June 2009 CPN newsletters

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June 2009

Cedar Park Neighbors Newsletter Destination: Baltimore Avenue, Your Summer Hotspot President’s Message by Monica Allison an you believe that it is June already? C Philadelphia Public Schools are about to close for the summer. Our scholarship recipients from past years have already returned from college. Summer shore season is in bloom. What a wonderful time to enjoy our surroundings! This spring the Baltimore Avenue Pedestrian Lighting project has been completed. We will join UCD in celebration on June 25, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. in Cedar Park to recognize the project’s planners, funders and workers. The Gold Standard is now open — they serve a wonderful egg cup for breakfast and have BYOB dinners in the red room. Elena’s Soul Showcase Lounge and Café has great live music throughout the week, Dock Street Brewery always has a new brew on tap and the Philadelphia Federal Credit Union will begin construction on their new building in July. Cuttin’ Up is the new barbershop in the 5000 Block of Baltimore. Vix Emporium has reopened after the birth of the beautiful daughter of owners Emily Conroy and Sean Dorn. Jazz in Cedar Park is back for the ninth consecutive year, thanks to sponsorship by State Representative James Roebuck, University City District, Philadelphia Federal Credit Union and Cedar Park Neighbors. Baltimore Avenue is your summer hotspot destination. In April, we held our Cedar Park Neighbors Annual Election Meeting, and voted in several new members, who are looking forward to serving the community beginning this month. Please welcome: Algernong Allen, owner of Elena’s Soul Showcase Lounge and Café, Bruce McCullough, Chad Brown, Laurie Friedman and Tim Adkins. Board Members elected to a second term are: Theresa McCole of the Philadelphia Federal Credit Union, Fred Kauffman, Richard Warner, and Shani Evans. The Executive Team will be: Monica Allison,

President; Naomi Fiordimondo, 1st Vice President; Sean Dorn, 2nd Vice President; Dorothy Welch-Berlind, Secretary; and Karen Allen, Treasurer. We want to take this opportunity to thank outgoing board members Rosa Thomas, Shirley Rheinhart, Peggy Nowak and Bruce Hansen for their last two years of hard work and dedication to this community.

Gifts of spring plants were presented to public leaders who worked with CPN to accomplish the park renovations. See story on page 3.

There is a lot to do this summer in Cedar Park. There will be family fun days, gardening work days and workshops, jazz, flea markets, craft shows and — to top it off — the Cedar Park Fair. Come out, enjoy your summer, support our local businesses, and remember,

There is always something good happening in Cedar Park! SAVE THE DATE! Tuesday, July


Next Cedar Park Neighborhood Meet & Greet 6–8pm The Gold Standard Café 4800 Baltimore Avenue

Neighbors! Meet up! Enjoy light fare and beverages.

Event sponsored by the Cedar Park Neighbors Membership Committee

An Important CPN Zoning Committee Message n a recent matter concerning a zoning Iwithin issue on Larchwood Avenue, a street the overlapping boundaries of both Cedar Park and Garden Court neighborhoods, a meeting notice approved by CPN and Garden Court Community Association, was distributed to nearby neighbors a week in advance of the meeting. CPN was later informed that an altered flyer, under the auspices of Cedar Park Neighbors and Garden Court Community Association, was distributed anonymously the evening before the scheduled meeting to a wider area of the neighborhood with a fraudulent, attention-gettingand inflammatory headline: “The value of your property an d the safety of your community is in danger.” The CPN and Garden Court zoning committees want our neighbors to know that we did not say that! And also, it is NOT our practice to use inflammatory language or to give notice of meetings at the very last minute, which would make it inconvenient for residents to attend. CPN helps facilitate a positive dialogue between nearby residents when a property owner applies for a zoning change in Philadelphia. Working with Councilwoman Blackwell’s office, the zoning committees regularly conduct small block meetings in which an applicant explains the changes s/he hopes to be permitted to make, and the neighbors ask questions and make comments.

CPN Fair Preview edar Park Neighbors will hold its C Annual Community Fair on Saturday September 26, 2009 from noon to 5 p.m. As in prior years there will be raffle prizes, entertainment, vendors and lots of fun. Look for your raffle tickets in the next newsletter. This year, Emily Dorn of Vix Emporium is putting together an arts and crafts show — just for us! The proceeds from the Fair help to fund the activities we are able to provide within this community. So save the date, and we’ll see you there!

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CPN Newsletter

Before hosting a local zoning discussion, zoning committee members distribute flyers on the block where the change would be made, and sometimes, depending on the nature of the change, to other close-by locations. CPN gives at least one week’s notice to ensure that all neighbors have seen the proposal and have an opportunity to come to the meeting or respond by phone or in writing. Then, CPN and Councilwoman Blackwell’s office each write a letter to give the Zoning Board of Adjustment a sense of the neighbors’ response to the proposal. The ZBA is usually not willing to consider an applicant’s case until consultation with the community has taken place. We hope this dispels any misconceptions the fraudulent flyer may have created. — The CPN Zoning Committee

Please join

University City District

Baltimore Avenue Pedestrian Lighting celebration In May, UCD completed the installation of 71 new pedestrian lights on Baltimore Avenue from 45th to 50th streets.


Thursday,June 25 ! s l ze Time ls! e ! z e t c i e r e rp 5:30pm ce! i ! r c e i st e mwua mus i c ! Place


Cedar Park 50th & Baltimore Avenue

Neighbors Rediscover Cedar Park has sprung in all directions in Sthepring Cedar Park. With the completion of renovation and installation of the new playground, residents are returning and enjoying our community green space once again. The Park Improvement Committee has initiated an ambitious calendar of activities for residents of all ages. The official celebration of the new playground took place on April 4. The event included the first of four seasonal family play days in which families enjoyed refreshments, arts and crafts and the new play equipment. Park volunteers Jessica Baumert and Vanessa Hernandez organized Cedar Park’s first-ever seed swap and seed starting demonstration for green thumbs and aspiring gardeners. Cedar Park Improvement Committee members extended their gratitude and presented gifts of spring plants to public leaders who worked with CPN to accomplish this big work, including Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, Barbara McCabe of the Department of Parks and Recreation, Sam LePera of the City Capital Programs Office, Tammy Lee Dement and Elissa Ruse from the Philadelphia Green Parks Revitalization Program and Emma Johnson from the design firm Lager Raabe. Next up was the annual Spring Into Your Park work day which took place on May 16th. Volunteers accomplished a general clean up, weeding of the gardens at the War Memorial and traffic triangle garden, and discussed plans for replanting difficult areas. Some of the gentlemen who enjoy the park on a daily basis pitched in and accomplished the heroic job of mulching all the tree pits. What a difference! The first in a three part series of Garden Workshops was help on Wednesday evening, May 27, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Local landscape architect Steve McCoubrey spoke with seventeen neighbors about drought resistant perennials, using plants that he brought along with him to illustrate concepts. Although we were challenged by the deafening roar of an inopportune convention of trollies passing along the Avenue, participants managed to ask questions and learn about some new plants they could try in difficult environments. Even better was that all participants received two free perennial plants to try in their gardens.

Jessica Baumert and Our second Family Play Day took place Vanessa Hernandez (left) on June 6 thanks to the coordination of help Deborah Clarke Cedar Park volunteer and parent host, choose her seeds at Cedar Kirsti Bracali. The concept for our play Park’s first-ever seed swap dates in the Park is to bring together families of young children to enjoy the new play equipment, while meeting other parents and enjoying simple activities and refreshments. We want families to feel welcome and to think about Cedar Park as a place for fun with the family. Future play dates are planned for August 1st and October 3rd.

Garden workshops, family play days and work days in the gardens will continue throughout the summer. To rsvp for a workshop, or to volunteer in Cedar Park, contact Maureen Tate at 215-726-8664; tatemch@aol.com

American Gothics Spring into Cedar Park!

Cedar Park Calendar........... Wednesday, July 8, 6:30 – 8 pm 3rd Garden Workshop Edible Landscapes Saturdays, July 11 & 18, 9 am - noon Garden Workdays Saturday, August 1, 10 am – noon Holman Massey & Summer Family Play Day Mary Wallman Tuesday, August 11, 6:30 - 8 pm Garden Workshop - Tree Pruning 2nd Tuesday, September 8, 7 pm Park Committee Meeting Saturday, September 26, noon – 5 pm Cedar Park Annual Fair Wednesday, September 30, 6:30 – 8 pm 4th Garden Workshop Preparing the Garden for Winter Saturday, October 3, 10 am – noon Fall Family Play Day 2nd Tuesday, October 13, 7pm Park Committee Meeting All CPN Park Committee meetings will be Yes indeed, refreshments held in CPN office, Calvary Center, 48th and are served at Family Play Baltimore, 2nd Floor, enter on Baltimore side. Days. Mmm, Mmm, Good! June 2009

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A Toast to the 2nd Annual CPN Scholarship Fund-Raiser by Paula Harvey, Scholarship Committee Member his was an example of giving until T you enjoy giving! The second annual fund-raiser for the CPN Scholarship Fund was held at Dock Street Brewery and Restaurant (Baltimore Avenue at 50th Street) on Sunday, May 17, 2009. Attendees sampled the house brews and enjoyed multiple pizzas while mingling, eyeing the silent auction items, and listening to the music of Pale Reason. Two scholarship recipients, Christian Walker and Kitakiya Dennis, were in attendance and helped with ticket sales for the 50/50 drawing.

Sharon McCullough and Andrea Kirsh sample the house brews and listen to the music of Pale Reason.

The CPN neighborhood was well represented. Younger and older neighbors enjoyed the event. Once again, the generosity of Rosemarie Certo, owner of Dock Street, was the impetus behind this successful event. The scholarship committee is grateful for her neighborhood interest and continued generosity. Dock Street staff members were upbeat and patient with newcomers to the brewed experience. Others who donated time, talent and auction items were numerous. The band deserves special attention. Donating their time, Pale Reason added to the gala, festive atmosphere with their music. The best part of a silent auction is that you can choose the items on which you want to bid and bid the amount that you want. Then, you get to decide how much more that item is worth to you, as someone else makes the same calculations with a higher bid! The alternate strategy is to begin by bidding high, driving out (you hope) the hagglers. From horseback to stained glass, from Zune to Dock Street brews, many items were available for the highest bidder. Get your tickets early next year for this popular event! These fund-raisers offer financial assistance to local students for furthering their education. Scholarships are awarded to high school graduates who live in the Cedar Park neighborhood. Since 1988, graduating high school students who have been accepted to a school for advanced education are eligible to apply for a CPN scholarship. The scholarship is renewable so long as the student maintains good grades. Page 4

CPN Newsletter

Heartfelt Thanks, Donors! Below is a list of local businesses and neighbors that have contributed to the 2nd Annual Cedar Park Neighbors Scholarship Committee Fundraiser at Dock Street Brewery. We extend heartfelt thanks to all of the donors listed. Dock Street Brewery and Restaurant Eastern State Penitentiary University City Arts League Wake Up Yoga Cornerstone - mp3 players Studio 34 Philadelphia Flyers Longwood Gardens Bartram’s Garden Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Local 44 Vietnam Café Elena’s Showcase Lounge

Scholarship Chair, Laura McHugh (center) with other attendees.

Marriott University City Historical Society Run Philly Dog Run Take the Lead Dance Studio Gary Bronstein — Stained Glass Kitakiya Dennis — original fine art Jerry McHugh and Maureen Tate — Wine Basket And for their generous donations in support of the CPN Scholarship Program for the second year in a row: The Philadelphia Federal Credit Union Atlantic Medical Specialties

47th Street Triangle Improvements By Fred Wolfe he intersection of 47th and Baltimore T has witnessed a number of changes over the past 120 years. Until about 1904, Warrington Avenue continued onto Baltimore Avenue, and the triangular parcel of land between 47th, Baltimore, and Warrington was the site of the Cherry Tree Hotel (which still stands, currently occupied by the Sunshine Market.) In 1904, the stretch of Warrington Avenue between 47th and Baltimore was closed off and made part of a parcel on which the Ivan Apartments was built (now University House) The 1907 photograph to the right shows an entrance to the building facing the present day traffic island. Traffic islands can have many purposes, from the obvious (directing traffic), to aesthetic (think of the Ben Franklin Parkway), and providing pedestrian safety on especially wide streets. Over time, their effectiveness and use can change. Instead of remaining pedestrian friendly, many encourage unsafe patterns of crossing. The island at 47th and Baltimore is one such example. The turn lane from northbound 47th onto Baltimore has limited visual distance, and numerous students crossing it on their way to de Sales have to dodge cars speeding up to get ahead of trolleys. There is a crossing guard for the main intersection, but just beyond Baltimore, the turn off is just as dangerous. Add to this the number of double parked trucks making deliveries to the businesses in the area, and the potential for accidents increases.

on the island. Two different arborists have been consulted. The sad news is that the oak suffers from a harsh urban environment, including a curb running right up against its trunk and numerous gashes from auto mishaps. The tree is infected with an untreatable fungus which limits its future to less than ten years. Reluctantly, the decision was made to remove the oak, keep the younger Katsura tree, and add some Redbud trees. In addition, a fence will be installed along the turn-off edge, as well as the 47th Street edge, to discourage pedestrian crossings. In the future, businesses may consider Loading Zone parking on the west side of 47th Street to minimize double-parked vehicles.

The Ivan Apartments, 47th & Baltimore, c 1907.

We are grateful to Carolyn Hewson from UCD for shepherding this project though it’s myriad of complications. Construction Plan for the redesign of will start soon, and is expected to be complete before school restarts in the fall. the traffic island at 47th Street & Baltimore Avenue

Working with neighbors for the past two years, along with the Department of Streets and the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, the University City District has planned modifications to make the intersection safer for all residents. The dimensions of the triangle will be modified to reduce parking on 47th Street. Paved sidewalk will be maintained only on the Baltimore Avenue edge, where a stop sign protects pedestrians crossing the turn-off. The balance of the triangle will be landscaped, as will the sidewalk edge along the turn-off, to discourage crossing along the 47th Street side of the turn-off. Landscape materials have been selected to provide seasonal interest. Long study has been given to preserving the existing oak June 2009

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Matthew Bergheiser Named University City District Executive Director he Board of Directors of the University T City District (UCD), the neighborhood improvement organization located in Philadelphia’s University City, recently announced the appointment of Matthew Bergheiser as Executive Director. Bergheiser will oversee more than 85 administrative, public safety and maintenance employees, and an annual budget of more than $9 million. While serving as Executive Director, Bergheiser will act as a liaison between UCD’s Board of Directors and local government, businesses and residents to further UCD’s mission to build effective partnerships maintaining a clean and safe environment while promoting, planning, and advocating for University City’s diverse, urban community. Bergheiser joins UCD after serving as the Regional Director of the Knight Foundation in Philadelphia. There, his accomplishments included cultivating major civic initiatives and influencing public and private stakeholders to invest in key programs such as Graduate! Philadelphia, Campus Philly, and the Job Opportunity Investment Network, which focuses on advancing low-skilled Philadelphians into career ladder jobs. Prior to his tenure at the Knight Foundation, Bergheiser served as the Executive Director of the Trenton Downtown Association. He was responsible for the economic revitalization of Trenton’s downtown through innovative real estate strategies — reducing office vacancy while initiating improvements to retail corridors, developing non-profit arts spaces, and

creating successful heritage tourism initiatives. Bergheiser also served as Executive Vice President of West Philadelphia’s Enterprise Center, directing entrepreneurial programs for a community development business incubator, growing a climate base of annual revenues from $1 million to $10 million, and resulting in the creation of 200 jobs over six years. “After an extensive search we have found the person to lead UCD into the future and we are thrilled to announce Matt as the new executive director,” said Craig Carnaroli, Chairman of the UCD Board. “He has a unique set of skills in urban development, community relations, management, strategic planning and fundraising that will help us accomplish our goals and meet the terrific opportunities that await this community.” Bergheiser says, “I am incredibly excited to lead UCD. University City is in many ways the face that Philadelphia presents to the world. The combined assets of the institutions, along with a dynamic neighborhood and vibrant commercial corridors all add up to an exciting opportunity. I’m eager to be part of University City and UCD’s future.” Bergheiser, who holds a Bachelor of Arts from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and a Masters in Business Administration from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, will start at UCD on July 1.

New Palestinian Folklore Exhibit

Bringing Fun to Your Neighborhood! (Tennis, Anyone?)

Tatreez: Palestinian Women’s Embroidery in Philadelphia

National Junior Tennis League of Philadelphia

Making and sharing traditional needlework, stitching patterns belonging to villages that no longer exist, local Palestinian women artfully sustain heritage and community through the beauty that is tatreez. Nehad Khader curates a new exhibition about the meanings of this art — the first in a new series of Community Folklife.

The National Junior Tennis League (N JTL) brings instruction and matchplay to children ages 7-18 from June 29 to August 13, 2009. The 7-week program features a Life Skills curriculum and other educational components that provide opportunities for children Monday through Friday!

For hours and information contact: pfp@folkloreproject.org 215.726.1106 www.folkloreproject.org info@folkloreproject.org Page 6

CPN Newsletter

Participants will receive: · Low-cost summer fun! · Team T-shirt · High quality tennis instrux · Team tennis matches · Individual tournaments · Programs for ANY skill level Local sites include: · Kingsessing Rec. Center 50th & Chester Ave. · Garden Court 47th & Spruce Sts. · Drexel University 44th & Powelton Ave.

Fees: $95 for individual child; $150 for a family of 2 and $200 for a family of 3 or more. Partial scholarships available for children who demonstrate need. Prices reflect a one-time registration fee for the entire 7-week program. For more information: Visit Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis and Education Center website at www.ashetennis.org

Cedar Park Neighbors Membership Application/Renewal ● New Member





● Renewal ● Multi-year (max. 3 years)

# of years_____ ● $10 Individual

City, State, Zip

● $15 Household (2 persons or more) ● $ 7 Senior/Student/Unemployed





● $30 Business ● $40 Sponsor (one free CPN t-shirt!)

Additional contribution: (Write $ amount)

_____ Holiday baskets _____ Scholarships _____ Jazz Series _____ Other, specify _________________________

● Yes, I would like to receive an email notice with

CPN t-shirt: (Write $ amount if not Sponsor and circle size)

_____ Short Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL,4XL, 5XL, 6XL ($15) _____ Short Sleeve Kids S, M, L, XL ($15) _____ Long Sleeve Adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL ($20) _________TOTAL ENCLOSED

a link to the current newsletter on the CPN website (and do not deliver a paper copy to my home). Email Website Phone

contact@cedarparkneighbors.org www.cedarparkneighbors.org 267-531-4147

Return form with check to: Cedar Park Neighbors Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143

Check your areas of interest for potential participation: ● Block Organizing: Maintain list of Block Leaders, organize forums etc. ● Block Improvement Grants Committee: Review applications, help awardees implement projects etc. ● Board of Directors: CPN leadership and decision-making body. ● Cedar Park Fair: Publicity, children’s activities, venders, entertainment, etc. ● Cedar Park Garden Tenders: Plant and maintain gardens at Cedar Park. ● Clean-up Committee: Promote participation in block clean-up days and Tire Round-up. ● Education Committee: Interaction with local schools and parents on issues. ● Fundraising: Special events, grant writing. ● Holiday Baskets: Coordinate and assist distribution to needy Cedar Park families. ● Hospitality: Provide refreshments for community meetings and special events. ● Membership Committee: Promote membership to residents and businesses. ● Newsletter: Writing, publishing, photography, distribution. ● Property/Housing Task Force: Strategize/respond to issues of deteriorated property. ● Scholarship Committee: Raise funds, promote program, and select awardees. ● Website: Technical support, maintenance, updating info/pictures etc. ● Zoning Committee: Monitor & communicate issues to residents; appear before Zoning Board of Adjustment,

coordinate meetings. June 2009

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c/o Calvary Community Center 4740 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143

CPN Mission Statement: Cedar Park Neighbors is an association of diverse households and businesses based in the Cedar Park neighborhood of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the association shall be to foster collaboration among all persons living and working in the Cedar Park neighborhood, to promote community development, to provide a forum for communication and community education, to respond to neighborhood concerns and to advocate for and promote the general welfare of the Cedar Park community. Newsletter Editors Maureen Tate & Judy Lamirand Newsletter Design Judy Lamirand, Parallel Design To Contact Cedar Park Neighbors or submit Newsletter items: contact@cedarparkneighbors.org www.cedarparkneighbors.org 267-531-4147

Cedar Park Jazz Returns! Every Friday Night, 6-8pm 50th and Baltimore edar Park is the place to be every C Friday night! A longstanding tradition in West Philadelphia, the free Cedar Park Jazz series returns with another impressive lineup. See you there! June 19: June 26: July 3: July 10: July 17: July 24: July 31: August 7: August 14:

Sam Reed The Budesa Brothers Michal Beckham Philly 5 (Tony Micelli) David Paul Stevens Heath Allen Dave Posmontier Denise King & Friends The Big Push

Cedar Park Jazz is funded in part by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development in addition to support from Cedar Park Neighbors, Philadelphia Federal Credit Union, University City District, Representative Jim Roebuck and friends of the Jazz Series. Page 8

CPN Newsletter

CPN Board President Monica Allison 1st Vice-President Naomi Fiordimondo 2nd Vice-President Sean Dorn Secretary Dorothy Welch Berlind Treasurer Karen Allen Directors Tim Adkins Algernong Allen Chad Brown Michael Clapper Deborah Clarke Shani Adia Evans Laurie Friedman Fred Kauffman Theresa McCole Bruce McCullough Joanne Pham Kristopher Reese Maureen Tate Richard Warner Renee Warnick

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