09 15 2012

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Volume VI Issue 17 • oct. 5-20, 2012








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what’s inside


publIsher/edItor CeDrIC e. lyons eXecutIVe offIcer Dr. roBerT l. wooDarD staff wrIters eUGene lynCh Cheryl w. roBInson DJ BIG BInK (97.9 The BeaT) GreGory Moore Daryl washInGTon ChrIs howell


contrIbutIng wrIters Charles sTephen FosseTT, III TrIna s. GeorGe newy sCrUGGs rUDy V pearl Jr. oCTaVIa whITelowe MarK CrUTCher

here's the admission that nFl fans, players, coaches and personnel have been waiting for. according to CBs sports' will Brinson, nFl commissioner roger Goodell has issued a public apology regarding the officiating by the replacement referees through the first three weeks of the 2012 nFl season.

account eXecutIVes K. eDwarD rose DaVID woMaCK DJ Big Bink

desIgn department worlD proDUCTIon anD DesIGn photo department InTrospeCT phoToGraphy anD VIDeo accountIng aMenITy FInanCIal serVICes

at no. 1, Taylor Townsend is the highest-rated junior girls tennis player in the world. But the United states Tennis association wants the numbers on Townsend's scale to go

some of you may be fans of the popular movie trilogy, “The Bourne Identity” starring actor Matt Damon portraying CIa agent Jason Bourne. others of you may be

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Taylor TownsenD

FloyD MayweaTher Jr. The more Manny spoke liberally about the possibility that he'd agree fight Floyd Mayweather Jr. in the foreseeable future -from allowing his foe to make more cash, to confirming that he's oK with the idea of

Volume VI Issue 17 • october 5-20, 2012

I believe anyone who follows both mainstream and underground hip-hop [more than a little bit] should be able to generate an educated list of opinions to this question. here is a list of my thoughts (in no particular order):

14 18

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legal department s. GranT seaBolT

adVIsory board ChrIs arnolD rolanDo BlaCKMan roGer B. Brown Ken CarTer DereK harper CharlIe parKer presTon pearson Mel renFro John wooTen Dr. roBerT wooDarD rayFIelD wrIGhT subscrIptIon and adVertIsIng rates InquIrIes call: 214-763-5180 • Issn 1933-2092 • 411 sports llc Is publIshed by 411 sports, llc. all rIghts reserVed. reproductIon In whole and In part wIthout wrItten consent Is prohIbIted. • VIews of edItorIal content do not necessary reflect the VIews of 411 sports llc, • 3201 maple aVe • dallas, tX 75202



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o many changes to the paper since we last published in print. Most of the papers have been on line since 2008. at this point we will be publishing in print as well as online. also we will introduce a new way to advertise on your phone. names and faces will change but the paper will stay the same. This is the new beginning of something big. so having said that, let me get to the matter at hand, sports. let’s start with the nFl, I am glad the ref’s are back. The Games this weekend looked a lot better then the past 3 weeks. I never knew how much effect the refs have on no calls. The game moves much smoother. To bad we can’t make the previous 3 weeks pre-season. • The story on page 8 talks about faith and football, I just want to talk about that for a second. Faith always comes before football, but at 12:00pm on a sunday, for most fans Faith stops and football starts. Is that right or are we frowned upon. My pastor Dr. Tony evans age a intersting prespective on the subject,I might not get it total right but I will give it a shot. a football game is scheduled for 60 min. the actual play on the field when

there is action, is 23 min. The game actually last 3hrs. Depends on where you live it and take up to an hour to get to the stadium. It will take another 30min to park. after the game it takes another 2 hours to get home. let’s not forget an hour of pregame and an hour of post game show. Then when the news comes on we have to watch the local sports broadcast which is about 15min. we have just outlined at least 9hrs of a game that only had 23min of action. But yet we only spend 1hr with God on sunday and not that much time during the week. so, as much as we like football, it can’t save us. Maybe we should turn the thinking around and spend the 9hrs with God and the 1hr with football. Just a thought. • on a lighter note: I’ve been playing fantacy football for years, and i still can’t get it right. I think I am picking the right players but on game day they prove to be the wrong players. so this year I have 3 leagues, I am 21, 1-2, 0-3. Just when you think you have the right players, they don’t show up. Back to the drawing board.

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october 5-20, 2012


he more Manny spoke liberally about the possibility that he'd agree fight Floyd Mayweather Jr. in the foreseeable future -from allowing his foe to make more cash, to confirming that he's oK with the idea of extensive blood tests -- the more he essentially guaranteed it'll never actually happen. not because he doesn't really mean what he says. he's a politician, after all. Do the math. and not because of the silly skip Bayless claim that Mayweather fears him. That's just a case of skip being, well ... skip. Instead, the reason the century's two most prodigious divisional kingpins won't come together in a ring, in this lifetime or any other, will remain the same as it's been since the idea was first discussed. Bob arum. you remember him, right? he's the promoter who, when Mayweather was in his stable several years ago, referred to Floyd as the best fighter since Muhammad ali -then labeled him a coward when the relationship ended. he's since saved his most breathless man- crushes for pacquiao, going one better by labeling him "the greatest boxer I've ever seen, and I've seen them all, including ali, hagler and sugar ray leonard." now, whether a comment like that ought to have the old man burned at the stake, indicted for treason or simply committed to the nearest Baker act facility is up for debate. But what's probably less worth arguing about is the idea that putting his southeast asian cash cow in with Mayweather is something that gives the old man night tremors. not only because deep down Bob probably doesn't think his guy stands a chance. But when it comes to the wallet, it's just as likely because he'd not want Mayweather to make a legacy -and a mountain of money -- by wiping the floor with his most cherished asset. I can't blame the guy, really. I mean, honestly, once you've cut your old lady loose and moved on to a newer model, who'd want to show up at the next high school reunion to see the previous version scoring in the bleachers with the high school quarterback who's now a rich, successful Ceo. But the lengths to which he's shown willingness to go have been pretty surprising. earlier this year, when the idea of a pacquiao-Mayweather fight was in the latest of its perpetual "If Manny beats his guy and Floyd beats his, maybe they'll finally fight in the fall" modes, up popped a couple of convenient judges who claimed to see a well-timed Tim Bradley boxing clinic that somehow 99.99

october 5-20, 2012

percent of the rest of the world managed to miss. The dubious decision, though it cost the pac Man his welterweight jewelry and perhaps his perch atop the odd pound-for-pound list, served precisely the purpose laid out by a superfight-averse businessman -- immediately putting the now-former champ on the less lucrative, but safer "vengeance is mine" career track while leaving his brash would-be conqueror to pursue other quarry. and when the discerning public saw the Bradley return bout for what it was -- a bad joke contrived in a desert boardroom -- arum changed direction with alacrity, flicked through his rolodex of past foes and immediately went back to the same bag of tricks he'd pulled from to give his man legitimacy at 126, 130 and 147 pounds. so now, just when Manny starts flapping his gums with the notion that a fight with Mayweather might actually be something he wants after all ... in comes the super promoter to save the day. ladies and gentlemen, I give you Juan Manuel Marquez. oh sure, he barely brushes 5foot-7. Indeed, he's about four-tenths the size of the typical Minnesota Vikings offensive lineman. and yeah, he's a few days short of 11 months shy of his 40th birthday. Doesn't matter. Between now and the evening of Dec. 8 in las Vegas, arum and his Top rank consiglieres are going to pull out every stop, woo every journalist and cram every available minute of hBo sports broadcast time with the idea that Marquez and pacquiao IV is really the fight everyone needs and wants to see. (who knows, Manny might even beat him this time. after all, there's a first time for everything.) From there, once the scary Mexican dragon has finally been slain, it'll be off to Manila and the eternal fight for legislative truth, justice and the Filipino way, where no scary american dragon with better defense, sharper punching and more all-around skill will ever bother him again. and unless my wager's misplaced -- and unless pacquiao says "enough, Bob, make the fight with Mayweather now" -- we can finally replace the Manny-Floyd thing with a matchup that stands a snowball's chance in hell of actually happening. lyle Fitzsimmons is a veteran sports columnist who's written professionally since 1988 and covered boxing since 1995. his work is published in print and posted online for clients in north america and europe. reach him at fitzbitz@msn.com or follow him on Twitter: @fitzbitz.


www.thelyonsgrouptx.com • 214-960-2795

It's official (I think): PacquiaoMayweather won't happen




Taylor Townsend, No. 1 Junior Girls Tennis Player, Urged To Lose Weight By USTA

gregory moore 411 guest columnIst by


t no. 1, Taylor Townsend is the highestrated junior girls tennis player in the world. But the United states Tennis association wants the numbers on Townsend's scale to go down, saying she needs to drop weight before the governing body will pay for her travel and tournament expenses.

"our concern is her long-term health, number one, and her long-term development as a player," patrick Mcenroe, the general manager of the UsTa's player development program, told the wall street Journal. "we have one goal in mind: For her to be playing in [arthur ashe stadium] in the main draw and competing for major titles when it's time. That's how we make



every decision, based on that."

to do and being professional about everything."

while the UsTa refused to pay for the 16-year-old Townsends's travel and tournament expenses, it didn't stop her from competing in the U.s. open as a junior.

The UsTa's player development program is in charge of cultivating the next stars of american tennis. while the pro ranks have top talent in sisters Venus and serena williams, the men's side is lacking, especially with the recent retirement of andy roddick.

The Chicago native was eliminated from the tournament by estonia's anett Kontaveit in the quarterfinals - a 4-6, 4-6 straight sets defeat. The UsTa's decision took Taylor's mother, shelia Townsend, by surprise. "It all kind of came as a shock to us because Taylor has consistently done quite well," she told the wall street Journal, adding that her daughter "is no. 1, not just in the United states, but in the world." For her part, Taylor didn't disapprove of the UsTa's move - at least not publicly. "I've gotten a lot of great opportunities, great fitness, great coaching," she told the wall street Journal. "I'm doing everything that they ask me


The UsTa, with all the tough love it's giving Townsend, sees her potential as the next great hope for american women's tennis. as pointed out by sports Illustrated, Taylor was 15 when she beat a player twice her age to advance to the second round of U.s. open qualifying in 2011. she also achieved a feat in american tennis that had not occurred since 1992, when Taylor won the singles and doubles junior titles at the australian open. lindsay Davenport, who went on to become a top-tier pro, achieved those accomplishments at the 1992 U.s. open. The UsTa's handling of Townsend drew controversy, although former no.

october 5-20, 2012

A ‘Basketball Slave’ Story



he most compelling biographies are the ones that don’t just recount the events in life of it’s subject, but allows the reader to truly escape into their world and actually live the emotions that come with that person’s trials and triumphs. Basketball slave: The andy Johnson harlem Globetrotter/nBa story is filled to the brim with extraordinary tales from behind the scenes of the early original harlem Globetrotters. It’s loaded with a wealth of historical information never disclosed about the slow, quota-based inception of african american athletes in the nBa. This book clarifies the role of the original harlem Globetrotters in making the nBa the multi-billion dollar organization it is today. It is also a fascinating and inspirational story that examines the heartwrenching account of a young boy who became a man through the lessons of basketball. andy grew up watching his family work in the

cotton fields of louisiana, and began playing basketball in the streets of hollywood, California. as a high school star, his education was undervalued. he was sent to a major university without any hope of receiving a degree. he ended up being sold on the professional auction block, with no ability to negotiate his pay or where he could play. narrated by his son, the story highlights the remarkable relationship between a father and son. of course, bubbling underneath the surface of this manuscript is the passion and furor of the author, andy Johnson’s son Mark. he spent nearly two years fighting the nBa for his father’s pension and a decade for his retroactive payments, as well as researching his father’s life accomplishments in hopes of honoring him. During his research, Mark uncovered others who have contributed in the game of life on and off the

court. Finally, Mark taps into his vast network of former professional basketball players, sports writers and administrators – not only to add credibility to the story – but to garner lots of terrific anecdotes about andy Johnson’s life and the period that they played. The basketball community is a wellconnected one. even the great players have heroes and people they look up to that have influenced their own lives. For example: In new york, there is a long history of basketball and all of these legends are connected. Interviewed in the book is Carl Green, an ex-harlem Globetrotter, who played with andy in the early 50′s and coached in the famous rucker league in new york. he talks about people such as william “pop “Gates, Tom “satch” sanders, archie Clark, earl “The pearl” Monroe, willis reed, Kareem abdul Jabbar and nate “Tiny” archibald. These former players have great respect when it comes to the men that helped pave the wave for them. This book will give a uniquely sobering perspective for anyone who has ever glamorized about the most famous team recognized all over the world. noTe: Visit www.basketballslave.com to find out more about “Basketball slave”.


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hat’s the no. 1 religion in america? I know most of you will probably say Christianity? we are a Christian nation, right? wrong.no, america the no. 1 religion is not Christianity, Islam, or Judaism?sorry abraham. It’s Football!! Football!!! yeah, football? I know you are saying to yourself, that’s sacrilegious. you idiot. you’re going to hell with a Detroit lions jersey on. I know you think, I’m the anti-Christ now or maybe hBo’s Bill Maher. But Football is america’s favorite religion; It’s worshipped on sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday (if you graduated from high school) and saturday if you went to community college. Football, in fact, is worshiped by all people regardless of race, color, class or creed. It is discussed in the morning over coffee, debated in the lunchroom at work, talked about at the dinner table at home, and even secretly whispered about during the sunday sermon at church. and just like other organized religions that appear on television, we blindly give these players large sums of money in order for them to live like kings in houses larger than castles, drive in rolls royces, and wear 8-button suits that make them look like pimps. some football fanatics show their devotion to their faith in football by standing shirtless in sub-below zero temperatures with cheese on the top of their heads, yelling hysterically in a wild religious frenzy, while beating their chest, until they pass out in a drunken stupor.


others, however, hang their favorite athlete’s pictures on their walls and build small alters and shrines to honor them in their homes. Most of the statues of our athletes turned gods are made of bronze and are placed in the hall of Fame so future generations can remember them. along with these bronze bust dedicated to our beloved ballers, we also find ourselves debating and arguing over past and present players stats like two southern Baptist preachers debating scripture. This confusion and conflict over stats usually ends in a fight at the barber shop which is equivalent to the war in the Middle east.

remember this before you try to convert somebody, the washington redskins will


always haTe the Dallas Cowboys and the Dallas Cowboys will always haTe the washington redskins. as a result, some scholars agree to disagree that the book is a poor interpretation of sports history, filled with half-truths, myths, misinformation and cleverly written stories by a council of Caucasians writers, who tried to white wash and wipe us out of the lineup. and just like all westernized religions, they made the savior of the sport of football, white aka Brett Favre. swine is permitted here. If he is old enough allow him to sip or guzzle down a cheap beer. Doesn’t the scripture say “eaT, DrInK, anD Be Merry?” lighten up, don’t take life so serious. we are talking about football!! after all of this, if your son is still rejecting the faith of football, christen him in a baptismal ceremony by bathing him in holy water of green Gatorade after a victory. after he gets drenched in Gatorade, he will be doing a victory dance like Chad ocho Cinco and thanking Jesus Christ like the Broncos Tim Tebow. and, now without a shadow of a doubt, I have proven that Football is america’s no. 1 religion. Fortunately, Dallas Cowboy owner Jerry Jones already knew this. That’s why he build a $1 billion stadium with a hole in the roof so God could watch his favorite team play on a BIG sCreen TeleVIsIon. amen!!

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october 5-20, 2012





411 sports

oing into the 2011 season, the “who is the best quarterback in the nFC east” debate was very much alive. Tony romo had the stats. eli Manning had the ring. Fans, of course, were divided by team loyalty. analysts attempted to quantify it with clutch-play and win-loss records. The only thing (a big thing) that really separated the two was a super Bowl ring. one year and three games later, that debate has become a bit onesided. while romo put together the best season of his career, Manning catapulted himself into elite status after defeating the new england patriots and winning a second super Bowl. The best number Tony romo can reach this week is 3. we all know that. we all know the top priority will be for romo to lead his team a victory, put this team at 3-1 heading into the bye week. romo currently ranks fourth on the Cowboys’ list in passing yards with 21,675. he’s just 284 yards away from white’s mark of 21,959. he’s third in franchise history in completions with 1,742 and needs just 20 to pass white (1,761) for second place. romo is tied for third with roger staubach for third most passing touchdowns at 153, just two behind white at 155. so against the Bears, if romo can complete 20 passes for 285 yards and three touchdowns, not only would be quite a performance and one that would likely lead the team to a victory, he’d move into second place in completions, second in touchdowns and third in passing yards.

october 5-20, 2012




the dallas eXamIner

Troy aikman is the Cowboys’ leader in those categories with 2,898 completions for 32,942 yards and 165 touchdowns. romo has a good chance to surpass aikman for the most touchdown passes in franchise history later this season, currently trailing by only 12.

romo has already turned the ball over five times in 2012 (three interceptions, two fumbles). Compare that to his four touchdown passes and there’s reason for concern. we all love the Tony romo that keeps plays alive by scrambling, looking downfield and successfully completing an unbelievable, unbalanced throw off of his back foot with linebackers in his face. we all hate the Tony romo that keeps plays alive by scrambling, looking downfield and successfully throwing a terrible, unbalanced interception with linebackers in his face. winning the Big one

But if he is to attain the elite status that we all want to put him in, there are a few aspects of his game that he needs to improve on. Communication It’s easy to blame the quarterback for interceptions. romo has definitely thrown some head scratchers over years. But his accuracy has never really been something that’s held him back. so when he throws an interception, it’s usually either a bad decision while he’s being hurried, or it’s because he anticipated that his wide receiver would be there. protecting the Football


winning a big game, either late in the season or in the playoffs, is more a culmination of the result of everything previously mentioned, and not so much an area romo can improve on. still, the biggest knock on his game has been his inability to perform, or make up for his teammate’s poor performance, in the games that matter. Make no mistake about it, he is a terrific quarterback. There are only a handful of quarterbacks, active or otherwise, that Cowboys nation would consider replacing him with. But he has some serious issues in his game that if he doesn’t improve on, he will continue to be second best in the division, and continue to fall short of hoisting the lombardi trophy.





cowboys notes schedule sep. 05 at giants win: 24 - 17 sep. 16 at seahawks loss: 27 - 7 sep. 23 buccaneers win: 16 - 10 oct. 01 bears 7:30 pm espn bye oct. 14 at ravens 12:00 pm foX oct. 21 at panthers 12:00 pm foX oct. 28 giants 3:25 pm foX nov. 04 at falcons 7:20 pm nbc nov. 11 at eagles 3:25 pm foX nov. 18 browns 12:00 pm cbs nov. 22 redskins 3:15 pm foX dec. 02 eagles 7:20 pm nbc dec. 09 at bengals 12:00 pm foX dec. 16 steelers 3:25 pm cbs dec. 23 saints 12:00 pm foX dec. 30 at redskins 12:00 pm foX

TOP 10 PLAYERS 10. MARSHAL YANDA Baltimore Ravens guard 9. BEN ROETHLISBERGER STEELERS 8. C.J. SPILLER Buffalo Bills running back 7. RYAN CLADY CHIEFS - TACKLE 6. JAMAAL CHARLES CHIEFS - RB 5. CALVIN JOHNSON After three games, he is once again atop the NFL in receiving yards, with 369. That's 58 yards more than the guy in second place. He has gained those yards on 24 receptions and is averaging 15.4 yards a catch. 4. TIM JENNINGS Chicago Bears cornerback Tim Jennings leads the NFL with four interceptions after three games. Even when he isn't picking the ball off, Jennings is making life miserable for the quarterbacks he plays against. They only have only a quarterback rating when trying to complete a pass to the wide receivers he defends. 3. PERCY HARVIN Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Percy Harvin has gained 277 yards on those 27 catches and has an additional 42 yards on the ground off of eight carries. He is also averaging 30 yards every time he takes one out of the end zone on kickoff returns. 2. MATT RYAN



cedrIc e. lyons and sports Xchange 411 sports and entertanIment packers.


ere's the admission that nFl fans, players, coaches and personnel have been waiting for. according to CBs sports' will Brinson, nFl commissioner roger Goodell has issued a public apology regarding the officiating by the replacement referees through the first three weeks of the 2012 nFl season. Inside Goodell's apology is this short blurb, which appears to be the only real apology of the email: "I believe in accountability, not excuses. and I regret we were not able to secure an agreement sooner in the process and avoid the unfortunate distractions to the game. you deserve better." yes, nFl fans do deserve better. The integrity of the entire nFl was in jeopardy starting with week 1 of the preseason and ending with the Monday night Football debacle in which replacement referees stole a victory from the Green Bay

all of us who love the sport appreciate the skills and dedication of the players and coaches. That is why we are focused not just on what happens on the field but what our game will be like in another decade or two. The nFl has always tried to look ahead, to innovate, and to constantly improve in all we do. as long as the real, experienced referees are officiating, the future does look bright for the nFl. Thursday night's matchup between the Cleveland Browns and Baltimore ravens showed the immense difference between the replacements and the professional referees. They called a clean game without error, much to the pleasure of the fans, who greeted the refs with a standing ovation. The Commissioner closed his email by thanking the fans: we are moving forward with the finest officials in sports back on the field. It's time to put the focus where it belongs – on the clubs and players and our magnificent game, with a special thanks to our fans for their passion. Goodell's apology comes off as sincere, but most fans likely still blame him for the fiasco in the first place, since he was the one responsible for locking

Atlanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan is just tearing it up so far this season. He is leading the NFL in quarterback rating, and the nextclosest guy is five points away. When you look at the rest of his numbers, it's easy to see why. 1. CLAY MATTHEWS Green Bay Packers linebacker Clay Matthews has been acting like a bully so far this


out the real referees after labor negotiations went sour. The biggest problem I have with the email is that the words "I'm sorry" are nowhere to be found in the memo. The lockout of the official referees is no one else's fault but the commissioner, yet he didn't have the respect to sincerely apologize to fans, as Brinson pointed out on his Twitter page. For now, anyone associated with the nFl is happy to see the replacement referees begging for their lingerie Football league jobs back, but make no mistake about it: roger Goodell's nFl shield has indeed been dented. nFl, nFlra reaCh eIGhTyear aGreeMenT The nFl and the nFl referees association agreed tonight to the terms of a new eight-year collective bargaining agreement that will return the game officials to the field for this weekend’s games, beginning with Thursday night’s Cleveland at Baltimore game. The agreement, the longest with the game officials in nFl history, was reached in new york between the negotiating teams for the nFl and the nFlra with the assistance of scot Beckenbaugh and peter Donatello of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation service. The agreement must be ratified by the nFlra membership. Under the commissioner’s authority,

season, going around taking left tackles' lunch money. So far, he already has six sacks after just three games, and if he wasn't getting held on almost every other play, he would have even more. His pass-rush technique has been exceptional and impressive to watch. This is just the beginning.

august, 2010


COVER STORY Commissioner Goodell can enter into this agreement without a vote of the nFl clubs. Commissioner Goodell temporarily lifted the lockout so that the officials can work Thursday night’s Cleveland at Baltimore game prior to their ratification vote. The officials will meet Friday and saturday to vote on the agreement. If it is approved, a clinic for the officials will be held following the vote. “The long-term future of our game requires that we seek improvement in every area, including officiating,” Commissioner Goodell said. “This agreement supports long-term reforms that will make officiating better. The teams, players and fans want and deserve both consistency and quality in officiating.” “we look forward to having the finest officials in sports back on the field, and I want to give a special thanks to nFl fans for their passion. now it's time to put the focus back on the teams and players where it belongs." The agreement includes the following key terms: • eight-year term covering the 2012-2019 seasons. • The current defined benefit pension plan will remain in place for current officials through the 2016 season (or until the official earns 20 years of service). The defined benefit plan will then be frozen.

development purposes, and may assign those additional officials to work nFl games. The number of additional officials will be determined by the nFl. • what to looK for fIne fInIshes: Close games have been a staple of the 2012 season as 28 games have been decided by eight points or fewer, tied with 1988 for the most such games through a season’s first three weeks. If 10 games in week 4 are decided by eight points or fewer, it will mark the most such games through the first four weeks of a season in nFl history. • It’s stIll early: In the first three weeks of 2012, 30 of the 32 clubs (93.8 percent) earned one or more wins, including 27 (84.4 percent) which own a 2-1 or 1-2 record. Both are the highest such totals in a season through three games since realignment in 2002. The 30 teams with at least one victory through week 3 tie 2005 (30 teams) for the most through four games since realignment in 2002. If CleVelanD (at Baltimore on Thursday night Football) or new orleans (at Green Bay) wins this week, 2012 will have the most teams

scores galore: nFl teams scored 731 points in week 3 to bring the season total to 2,287 points, the most scored in any threeweek span of an nFl season. Teams combined to score more than 725 points in three consecutive weeks (791, week 1; 765, week 2) for the second time in nFl history (weeks 10-12, 2010) and the first time to begin a season. with 675 points in week 4, the 2012 season will feature the most points of any four-week period in nFl history. The current record is 2,961 in 2004 (weeks 12-15). If 725 points or more are scored, it will be the first time the mark is reached in four consecutive weeks. • top cards: sparked by the team’s best start (3-0) since 1974 (7-0), arIZona can become the ninth nFl franchise to reach 500 regularseason wins with a victory against Miami on sunday.

with one or more victories through four games since realignment. •

• Beginning with the 2013 season, the nFl will have the option of hiring a number of officials on a full-time basis to work yearround, including on the field.

persIstent passers: last week, new orleans quarterback Drew Brees recorded his 46th consecutive game with at least one touchdown pass, while new england quarterback ToM BraDy extended his streak to 35 games.

• The nFl will have the option to retain additional officials for training and

with one touchdown pass at Green Bay, Brees can tie pro Football hall of Famer Johnny

august, 2010

The Cardinals, who have won 10 of their past 12 games, can also reach 4-0 after starting the 2011 season 1-3. with the win, arizona would become the 11th club in the past nine years to start a season 4-0 after beginning 1-3 or 0-4 the previous year. nine of those 10 teams qualified for the playoffs.

• retirement benefits will be provided for new hires, and for all officials beginning in 2017, through a defined contribution arrangement, which will have two elements: an annual league contribution made on behalf of each game official that will begin with an average of more than $18,000 per official and increase to more than $23,000 per official in 2019, and a partial match on any additional contribution that an official makes to his 401(k) account. • apart from their benefit package, the game officials’ compensation will increase from an average of $149,000 a year in 2011 to $173,000 in 2013, rising to $205,000 by 2019.

UnITas (47) for the most consecutive games with a touchdown pass. Brady can tie BreTT FaVre (36) for the third-longest such streak when the patriots travel to Buffalo to face the Bills.


chargIng charles: Kansas City running back JaMaal Charles rushed for 233 yards and a touchdown (91 yards) in the Chiefs’ 27-24 overtime win at new orleans. Charles, who rushed for 259 yards on January 3, 2010, has two career games with at least 230 rushing yards. only pro Football hall of Famer JIM Brown (three) has more. Charles followed his first 230-yard rushing game with 92 rushing yards and one touchdown against san Diego in the 2010 season opener. In this week’s game against the Chargers, he looks to surpass pro Football hall of Famer o.J. sIMpson (203 rushing yards) for the most rushing yards following a 230-yard performance. page




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name: allanté Krishun walker

summer or winter? summer

nickname: té

mountains or beach? beach

birthplace and date: dallas, tX february 7, 1993

do you have any brothers or sisters? sister

height:5’0 • weight: 94lbs

can you tell If someone Is lying to you? sometimes

measurements: 29,22,33 eye color/hair color: brown/ brown highlighted best asset: smile and eyes career goal: to excel in the entertainment industry or to be an advocate for women and children favorite sport: football what is your dream job? tV broadcaster (entertainer) favorite team: dallas mavericks Jet or 411 sports? 411 sports

october 5-20, 2012





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do you have any undiscovered or hidden talents? yes If so, what? I can draw are you more like your mom or your dad? mom has any particular book Influenced you or left a lifechanging Impact? the bible

who pays on a date? the dude biggest mistake: dating in high school I've never been able to: climb a tree

my last meal would be: pork steaks with corn bread, side of greens, smothered or fried potatoes, macaroni and cheese and a coke! lol

do you believe In destiny? yes have you ever stood up for someone you hardly Knew? yes would you rather cook or clean? cook






by cheryl w. robInson • staff 411 sports


ome of you may be fans of the popular movie trilogy, “The Bourne Identity” starring actor Matt Damon portraying CIa agent Jason Bourne. others of you may be admirers of the beautiful actress halle Berry. like CIa agent Jason Bourne some of you can also wear the CIa title, Critical Individual associate. I would venture to guess that Ms. Berry would prefer that we direct our focus on her professional life, occasionally recognize her beauty and allow her personal life to remain just that [personal]. however when you’re a drop dead gorgeous hollywood success the latter is “almost” impossible and besides you know us. I’ve noticed whenever I’m conversating with a group of women and halle Berry’s name surfaces, 9 times out of ten, there will be at least one woman who will make this statement, “she’s pretty and all, but she’s got issues!” The discussion then moves on to her “relationships” with men, her divorces, her run-ins with the law and finally, can she really act or not? let’s not leave out the theory she won the oscar because of her light skin, not for her acting ability. often I hold back on what I really feel but I’ve made a vow to be true to myself, so excuse me if I step on some toes.

I would imagine that Ms. halle slips on her bra one arm at a time, just like we all do right? okay, meaning she is a woman just like you and me. sure she’s been around the block a time or two. a phrase most likely created by a man. In any case, is it wrong for her to date? It was a man who abused her and left her deaf in one ear. should she be held more accountable than any of us for making a bad decision in her quest for true love? It just didn’t work out, isn’t that what you tell your girlfriends or even yourself…yes, she fell in love with a man and in an unconventional move, asked him to marry her. I would say that took courage and of course, what did the humble Mr. Justice do? he bragged about it and called her “crazy and so did some of you. But how many men have you asked, or “wanted” to marry, or maybe even persuaded him to ask you, only to find out that your Knight in shining armor is wearing or wore his armor at night in someone else’s bed. Think about it.

okay, so she dealt with the pain of her divorce, and even talked about her feelings regarding her absentee father. wait, we can’t relate to that! how many of us are or were blessed to be raised by a Daddy not a father. There is a difference. and she’s got issues? how about your babies, will they have the same “issue”? Matter of fact, how can you help them when you haven’t dealt with your own? Ms. Berry tried the marriage thing again with Mr. eric Benet. he married one of the most beautiful women in the world! she adopted and loved his child and professed her love for him and he for her… although he chose to cheat and blamed it on a sexual addiction. That’s the new buzz word for man whore. halle didn’t run to divorce court; she tried to work it out believing his lies and attempting to work through his infidelity. one last point, he cheated with what? a woman!!! Ms. Berry has chosen a very competitive field for african-american men and women and has worked hard to earn her accolades. Finally rewarded with an academy award, no matter how symbolic or undeserving, she took the oscar home. and I ain’t mad at her! For years we have watched oscar go home with actors and actresses whose performances were sub par compared to other actors. as an aside, are you always deserving of the paycheck you receive? Mama on the phone, girlfriend on hold, and ebay at your fingertips! as for the color thing, maybe she did win over other deserving chocolate sisters. what are you doing to change that stereotype? Beauty comes continued on page 18




october 5-20, 2012

TIDBITS TIDBITS Hip Hop Sisters Unite all over the Nation

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october 5-20, 2012

This is promoting mental growth, Cha Cha understanding and a sense of Cha, on self awareness in every sister this mata they touch, using the art of hip gra, they hop to help females of all ages are the find their voice. doppest f e m a l e s some upcoming events to that you look forward to: ever saw. Founded by MC lyte, simply hhs mixtape – spring 08 stated, the hip hop sisters are an elite movement of women 1st annual hhs meet and that intend to change the HHS was founded because there wasn't way females enough media attention given to women in the are perceived industry. It was created to give women a voice in the hip hop where they could be free to speak their minds and to offer help to other women in the music community business. and in society MC LYTE as a whole. There are too many negative images greet/ conference - summer surrounding women in hip hop 08 in Dallas and it is affecting Contact Info: t h e For questions contact Mecca younger or atlas' at generation. hiphopsisters@gmail.com T h i s For updates, news and music movement is based on the premise www.myspace.com/hiphopsist of bringing ers MECCA all of the elements in hip hop back to about hip hop sisters their original essence. hip hop sisters is a movement Collectively they will show the of women who would like to world that a change the face of woman can hip hop and the way a t t a i n that women are greatness, by perceived in society relying on her today. we strive to craft and bring the essence of nothing more. hip hop back to its They have originality. There are decided to face too many negative the adversity images about ATLAS head on and turn it women in hip hop, and into triumph. The hip hop it is affecting the younger sisters will achieve all these generation. we need to show things and much more by the world that a woman can achieve greatness, without selling our souls to the negativity that is put out there to destroy our culture. so in short, our mission is to promote mental growth, understanding, instilling self





10 INSIGHTS TO RELATIONSHIPS 1. you pick the wrong person because you expect him/her to change after you're married. The classic mistake. never marry potential. The golden rule is, if you can't be happy with the person the way he or she is now, don't get married. as a colleague of mine so wisely put it, "you actually can expect people to change after their married...for the worst!" so when it comes to the other person's spirituality, character, personal hygiene, communication skills, and personal habits, make sure you can live with these as they are now. 2. you pick the wrong person because you focus more on chemistry than on character. Chemistry ignites the fire, but good character keeps it burning. Beware of the "I'm in love" syndrome. "I'm in love often means, "I'm in lust." attraction is there, but have you carefully checked out this person's character? here are four characteristics to definitely check for: a. humility: Does this person believe that "doing the right thing" is more important than personal comfort? b. Kindness: Does this person enjoy giving pleasure to other people? how does s/he treat people s/he doesn't have to be nice to? Does s/he do volunteer work? Give to charity? c. responsibility: Can I depend on this person to do what s/he says? what s/he's going to do? d. happiness : Does this person like himself? Does s/he enjoy life? Is s/he emotionally stable? Then ask yourself: Do I want to be more like this person? Do I want to have a child with this person? would I like my child to turnout like him or her? 3. you pick the wrong person because the man doesn't understand what a woman needs most. Men and women have unique emotional needs, and more often than not, it is the man who just doesn't get it. Jewish tradition places the onus on the man to understand the emotional needs of the woman and to satisfy them. The unique need of a woman is to be loved.-to feel that she is the most important person in her husband's life. The husband needs to give her consistent, quality attention. This is most apparent in Judaism's approach to sexual intimacy. The Torah obligates the husband to meet the sexual needs of his wife. sexual intimacy is always on the woman's terms. Men are goal oriented especially when it comes to this area. as a wise woman once pointed out, "Men have two speeds: on and off." women are experienceoriented. when a man is able to switch gears and become more experience-oriented, he will discover what makes his wife very happy. Then the man forgets about his own needs and focuses on giving to his wife. 4.you choose the wrong person because you do not share a common life goals and priorities. There are three basic ways we connect with another person: a) Chemistry and compatibility, b) share common interests, c) share common life goals. Make sure you share a deeper level of connection that sharing life goals provide. after marriage, the two of you willeither grow together or grow apart. To avoid growing apart, you must figure out what you're living for while you are single-and then find someone who has come to the same conclusion as you. This is the true definition of a soul mate. a soul mate is a goal mate . . . two people who ultimately share the same understanding of life's purpose and therefore share the same priorities, values and goals. 5.you choose the wrong person because you get involved sexually too quickly. sexual involvement before the commitment of marriage can be a big problem because it often precludes a fully honest exploration of




october 5-20, 2012

HE SAY; SHE SAY important issues. sexual involvement tends to cloud one's mind. and a clouded mind is not inclined to make good decisions. It is not necessary to "test drive" in order to find out if a couple are sexually compatible. If you do your homework and make sure you are intellectually and emotionally compatible, you don't have to worry about sexual compatibility. of all the studies on divorce, sexual incompatibility is never cited as a main reason why people divorce. 6. you pick the wrong person because you do not have deeper emotional connection to evaluate whether you have a deeper emotional connection or not, ask: "do I respect and admire this person?" This does not mean, "am I impressed by this person?" a Mercedes impresses us. we do not respect someone because they own a Mercedes. you should be impressed by qualities of creativity, loyalty, determination, etc. also ask:"! Do I trust this person?" This also means, "Is he/she emotionally stable? Do I feel I can rely on him/her? 7. you pick the wrong person because you choose some one with whom you don't feel emotionally safe. ask yourself the following questions: Do I feel calm, peaceful and relaxed with this person? Can I fully be myself and express myself with this person? Does this person make me feel good about myself? Do you have a really close friend who does make you feel this way? Make sure the person you marry makes you feel the same way! are you afraid of this person in any way? you should not feel you need to monitor what you say because you are afraid of how the other person will view it. If you're afraid to express your feelings and opinions openly, there's a problem with the relationship. another aspect of feeling safe is that you don't feel the other person is trying to control you. Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you. There is a big difference between "controlling" and "making suggestions." a suggestion is made for your benefit. 8. you pick the wrong person because you don't put everything on the table. anything that bothers you about the relationship must be brought up for discussion. Bringing up the uncomfortable stuff is the only way to evaluate how well the two of you communicate, negotiate, and work together. over the course of a lifetime, difficulties will inevitably arise. you need to know now, before making a commitment: Can you resolve your differences and find compromises that work for both of you? never be afraid to let the person know what bothers you. This is also a way for you to test how vulnerable you can be with this person. If you can't be vulnerable, you can't be intimate. The two go hand in hand. 9.you pick the wrong person because you use the relationship to escape from personal problems and unhappiness. If you are unhappy and single, you'll probably be unhappy and married, too. Marriage does not fix personal, psychological and emotional problems. If anything, marriage will exacerbate them. If you are not happy with yourself and your life, take responsibility to fix it now while you are single. you'll feel better and your future spouse will thank you. 10.you pick the wrong person because he/she is involved in a triangle. To be "triangulated" means a person is emotionally dependent on someone or something else while trying to develop anoth er relationship. a person who hasn't separated from his or october 5-20, 2012





behind the artist W DJ B B ITH



Real Hip-Hop: Why Don’t The Majority of Blacks Support It? I believe anyone who follows both mainstream and underground hip-hop [more than a little bit] should be able to generate an educated list of opinions to this question. here is a list of my thoughts (in no particular order): blacks don’t support real hip-hop because … 1. Many blacks don’t know the difference between mainstream hip-hop and real hip-hop and others simply don’t care. Many blacks who are in their late 20’s and higher in age don’t buy as many albums as the younger generation, so they listen to commercial radio because it’s convenient. 2. The government is using mainstream hip-hop as a means to extort the black community targeting our children from their early teenage years to their mid-20’s. This is why certain artists who promote negative themes are heard numerous times on the radio. It is a classic case of conditioning our youth through modern day slavery. 3. Mainstream hip-hop is a commodity to big corporations, so its basis will always be to make money. our youth are being conditioned to focus entirely on material possessions and achieving wealth so they ignore anything that doesn’t promote this message. 4. real hip-hop is about love and unity amongst its people and most blacks live in areas where they see little of both. 5. as #4, real hip-hop at times can contain concepts and views that many blacks can’t or refuse to relate to, so they ignore it. I have heard

the phrase that real hip-hop is “too intelligent;” this is nonsense. This is just a way of big corporations saying “we want to keep your people dumb so we won’t play that other music.” parenting is the key to successfully spreading more positive hip-hop to our communities. It is up to the parents to educate and guide our children so they can understand how much music can greatly affect their spirits. 6. peer pressure. This goes hand in hand with #3, #4 and #5; if you aren’t with the “in” crowd who listens to artist “a,” you aren’t cool. as a teenager, on average, who doesn’t want to be cool? 7. Big radio and TV corporations simply do not play enough [if any] positive/real hip-hop. when I was young, you could find real hip-hop on TV shows like Jukebox, yo MTV raps and on the radio. you could also find real hip-hop plastered more in magazines like right on, The source and others. 8. real hip-hop can be judgmental on those who aren’t apart of it. let’s face it; there are some arrogant positive rappers out there. even as underground artists, we can fall victim to some monstrous egos; more humbleness needs to be widespread through the game. It is sad, though, that at an average underground hip-hop show featuring talented artists that I attend, I see about 10 blacks for every 50 or more whites in the room. It seems that if the song doesn’t have a catchy dance, a message about “gettin’ money” or a dirty south rhythm to it, the masses won’t feel it. But even with this there are exceptions to this opinion,

such as artists like Kanye west, Common, wyclef, will.I.am and a few others. Could it be that blacks simply don’t support their own as well? For many, if you aren’t a brand name, they won’t buy your album. some call it hating, others simply say that they don’t buy music from someone of whom they haven’t heard. whatever the case, I think many of us sip on the “haterade” often, and it’s hard to put the bottle down. hating was embedded in our people during slavery, playing the field slaves against the house slaves, women against men and vice versa, and clearly it is prevalent in our music, fan base and record labels. It’s not rocket science - in most cases negative energy breeds more negative energy creating a negative environment. For the sake of this article, pushing negative themes make the rich richer and the uneducated even more uneducated. Mainstream hip-hop is a cash cow making many companies wealthier at the expense of our communities. If big labels were to push underground artists like they do the mainstream all of a sudden, it would be so foreign to the young folk that album sales would seriously decline due to the conditioning that they have already encountered. all of this to say, again, there is no one answer to this question. The best thing for us as hip-hop artists to do to get more people in general to listen to our music is keep (or begin) making real hip-hop.


in various hues. what “we” need to do is learn to love each other for our differences. after all the slave ship broke the color barrier, why can’t you?

okay sisters, having survived multiple divorces and having married out of love. Trust me, nobody in their right mind would choose that heartache than once. yet she decided to marry again. My daddy used to say, “you have to have a license to own a dog.” Don’t get mad at my Daddy. The truth shall set “us” free. how many proposals have you turned down or prayed would

come. or how many times have you wished for a divorce but stay in a loveless marriage because of status, children, sex, money, fear or ________ (you fill in the blank). Just keep it real. one more thing, Mr. Benet reportedly cheated with a woMan, not a man. having also suffered the deception of a cheating spouse, remember they can only do what we allow them to do. It should matter when you sleep with a man who calls another woman his wife. we need to learn to respect what does not belong to us. The ring is not for decoration, it symbolizes an eternal commitment. and don’t trip and think you’re that good whereas it can’t or won’t happen to you! I could go on, but I won’t. I think I’ve presented my point very well. Be happy and grateful, if your life has been spared the aforementioned drama and you have a good life, etc. That does not make you special, it makes you blessed! Keep living, as the old folks say. In closing, the next time you are a part of a conversation that puts any woman on blast, pull out your compact and take a long look at yourself. we all have and will have to deal with some type of issue in this lifetime. abandonment, abortion,





addictions, adultery, Battery, Depression, Incest, Infidelity, Incarceration, prostitution and a host of other “life events.” Think about this, what if the paparazzi stole and cut open your trash bag, what would people say about you, what would it reveal? what if you had to live your life under a spotlight? The take away from this is, don’t hate on halle because she’s beautiful, rich and has decided that a man does not complete her, or because she has had some life to deal with. love her, simply because the Berry Identity could very well be your own. always encouraging, Cheryl

october 5-20, 2012



any of the best entertainers working today are also responsible for the best black american comedy movies of all time. From comedians like eddie Murphy to musicians like Ice Cube, these black entertainers turned their talents to acting and what resulted was some of the funniest movies ever made.

"friday" Ice Cube stars in one of the best black american comedy movies of all time. The movie takes place over one day after Craig is

an african prince who comes to america to find a wife. Murphy perfects his gimmick of appearing in different roles under heavy prosthetics in this very funny movie directed by John landis. "car wash" This classic comedy remains one of the best black american comedy movies of all time. The movie features employees who work at a los angeles car wash and the people they deal with. richard pryor and George Carlin make appearances in the movie. "I'm gonna get you sucka" Blax-ploitation movies are spoofed. Keenan Ivory wayans directs and stars in this movie about a group of heroes who band together to get revenge on Mr Big. Classic blaxploitation stars Isaac hayes and Jim Brown co-star. "don't be a menace to south central while drinking your Juice in the hood" shawn and Marlon wayans star in this moviethat spoofs films like "Boyz n the hood" and "Menace II society."

fired from his job. he tries to survive despite dealing with neighbors, drug dealers and gang members. "coming to america" eddie Murphy stars as

"barbershop" Ice Cube stars in this movie. The movie follows a day in the life of people working in a barbershop. The movie is low on action but high on crisp, fun dialogue as the men discuss hot-button topics in their society. Cedric the entertainer is a highlight.

"boomerang" This underrated comedy stars eddie Murphy in one of the best black american comedy movies. Murphy plays an ad executive and womanizer who finds himself working for a woman who treats him the same way. The movie also stars robin Givens and halle Berry. "undercover brother" another spoof movie that stars eddie Griffin. Griffin plays a secret agent who sets out to take down The Man. In a very inspiring moment, neil patrick harris plays the "token white guy." "house party" The hip-hop duo Kid n' play star in this movie. The movie follows Kid as he attempts to sneak out of his house to attend a party and comes across obstacles along the way. The movie also stars Martin lawrence and has a cameo by George Clinton. "how high" another movie starring hip-hop stars, this movie remains of the best black american comedy movies. redman and Method Man star as two guys who get into college thanks to drugs helping them ace their entrance exams. once in college, they disrupt the entire institution in one of the best stoner movies in recent years.

Assisted Living Facilities at Ada M King Adult Foster Home in Dallas, Texas Our goal is to assist you in finding the best available independent and assisted living facilities in the state of Texas. There are more than three thousand Texas Assisted Living Facilities to select from. Just Click on the county of your interest below to see the list of Texas assisted living facilities available in your area. Texas defines an assisted living facilities as homes or faciliites that provide assistance with the activites of daily living (ADL⠙s). There are several types of assisted living facilities in Texas: · Type A facilities require residents to be capable of selfpreservation in case of an emergency, does not require supervision while sleeping, and can follow directions. · Type B facilities require that residents not be bed bound, though they can need help in an emergency, and need assistance transferring and supervision at night. · Type C facilities are a four bed foster care program for adults. · Type D facilities required residents that are very independent, as no assistance with ADL⠙s are permitted beyond medication supervision. Residents must be able to follow directions, evacuate within three minutes in case of an emergency and not need supervision while sleeping. Ada M King Adult Foster Home 1320 Bar Harbor Dr Dallas, TX 75232 Facility Type: Adult Foster Care Home october 5-20, 2012





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Mildred 'Milli Mills' Batts-williams, executive Chair/Ceo of Millhouse entertainment, hosted a book signing at Jokae's Books in Dallas, TX on september 8, 2012 for her new book release, "on the air with Milli Mills: the triumphs of a radio diva". This book depicts the ups and downs, ins and outs of surviving and sustaining a solid place in the radio broadcasting industry from a female minority perspective. It reflects how a middle aged, old school female radio personality is faced with the reality of the diminishing era of the straight laced, articulate radio announcertype personality to the dawning of the thriving new surreal type radio air personality and 'celebritiesturned-radio air personalities' that dominate the radio air waves in today's society. see how Milli states her claim in the field of broadcasting in the 21st century where ipods and podcasting share a prominent place in this industry. witness the challenges and obstacles Milli is faced with in the early stages of her career as a


double minority such as being reared in a poverty stricken community with very little opportunity for achieving goals and dreams. Milli reinvents herself time and time again through determination, strong-will, and selfmotivation to discover her strength in the area of teaching and community service! It was seventh grade when Milli

Mills received the 'outstanding performance' award in english at Marvell Middle school in Marvell, arkansas. From this recognition, she realized she had the gift of writing. Milli went on to receive a Bachelor of arts in speech and Theater with a concentration in Communication in 1988 from the University of arkansas at pine Bluff. since then, Milli has worked in various broadcast markets as a radio personality in the arkansas, Memphis, and Dallas. These stations include KrnB-FM and KhVn-aM in Dallas, TX - KClT west helena, KyDe - pine Bluff, KIpr - little rock (all located in arkansas); whrK-K-97 FM, KJMs 101.1 FM, wrVr-104.5 FM, KXhThot 107.1 FM, wloK-Gospel aM, wMC - 99.7 FM, and star 98.1 FM, Classic hits all located in Memphis, Tennessee. since February of 2002, Milli has been a radio air personality at aBC radio networks in Dallas, TX and can be syndicatedly heard weekends in various markets across the country. after building an extensive radio career, 18 years later Milli obtained a Master of arts


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Degree in organizational Management on october 20, 2004 from the University of phoenix. recently, Milli received a Doctorate Degree in education - Teacher leadership from walden University. Milli is also a Voice-over artist, Choreographer, and an Upcoming actress. she has voiced many local and regional radio and TV commercials mainly in the arkansas and Memphis markets as well as appeared in a few local and regional TV commercials, performed with the hip-hop dance troop, suaveĂ­ous, was an extra in the 1993 Tom Cruise blockbuster movie, The Firm, and was chosen in 1998 by ebony Magazine as one of the Top 25 "Most successful Black Female singles" in america. she is also a member of the american Federation for Television and radio artists (aFTra). This book can be purchased at the following online outlets: authorhouse.com amazon Barnes and noble all Bookstores.com eBay













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