Feb. 2011 CPN newsletter

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January 2011

Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter President’s Message: Celebrate the Centennial By Monica Allison, CPN President appy New Year! First, I want to H thank all the businesses and residents who stepped up to the plate for our Annual Holiday Basket drive. We fed more than 120 families this year. Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN) would like to thank all that gave financially and the volunteers who donated their time. We especially would like to thank the Mariposa Coop, who donated their new space, where we packed and distributed holiday baskets. The Holiday Basket Committee did another remarkable job this year, thank you! On Monday, January 10th, the Windermere Apartments at 48th and Walnut had a devastating fire. More than 100 families lost their possessions and their homes. I want to thank everyone in this community who came forward to help these families, whether by way of donations, volunteerism or thoughts and prayer. I’m sure the families appreciate you. A special thanks to The University City District who offered a place for the community to donate, and delivered all donated items to the respective organization for these displaced families, as well as Philadelphia City Kitties, PSPCA and the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, who helped out with the animals displaced and or injured in this

fire. Thanks also to PFCU for opening their doors to donations for fire victims which they will continue until Jan 31. Please continue to donate to the Red Cross and/or the Salvation Army to help those families in need (see details below). I am excited to start a new year looking forward to awesome community activities starting this spring. First, our park, Cedar Park will be 100 years old in June. We are celebrating this centennial with an Anniversary Party in the park. These activities will begin at the first jazz concert in May and culminate on August 6th, with the Anniversary Party, so save the date. Speaking of Jazz, our jazz committee is working feverishly, to get funding in place to have a great jazz season to begin in May. Look for a schedule to come out in early spring. The scholarship fundraiser will be held at Dock Street Brewery for the fourth year, on Sunday April 10th. But before we get to enjoy warmer weather, flowers and nightly strolls, Cedar Park Neighbors will be hosting another Meet & Greet. Stay tuned for information, coming soon, about date and location.

Stay warm, spring is only eight weeks away! Visit and support our corridor businesses, and There is always something good as always‌

happening in Cedar Park!

Ongoing Opportunities to Assist those Affected by Windemere Fire five-alarm fire ripped through A the West Philadelphia apartment building on January 10th, displacing approximately 98 residents, including families with children, students and seniors. The surrounding community rallied and contributions poured in to local agencies coordinating assistance. Although those like the University City District and Local 44 have ended their successful collections, the displaced need ongoing help to address long-term needs. If you still want to help:

CPN President Monica Allison helped to prepare holiday baskets. See story and more photos on page 3.

Philadelphia Federal Credit Union, 50th Street and Baltimore Avenue, is accepting donations for fire victims until January 31st. Response Adopt-A-Family Program from Salvation Army is adapting their existing program to serve longer needs of families and individuals affected by the Windemere Fire. If you interested or have questions, contact Jamie Johns, at 215.717.1195 or jamie.johns@use.salvationarmy.org Learn how to make a contribution through The Red Cross by calling 215-299-4000.

Reception for Recipients (CPN Scholarship Recipients, That Is) By Laura McHugh, Scholarship Committee Chair n Tuesday, January 4, 2011, CPN O scholarship recipients and committee members gathered together at committee member Laurie Friedman’s house to welcome in the New Year and celebrate students’ accomplishments from the fall semester. The event was well attended, with more than half of the current recipients and committee members present at the event. The committee was also happy to welcome the parents and siblings of our recipients who were able to make it this year. In addition to sharing refreshments, students offered up reflections to the group on their varied college experiences thus far. This year’s scholarship cohort includes a number of freshmen, and all spoke of both the excitement and challenges they faced in their first semesters at school. Upperclassman, including senior Timothy Baldwin and junior Lawrence Jones Mahoney, shared lessons learned during their years at school and offered advice to the freshman about how to make the best use of their time in college. Committee members were impressed and pleased to hear of the wonderful things that each of the students has accomplished during their time away at school. The committee congratulates Timothy Baldwin — the only senior in the group — on his upcoming graduation from Shippensburg in spring 2011, and looks forward to hearing more about his plans for after graduation as he continues to pursue his dream of working in the Exercise Science field. The CPN Scholarship Committee looks forward to continuing its support of the

CPN scholarship recipients gathered to welcome the new year and to share advice and reflections on the excitement and challenges faced thus far.

The Party Planners: Melissa St. Plerre, Laurie Friedman, Jessica McAtamny, and Laura McHugh members of the Scholarship Committee.

current recipients and hopes to have the opportunity to extend the Cedar Park Scholarship to additional young people in 2011-2012. For more information on the scholarship application process or to make a donation to the program, please contact Laura McHugh at 267-235-2046. Further information and applications can be found on the CPN website. Finally, stay tuned for details on our fourth annual scholarship fundraiser coming up this spring at Dock Street!

Thanks for Caring! Miranda Siddall (and her sister) inspect one of the “care packages” which was sent to all CPN scholarship recipients to help them get through finals week in December.

SAVE THE DATE! Get ready to Party Sunday April

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Fourth Annual CPN Scholarship Fundraiser 4–7 p.m. Dock Street Brewery 50th & Baltimore Avenue

Bags Were Packed and Ready to Go: Holiday Basket Outreach By Victoria Iannotta and Joanne Pham, Committee Co-chairs n December 18, in a new location and without any snow storms, Cedar Park O Neighbors completed their annual distribution of holiday food baskets. With the help of many supporters who gave of their time and resources, we were able to provide a holiday meal for 565 members of our community. Thank you to area businesses for their contributions and concern for their neighbors. Among them: A-1 Floor Refinishing, Calvary Methodist Church, Dock Street Brewery, DP Dough, Fresh Deli, Fresh Grocers, The Gables Bed and Breakfast, Philadelphia Federal Credit Union, Philadelphia Folklore Project, Senator Anthony Williams’ Office, Shoprite (24th and Oregon Avenue), Trader Joes, Wake Up Yoga and YaYa Fruits and Vegetables (43rd and Walnut Streets).

their programs and exciting opening planned for later this year at www.mariposa.coop/. This year, as every year, our community members provided us with the lion’s share of our financial and volunteer support. Heartfelt thanks to each of you for generously making a place at your holiday table for those most in need.

Victoria, Joanne and volunteers gathered to assemble the holiday food baskets.

Special thanks this year to Mariposa, who graciously lent us their new space at 4824 Baltimore Avenue, where we packed and distributed the baskets. Check out the Mariposa website for information about

Open Windows, Opening Doors: Time to Apply for College Financial Aid f you are a student who is planning to Iofattend college this fall — or the parent a college student — the window for submitting the 2011-12 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now open. That’s the single application used to determine eligibility for almost all types of federal, state and college-based financial aid for current and prospective students. If you are going to college and need financial help, submitting a FAFSA is an absolute must.

Students can get these forms from school guidance offices, or fill one out quickly and securely online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. To find out more about the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency and for more help in planning for college, please visit www.pheaa.org. As always, I welcome your feedback on this and other state-related issues and concerns.

State Rep. James Roebuck, Jr. January 2011

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Cedar Park Celebrates Anniversaries By Richard Warner, Anniversary Committee he Cedar Park Neighbors T board and CPN members are working hard to put together a fabulous day of fun and festivities. We plan to have games that were popular in 1911 and in 1961. We will have activities for all ages, music, food, trivia, games, prizes, mementos, and souvenirs. We are looking for people from the neighborhood who would like to enlighten us about their time living in the Cedar Park area of Philadelphia. We are looking for sponsors to help us finance this momentous occasion. For more info, contact any board member, log on to our website, look for updates in the newsletter and get ready for a good time.

Cedar Park, April 3rd, 1934

Then: 1911 The First Indianapolis 500 race is run The Titanic is launched The first International Women’s day Tabulating Computing Recording Company, later named IBM, is incorporated. NAACP is incorporated CEDAR PARK is established

And Now: 2011 It’s our Anniversary! 100 years for our Park 50 years for Cedar Park Neighbors We are planning a celebration! The Date: August 6th The Place: Cedar Park The Time: To Be Announced!

Come Again? Cupcake Decorating for All Ages On a cold winter day, time seems to pass so slowly...  How about you come out, have some fun, and learn some tasteful and tasty skills?  Learn how to make your OWN unique designs for treats then enjoy the SWEETS of your labor! n the last issue of the newsletter, you ILawrence read about CPN scholarship recipient and his work for Cream & Sugar at 40th and Spruce. (Editor’s note: My daughter and I participated in the once-a-month cupcake decorating classes that he managed last December. See picture at right.) Lawrence tells us that the class has been revamped and is now offered three times a month. There are two classes for kids and one for teens and adults, all different times and dates. The class is a wonderful way to come together as a community and just have a great time.

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The kid classes will be: Wednesday, February 9th at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, February 20th at 2 p.m. The teens/adults class will be: Tuesday, February 22nd at 7 p.m. The classes are $15 per person and all classes will be held at Cream & Sugar (4004 Spruce Street). Cream & Sugar can also provide a group discount if more than 20 people register for one of the classes. To set up a group Kitty cupcake made at the Cream & Sugar decorating class, it needs to be on a separate date class. than the ones listed above. To register for the classes, please email creamandsugarsweets@yahoo.com at least 48 hours beforehand, and mention Lawrence’s name to receive a discount ($2 off for individuals). Also, keep in mind he’ll be adding a Mommy & Me class for Tots (open to Dads as well!) shortly.

Bright Ideas: New Electric Supply Choices s most of you may know, rate caps A on electric generation have expired. There are several companies that you can now choose from to supply your electric service. There are several things you should know: • PECO will continue to distribute your electricity. The portion of your bill you can choose to change is your transmission and generation. • If you make a switch you may receive more than one bill, one from PECO and the other from the supplier of your choosing. • Several of the new suppliers have variable rates. So just like a variable mortgage rate, their rates are subject to change. For more information you can go to www.papowerswitch.com. You can put in the number of kilowatts you use in a given month and see what your charges would be from all the new electric suppliers in Pennsylvania. Don’t allow yourself to be bullied into making a switch. There have been several companies that are sending representatives out to talk

with homeowners, so be informed. These companies are still regulated by the Public Utility Commission (PUC). If you encounter a problem, contact the PUC at 215-965-3721 or write them at 1400 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130. You can also contact them through their website at www.puc.state.pa.us.

A Local Alternative Neighbors may want to know about an energy cooperative with roots in our own city. Founded in 1979 by the Mt. Airy-based food co-op Weaver's Way, The Energy Cooperative is a less expensive alternative to PECO, providing consumers in PECO's territory with renewable energy generation options. Their EcoChoice Electricity Program supports power generation projects right here in Pennsylvania, whenever possible. In 2010 The Energy Cooperative bought and sold electricity from in-state low-impact hydroelectric, wind, and solar power generators. As a nonprofit co-op, members own and control The Energy Cooperative. Learn more about this local vendor at www.theenergy.coop/.

It’s Tax Season! veryone is scampering to get their tax E records together at this time of year. Did you know that if you qualify, you can get your taxes done for free? Here are a couple of resources that can help.

Benefit Bank Website Visit www.thebenefitbank.com and find a location near you. Not only can a counselor help you with taxes, but they can also fill out your LIHEAP forms, FAFSA, PA property rebate, CHIP, PACE/ PACENET, TANF, and much more. These services are free to those who qualify.

Campaign for Working Families in Philadelphia The Campaign boosts the number of people who receive FREE tax filing assistance and insures that people do not have to pay sky-high fees to commercial tax preparers. They are part of a national movement to promote the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), provide free tax services, connect families to public benefits and

asset-building resources, and protect taxpayers from rip-offs, including Refund Anticipation Loans (RALs), sometime called “Instant Money” or “Rapid” Loans. The following tax sites will be open from January 24th to April 18th. You can also access information about these tax sites by calling the city’s informational phone line by dialing 311. Locations in West / Southwest Philadelphia Ebenezer Temple Community Center 5649 Christian Street Monday & Tuesday 3:30-6:30 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Mt. Pisgah Church 428 N. 41st Street (41st & Spring Garden Streets) Monday 2-7 p.m., Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Wheelchair Accessible

The Campaign files both federal and Pennsylvania state income taxes for working families. For more information visit the Campaign website at: www.phillyfreetaxes.org January 2011

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Sweat Equity Counts: Apply for That Matching Block Grant o you and your neighbors want to D add street trees, tree lawns, and flower beds to your block? All it takes is a little bit of planning, and some volunteer energy! CPN will help you do the rest. Block improvement projects bring people together to get to know their neighbors, while improving blocks in visible ways. To get started, try talking with a few members of your block, and discuss what you want to do. Cedar Park Neighbors offers reimbursement grants of up to $500 to improve the physical environment of any block in Cedar Park, with priority given to maintenance and renewal of street trees, tree lawns, and front yards. Blocks must match grant amount through volunteer “sweat equity,” in-kind materials or services, or cash. Application forms and information can be accessed on the CPN website or by

contacting CPN. The deadline is February 1st of each year for projects taking place spring through fall. Due to the newsletter distribution schedule, applications will be received until February 15th. Please contact CPN ASAP to let us know that you are intending to submit an application. For more information and lots of resources about street trees and other ways to get involved in greening in, University City, visit UC Green at www.ucgreen.org. Block Grant recipients add the sweat equity as they tear out weeds and replant on the 4700 block of Hazel.

Seeking Shelter: Hosting Patient Families in Need osts for Hospitals is a non-profit H agency that finds volunteer-host homes offering free lodging and support to patients and their families who come to Greater Philadelphia for specialized medical care. From July 2000 through December 2010, 353 host-families provided 1,654 patient-families a combined total of 52,464 nights of lodging, thus saving these guests an estimated $3.07 million in equivalent hotel expenses.

Cedar Park families are invited to become hosts to help patient-families in need. Your only obligation is to provide a comfortable bed, a clean bathroom and a feeling of home. Please contact Tammy Forstater at 215-472-3801, or at tammy.forstater@hostsforhospitals.org to learn how rewarding it is to be a host. Or learn about the Hosts for Hospitals online at www.hostsforhospitals.org

Send A Valentine to a Property That Has Made a Gift to the Street s there a home on your block that’s Ithebeen looking better than ever because exterior has been restored to its original splendor? Have you noticed a rebuilt porch, re-shingled roof or bay windows, multicolored repainting of the facade or gardening and greening improvements to the landscape? Here is your chance to let University City Historical Society (UCHS) know the address so that they can be sent letters commending them for their “Gifts to the Streets.” These same recommendations will be considered by a panel which will choose owners and contractors to receive Outstanding Preservation Awards Page 6

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from UCHS. Nominees and members are invited to attend the next UCHS Valentine’s Awards Tea on Sunday, February 13th. Just send an email to info@uchs.net with the addresses you would like to recommend and they will take it from there. If you’d like to attend the tea, then join UCHS. You can find out how to join by visiting www.uchs.net/join.htm, but mark your calendar now and get those “thanks” in to UCHS to make sure that those who made these exterior streetscape improvements which benefit us all are duly noted and complimented.

Cedar Park Neighbors Membership Application/Renewal ● New Member





● Renewal ● Multi-year (max. 3 years)

# of years_____ ● $10 Individual

City, State, Zip

● $15 Household (2 persons or more) ● $ 7 Senior/Student/Unemployed





● $30 Business ● $40 Sponsor (one free CPN t-shirt!)

Additional contribution: (Write $ amount)

_____ Holiday baskets _____ Scholarships _____ Jazz Series _____ Other, specify _________________________

● Yes, I would like to receive an email notice with

CPN t-shirt: (Write $ amount if not Sponsor and circle size)

_____ Short Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL,4XL, 5XL, 6XL ($15) _____ Short Sleeve Kids S, M, L, XL ($15) _____ Long Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL ($20) _________TOTAL ENCLOSED

a link to the current newsletter on the CPN website (and do not deliver a paper copy to my home). Email Website Phone

contact@cedarparkneighbors.org www.cedarparkneighbors.org 267-531-4147

Return form with check to: Cedar Park Neighbors Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143

Check your areas of interest for potential participation: ● Block Organizing: Maintain list of Block Leaders, organize forums etc. ● Block Improvement Grants Committee: Review applications, help awardees implement projects etc. ● Board of Directors: CPN leadership and decision-making body. ● Cedar Park Fair: Publicity, children’s activities, venders, entertainment, etc. ● Cedar Park Garden Tenders: Plant and maintain gardens at Cedar Park. ● Clean-up Committee: Promote participation in block clean-up days and Tire Round-up. ● Education Committee: Interaction with local schools and parents on issues. ● Fundraising: Special events, grant writing. ● Holiday Baskets: Coordinate and assist distribution to needy Cedar Park families. ● Hospitality: Provide refreshments for community meetings and special events. ● Membership Committee: Promote membership to residents and businesses. ● Newsletter: Writing, publishing, photography, distribution. ● Property/Housing Task Force: Strategize/respond to issues of deteriorated property. ● Scholarship Committee: Raise funds, promote program, and select awardees. ● Website: Technical support, maintenance, updating info/pictures etc. ● Zoning Committee: Monitor & communicate issues to residents;

appear before Zoning Board of Adjustment, coordinate meetings. Cedar Park Neighbors is a 501[c]3 not-for-profit organization. All contributions are fully tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

January 2011

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c/o Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143

CPN Mission Statement: Cedar Park Neighbors is an association of diverse households and businesses based in the Cedar Park neighborhood of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the association shall be to foster collaboration among all persons living and working in the Cedar Park neighborhood, to promote community development, to provide a forum for communication and community education, to respond to neighborhood concerns and to advocate for and promote the general welfare of the Cedar Park community. Newsletter Editors Maureen Tate & Judy Lamirand Newsletter Design Judy Lamirand, Parallel Design To Contact Cedar Park Neighbors or submit Newsletter items: contact@cedarparkneighbors.org www.cedarparkneighbors.org 267-531-4147 CPN Board President Monica Allison

Call For CPN Board Nominations Do you want to make a difference ? Do you like to turn ideas into action? Do you want to work with others who love this neighborhood as much as you do? If you answered “YES” read on...

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he Cedar Park Neighbors Board is looking for…YOU! If you are a CPN member, you are already supporting an organization of volunteers that works every day on behalf of residents and businesses. Is it time to take the next step? Do you want to make a difference on issues that you are passionate about? Do you like to work with others to move ideas into action? Do you want to experience and build community with others who love this neighborhood as much as you do? Can you share your skills and experience as a community leader?

Not interested but know the perfect person for the job? Send your nomination and we’ll make the pitch.

If you answered yes to any of the above, we invite you to step forward to serve on our Board of Directors. It is a rewarding experience and opportunity to

It’s as easy as that. If you’re interested or know someone who may be, please contact Laurie Friedman at 215-747-1910 or lauriefrie@gmail.com


work with great neighbors and get an up close and personal look at the people, activities and forces that have an impact on our neighborhood. Not yet a member of Cedar Park Neighbors? We also welcome your contribution and leadership. Membership confirmation by April 1st is a requirement for those standing for election. We want and need your participation, too.

1st Vice-President Naomi Fiordimondo 2nd Vice-President Sean Dorn Secretary Dorothy Welch Berlind Treasurer Karen Allen Directors

Algernong Allen Michael Clapper Danielle Denk Laurie Friedman Michael Froehlich Lisa Johanningsmeier Fred Kauffman Theresa McCole Manzi Jessica Naugle McAtamny Bruce McCullough Ray Murphy Sheri McFarland Sara Nissley Beverly Rouse Neil Toensmeier Richard Warner

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