Above Illustration by Ilir Bibovic Front Cover by Trey Abdella Back Cover by Brigitte Woltjen Inside Covers by Nina Yoshida
There is a common misconception often
In this volume, you will see an impressive
applied to illustration, particularly in this
collection of young artists who are very
day and age: it is referred to as “commercial”
serious about picture-making. They have
art. All you really need to do is go to any
heightened their technical and conceptual
major art fair, anywhere on the planet, at any
skills with the help of the large and amazing
time of the year, and you will be confronted
faculty in the BFA Illustration and BFA
Cartooning departments over the last four
up,” “commercial” art that masquerades
years. You will be able to see what they think
something “fine.”
of the world they are living in, each in their
When I started creating illustrations
own highly personal way. Hopefully, all will
for magazines and books in the '80s, the
be able to navigate, keeping their art true
experience was quite pure. A picture would
to themselves, and raising the level of our
be requested (by an intelligent graphic
visual culture in the future. There is such
designer/art director) to accompany an
deep talent here, and speaking on behalf
interesting piece of writing. The text usually
of my colleagues, we all feel so honored to
was something that I could relate to, and
have helped these young artists on their
so there was an unstated request to create
exciting creative journeys!
a “personal” image to give the page an
I would like to thank the Senior Portfolio
intimate power, keeping it radically different
BFA Illustration and BFA Cartooning faculty
and “editorial” in feeling juxtaposed with
who helped in the selection process; Steve
the advertising pages nearby. For providing
Brodner, Chris Buzelli, Joey Cavalieri,
my picture, a modest monetary sum would
Marcos Chin, Kali Ciesemier, T.M. Davy,
be paid. It was nice and clean—not begging
Frances Jetter, Marvin Mattelson, Keith
for patronage, competitive posturing or
Mayerson, David Mazzucchelli, Gary Panter
art world politics. The stakes were low, so I
and Carl Potts.
could dwell in a world of ideas. The venues for placing pictures in the world has changed since then, but
We also thank President David Rhodes for his vision and support of this ongoing document.
the artistic impulses of illustrators and figurative painters has remained pretty
Thomas Woodruff
much the same: to remain pure to describe
Chair, BFA Cartooning & BFA Illustration
the world as we see it, and not break our
School of Visual Arts
noses running into giant stainless steel
June 2016
balloon animals in the corporate lobby!
TREY ABDELLA trabdella@gmail.com | treyabdella.com
TREY ABDELLA trabdella@gmail.com | treyabdella.com
TREY ABDELLA trabdella@gmail.com | treyabdella.com
LINNEA S. ABERNATHY linnea.abernathy@gmail.com | lsabernathy.com
NICOLE BEDOYA nicolebedoya@aol.com | nicolebedoya.com
ILIR BIBOVIC ilirs.studio@gmail.com | ilirbibovic.com
ILIR BIBOVIC ilirs.studio@gmail.com | ilirbibovic.com
DANIELLE BLACKWELL danibre123@yahoo.com | daniellebre.com
ISABEL BOWEN isabelbbowen@gmail.com | isabelbowen.com
SILVIO CAPOFERRI xssaxgraphics@gmail.com | xssax.com
CAMERON CEREZO ccerezo713@gmail.com | ccerezo.com
JING YAO CHEN (VIKO) vikojchen@gmail.com
SIYI CHEN chen.si.yi@hotmail.com | siyi-chen.com
SIYI CHEN chen.si.yi@hotmail.com | siyi-chen.com
YOON CHO yoonchoworks@gmail.com
WON HYUNG CHOI wonchoi.illust@gmail.com | wonchoi.net
BOEEUEN CHOO choobo92@gmail.com | chooart.com
MARIA CHOU mariaychou@gmail.com | mariaychou.com
ASHLEY COAD ashleycoadart@gmail.com | ashleycoadart.com
ASHLEY COAD ashleycoadart@gmail.com | ashleycoadart.com
DEVAN M. COLE d.cola83@yahoo.com | devancole832.wix.com/dmcillustrations
LUIZ D'OREY luizdorey@hotmail.com | ldorey.com
LUIZ D'OREY luizdorey@hotmail.com | ldorey.com
MEGAN DENNIS mdennis@sva.edu
MICHAEL DISPENSA mdispensastudio@gmail com | mikedispensa.com
MICHAEL DISPENSA mdispensastudio@gmail com | mikedispensa.com
LISI DU lisilisydu@gmail.com | lisidu.com
DAVID EARHART david@deillustrate.com | deillustrate.com
NAMI FARRELL namijfarrell@gmail.com | namifarrell.com
ALEXANDRA FILIPEK alexandra@filipek.us | alexandra.filipek.us
ALEXANDRA FILIPEK alexandra@filipek.us | alexandra.filipek.us
BLUE FLYNN b@blueflynn.com | blueflynn.com
RAISHA FRIEDMAN raisha.mf@gmail.com | raisha.com
GABRIELLE GOMEZ rabidragdollart@gmail.com | rabidragdoll.com
GABRIELLE GOMEZ rabidragdollart@gmail.com | rabidragdoll.com
XIA GORDON xiagrdn@gmail.com | xiagordon.com
XIA GORDON xiagrdn@gmail.com | xiagordon.com
JENNA GUIDI jenguidi13@gmail.com | jennaguidi.com
LAUREN (DONGKYUNG) HAN laurenhan.illust@gmail.com | laurenhanillustration.com
RAYMOND HWANG rayhwangart@gmail.com | rayhwangart.com
ASHLEY JUNG 917.744.3150 | ashleyjungart.com | ashleyjungart@gmail.com
ASHLEY JUNG 917.744.3150 | ashleyjungart.com | ashleyjungart@gmail.com
ANTHONY KIM anthonyjaekim@gmail.com | cargocollective.com/anthonyjaekim
DAHYE KIM d.kim9393@gmail.com | dahye-art.com
HYUNGSUN KIM hyungsunkim93@gmail.com | hyungsunkim93.wix.com/portfolio
SIMOON KIM (SEAMOON) seamoonk@gmail.com | seethemoon.net
SIMOON KIM (SEAMOON) seamoonk@gmail.com | seethemoon.net
KENDRA JOSIE KIRKPATRICK kendrajkirkpatrick@gmail.com | kendrajosiekirkpatrick.com
SEA EUN KOOK sarahkook1@gmail.com | skook@sva.edu | sarahkook1.wix.com/illust
RACHEL LACHTERMAN rlachterman@sva.edu
EUNA LEE euna@eunaleeart.com | eunaleeart.com
CHAE LIN LEE chae@chaelinlee.com | chaelinlee.com
SEUNG HYUN LEE ny-hyun@hotmail.com
ED LEME eddyleme@gmail.com |
ERIN LIM erinjlim@gmail.com | erinjlim.com
TONG LIU tongliuarts@gmail.com | tongliuarts.com
LUNA LYNCH lunalynchart@gmail.com | lunalynch.com
ELIZABETH MAYER emayer@sva.edu
GUNN MO iamogan05@gmail.com | gunnmo.com
MonQ kyoosangchoi@gmail.com | monqmkr.com
MonQ kyoosangchoi@gmail.com | monqmkr.com
JESSICA MORFEA jmorfea22@gmail.com | jessicamorfea.com
KATELYN ONG kong@sva.edu | katelynong.com
HOSHI PARK hoshipark90@gmail.com | hoshipark.com
HOSHI PARK hoshipark90@gmail.com | hoshipark.com
NICOLE CHARLIE PEREZ ncharlieperez@gmail.com | niccharlieperez.com
LAWRENCE PITTS lpittsillustrations@gmail.com | lawrencepitts.myportfolio.com
LESLIE RUBIO leslieo_o@yahoo.com | leslierubio.com
MALKIA SAINT-ALBIN kiasaintalbin@yahoo.com | malkiasaintalbin.com
MALKIA SAINT-ALBIN kiasaintalbin@yahoo.com | malkiasaintalbin.com
KIMBERLY SANTIAGO santiagok747@gmail.com | killastrations.com
CRESCENT SEO crescent032@gmail.com | crescentillustration.com
VIOLA SHAN violazshan@gmail.com | violashan.com
FILIPE SILVA filipess@me.com | fsilvastudio.com
DAVID SIMKIN dsimkin@sva.edu | dcsimkin.com
PAUL SIMUNDICH paulsimundich@gmail.com | cargocollective.com/paulsimundich
PAUL SIMUNDICH paulsimundich@gmail.com | cargocollective.com/paulsimundich
YOUHEUM SON yson.art@gmail.com | youheumson.com
ALULA SUMENDAP alulasumendap@gmail.com | alula.moe
ALULA SUMENDAP alulasumendap@gmail.com | alula.moe
PAUL THIESING paulthiesing@yahoo.com | paulthiesing.com
OCTOBER WANG octghost@outlook.com | behance.net/awang8b795
KAYLEIGH WATERS orangelemonart@gmail.com | kayleighwaters.com
EMILY WIDDOES emilynwiddoes@gmail.com | emilywiddoes.com
BRIGITTE WOLTJEN brigwoltjen@gmail.com | bwoltjen.com
CAINE WONG 646.830.6758 (US) 852.907.29933 (Hong Kong) | cwong8@sva.edu | cainewong1993@yahoo.com.hk | wongcaine.com
CAINE WONG 646.830.6758 (US) 852.907.29933 (Hong Kong) | cwong8@sva.edu | cainewong1993@yahoo.com.hk | wongcaine.com
ANQI YANG ayang@sva.edu
JUDY JOOA YOO 917.565.6426 | jooayoo@gmail.com
NINA YOSHIDA nina@ninayoshida.com | ninayoshida.com
MIHYUN YU myu8419@gmail.com | illustmyu.com
XU ZHAN xzhan@sva.edu
MICAH ZHANG 973.303.9095 | micah.mc.zhang@gmail.com
BRANDON A. ZHAO bzhao@sva.edu | brandonazhao.com
BRANDON A. ZHAO bzhao@sva.edu | brandonazhao.com
MADELINE ZULUAGA madeline.zuluaga.art@gmail.com | madelinezuluaga.com