CPN March 2012 newsletter

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March 2012

Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter President’s Message: What is Community? By Monica Allison, CPN President hat is the definition of a community? W It is a group of people who live in proximity to and interact with one another. Our community begins in our homes, extends to our block and surrounding neighborhood and then expands to our city, state, nation and the world. How do we represent our community personally? Some of us keep our blocks clean, plant trees, watch out for the safety of our neighbors, pick up trash, help the unemployed find jobs, and fight for quality education. All are noble causes, because, without each of us, we cannot be a community. I love our community! I love the diversity of people and the diversity of talents and input. I love the mix of businesses and I am enthralled with the sense that we all find our place to plant seeds. As some of you may know, I received the Penn 2012 Martin Luther King Community Involvement Recognition Award in January. Those of you who know me personally know I am not the recognition type of gal. But with February being Black History Month, it started me thinking about the meaning of that recognition and the person for which it was named. Dr. King said so much in his brief time on earth that we can all take to heart. He was profound in so many ways, and as time has moved forward his words become more relevant. One of my favorite quotes

of Dr. King is this: “People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.” Here we are, right back to community! Dr. King is definitely one of my heroes, if there is such a thing. He instilled in those of us who lived during that time the knowledge of ourselves and who we are inside, because that is who will emerge publicly. In relation to our community, one of the other quotes I try to live by is this: “One of the great liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change. Every society has its protectors of status quo and its fraternities of the indifferent who are notorious for sleeping through revolutions. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.” May we not protect the status quo or become indifferent, but embrace the challenge of change. In our last newsletter, I was happily recalling the Centennial Celebration of Cedar Park, how much fun was had by all and the wonderful music played by our annual DJ, DJ Jamar. In January, we were all saddened by the death of DJ Jamar Ferrell. Jamar was a mentor, a husband, a neighbor and a friend. He is and will be missed. continued on page 2

C E L E B R AT E S P R I N G – T R E E P H I L LY S T Y L E TreePhilly is a new tree-planting initiative led by Philadelphia Parks & Recreation that helps property owners, businesses and neighborhood residents to improve their communities by planting and maintaining trees. TreePhilly continues Parks & Recreation’s ongoing commitment to greening Philadelphia and supports both

the City’s Greenworks Phila delphia plan and the regional Plant One Million campaign.

the City. You will be contacted in March with more information about dates and locations. This program is for private yard Through TreePhilly’s Yard Tree trees only (front, back, and side Program, Philadelphia residents yards). If you are interested in can receive a FREE tree! a street tree or want to learn Residents can request one tree more about the Yard Tree per address, to be planted on Program, including tree species their private land. Pickup days and size information, please will occur during the week of visit www.treephilly.org. April 22nd to 28th throughout

SAVE TH E D AT E ! Monday, April



The Cedar Park Neighbors annual meeting and Board of Directions election will take place on Monday, April 23, 2012 at 7pm at the Calvary Community Center. All members whose memberships are current may vote in the election. More information on nominees and meeting agenda will be sent in a special communication before the meeting. Stay tuned!

President’s Message continued from page 1 We also lost one of our Committee people and neighbors, Ms. Jeanette Norman. Ms. Jeanette served on the CPN Board, 20042005 and was always out working for the community. She too is and will be missed. Cedar Park’s annual holiday basket distribution occurred on Saturday, December 17th at Renewal Presbyterian Church and provided food for more than 600 people. On Sunday, March 25th, the Scholarship Fundraiser is being held at Dock Street for the 5th year. Come out and support this worthy cause! Through your donations and gifts, we awarded over $6,000 in scholarships last year. Let’s try to raise more so that we can give more. The pizza and beer are awesome. Thank you, Rosemary, for inviting us back. We have a new business in the neighborhood, Thrive Fitness and Wellness, which is located in Calvary Church, at 48th Street and Baltimore Avenue. Owner Michael Munson lives in the neighborhood and has extended to our members a free trail of his Fitness Camps. They meet

Parallel Design

Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 a.m. Go check it out! Finally, as a community, we want to extend our donations and time to help The Woodlands. On February 5th, 2012, the cemetery was vandalized and the damage is approximately $15,000. This is one of the most beautiful places to go walking in West Philadelphia. You see deer, geese, hawks and a host of other wildlife. More information can be found on page 12 of the newsletter. Don’t forget, we have switched to an annual membership renewal date. If you haven’t renewed your membership, you can do so on our website. Your membership must be paid in order to vote in the April elections. We have had great dialogue on our facebook page. Come and join us. The conversations have been lively and informative. When posting, keep the meaning of community and the words of Dr. King in mind, and remember:

There is always something good happening in Cedar Park!

• graphic • design

Judy Lamirand www.parallel-design.com



Websites Brochures Newsletters Invitations Annual Reports

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CPN Newsletter

Banners Calendars Books

Great Food. Great Drinks. Cedar Park's Neighborhood Bar.

Menus This Cedar Park Neighbors


4912 Baltimore Avenue

Monica Allison Recognized for Changing Spaces, Places and Lives edar Park Neighbors was thrilled to C learn in early January the good news that our esteemed President, Monica Allison, was chosen as a recipient of the University of Pennsylvania 2012 Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Involvement Recognition Award. The award is presented annually to several community members for their involvement and contributions to building community in one or more of the following ways: • Promoting nonviolence • Combining religious beliefs with positive social action • Working toward racial equality and harmony • Advocating for/working with disenfranchised people The award was presented at a special Interfaith Program and Awards Commemoration on January 19th, 2012 in Houston Hall at the University of Pennsylvania. The program also included poetry and musical performances from the Penn community and an inspirational address from guest speaker Eboo Patel, Founder and President of Interfaith Youth Core. The following introduction was read about Monica at the awards presentation: Peacemaker, advocate for the voiceless, logical, achiever, socially conscious, tolerant, tactful, unselfish, and adept are a few adjectives that describe Monica Allison. These are the qualities that have made it possible for Monica to change spaces, places, and lives in the West Philadelphia area. Currently she serves

as President of Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN), a community association that serves the West Philadelphia neighborhood of Cedar Park. As a member of CPN’s Park Improvement Committee, Monica has helped to transform Cedar Park into a warm and welcoming space that is currently home to the annual Cedar Park Jazz Series. Monica has been pivotal in making this series the muchanticipated event it is known for today. She has demonstrated extraordinary commitment to youth, anti-violence and addressing the needs of those returning to the community from the penal system. As a mother of a high school student and a college student herself, Monica takes great interest in the education of our youth. She runs her own tutoring and mentoring program for middle and high school students who are participating in cyber charter schools and is constantly involved in the ongoing work around the West Philadelphia High School.

CPN President Monica Allison received a Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Involvement Recognition Award

Those of us who have worked with Monica can attest to the above qualities and accomplishments and many more. We are so proud of Monica and grateful for her leadership and service in Cedar Park. Congratulations, Monica!

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March 2012

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Mariposa Food Co-op New Location Opens SATURDAY, MARCH 17 at 10 a.m.! s of mid-February, Mariposa Food A Co-op had raised $2.5 million. Just as impressive is the fact that $750,000 was raised from individuals — mostly members — and the incredible rate of member participation: 10% (over 100) of co-op members made a loan, 60% increased their member equity and 450 new members joined Mariposa in the past year alone. Countless member hours were committed to supporting the capital campaign. “The amount of time and work that has gone into our capital campaign is astonishing,” says Chakka Reeves, Marketing and Outreach Coordinator. “We are lucky to have Leah Pillsbury, our talented and dedicated Capital Campaign Coordinator, as well as our expansion committee, many dedicated members, funders such as Cedar Park Neighbors and Philadelphia Federal Credit Union, lenders and many others, who believe in the importance of having natural and healthy food access in West Philadelphia.” Though $2.5 million will allow Mariposa to open their new store, there are still ways

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CPN Newsletter

Mariposa’s restoration of the Belmont Trust Company Building was selected to receive a 2012 Grand Jury Prize from the Preser vation Alliance of Greater Philadelphia.

that they need support. “The Revolving Equity Fund is an ongoing effort to make sure that anyone who wants to be a member of Mariposa can join, regardless of their economic situation.” says Reeves. “The fund is a pool of equity that will be donated to members for whom a $200 investment would pose a financial hardship.” Mariposa Food Co-op also encourages anyone who wants to be a member to contact the Mariposa main office at 215-729-2121 or go to www.mariposa.coop/join.

The Scoop on CPN Scholarships! Laura McHugh, Scholarship Committee Member

There are many ways to support our young scholars:

nother year is upon us, and CPN A continues its great work on behalf of the young people in our community.

This year’s 5th annual scholarship fundraiser will be held on Sunday, March 25th from 4 to 7 p.m. at Dock Street Brewery. Tickets to the event will cost $40 per person, which includes all you can eat and drink with live music and access to the silent auction from 4 to 6 p.m. and a cash bar from 6 to 7 p.m.

Zachary Spence, a sophomore at Howard University, and one of our current CPN scholarship recipients, reflects on what the CPN scholarship has meant to him for the past two years:

Growing up, I knew college was not an option, but a responsibility as a representative of my family and community. I am aware that as an African-American male, an average of 28% of us are enrolled in colleges and universities across the county. Therefore, this was a big deal. Before I set foot on Howard University’s campus, I had mixed feelings of excitement and fear. I was unsure of what to expect, because this was the next major step in my life that determined what life I would lead in the future. And in my future I saw success. I am proud to say that I not only survived my first year of college but I completed it with a 3.0 GPA. I was offered a paid internship and made lifetime friends.

I was faced with many trials and tribulations that turned into life learned lessons once I overcame them. it took a lot of self-discipline. I had to wake up on my own to attend classes, knowing that not attending classes had little or no repercussions, learn how to teach the majority of the material to myself and make an effort to build a relationship with my professors. The second semester was still a challenge, but I was better prepared.

Sunday, March 25th 5th Annual Cedar Park Neighbors Scholarship Fundraiser

Make a general donation to the Scholarship Fund or Dock Street Fundraiser through our annual appeal (letters were mailed to all neighbors). Help spread the word! Applications for the 2012-2013 school year will be posted on the CPN website soon and are due June 1, 2012. More information about the Scholarship Program can be found at www.cedarparkneighbors.org. Questions? Please call CPN at 267-531-4147 or email scholarships@cedarparkneighbors.org.

ting Acceptions for a ApplicApril 14tth! our ing Fes Spr Please email: gowestcraftfest@gmail.com if you want to apply, including links to your work! We have many amazing vendors and a great lineup of performers already, so apply soon...

I am blessed to have had the opportunity attend college and being able to accomplish so much within such little time. I look forward to the years ahead and the feeling of success when I walk across the stage and receive my well-deserved degree.” Help support this year’s scholarship program and ensure that other young people in our community — like Zach — get the opportunity they deserve to pursue their higher education! March 2012

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Holiday Basket Outreach 2011 By Victoria Iannotta, Holiday Basket Co-Chair n December 20th, 2011, volunteers O from the Cedar Park community met at the Renewal Presbyterian Church on 47th and Cedar Avenue to assemble holiday food baskets for distribution to the needy of our community. This was the culmination of an effort that has become an annual tradition in Cedar Park. Each year Cedar Park Neighbors works with organizations in our community to identify those for whom the gift of a holiday meal would be welcome. Thanks to donations from so many local residents and businesses, we were able to provide food baskets to 144 families; a total of 660 people. This is the largest number of people we have ever fed.

We’d like to thank all of the Cedar Park residents who contributed to the project and particularly acknowledge several organizations who supported us this year. The Renewal Presbyterian Church very graciously opened the church to us. They immediately welcomed us, and members of their congregation even helped us pack the baskets. For the sixth year, Brown’s ShopRite on Oregon Avenue donated a $100 gift certificate that was used to help purchase the turkeys for the baskets. Fresh Grocer and Trader Joe’s supplied us with all of the bags that we needed to pack the food. The Philadelphia Federal Credit Union, Open Heart Church and Wake Up Yoga also contributed generously in support of the program. We would like to express our appreciation to each of these organizations and to each individual whose gift of time or treasure made the outreach possible.

Advertising Rates

Visit www.cedarparkneighbors and find out how to reserve ad space for the next issue.

April, June, Sept issues, 400 copies each: Half Page: $95 Quarter Page: $50

November blanket issue, 3,500 copies: Half Page: $190 Quarter Page: $100

1 Year (4 issues), includes 10% discount: Half Page: $425 Quarter Page: $225

Full Newsletter Sponsorship: $200 Includes single page 8.5" x 11" insert (supplied by advertiser) a sponsorship call out and a post on the blog.

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the Café

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CPN Newsletter

From Apple Storage to Apple Lofts: Zoning Committee Report Maureen Tate, CPN Zoning Committee he CPN Zoning Committee continues T to respond to a variety of zoning issues in Cedar Park. Some are local issues affecting one or two commercial or residential blocks. Other issues may have a greater impact on a larger portion of the community. Most recently residents have become aware of an application before the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) regarding a proposed change in zoning from industrial to residential use for the long-vacant Apple Storage building at 780 S. 52nd Street. Such a change would allow for the owner, Iron Stone, LLC, to convert the building into 112 loft apartments, with 92 parking spaces in a dedicated rear lot and 2,000 square feet of commercial space on the first floor. When CPN became aware of this application, we invited the owner to make a presentation to both the CPN Zoning Committee and the CPN Board of Directors. We then hosted a community meeting for residents in the vicinity of Apple Storage to learn more about the project, distributing 200 flyers to nearby residences, businesses and institutions. The meeting was held on December 15th at Wayland Memorial Baptist Church at 52nd and Baltimore. Approximately 40 residents heard a presentation by the developer, Andrew Eisenstein, and had the opportunity to ask questions and submit written comments. After a review of the project and comments from the community meeting, the CPN Board decided to take a position in support of the project, recognizing its potential to reduce property vacancy and blight; support the revitalization of our two commercial corridors along Baltimore Avenue and 52nd Street; improve safety in an isolated segment of the community by bringing more eyes, ears and foot traffic to 52nd Street; and enable productive reuse of an outdated but historic industrial building. A ZBA hearing was held on January 4th, 2012, at which CPN and the Baltimore Avenue Business Association entered letters of support. Another community group, the Community Achievement Association, entered signatures requesting a delay of the vote to accommodate another community meeting to inform more neighbors. The ZBA agreed to delay the vote, and subsequently two more community meetings were held at the Arnett A.M.E. Church on 53rd Street, organized by the Community Achievement Association.

While residents at all meetings have raised concerns about the project’s impact on property taxes, a large number of residents welcome this investment of private dollars in our community to enable the reuse of a building that has a big footprint in the neighborhood but has outlived its industrial use. CPN participated in vigorous and sometimes heated debate about the merits of this project before launching its own petition campaign in support, believing that the voices of those supporting the project were not being heard. As this newsletter is being prepared the ZBA vote on the issue is pending and we will continue to keep members apprised of the status of Apple Lofts through our eblast and Facebook communications. Other issues recently considered by the CPN Zoning Committee include: 5201 Baltimore Avenue

CPN joined with local neighbors and Councilwoman Blackwell to oppose the legalization of an outdoor barbecue pit as an accessory to a trailer, for preparation and serving of food for take-out, with outdoor seating for under 30 people. 800 S. St. Bernard Street

Zoning Committee members are facilitating conversations with neighbors and a new owner regarding his application to convert from single to three units with rear and side additions. 4726 Baltimore Avenue

Upon notification of neighbors and hearing support and no objection, CPN supported the application of the owners of 4728 Baltimore Avenue to expand the Vientiane Restaurant to the first floor of the former Mariposa Food Coop space and allow for more table seating. 4610 Cedar Avenue

CPN is monitoring preliminary discussions between neighbors and a local Philadelphia business about possible use of the space for an ice cream parlor. 4618 Cedar Avenue

CPN supported local neighbors in objecting to new, enlarged, back-lit signage erected without appropriate review and permits. The CPN Zoning Committee generally meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Members interested in serving on the committee should contact the committee at: contact@cedarparkneighbors.org. March 2012

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Support Cedar Park Neighbors Business Members! A-1 Floor Refinishing African Cultural Center of PA Aksum Curio Theatre Company Dock Street Beer East Smithfield Healthcare Elena’s Soul Showcase Lounge Fresh Deli The Gables B&B The Gold Standard Cafe Mariposa Food Coop O'Donnell Real Estate Parallel Design

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CPN Newsletter

Phila Federal Credit Union Prudential Fox & Roach Safdan Partners LLC Salt and Pepper Deli St. Francis de Sales Satellite Cafe Sims Giles and Associates Talking Heads Urban & Bye Realtors VIX Emporium Wake Up Yoga West Westside Community Day Care Wine and Spirit Store

Memories and Wisdom: Money Don’t Grow on Trees A Welcome Submission from Dorothy Crowder, CPN member hen we three girls asked our father W for anything extra, he said, “Money don’t grow on trees.” We went to the movies for 15¢ after all chores were done (Saturday all day!) and saw funnies, scenes of the war, and two movies. We also traded comic books that cost 10¢ new. Sunday school and church collection was 25¢ combined. I was always into drawing, writing and needlework. Therefore, I needed a dime more.

My father worked in the Chester, Pennsylvania Sunship Yard as a burner/welder. He also worked on the docks unloading fruits and vegetables, etc., to make extra money for the household and family members. We had an apple tree in the backyard. I learned very quickly that money don’t grow on trees! Fondly, Dorothy M. Crowder Note: We invite members, at any time, to submit neighborhood news, reflections, or memories.

Membership Committee Update Where Does All That Money Go? By Laurie Friedman s you are aware, CPN has taken A on the initiative of updating our membership database during the past six months. We appreciate everyone’s patience with this transition and your ongoing support. While we have told you about all the work CPN does, you may be wondering where your membership dues actually go. CPN is a non-profit organization, and, to maintain that status, there are certain infrastructures that need to be in place through which our work is funneled. Money that is not specified to go towards one of our committees goes into the general fund and is used to pay for the following items: rent at Calvary, insurance, phone bills, copying, bank fees and more. We thank everyone who has renewed their membership and contributed to CPN the past couple of months. We just have a few reminders for you. Membership dues are now on a calendar year for everyone (January 1st - December 31st). Memberships paid before June 1st of a year will expire December 31st of that year. Memberships paid after June 1st will expire December 31 of the following year. If your membership is not up to date by March 1st of 2012, we will regrettably remove your name from the membership list. Letters were sent to those who are not currently up-to-date. We hope to hear from you soon. If you want to save trees and cut costs, by receiving an email copy instead of a hard copy of the newsletter, please email us at membership@cedarparkneighbors.org.

If you know a new homeowner or renter on your block, please send us their names and addresses, as they are entitled to a free CPN membership for one year. This information can be sent to membership@cedarparkneighbors.org One last note: CPN board elections are scheduled for this spring. In order to vote, your membership must be up to date. Please email or call us if you are unsure of your status. As always, please remember that by joining CPN, you are becoming an active participant in helping to shape your community. It’s a great way to keep abreast of what’s going on in our neighborhood and meet new friends. Membership dues, along with other fundraising activities, are critical to support the valuable work being done by CPN. If you have any questions, contact us at membership@cedarparkneighbors.org.

Where the Money Goes Awarding and supporting our scholarship recipients Delivering holiday food baskets to neighbors Convening community meetings for zoning ordinances & letting legislators know what the community supports Maintaining the park for our enjoyment Delivering news through our website, Facebook, email blasts and newsletter Delivering information to residents about local day-care centers and schools Supporting schools in our area Convening Meet and Greet events for neighbors Organizing the annual Cedar Park Fair Summer Jazz Series Supporting small businesses through projects such as the Baltimore Avenue Conversation Representing you at community meetings March 2012

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New Recycling by the Carton – Milk Cartons! hiladelphia has added another group P of items to curbside recycling. Cartons for juice, milk, soup and other liquids can now be recycled curbside. The new “carton” category includes the waxylooking (actually plastic over paper) refrigerated containers for milk and juice, and the unrefrigerated cartons that contain soup, broth, soy milk, wine, and other

liquids. Since the cartons are lightweight, they are not expected to greatly budge the current residential recycling rate of nearly 20 percent. But adding them to the stream will make recycling easier and inclusive of containers from commonly purchased items.

Blasting Away at Crime: Let’s Be Safe he University City District (UCD) has T begun a regular monthly email blast detailing crime patterns in University City, and steps you can take to be safe. The following news was provided in the February 14th notice. As was noted in January, there were a number of aggravated assaults reported in University City since the beginning of 2012. As always, UCD, the Philadelphia police department, the Penn and Drexel police departments and other institutional public safety divisions responded with a strategic and coordinated effort to address those and other crimes in the neighborhood. We’re pleased to report that arrests were made in 6 out of the 11 robberies with weapons that were reported since January 1st. Of course, this partnership of public safety departments will continue to rigorously review crime patterns and determine deployment strategies in a proactive effort to assure that University City remains an incredibly safe place to live, work and play. From January 13th to February 12th, 2012, the following eighteen serious crimes were committed within the University City District boundaries: Aggravated assault, with weapon; Robbery, with weapon; and Robbery, no weapon. [Editor’s note: The e-mail contains charts, not printed here, that provide more detailed analysis.] What stands out are the dramatic across the board drops in crime over the last 30 days. We are encouraged by these drops which we believe are a result, in part, of the stepped up public safety efforts of the last month. Despite the drop in these types of crimes, we ask you to continue to be vigilant and consider the following:

• Please take precautions when walking at night. Keep your head up and scan your surroundings. Choose wide, well-lit streets and more populated walkways. • Do not leave valuables in your automobile. If you must leave valuable items in your automobile while out and about, place items out of sight before reaching your destination or move them to an inconspicuous location. • Remember that anyone in University City in need of a Walking Escort — someone to accompany them to transportation, a meeting, home, class, etc. — can call 215-898-9255 or 215-387-3942 between 10 a.m. and 3 a.m. and a UCD Ambassador will be dispatched. Encourage everyone you know to program the number in their mobile phone. • Join us on the third Thursday of every month for a community meeting led by the Philadelphia Police Department at Calvary Church, 48th and Baltimore Avenue, at 6 p.m. to discuss ongoing safety concerns in the neighborhood. This forum provides a chance for neighbors to interact and share concerns with both Philadelphia Police and UCD public safety personnel. • If you are interested in participating in a neighborhood town watch, please email Patty Bulack at pbulack@gmail.com. We hope you find this information useful, and we welcome your feedback and questions. And, as always, we invite you to reach out to us with your concerns and feedback or if you want to receive the monthly e-mail. Don’t hesitate to contact UCD Director of Community and Business Services Steve Walsh at 215-243-0555 x239 or steve@universitycity.org

CPN Board President Monica Allison 1st Vice-President

Michael Froehlich 2nd Vice-President Naomi Fiordimondo Treasurer Karen Allen Secretary Dorothy Welch Berlind Directors

Algernong Allen Sean Dorn Meg Ferrigno Laurie Friedman Lisa Johanningsmeier Theresa McCole Manzi Jessica Naugle McAtamny Sheri McFarland Ray Murphy Sara Nissley Laura Raymond Beverly Rouse Courtney Walton

March 2012

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IN MEMORIAM Ms. Jeanette Norman, committee person and neighbor, died on December 12th, 2011. Ms. Jeanette was a committed leader not only to her block of 5100 Walton Avenue, but also advocated in the political arena of Philadelphia. She took great pride in rallying for various political leaders and issues, especially when it related to the city and Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell. She worked to help prevent youth violence, and participated in many conferences. Ms. Jeanette called Hickman Temple AME her “church home.” She received honors in 2002, as an Unsung Hero, served as vice president and secretary of the Usher Board. She was a wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin, friend and neighbor. Ms Jeanette Norman leaves a legacy of love and caring, and she will be missed.

Mr. Jamar K. Ferrell, aka DJ Jamar, husband, friend, neighbor, businessman, mentor and awesome turntable technician, died Sunday, January 8th, 2012. Jamar was the regular DJ for the Cedar Park Fair and also at Elena’s Soul Showcase and Lounge. Jamar was not just a local DJ but a mentor to children and adults alike. He was always positive, and one of his strengths was that his positive attitude was contagious. Dan Raaf, aka Danophonic Dan, recalled that he met Jamar through the Cedar Park Fair several years ago. It rained that day, and he had a wedding to DJ for but allowed Jamar to use his porch for cover so the Fair could continue. Dan and Jamar conversed over digital DJing and began to partner at Elena’s Soul and for the Cedar Park Fair. Cedar Park will not be the same without Jamar.

Woodlands Cemetery: Victim of Vandalism By Jessica Baumert, Executive Director of Woodlands Cemetery oodlands Cemetery was the W victim of vandalism on the evening of February 5th. Approximately 25 vandalized headstones, mostly dating from the late 19th to early 20th-century were discovered by one of their dedicated volunteers on the afternoon of February 6th. Headstones were toppled, many of them broken in the process. The total cost of damage is approximately $15,000. Anyone interested in donating towards the repair of these headstones can do so through the Woodlands website: www.woodlandsphila.org, or by mailing a check to the Woodlands at 4000 Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104. If you are interested in learning more about other ways you can help, please e-mail info@woodlandsphila.org. The Woodlands is William Hamilton’s former Schuylkill River Estate, transformed in 1840 into a “rural” cemetery that is still an Page 12 CPN Newsletter

active cemetery today. It is the final resting place of many of the city and region’s accomplished individuals including artist Thomas Eakins, abolitionist Mary Grew, financier Francis Martin Drexel and surgeon Samuel Gross. The 54-acre grounds are open dawn to dusk for the enjoyment of the public.

Help repair headstones.

Cedar Park Neighbors Membership Application/Renewal ● New Member





● Renewal ● Multi-year (max. 3 years) ● ● ● ● ●

# of years_____ $10 Individual $15 Household (2 persons or more) $ 7 Senior/Student/Unemployed $30 Business $40 Sponsor (one free CPN t-shirt!)

Additional contribution: (Write $ amount)

City, State, Zip Phone




_____ Holiday baskets _____ Scholarships _____ Jazz Series _____ Park Gardens, Activities and Maintenance _____ Other, specify _________________________

● Yes, I would like to receive an email notice with

CPN t-shirt: (Write $ amount if not Sponsor and circle size)

_____ Short Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL,4XL, 5XL, 6XL ($15) _____ Short Sleeve Kids S, M, L, XL ($15) _____ Long Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL ($20) _________TOTAL ENCLOSED

a link to the current newsletter on the CPN website (and do not deliver a paper copy to my home). Email Website Phone

contact@cedarparkneighbors.org www.cedarparkneighbors.org 267-531-4147

Return form with check to: Cedar Park Neighbors Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143

Check your areas of interest for potential participation: ● Block Organizing: Maintain list of Block Leaders, organize forums etc. ● Block Improvement Grants Committee: Review applications, help awardees implement projects etc. ● Board of Directors: CPN leadership and decision-making body. ● Cedar Park Fair: Publicity, children’s activities, venders, entertainment, etc. ● Cedar Park Garden Tenders: Plant and maintain gardens at Cedar Park. ● Clean-up Committee: Promote participation in block clean-up days and Tire Round-up. ● Education Committee: Interaction with local schools and parents on issues. ● Fundraising: Special events, grant writing. ● Holiday Baskets: Coordinate and assist distribution to needy Cedar Park families. ● Hospitality: Provide refreshments for community meetings and special events. ● Membership Committee: Promote membership to residents and businesses. ● Newsletter: Writing, publishing, photography, distribution. ● Property/Housing Task Force: Strategize/respond to issues of deteriorated property. ● Scholarship Committee: Raise funds, promote program, and select awardees. ● Website: Technical support, maintenance, updating info/pictures etc. ● Zoning Committee: Monitor & communicate issues to residents;

appear before Zoning Board of Adjustment, coordinate meetings. Cedar Park Neighbors is a 501[c]3 not-for-profit organization. All contributions are fully tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

March 2012

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c/o Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143

CPN Mission Statement: Cedar Park Neighbors is an association of diverse households and businesses based in the Cedar Park neighborhood of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the association shall be to foster collaboration among all persons living and working in the Cedar Park neighborhood, to promote community development, to provide a forum for communication and community education, to respond to neighborhood concerns and to advocate for and promote the general welfare of the Cedar Park community. Newsletter Editors Maureen Tate & Judy Lamirand Newsletter Design Judy Lamirand, Parallel Design To Contact Cedar Park Neighbors or submit Newsletter items: contact@cedarparkneighbors.org www.cedarparkneighbors.org 267-531-4147

THIS ISSUE SPONSORED BY Thanks to Belynda Stewart and Coldwell Banker Preferred for sponsoring this issue of Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter.

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March 2012

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