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January 2004

Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter Community Forum Brings Cedar Park Neighbors Up to Date By Eric Grau and Maureen Tate edar Park Neighbors (CPN) held C a community forum at the Calvary Community Center on December 9 to bring members and neighbors up to date on the activities of the organization and the implementation of its long range plan.

Communicating to Membership The membership committee reported an increased membership, over 300, with most members current. CPN has a wonderful new brochure, produced by board member Judy Lamirand, and residents can look forward to a display about Cedar Park that is being developed for an unused store window on the 4900 block of Baltimore Avenue. The CPN website has been launched at www.cedarparkneighbors.org and will continue to develop under the direction of board members Sean Joe, John Ellingsworth, and Judy Lamirand. It provides information about the neighborhood, the activities of CPN, information resources for neighborhood residents, and ways of becoming involved in the organization. In addition to a monthly newsletter, members are now receiving periodic e-mail communications on meeting and news updates, providing a more efficient system of connecting members to areas of interest for involvement. The organization is also working on by-laws revisions, fundraising, and Board development.

Block Organizing CPN is actively involved in helping blocks become more organized. Meeting many of its early goals in this effort, CPN updated its Block Leaders E-Mail Network, developed a block leaders kit, and hosted a block conference in November attended by more than 40 block leaders to share ideas, identify local problems, and generate possible solutions to those problems. Board members have attended block meetings and have intervened on identified issues. CPN has been invited to attend more block meetings. Future gatherings of block leaders have been requested and plans will

be put in place to initiate a block improvement grants program in consultation with UCGreen.

Education and Youth Development Developing the CPN Scholarship Program is the primary emphasis in the area of Education at this time. The Fund provides financial support to needy local high school students who are headed toward college. The organization is devising ways to increase its support to the scholarship fund and increase awareness among eligible teens. The Scholarship Committee, headed by Gary Bronson, will focus on contacting local businesses, developing literature for the program, seeking more funds, and reaching out to students at West Philadelphia High School.

Community Promotion and Development CPN is one of six neighborhoods to participate in The Neighborhood Marketing Campaign, a project designed by the Philadelphia Central Development Corporation to attract new residents to stable neighborhoods outside of Center City. CPN’s interest is to focus the marketing effort on blocks in Cedar Park west of 49th Street. A brochure was developed for each of the six city neighborhoods and each are highlighted on a website, www.phillyathome.com.

The Crossroads Project The Crossroads Project is a community development project focused on improvements at the very center of Cedar Park at 49th Street and Baltimore Avenue. CPN has chosen this area because it is a hightraffic corridor projecting a high-visibility image of the Cedar Park community. The project focuses on four general areas: local business support, housing/property concerns, crime issues, and Cedar Park itself. Regarding business support, CPN has been actively involved in improving the Baltimore Avenue corridor through the work of the Baltimore Avenue Planning Group, continued on page 4

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Look for a new Cedar Park Neighbors brochure inside this newsletter. Give the brochure to a neighbor who is not yet a member and invite them to join!

President’s Message: Welcoming the New Year – and Three New Directors By Maureen Tate, President he new year holds great promise despite T a cold and quiet January. Ambitious plans proposed by CPN in 2003 are now crystallizing and taking shape in 2004. We ended December with a community meeting reporting on our many efforts. Many of you attended, and we were encouraged by your support. A meeting summary can be found beginning on page one. We are excited to share good news about improvement plans for Cedar Park. In this fallow time of year we eagerly anticipate a greener and cleaner park that will begin to sprout first phase improvements as early as this spring. Momentum is building for park improvements as a result of success in fundraising, advocacy and networking by the Park Improvement Committee on behalf of Cedar Park. The CPN Board has been busy with other organizational matters. The annual Budget process is complete and we have enclosed the 2004 Budget for your review. Our By-Laws committee, Karen Allen, Melani Lamond and Wayne Marquardt have begun the difficult task of reorganizing and updating the organization’s bylaws to better reflect how the association actually functions. Members will have an opportunity to review and comment on proposed changes prior to a membership vote in the future.

The Board has also experienced some changes at the turn of the year. In response to our invitation to the membership to fill Board vacancies, we have three wonderful new Directors. We are very pleased to welcome Bilal Bell, Judy Lamirand and Josh Sevin to fill interim appointments until the April election. Our formal Nominations process has begun for annual Board of Director elections. We urge you to think about your availability and to consider yourself or others who could serve the community well on the CPN Board. I look forward to receiving your nominations by February 15. Not all changes are welcome ones. We are very sorry to accept a resignation from Carol Walker, our First VicePresident. Due to increased personal responsibilities Carol has regretfully resigned from her position. Carol has served Cedar Park in many capacities, first on the Firehouse Project Board and then on the CPN Board as Vice-President for the past four years. In her time on the CPN Board, Carol revitalized our Zoning Committee, provided leadership to continue the Holiday Basket program, facilitated outreach to Block Leaders, worked on the Fair and Nominations Committees and all aspects of the organization. We thank Carol for her contributions and we will miss her generous, positive spirit.

Free Tree Tenders Programs Sponsored by Horticultural Society he Tree Tenders Program T sponsored by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society is a lot of fun, and West Philadelphia can always use more people who care about trees. Tree Tenders training only happens twice a year, so don’t miss this opportunity. Cedar Park will need tree tenders and greening volunteers for upcoming projects. If you have already taken the basic Tree Tenders training, think about signing up for the following continuing education courses. Page 2

CPN Newsletter

For more information about greening, visit: www.ucgreen.org or www.pennsylvaniahorticulturalsociety.org/phlgreen/treetenders.html Choosing the Right Tree for the Right Spot

Bare Root Tree Planting and Care

Wednesday, February 18 Noon to 1 pm repeated at 6 pm PHS, 100 N. 20th Street

Wednesday, March 3 6 to 7:30 pm PHS, 100 N. 20th Street

Learn what to look for to insure a happy long-term relationship with a new tree. For more information and to RSVP contact Alex Green at 215-988-8869.

Designed for groups that are purchasing Bare Root Trees this March. This indoor training Includes a video and discussion. RSVP to Mindy by 2 days before the event: 215-988-8844.

Tree Tenders Basic Training Wednesday, May 5, 12 & 19 5:45 to 8 :45pm Saturday, May 15 10 am to 2 pm PHS, 100 N. 20th Street Sign up with three of your neighbors and you will receive high-quality tree care tools to keep and use. RSVP to Mindy by 2 days before the event: 215-988-8844.

Citizens’ Bank Grant Gets Park Improvement on the Way By Sean Joe, Vice President he Cedar Park Improvement Project, T initiated by Cedar Park Neighbors as part of its Crossroad Initiative, got well on the way with a competitive $8,000 matching grant from Citizen’s Bank that was announced in December, 2003. CPN will provide the match. CPN has received additional support from the University City District for new trash cans in the Park and financial assistance toward Phase 1 park improvements that amount to more than $10,000. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society has also chosen Cedar Park as a site for one of two new commercial corridor landscape projects in addition to providing resources and training through their Park Revitalization Project. All in all, CPN has secured approximately $33,000 in resources to make improvements in and around Cedar Park. Although off to a great start, the Cedar Park Improvement Project Committee is far from its goal to raise the resources needed to renovate the park, estimated between $120,000 and $160,000. We are exploring additional avenues of support through Councilwoman Blackwell’s office, the Department of Recreation, and grant sources. Since Cedar Park is a Department of Recreation property we have met with their representatives and staff from Councilwoman Blackwell’s office to discuss additional city support for our local park. Before any work can begin on Phase 1 of the park improvement plan, we are waiting for final approval from the Department of Recreation to proceed with design improvements and will need to have more detailed work plans developed. However, there are several activities that will take place before the end of the summer that are important for neighbors to become aware of and involved in:

Greening: Community gardeners and other volunteers will be needed for several new planting projects as well as helping to maintain the green space in the park. Park committee member Holman Massey will coordinate the efforts of neighbors and organizations interested in contributing to these community building initiatives. Renovation of 49th Street Triangle: CPN is participating in a project facilitated by the University City District with the expertise of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society to implement a landscape plan for the existing 49th and Baltimore triangle. This project is budgeted for $7000 and is expected to be completed by July, 2004.

This issue of the CPN Newsletter is sponsored by


Street Closing Pilot: The park improvement committee has discussed with Catharine Street neighbors and the Streets Department ideas for a pilot project that will close the Baltimore street turn into Catherine, that Catherine Street residents and traffic safety engineers have identified as dangerous and unnecessary. Closure of the space will allow for the extension of the park and creation of four additional parking spaces. Routine Maintenance: In the coming weeks the Department of Recreation, at the request of CPN, will remove the blighted perimeter fencing and begin routine maintenance activities in the park (fixing benches, replacing child swings). We hope to work with the Department to schedule a day in May for neighborhood volunteers to repaint the metal play equipment. If you are interested in volunteering or supporting these efforts to revitalize this wonderful green space that is the namesake of our community and association please contact us at 267-531-4147 or contact@cedarparkneighbors.org.

Zoning Hearing Update Many residents have been interested in the request for a zoning variance filed by the Le Mandingue African Restaurant at 4610 Cedar Avenue. Members of the Cedar Point Park Block Page 2

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Association actively solicited neighbor feedback about proposed changes and many residents attended a zoning hearing in the Fall that was continued. The new hearing date is

February 18 at 3:30 pm at the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 1515 Arch Street on the 18th floor. Anyone interested in attending the hearing should bring a photo ID for admittance. January 2004

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C E D A R PA R K NEI GHBORS 2004 BUDGE T Dedicated Revenues and Expenses Scholarships Food Baskets Fair Jazz Concerts Recycling Greening Cedar Park Subtotal:

Expenses 3,000 1,000 2,500 1,000 ——3,000 16,000 26,500

Income From Reserve 2,000 1,000 1,000 3,500 1,000 4,000 ——2,500 8,000 8,000 19,500 11,500

General Revenues and Expenses Expenses Membership Materials 300 Newsletter 1,000 Supplies/Equipment 50 Copying 100 Postage 75 Hospitality 300 Facilities Rent 1,800 Service Fees 1,500 Bank Fees 50 Contingencies 150 Block Conference 700 Municipal Fees 125 Communications 250 Special Projects 1,000 Insurance 1,000 Payments to other 100 Organizations Subtotal: 8,500

Income 3,000 600 100 200 100




Dues Newsletter ads Tire Roundup Contributions Interest

Traffic Advisory: Woodland & University Avenues The Baltimore/Woodland/ University Avenues intersection re-configuration project has begun. Beginning Monday January 19, 2004, after the morning rush hour, the two lanes that run parallel to the front of the VA Hospital will be closed and will remain closed for approximately two months. During this period ALL eastbound traffic will be diverted to Woodland Avenue, which will have two open lanes. The left lane MUST turn left (northbound on to University Avenue). The

right lane MUST turn right (southbound on to University Avenue). During the morning rush hour traffic a UPPD Police Officer will be on site for traffic control. The City of Philadelphia traffic engineers and University Police have re-designed the traffic control devices. Included in this design will be a RIGHT TURN signal for motorists turning right from Woodland to southbound University Avenue. As the project progresses you will be updated. Expect delays, and avoid the area if possible.

For description of the construction project with street maps, visit www.facilities.upenn.edu/whatsNew/construction/38th.php3

Give Kids a Smile Day at Penn Dental Free Dental Care for Children Age 5 to 12 One Day Only – Friday, February 6, 2004 The Robert Shattner Center at Penn Dental is located at 240 S. 40th Street, between Locust and Spruce Streets, and is easily accessible by public transportation. 4,000 11,500

{ } {35,000}

Parents must be present to order for their children to receive dental fillings and other needed dental care. Parents will receive a report of the additional dental care their children need.

Call Vikki Scott at 215-746-4096 to make an appointment.

Community Forum continued from page 1 and more recently, the work of the Baltimore Avenue Corridor Project facilitated by Eli Massar. Eli spoke at the forum, describing the work that UCD had been doing on Baltimore Avenue. The fruits of this effort include a new bakery at 4908 Baltimore Avenue, seven merchants at the Firehouse Market under new ownership, and improved landscaping and cleanliness. CPN has lent support by referring inquiries from prospective businesses to the Corridor Manager, writing letters on zoning issues and bank loans, and promoting local businesses. In response to a concern about community flyers, Massar indicated that funding could be used to create kiosks for community notices, which could be cleaned off as appropriate. Dorothy Welch Berlind reported on CPN’s efforts to address concerns about the liquor store on the 4900 block of Baltimore Avenue. Those working to improve the park have indicated that park acts as a lounge for Page 4

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drinkers coming from the liquor store, discouraging families and children from using the park. CPN has polled members of the community, both online and with paper surveys, about their wine and liquor buying habits and their opinions of the local store. The results show that residents buy wine and liquor but not at the Cedar Park store, since the selection and atmosphere is so bad. CPN will meet with the Liquor Control Board soon to share the results of the survey and advocate for improvements. More survey forms were provided that community residents were asked to fill out if they had not done so already. Crime is a major problem in the Crossroads area. CPN has reorganized a Crime & Safety Committee that will focus on education about reporting crime, sharing crime information with residents and effective communication with the local police districts. continued on page 6

Cedar Park Neighbors Membership Application/Renewal ___ New Member ___ Renewal

Cedar Park Neighbors welcomes your participation. Please check your areas of interest and return the form to CPN, Calvary Community Center, 4740 Baltimore Ave, Phila, PA 19143 _____ Block Organizing _____ Neighborhood Clean-up Committee

___ $7 Individual

_____ Cedar Park Fair

___ $10 Household (2 persons or more)

_____ Community Development _____ Newsletter (writing, publishing, delivery)

___ $20 Business

_____ Education

_____ Recycling Project

___ $5 Senior/Student/Unemployed

_____ Fundraising

_____ Scholarship Fund Committee

___ $30 Sponsor

_____ Greening Activities

_____ Website

Enclosed is my additional contribution

_____ Holiday Baskets

_____ Zoning Committee

of $________________________

_____ Membership Committee

YES, I want to make Cedar Park a better place. My annual Cedar Park Neighbors membership dues are enclosed.

_____ Neighborhood Safety

Name Address Phone Email ____ I would like a free CPN T-shirt with my renewal of $30 or more. Adult Size: ___M ___L ___XL

Cedar Park Neighbors Membership: Spread the Word! By Jim Kurtz, Membership Chair

Thank You, CPN Sponsors and Business Members

e have a new CPN brochure! Thanks W to graphic designer and Board member Judy Lamirand, and membership committee

Sponsors Ellen Balze and Robert Walther Mark and Roxanne Bataitis Judith Berman and John Holland John and Lisa Bobber Catherine Carr and Louis Tannen Cindy Cassel and Jeff Knightly Ellie and Nick Cernansky Jody and Roger Chavez Bonnie Crosfield Earl and Agnes Dumas Johannah Fine and John Weisel Ann Kreidle and Patrick O’Neill Nancy Krody Judy Lamirand and Robert Siddall Melani Lamond and Brian Ratigan Gerry Lee and Patricia McKenna Carolynne and Iman Martin Bruce and Sharon McCullough Gerald McHugh and Maureen Tate Dr. Alice Moyer Robert Noyer and Jack Sutton Peggy Stamos Belynda Stewart David and Jennifer Timony

members Jim Kurtz, Mike Hardy and Melani Lamond who worked on content, our association now has an effective communication tool. The brochures will be used in block outreach campaigns and a business membership drive. You can help us spread the word! We ask that you give the brochure in this newsletter to someone on your block who is not currently a member and invite them to consider joining CPN. If you are willing to circulate brochures to additional households on your block, please call membership chair, Jim Kurtz (215)724-0399 and he will deliver a supply. Members have been great in renewing memberships this year. Thank you for your support. We would like to take an opportunity at this time to thank in a particular way our sponsors and business members. Their added financial support has enabled us to maintain a balanced budget even as we have expanded our commitments. Many thanks!

Business Members Abbraccio Restaurant & Bar Alan Klein Apartments Amigo African Market Dahlak Restaurant Dan’s Bar-B-Q Fresh Deli Green Line Coffee and Tea James’ Grill L&W Plants, Inc. Mia Lou Gallery Peaks Little Angels, Inc. Sims, Giles and Associates St. Francis de Sales Parish Sugar Hill Bakery The Gables Bed and Breakfast Urban & Bye Realtors Vientiane Café Westside Community Day Care White Seal Cleaners

Please Patronize CPN Business Members! January 2004

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c/o Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143 contact@cedarparkneighbors.org

CPN Mission Statement: Cedar Park Neighbors is an association of diverse households and businesses based in the Cedar Park neighborhood of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the association shall be to foster collaboration among all persons living and working in the Cedar Park neighborhood, to promote community development, to provide a forum for communication and community education, to respond to neighborhood concerns and to advocate for and promote the general welfare of the Cedar Park community. Newsletter Editors: Maureen Tate & Judy Lamirand Newsletter Design: Judy Lamirand, Parallel Design Send Newsletter items to: 4820 Florence Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143 267-531-4147

Community Forum continued from page 4 CPN has also developed a task force to research strategies for dealing with abandoned and derelict properties within the Crossroads area. Eric Grau described their work which includes doing research into particular properties regarding ownership, tax delinquency, reasons for deterioration, owner occupancy and investment status, as well as how to provide homeowner support where assistance is needed for maintenance. CPN has met with L&I to discuss possible strategies for dealing with properties that have been abandoned and derelict for many years. The task force is also researching other viable strategies for dealing with these properties. One of the most exciting efforts underway, as part of the Crossroads Project, is a large scale Park Improvement Project. Monica Allison, committee member and resident of Catharine Street spoke about the issues being addressed by the committee and their work with volunteer professionals supplied by the Community Design Collaborative. Slides were shown of present park conditions followed by a color renPage 6

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dering of a vision for how Cedar Park could look in the future. This was followed by a discussion about what was desired at the park, as opposed to what is there now. The Design Collaborative representatives presented their analysis based on their observations of the park, which included a site analysis and a review of current traffic conditions, use of the park, and positive influences and assets. The desire of CPN is to create a long range vision for the park, increase family activities in the park, create space for greening, assure ongoing maintenance, and make it supportive of current activities such as the CPN fair. Several meetings with political, park and greening agencies concerning the park’s future have already taken place. Park improvement will be expensive, but it can be done in phases. CPN has already obtained a grant from Citizen’s Bank that CPN will match for launching the first phase of the project. Additional funding sources are being sought for subsequent phases. Members and residents stayed for refreshments and discussion after the meeting.

CPN Board of Directors President Maureen Tate Vice-Presidents Carol Walker Sean Joe Secretary Jim Masen Treasurer Karen Allen Bilal Bell Dorothy Welch Berlind Miriam Churchwell John Ellingsworth Eric Grau Roger Harman James R. Kurtz Lisa Johanningsmeier Judy Lamirand Melani Lamond James D. Lander Wayne Marquardt Reggie Morgan Josh Sevin

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