This Week At A Glance
Have You Considered Online Giving? It’s easier than you may think! As we approach the summer months with school vacations, schedule changes, traveling and disrupted schedules, why not put your checkbook away and try our online options for ACH automatic debit or credit card giving.
Here are just a few benefits: Monday
Prioritize Your Budget The Bible teaches that your tithes should be a first, and not a last, matter in your life. Read Proverbs 3:9-10. It is easy to let our good intentions be compromised by expenses and billing cycles. By setting up Online Giving, you can be sure to set that portion aside before other expenses rob you of the joy of giving to God.
Boy Scouts at 6:30
Tuesday Women’s Bible Study at 9:30 am Precepts Class at 6:30 pm
Wednesday Youth at 7:00 pm Royal Rangers at 7:00 pm Missionettes at 7:00 pm Women’s Recovery at 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study at 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study at 7:00 pm
Increase Your Faithfulness Have you ever forgotten your tithe or fallen behind because of travel or other schedule interruptions? Online Giving provides a way to strengthen your faithfulness in giving. After setting up a recurring gift, you won’t be faced with forgetfulness.
Help Your Church Through Online Giving you expedite your gift, simplify our accounting, and strengthen the base of regular support. Your faithful gifts help Cedar Park continue to fulfill its mission to impact the world with the love and message of Jesus Christ.
Ready to give online?
Thursday Prayer Meeting at 10:00 am Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 pm
Friday Celebrate Recovery at 6:00 pm
Saturday Mechanics Clinic at 9:00 am Healing Prayer Group at 7:00 pm Booth Brothers Concert at 7:00 pmPastor’s Prayer at 8:00 pm
Watch Online Every Sunday at Join us on our ”Cedar Park Church” Facebook Group
On the Radio every Sunday morning: Locally 7:30 am KGNW 820 AM Locally 9:30 am KCIS 630 AM Statewide broadcasts at 9:00 am Spokane: Tri-Cities: Yakima: Wenatchee: Moses Lake:
106.5 101.3 930 810 93.9
Cedar Park Prayer Chain 425-939-1335
Look for the Online Giving box on our website or use the keyword: “Giving” | Cedar Park Church | 425-488-3600
Welcome to Cedar Park
Student Ministries
Our goal is to provide a place where you can meet God and other believers, and grow in your fellowship with both. We hope you experience the love and presence of God while you are here.
Friday Night Hang Out All youth are invited to come hang out with your leaders for dinner and games Friday, June 19 from 6:00 - 10:00 pm in the youth rooms. Cost is $3
During the service we will be passing out a guest gift including a CD featuring our Worship Band, Canvas and our Children’s Choir, Hiz Kidz.
JH Fear Factor/HS Video Scavenger Hunt
There is also a free coffee coupon to be used in our Café. If you do not receive a gift, please stop by the Information KIOSK in the Lobby before you leave.
Junior Highers get ready for the event to beat all events Saturday, June 27. Fear Factor Junior High style. Meet your leaders by the youth rooms at 2:00 pm.
If you would like us to know you are here, please fill out a Communication Card located in the pews and put it in the offering plate as it passes. For more information about getting connected, visit our website
Dr. Joe Fuiten - Seni
or Pastor
Man to Man, Woman to Woman Prison Ministry Please support Man to Man, Woman to Woman Prison Ministry. Every year they make craft items sold at the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe. The ladies ministry continues to have a good response, but for the last few months there has been very few new men responding to the ministry. This ministry provides inmates with a connection to Christians.
Get Involved Summer activities are in full swing, but it’s not too late to be involved! Blue Team Teacher – 9:00 am for July 2nd grade Teacher – 9:00 for June & July Paid Nursery position available
Women of Faith Join us July 24-25 for a conference where you will laugh, cry, and realize that you're not alone. Heart-felt, hilarious messages, gripping drama and amazing music. Contact Colleen Nordlund at
Summer Bible Studies Life Sentences Tuesday, June 23rd – August 25th from 9:15 – 11:30 a.m. in the High School Youth Room. Contact Nola Baxter at
The Frazzled Female Thursday, June 25 – August 27 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Monroe Home Group. Contact Jennifer Roberts at 360-863-6634.
Breaking Free, by Beth Moore Wednesdays, June 24 - August 26 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Cedar Park Music Room. Contact Colleen Nordlund at
Contact Children’s Ministries @ 425-488-3600 for more information on how you can get plugged in!
Missionettes Honor Star Crowning Cedar Park crowned 8 Honor Stars this year who completed 3 years of Stars in our Missionettes program on Wednesday nights. Nicole Edmunds, Brianna Christiansen, Stephanie Sheneman, Alyssa Banas, Mrs. Cyndy Hughes, Honor Stars Sponsor, Deanna Britton, Julianna Sloat, Morgan Francis, Lyndsee Kimpe.
RFKC Prayer Partners We are looking for prayer partners to pray for specific campers (foster children) and camp staff the weeks before and during camp. If you would like to be a prayer partner for camp, please contact Scott and Carolyn Winter at or 425-486-6361.
Generations Tonight at 6:00 pm
Please stop by the Prayer Table for Prayer Information, Personal Prayer and Prayer requests Contact Betty Heide at
The youth going to Orlando for the National Fine Arts competition are selling pies Sunday, June 21st after both morning services in the foyer. Stop by and pick up a pie for your Father’s Day dessert and support your youth group.
Branch List
Booth Brothers Concert Cedar Park Bothell
High Schoolers we are taking you to downtown Kirkland for a video scavenger hunt. Be ready for anything; you never know what your leaders have planned for you. Meet the bus outside the youth rooms at 2:00 pm.
The Booth Brothers will be performing Saturday June 20th at 7:00 pm. They are more than music, they are ministry for the church. Compassionate and evangelistic, their approach is filled with humor, love and encouragement that will leave you feeling glad that you spent an evening with them.
Junior High and High School will meet back in the youth rooms for dinner at 5:00 pm. Cost is $3.
A limited number of tickets are available for $16 at the church office during the week.
Welcome to the Youth Group 6th Graders Welcome to the youth group incoming 7th graders. Pastor Brad and Jordan want to welcome you to your first ever Junior High Sunday School. Jordan and the Junior High Youth Staff will be waiting to meet you at 9:00 am on Sunday, June 28 in the High School Library. Contact Marlene at for more information regarding Student Ministries.
Cedar Park News On June 8, 2009 at 7:30 am, Jackie Loidhamer, the aunt of Michelle Stephens, went to be with the Lord. Please pray for the Stephens Family
Georgia Marie Bonds was born to Randy and Noelle Bonds and their son Cole at 1:19 June 2, 2009.
Vacation Bible School Mark your Calendars! VBS (Vacation Bible School) is coming August 10th – 14th. We’re getting ready to head Down Under with games, crafts and awesome stories & worship from 7:00-8:30. See you then!
Fine Arts Pie Sale
The final showing of Generations, a musical production by Dr. Daniel Perrin, Cedar Park's choir director, that includes a full orchestra, talented cast and our very own Cedar Park choir.
Encounter Classes Engage Classes Baptism Class Baptisms are taking place Sunday, June 21 in the 10:45 am service. Baptism is immersion in water as an outward and public statement of your inward commitment to follow Christ. If you have made this decision and have not been baptized, this is your next step. Contact Pastor Eric Olsen at or 425-788-5954 to sign up, or for more information.
The Saints Go Marching Out Come study the book of Numbers w/ Dr. Fahey and track the story from Mt. Sinai to the Promised Land. The seven week study will meet Tuesdays July 7 - August 18 from 6:30 - 8:45 pm in the Music Room. Register in the foyer. Contact Dr. Fahey at 425-787-7888. Class fee of $25.
Biblical Theology 101 Sunday mornings with Ted Lindbeck in HS Room H210.
Trial and Suffering in the Christian Life A study through 1 & 2 Peter discussing the role of Trial and Suffering in the Christian life. Taught by Pastor Craig Gorc and Pastor Alan Ehler, Sundays at 9:00 am in HS Room H206.
Equip Classes The Ever-Loving Truth Truth is under attack in our culture. One is more likely to hear "that may be true for you, but it is not necessarily true for me." Where will it end? Or better yet, where did it begin? Find out in this exciting World View Class, Sundays May 24 June 28 9:05 am in High School Room 207. Contact Sherril Shipley at
West of 50's Join us Friday, June 19 at 6:30 pm for our June meeting. We'll have dinner for $5 per person and then have a fun, relaxed evening of games.
SaturdayNiter Bar-B-Que If you are 45+, plan to join the newest fellowship group at Cedar Park. Saturday, June 20 at 6:00 p.m. there’s a BBQ at the Trilogy home of Sam and Joyce McKinstry, in Redmond. Contact Sherrill Shipley at
Healing Prayer Group The Healing Prayer Fellowship is open to everyone interested in learning more about healing prayer, have a gift for healing, or are in need of prayer for healing. Contact Hollis Mason at 425-922-6034.
Dr. Joe Fuiten, Senior Pastor Ph: 425-488-3600 16300 112th Ave. NE Bothell, WA 98011-1535 Sundays @ 9:00, 10:45, 6:00
The Chapel At Cedar Park Dan Neary, Pastor Ph: 425.939.1410 16300 112th Ave. NE Bothell, WA 98011-1535 Sundays @ 10:45 am
Nejat Church Massoud Sadeghi, Pastor Ph: 425-988-3578 16300 112th Ave. NE Bothell, WA 98011-1535 Sundays @ 2:00 pm
Cedar Park Northshore Jay Smith, Pastor Ph: 425-939-1377 18737 68th Ave. NE Kenmore, WA 98028 Sundays @ 9:00 & 10:30 am
Cedar Park Family Church Virgil Brown, Pastor Ph: 425-334-5900 4820 SR 92 Lake Stevens, WA 98258 Sundays @ 930 & 11:00 am
Cedar Park Community Church Gary Forslund, Pastor Ph: 360-428-1980 125 N. Laventure Road Mt. Vernon, WA 98273 Sundays 10:30 am
Stillwater Hill Community Church Jeff Hite, Pastor Ph: 425-788-1777 32111 NE Big Rock Road Duvall, WA 98019 Sundays 10:30 am
Chapel of Hope Ron & Kathy Rice-Peretti Co-Pastors Ph: 253-315-2523 3310 72nd Street E Tacoma, WA 98443 Sundays 10:00 am
Welcome to Cedar Park
Student Ministries
Our goal is to provide a place where you can meet God and other believers, and grow in your fellowship with both. We hope you experience the love and presence of God while you are here.
Friday Night Hang Out All youth are invited to come hang out with your leaders for dinner and games Friday, June 19 from 6:00 - 10:00 pm in the youth rooms. Cost is $3
During the service we will be passing out a guest gift including a CD featuring our Worship Band, Canvas and our Children’s Choir, Hiz Kidz.
JH Fear Factor/HS Video Scavenger Hunt
There is also a free coffee coupon to be used in our Café. If you do not receive a gift, please stop by the Information KIOSK in the Lobby before you leave.
Junior Highers get ready for the event to beat all events Saturday, June 27. Fear Factor Junior High style. Meet your leaders by the youth rooms at 2:00 pm.
If you would like us to know you are here, please fill out a Communication Card located in the pews and put it in the offering plate as it passes. For more information about getting connected, visit our website
Dr. Joe Fuiten - Seni
or Pastor
Man to Man, Woman to Woman Prison Ministry Please support Man to Man, Woman to Woman Prison Ministry. Every year they make craft items sold at the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe. The ladies ministry continues to have a good response, but for the last few months there has been very few new men responding to the ministry. This ministry provides inmates with a connection to Christians.
Get Involved Summer activities are in full swing, but it’s not too late to be involved! Blue Team Teacher – 9:00 am for July 2nd grade Teacher – 9:00 for June & July Paid Nursery position available
Women of Faith Join us July 24-25 for a conference where you will laugh, cry, and realize that you're not alone. Heart-felt, hilarious messages, gripping drama and amazing music. Contact Colleen Nordlund at
Summer Bible Studies Life Sentences Tuesday, June 23rd – August 25th from 9:15 – 11:30 a.m. in the High School Youth Room. Contact Nola Baxter at
The Frazzled Female Thursday, June 25 – August 27 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Monroe Home Group. Contact Jennifer Roberts at 360-863-6634.
Breaking Free, by Beth Moore Wednesdays, June 24 - August 26 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Cedar Park Music Room. Contact Colleen Nordlund at
Contact Children’s Ministries @ 425-488-3600 for more information on how you can get plugged in!
Missionettes Honor Star Crowning Cedar Park crowned 8 Honor Stars this year who completed 3 years of Stars in our Missionettes program on Wednesday nights. Nicole Edmunds, Brianna Christiansen, Stephanie Sheneman, Alyssa Banas, Mrs. Cyndy Hughes, Honor Stars Sponsor, Deanna Britton, Julianna Sloat, Morgan Francis, Lyndsee Kimpe.
RFKC Prayer Partners We are looking for prayer partners to pray for specific campers (foster children) and camp staff the weeks before and during camp. If you would like to be a prayer partner for camp, please contact Scott and Carolyn Winter at or 425-486-6361.
Generations Tonight at 6:00 pm
Please stop by the Prayer Table for Prayer Information, Personal Prayer and Prayer requests Contact Betty Heide at
The youth going to Orlando for the National Fine Arts competition are selling pies Sunday, June 21st after both morning services in the foyer. Stop by and pick up a pie for your Father’s Day dessert and support your youth group.
Branch List
Booth Brothers Concert Cedar Park Bothell
High Schoolers we are taking you to downtown Kirkland for a video scavenger hunt. Be ready for anything; you never know what your leaders have planned for you. Meet the bus outside the youth rooms at 2:00 pm.
The Booth Brothers will be performing Saturday June 20th at 7:00 pm. They are more than music, they are ministry for the church. Compassionate and evangelistic, their approach is filled with humor, love and encouragement that will leave you feeling glad that you spent an evening with them.
Junior High and High School will meet back in the youth rooms for dinner at 5:00 pm. Cost is $3.
A limited number of tickets are available for $16 at the church office during the week.
Welcome to the Youth Group 6th Graders Welcome to the youth group incoming 7th graders. Pastor Brad and Jordan want to welcome you to your first ever Junior High Sunday School. Jordan and the Junior High Youth Staff will be waiting to meet you at 9:00 am on Sunday, June 28 in the High School Library. Contact Marlene at for more information regarding Student Ministries.
Cedar Park News On June 8, 2009 at 7:30 am, Jackie Loidhamer, the aunt of Michelle Stephens, went to be with the Lord. Please pray for the Stephens Family
Georgia Marie Bonds was born to Randy and Noelle Bonds and their son Cole at 1:19 June 2, 2009.
Vacation Bible School Mark your Calendars! VBS (Vacation Bible School) is coming August 10th – 14th. We’re getting ready to head Down Under with games, crafts and awesome stories & worship from 7:00-8:30. See you then!
Fine Arts Pie Sale
The final showing of Generations, a musical production by Dr. Daniel Perrin, Cedar Park's choir director, that includes a full orchestra, talented cast and our very own Cedar Park choir.
Encounter Classes Engage Classes Baptism Class Baptisms are taking place Sunday, June 21 in the 10:45 am service. Baptism is immersion in water as an outward and public statement of your inward commitment to follow Christ. If you have made this decision and have not been baptized, this is your next step. Contact Pastor Eric Olsen at or 425-788-5954 to sign up, or for more information.
The Saints Go Marching Out Come study the book of Numbers w/ Dr. Fahey and track the story from Mt. Sinai to the Promised Land. The seven week study will meet Tuesdays July 7 - August 18 from 6:30 - 8:45 pm in the Music Room. Register in the foyer. Contact Dr. Fahey at 425-787-7888. Class fee of $25.
Biblical Theology 101 Sunday mornings with Ted Lindbeck in HS Room H210.
Trial and Suffering in the Christian Life A study through 1 & 2 Peter discussing the role of Trial and Suffering in the Christian life. Taught by Pastor Craig Gorc and Pastor Alan Ehler, Sundays at 9:00 am in HS Room H206.
Equip Classes The Ever-Loving Truth Truth is under attack in our culture. One is more likely to hear "that may be true for you, but it is not necessarily true for me." Where will it end? Or better yet, where did it begin? Find out in this exciting World View Class, Sundays May 24 June 28 9:05 am in High School Room 207. Contact Sherril Shipley at
West of 50's Join us Friday, June 19 at 6:30 pm for our June meeting. We'll have dinner for $5 per person and then have a fun, relaxed evening of games.
SaturdayNiter Bar-B-Que If you are 45+, plan to join the newest fellowship group at Cedar Park. Saturday, June 20 at 6:00 p.m. there’s a BBQ at the Trilogy home of Sam and Joyce McKinstry, in Redmond. Contact Sherrill Shipley at
Healing Prayer Group The Healing Prayer Fellowship is open to everyone interested in learning more about healing prayer, have a gift for healing, or are in need of prayer for healing. Contact Hollis Mason at 425-922-6034.
Dr. Joe Fuiten, Senior Pastor Ph: 425-488-3600 16300 112th Ave. NE Bothell, WA 98011-1535 Sundays @ 9:00, 10:45, 6:00
The Chapel At Cedar Park Dan Neary, Pastor Ph: 425.939.1410 16300 112th Ave. NE Bothell, WA 98011-1535 Sundays @ 10:45 am
Nejat Church Massoud Sadeghi, Pastor Ph: 425-988-3578 16300 112th Ave. NE Bothell, WA 98011-1535 Sundays @ 2:00 pm
Cedar Park Northshore Jay Smith, Pastor Ph: 425-939-1377 18737 68th Ave. NE Kenmore, WA 98028 Sundays @ 9:00 & 10:30 am
Cedar Park Family Church Virgil Brown, Pastor Ph: 425-334-5900 4820 SR 92 Lake Stevens, WA 98258 Sundays @ 930 & 11:00 am
Cedar Park Community Church Gary Forslund, Pastor Ph: 360-428-1980 125 N. Laventure Road Mt. Vernon, WA 98273 Sundays 10:30 am
Stillwater Hill Community Church Jeff Hite, Pastor Ph: 425-788-1777 32111 NE Big Rock Road Duvall, WA 98019 Sundays 10:30 am
Chapel of Hope Ron & Kathy Rice-Peretti Co-Pastors Ph: 253-315-2523 3310 72nd Street E Tacoma, WA 98443 Sundays 10:00 am
This Week At A Glance
Have You Considered Online Giving? It’s easier than you may think! As we approach the summer months with school vacations, schedule changes, traveling and disrupted schedules, why not put your checkbook away and try our online options for ACH automatic debit or credit card giving.
Here are just a few benefits: Monday
Prioritize Your Budget The Bible teaches that your tithes should be a first, and not a last, matter in your life. Read Proverbs 3:9-10. It is easy to let our good intentions be compromised by expenses and billing cycles. By setting up Online Giving, you can be sure to set that portion aside before other expenses rob you of the joy of giving to God.
Boy Scouts at 6:30
Tuesday Women’s Bible Study at 9:30 am Precepts Class at 6:30 pm
Wednesday Youth at 7:00 pm Royal Rangers at 7:00 pm Missionettes at 7:00 pm Women’s Recovery at 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study at 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study at 7:00 pm
Increase Your Faithfulness Have you ever forgotten your tithe or fallen behind because of travel or other schedule interruptions? Online Giving provides a way to strengthen your faithfulness in giving. After setting up a recurring gift, you won’t be faced with forgetfulness.
Help Your Church Through Online Giving you expedite your gift, simplify our accounting, and strengthen the base of regular support. Your faithful gifts help Cedar Park continue to fulfill its mission to impact the world with the love and message of Jesus Christ.
Ready to give online?
Thursday Prayer Meeting at 10:00 am Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 pm
Friday Celebrate Recovery at 6:00 pm
Saturday Mechanics Clinic at 9:00 am Healing Prayer Group at 7:00 pm Booth Brothers Concert at 7:00 pmPastor’s Prayer at 8:00 pm
Watch Online Every Sunday at Join us on our ”Cedar Park Church” Facebook Group
On the Radio every Sunday morning: Locally 7:30 am KGNW 820 AM Locally 9:30 am KCIS 630 AM Statewide broadcasts at 9:00 am Spokane: Tri-Cities: Yakima: Wenatchee: Moses Lake:
106.5 101.3 930 810 93.9
Cedar Park Prayer Chain 425-939-1335
Look for the Online Giving box on our website or use the keyword: “Giving” | Cedar Park Church | 425-488-3600