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April 2006

Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter President’s Message By Carol Walker, CPN President Well...it is that time again. OUR ELECTIONS AND THE CPN BOARD IS EXCITED!!! Every April we elect/re-elect Board Members to the Cedar Park Board, for one or two year terms. This year we have some exciting candidates ready and eager to roll up their sleeves and begin to serve. Board candidate bios are in this Newsletter. It is always an exciting night, this year we will meet on Monday, April 24th @ Calvary Cultural Center Church. First up, our Elections from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm. We’ll begin our General Membership Meeting at 7:30 pm. This is an opportunity for our membership to come together discuss, and ask questions of our Board, and to hear and ask questions from a speaker dealing with important issues revolving around Cedar Park. This year, we will have Joan Hicken, the new City of Philadelphia Recycling Coordinator discussing the future directions of the City’s Recycling Program. So come out and be informed! And let’s not forget Al Airone, who for nine faithful and dedicated years, oversaw the Recycling at Cedar Park. Al will be stepping down later this year. Cedar Park is looking to restructure the Recycling Program to involve several volunteers and a new coordinator. It would involve 2+4+1, two hours, on four Saturdays, over one year. Remember 2+4+1. If you would like to assist us, we’d be glad to have you and remember THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING GOOD GOING ON IN CEDAR PARK!

CPN Fall Fair – Save the Date By Wayne Marquardt, Fair Committee The Cedar Park Fair will be held on Saturday, September 30th from 12 noon to PM in Cedar Park. The planning committee is looking for vendors, food concessions, entertainment, and volunteers to help with events on the day of the fair. If interested please contact Wayne Marquardt (co-chair) at 215-476-1258 or WayneRX@aol.com.

Reminder to all CPN Members:

CPN ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND ELECTION 6:30pm–7:45pm Voting // 7pm–8pm Membership Meeting 8pm–8:30pm Election results announced followed by refreshments Remember!! Only members who have their dues paid on or before April 1, 2006 are eligible to vote. Check your address label to see if you membership is current. Please come out and show your support for our neighbors who have stepped forward to serve our community through CPN!

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