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June 2003

Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter Baltimore Avenue: If we come, they will build it. by Eli Massar, Baltimore Avenue Corridor Manager

For the past nine months, we at UCD have been working to broaden Baltimore Avenue’s appeal as a place for University City and other residents to find daily necessities and entertainment. We’ve promoted and assisted new merchants. We’ve intensified our cleaning, installed trash cans, removed graffiti, and planted trees. We’ve motivated the removal of abandoned cars, coordinated a Philadelphia Police/Parking Authority effort to eliminate sidewalk parking, partnered with neighbors and Police to close an illegal nightclub, and attracted some much needed enforcement regarding property maintenance and appearance. However challenging this has been, the hardest part lies ahead — recruiting businesses who will offer the flowers, shoes, food, clothing, hardware, books, and music that the neighborhood unequivocally requested in the Baltimore Avenue Planning Group survey that led

to this project. So, we’re asking the neighborhood to do what it does best — participate in shaping its own future. Simply shop on Baltimore Avenue! Right now, the best businesses on the Avenue are run by neighborhood residents. Undoubtedly, we should celebrate, promote, and encourage local investment, but we shouldn’t forget that, ultimately, a merchant’s impact on our lifestyle is defined by the products and services he or she offers. Therefore, we need to be able to convince potential merchants that quality will be rewarded. The neighborhood-run places like Gojjo, Vientiane, Dahlak, O’Donnell Realty, Green Line Café, Marigold, Abbraccio, Mariposa, R/X, and Calvary took the risks and led the way with quality products. Now we need to make them conspicuously successful so that other merchants, regardless of home address, will recognize the desirability of being west of 40th Street in University City. More simply put… if we come, they will build it.

Baltimore Avenue Corridor Manager Eli Massar and Firehouse Farmer’s Market owner Bill Coleman admire one of the corridor’s 20 new trash cans.

Every Tuesday from May to November, 11 am-7 pm, check out the new Farm Market featuring local vegetables, plants, flowers, Amish baked goods, and BBQ chicken and ribs.

Save the Date: Thursday June 5 Celebrate Cedar Park All Cedar Park Neighbors are invited to the dedication of a new multi-media mural by artist Karl Yoder Thursday June 5, 10 a.m. 4926-28 Baltimore Avenue Light refreshments will be served following the dedication. In partnership with the Mural Arts Program, a new mural featuring jazz and the community garden is currently being painted by artist Karl Yoder next to the Firehouse Farmer's Market.

For more information, please contact Amy Johnston at the Mural Arts Program 215-685-0739 or visit www.muralarts.org

From the President: Laying the Groundwork This month we welcome new board members Miriam Churchwell, Lizza Robb, Andrew Marvel and John Ellingsworth. We will miss Rose Russell and thank her for her Board service these past two years. We now have a well functioning membership committee with plans for membership expansion, outreach to businesses, newsletter development, a CPN brochure and more effective coordination of volunteers. We are blessed with a highly qualified website committee that will have us on line this fall. The Board is preparing for a planning day to evaluate this year’s efforts and set goals for the coming year. Since articulating its long range plan, the CPN Board has been working to begin implementation. We are meeting with volunteers, putting together team lists and articulating goals and tasks for newly formed or revitalized committees. Bolck Organizing

The Block Organizing Committee updated our Block Network, is preparing a Fall Block Leaders Conference and compiling an organizing kit for Network volunteers. We recently attended three block meetings to share information and listen to neighbor concerns. Each resulted in intervention activities by CPN on matters of zoning, nuisance issues, crime and identifying resources. We look forward to visiting more blocks in the coming months. We need to know what is happening where you live and want to work with you to build a better neighborhood block by block. Invite us! We will come!

Crossroads Project

Interest in our Crossroads Project is encouraging, and we anticipate having a Park Improvement Team and Housing/ Property Task Force in place to begin their work next month. CPN applauds the good work of Baltimore Avenue Corridor Manager, Eli Massar, and is pleased to collaborate with the UCD and Murals Arts Network on a new mural at 50th and Baltimore and the Tuesday Cedar Park Farm Market. Trees continue to repopulate the Avenue thanks to local volunteers and confidence in improvements is generating regular inquiries to CPN by those interested in opening a business in our community. We also facilitated several business/community dialogues and provided practical support to local businesses. The Neighborhood Marketing Project has officially been launched by the Central Philadelphia Development Corporation and includes Cedar Park as one of six neighborhoods being promoted. The Scholarship Committee has increased its outreach to identify more qualified students. Our Zoning Committee is responding to more requests and has entered positions on behalf of neighbors at several recent proceedings. The Recycling Project continues to generate significant income to support scholarships and greening projects and the Fall Fair committee are getting in gear. We look forward to working with you to build on these efforts. —Maureen Tate

Volunteers Needed for Cedar Park Fair! Volunteers Needed! The Fair will be held this year on Saturday, September 20 and will feature entertainment, activities for children and teenagers, vendors and public service information tables, great food, and the famous Cedar Park Raffle. If you can lend a hand with planning or putting on the fair, please contact Wayne Marquardt at 215-476-1258 or Roger Harman at 215-724-9423.

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CPN Newsletter

Current Events Announcement Share the Road Program Police have been making educational stops of both motorists and bicyclists in University City in conjunction with the “Share the Road” program since January, and began issuing citations on Friday, May 16. Call or email Jenny Ruth, Public Affairs Associate, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, at 215-238-2941 or jruth@dvrpc.org with any questions. Thank you for your consideration! Ongoing…

NEW Knitting Circle at The Last Word Bookshop Unwind with other knitters on comfy sofas, browse for summer reading, get out of the house for a couple hours—it’s all possible Tuesday nights in University City! Rosie’s Yarn Cellar Knitting Circle at The Last Word Bookshop meets Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at 3925 Walnut Street. BYO materials. Other interesting knitters to chat with provided. For information: 215-977-YARN or www.rosiesyarncellar.com.

Tuesday, June 3rd PHILOAN Program Information Session The University City District and Citizens Bank are sponsoring an information session on the PHILOAN Program, which provides rehab loans for homeowners at reasonable rates, on Tuesday, June 3rd at 6:30 p.m. at Calvary Center, 48th and Baltimore Avenue. Please save the date and bring your questions to the session. More info: www.phila.gov/ohcd/Philoan.htm

June 7 - 8 Annual Porch Sale at St. Francis de Sales On June 7-8, the twenty-ifth annual Parish Porch sale will be held in the school hall. Practice good stewardship and donate items you no longer need or use to the sale. Almost everything except clothing will be gratefully accepted. Good sellers are books, records, audiotapes and players, small furniture, jewelry, kitchen household appliances and small appliances, to name just a few things. All proceeds of this sale are donated to the parish! Please plan to attend (and bring your friends!) Donations will be accepted on Friday June 6 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteers are also needed. Please call Fran Byers at 215-222-2255 in the evening if you can help.

Saturday, June 21 Clark Park Summer Solstice Festival For the past 33 years, the Clark Park Music and Arts Community has organized a bi-yearly, all volunteer, free festival in Clark Park. Come on down to 43rd & Chester on Saturday, June 21 between noon and 8 p.m. to find childern’s face painting and arts and crafts; music, dance and theater performances; and tables for arts & crafts vendors and non-profit organizations. Area restaurants will be cooking up something delicious right on the premises.

Saturday, June 21 Free Health Screening The National Kidney Foundation, in conjunction with the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Ortho Biotech, present Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP), a free health screening for people at increased risk of developing kidney disease. You should attend if you are 18 or older and have a parent, grandparent, brother or sister with diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney disease, or if you have high blood pressure or diabetes. The screening will include blood pressure and weight measurements, and blood and urine tests for signs of diabetes and kidney disease. Screening will take place Saturday, June 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Monumental Baptist Church, Fellowship Hall, 4948 Locust Street. For more information, contact patricia.dickson@uphs.upenn.edu or call the National Kidney Foundation at 800-697-7007.

July 28 - August 8 Underground Railroad Summer Camp Children in grades 4-9 are invited to come to the Paul Robeson House, 4951 Walnut Street, to learn about the history of the Underground Railroad through lessons, trips & activities. Campers will show what they have learned about the Underground Railroad through drama, music, art, oral presentation and recitation. Camp runs from Monday, July 28 to Friday, August 8 (weekdays only) 9 a.m. 3:30 p.m. The fee for the twoweek session is $100. A limited number of full and partial scholarships are available. For more information or to register, call 215-747-4675.

June 2003

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Good things are happening at Beulah Tabernacle Beulah Tabernacle Church at 4824-26 Baltimore Avenue, under the leadership of Pastor Keith Thomas, is doing great things for the community. Pastor Thomas’ church is filled every Sunday with worshippers, and during the week The Beulah Tabernacle YET Center (Youth Education for Tomorrow)is filled with bright and shiny faces of students who are eager to learn and be a part of the After School Tutoring Program for 3rd-5th graders. The YET Center is housed in a safe and nuturing environment. Rev. Janet Thomas is the Center’s administrator, and she works tirelessly to ensure that the children come first.

The YET Center helps students strengthen their reading skills through playing educational games, reading and writing stories and participating in activities with other children in a fun and positive learning environment. Beulah is also partnering with the Literacy Center to provide onsite adult tutoring. In addition, Pastor Thomas will build the Calvin Thomas Sr., Family Life Center, which will be a comprehensive facility dedicated to nourishing and strengthening families throughout the University City area. This Family Life Center will be located next door to the church in a rehabbed facility to be completed in September.

Groundbreaking held for Fine Arts Wing for St. Francis de Sales School On April 10, ground was broken for a brand new fine arts wing at St. Francis de Sales School. Located at 47th & Springfield Avenue, de Sales shepherds a diverse body of students from Cedar Park and surrounding neighborhoods. The three-story, 3,336-squarefoot wing will house a penthouse art room with 14-foot ceilings and skylights to provide natural lighting for the young artists. Display boards, sinks, closets, counters, and computer and multi-media hook-ups are included. The wing’s second level will be a four-tiered music room with 17-foot ceilings that will sit alongside the existing auditorium stage. The first floor will be a storage room. An elevator added to the front entrance of the main school building will make the new wing and entire school handicap accessible. Construction of the wing is made possible by the generosity of patrons Michael and Jeannie O’Neill, residents of Wayne, PA, who were impressed with de Sales strong educational program and wanted to support art and music instruction at the school. The O’Neills, their parPage 4

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Sister Constance Marie, IHM, principal of de Sales school, Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, and Fr. Roland Slobogin, pastor of St. Francis de Sales, take up shovels at the Fine Arts Wing groundbreaking ceremonies.

ents and their five children joined Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, Fr. Roland Slobogin, pastor of St. Francis de Sales, and Sister Constance Marie, IHM, principal of the school, at the groundbreaking ceremonies. Flags of the more than 35 countries represented by the student body surrounded the area and festive banners hung from windows. De Sales has dreamed of an expanded Fine Arts instructional program for years. “We have great talent here, wonderful potential among students,” said Sr. Constance. “We love to let that talent blossom.” The state-of-the-art music room will enhance the newly piloted music program, “Education through Music,” which debuted

at the school last fall, courtesy of Philadelphia philanthropist Carole Haas Gravagno. The program is led by four music teachers. Kindergarten and first graders receive instruction in rhythm, movement and song; second and third graders have two piano lessons each week at the 17 electronic keyboards purchased by Hass Gravagno; and choral music is provided to fourth through eighth graders. Strings are scheduled to be added in the fall. The new wing is set for completion in time for school opening in the fall of 2003. For more information about the school, or to make an appointment to register your child for the 2003-04 school year, call 216-387-1749.

Cedar Park Neighbors Scholarship Program Seeks Applicants The Cedar Park Neighbors Scholarship Program is entering its fifteenth year encouraging youth committed to our neighborhood. Since 1989, the Scholarship Program has made 66 awards for a total of $28,550 to 29 young neighbors with aspirations and commitment to our community. If you know a student who is qualified, please have her/him write CPN to request an application or email CPN Scholarship at Bronswolfe@aol.com. Applicants must live within Cedar Park, graduate from high school by June 2003, be accepted at a post-secondary school for 2003-2004, be involved in the betterment of the neighborhood, and demonstrate financial need. We are looking for qualified students to join Adnan, Kenneth, Marcus, LeSette, Katena, Felecia, Mironda, Tyrone, Kia, Seth, Makisa, Monava, Alice, Keith, Neffertina, John, Ayesha, Judith, Irene,

Shaheed, Hadiyah, Cecil, Nguyet, Charlotte, Sylvia, Rosa, Annette, Jendayi, and Jarrett. The Scholarship Committee will award six renewal scholarships and four to six new scholarships of $500 each this year. Applications must be in by July 1, 2003. Award decisions are made on August 1, 2003, and awards are made at intermission during the Jazz Concert at the Firehouse Farmers Market on Friday, August 8, 2003. The community is invited to join us in recognizing these students at the Jazz Concert. The concerts are great and start at 7 pm every Friday from June to September. The community is also invited to send a gift to the Scholarship Program at the address above. Scholarship funds are raised by the Cedar Park Neighbors membership and by plastic recycling at the Firehouse Farmers Market.

West Philadelphia Improvement Program To address nuisance complaints in record time, Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell has launched the West Philadelphia improvement Program (WPIP). Councilwoman Blackwell invites residents to call her office at 215-686-3419 about vacant and open buildings, Illegal appliance and auto stores, drug dealing inside retail establishments, unsupervised children and youth out after curfew, short dumping, and clean up of lots after demolition. A representative from the appropriate City department will be dispatched immediately (most often within 48-72 hours). The violator will be issued a citation that often carries a fine.

Membership Coupon

Cedar Park Neighbors Needs You!

YES, I want to make Cedar Park a better place. My annual Cedar Park Neighbors membership dues are enclosed.

Cedar Park Neighbors welcomes your participation. Please check your areas of interest and return the form to CPN, Calvary Community Center, 4740 Baltimore Ave, Phila, PA 19143

___ New Member ___ Renewal

_____ Block Organizing

_____ Neighborhood Clean-up Committee

___ $7 Individual

_____ Cedar Park Fair

_____ Neighborhood Safety

___ $10 Household (2 persons or more)

_____ Community Development

_____ Newsletter (writing, publishing, delivery)

___ $20 Business

_____ Education

_____ Recycling Project

___ $5 Senior/Student/Unemployed

_____ Fundraising

_____ Scholarship Fund Committee

___ $30 Sponsor

_____ Greening Activities

_____ Website

Enclosed is my additional contribution

_____ Holiday Baskets

_____ Zoning Committee

of $________________________

_____ Membership Committee

Name Address

Phone Email ____ I would like a free CPN T-shirt with my renewal of $30 or more. Adult Size: ___M ___L ___XL June 2003

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A local garden center takes root at Woodland Building Supply Finally…an answer to a gardener’s prayer: a local garden center takes root. A recent collaboration between community residents and Woodland Building Supply is a fine example of how residents and businesses can work together to reach common goals of building economically viable businesses in thriving communities. In January, when gardeners can only dream of playing in the dirt, Woodland Building Supply owner Larry Reese and in-house millworker and partner Ed Patterson responded to an overture from community residents. They agreed to meet with a delegation of local gardeners and tree tenders from Cedar Park Neighbors, UC Green, Baltimore Avenue in Bloom and representatives from USIP and the Southwest CDC to explore the idea of expanding Woodland’s building supply line to

Cedar Park Neighbors Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143

include a garden center to meet the needs of local gardeners. Although initial expansion to a full nursery seemed unlikely, Woodland thought that initially they could carry items consistent with their current business inventory. Ed also expressed interest in working with gardeners to design and build garden accent items such as trellises, flower boxes, garden containers, etc. The neighbors agreed to compile an inventory list that would be useful to gardeners as well as provide landscaping assistance to beautify the corner of 49th and Woodland which is a very visible gateway into the neighborhood.

We are pleased to let you know that Woodland Building Supply is now open for garden business! They plan to gradually increase their inventory but now sell all bagged soil products, i.e. peat moss, potting soil, top soil, etc. They carry garden tools and pottery pots. Garden bed edging materials and mulching materials are also available. They will eventually add some bedding plants and are very interested in hearing about other products that customers are seeking. We encourage you to stop in and support their efforts! Of course we also suggest you check out their inventory of tools and building supplies and discuss your custom millwork needs. Woodland Building Supply is located at the corner of 47th Street and Woodland Avenue. Check out their new website at www.woodlandbuildingsupply.com or call (215)727-5333.

CPN Board of Directors President Maureen Tate, 726-8664 tatemch@aol.com Vice-Presidents Carol Walker, 474-8505 Sean Joe, 474-4411 Secretary Jim Masen, 662-1978 Treasurer Karen Allen, 727-8349 Dorothy Welch Berlind Miriam Churchwell John Ellingsworth Eric Grau Roger Harman James R. Kurtz Lisa Johanningsmeier Melani Lamond James D. Lander April Marinell Wayne Marquardt Pia Martin Andrew Marvel Reggie Morgan Emma Oliver Lizza Robb CPN Mission Statement: Cedar Park Neighbors is an association of diverse households and businesses based in the Cedar Park neighborhood of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the association shall be to foster collaboration among all persons living and working in the Cedar Park neighborhood, to promote community development, to provide a forum for communication and community education, to respond to neighborhood concerns and to advocate for and promote the general welfare of the Cedar Park community. Send Newsletter items to: 4820 Florence Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143 tatemch@aol.com

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CPN Newsletter

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