CPN Newsletter Nov. 2013

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November 2013

Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter President’s Message: Working Together to Improve Our Community By Michael Froehlich love Halloween in Cedar Park. IOhio, When I was growing up in Northeast we’d be lucky to have a dozen trick

or treaters come to our house. There were fewer than a dozen homes within a mile of us. To get to our front door, you needed to walk down a 400-foot gravel lane. But in Cedar Park, my partner Susanna and I take our daughter, Zora, to the parade co-sponsored by our friends at the Spruce Hill Community Association. (This year, Zora went as Dr. Ballerina Scientist. It was her idea. I was pretty proud of her.) Then, after we admire everyone’s costumes and eat delicious treats at the party on Little Osage, we head over to our friends’ block for more trick or treating. On our friends’ block, near 48th and Baltimore, we give out candy to hundreds — literally hundreds! — of superheroes and supervillains, cute animals, and loads of scary zombies. Neighbors serve a potluck style dinner on their porches. (Chili was a big favorite this year.) And

then, sometime around 8:30, right before Zora begins her big sugar-high crash, we walk a few blocks home. Halloween is a good example of our neighbors coming together. But it’s not, of course, the only thing. Two weekends earlier, Cedar Park Neighbors joined U.C. Green on a bright Saturday mornings to mulch and prune trees in Cedar Park. The park was jammed with kids playing soccer and hanging on the playground, a street fair at Hickman, and, of course, us gardeners keeping our park beautiful.

CPN President Michael Froehlich

Cedar Park Neighbors continues to work to bring all of our neighbors together to improve our community. Whether it’s putting together a social event or a serious townhall program on taxes, we’d welcome your help. If you’re interested in becoming more involved, please contact us at contact@cedarparkneighbors.org or 267-BALT-AVE.

There is always something good happening in Cedar Park!

P A R K C L E A N - U P. C A N Y O U D I G I T ?

VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND BECOME A MEMBER... This special issue of the newsletter is being distributed to all households within Cedar Park. We invite you to join Cedar Park Neighbors so that you can continue to stay informed about important issues within the community through our printed newsletter and on-line updates and communications.

OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP And remember, all annual membership dues expire at the end of each calendar year. Don’t let your membership lapse – renew quickly and easily online at www.cedarparkneighbors.org/ join-cpn-donate/cpn-membership-form/. Check out Cedar Park Neighbors online at www.CedarParkNeighbors.org. Six teams of volunteers did the cleaning and garden upkeep at Cedar Park. See story on page 3.

Holiday Basket Season! Donations and Volunteers Needed Dear Friends & Neighbors of Cedar Park, Once again, Cedar Park Neighbors, in cooperation with area churches and other nonprofit organizations, will prepare and distribute food baskets for the needy during the holiday season. In order to make this year’s distribution a success, we need your financial help and support. Last year, thanks to your generosity, we were able to reach over 660 people. Please consider a donation again this year! Any amount is appreciated, but a suggested donation of $36 will enable us to feed more than two families. We thank you so much for your support. If you know of any deserving families in the Cedar Park area (46th to 52nd, Larchwood to Kingsessing), please give their names, addresses and the number of people in each family to one of the participating organizations listed below. Names of families must be received by December 2, 2013. If you have questions, please email Michelle at mlewis1071@gmail.com or call Beverly at 267-252-6413.

We will be packing and distributing the baskets on Saturday December 21, 2013 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Renewal Presbyterian Church, located on the corner of 47th and Cedar Avenue. All volunteers are most welcome!!!!!

Calvary United Methodist 48th & Baltimore Ave. 215-724-1702

Philadelphia Beauty Showcase Museum 510 S 52nd St. 215-474-7533

Peoples Emergency Center 325 N 39th Street 215-382-7523

Hickman Temple AME Church 50th & Baltimore Ave. 215-747-0881

St. Francis De Sales 47th & Springfield Ave. 215-222-5819

Open Heart Church 6018 Larchwood Ave. 215-748-1164

Southwest Community Enrichment Center 1342 S 46th St. 215-386-4157

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Holiday Basket Donation Form

Please clip and return this form to:

Please make checks payable to:

Cedar Park Neighbors, Holiday Baskets Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143

Cedar Park Neighbors/Holiday Baskets.

Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Donation Amount Page 2

CPN Newsletter

October Clean Up in the Park By Elliot Stern t was a perfect morning in Cedar Park among the cloudy skies on Saturday October 19th. Hickman Temple AME Church hosted its annual flea market, Soccer Shots children were beginning to arrive to practice, and Sue MacQueen and Winnie Harris of UC Green arrived with tools and their regular volunteers for the event. By 9 a.m., a half dozen university student volunteers, Michael Froehlich, President of Cedar Park Neighbors, CPN Board member Ivana Dussell (PFCU branch manager), and several Cedar Park residents and volunteers assembled.


The volunteers were organized into six teams and set to work. All the tree pits on Baltimore Avenue, 50th and Catharine Streets were weeded and mulched, as well as all of the tree circles within the park. One of the crews dug and popped out four bushes that were not thriving and filled in the holes. Another crew pulled out weeds and debris from the rose bushes by the

low wall near Catharine Street. Steve McCoubrey limbed up many of the street trees, especially on the Catharine Street side. By 11:30 or so, they focused more on bundling up pruned limbs and branches, cleaning up the sidewalk near the mulch mound and gathering up tools. The group also picked up debris and trash as they were working. We thank UC Green and all of the dedicated and focused volunteers who turned out to work. At the end of a well planned morning, Cedar Park Tree Pit Cedar Park Neighbors provided pizza Mulching Team and drinks from Penn Cafe and Pizzeria for lunch. A perfect morning in Cedar Park! The gardens will be put to bed during the next event, sponsored by Philadelphia Parks and Recreation. Love Your Park will be held Saturday November 16, 2013 from 9 to noon. The season closing will be a picnic in the park beginning at noon — if you read this message before November 16, bring your family and friends. We look forward to seeing everyone!

TAX WORKSHOP edar Park Neighbors hosted a workshop for over 50 neighbors on Wednesday, C September 11. The workshop, co-sponsored with our friends at Walnut Hill Community Association and Garden Court Community Association, discussed how to

apply for the homestead exemption, how to appeal your AVI assessment to the BRT, and much more. We were also joined by Rep. Jim Roebuck, Marty Cabry and Chris Riddick from Councilwoman Blackwell’s office, and Monty Wilson, an attorney with Community Legal Services.

CPN Supports Senator Farnese’s Efforts to Protect Community Associations By Suzanne Banning Anderson tate Senator Larry Farnese recently S introduced SB 1095, legislation to address an increase in the use of so-called

Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, or SLAPP lawsuits. Some consider them to be a way to squash community groups from exercising our fundamental Constitutional Right to Freedom of Speech by intimidating us into silence for fear of a costly lawsuit. By entangling their opponents in expensive litigation, some developers and special interest groups can effectively silence their opponents even if they know they don’t have a chance at winning the lawsuit. The point of a SLAPP suit is not to win; it’s to silence and intimidate.

The Old City Civic Association in Center City Philadelphia recently disbanded its Development and Liquor committees because they could not afford the sharp increases in their liability insurance. Most civic associations (CPN included) carry liability insurance to protect themselves against such claims. But lawsuits drive up insurance premiums, making it tough for small, nonprofit, volunteer-run civic associations to pay. Cedar Park Neighbors is very active in Zoning and Development within our boundaries and supports this legislation.

State Senator Larry Farnese

For more information on State Senator Farnese’s bill, check out www.senatorfarnese.com. November 2013

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CPN Newsletter

You Never Know What’s In Store on Baltimore Avenue By Algernong Allen edar Park is more than a neighborhood park or a place on the map. Cedar Park is a living, breathing ecosystem, a body of diverse cultures, lifestyles and experiences co-existing and sharing an area we have grown to love.


Baltimore Avenue, our Main Street, is a central artery pulsing with life every day. Cars, commuters, and pedestrians travel along the trolley tracks through our pleasant community. At the heart of the corridor are the goods and services, merchants, retailers, restaurants and businesses, that create a walkable vital social center, enabling the neighborhood to become a highly desirable place to live and work. In 2008, Vince Whittacre (Gold Standard Cafe), Pamela Williams, and Manny Gebreamanuel (Queen of Sheba), resurrected the Baltimore Avenue Business Association (BABA) for the purpose of organizing the members of the business community in order to greater serve the neighborhood. Whittacre, who now heads the organization, says that BABA, “would like to work in tandem in developing the neighborhood and significantly its business component to help the neighborhood.” With 24 participating merchants, the organization is well on its way.

Recently, BABA has expanded its marketing presence by launching its website, producing a BABA tote bag, and partnering for the Dollar Stroll. Staying true to the philosophy of supporting local business, the logo was designed by BABA member Judy Lamirand of Parallel Design, Inc., the website was designed and developed by Claudia Christian of the UC Review, and ReclaimPrint WestPhilly on 48th and Baltimore was responsible for printing the BABA logo and members on the Americanmade, 100 percent cotton tote bags.

Andrew Cole and Algernong Allen with the BABA bag at the Dollar Stroll. Find your BABA bag at one of the BABA businesses identified at their website, babawestphilly.org.

Bags are available for sale at participating merchants. Whittacre says that the organization is working on a Baltimore Avenue Bucks program and a potential January promotion. In the end, residents like you are the life’s blood of our local small business merchants. Together, we create a corporeal, vital, community experience. Please check out the BABA website, babawestphilly.org, and support our business community.

A Season of Gender Exploration at Curio Theater Company By Harry Slack urio Theatre Company’s 9th Season C kicked off in early October with the opening of Romeo and Juliet by William

Shakespeare, a tragic tale of star-crossed lovers that ran until November 2. This production featured two women in the roles of Romeo and Juliet, as part of Curio’s exploration of gender this season. After Romeo and Juliet closes, we are excited to perform a world premiere play Gender Comedy: A Less Stupid Twelfth Night Gay Fantasia by Curio’s own Harry Slack. This madcap spoof of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is the perfect cure for the Holiday blues, and runs from December 5 through January 4.

Curio’s third show this season is Brian Friel’s Dancing at Lughnasa. This poetic and heartwarming story of the five unmarried Mundy sisters runs from February 13 through March 15. And finally, Curio will be closing out the season with the North American premier of Oedipussy by Carl Grose and Spymonkey. This hilarious spoof of Oedipus is a wonderful mix of James Bond and the classic Greek Tragedy, and runs from April 24 to May 24. For more information, or to purchase tickets, please visit www.curiotheatre.org. November 2013

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CPN Newsletter

Zoning Committee Updates Maureen Tate, Zoning Committee Chair

5019 Baltimore Avenue


The applicant, and property owner, is seeking a special exception permit for a semi-detached take-out food trailer with exterior seating to accommodate a new business, Taco Angeleno. The application also seeks approval for the erection of a seven foot fence. Taco Angeleno will serve take out Mexican food prepared off site. The applicant presented to interested neighbors and the CPN Zoning Committee on September 19. Those present expressed strong support for the proposed business and the CPN Zoning Committee entered a letter of support to the ZBA for a hearing that was scheduled to take place on September 24. The ZBA however, continued the issue because the LLC applicant was not represented by an attorney and the Southwest District Services Registered Community Organization (RCO) informed the ZBA that they were not informed about the application. A second meeting was held with additional local RCOs representatives on October 10. The Councilwoman’s representative who attended the second meeting will confirm a second hearing date and inform the RCOs. All RCO’s were instructed to submit a letter indicating their position on the application. CPN will resubmit a letter of support. The Baltimore Avenue Business Association also submitted a letter in support.

fter a brief August recess, the CPN Zoning Committee resumed its monthly meeting schedule. Over the summer months, in addition to working on the applications below, the Committee discussed and affirmed a document outlining Committee membership criteria and responsibilities. We are also developing our own zoning process checklist tool to assist us in working with applicants who are less familiar with the requirements of the new code. The following applications were addressed or are pending action and decision. 532 S. 52nd Street A permit for a two family dwelling in a commercial property was granted by the ZBA. 649 S. 52nd Street The applicant is seeking a permit for a three family dwelling in a two story residential property. The attorney for the applicant attended a community meeting, to which residents were invited, on October 10. The applicant was not present. Several local Registered Community Organizations were present to review the application. Many concerns were raised about the overall density intended for the property, the small size of the proposed units and neighbor dissatisfaction with current trash problems at the property. Those present did not support three units but felt that a two family dwelling was more appropriate. The attorney was asked to have his client come with updated and accurate architectural plans to another meeting on November 21 at 7:15 p.m. at Calvary Community Center.

CPN Board President

Michael Froehlich 1st Vice-President Monica Allison 2nd Vice-President David Hincher Treasurer Naomi Fiordimondo Secretary Ana Lisa Yoder Directors

Karen Allen Suzanne B. Anderson Ariel Ben-Amos Sean Dorn Ivana Dussell Margaret Ferrigno Lisa Johanningsmeier Michelle Lewis Shawn Markovich Gregg Mohrmann Pat Warner Beverly Rouse Mahari Bailey Marcus Presley Mavil Spence Saba Tedla

4817 Baltimore Avenue The applicant seeks legalization of its current use as a four unit dwelling. The applicant will present to interested neighbors at the next CPN Zoning Committee meeting on Thursday, November 21, at 8:00 pm at the Calvary Center, 48th & Baltimore. This meeting was previously scheduled for October but was postponed at the request of the applicant.

Join the Membership Committee! ooking for a way to get more involved L in Cedar Park Neighbors and meet more of your neighbors? Consider joining

the CPN Membership Committee. Our organization is only as strong as our membership, and we're always looking for more neighbors to get involved. Email Melissa at Melissa_stpierre04@yahoo.com to find out more. November 2013

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Zft-!xf!TFSWF! hsfbu!gppe/ Best Wishes JuÖt!cfdbvtf!xf! for the NBLF!hsfbu!gppe! Holidays! pvstfmwft"

the Café

parallel Find our


designs online. BeyondTheLibertyBell.org Parallel-Design.com PruettRabe.com 215-476-4040

BABA Logo! Websites Banners Brochures This Newsletter!

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CPN Newsletter


GO WEST Craft Fest! he Holiday edition of GO T WEST! Craft Fest returns on Sunday, December 15 to the Rotunda. More than 40 of Philly's finest artists and craftspeople, many of whom live in our neighborhood, will show their wondrous works. Hand crafted jewelry, ceramics, children's items, home wares, clothing, hand knits, ornaments, and many more treasures will be on display, all at reasonable prices. Find unique and special gifts for everyone on your holiday shopping list. Plus, West Philly's own Weckerly's Ice Cream and Black Orchid Foods will be

on hand to satisfy cravings for small batch ice creams and vegetarian comfort food. 11-5 at the Rotunda (inside and outside, weather permitting), 4014 Walnut Street. Presented by VIX Emporium and As The Crow Flies & Co.

Folklore Project Pop Up Shop f you want to keep Isuper your holiday shopping local, stop by the Pop Up Shop at the Philadelphia Folklore Project (735 S. 50th Street), open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 7 p.m., as well as by appointment, until December 19. This temporary boutique will offer handcrafted works by local artists such as quilted picture frames, Japanese paper art, Palestinian needlework, and much more. Call 215-726-1106 for more information.

A Genius Among Us West Philly Neighbor Wins MacArthur Grant ongratulations to Jeffrey Brenner, a C West Philadelphia resident and one of 24 recipients of the 2013 MacArthur Grant (sometimes called “Genius Grant”). Mr. Brenner is a primary care physician working in Camden, who organized the Camden Coalition of Health Care Providers, a network of private practices, hospitals, and social workers. This model is an attempt to address his findings that half

of Camden’s residents used the emergency room each year, often for non-emergency health issues and problems. The Coalition seeks to meet the needs of these residents. MacArthur Fellows are awarded a grant for $625,000 over five years — a “no strings attached” sum intended to enable recipients to “exercise their own creative instincts for the benefit of human society.” Keep up the good work, Dr. Brenner!

Dr. Jeffrey Brenner

Trash Set-Out Time Rolled Back for the Season he Streets Department is altering two T regulations under its Sanitation Code. These changes will affect residents and small businesses that receive City sanitation services. Effective October 1, 2013 there will be a new set-out time for trash and recycling collections citywide. Citizens are able to set-out their trash and recyclables as early as 5 p.m. on the evening before the day of collection from October 1 to March 31. From April 1 to September 30 the set-out time will return to 7 p.m. on the evening before the day of collection. The new regulation will ensure that citizens have the ability to set-out their trash during daylight hours throughout the entire year.

This change was enabled by recent City Council legislation. Effective December 1, 2013 the regulations for setting out mattresses and box springs will also change by requiring residents to bag those items in mattress bags in order to be collected. This regulation change is being instituted to protect against the spread of bed bugs. Mattresses and box springs that are not properly bagged will not be collected nor accepted at our Sanitation Convenience Centers. Mattress bags are available at many retail stores and on-line. For more information, please visit www.philadelphiastreets.com. November 2013

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Cedar Park Neighbors Membership Application/Renewal ● New Member


● Renewal ● Multi-year (max. 3 years) ● ● ● ● ●

# of years_____ $10 Individual $15 Household (2 persons or more) $ 7 Senior/Student/Unemployed $30 Business $40 Sponsor (one free CPN t-shirt!)

Additional contribution: (Write $ amount)

_____ Holiday baskets _____ Scholarships _____ Jazz Series _____ Park _____ Other, specify _________________________ CPN t-shirt: (Write $ amount if not Sponsor and circle size)

_____ Short Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL,4XL, 5XL, 6XL ($15) _____ Short Sleeve Kids S, M, L, XL ($15) _____ Long Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL ($20)


Phone Email ● Yes, I would like to receive an email notice with

a link to the current newsletter on the CPN website (and do not deliver a paper copy to my home). Email Website Phone

membership@cedarparkneighbors.org www.cedarparkneighbors.org 267-531-4147

Return form with check to: Cedar Park Neighbors Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143


Check your areas of interest for potential participation: ● Block Organizing: Maintain list of Block Leaders, organize forums, ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Review block grant applications and help awardees implement projects etc. Board of Directors: CPN leadership and decision-making body. Cedar Park Garden Tenders: Plant and maintain gardens at Cedar Park. Education Committee: Interaction with local schools and parents on issues. Fundraising: Special events, grant writing. Holiday Baskets: Coordinate and assist distribution to needy Cedar Park families. Membership/Newsletter Committee: Promote membership to residents and businesses, Writing, publishing, photography and distribution of newsletter. Development Impact Task Force: Monitor, evaluate, and influence commercial and residential development. Scholarship Committee: Raise funds, promote program, and select awardees. Website: Technical support, maintenance, updating info/pictures etc. Zoning Committee: Monitor & communicate issues to residents; represent Cedar Park before Zoning Board of Adjustment. Cedar Park Neighbors is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All contributions are fully tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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Support our Newsletter Sponsor, Barrtrm’s Garden!

November 2013

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c/o Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143

CPN Mission Statement: Cedar Park Neighbors is an association of diverse households and businesses based in the Cedar Park neighborhood of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the association shall be to foster collaboration among all persons living and working in the Cedar Park neighborhood, to promote community development, to provide a forum for communication and community education, to respond to neighborhood concerns and to advocate for and promote the general welfare of the Cedar Park community. Newsletter Editors Emily Kovach & Judy Lamirand Newsletter Design Judy Lamirand, Parallel Design

Thanks to Bartram’s Garden for sponsoring this issue.

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To Contact Cedar Park Neighbors or submit Newsletter items: contact@cedarparkneighbors.org www.cedarparkneighbors.org 267-BALT-AVE (267-225-8283)

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