interview aleksandar pejovic 2 41

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July 2012

Does Montenegro have the administrative capacity to respond to the challenges of the negotiation process? In what way could the administrative capacity be improved? Certainly. Montenegro has a relatively young, but very flexible, state administration that has so far borne the greatest burden of the European integration process. It has also proved that we are able to cope with the task. In addition to the state administration, there are also professionals in parliament and in the NGO sector, along with representatives from the business community, trade unions, universities and other civil society organisations. It is important to reitterate that European integration is a project that concerns the entire society; all segments will be involved in the process in accordance with their respective competencies. Of course, as the process progresses, the need for new specific knowledge and skills along with expertise will arise. During negotiations we will be required, in time, to develop expertise in areas where it is presently lacking, and will thus strengthen our staff.

In your opinion, which are the most demanding chapters for Montenegro and why?

negotiations, one of the most important goals concerning economic policy is to strengthen economic competitiveness in order to improve our ability to cope with competitive pressure in the European Union. I believe that the outcome of the negotiations will ensure conditions that include a stable financial and macroeconomic environment, a competitive market economy, strong industrial and agricultural sectors as well as educated and flexible labour force. I would like to stress that Montenegro has prepared the first preaccession economic programme and that this has already been included in the pre-accession economic dialogue. The preparation of this programme has already proved to be useful in that it helped to identify priorities, it coordinated activities in all areas and resulted in the keeping of records concerning obstacles for long-term economic growth, and it took into consideration the consistency of pre-accession priorities and key documents relevant to EU policy. During the forthcoming period, we will focus on: the promotion of sustainable development and on the improvement of the competitiveness of the Montenegrin economy, on increasing investment, on restructuring production, on the sustainability of public finances and on the further implementation of structural reforms based on the Europe 2020 Strategy.

The negotiating process itself is very demanding, dynamic and complex. Considering the chapters that require the most negotiation, and bearing in mind the experience of other countries that were included in the previous expansion round, particularly Croatia, as well as our own initial assessment, it seems that the Could you describe the involvement of the private sector in areas that will be especially demanding include: Judiciary and the negotiation process? What importance does this have? Fundamental Rights; Justice, Freedom and Security; Agriculture How will its involvement affect the future? and Rural Development; Protection of the Environment; Energy; Fisheries; Transport; Regional Policy and Industry. There are As I stated before, the European integration process is a project a total of 35 different chapters; each has different requirements. that concerns the entire society. As you are aware, Montenegro At some point it will be necessary to strengthen administrative is the first country to include representatives from NGOs in the capacity, to establish new institutions, to employ new people, and negotiation process; they will be involved as members of the to allocate greater financial resources for the realisation of certain working groups that will work on chapters 23 and 24. projects. Concerning the other chapters, we launched a public invitation In your opinion, and in the experience of other countries, in February asking representatives from the civil sector to come will the opening of negotiations have an impact on foreign forward and to participate in working groups to prepare for investments in Montenegro? If yes, please specify in which negotiations. This invitation is still open for applications and will remain so until 13 July. The chapters to be discussed and prepared way? for negotiation include: Public Procurement, Science, Research, The opening of accession negotiations is a sign that a country has Education and Culture. already achieved quantifiable results in a great number of areas and that it is moving in the right direction. The forthcoming By forming working groups we are guided by the principles of negotiations will represent a mechanism that provides the best professionalism and by the contributions that individuals provide possible way of transforming our society in accordance with in these areas. We strive to ensure that the best possible levels European standards and values. It will also create conditions for of coordination and success are achieved, as well as involving a better standard of living for our citizens which is, of course, the representatives from all relevant institutions and organisations. I believe that the working groups will include representatives primary goal of the European integration process. from the private sector. They will work on harmonising national The implementation of comprehensive reforms, primarily the legislation with the EU acquis, as well as preparing strategic strengthening of the rule of law through the establishment of documents. I also invite members of the business community to professional institutions, the building of administrative capacity, apply for membership in the negotiation groups. the protection of rights and freedom, will directly influence the strengthening of economic growth. Every success along the What are your expectations regarding the duration of the European path will be an important sign for foreign investors. negotiation process between Montenegro and the EU? By improving the business environment, by attracting foreign investment, we will create conditions that will enable us to create It would not be wise to talk about the length of negotiation process. new employment and we will therefore improve the standard of We will only be able to tell more precisely how much time will be required after we have completed the screening process. Only living standard for our citizens. then will we see where we stand in relation to the harmonisation of Could you point to the chapters that refer to economic national legislation with the EU acquis. Personally, I believe that development? What are Montenegro’s biggest challenges this will not be until mid 2013. For now, our priority is to continue with the implementation of reforms and with the realisation of in this area? quantifiable results as we have done so far. The progress that is achieved in all of the negotiable areas will influence our future economic development. Under the accession


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