May 2011

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Sandpoint High School

Volume 88, Issue 6

May 2011

Sandpoint, IDaho




The CP explores the world of 2011 prom fashion.


Baseball team donates old jerseys to Nicaraguan children

Take an in depth look into the the life of dirt biker Levi Vogel

PROM 2011 PAGE 8



celebrated at Schweitzer heights

Seniors choose prom location

School board and administration approve ski resort

Brody Allen



Jessica Hawkins

I would say Ireland, it’s probably the most beautiful country there is.

Senior Student Council members fought long and hard for this year’s prom location. With a 4-1 vote, the school board approved Student Council’s plan to have prom at Schweitzer. Prom 2011 will be held at Taps at Schweitzer on June 4 from 8 to 11:30 p.m. Prior to being able to buy tickets, students must turn in a signed permission slip. However, there are no rules about transportation to the venue. Senior class Secretary Treasurer Markie Franck said the process of getting the school board’s approval took several months, but senior Student Council members had been considering the option since last year. During the first quarter, Student Council talked to the administration to see if they would get their support. They received a tentative approval from the administration. Next, they had to

Whitney Reichold


Coeur d’ Alene Resort, because it’s not in Sandpoint.

Staff Reporter

get the school board’s approval to ter getting legal advice, however, have prom off-campus, which is a they realized that the majority of normal step in the process of plan- seniors will be 18 at the time and could sign themselves out. Thus, ning prom. The first plan they proposed of- mandatory bussing would not fered optional bussing. However, help the situation. After leaving out the mandastudents could not drive themtory bussing part, selves. They the school board apcould either get proved this option to the location by bus, taxi, If a responsible adult with a vote of four limousine or if can have an accident, to one. The one school their parents it [can] happen to board member drove them. anyone. who voted against The school Steve Youngdahl the plan was Steve board denied School Board Trustee Youngdahl who has the plan bebeen serving on the cause it would be too hard to enforce and there board since 2006. Though he supports the deciwere several concerns, such as if someone didn’t have a ride down sion, his main concerns were legal liabilities and moral obligations of from Schweitzer. Student Council’s second plan keeping students safe. Having prom at Schweitzer, had two main parts: mandatory bussing and requiring students to turn in a permission slip. Af-

If you could have Prom anywhere, where would it be?

Jule Paul

Youngdahl said, would add “an unnecessary degree of risk” because there are “terrific venues” in town. An incident he cited was Jon Brownell’s recent motorcycle accident. “If a responsible adult can have an accident,” Youngdahl said, “it could happen to anyone.” “Community members disapproved at first because they didn’t agree with putting so much responisbility on high school students,” said Senior Class President Erica McKay. “But I have faith in them and didn’t doubt for a second that they would act responsibly.” Youngdahl also confirmed that he hasn’t heard a reaction from the public, which often means that there are no complaints, he said. “It will be a fun night at an amazing location to conclude our high school career,” said McKay.


Devyn Fairbanks


I would have it on the Cook Islands because it’s warm and tropical.

Hawaii, because it’s nice and warm.




prom songs

Jennifer Lopez on the floor

Ke$ha blow


the only exception


Allstar Weekend not your birthday


give me everything


Enrique Inglesias

Photo Credit Lady GaGa

Jerimih & 50 cent

tonight i’m lovin’ you

born this way


hey baby

down on me

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