CEDIA Communicates #19

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ISSUE 19 | SPRING 2011

COMMUNICATES Yo u r i n d u s t r y, y o u r v o i c e … n e w s f r o m t h e C u s t o m E l e c t r o n i c D e s i g n & I n s t a l l a t i o n A s s o c i a t i o n

Where can CI businesses generate new markets for their services in the future? One potentially significant business opportunity is home health… “One of the greatest challenges facing societies across the world is the need to find smarter solutions to the delivery of health care” says Richard Allan, European Government Affairs Director at Facebook and Chairman of the Digital Access Provision Forum (DAP), a unique group of public and private organisations working together to promote the development and increased uptake of integrated digital communication technologies within the built environment (www.dpaforum.org). “The UK along with the rest of Europe and North America and some parts of the Far East has an elderly population that is increasing rapidly” adds Richard. “Innovations in medical products and clinical practices can help but it is

generally recognised that the harnessing of integrated communication technologies can play a major role in enabling new forms of health management and treatments”. The opportunities available to residential systems integrators in the new world of Assistive Living and Tele Healthcare are huge. As an industry, we are well-placed to tap into this multi-billion pound market as a natural extension of our existing technical, project and business skills. As part of the CEDIA seminar programme at this year’s Home Technology Event two talks will help point integrators in the right direction. On Wednesday 29th June Paul Doyle, Head

of ACCESS, Research and Development at Hereward College in Coventry and a member of DAP will introduce delegates to the Assisted Living, Lifetime Homes and Tele Healthcare markets, as well as giving a deep insight into how these industries can be embraced as a massive opportunity to grow your company. Then as part of the New Business Opportunities strand in the Hub Seminar Theatre programme on the show floor Andrew Monk, a director from CUHTec, The Centre for Usable Home Technology (CUHTec) at the University of York will describe the needs of frail, older people who wish to live independently and how existing technologies meet and, sometimes, do not meet those needs. He will conclude with some thoughts about how technology might better serve this group in the future by providing ‘technology to connect you’ rather than ‘technology to watch over you’ and the potential of Pervasive Computing.


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to the Home Technology Event

by TV star Trevor Eve

with Justin Rhodes

success in Jo’burg


C O M M U N I C AT E S Yo u r i n d u s t r y, y o u r v o i c e … n e w s f r o m C E D I A


The CEDIA Home Technology Event (ExCeL London, exhibition: 28-30 June; training: 27-30 June) is most definitely the place to be for residential custom installers seeking technology updates, education on residential integration and ideas for new business opportunities. “For AV professionals a visit to the CEDIA Home Technology Event is an absolute must” says Show Manager, Cheryl Carroll from Upper Street Events – the organisers of the show. “They can explore the very real business opportunities at the event, see the big brands, get to grips with all the major products and integration technologies, take industry and product-specific training and build relationships with suppliers.” The Home Technology Event is the only annual trade show and education event in Europe which is 100% dedicated to the design, installation and integration of home electronic systems, including the installation, integration, control and concealment of multi-room audio and TV distribution systems, home cinema, lighting, HVAC and security control, data networks and other electronic sub-systems. Over 170 CI brands supported last year’s Home Technology Event also held at ExCeL London.

to pull in audiences from across the industry, including dedicated sessions which set the residential CI industry in the broader context of property development, interior and lighting design, architecture and future opportunities for CI and AV businesses. The Home Technology Event also features a comprehensive education programme. Last year’s show provided over 100 hours of quality training for delegates on and off the show floor. This content was supplemented by a substantial amount of free training courses provided by Trade Suppliers at the event.

For further information and to register for the event, visit www.hometechnologyevent.com

Exhibitors taking part this year include :

New this year will be feature zones and interactive elements which will create a fresh, exciting feel to the show. These include show floor Workshops so that manufacturers and distributors can host practical dealer training and demo sessions throughout the event’s duration.

ACA Apex, Aldous Systems, Alltrade, Amina

Dedicated Room Sets also on the show floor will enable companies to showcase and demonstrate their latest products in action in front of visitors in real-world settings. Finally, the Hub Seminar Theatre is likely to prove a major attraction, with big name speakers set

UK, LED Lights, Legrand, Loewe., Music in Every

Technologies, Asheridge Communications, AWE Europe, Bespoke Telecoms BPT Security, Brother UK Carlo Gavazzi, ControlFX, Crestron, Digibox, DPL Electrical, Dymo, EuroNetwork, FS Cables, Future Automation, Futureshop, Genesis Technologies, Gira Giersiepen, Global Cellular, Habitech, Invision Room, NEOD, Promax Electronics, Rako Controls, RGB, Redline Sound Solutions, Sensible Heat, Smart-E, Sonos, TDI Tremiver, Technoloje, Unicam, Vantage and Zennio.

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HUB SEMINAR THEATRE In addition to an extensive range of CEDIA courses, the Hub Seminar Theatre is the impressive, show floor setting for a series of FREE talks set to inspire the industry and specifiers with fresh technology perspectives. The programme will feature big name, expert speakers from across the UK to share their knowledge and experience in working with home technology and delivering real solutions to practical problems. It will include dedicated sessions which set the residential CI industry in the broader context of property development, interior and lighting design, architecture and electrical contracting alongside presentations which identify future opportunities for integration businesses. In addition to Andrew Monk, director of The Centre for Usable Home Technology (CUHTec) at the University of York talking on home health, installers will also be able to explore the outlook for business diversification with a

talk covering in-room entertainment systems for the hotel sector. A leading hotel industry expert will be covering the current situation within the hospitality sector, looking at similarities and differences between our home experience and the guest experience, as a platform for exploring current trends for audio-visual technologies in hotels, especially concerning IP / data network integration, cloud-based services, integration with other sub-systems to deliver, for example, energy monitoring, fuel savings, etc and a better overall guest experience. Meanwhile, Fraser Stride will present on The Greenhouse: A Lesson in Technology Integration. He will explain how this awardwinning, low-carbon apartment project in Leeds makes extensive use of innovative electronic technologies to set a benchmark in sustainable property development.

SEMINAR GUIDE OUT NOW The full education programme for the CEDIA Home Technology Event 2011 is now available so delegates can view courses and book their places. “With over 90 hours of training, the four-day education offering embraces all career paths to offer something for everyone” says CEDIA’s Education Chair, Matt Dodd. “From entry level technical courses for new installers wanting to get a foot in the door, to high-level business workshop classes for company owners looking to keep their business on the right track, this programme has all bases covered. And thanks to our Education Passports initiative, this is not just great, high quality training but unbelievable value for money too.” The CEDIA Seminar Guide will help delegates navigate their way through the many education opportunities on offer. Out of the 29 CEDIA sessions on offer, 19 will be new courses and panel debates for the benefit of technicians, project managers and business owners. Delegates will also have the opportunity to sit CEDIA Certification examinations for Designer Level 1 and EST (Electronic Systems Technician 2) at the show. They can also attend a free overview session explaining the CEDIA Certification programme and the benefits it brings. In addition to the CEDIA courses, a wide range of Trade Supplier Product training sessions will be available. Full details of all the courses on offer can be found in the Seminar Guide which is available, on request, from the CEDIA Office or downloadable from the CEDIA website at www.cedia.co.uk and the Home Technology Event website, www.hometechnologyevent.com.

And, in a session entitled “Are we ready for truly Integrated Technology in the home?” Jim Read from Arup will explore the burning issues. What functions do modern homes need to support; What systems and services do occupiers really want; What benefits do they bring; Are they commercially viable; Do building contractors understand what’s involved and the coordination required for success? Drawing on experience in the commercial buildings sector this session sets out the challenges of justifying, designing and implementing smart building technology as a coordinated part of multi-disciplinary construction projects.

Places will be limited, so book now at www.hometechnologyevent.com to register your place and avoid disappointment.

PASSPORTS TO EDUCATION Those wanting to take advantage of the vast array of courses on offer should start their journey by getting a ‘Passport to Education’ for the Home Technology Event 2011. A cost effective initiative for both individuals and companies, the ‘Passport to Education’ allows the holder to book as many CEDIA courses as they like, over the four day education event, and all for as little as £299+VAT! Furthermore, companies who book three passports at a time, will be entitled to a fourth, absolutely FREE! Meanwhile, a new Business Strategy Passport will allow access to all Business Courses for a one off inclusive price of £149+VAT. CEDIA Business Passports are only available to CEDIA members For full details of the Passports to Education initiative, a copy of the Seminar Guide for the event and more details of the CEDIA education programme on offer at the Home Technology Event, visit www.cedia.co.uk.


C O M M U N I C AT E S Yo u r i n d u s t r y, y o u r v o i c e … n e w s f r o m C E D I A

AND THE WINNERS ARE… A sell-out champagne night at One Mayfair in London, hosted by one of television’s most popular actors, Trevor Eve, proved the fitting occasion for the announcement of the winners in this year’s prestigious CEDIA Awards 2011. “A fantastically entertaining night for

Grahams Hi-Fi, who won the Best

the winners, sponsors, guests and the

Media Room over £15,000 category for

industry, and a terrific celebration of

‘The Pope’s House; which the judges

excellence” said Robert Hallam,

praised as “a beautiful bedroom which

Chairman of CEDIA Region 1 and

doubles as a completely concealed

CEDIA Awards Chair of Judges.

media room – incredible integration.”

“The standard of this year’s scheme

Prestige Audio triumphed with

was incredible and reflected in an

‘Northwood Home Cinema’ in the

outstanding Awards ceremony. Our

Best Home Cinema £40,000-£100,000

members have really raised the bar,

category; a true re-creation of a

both in terms of standard of entries

cinematic experience in the home, with

and the expectations of what can be

an easy-to-use design for intuitive use

achieved. We value and appreciate the

by all family members.

amount of time and effort it takes to enter the Awards and we would like to thank all our members for supporting the scheme again this year”.

Elsewhere, SMC’s ‘Chelsea Family Home’ proved a clear winner in the Best Integrated Home £30,000£100,000, through its incredibly flexible

Trevor Eve, renowned for his roles in

and technically impressive installation.

the BBC’s Waking the Dead and

Henri Intégrateur Domotique won in

Shoestring and a self-confessed smart

the Best Integrated Home over

home enthusiast to boot, presented

£100,000 category for ‘Villa des Amis’;

the awards whilst taking every

an amazing family retreat in France

opportunity to entertain the 300 strong

with an expansive, integrated custom

audience with his own experiences of

installation, featuring lighting, whole

the industry.

home audio, video, security, and control of all electronics across all

Amongst the winners were some outstanding installations, including

four floors of the property.

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Alongside these project winners, CEDIA Awards were also presented in two trade supplier categories; Best Trade Supplier and Best Training Initiative by a Trade Supplier. All ESP members were entitled to vote on both categories. This year’s winner of Best Trade Supplier went to Crestron. Winner of Best Training Initiative by a Trade Supplier went to Lutron. Winner of this year’s Best Technology Feature was Caramel Quin, for her Automate Your Home article in the August 2010 issue of Grand Designs magazine. New to this year’s Awards was the Technician of the Year category, open to nominations by member companies, seeking to reward an installer who consistently produces work to the highest standard. The victor of this Award was Laura Lazzerini from Italy’s, Studio LGL. Held in association with AWE Europe, Loewe, Panasonic and Philips Dynalite, the Home Technology Event and Wildwood PR, the CEDIA Awards scheme recognises excellence in home technology integration and design across the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India and Pakistan. A prestigious line-up of individuals presided over the 2011 CEDIA Awards judging process. Chaired by Robert Hallam, the panel included Tom Dunmore, former editor-in-chief of Stuff Magazine; Jenny Gibbs, the recent Past

The full list of winners, highly commended entries and finalists in the CEDIA Awards 2011 can be found on the website www.cedia.co.uk/awards

President of the British Institute of Interior Design (BIID); Steve May, former editor-in-chief at Future Publishing; David Mitchell from the Home Builders Federation (HBF), Clare Newsome, editor-in-chief of What Hi Fi? Sound and Vision and Director of Pitman Tozer Architects, Luke Tozer.



C O M M U N I C AT E S Yo u r i n d u s t r y, y o u r v o i c e … n e w s f r o m C E D I A

60 seconds with…

Justin Rhodes Who are you?

What’s your favourite film?

Justin Rhodes, Managing Director, Lewis Building Technology

I don’t think I have a favourite. I’m not a big film buff but have really enjoyed foreign films, like the Three Colours trilogy, and like anything with a quirky plot, like Being John Malkovich or Slumdog Millionaire.

What’s your company and where is it based? Lewis Building Technology is a building automation specialist based in Oxford. We install and integrate audio-visual systems, lighting and heating control, and security systems. How did you get into the industry? I worked in the motorsport industry from school and was always fascinated by electronics and control systems. I moved into the security industry in 2003, designing and integrating CCTV, access control and alarm systems. Then in 2007 we realised that there was an opportunity to do more for clients who were looking to simplify control of a wider range of technologies in their homes and businesses.

What’s your favourite album? Again, it’s too hard for me to pin down one. I listen to a wide range of classical music particularly Shostakovich, Brahms, and Stravinsky. My favourite CDs have to be some of the London Symphony Orchestra Live recordings. What’s your favourite project and why? I really enjoy projects where we get to deliver something over and above what the client is expecting. We recently completed a project where we integrated the security alarm to the blinds, heating and lighting so that the owner can save energy and simulate occupancy when his house is empty. In another project, having completed the AV and automation, we’re now helping the client to improve his broadband speed and mobile phone coverage.

I guess it goes to show that it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been doing something, it’s how well you do it that gets recognition

Which custom installation technology do you consider the most important today and why? Coming from an IT background, a major advance for me is the fact that custom products are now proper network devices, either wired and powered over data cable, or wireless. Digital audio over data cable in particular is an area that is definitely ready to develop further.

How long have you been a CEDIA member? We joined in January this year, so we’re relatively new to the group. What do your consider your biggest achievement as a CEDIA member? Definitely getting nominated for and winning our first CEDIA award, so soon after having set up the business and become a member. What does it mean for you to win a CEDIA Award? It’s huge, because we’re such a young business. If we ignore the category name (‘Best Dressed Rack’), which still provokes the occasional snigger with clients, it gives us great kudos to be on the same playing field as companies who have been in this industry for years. I guess it goes to show that it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been doing something, it’s how well you do it that gets you recognition! What’s the biggest issue for custom installers today in the country and how can they deal with it? I guess it’s getting the word out there to the architects and consultants that custom installations need to be considered right from the start of any project and built into the infrastructure of the home or workplace. If there was one thing you could change in the industry what would it be? Being fairly new to the industry, I was surprised at encountering the perception that smart home technology is complicated and unreliable. I’d like to change people’s opinion by demonstrating that we are there to make things easier! If you weren’t in the custom installation sector, what would you like to be doing and why? If I wasn’t doing this job, I’d like to be playing percussion full time in an orchestra. It’s a hobby I’ve had since I was six – there’s nothing like banging your own drum!

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SOUTH AFRICA GROWS Residential custom installers and design professionals from across South Africa turned out in force for a week of intensive CEDIA industry education and networking. More than 125 industry professionals, including 30 architects and interior designers, attended the event at the Indaba Hotel and Conference Centre, Johannesburg (27 March-2nd April). This CEDIA training week featured a broad range of training sessions delivered by global experts from across the residential CI sector. The event also included the opportunity for delegates to take CEDIA’s standard-setting EST2 (Electronic Systems’ Technician) and Designer Level 1 Certification examinations.

“We were delighted with the success of our fourth education programme in South Africa” says Wendy Griffiths, CEDIA’s Executive Director. “We offered thirteen courses in total.

The number of delegates who took part was hugely encouraging and testament to the healthy demand for skills-based teaching amongst designers and installers in South Africa. On this basis, we’re looking forward to many more successful CEDIA events here in South Africa in the future. I’d like to thank all the sponsors for their support which was much appreciated and very well rewarded”.

“We’re looking forward to more successful CEDIA events here in South Africa in the future”

All the CEDIA courses proved popular, with attendance highest on the session dedicated to ‘Control and Automation Systems’. 22 delegates successfully passed the Certification examinations bringing the total of Certified individuals in

South Africa to over 80 – the highest number of any one country outside of the UK within CEDIA Region 1. Nine people took the CCP (CEDIA Certified Presenter) Course and will be working with the Association to offer core CEDIA education to more members as the CI market continues to grow in the country. A further 17 delegates sat the CCI (CEDIA Certified Instructor) in order to qualify for teaching CEDIA’s SAIA (South African Institute of Architects) and IID (Institute of Interior Designers) accredited course Designing Integrated Ready Homes.


C O M M U N I C AT E S Yo u r i n d u s t r y, y o u r v o i c e … n e w s f r o m C E D I A

Connect with CEDIA April witnessed the first Connect with CEDIA event as part of our initiative to reach out to more members and find out how we can help with the key industry issues they face. Held in Birmingham, the inaugural evening proved a great success with more than 12 members and potential members attending from across the Midlands region of the UK. The event gave new, prospective and existing members the opportunity to talk to CEDIA about business and how CEDIA as the industry association can help with the range of valuable benefits it offers to members. The next Connect with CEDIA dates are as follows:

26th May 2011 – BRISTOL 9th June 2011 – SHEFFIELD 28th July 2011 – LONDON 25th August 2011 – EDINBURGH 29th September 2011 - NEWCASTLE If you would like to attend any of these upcoming events please visit www.cedia.co.uk

Welcome Anna Anna Skoyles has joined CEDIA as its new Senior Marketing Officer. With more than 8 years marketing experience gained in a range of international organisations, Anna holds a BA in Languages for Business (Italian and Spanish) and has worked in Italy and Australia. She will be responsible for putting together and implementing campaigns across the Region to support membership growth and educate specifiers and consumer audiences. She can be reached by email at anna@cedia.co.uk



Connect with CEDIA Bristol, 26 May www.cedia.co.uk Smart Home Technology CPD Event Cobham, 27 May www.cedia.co.uk CEDIA Certified Outreach Instructor Course CEDIA HQ, St Neots, 7 June www.cedia.co.uk Connect with CEDIA Sheffield, 9 June www.cedia.co.uk All Digital Expo Vicenza, Italy, 16 - 17 June www.alldigitalexpo.it CEDIA Certified Outreach Instructor Course Vicenza, Italy, 17 June www.cedia.co.uk Smart Home Technology CPD Event Pinewood Studios, 22 June www.cedia.co.uk Smart Home Technology CPD Event London, 23 June www.cedia.co.uk Home Technology Event ExCeL, London, 28 - 30 June www.hometechnologyevent.com Health & Safety Course CEDIA HQ, St Neots, 13 July www.cedia.co.uk Technician EST1 Boot Camp CEDIA HQ, St Neots, 13 - 15 July www.cedia.co.uk Technical School and EST2 Exam CEDIA HQ, St Neots, 18 - 22 July www.cedia.co.uk Connect with CEDIA London, 28 July www.cedia.co.uk Connect with CEDIA Edinburgh, 25 August www.cedia.co.uk IFA Berlin, Germany, 2 - 7 September www.ifa-berlin.com Health & Safety Course CEDIA HQ, St Neots, 7 September www.cedia.co.uk Technician EST1 Boot Camp CEDIA HQ, St Neots, 7 - 9 September www.cedia.co.uk CEDIA US Expo Indianapolis, USA, 7 - 10 September www.cedia.net/expo 100% Design London Earls Court, London, 22 - 25 September www.100percentdesign.co.uk

CONTACT: Matt Nimmons, Operations Director, CEDIA Region 1, Unit 2, Phoenix Park, St Neots, Cambs, PE19 8EP, UK T: +44 (0)1480 213744 F: +44 (0)1480 213469 E: matt@cedia.co.uk W: www.cedia.co.uk

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