CPN March 2010 newsletter

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March 2010

Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter President’s Message: Spring Has Sprung! By Monica Allison, President, Cedar Park Neighbors looks like it has sprung! After Sseepring a record snowfall winter, it’s nice to greenery growing in our area. Though we were snowed in several times over the winter, our neighborhood was bustling with activity. There were many opportunities for random acts of kindness, and I believe we stepped up to the plate. Our scholarship committee pulled off another awesome fundraiser this year. It was held at Dock Street Brewery on Sunday, March 7th. Thank you for your contributions. I also want to thank Rosemarie Certo for allowing us to have our fundraiser at Dock Street for the third year in a row. She is dedicated to the scholarship fundraising effort and enjoys hosting this event. Laura McHugh, Laurie Friedman and the rest of the scholarship committee did a great job. On Tuesday, March 23rd, we enjoyed ourselves, as a community, at Elena’s Soul Showcase for our first Meet & Greet of 2010. We enjoyed the blues sound of the Budessa Brothers, featuring Lucky Thompson, and the hospitality of the staff of Elena’s. Algernong Allen, owner of Elena’s and Cedar Park Neighbors board member, provided light fare, Dock Street beer and Elena’s exclusive Cedar Parktini. Thank you all for coming. It’s election time! Elections will be held on Monday, April 19th, 2010 at Calvary

Center, located at 48th & Baltimore Avenue. Voting will begin at 6:30 p.m. This will also be our first community meeting of the year. In order to vote, your membership dues need to be paid by April 1st, 2010. Check the expiration date on your newsletter. If it is incorrect, contact us at contact@cedarparkneighbors.org. Membership to Cedar Park not only qualifies you to vote, but it also assist us in servicing our community with updated information via this newsletter, the website, flyers for various activities, park activities, etc. If you know residents on your block that are not members, encourage them to join.


Important Reminder: Only members who have their dues paid on or before April 1 are eligible to vote. Check your address label to see if your membership’s current.

The workshops regarding 49th to 52nd and Baltimore Ave continue on April 21st at 7 p.m. and April 24th at 10 a.m. (Please choose one.) We will be hosted by The Peoples Baptist Church, 5039 Baltimore Avenue. This will be the second series of conversations with the Community Design Collaborative and neighbors.

Please send your check and application form to our office postmarked by April 1, 2010!


Within this newsletter, you will find the information on those running for election. Read their bios to learn more about your neighbors who have stepped up to the challenge of community leadership. So grab a coffee or tea, sit back, relax, and catch up on the latest Cedar Park news. Don’t forget to patronize our local businesses. I look forward to seeing you at the election meeting and remember…

There is always something good happening in Cedar Park! State Representative James Roebuck, CPN President Monica Allison, Rosemarie Certo of Dock Street and Laura McHugh, Scholarship Chair, gathered at Dock Street for the Scholarship Fundraiser. See story on page 2.

Success for Scholarships! 3rd Annual Fundraiser for Cedar Park By Laura McHugh, Scholarship Committee Chair n Sunday, March 7th, 2010, O Cedar Park Neighbors Scholarship Program successfully hosted its Third Annual Fundraiser for Youth Scholarships in Cedar Park! This standing-room only, jam-packed, fun-filled evening was our best fundraiser ever. More than ninety people, including many from outside the neighborhood, squeezed into Dock Street to listen to live music, sample the restaurant’s fabulous pizza and beer, and scheme to outbid one another for fabulous items including homemade pies, a tire pump, gift certificates (and even diapers!) in this year’s silent suction. In fact, the event was so successful that we raised more than double the amount raised last year! Many thanks to everyone who came out to the event, as well as to the individual community members, local businesses, and other Philadelphia attractions that continue to support us every year — by offering a donation or by contributing an item or service to the silent suction (Please check out our growing list of supporters at right!). Special thanks to Rosemarie Certo for hosting this event at Dock Street year

after year, Pale Reason and Rob Volansky for providing entertainment, Alesa Rubendall for program design, and to the members of the Cedar Park Scholarship Committee for coordinating everything! As many of you know, over the last 21 years, Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN) has provided scholarships to local students to help defray the cost of books, fees, travel, or other needs. Established in 1988, the CPN Scholarship Program has made 116 awards for a total of $58,100 to more than 51 young neighbors. But our work is not done! We are still actively fundraising for scholarships for the 2010-2011 academic year. For those of you who could not join us at this year’s fundraiser, we hope you will still consider donating through our regular annual appeal; letters will be arriving in mid-April. Finally, if you know of a young person who lives within the Cedar Park boundaries and who will be college-bound in the fall, please direct them to the Cedar Park website, www.cedarparkneighbors.org, to download our scholarship application. For more information about applying, contact Laura McHugh at 267-235-2046 or lauratatemchugh@gmail.com.

Current scholarship recipients Lawrence Jones Mahoney, Sara Ghebremariam and Dung Nyugen.

3rd-Year Supporters Atlantic Medical Specialty Bartram's Gardens Dock Street Brewery Eastern State Penitentiary Gary Bronson Lola Rooney Longwood Gardens Maureen Tate and Gerald McHugh Studio 34 University City Arts League 2nd-Year Supporters Elena’s Soul Showcase Lounge Local 44 Senator Anthony Williams Take the Lead 1st-Year Supporters Baltimore Avenue Pet Shop Best Buy, South Philadelphia Best Buy, Ft. Lauderdale Caitlin Friedman Crossroads Dahlak Restaurant Davis Pharmacy Firehouse Bicycles Green Line Café House of Our Own Book Jessica Verdin, Individual Donor Laura Teti, Individual Donor Milk and Honey Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Horticultural Society Philadelphia Art Museum Representative James Roebuck Peggy and Todd Kovich Vientiane Cafe Vincent Goffredo Plumbing Vix Emporium West Philadelphia Tool Library West Philadelphia Locksmith

Laura McHugh and Laurie Friedman of the Scholarship Committee.

Fundraiser attendees Bruce McCullough, Sharon McCullough, Rep. Jim Roebuck, Fred Martin Wolfe, Gary Bronson, and CPN President Monica Allison. Page 2

CPN Newsletter

Auction items generously donated.

Speaking about Baltimore Avenue...Let’s Have a Conversation! By Maureen Tate, Property Housing Task Force n late January, CPN launched the Iprocess Baltimore Conversation, a listening bringing neighbors together to talk about what we would like to see on Baltimore Avenue in the blocks from 49th Street to 52nd Street. A team of volunteers delivered thousands of flyer questionnaires to households in blocks near the area of focus with notice of an information meeting in early February. Despite best laid plans, snow storms resulted in the last minute cancellation of this important meeting and the delivery of the CPN newsletter so that another big effort was needed to inform residents of the postponement date and solicit input from the questionnaires. Even with these logistical challenges, over 100 residents, business owners and organization leaders came out for an information meeting held at The People’s Baptist Church on February 17th. We received nearly 100 questionnaire to date and are still accepting them if you have not had a chance to submit your questionnaire included in the last newsletter. The information meeting provided an opportunity for Monica Allison, CPN President, to review the purpose and scope of the Conversation and to answer questions. In response to concerns raised, CPN emphasized that we are only initiating a conversation and that CPN has no money or agenda to build or develop any portion of these blocks. So why bother? Monica explained that with improvements to Cedar Park and especially along Baltimore Avenue, residents have expressed frustration and concern that improvements don’t seem to continue west of 50th street. If residents can come together now and develop some consensus about what they would like to see, CPN will be in a better position to advocate for those improvements and respond to proposals for property and land that frequently come to our attention. The Baltimore Conversation proceeded with two community workshops on February 24 and 27, facilitated by a volunteer team of architects and planners from the Community Design Collaborative. Approximately 75 residents attended one

of the two workshops that involved working in small groups on tasks that looked at density issues, what participants liked and didn’t like about the Cedar Park neighborhood and ranked ideas emerging from the questionnaires for use of vacant land as well as retail space. Each group chose a spokesperson who reported the results of their group discussion. Similar ideas began to emerge as well as many new and creative ideas. The Community Design Collaborative gathered all this input and is now in the process of developing visual conceptualizations of the community’s input to present back to us in the next phase of the process. The next two community workshops will be held Wednesday, April 21 and Saturday, April 24 (The same workshop will be repeated on both dates). You can still participate even if you were unable to attend the first series of workshops. At that time, the Community Design Collaborative will present their preliminary designs for reaction and further refinement. Following these sessions, they will go back to the drawing board and produce a final report for Cedar Park Neighbors that will be presented to the community in early summer. We will then have an opportunity to work with those who are interested to discuss what next steps we might take to make some of the community’s vision a reality. So, let’s have a conversation! We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshops in April. Questionnaires are still welcome and can be downloaded from the CPN website. Mark Your Calendar: Wednesday, April 21st, 7 p.m. OR Saturday, April 24th, 10 a.m.

Second Community Workshop The Collaborative will present their draft design(s) for comments and feedback. June/July dates TBA

The Collaborative will write a final report. CPN will host a community presentation. Join us on Facebook or sign up for our email list at www.cedarparkneighbors.org to be kept informed of upcoming dates. For more information, contact: Monica Allison, Cedar Park Neighbors at 267-531-4147 or contact@cedarparkneighbors.org March 2010

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Cedar Park Neighbors Annual Membership Meeting Monday, April 19th t’s the night you have been waiting for. Icoming It only comes once a year, and it’s up fast. On Monday, April 19th, Cedar Park Neighbors will hold its annual meeting at the Calvary Center at 48th Street and Baltimore Avenue. Voting for new board members starts at 6:30 p.m. and continues until 7:45 p.m. See candidates bios on the next page.

The program starts at 7:00 p.m. and will conclude by 8:30 p.m. So put your finest threads on, make sure you have paid your annual dues by April 1st if you want to vote, and come talk with your neighbors on April 19th. Questions? Call CPN at 267-531-4147 or email contact@cedarparkneighbors.org

Are You a Member of the West Philly Tool Library Yet? By Michael Froehlich, Tool Library Steering Committee and CPN Board Member

year to join and no other costs--borrow more than 400 tools per month.

wo years ago this month, with the support of many residents of Cedar Park and other neighborhoods in West and Southwest Philadelphia, the Tool Library opened its doors.

The most popular tools are 20 and 40-foot extension ladders, cordless drills, table saws, and, in the summer, weed whackers. But the tool library has plenty of uncommon tools as well, including basin wrenches, tampers, 14 foot branch loppers, and more.

Today, with over 550 members and 2,100 tools, the tool library has become a great place to borrow that tool you need to fix up your house, plant your garden, build those shelves, or do countless other jobs. Tool library members--who pay $20 per

The tool library is located at 4620 Woodland Avenue. It’s open Monday through Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stop by today! More info available at: www.westphillytools.org


Get Your Brooms Ready for Block Clean-Up and Mark Your Calendar! lock clean-ups are facilitated by the B University City District as well as Philadelphia More Beautiful, a program of the Philadelphia Streets Department. For more information or to sign up for any of the University City District clean-ups, please contect Dexter Bryant at dexter@universitycity.lorg or

2010 BLOCK CLEAN UP SCHEDULE April 10 UCD May1 Philadelphia More Beautiful June 19 UCD June 26 Philadelphia More Beautiful August 21 Philadelphia More Beautiful October 23 UCD December 4 UCD

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CPN Newsletter

215-243-0555 ext. 236. Philadelphia More Beautiful clean-ups are organized according to police districts. To register call the assigned block officer for the district and you will receive bags and signs. To register in the 18th district, call Cassandra Whiters, 215-685-3975. In the 12th district, call 215-685-3992.

West Philly Tool Library Turns Two!

The Cedar Park Nominations Committee presents the following candidates for Board Election Officers (to serve a one year term each) President: Monica Allison 4900 block, Catharine Street I am running for a third term as President of Cedar Park Neighbors. This is my 14th year of residency in the Cedar Park community. My focus this year has been the beginnings of our Baltimore Avenue Conversation which began in February, maintaining the renovated Cedar Park, and becoming more of a liaison with other community organizations in our area. This past year as President has been busy and challenging. This year, if elected President, I will resume working toward a cohesive vision with neighbors regarding the Baltimore Avenue corridor, and continue working with other community organizations in the area to create a network where information is disseminated more easily throughout West Philadelphia. Additionally, Cedar Park Neighbors is celebrating its golden anniversary this year and Cedar Park itself will celebrate its centennial in 2011. I am looking forward to working on both celebrations during my tenure as president for 2010-2011. First Vice-President: Naomi Fioridmondo 5000 block, Catharine Street I have lived in West Philly for more than a dozen years. Since 2005, I have been an active block captain for the 5000 block of Catharine Steet, where I organize clean-ups, host regular meetings and block gatherings, help neighbors in need, encourage Junior Block Captains to get involved, get street signs replaced, organize neighbor-volunteers to maintain and upgrade abandoned and neglected properties, and welcome new neighbors. I facilitated the planting of many trees on the block through UC Green, and then hosted a volunteer lunch for 100 people (in a heavy downpour!) after the planting. I have served on the CPN Board since 2008 and currently as the interim Vice-President. I am currently sitting on CPN’s Communications Committee and am active on a number of other neighborhood projects. My husband and I are slowly renovating and repairing the home we share with our three rescue cats and hope to adopt an infant soon.

Second Vice-President: Sean Dorn 5000 block, Catharine Street I have lived in Cedar Park since 2000 and live on Catharine Street with my wife, Emily, and our daughter Nora. My wife and I own VIX Emporium at 50th and Baltimore. VIX, besides featuring handmade gifts by local residents, is a co-sponsor of the Second Saturday craft fairs at 50th and Baltimore. I am an advocate for a diverse and active commercial corridor on Baltimore Avenue and recently narrated a video for Philadelphia Weekly, showcasing some of the fun stuff to do along Baltimore Avenue. I recently helped design and re-launch CPN’s web-site on a more interactive, user-driven model and also participate on CPN’s Property Housing Task Force. Secretary: Dorothy Welch Berlind 500 block, S. 48th Street I have served as the Board’s Secretary for the past several years and will serve another if that is the wish of the membership. I have also served as the Board’s representative on the University City District’s Board of Directors. I am a thirty-four year resident of Cedar Park, recently retired from the University of Pennsylvania. I am originally from New Hampshire and was educated at Barnard College in New York City and at the University of Pennsylvania. I have a grown up son who is living and working in San Francisco. I find CPN a wonderful and effective organization, and have been happy to be involved.




Treasurer: Karen Allen 4700 block, Warrington Avenue I believe that in order for a community to be viable, its residents must play an active role in the life of that community. I have been active in Cedar Park Neighbors and in the larger University City since moving to the neighborhood in 1982. In addition to my duties as CPN Treasurer, I have also worked on the CPN Budget, Zoning, and Bylaws Committees. CPN is currently spearheading many worthwhile projects, such as the Baltimore Avenue Conversation and our continuing efforts in the beautification and reuse of Cedar Park. I’m happy to have had the opportunity to serve on the CPN Board, and I look forward to continuing these and other efforts during the coming year. March 2010

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The Cedar Park Nominations Committee presents the following candidates for Board Election Directors (to serve a two year term) Michael Clapper 4700 block, Hazel Avenue I live at 47th & Hazel with my wife, who is a middle school teacher, and two kids who attend Samuel Powel Kindergarten and the Parent Infant Center. I’m presently an assistant professor of education at Saint Joseph’s University; before starting there, I taught social studies at West Philadelphia High School for five years. I’ve liked serving on the board for the past two years and would happily return for another term. Lisa Johanningsmeier 900 block, St. Bernard Street I have lived in Cedar Park since 1990 and served on the CPN board for about five years before taking a break in 2006. I am now interested in serving once again. My interests are zoning, clean and green initiatives and community development. I work in a small, family-owned manufacturing business in Conshohocken and delight in the fact that I can bike to work from my home, just one of the advantages of living in West Philadelphia. I hope, in serving on the board once again, I will be able to spread the word of how great it is to live in this community. Sheri McFarland 700 block, S. 49th Street I am a lifelong West Philadelphian. My husband, Dale Bickerstaff, and I have resided in Cedar Park for the past seven years and absolutely love the community. I have been an employee of Marriott International Hotels for 15 years with experience in the Global Safety and Security and Shipping departments. I have a passion for eco-friendly living, community greening & sustainability. This has become a focal point in my life, and I am consuming as much knowledge as possible to encourage and educate others on the subject. I am the mother of five adult children and grandmother of twelve adorables. My extracurricular activities include semi-professional background vocals for numerous major recording artists, event planning with an eco twist, and unique gift basket creations.

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Jessica Naugle McAtamny 4900 block, Larchwood Avenue I have lived in Cedar Park for nearly five years. Having grown up in a rural area, I love having “close” neighbors and neighbors that have become friends. While my husband rehabs our Cedar Park home, I assist and am typically on clean-up duty. I am currently involved in the Cedar Park Scholarship Committee and have assisted Laurie Friedman and Laura McHugh in the organization of the Dock Street Fundraiser for the past three years. A teacher in the Philadelphia School District, I am interested in issues in education. I am excited to become more involved in my community and help move Cedar Park forward. Ray Murphy 4900 block, Walton Avenue I am 30 years old and have been a resident of Cedar Park for my entire life. I grew up at 48th and Windsor and attended Powel Elementary School, Middle Years Alternative School (MYA) and Central High School. I now work as a political and community organizer. I’ve worked for the Philadelphia Unemployment Project, served as national staff for MoveOn.org, and I am currently the Director of Communications at the Bread & Roses Community Fund, which provides grants to organizations working for racial and economic justice in the Delaware Valley. I recently became a first-time home buyer with my partner, Joel, who works for the Free Library of Philadelphia. We live at 49th and Walton. I’d like to serve on the board of Cedar Park Neighbors because I love our neighborhood. Cedar Park has long been a place where people of different income levels, faiths, races, nationalities, sexual orientations, gender identities, household types, and political views all live together. As a board member, I’d like to help facilitate conversations to help us maintain that diversity and make sure that there is opportunity for us all as our neighborhood grows.

March 2010

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The Cedar Park Nominations Committee presents the following candidates for Board Election Sara Nissley 5000 block, Catharine Street I have lived in West Philadelphia for eight years, almost always within the boundaries of Cedar Park. I currently live with my husband and two-and-one-half year old son on Catharine Street. I love raising my son in this neighborhood, where neighbors have become friends. My family is tied to this area, as my husband’s carpentry business operates on word of mouth throughout West Philadelphia and my son attends local playgroups and will attend a new preschool that is opening at Calvary United Methodist Church (48th & Baltimore) in September. I started my career as a teacher in the neighborhood as I taught first for The Center for Literacy, and later, after becoming a certified teacher, at Harrington Elementary (53rd and Baltimore). To me, being a member of Cedar Park Neighbors means that I am part of a collective effort to make connections with those around me, to celebrate and support my neighbors and to contribute my talents. Becoming a board member will allow me to use my experience as an educator and community volunteer to increase organizing efforts, listen to what people in the neighborhood are saying and add my ideas to new efforts and those that are already underway. Beverly A. Rouse 4900 block, Cedar Avenue I have been a resident of the 4900 block of Cedar Avenue for thirty-one years, am a retired social worker and school counselor. My civic and community affiliations include the Advisory Board of the Sickle Cell Project at Children’s Hospital (Scholarship Chairperson); organizing member of Garden Court Plaza Tenant’s Association; past Block Captain; Sulzberger Junior High School Alumni

Association Board member; West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association; and past Board member of International Professional Exchange (IPX). As a member of NASW (National Association of Social Workers) I have been a field instructor for Master’s level students at Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania, and an Adjunct Faculty Assessor at Antioch University. I have also choreographed shows at Plays and Players and Allens Lane Theater. My goal for Cedar Park Neighbors is to build on the rich diversity of the community with respect for its similarities and differences thereby giving a voice to all. As John Masefield put it “Clasp the hands and know the thought of men in other lands.” Neil Toensmeier St. Bernard Street I came to the neighborhood in the nineties as a night student at the University of Pennsylvania and stayed for six years. Following that, I moved to center city and began working for a coffee roasting company. For the past three years I have been the production manager at their roasting facility. One of my joys there has been finding a treasure trove of employees from West Philadelphia. Two plus years ago I came back to the neighborhood and was thrilled to see the changes that have taken place in the interim. I live on St. Bernard Street and am thrilled to call that home. Personal interests would include architecture and sustainable design as well as the constant upkeep issues on our house. Note: Those continuing on the CPN Board whose terms have not yet expired are: Algernong Allen, Danielle Denk, Laurie Friedman, Michael Froehlich, Fred Kauffman, Theresa McCole Manzi, Bruce McCullough, and Richard Warner

CPN Board President Monica Allison 1st Vice-President Naomi Fiordimondo 2nd Vice-President Sean Dorn Secretary Dorothy Welch Berlind Treasurer Karen Allen Directors Algernong Allen Michael Clapper

Danielle Denk Laurie Friedman Michael Froehlich Fred Kauffman Theresa McCole Bruce McCullough Joanne Pham Maureen Tate Richard Warner Renee Warnick

Thanks to Melani Lamond of Urban & Bye, Realtor for sponsoring this issue of the Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter.

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March 2010

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CPN Newsletter

Cedar Park Neighbors Membership Application/Renewal ● New Member





● Renewal ● Multi-year (max. 3 years)

# of years_____ ● $10 Individual

City, State, Zip

● $15 Household (2 persons or more) ● $ 7 Senior/Student/Unemployed





● $30 Business ● $40 Sponsor (one free CPN t-shirt!)

Additional contribution: (Write $ amount)

_____ Holiday baskets _____ Scholarships _____ Jazz Series _____ Other, specify _________________________

● Yes, I would like to receive an email notice with

CPN t-shirt: (Write $ amount if not Sponsor and circle size)

_____ Short Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL,4XL, 5XL, 6XL ($15) _____ Short Sleeve Kids S, M, L, XL ($15) _____ Long Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL ($20) _________TOTAL ENCLOSED

a link to the current newsletter on the CPN website (and do not deliver a paper copy to my home). Email Website Phone

contact@cedarparkneighbors.org www.cedarparkneighbors.org 267-531-4147

Return form with check to: Cedar Park Neighbors Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143

Check your areas of interest for potential participation: ● Block Organizing: Maintain list of Block Leaders, organize forums etc. ● Block Improvement Grants Committee: Review applications, help awardees implement projects etc. ● Board of Directors: CPN leadership and decision-making body. ● Cedar Park Fair: Publicity, children’s activities, venders, entertainment, etc. ● Cedar Park Garden Tenders: Plant and maintain gardens at Cedar Park. ● Clean-up Committee: Promote participation in block clean-up days and Tire Round-up. ● Education Committee: Interaction with local schools and parents on issues. ● Fundraising: Special events, grant writing. ● Holiday Baskets: Coordinate and assist distribution to needy Cedar Park families. ● Hospitality: Provide refreshments for community meetings and special events. ● Membership Committee: Promote membership to residents and businesses. ● Newsletter: Writing, publishing, photography, distribution. ● Property/Housing Task Force: Strategize/respond to issues of deteriorated property. ● Scholarship Committee: Raise funds, promote program, and select awardees. ● Website: Technical support, maintenance, updating info/pictures etc. ● Zoning Committee: Monitor & communicate issues to residents; appear before Zoning Board of Adjustment,

coordinate meetings. March 2010

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c/o Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143

CPN Mission Statement: Cedar Park Neighbors is an association of diverse households and businesses based in the Cedar Park neighborhood of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the association shall be to foster collaboration among all persons living and working in the Cedar Park neighborhood, to promote community development, to provide a forum for communication and community education, to respond to neighborhood concerns and to advocate for and promote the general welfare of the Cedar Park community. Newsletter Editors Maureen Tate & Judy Lamirand Newsletter Design Judy Lamirand, Parallel Design To Contact Cedar Park Neighbors or submit Newsletter items: contact@cedarparkneighbors.org www.cedarparkneighbors.org 267-531-4147

To all of my Cedar Park Neighbors - as the sponsor of this newsletter, I’d like to encourage you to BUY & SELL LOCAL! Please support me and other NEIGHBORHOOD business people so that we can continue to work for our community – Melani Lamond, 1006 S. 46th Street “Ms. Lamond has lived and worked in West Philly for many years. Her knowledge of the different neighborhoods and community organizations makes her an ideal choice for a real estate agent…She is also committed to improving the quality of life in her community. By doing this, she…gains the respect of her friends and neighbors.” “We interviewed several Realtors but were very impressed by Ms. Lamond who was the keenest to educate us on the nature of the realty market…She also came with the longest and best track record as a Realtor in University City, with high volumes of purchases and sales over a 25+ year period…” “From our first meeting it was apparent that Melani had extensive knowledge about real estate in University City, and a passion for preserving and enhancing the beauty and richness of its neighborhoods.”

“Melani was remarkably helpful, candid and available to help us….Her knowledge of the neighborhood cannot be improved upon. Her awareness of the market and her honesty about it were indispensable to us. We soon came to trust her completely.” “Since Melani has lived in University City for [over] 30 years now, she was an unparalleled source of information about the neighborhood, and the neighborhood’s strong ambassador. We left that day completely convinced that University City was a place that we could see ourselves living…” “I was very impressed with Melani’s ability to navigate the delicate balance between providing her expert opinion on both properties and sale prices on the one hand, and not applying any pressure on me on the other hand, thereby allowing me to feel both well-informed and comfortable… making my own decisions.”

“I would recommend her strongly to potential buyers. I have, in fact, done so ever since I met her.” “Not only would we recommend Melani highly to potential buyers, but we hope to use her services again when it comes time to sell our home.” “Melani, I just wanted to directly thank you……I mentioned your name the other day at the bowl in Clark Park; I was there with our dog and we were talking about neighborhood stuff, housing, etc. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that a number of people there knew you. I and the other folks were singing your praises.”

Melani Lamond • Associate Broker • Urban & Bye, Realtor • MLamond@aol.com 3529 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104 •cell phone 215-356-7266 •office 215-222-4800 #113

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