November 2014 CPN newsletter

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November 2014

Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter President’s Message: Development and Diversity, a Balancing Act By Michael Froehlich ast weekend, a friend invited me L to her house for a dinner party. As I got ready to leave on Saturday night, I

double-checked the invitation to remember her street number, and saw she no longer lived in the neighborhood. “You live in Kensington now?” I texted her. A few minutes later she replied: “It’s true. I was priced out.” There have always been amazing things happening in Cedar Park, and as more people outside of Cedar Park recognize its beauty, its convenience to Center City, its relative affordability, and the wonderful people who live here, they want to move in. As demand to live in our neighborhood increases, rents and home prices increase. In fact, according to one recent report by a University of Pennsylvania economist, rents in our neighborhood increased 62% from 2010 to 2014, topping neighborhoods such as Bella Vista, Fishtown, Fairmount, and Point Breeze. Many people in our neighborhood are concerned about rising housing costs and the dangers of involuntary displacement. Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN) is very aware of these neighborhood issues and tries

hard to represent the diverse opinions of our members and neighbors. For years, we have convened community meetings to discuss these very issues, including a series of meetings around the development of Baltimore Avenue, called the Baltimore Avenue Conversations. In 2013, after a lot of thoughtful discussion and input, we published our Development Principles, which you can find on our website at development/ptf/cedar-park-neighborsguiding-principles-for-development/. Many of us have thought carefully about these issues. How do we ensure that we continue to live in an economically and racially diverse neighborhood? First, I believe that we need to continue to push for an active government role to ensure affordable housing opportunities. When property taxes go up because of rising home prices, we need to push for, and possibly expand, anti-displacement programs such as the Homestead Exemption, which lowers the tax bill for people living in their own homes and shifts more of the tax burden to investors; the Longtime Owner Occupants Program (LOOP), continued on page 4



lastic bags are NOT recyclable in ags of leaves placed out on regular P B Philly’s curbside recycling program, trash days will no longer be collected even though many people assume they are. for recycling. They will go into the regular

They tear and wrap around moving parts in recycling sorting machines, leading to increased maintenance costs, equipment damage, and even worker safety issues. So, please ensure that plastic bags STAY OUT of your blue recycling container or bin. Return them to the specially-marked recycling bins located at the front of most supermarkets. And think about reducing your use of single-use plastic bags by using long-life reusable bags instead.

waste stream. To have your bagged leaves recycled, take them to 43rd & Powelton Avenue or 66th & Haverford Avenue on Saturdays through December 13th between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. (except for the Saturday following Thanksgiving). The leaves must be placed in biodegradable paper bags, which will be recycled along with the leaves. Make sure there is no trash or other recyclable materials mixed in with the leaves.

Susanna Gilbertson and CPN President Michael Froehlich

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CPN Newsletter

Holiday Basket Time

Holiday Basket Donation Form

Michelle Lewis and Beverly Rouse

Please clip and return this form to:

nce again, Cedar Park Neighbors, O in cooperation with area churches and other non-profit organizations, will

Cedar Park Neighbors, Holiday Baskets Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143

prepare and distribute food baskets for those in need during the holiday season. In 2013, we were able to reach more than 625 people. In order to continue this successful event, we need your financial help and support. Please consider a suggested donation in the amount of $36. Support at this amount will help us feed two families and foster our commitment to “neighbors helping neighbors.� We will be packing and distributing the baskets on Saturday, December 20th, 2014 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at Renewal Presbyterian Church, located on the corner of 47th Street and Cedar Avenue. All volunteers are most welcome! Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.

Holiday Basket Donation Amount: l $36

l other amount $ _________ Please make checks payable to: Cedar Park Neighbors/Holiday Baskets. Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Donation Amount Clip and return

We thank you in advance for your support!


Look for Free Hot Chocolate on Small Business Saturday ou can help make the fifth year of Y Small Business Saturday the biggest one yet by shopping at your local small

businesses on November 29th. The Baltimore Avenue Business Association (BABA) is jumping on the bandwagon. Many BABA businesses will be serving free hot chocolate, hot cider, cookies or candy canes on Small Business Saturday. The first-ever Small Business Saturday was held on Nov 27th, 2010. As an alternative to big-box Black Friday, it encouraged people across the country to support small, local businesses, and started a holiday shopping tradition. By the following year, from Washington, D.C., to Washington State, governors, mayors, senators, and even President Obama all voiced their support for

Small Business Saturday. In 2012, small business owners were encouraged to take charge of the day. American Express, the founder of Small Business Saturday, helped small business owners promote their business through free, personalized ads, which appeared millions of times across the web. Last year, more neighborhoods than ever celebrated Small Business Saturday, with individuals and local organizations pledging to support the day as Neighborhood Champions. You, too, can be a Neighborhood Champion. To find out what kind of shopping you can do on Baltimore Avenue, visit

Shop Locally. Invest in the Future.

Learn more: November 2014

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President’s Message continued from page 1

How to Select Your High School

which caps property tax increases for people who have lived in their homes for a decade or more; and the Senior Citizen Real Estate Tax Freeze, which freezes property taxes for low-income seniors who may be on fixed incomes. We also need to ensure that people who fall behind in their property taxes can have a chance to enter into a payment plan, catch up on their taxes, and avoid having their home sold at sheriff’s sale. Second, I believe that we need additional public investments in affordable housing here in our neighborhood. Some may differ as to whether it’s better to build new homes, fix up existing homes, expand low-income housing tax credits, or provide subsidized housing vouchers to help qualified tenants with their rent. But no matter how you cut it, the number of families benefiting from publicly funded housing assistance has stayed flat or gone down over the last seven years. Third, we could accept additional density in smart, strategic ways. In January 2011, a tragic fire destroyed the Windermere Courts apartment building just north of Cedar Park. Several hundred people were left homeless, and the area lost almost 100 apartment units. It’s hard to say what the effect of removing this many units did to our own neighborhood’s housing costs. But I believe that it contributed to the rising costs of rents. Lowering the supply while keeping the demand the same is bound to increase prices. Some time ago, I saw a remarkable map showing the changes in population in



Logos Websites Brochures This Newsletter!

Find our designs online. 215-476-4040

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CPN Newsletter


Pennsylvania State Representative Jim Roebuck will host an event on Saturday, November 22nd, 2014, from 10 a.m. until noon, called “How to Select Your High School” at The University of the Sciences. Parents and students are welcome to attend and learn more about how to successfully navigate high school selections. Topics include: How to choose a high school, making a first and second choice, and access to computers to apply online. Rep. Roebuck’s office will be sending out an email blast and robocalls about the event with the final details. For more info, call 215-724-2227. Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on

West Philadelphia over the past 50 years. I was surprised to see that the number of people living in Cedar Park in 2000 was just 60% of what it was in 1950. Today, I suppose, people have smaller families and want more space in their homes. But it made me think that our neighborhood could probably accommodate more density. We can be smart about it by employing careful planning and zoning and building out existing infrastructure, but if we want to preserve our neighborhood as an economically and racially diverse place, I believe it can be done. Cedar Park Neighbors is committed to working hard to strike this balance so that our neighbors, our friends, and we ourselves are not priced out and forced to move. It’s an important part of our neighborhood, and one that we value. Let’s make sure that people who want to stay in our neighborhood, like my friend, have the chance to do so.

CPN Board

Zoning Committee Update By Shawn Markovich he CPN Zoning Committee T has dealt with several issues, which are summarized below. This

hard-working committee welcomes additional members. The issues are interesting, and it is a great opportunity to learn and to work with committed neighbors who care about community issues. If you are interested in joining the Zoning Committee, email us at 4616 Kingsessing Avenue Application for eight student units as a single room residence in an existing semi-detached house. Applicant has not yet met with the CPN Zoning Committee or presented to the community and had asked for a continuance at the hearing. New Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) hearing date will be December 9th at 9:30 a.m.


4918 Baltimore Avenue Application for a change of use to permit a tattoo shop. A community meeting was held, and many residents came out in support of the proposed tattoo shop. CPN wrote a letter of support, however the applicant asked for a continuance at the hearing. The new ZBA hearing will be on January 13th at 9:30 a.m. 930 S. St. Bernard Street Application for a single family home to be built, with a variance for a 2' side yard and a variance for no parking. A community meeting was held and while residents were excited to see a single family home being built, they did have concerns about the narrow 2' side yard. Applicant will be resubmitting plans to the zoning committee that will have an 8' side yard as required. Residents did not object to the no parking variance.

Michael Froehlich 1st Vice-President Suzanne Banning Anderson 2nd Vice-President David Hincher Treasurer Amara Rockar Directors

Sean Dorn Ivana Dussell Margaret Ferrigno Lisa Johanningsmeier Michelle Lewis Shawn Markovich Far McKon Ryan Spak Mavil Spence Saba Tedla JJ Tiziou Pat Warner Michael Williams Renee McBride Williams Trena Woodson

November 2014

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’Tis the Season of Membership Renewal ello there, neighbors! Welcome to H the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, with new neighbors and new busi-

nesses and restaurants popping up every month. During this time, we are happy to be welcoming new members to Cedar Park Neighbors who we met through our table at the Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll, and we would like to take the opportunity of our annual full neighborhood newsletter to encourage even more of you to join! In addition to receiving a quarterly copy of this newsletter, joining will give you an opportunity to contribute to the community in many different ways. CPN runs many programs, such as a food basket drive for the holidays, a scholarship program for youth and a committee to improve our neighborhood schools. Additionally, being a part of CPN is a great way to be involved in some important decisions about the future of Cedar Park. CPN’s Zoning Committee is constantly getting zoning requests for exciting and potentially controversial projects, and we want to make sure that we are incorporating even more neighbors into these decisions. Becoming a member will keep you better informed about the process, including how to lend your voice through community meetings and surveys. The more members that CPN has, the better we will be able to represent the interests of the community, so please take the opportunity to join by filling out the form on the opposite page, by visiting our website at or emailing us with any questions at

With your help, CPN will continue to: • Deliver news through our website, Facebook, email blasts and newsletter • Introduce neighbors to local restaurants at Meet and Greet events • Award scholarships to high school graduates and continuing college students and support our scholarship recipients. • Host the summer Friday Night Jazz series • Solicit community input on important neighborhood planning issues • Spread the word about local zoning issues • Provide representation before the ZBA and Liquor Control Board • Support and promote local small businesses • Deliver holiday food baskets to neighbors • Fund Block Improvement Grants • Keep you informed about local schools and daycare centers • Support schools in our area • Represent CPN members at community meetings • Maintain the Park for our enjoyment • Provide support and resources to local block leaders

If you are a current member, please renew your subscription before it expires in December. Thanks again to all of our new members who have recently joined. We look forward to seeing you in the neighborhood! Membership dues, along with other fundraising activities, are critical to support the valuable work being done by CPN. Know a new homeowner or renter on your block? Send their name and address to New neighborhood residents will receive a free CPN membership for one year. Join and donate directly from your smart phone by scanning this code.

In Deed: Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way By Michael Froehlich edar Park Neighbors board members C frequently hear from other members and neighbors that a long-time owner of

a home on their block has passed away, the home is empty and untended, and no one knows who the legal owner is. On October 1st, CPN held a town hall meeting to talk to neighbors about the importance of wills, deeds and other estate planning documents — not just for your neighbors, but for your children and heirs, too.

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CPN Newsletter

More than 45 neighbors attended the workshop to hear from speakers from Drexel University, the Drexel University Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships, and CPN’s own Ryan Spak. Afterwards, workshop attendees had the opportunity to sign up for free one-on-one meetings with Drexel students to write their own wills and estate documents. You missed the workshop? Stop kicking yourself. Contact and find out how they can help you.

Join CPN or renew your membership by December 31st, and your name will be entered in a drawing for a $25 gift card at The Gold Standard Café.

Cedar Park Neighbors Membership Application/Renewal l New Member


l Multi-year (max. 3 years)


l Renewal

l l l l l

# of years_____ $10 Individual $15 Household (2 persons or more) $ 7 Senior/Student/Unemployed $30 Business $40 Sponsor (one free CPN t-shirt!)

Additional contribution: (Write $ amount)

_____ Holiday baskets _____ Scholarships _____ Jazz Series _____ Park _____ Other, specify _________________________ CPN t-shirt: (Write $ amount if not Sponsor and circle size)

_____ Short Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL,4XL, 5XL, 6XL ($15) _____ Short Sleeve Kids S, M, L, XL ($15) _____ Long Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL ($20)

Phone Email l Yes, I would like to receive an email notice with

a link to the current newsletter on the CPN website (and do not deliver a paper copy to my home). Email Website Phone 267-531-4147

Return form with check to: Cedar Park Neighbors Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143


Check your areas of interest for potential participation: l Block Organizing: Maintain list of Block Leaders, organize forums, l l l l l l l l l l

Review block grant applications and help awardees implement projects etc. Board of Directors: CPN leadership and decision-making body. Cedar Park Garden Tenders: Plant and maintain gardens at Cedar Park. Education Committee: Interaction with local schools and parents on issues. Fundraising: Special events, grant writing. Holiday Baskets: Coordinate and assist distribution to needy Cedar Park families. Membership/Newsletter Committee: Promote membership to residents and businesses, Writing, publishing, photography and distribution of newsletter. Development Impact Task Force: Monitor, evaluate, and inuence commercial and residential development. Scholarship Committee: Raise funds, promote program, and select awardees. Website: Technical support, maintenance, updating info/pictures etc. Zoning Committee: Monitor & communicate issues to residents; represent Cedar Park before Zoning Board of Adjustment. Cedar Park Neighbors is a 501(c)(3) not-for-proďŹ t organization. All contributions are fully tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

November 2014

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Dinner Special, Zft-!xf!TFSWF! Every Day after hsfbu!gppe/ 4 p.m. Any Entree, JuÖt!cfdbvtf!xf! small Soup or Salad, and Dessert NBLF!hsfbu!gppe! Only $20 pvstfmwft"

the Café

Great Gifts! nens Contessa’s French Li Amazulu

Amy’s Place

Cookbook Stall See Website for Holiday Hours

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CPN Newsletter


MON–SAT 8–6 & SUN 9–5 • $4/2HR PARKING 12TH & ARCH STREETS • 215-922-2317


Gush Gallery Members Show

El Baile de Colores (Dancing with Colors)

November and December Art Shows Gush Gallery 5015 Baltimore Avenue

November-December Art Show The Gold Standard Cafe 4800 Baltimore Avenue

ush Gallery members have hung G the first of many members shows. Stop in and see the work of:

he dancing colors, done in encaustic T (meaning wax, instead of paint), are the product of the creative mind

Julie Lake James Pasternack Naia Poyer David Swift Erin Wiseman Affordable Art Show coming in December!

Art and crafts for $50 and under will arrive just in time for the holidays. Check out the boutique for fun and unique gifts. Print your holiday cards at Gush.

Do it yourself at Gush workspace, or have Gush do it for you. See the services section on for pricing and details.

of Dora Ficher. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dora brings a Latin passion to her work. Her time spent as an art teacher left her with a love of the creativity and innocence of children. The freshness and unique quality of children’s art inspires her to this day.

Above: Doodles Below: Fishing Village by Dora Ficher

View her works in the Dining Room at the Gold Standard Cafe, or preview it at her websites. takes you into her online studio and shows you what she can do with common, everyday items like towels, pillowcases, shower curtains, and more. Great holiday gifts!

West Philly Neighborhood Nail Colors December 14th Go WEST Craft Fest IX Emporium is fully restocked V with NEW West Philly nail colors! Each shade, named for something you

love about West Philly, is hand-blended exclusively for VIX by Philly Loves Lacquer, a one-woman Philly-based business. These small-batch nail lacquers subtly catch the light with an iridescent glow. Colors include Activist Amethyst, Baltimore Avenue Burgundy, Carrot Cake Man, Fiumé Fuchsia, Fu Wah Blue Wah, The Gold Standard, Gray’s Ferry, The Green Line, Kingsessing Crimson, Mariposa Rosa, Powelton Pearl, and Satellite Silver. Three more shades coming soon!

he Holiday edition of Go West T Craft Fest returns to the Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street. On Sunday,

December 14th, 50+ of Philly’s finest artisans show their handmade wares, perfect for holiday gifts. Find jewelry, warm knitted accessories, home wares, prints, stationery, children’s items, soaps, candles and more, all made by local small businesses and offered at affordable prices. Refreshments are available too, so make a day of it and find unique, handmade treasures for everyone on your gift list!

Their long-wearing formulas contain NO Toluene, Formaldehyde, Camphor or Dibutyl Phthalate (harmful chemicals present in many commercial nail colors), and all ingredients are vegan and are cruelty-free. Buy online at or stop by 5009 Baltimore Avenue and try some new fun for your fingers! November 2014

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Water Department and Gas Works to Replace Cedar Park Mains By Michael Froehlich


s you may have noticed, the Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) has been hard at work recently in Cedar Park, perhaps even digging up the street and sidewalk in your neighborhood. So what’s going on? It’s all part of an extensive plan by the Philadelphia Water Department to replace water and sewer mains in our area. Some of these mains have not been replaced in decades. Before the Water Department can replace the mains, PGW has to dig up and relocate many of its gas lines. And that’s what’s going on now. PGW should be completed with its work by early January, and as soon as they wrap up, the Water Department will move in. The Water Department has contracted with Nello Construction Company to replace mains on the following blocks:

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Beaumont from 48th to 49th Florence from 48th to 49th Florence from 49th to 50th Florence from 50th to 51st St. Bernard from Warrington to Florence St. Bernard from Warrington to Florence 48th Street from Beaumont to Florence 50th Street from Pentridge to Florence There’s no set schedule for which blocks will get done first, but the Water Department estimates that it could take as long as 14 months to complete all of the work. During this time, streets may be closed. The Water Department has promised to give as much notice to neighbors as possible before starting on each block.

November 2014

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c/o Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143

CPN Mission Statement: Cedar Park Neighbors is an association of diverse households and businesses based in the Cedar Park neighborhood of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the association shall be to foster collaboration among all persons living and working in the Cedar Park neighborhood, to promote community development, to provide a forum for communication and community education, to respond to neighborhood concerns and to advocate for and promote the general welfare of the Cedar Park community. Newsletter Editors Emily Kovach & Judy Lamirand

Thanks to Bartram’s Garden for sponsoring this issue.

Newsletter Design Judy Lamirand, Parallel Design To Contact Cedar Park Neighbors or submit Newsletter items: 267-BALT-AVE (267-225-8283)

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