planting Depth: 1 to 2 inches
Bag Weight 11 lbs. & 22 lbs.
***(Note: Lablab Plus is vulnerable to heavy grazing during the first 5 to 6 weeks. To overcome this, either plant enough acreage to disperse early grazing or temporarily protect young plants with fences.)
Bag Weight 50 lbs.
Wa r m - S e a s o n A n n u a l s
DEER PEA PLUS WARM-SEASON PEA & BEAN MIX DEER LOVE! Ideal high-nutrition, warm-season mix formulated to attract, hold and grow big bucks. Nutritious and productive big-seeded peas and beans, including Tecomate’s own fast-growing, vining Ebony Peas and forage soybeans. Provides critical high-protein summer through early fall nutrition during the antler-growing/fawning time. Plus, premium sorghum/milo and giant hybrid sunflowers both “screen” the peas/beans early on and produce seed, deer and game birds love. • Annual • High-nutrition, warm-season, big-seeded peas/beans • Attracts, holds & grows big bucks • Longest growing pea/bean plot available • Produces beans 75 days after planting Content: Ebony Peas, Cowpeas, Forage Soybeans, Milo Planting Time: Zones 2, 3, & 4: Spring Seeding Rate: 11lbs. plants ½ acre 22 lbs. plants 1 acre Planting Depth: 1 to 2 inches ***(Note: Deer Pea Plus is vulnerable to heavy grazing during the first 5 to 6 weeks. To overcome this, either plant enough acreage to disperse early grazing or temporarily protect young plants with fences.)
Bag Weight 11 lbs. & 22 lbs.
Bag Weight 50 lbs.
Wa r m - S e a s o n A n n u a l s
UPLAND GAME BIRD MIX BRINGS WORLD-CLASS UPLAND BIRD HUNTING HOME Attracts, holds and feeds dove, quail and pheasants like nothing else on the market. Loaded with the seed-producing plants upland game birds love most – the finest sunflower, millet and low-tannin sorghum/milo. This mix produces an ideal combination of food and cover for upland game birds. Fast-growing and long-lasting. Suitable nationwide. Great value! (Allow about 100 days for seeds to mature) • Annual • Provides long lasting hiding & hunting cover • Top seed-producing plants upland game birds love • Attracts, holds & feeds dove, quail & pheasants • Finest upland game bird mix available Content: Premium Sunflowers, Milo, Millet Planting Time: All Zones: Spring Seeding Rate: 20 lbs. plants 1 acre Planting Depth: ½ inch
Bag Weight 20 lbs.
Bag Weight 40 lbs.
Wa r m - S e a s o n A n n u a l s
NEW! HORN-MAKER EXTREME THE MOST VERSATILE WARM-SEASON PLOT EVER! Horn-Maker Xtreme combines fast growing, protein-rich Sunn Hemp with the proven nutrition and high preference of forage cowpeas and soybeans to form perhaps the most versatile warm-season nutrition plot mix yet devised. The Sunn Hemp not only provides great nutrition but explosive growth to over 7 feet tall also screen the big-seeded peas and beans during the first few weeks when they are vulnerable to grazing pressure. The screening effect of the high-production Sunn Hemp makes this revolutionary new mix perfect for small and heavily grazed plots. If Sunn Hemp gets too tall, mow the plot to about a foot high to restart tender new growth. Unsurpassed soil-builder, making this the perfect mix to precede your fall food plots. • Protein Galore • Nutrtion for Bigger Antlers, Healthier Deer • Withstands High Browsing Pressure • Great for Small or High-Use Plots • Improves Soil Quality • Keeps Deer Closer to Home • Grows Nationwide Content: Sunn Hemp, Forage Cowpea & Soybean Planting Time: Zone 1 & 2: Summer Zone 3 & 4: Spring & Summer Seeding Rate: 11lbs. plants ½ acre Planting Depth: ½ to 1 inch
Bag Weight 11 lbs.
Bag Weight 25 lbs.
Wa r m - S e a s o n A n n u a l s
NEW! SUNN HEMP EXPLOSIVE WARM-SEASON HIGH-PROTEIN LEGUME This NEW annual warm-season legume is what serious hunters and managers have always dreamed of. Sunn Hemp explodes out of the ground to over 7 feet tall and is highly preferred, loaded with antler-growing protein and able to take the heaviest browsing pressure! It is just the ticket for smaller or heavily browsed food plots. Perfect to mix lablab, cowpeas or soybeans to help screen these favorites during their vulnerable first few weeks. If Sunn Hemp gets too tall, mow to about a foot high to restart tender new growth. Unsurpassed soil-builder that puts loads of essential nitrogen into the soil. The perfect crop to precede your fall food plots. Best of all, Sunn Hemp provides the critical protein needed for bigger antlers and healthier deer. • Super Source of Antler-Growing Protein • Grows 6 to 7 Feet Tall • Extreme Production, Highly Preferred • Fantastic Soil Builder • Ideal Standalone or Perfect for Mixes • Works Nationwide Content: Warm-Season High-Protein Legume Planting Time: Zone 1 & 2: Summer Zone 3 & 4: Spring & Summer Seeding Rate: 8 lbs. plants ½ acre Planting Depth: ½ to 1 inch
Bag Weight 8 lbs.
Bag Weight 25 lbs.
Cool-Season Annuals
FALL “HUNTING PLOT” FORMULATED FOR FAST ACTION This mix has one purpose – attract and concentrate fall deer for great hunting! Premium cereal grains and high-protein winter peas combined with forage turnips, sensational forage and bulb-producing rape/turnip hybrid to guarantee greatest attraction during hunting season. • Annual • Fast growing, high production • The real deal “Hunting Plot” • Great early season forage • Brassicas yield high-sugar forage & bulbs after frost Content: Hybrid Brassica, Turnips, Peas, Clovers, Cereal Grains Planting Time: All Zones: Fall Seeding Rate: 20 lbs. plants 1 acre Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 inch
Bag Weight 20 lbs.
Bag Weight 40 lbs.
“I planted around 100 acres of Greenfield this past year for myself and my clients. I was amazed at the quantity and quality of deer that used these plots all season long.” - Tecomate Seed Rep Mark Newell ~12~
Cool-Season Annuals
THE WORLD’S BEST “HUNTING PLOT” MIX Formulated for MAXIMUM fall attraction. Mix of high-protein, high-preference clovers, peas, vetch and chicory plus forage oats and fast-growing triticale, the Cadillac of cereal grains. Suitable nationwide. No other fall planting comes close. • Annual • Formulated for MAXIMUM fall attraction • Deer love it • Great source of critical spring/early summer antler-growing/fawning nutrition • Excellent for turkeys Content: Peas, Clovers, Chicory, Cereal Grains Planting Time: All Zones: Fall Seeding Rate: 20 lbs. plants ½ acre 40 lbs. plants 1 acre Planting Depth: 1/4 inch
Bag Weight 20 lbs. & 40 lbs.
Bag Weight 40 lbs.
“Max-Attract is the Cadillac of fall attraction food plots.” - Tecomate Consultant Mali Vujanic
Cool-Season Annuals
ULTRA FORAGE ULTIMATE IN EXPLOSIVE GROWTH, ATTRACTION & NUTRITION Fast-growing, highly attractive annual mix for fall hunting plots and 3-season nutrition. High-protein legumes and chicory combine with forage turnips and sensational forage and bulb-producing rape/ turnip hybrid, which is most attractive during hunting season after “frost-curing” causes the sugar content and palatability to increase and the sugar-loaded bulbs mature. Best where frost coincides with hunting season. • Annual • Extremely fast initial growth • Takes heavy pressure – ideal for small, high use plots • Hybrid Brassicas yield attractive forage & bulbs • Super attraction, especially after frost Content: Turnips, Hybrid Brassica, Clovers, Chicory Planting Time: All Zones: Fall Seeding Rate: 2.25 lbs. plants 1/4 acre 9 lbs. plants 1 acre Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 inch
Bag Weight 2.25 lbs. & 9 lbs.
Bag Weight 25 lbs.
Cool-Season Annuals
HUNTING PLOT SUPERCHARGER BUILD YOUR OWN SUPER PLOT Cereal grains are the traditional fall hunting plot throughout the country. But they deliver limited nutrition and limited attractiveness. Hunting Plot Supercharger turns your standard food plot into a supercharged food plot! By adding these premium legumes and brassicas to 50 lbs. of cereal grains, you can create fantastic plots like Max-Attract or Greenfield Pro at a very cost effective price. Hunting Plot Supercharger extends your food plot from a fall attraction plot to a three-season attraction/nutrition plot providing proven forage favorites and high sugar bulbs that whitetails can’t resist. • Mix with Triticale, Oats, Wheat or Rye • Contains Active Ingredient of Max-Attract & Greenfield • Deer Can’t Resist It • Very Cost Effective Content: Premium Legumes & Brassicas Planting Time: All Zones: Fall Seeding Rate: 7.5 lbs. mixed w/50 lbs. cereal grains plants 1 acre Planting Depth: 1/4 inch
Bag Weight 7.5 lbs.
Bag Weight 25 lbs.
WESTERN BIG GAME COMBO FORMULATED FOR ELK, MULIES AND WHITETAIL Western Big Game Combo was developed for Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Pheasant, and Quail. The high quality Prairie Grass is readily eaten by deer and provides cover for game birds. Hybrid Alfalfa is a source of high quality antler and body building protein. Sweet Clover is a rugged plant that provides nutritious forage for elk and seeds for game birds. Chicory is very beneficial to the elk’s rumen and its long tap root helps it thrive in the West. Best in fertile soils with a pH higher than 6.5. • Provides 3-season nutrition & attraction • Especially good for elk and mulies • Takes heavy browse pressure • Produces 3 to 4 years Content: Prairie Grass, Hybrid Alfalfa, White Clover, Chicory Planting Time: Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Seeding Rate: 15 lbs. Plant 1 Acre Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 inch Bag Weight 15 lbs.
Bag Weight 25 lbs.
ALFA-FEAST TROPHY MIX THE IDEAL PERENNIAL MIX FOR WELL-DRAINED SOILS Select alfalfas, the “Queen of Legumes”, and chicory mix specifically formulated for drier, well-drained upland sites. Provides year-round high-protein nutrition needed to grow more and bigger bucks and is a great fall hunting plot. • Perennial • Perfect for hillsides, sandy soils & drier climates • Year-round high-protein nutrition • Great fall hunting plot • Produces for 3 to 5 years Content: Alfalfa, Chicory Planting Time: Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall Seeding Rate: 10 lbs. plants 1 acre Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 inch
Bag Weight 10 lbs.
Bag Weight 25 lbs.
“Our property in Alabama has an abundance of deer and turkeys. We have had great success planting AlfaFeast over the past 5 years. It’s perfect for the smaller plots we maintain and they are constantly holding both deer and turkeys!”- Tecomate Pro Staffer Jason Thompson ~17~
THE WILDLIFE SUPER FORB One of the hottest, most versatile plants on the wildlife scene! Blend of best varieties. Great fall hunting plot! Grows virtually anywhere on all soils and produces nearly year-round. Great standalone or perfect for blending, especially with legumes. Drought resistant. Turns ordinary mixes into something special! • Perennial • Fast growing, highly preferred & nutritious • Survives tough soil conditions & drought • Blends well with other seeds for custom mixtures • Produces for 3 to 5 years Content: Premium Chicory Planting Time: Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall Seeding Rate: 3 lbs. plants 1 acre 10 lbs. plants 3 acre Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 inch
Bag Weight 3 lbs. & 10 lbs.
Bag Weight 25 lbs.
“Highly nutritious, and highly attractive! What more could you want from a perennial food plot?” - Tecomate Consultant Blaine Burley, Owner of the Plotmaster Systems, LLC ~18~
MONSTER MIX THE ULTIMATE “DO-IT-ALL” PERENNIAL WHITETAIL MIX Premium clovers and chicory provide both great fall attraction for hunting plots and essential year-round nutrition for bigger, healthier animals, including critical spring-summer antler-growing/fawning nutrition. The only food plot many will ever need. Best on fertile, moist sites. Suitable nationwide. Turkeys love it! • Perennial • Best all-around wildlife mix on the market • Attracts & grows more & bigger bucks • Unmatched for year-round nutrition & attraction • Produces for 3 to 5 years Content: White & Red Clover, Chicory Planting Time: Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall Seeding Rate: 4.5 lbs. plants ½ acre 8 lbs. plants 1 acre Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 inch
Bag Weight 4.5 lbs. & 8 lbs.
Bag Weight 25 lbs.
“Monster Mix is by far the best perennial blend you can plant to improve your herd’s health and attract more deer during hunting season!” - Tecomate Co-Founder David Morris ~19~
“5-Pounder” Plot Essentials Jug Series
Container Size 5 lbs. Jug
• Massive Forage Production • Quality Forage & High Sugar Bulbs • Peak Attraction During Deer Season • Withstands Heavy Browse Pressure • Great Standalone or Perfect for Mixing • 5 lbs. Jug Plants 1-Acre
Container Size 5 lbs. Jug
• Great Soil Builder • Produces Leafy Forage and Soil-Busting Bulb • Aerates Soil & Increases Production • Extremely High Yield • Plant Alone or Mix With Other Cultivars • 5 lbs. Jug Plants ½ Acre
Container Size 5 lbs. Jug
• Ideal for High-Use Plots • Nutritious Forage and High-Energy Bulbs • Grows Anywhere With Monstrous Yields • Provides Critical Late-Season Nutrition • Great Alone or Mixed • 5 lbs. Jug Plants 1-Acre
Container Size 5 lbs. Jug
• Grows Well In Shaded Areas • Draw Deer in Close in Tight Cover • Excellent for Bow Hunting • EZ Grow With Minimum Till • Forage and Bulbs Deer Crave • 5 lbs. Jug Plants 5,000 sq. ft. ~20~
“5-Pounder” Plot Essentials Jug Series
Container Size 5 lbs. Jug
• Super High Protein • Highly Preferred & Incredibly Nutritious • Very Drought Tolerant • Grows Virtually Everywhere • Great “Hunting Plot” • 5 lbs. Jug Plants 1-Acre
Container Size 5 lbs. Jug
• Highly Attractive, Super Nutritious • Provides Essential Antler-Growing Protein • Massive Forage Production • Superior Winter Hardiness • Coated and Pre-Inoculated • 5 lbs. Jug Plants 1-Acre
Container Size 5 lbs. Jug
• Tons of Highly Preferred Deer Food • Super Forage & Sugar-Laden Bulbs • Peak Attraction During Deer Season • Withstands Heavy Browsing • Great Standalone or In Mixes • 5 lbs. Jug Plants 1-Acre
Container Size 5 lbs. Jug
• Perfect for Small Forest Plots • Excellent for Forage, Bugging, Brood Cover & Seeds • Produces 3 to 5 Years • Contains Coated & Pre-Inoculated Seeds • 5 lbs. Jug Plants ½-Acre ~21~
BRASSICA BANQUET (Annual) • Fast-growing, high production • Peak attraction during deer season
Content: Blend of industry best forage & bulb-producing brassicas Planting Time: Zone 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zone 3 & 4: Fall Seeding Rate: 1lb. Container plants 1/4 acre Weight 1 lb.
Planting Depth: 1/8
to 1/4 inch
FORAGE-MAX CHICORY (Perennial) • Very nutritious, highly-preferred forb • Drought resistant
Content: Premium chicory, the whitetail “super forage” Planting Time: Zone 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zone 3 & 4: Fall Seeding Rate: 1lb. Container plants 1/4 acre Weight 1 lb.
Planting Depth: 1/8
to 1/4 inch
KING LADINO WHITE CLOVER (Perennial) • Excellent source of antler-growing protein • Highly attractive and super nutritious
Content: Blend of top Ladino White Clovers Planting Time: Zone 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zone 3 & 4: Fall Seeding Rate: 1lb. Container plants 1/4 acre Weight 1 lb.
Planting Depth: 1/8
to 1/4 inch
ROOT KING RADISH (Annual) • Unsurpassed Soil-Builder • Extremely High Yield
Weight 1 lb.
Content: Premium radish producing forage & giant soil-busting bulbs Planting Time: Zone 1 & 2: Spring, Summer or Fall Zone 3 & 4: Fall Seeding Rate: 1lb. Container plants 1/8 acre Planting Depth: 1/8
to 1/4 inch
TURBO TURNIP (Perennial)
• Nutritious forage, hi-energy bulb • Provides critical late-season nutrition
Weight 1 lb.
Content: Industry best forage & bulb-producing turninp Planting Time: Zone 1 & 2: Spring, Summer or Fall Zone 3 & 4: Fall Seeding Rate: 1lb. Container plants 1/8 acre Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 inch
Seed & Plant XPloder
WORKS ON ANY SEED – COATED OR UNCOATED Helps seedlings explode out of the ground and survive the vulnerable “lag phase” of growth, when they are most susceptible to stress and disease. Gives young plants energy, allowing them to emerge quicker, enhancing overall growth and production. Contains no pesticides or hormones. Pail Weights TECOMATE XPLODER • Dry Seed Coating PLANT SYSTEM 1 GROWTH lb. & 3 lbs.
• Proprietary Fertilizer Seed Treatment Used by Farmers • Supplies Key Nutrients for Healthy Start • Improves Seedling Emergence, Survival & Early Growth • Enhances Seedling Tolerance to Environmental Stress & Disease • Contains No Pesticides or Hormones • Just Mix-in With Seed on Day of Planting & Plant!
WORKS ON ANY FOOD PLOT, NATIVE BROWSE AND EVEN GARDENS Enhances a growing plant’s vigor, growth, nutrition and palatability. Promotes a healthier plant with more tolerance to stress (drought, cold, browse pressure, etc.). Healthier plants have increased sugar content, enhancing taste and producing more browse, fruits, vegetables, peas, etc. Works on all types of plants including Container Sizes TECOMATE XPLODER food plots and gardens!!! 1 qt. & 2.5 SYSTEM gal. PLANT GROWTH
• Enchances a Growing Plant’s Vigor & Growth • Greatly Boosts Plant Health • Improves Palatability • Great Source of Nutrients that Plants Need • Works on All Plants, Not just Food Plots • Easy to Use – Just Spray Directly on Plants
M a n ag e r ’ s L i n e PRODUCT NAME
Blend of premium alfalfas, clovers, and chicory designed for NORTH
Blend of best forage and high-sugar bulb producing brassicas
Blend of premium, fast-growing alfalfas
Blend of premium chicory varieties that deer crave
Blend of winter peas, clovers and brassicas
Blend of whitetail’s favorite ladino-type white clovers
MONSTER MIX (Perennial)
Blend of favorite premium white and red clovers, and chicory
Proprietary high-yield, fast-up premium red clovers
Forage daikon radish with long, edible, soil-busting bulb
Blend of clovers, chicory, various legumes and preferred grasses
The best forage and bulb-producing Brassica on the market
Blend of premium forage and big-bulbed turnips
Blend of best legumes, chicory and foragebulb producing brassicas
Blend of forage prairie grass, alfalfa, clovers and chicory designed for WEST
Premium high-production winter peas that deer love NORTH
Fall Food Plot Seeds Cereal Grains/Mixes
Spring/Summer Food Plot Seeds Mineral Supplements
M a n ag e r ’ s L i n e PLANTING TIME
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 2.5 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 5 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 2 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 5 acres
All Zones: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 3 acres mixed w/50 lbs. cereal grains
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 5 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 3 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 2 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 2.5 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 2.5 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 4 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 5 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 2.75 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 1.67 acres
Zones 1 & 2: Spring or Fall Zones 3 & 4: Fall
50 lbs.
50 lbs. plants 1 acre
New Products!
M a n ag e r ’ s L i n e PRODUCT NAME
Hottest cereal grain mix - oats, wheat and triticale
Blend of legumes, forage/bulb producing brassicas and cereal grains
Blend of clovers, winter peas, chicory and cereal grain mix
Blend of rape, winter peas and cereal grain mix
Blend of premium forage cowpeas and sorghum/milo mix
Blend of lablab, ebony pea, soybean, cowpea and milo/sorghum mix
LABLAB (Annual)
Fast-growing, nutritious “Magic Bean” of warm-season legumes
Blend of sunflowers, milo/sorghum and millet game birds love
Explosive high-protein, soil-building legume deer love
Blend of high–protein, antler–growing sunn hemp, forage cowpeas and beans.
Mix of 3 favorite waterfowl millets – Japanese, browntop and white proso
Proven mix of seed-producing sorghum, milo and millets waterfowl love
HORNS-A-PLENTY (Mineral Supplement)
Formulated by professionals for maximum antler size and deer health
Fall Food Plot Seeds Cereal Grains/Mixes
Spring/Summer Food Plot Seeds Mineral Supplements
M a n ag e r ’ s L i n e SEED RATE
All Zones: Fall
50 lbs.
50 lbs. plants 0.5 acre
All Zones: Fall
40 lbs.
40 lbs. plants 1 acre
All Zones: Fall
40 lbs.
40 lbs. plants 1 acre
All Zones: Fall
40 lbs.
40 lbs. plants 0.5 acre
All Zones: Spring & Summer
50 lbs.
50 lbs. plants 2.25 acres
All Zones: Spring & Summer
50 lbs.
50 lbs. plants 2.5 acres
All Zones: Spring & Summer
50 lbs.
50 lbs. plants 2.5 acres
All Zones: Spring & Summer
50 lbs.
50 lbs. plants 2.5 acres
All Zones: Spring & Summer
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 1.33 acres
All Zones: Spring & Summer
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 1 acre
All Zones: Spring & Summer
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 1.5 acres
All Zones: Spring & Summer
25 lbs.
25 lbs. plants 1.5 acres
30 lbs.
30 lbs. lasts 200 deer-use days
New Products!
S c e n t s, M i n e r a l s & A t t r a c t a n t s
The ONLY Deer Attractant You’ll Ever Need
• Deer are genetically imprinted to crave chestnuts • Fastest response, highest preference we’ve ever tested • Most nutritious & preferred of all mast crops • Contains no tannins • Great for trail cameras, bow & rifle hunting • Works everywhere, anytime • Deer absolutely crave this stuff Bag Weight 5 lbs.
The Finest Mineral-Vitamin Supplement Available
• Developed by biologists & feed professionals • Provides 100 Deer Use Days per 12.5 lbs. • Loaded with essential minerals & vitamins • Easy to use – just pour on the ground and stir • Best source of antler-growing phosphorous • Highly palatable & readily absorbed Pro Line Bag Wt. 12.5 lbs.
Manager’s Bag Wt. 30 lbs.
Plot Equipment
Use the Plot ProTecTor Fencing Kit to protect vulnerable plots until they are established, and to control deer access until you are ready to let them in! Easily expandable by just adding more fence. The B40 Energizer can power up to 25 acres of multi-wire fence. Kit Includes: • B40 Energizer Power Source with Battery • 80 - 48” Fiberglass Posts • 656’ Ploy Wire and Poly Tape • Gate Handles and Accessories Area of Coverage: Protects 1 Acre
Ready to use, 25 lbs. capacity. Evenly spreads seed, fertilizer, granules and other materials. • Allows planting of extremely remote sites where Dominant Bucks live • Broadcasts any size seed including corn • Tough canvas bag with adjustable shoulder strap • All metal gear system with dual-handle • Calibrated flow rate adjustment with calibration chart • Perfect for hand planting small food plots
The Tecomate Zone Map is a valuable tool when planning food plots. Tecomate recommendations are based on extensive research and quantified results in specific zones. Further, each recommended product is regionally blended using seeds that are best suited for the climate and rainfall in that area.
ZONE 4 PRIMARY RECOMMENDATIONS refer to the best plot choices to establish a year-round nutritional program and should be used on the bulk of available acreage.
Tecomate Seed makes product recommendations based specifically on the region where they are best adapted (see map below). Recognizing that areas of the country differ in environmental conditions is only one piece of the puzzle. Regional Tecomate agronomists are an integral part of the sales effort. As a result, our sales representatives are regionally trained to understand the environmental requirements of plants and wildlife. Additionally, regional representation provides better understanding of distribution needs and the customer’s perception of the Tecomate Seed brand.
TECOMATE SEED SPECIALISTS Tecomate Seed Specialists are ready to help with any questions you may have concerning the Tecomate Seed line of products.
Mark Newell Tecomate Seed Rep (662) 419-6205
Bowen Slade Tecomate Seed Rep (251) 508-3431
14855 14855 Blanco Blanco Road, Road, Suite Suite 306 306 San San Antonio, Antonio, TX TX 78216 78216 (210) (210) 408-6161 408-6161 •• www.
@TecomateWS @TecomateWS