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BYLAWS NATIONAL COUNCIL OF MEDICAL STUDENTS OF SPAIN (CEEM) CHAPTER 1: CEEM permanent address Article 1.The official address of the Association is fixed in the Spanish Medical Association (OMC), located in Plaza de las Cortes number 11, 28014, Madrid. Is responsibility of this Delegation to provide the means necessary to receive all the correspondence and to keep CEEM´s archives. CEEMs´ General Secretary will be in charge of the communication between the Delegation/ Medical Student Council (Council from here onwards) that acts as the official address and the Executive Board and the rest of Councils. If those Councils are declared invalid to keep its function by the General Assembly or by itself, it shall stop acting as CEEMs´ domicile. The General Assembly should then appoint a new domicile between the candidate Councils. CHAPTER 2: Of CEEM Associate Councils Article 2.The Association includes all the Councils of Students of Medical Schools of Spain. If a new Medical School was opened, its Council shall be directly included unless the Council presents a written rejection. Article 3. – It shall be considered an official Council: a) The School Students Council which include in between their functions the representation of the Medical Students of their School. b) The Associations or similar organizations composed by the official medical student representatives, in the absence of an official organization in their University, in which falls the representation of the Medical Students of that School. This Association or similar organization shall include in its Statutes the representation of the Medical Students of their School as one of their objective, and shall be recognized by its University as the representative organization of its Medical Students, being recognized in the Association archives of the University or similar. c) The cases in which, not being an official Association constituted legally, but yes in practice, as a representative group of all the Medical Students of that School. They shall present all the necessary documentation to certify the representative condition of that group, sending their official minutes to CEEMs´ General Secretary, an official certificate of the election of the representatives of the group, as well as the recognition of the group as the official representative body of all Medical Students of that School by the Dean.

Article 4.The certificate of the new Councils in the Association, will be done by CEEMs´ General Secretary, as regulated in previous article of the bylaws. CHAPTER III: Of CEEM members Article 5. - Associate Members For the admission as an Associate Member it would be necessary to present an official document that provides evidence of studying Medicine in that School as well as a photocopy of the National Identity Card or similar to the Local Student Council. Article 6. - Representative Members For the admission as a Representative Member it should be enough with the presentation of an accreditation of the Local Council as a representative of their School. This accreditation has to be signed and stamped and will be valid when being received by CEEM´s General Secretary. Article 7.- Honorary Life Members Any former Member that has contributed with his work to the dignification and development of the Association or is positioned to specially contribute to the Association, even after losing the condition of student representative or of student, shall be able to receive this distinction. a) The appointment shall be made by the General Assembly. For this: 1. A Council must propose the candidate to the General Assembly, exposing the reasons that motivate them, and his/her past work in CEEM. 2. The proposed candidate will accept or neglect the candidature. 3. A debate time shall be opened in which the Councils may ask the candidate or the proposing Council, with a one minute to answer. 4. The General Assembly should decide by secret ballot if the candidate is elected as Honorary Life Member, being an absolute majority needed. b) An Honorary Life Member has to have the compromise of acting according to the principles and values that CEEM represents and to promote a good image of the organization. c) It corresponds to the Executive Board to invite the Honorary Life Members to the General Assemblies or to any event organized by CEEM, from its own initiative or in behalf of a Student Council d) If an Honorary Life Member should act against the Organization, the General Assembly can withdraw that condition from the Member. CHAPTER IV: Of CEEM Government and Administration bodies OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Article 8.- Ordinary General Assembly

The Ordinary General Assembly shall be called twice a year with an approximate interval of six months, by the Executive Board. The functions of the Ordinary General Assembly are: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

Review and approve, the Financial accounts and Budget of the Association Review the Activities Report and approve, the Executive Board management Lecture and approval of the minutes of the last General Assembly Approve or reject the proposals of the Executive Board Set the ordinary and extraordinary fees Appointment of the Executive Board Expulsion of associates and members Admission of new members and Councils, except the associate members Establish the guiding lines for the Association, that allows the consecution of its objectives j) Creation of new groups that allows the consecution of the Association objectives k) Every other function that, without prejudice of the accomplishment of this bylaws, is settled by the Assembly Article 9.- Extraordinary General Assembly The Extraordinary General Assembly shall be called, whenever it is necessary, by requirement of the Executive Board or when a minimum of a twenty percent of the Association require so. To solicitate an Extraordinary Assembly, the agenda should be attached, as well as the list of Councils that require the Assembly. An Extraordinary General Assembly shall be called for the following points: a) b) c) d)

Changes to the Statutes Dissolution of the Association Disposition and alienation of material goods Constitution of a Federation, Confederation or Union of Associations or CEEMs integration in a previous existing Federation e) Approval of the change of official address f) Urgent matters and others, non referred in the bylaws g) Motion of censure Article 10.- Calls a) The calls should be sent to all the Councils of Medical Schools of Spain and shall include the time, day and place of the meeting, as well as the agenda. The agenda shall include all the specific points requested by the Councils when they are considered of general interest by the Executive Board. If three or more Councils propose a point it should be included directly. b) For Extraordinary General Assemblies, a request of the meeting has to be submitted to CEEM’s General Secretary with the agenda attached, as well as the necessary documentation, and the name of the Representations that request the Assembly. The Presidency shall call the General Assembly in a maximum of fifteen days of its presentation, and with a minimum of seven days before the first call. Article 11.- Host of the General Assemblies a) The Host of the General Assembly shall be rotary in the following order: Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad de Cantabria, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha – Albacete, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Autónoma de

b) c) d) e)


Madrid, Universidad de la Laguna, Universidad de Navarra, Universidad de Extremadura, Universitat de Girona, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Universidad de Murcia, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Universidad de Córdoba, Univesitat Pompeu Fabra – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad de Oviedo, Universidad de Valencia, Universidad de Cádiz, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad CEU – Cardenal Herrera, Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad de Zaragoza, Universitat de Lleida, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha – Ciudad Real, Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Universidad de Barcelona, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Universidad de Granada, Universidad CEU – San Pablo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”, Universidad de Málaga. The Host must be elected a year before the celebration of the General Assembly. If when its turn arrives, a Council declares itself incapable of hosting the next General Assembly, the order should pass to the next one in the order indicated above. If one or more Councils offer themselves volunteers to host the next General Assembly out of their order, their proposal shall be voted by the Assembly, being the official order suspended until the next General Assembly. The Hosting Council must guarantee the expenses of maintenance and accommodation of a minimum of three representatives of each associated Council. If a larger number of members of a Council attends to the General Assembly it should be the origin Council or themselves, the one that pays their fees. The Representative members shall prevail against the Associate. If an Extraordinary General Assembly shall be called, the Executive Board is in charge of finding a hosting Council.

Article 12.- Chair and Secretary of the Assembly a) The Chair of the Assembly should be the Presidency of the Association or the person in whom he/she delegates its functions. b) The Secretary of the Assembly should be the one of the Association, being possible that he/she is helped by another member, being in last term the responsibility of the Association General Secretary. c) The Chair and Secretary of the Assembly must be ratified by the Assembly. d) If, for a major cause, the Presidency or Secretary of the Association are not able to be present in the General Assembly, they should be elected by Assembly, having presence the present members of the Executive Board, or, failing, any other member of the Association. e) The Chair of the Assembly has no speaking rights beyond the functions of his position. To speak, he/she should do it as a member of his delegation and the moderation should be passed to the Vice-presidency of the Assembly. f) The Chair of the Assembly should ensure that the order is kept in the General Assemblies sessions, being able to make the attention callings he estimates necessary. The repeated disobedience to these callings should cause the losing of the speaking rights of the previously warned member. Article 13.- Co-chair of the Assembly a) The Co-chair of the Assembly shall be elected from among the representative members, at the suggestion of a Council or of the Executive Board for ratification by the General Assembly.

b) As functions of his positions, he/she will assist the Chair of the Assembly in the moderation of the debates, giving the right to speak, in the counting of votes and replacing the Presidency in their functions when required. c) The Co-chair of the Assembly has no speaking rights, beyond the duties of his/her position, being able to intervene in the debate only as a member of his delegation. Article 14.- Legislative Consultation Committee/ Legislative Consultant a) The Legislative Consultation Committee/ Legislative Consultant is the organ of consultation and arbitration of all matters relating to the interpretation of the Statutes and bylaws during the General Assembly. b) The Legislative Consultation Committee/ Legislative Consultant will consist of one or three members elected from the Advisory Board members and representative members proposed by the Executive Board for ratification of the General Assembly. c) The role of the Legislative Consultation Committee/ Legislative Consultant is to supervise that the proposals and motions do not contravene the Statutes and bylaws and making the final decision when there are disagreements in their interpretation. d) The decisions of the Legislative Consultation Committee/ Legislative Consultant may be abrogated by a procedural motion. Article 15.- Plenary team It consists of CEEMs´ General Secretary, the Chair of the Assembly, the Co-Chair of the Assembly and, if they were requested, assistants of the General Secretariat and the Legislative Consultation Committee/ Legislative Consultant. In discussions, members of the Executive Board will function as a non-voting representation, having to request the right to speak on an equal footing with the rest of Representatives of the Assembly. Article 16.- Deliberations a) Any Council has the right: 1. Submit Simple Motions, Alternative Motions, Procedural Motions and amendments to motions. 2. Put a Direct Negative to any motion. 3. Second motions. 4. Participate with voice and vote in the proceedings to be established, except if penalized with the loss of vote. b) Members of the Executive Board are entitled to: 1. Submit Simple Motions, Alternative Motions, Procedural Motions and amendments to motions. 2. Participate with voice in the debates c) Members of the Advisory Board are entitled to participate in the discussions that are proposed, with points of information. d) The delegates of other organizations, as well as the guests by the CEEM, are entitled to a voice in the debates that are proposed. e) No member of the General Assembly may speak without having previously asked for and obtained the turn by the Chair of the Assembly. No one may be interrupted during his speech, except by the Chair of the Assembly to warn that his/her has been exhausted, to call to order, to withdraw the word or to make calls of order the remaining Members.


Where in the opinion of the Chair of the Assembly, in the development of the discussion is done allusions involving value judgments or inaccuracies regarding the conduct of one of the representations, a speaking turn may be granted to the aforementioned of no more than three minutes, so that, without considering the merits of the case under discussion, he/she answers strictly to the allusions made. If these limits are exceeded, the Chair will immediately withdraw the word.

Article 17. Point of information and point of order While in debate, outside the allotted speaking time, the representations and members of the Executive and Advisory Boards may use: a) Point of information: It allows the provision of objective and referenceable information, addressed to the General Assembly and with priority over the turns of speech. It must have an explanatory purpose on the debate that is taking place, being the word removed init is used to give an opinion. b) Point of order: It allows to address any concerns, questions or corrections about the Assembly procedure. It is directed to the Plenary team, with priority over the speaking turn, and can be used to correct a wrong decision taken by it. The incorrect use of a point of information / order will involve a warning by the Chair of the Assembly. If a member incurs in two warnings of this nature during the same session, he/she will lose the right to make use of points of information / order during that session of the Assembly. The points of information / order can occur at any point in the debate, gaining priority over the speaking turn, but not before a vote or ongoing intervention. If they are presented when a representation is using the word, it should be asked whether they accept the point of information / order and if not accepted, the point may not be exposed until it's finished. In the case where over the course of debate and any of its terms or intervention generates a doubt, any representation and members of the Executive and Advisory Boards have the right to request an information point. This request shall be addressed in first instance to the Plenary Team, which will determine whether it is appropriate or not based on the relevance that clarification poses to the debate, rejecting those that involve non specific information, which, having been treated previously do not require an explanation. Once the application is approved, the Plenary Team will ask the generator of the doubt whether or not to give an explanation, which, if so, shall not exceed two minutes of exposure. Article 18.-Motions Any motion must be seconded by a representation; otherwise the motion is automatically rejected. For the adoption of agreements pose the following types of motions:

a) Simple Motion: Used for all types of agreements. It shall be subjected to amendments, as stated in this bylaws and approval requires a simple majority. They are included within the items on the Agenda. b) Alternative motion: are presented as an alternative to a Simple Motion when it has posed a direct negative. No amendments allowed. c) Procedural Motions: Requires a majority of 2 / 3 for approval. No amendments or alternative are allowed. It might be used in the following cases: 1. Include a new point on the Agenda. 2. Reopen a closed point of the Agenda. 3. Change / postpone a point of the Agenda. 4. Continue to the next point on the Agenda. 5. Reopen the right to speak in a debate. 6. Contradict a decision / censoring the Assembly Chair. 7. Adjourn the Assembly outside the terms of the Agenda. 8. Proceed immediately to the voting, ending the debate. 9. Request that observers leave the room. 10. Request an informal vote. 11. Suspend any item under these bylaws until the end of the Assembly or during the period agreed by the General Assembly. A procedural motion may be presented at any point in the debate, gaining priority over everything except the interruption of a speech or voting in progress. Article 19.- Agreements Adoption a) Before the presentation of a simple motion, the Plenary Team will consider the validity of the motion under current regulations. After verifying its validity, it will be presented to the General Assembly by the Chair of the Assembly, taking the proposer speaking time for the plea of the motion. b) The Chair of the Assembly will ask for a seconding Council. 1. If there is not, the motion will be dismissed. 2. If supported, will ask for amendments. (Point c) c) The Chair of the Assembly asks for amendments. 1. If there aren´t any, the Chair will ask for direct negative. 2. If there is any amendment, after verifying their validity by the Plenary Team, they will ask the proposer of the original motion if he accepts the amendment. i. If it is rejected it will not be estimated. Later it could be proposed again with a direct negative and proposing it as an alternative motion for a vote. (E) ii. The proposer accepts the amendment. d) If the original proposer accepts the amendment, the seconded will be asked if they also agree. 1. The Seconder rejects the amendment, so that the proposing Council of the amendment will now be seconder, incorporating the amendment to the original motion. 2. Seconder accepts the amendment, being incorporated into the original motion. e) The Chair of the Assembly asks for further amendments, repeating the point c as long as there amendments. f) The Chair of the Assembly asks for a direct negative. a. If there is no direct negative, the motion was approved by assent.

b. If there is any direct negative of the Chair will ask the proposer of the negative for alternative motions. i. If there are not alternative motion, the original motion shall be voted in the terms Yes / No / Abstention, adopting the result by simple majority. ii. If there is an alternative motion, it will be voted by the terms Original Motion / Alternative Motions (as many alternative motions as there are) / Contrary to all / Abstention. The result will be adopted by absolute majority. 1. In the case where the first voting did not reach an absolute majority, there a new debate shall be opened and a second vote shall be done, with an adoption of simple majority. Article 20.- Voting: a) The types of voting are: 1. Simple majority: The most voted option wins. Abstentions do not count in the final account of votes. 2. Absolute Majority: The option to get half plus one of votes wins, including abstentions. 3. Two-thirds majority: The motion to get at least twice as many votes in favor than against wins. Abstentions do not count in the final count of votes. b) Voting shall be conducted by the Secretary of the Assembly. c) The vote will take place issuing Council by Council, unless the votation explicitly refers to a personal office or appointment, or it is requested by the Councils to make it secretly, proceeding in such cases to public scrutiny on the table. d) Voting for the election of members of the Executive Board, the Regional Coordinators, National Officers and Liaison Officers, will be held in camera. e) The resolutions are adopted by simple majority, except the following cases: 1. Absolute Majority required: i. The adoption of a motion of censure ii. Approval of agreements in the case there is an alternative motion. iii. The modification of these bylaws. iv. The election of the Executive Board. v. The elections of the Regional Coordinators. vi. The election of National Officers. vii. The choice of the Liaison Officers. 2. In case such a majority is not reached in a first voting of paragraphs 1.2, 1.5 and 1.6, the agreement must be adopted at a second voting, this time by a simple majority with the two most voted options. 3. In the case of section 1.4, the non-approval by an absolute majority of the candidates for Executive Board, there will be a second ballot by an absolute majority with the leading candidates, which if not achieved will be followed by a third, in this case by simple majority. Each vote will be preceded by a corresponding shift of questions from the Councils and one minute of rebuttal by the applicant for each question. 4. Requires two thirds majority: i. The amendment of the Statutes. ii. Approval of a Motion of Procedure. iii. The dissolution of the Association. iv. Integration into a federation or group of associations.

Article 21.- Minutes a) Minutes of each meeting held by the General Assembly shall be recorded by the General Secretary or his assistant, necessarily specifying the agenda, venue, the audience, time and followed by the main points of discussions . b) The record shall include the results of all voting taken, votes for, against and abstentions, and the reasons for secret votations or the meaning of specific votes if required. Also, any member is entitled to request the full transcript of his speech or proposal, providing input immediately, or in the time limit set by the Plenary Team, of a text that corresponds closely to his speech, thus becoming included in the record or attached to it. c) The members who disagree with the majority decision may be able to make a particular vote in writing within forty-eight hours, which shall enter the text adopted. Article 22 .- Agreements Act After the General Assembly a document that indicates the resolutions adopted during the meeting shall be issued. This document is prepared by the General Secretary with the approval of the General Assembly. Article 23 .- Proposal Acts The General Assembly shall adopt, at its end, the document "CEEMs´ Proposal Acts" as a mean to reach the authorities and bodies responsible for all the proposals and demands of the Council to develop the issues of these documents. They should be prepared by the General Secretary and approved by the General Assembly. This document must be signed by the President and the General Secretary of the Association. Article 24 .- Policy Statement a) A policy statement is an official public document of CEEM in which the official position of the Association in a particular subject is gathered. b) The policy statements of CEEM will be collected in a "Policy Statement Bookâ€?. This document will be updated by the General Secretary of the Association. c) The Policy Statements will be approved by the General Assembly requiring an absolute majority. d) The positions of CEEM will be valid for the period stipulated in the document, date in which it will be submitted again to the General Assembly for re-adoption if appropriate. In the absence of a concrete duration, their validity is considered of two ordinary periods (one year). e) Any proposal for Policy Statement should be sent at least 15 days prior to the General Secretary of the Association. Article 25 .- Attendance at Meetings a) Confirmation of attendance to the Assemblies must be done in at least twenty calendar days before its celebration. The extraordinary fee, if necessary, must be paid at least ten days earlier. b) In the event that some members did not attend the Assembly after having paid the extraordinary fee, the Executive Committee will send a letter to his Council and Dean to report this fact.

c) If a Representative Member is absent without justification from a peak of 20% of the time of Assembly, this shall be reported to his Council and his Dean, and the certificate of attendance at the end of the Assembly might be denied. OF THE TEAM OF OFFICIALS Article 26.CEEM Team of Officials is the management authority of the Council during the ordinary term, being the Executive Board according to the Statutes of the Council, the highest representative body of the Association in the ordinary period, and other official positions, its advisory body.

Article 27.-Composition a) The team officials shall consist of the official positions of the Council, being CEEM Official Positions defined as any person elected for a position by the General Assembly, and not being mandatory for all official position belongs to the Official Team. b) They should be part of Team Official: 1. The Executive Board: President, Vice President for External Affairs, Vice President for Internal Affairs, Treasurer and General Secretary. 2. Regional Coordinators. 3. National Officers of the Standing Committees (Medical Education, Bioethics, Specialization system and Medical Profession) and the Management Divisions(Legislative and CEEM events). 4. The Liaison Officers. 5. The coordinator of the Advisory Board. Article 28.-Requirements An Official Position of the Association must meet the following requirements: 1. Being a medical student, except in the case of the Coordination of the Advisory Board, and the Executive board, in the moment of the election. 2. Belong to a Council member and being its representative, except in the case of the Coordination of the Advisory Board and the Executive board, in the moment of the election. 3. Have a basic understanding of the structure, function and external relationships of CEEM. 4. To act in accordance with the Statutes and the bylaws. 5. Submit a report of their term work in the General Assembly. 6. Any other than the General Assembly deems appropriate. Article 29 .- Functions The Team of Officials functions are: a) To be the management body of the Association for the term

b) To act as an interlocutor with the Administration and others in the period between two General Assemblies on issues of interest to students and graduates in Medicine, being any assistance to CEEM events or meetings coordinated by the Executive Board. c) To ensure compliance with the resolutions of the General Assembly. d) To develop the activity plan. e) To ensure the arrival of the maximum information to the Council members of CEEM. f) To submit to the Councils the guiding lines and proposals for their discussion. g) Prepare the midterm report of activities for its report to the General Assembly. h) Organize and develop the activities approved by the General Assembly. i) Propose to the General Assembly working groups, if necessary, to achieve, as efficiently as possible, the objectives of the Association and to authorize the activities that they intend to perform. j) Maintaining regular meetings, and at least one presential meeting each term. k) Any other not assigned specifically to other government board of the Association or which is expressly delegated by the General Assembly. l) Any other that, without prejudice to the provisions of this bylaws, are attributed by decision of the General Assembly

Article 30.-Election The election of each Team Officials member shall be made according to the present bylaws. Article 31.-Meetings a) For the valid constitution of the Team of Officials for holding meetings, deliberations, and agreements adoption must be present, three members of the Executive Board and at least, the half of the Team of Officials b) The Team of Officials shall meet at the request of the Executive Board, at least, one time each six months with physical presence, and in a telematic way all the times that are necessary. c) The agenda for the Team of Officials meeting shall be sent out at least two days before the meeting. That agenda shall contain at least, the following items: place, date, time sharing. d) The Executive Board take decisions with at least three votes in favor, and, in a draw, can decide the President vote. Always with the advice of the rest of the Team of Officials. The Executive Board, or any member of the Team of Officials, can ask for an informal voting, independently of the final decision. e) If an agreement isn´t in the agenda, it can´t be approved, unless three members of the Executive Board agree. f) The president is responsible for the conduct and the order of the meeting. g) The President will be able, whenever, with a justified cause that have to appear in the minutes of the meeting, and with the agreement the Secretary General, suspend the discussions. h) In the Team of Officials sessions, in previous to the General Assembly meetings, shall be open to all the members, to be present at the meeting if they fund it, and with a previous request to the Secretary General. OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD

Article 32.-Functions a) To be the representative body of the Association for the term. b) To act as an interlocutor with the Administration and others in the period between two General Assemblies on issues of interest to students and graduates in Medicine, supervising the assistance to CEEM events or meetings of any member. c) Call for the Ordinary General Assemblies and make the agenda after consulting the Standing Committees and the Management Divisions and including in the agenda any point requested by a Council. d) To propose create all the Standing Committees and the Management Divisions that are convenient, to the development of the approved activities and the assigned functions, and any other thing. e) To coordinate the Standing Committees and the Management Divisions. f) To confer specials or generals powers g) To approve the budget project to his definitive approval in the General Assembly. h) To approve the accounts project to his definitive approval in the General Assembly. i) To call for the Extraordinary General Assemblies. j) Prepare, in the time between General Assemblies, at least, two reports. That reports shall include the work executed in that term, and the new items, or affairs interesting to medical students k) Search for financial sponsors in grants of public and private entities. l) Open saving accounts in any bank and use the funds according to these bylaws. m) Resolve any problem with the present Statutes and Bylaws and make a report to explain it in the General Assembly. m) Any other not assigned specifically to other government board of the Association or which is expressly delegated by the General Assembly. n) Any other that, without prejudice to the provisions of this bylaws, are attributed by decision of the General Assembly Article 33. - Election and Candidatures Election of the President and the Secretary General takes place in the same General Assembly, and the election of the Treasurer, Vice-president of External Affairs and Vice-president of Internal Affairs takes place in the alternate General Assembly. After the amendments to the Constitutions, all the Executive Board will be elected, with an annual duration to the President and the Secretary General, and six-month duration to the Treasurer and the Vicepresidents. a) Executive Board members are not allowed to hold any other post. b) The Candidature term will start a month before the General Assembly and it will be possible to candidate to this position until the day before the day of the elections In this time, candidatures for the Executive Board have to send in to the Secretary General, including a supporting certificate of its Council. c) In this time, the candidatures will be announced in the “Forum of representatives� and a time for discussion will be open. d) If no candidature is received for a certain position in the Executive Board, it will be possible to candidate to this position until the day of the elections. e) Candidates will have a limit time to present themselves, four minutes speaking and four minutes for questions. f)

Each delegation will write in the vote ballot, the post and the elected person between the candidates. If a Council writes only the position, will be considered like

abstention. If you have only a candidate, the terms of the election will be “yes”, “no”, or “abstention”. Article 34. - President a) Represent CEEM to external relations and maintaining it. b) Call for meetings of the Executive Board, General Assemblies, and suspend the sessions of these. c) Chair the Executive Board and execute the Executive Board and General Assembly agreements, and for that purpose, the president can perform acts, contracts and sign the documents necessary. d) Comply and enforce the Executive Board and General Assembly agreements e) Order payments and costs of the Association f) Revise the minutes and agreements of the Executive Board and the general Assembly. g) Attend the request of each representative as much as possible. h) The Immediate Past President will monitor the new presidency for one month after the end of its mandate, to ensure the correct transmission of information, documents, contacts and work i) To perform any other duties inherent to their status as President of the Association or any duty assigned by the General Assembly. Article 35.- Vice-president of internal Affairs a) Work with the Presidency in the functions of internal coordination. b) Assumed the Interim Presidency in the affairs related to internal coordination of the Association in case of demission, motion of censure, or absence of presidency, until the next General Assembly except if it pass in the course of an Assembly, in which case the Presidency shall bere-elected before the end of the same without prejudice to the timing of the election marked in the present bylaws. c) Coordinate the work of the Standing Committees and the Management Divisions of the Association. d) Coordinate the work of the different Regions. e) Attend the Organizing Committee when the OC need it. f) To perform any other duties inherent to their status as Vice-president of internal affairs of the Association or any duty assigned by the General Assembly. Article 36.- Vice-presidency of External Affairs a) Attend the Presidency in its functions, and like the representative of the organization, representing it when the Executive Board agreed b) Coordinate the Public Relations Division and propose the four “Area Directors” to be ratified by the General c) Coordinate the Liaison Officers and the others delegates appointed for the Executive Board on behalf of CEEM. d) Develop and implement fundraising strategies for CEEM attending the Treasurer in the search for external sponsors. e) Attend the Organizing Committee in the search of external sponsors when the OC need it. f) To perform any other duties inherent to their status as Vice-president of External Affairs of the Association or any duty assigned by the General Assembly. Article 37. - Secretary General

a) Come up to the Executive Board meetings and general Assemblies, produce the minutes, or delegate in a member. b) Collect, coordinate and distribute the information of the Association. c) Send to each Council the call and agenda of the Executive Board and general Assembly meetings, according the Presidency. d) Notify immediately to the Presidency, the call request instanced by a member, according the present bylaws. e) Receive the communications of the Executive Board member, and of the members, and so, notifications, dates request, certification, recertification, or any other document. f) Revise and keep the accreditation documents of the attendees to the General Assemblies. g) Keep the documentation prepared, and be responsible of the administration, and relevant information concerning the Association h) Provide at the end of an Ordinary or Extraordinary general Assembly, an attendance certificate to the members who requested it. i) Expedite certificates of the approved agreements, and other certifications, supervised by the Presidency, and with the necessary reports. j) Be responsible for the administration, the archive, consumable and writing material, documents and the Association books, except the accounting book. k) To perform any other duties inherent to their status as Secretary General of the Association or any duty assigned by the General Assembly. Article 38. - Treasury a) Collect the funds of the Association, guard and invest them according the Executive Board decision. b) Be the maximum responsible for the financial administration of the CEEM.. c) Make payments, with the approval of the President. d) Control and present to the Executive Board and the general Assembly, the financial situation and the economic balance, defending and maintaining all the funds or legacy of the CEEM the day of the report. e) Sign all the documents of payments and charges, with the approval off the President. f) Be responsible for the Accounts book, and enforce, in time and form, with the tax liabilities of the Association. g) Propose the budget of the next financial year to the Executive Board to be approved and to the General Assembly closer to the closing date to the financial year, signed by the presidency and the Treasurer. h) Present each six months a financial report to the executive Board to be approved and to the general Assembly to be ratified, drafted and signed by the Presidency and the Treasurer. i) To safeguard the economic patrimony of the Association, and be responsible of the economic management, ensuring that the approved by the General Assembly did not exceed the amount specified. j) To perform any other duties inherent to their status as Treasurer of the Association or any duty assigned by the General Assembly. Article 39.- Meetings a) For the valid constitution of the Executive Board for holding meetings, deliberations, and adoption of agreements there must be present, at least three members. b) The Executive Board shall meet at the request of the Presidency, all the times that are necessary to the adequate performance of the Association

c) The agenda for the Executive Board meeting shall be sent out at least two days before the meeting. That agenda shall contain at least, the following items: place, date, time sharing. d) The Executive Board take decisions with at least three votes in favor, and, in a draw, can decide the President vote. Always with the advice of the rest of the Team of Officials. e) If an agreement isn´t in the agenda, it can´t be approved, unless three members of the Executive Board agree. f) The President is responsible for the conduct and the order of the meeting. g) The President will be able, whenever, with a justified cause that has to appear in the minutes of the meeting, and with the agreement the Secretary General, suspend the discussions. h) In the Executive Board sessions, previous to the General Assembly meetings, shall be open to all the members, to be present at the meeting if they fund it, and with a previous request to the Secretary General. i) The Executive Board will meet previously to the Team of Officials meeting to work the agenda and other issues. Article 40.- Vacancy and unfulfilled If the vacancy is the President or in two positions of the Executive Board, the Executive board will call an Extraordinary General Assembly, to the reelection of the vacancies, if the next General Assembly is not closer. If the vacancy is in the rest of the Team of Officials, it will be an Executive Board function attend the functions of the vacancy, according to the Constitutions, except Regional Coordinators, and National Officers, whose vacancies are regulated in the present bylaws. REGIONALIZATION AND REGIONAL COORDINATORS Article 42.- Regions To improve its coordination, CEEM is organized into regions as follows: a) Region I: University of Cantabria, University of Navarra, University of Oviedo, University of País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, University of Salamanca, University of Santiago de Compostelaand University of Valladolid. b) Region II: University of Autònoma de Barcelona, University of Barcelona, University of Girona, University Internacional de Catalunya, University of Lleida, University of Pompeu Fabra- University Autònoma de Barcelona y University Rovira i Virgili. c) Region III: University of Alcalá, University Alfonso X el Sabio, University Autónoma de Madrid, University CEU-San Pablo, University Complutense de Madrid, University Europea de Madrid, University Francisco de Vitoria, University Rey Juan Carlos and University of Zaragoza. d) Region IV: University of Cádiz, University of Córdoba, University of Extremadura, University of Granada, University of Málaga and University of Sevilla. e) Region V: University of Castilla la Mancha (Albacete University of Castilla la Mancha (Ciudad Real), University CEU-Cardenal Herrera, University Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”, University of La Laguna, University of las Palmas de Gran Canaria, University Miguel Hernández de Elche, University of Murcia and University of València. Article 42.- Regional Coordinators Election

The Regional Coordinators are elected within the Regions by the Councils that integrate that Region, being necessary the support of the origin Council, and being elected according to the present bylaws. The term of the position shall be the time between two Ordinary General Assemblies. Article 43.- Functions a) Maintaining contact with the Regional Councils. b) Assist the Executive Board in the contact and communication with the Councils. c) Supervising the monthly reports of the Regional Councils. d) Work with the National Officers to make easier the work of the committee and promote the contact with the Councils and assist them in the development of the Standing Committees and the Management Divisions in the region. e) Make a report about the situation and activities of Regional Councils in each Ordinary General Assembly. f) Make a report about the situation of the Regional Councils, at least, one time in the term between general Assemblies, in January and July. g) Call, at least, two regional meetings in the term between General Assemblies, with a public minute before the meeting. h) If any member of Executive Board can go to a meeting or event, the Executive Board has to take a decision about this and can delegate task in the Regional Coordinators, especially representative functions. i) Any other than the General Assembly deems appropriate OF THE LIAISON OFFICERS Article 44.The General Assembly will be able to create the figure of the Liaison Officer if it was necessary. The Liaison Officers represent officially CEEM in the organizations that appear in these functions, like a delegation of the presidency, and keeping contact with the President and the Vice-president of External Affairs. Article 45.- Creation To create a new figure of Liaison Officer, a proposal of a Council or the Executive Board must be written, with the functions and objectives of the officer. The General Assembly will decide about this proposal with an absolute majority. Any Council could consult the Legislative Division to the proposal redaction. If the proposal is approved, will be integrated in the present bylaws. Article 46.- Election The election shall be made in the Ordinary General Assembly with an annual term. Article 47.- Functions and objectives a) Liaison Officer of Other Students Associations (VOE): 1. Represent CEEM officially in relationships with other student organizations sure to keep bilateral contact in a fluent way.

2. Transmit all the relevant information for the CEEM, from the others student organizations, and vice versa. 3. Find points of agreement, collaboration and work between CEEM and the other student organizations. 4. Make a report at the term of the year for its presentation and approval in the General Assembly. b) Liaison Officer of Primary Care (VAP): 1. Represent CEEM officially towards Primary Care Scientific Societies. 2. Maintaining a fluent way of information, for CEEM, from the others student organizations, and vice versa. 3. Find points of agreement, collaboration and work between CEEM and the Primary Care Scientific Societies, particularly in the organization of conferences, workshops and working days. 4. Make a report at the term of the year for its presentation and approval in the General Assembly Article 48.- Dissolution The General Assembly can decide, after an Executive Board proposal or not, to dissolve the figure of the Liaison Officer. Such a decision needs at absolute majority and the previous inclusion in the agenda. OF THE STANDING COMITTEES OF CEEM Article 49.For a better development of its activities, the General Assembly may create as many Standing Committees as it considers appropriate. These Standing Committees will be composed of a National Officer and representative and associate members. The Standing committees will be split in:  Theme Standing Committee: those that have a thematic scope and which are responsible for addressing any interest topic, current and relevant issues.  Management divisions: those that are used as tolls for inner work of the Council to improve its functionality. Article 50. - Creation of new Standing Committees The creation of new Standing Committee shall be proposed by one of the Councils or the Executive Board, which must detail the functions and objectives of that for approval by the General Assembly with an absolute majority. The Councils can consult the Legislative Division to draft the proposal that, if approved, will become part of the bylaws. Article 51. - Working Standing Committees a) Medical Education. 1. Review progress on medical education in nationally and internationally. 2. Evaluate the curriculum and the implementation of the European Area for Higher Education, and study possible weaknesses and improvements thereof. 3. Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. b) Medical Profession.


Review progress related to the profession in the health sector in general and in Medicine in particular, both in our country and internationally. 2. Report to CEEM the events that occur relevant areas such as: health care professional demography, health policy and public health among others. 3. Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. c) Specialization system. 1. Review the progress related to the Training Specialization System in Spain (MIR). 2. Report to CEEM the events that occur in its relevant areas: specialized training programs, delimitation of the MIR test content and specialized training programs at the international level among others. 3. Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. d) Bioethics. 1. Review progress related to training in the area of bioethics in the Medical degree. 2. Report to CEEM the events that occur in its relevant area: Palliative Medicine and longitudinal curriculum among others. 3. Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. Article 52. - Management Divisions a) CEEM Events Division. 1. Advice, co-organize and share all CEEM events. 2. Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. b) Legislative Division. 1. Periodically review the changes of current legislation to keep the legal status of the Association updated. 2. Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. c) Advisory Board. 1. Advise the Executive Board, the General Assembly or any Council or Member when they request. 2. Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. d) Public Relations Division. 1. Coordinate public relations of CEEM. 2. Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. Article 53. - Election of the Standing Committee National Officer a) The election of the National Officer shall be made by the General Assembly, with a previous application presentation, with the support of the Council of origin of the candidate and an absolute majority. b) The Standing Committee of the National Officer candidate may make a positive appraisal of it, or recommend another candidate, in a non-binding way to the Assembly. c) The duration of the position shall be an ordinary term. d) This section does not apply in the case of the Advisory Board, whose coordinator is elected as provided specifically in these bylaws. Article 54. - Functions of the National Officers/Division Directors: The functions of the National Officers and Division Directors are: a) Keep a constant basal contact with members of the Standing Committee.

b) Provide support to the Executive Board in the coordination and communication with members of the Standing Committee. c) To propose new projects and initiatives to the Standing Committee/Management Division. d) To supervise the daily work of the members and make periodic appraisals about the status of the Committee, developing, at least, one report during the ordinary term. e) Work with Regional Coordinators to facilitate their task and improve the dissemination of Standing Committee/Management Division projects between the Councils in their region. f) Make a report of the activities of the Standing Committee/Management Division in each General Assembly, with an appraisal of the members and all the people that have participated. If ratified by the General Assembly, they may have a positive certificate of their work in the Standing Committee/Management Division. If the member's appraisal is negative, without cause, the Coordinator may notify to the Council of origin the member about it. g) To call at least two meetings of the Standing Committee/Management Division during the ordinary term preparing a report of it to be posted in CEEMs´ Forum. h) Submit to the Executive Board the documents that are prepared in the Standing Committees/Management Divisions, to make them official and disseminate them among the Councils. i) To acquire representative functions in case of need for assistance to an event of interest to the theme when no member of the Executive Board may attend, or which it considers most appropriate assistance. j) Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. Article 55. - Members of the Standing Committees/Management Divisions The requirements to become a member of a Standing Committee/Management Divisions are: a) Being a medical student and part of the CEEM as an Associate Member or a Representative Member. b) To express their interest in joining the Committee by sending a request to the CEEM General Secretary, or to register in the Standing Committee during the General Assembly Meeting. In an ordinary term the composition of a Standing Committee/Management Divisions can vary if its members agree with the concurrence of the Executive Board. Any medical student, and therefore also any representative may participate in any Standing Committees/Management Divisions he deems appropriate, without being necessary to be an official member thereof and may be collaborator of the Standing Committee/Management Divisions. It is recommended that each CEEM Associate Council send its representatives to various Standing Committees, each representative must belong to at least one Standing Committees or Management Division. Article 56. - Functions of Members of Committees/Divisions The functions of the Commission/Division members are: a) Keep a constant basal work in CEEMs´ Forum and especially in the section of the Standing Committee/Divisions.

b) Work on the projects of the Standing Committee/Divisions to make a commitment from the beginning. c) To propose new lines of work, projects and initiatives to the Standing Committee/Management Division. d) Participate in all the meetings of the Standing Committee/Management Division, unless there is a valid reason. e) Work actively facilitating the task of the National Officer/Division director. f) Make a brief report on his work at the Standing Committee, if the coordinator and the majority of members deemed necessary. g) To report regularly to their respective Council to the overall work done by the CEEM Standing Committees/Division Management, so they can maintain an adequate flow of information. h) Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. Article 57. - Removal of Standing Committee/Management Divisions The removal of a Committee will be approved by an absolute majority in the General Assembly, at the proposal of a Council or of the Executive Board, being included a specific point in the Agenda. Article 58. - Division of Public Relations a) The Coordination of the Division of Public Relations rests within the Vice President of External Affairs. b) The Division will work across the Standing Committees facilitating the harmonization, standardization and dissemination of its work facing the external relations. c) The Division consists of four areas: 1. Publications Area: it manages digital or printed publications of the Council. It proposes, collects and unifies the public documents of the Standing Committees. Directs the newsletter / journal if any. 2. Marketing Area: it coordinates promotion and marketing strategies, designing campaigns and publicity materials. It develops and proposes the "Brand Manual" and the corporate image of the organization. 3. Press Area: It coordinates the media relations, preparation, issuance and dissemination of press releases and media presence of the Council. 4. New Technologies Area: New Technology Management, maintenance and updating of the web page content and the Forums. Digital platform integration work of other Departments and Commissions. d) Each area will depend on an Area Manager who can work alone or in a team in its Area as deemed at all times. e) The person responsible for each of the areas will be proposed by the Vice President of External Affairs for ratification by the General Assembly, lasting over an ordinary term. f) The areas f work seamlessly within the Division without causing damage to their specific responsibilities. Article 59. - CEEM Events Division a) Convention on Medical Education (CEM): Event at the national level for medical students organized by CEEM and the Organizing Committee, elected at the General Assemblies from among candidate Councils, as reflected in these bylaws.

CEEM Events Division will work with the Organizing Committee: 1. Spreading Nationally CEM through its own channels: contact Councils, Regional Coordinators and Public Relations Division. 2. Analyse the reports produced by the Organizing Committee, providing advice and assistance according to the capacities of the Division on those points that it is asked or the Division sees relevant, leading if necessary consultations with other Standing Committees or organs of CEEM if they consider. 3. Developing the content of the letters of contact with partners and relevant figures whenever requested by the Organizing Committee. 4. Act as an organ of contact for economical collaboration with organizations with whom CEEM has established an official agreement for the finances of CEM. This will be coordinated by the Treasurer, as well as collaboration in seeking new financing or collaboration agreements. 5. Work directly with the Public Relations Divisions to ensure standardization of all documents of the Congress of Medical Education. 6. Develop assessment surveys for attendees of the event and later analysis. 7. Collect nominations for potential godfathers of the Congress of Medical Education presented by the different Councils and the Organizing Committee, and the preparation of a survey in the Forum of Representatives, with a purely advisory intention for a later choice of the by the Organizing Committee. 8. Collect proposals for slogans for the Medical Education Congress submitted by representatives and by the Organizing Committee, the preparation of the poll in the forum, with a purely advisory intention to the later choice of this by the Organizing Committee. 9. Propose, at least half of the workshops of the Medical Education Congress, the remainder being the responsibility of the Organizing Committee. These shall be voted on by the Forum of Representatives, on a purely advisory to the subsequent election by the Organizing Committee, trying to maintain the proportion between the workshops proposed by the CEEM Events Standing Committee and Organizing Committee. 10. Propose at least one speech or panel discussion at the Medical Education Congress, organized by any of the Standing Committees. 11. Any one in which the Organizing Committee seeks assistance. b) National Meeting of Medical Students (JEEM): Ordinary and/or Extraordinary Assembly in which all Councils meet members of the CEEM. Organized by an Organizing Committee, elected at the General Assembly as set out in these bylaws. CEEM Events Standing Committee will work with the Organizing Committee: 1. To disseminate nationally JEEM through their own channels of CEEM: contact Councils, Regional Coordinators and Public Relations Division. 2. Analyse the reports produced by the Organizing Committee, providing advice and assistance according to the capacities of the Division on those points that it is asked or the Division sees relevant, leading if necessary consultations with other Standing Committees or organs of CEEM if they consider. 3. Developing the content of the letters of contact with partners and relevant figures whenever requested by the Organizing Committee. 4. Act as an organ of contact for economical collaboration with organizations with which CEEM has established an official agreement for the finances of CEM. This will be coordinated by the Treasurer, as well as collaboration in seeking new financing or collaboration agreements. 5. Work directly with the Public Relations Divisions to ensure standardization of all documents of the Congress of Medical Education.

6. Develop assessment surveys for attendees of the event and later analysis. 7. Any one in which the Organizing Committee seek assistance. c) Formative Meetings: they are directed for the training of Representative member in all areas that Working and Management Standing Committees can cover and Councils consider appropriate. Article 60. - Advisory Board a) The Advisory Board consist of four members, none of them with any CEEM official position: 1. The Immediate past President, acting as its coordinator, regardless of whether that person has finished or not his medical studies. 2. A member who has held in the past a position within the Executive Board of CEEM, whether that person has finished or not his medical studies. 3. A member who has held in the past a position of Regional Coordinator, Standing Committee Coordinator, or Liaison Officer, whether that person has finished or not his medical studies. 4. A member who has completed his medical studies, or is enrolled in grade 6 thereof, has attended at least one JEEM as a Representative Member, and has worked actively for the CEEM, knowing its works. b) Following the inauguration of a new president, who holds the presidency until then, would become the immediately past President. 1. The immediately past President will assume the coordination of the Advisory Board. 2. The Coordinator of the Advisory Board will be the liaison between it and the CEEM and have all those functions that the CEEM given to the coordinators of the Management Standing Committees. 3. If the immediate past president was not ratified as a member of the Advisory Board or resigns, a new member shall be elected as indicated in this bylaws and the coordination will rest with the member of the Advisory Board that has obtained most votes. c) Except for the immediate past president, the members of the Advisory Board shall be elected by the General Assembly by voting. To do this: 1. Candidates must submit to the General Assembly a candidature for one minute that explains his previous work in the CEEM. 2. This opens a speaking time in which Councils may make questions to the candidates. Each candidate will have one minute to reply. 3. Each Council will write on the ballot a maximum of three names of the candidates. 4. The three leading candidates who meet the requirements specified in these bylaws will become three members of the Advisory Board. 5. If there remain vacant posts there will be filled by candidates who presented the candidature and failed to join the Advisory Board as mentioned in the previous section. In this case the seats will be awarded to those who have gotten more votes, to complete the four-member Advisory Board. To become a member it will be necessary to satisfy at least one of the requirements listed in these bylaws 6. The duration of position shall be of two ordinary terms. d) The functions of the Advisory Board are: 1. Advise any Member when it is requested.

2. Make a report in the ordinary term about the state of the Board, its members and their activities. 3. Participate in the General Assembly by issuing and responding to points of information. 4. Have at least one meeting per ordinary term, and make a report of it. 5. Any other that is attributed by decision of the General Assembly. e) The Advisory Board decisions are taken by consensus among its members, but if this is not possible, explain the various reports of conflicting views and arguments that support them. f) Executive Board will invite Advisory Board to the General Assemblies, on its own or any member of the Association. The Organizing Committee will ensure the accommodation the coordinator of the Advisory Board. Article 61. - Dissolution Taskforce In the event of termination of all members of the Executive Board an Extraordinary General Assembly shall be called, according to the current rotatory present in the bylaws for the Ordinary General Assembly, despite being an Extraordinary General Meeting. In the Assembly, the Dissolution Taskforce will be appointed to ensure that the Association continues to meet its goals and carry out its daily activities without imposing the period of this Committee an impediment to its proper and normal work. The Dissolution Taskforce shall exercise the functions of the Executive Board until the next General Assembly, which will choose a new Executive Board, without prejudice to the periodicity and alternation of the charges. Thus, the Division Taskforce shall consist of members who are appointed by the Extraordinary General Assembly to a maximum of ten people, who shall share the tasks associated to the positions of the Executive Board being aware of this division in the record resulting from the meeting. After the end of the period of the Dissolution Taskforce, it will present a report on its activities to the Assembly, which will submit it for approval. Article 62. - Fees a) Councils must pay an annual ordinary fee of 120 â‚Ź. The Treasury will send a single payment order, including the contributions of all members of CEEM to the National Dean Conference of Medical Schools, under the current agreement between the two organizations. b) In order to pay the cost of organizing the Assemblies (housing, food, etc.) an extraordinary assessment shall be fixed in case that the grants and sponsorships obtained and the remaining cash are not enough, considering that the Assembly Council Organizer shall be except from this fee. The special assessment shall be satisfied, or justified the delay, ten days before the convening of the Assembly. Article 63.-Treasury uses a) The Treasury will work with the following documents: 1. Account book 1.1. Treasury has to fill the account book and meet the fiscal obligations of the Association, in time and form, justifying every account movement during the period of at least four years with the appropriate bills.





1.2. Bills from 5 years ago will be destroyed at the end of the fiscal year, if the Assembly considers it appropriate. The registry of emitted bills and Global State will be kept, since the only need to be actualized. 1.3. The Account book will have 3 parts: 1.3.1. Invoice raise 1.3.2. Bills paying 1.3.3. Global State 2. “Digital Treasury” program 2.1. Is the function of this program: 2.1.1. Registering and monitoring of the Global State 2.1.2. Registering and monitoring of the payments 2.1.3. Raising invoices 2.1.4. Registering and monitoring of the invoice 2.1.5. To have a Database 2.2. Once a month, after every payment, a copy of the program shall be sent to the Secretary General in Madrid as well as the digitalized documents, which justify the recorded modifications. Issuance of invoices 1. All invoices will be strictly numerated and registered into the “Digital Treasury” program, existing a copy of it on paper and digital media, at the official address of the Association. 2. None of the raised invoices will include the “IVA”, due to exemption of CEEM to pay it. Third part payment The request of CEEM expenditure will take the following process: 1. Sending the paper invoice to the official address of the Association. 2. Notification to the Treasury about the concept, person or entity to do the transfer and the count number. 3. Every month, Treasury will resolve the payments, if necessary, through a transfer or bank draft, accumulating, if it is possible, in one only reimbursement, payments to a person or entity. 4. In case of necessity, it’s possible to apply for Treasury to do the payment immediately. 5. All reimbursements have to be approved by the Executive Board. 6. It is not possible to do cash payment. About the opening and closing of the fiscal year. The opening of the fiscal year will be at the beginning of the natural year and it will be closed at December 31st, according to the Constitution, being careful that all payments will be solved and justified, and the invoice raise charged. General State of the Counts General State of the Counts will be presented according these bylaws. This document will include: 1. Incoming list, specifying: 1.1. Inscription feed 1.2. Agreements 1.3. Grants 1.4. Others 2. Spending List: 2.1. Ordinary Operation 2.2. Travel and transport 2.3. Executive Board costs 2.4. Convention on Medical Education costs

2.5. Standing Committees and Division of Public Relations costs 2.6. Regionalization costs 2.7. Others 3. Invoice raise list 4. Bill payments list 5. Total of movements and Global State accounts f) Budgets Budgets will be presented according to these bylaws. The budget proposal will include at least: 1. Expected incomings for: a. Inscription feed b. Agreements c. Grants d. Others 2. Expected costs for: g) Fixed funds In case of existence a remnant at the end of the fiscal year, it will be destined to the CEEM fixed funds. Fixed funds will be used to finance unbudgeted projects, due to them being requested after budget approval. 1. Parts of fixed funds are: 1.1 Federal Reserve: funds used in any possible contingency, with 1000₏ of minimum capital. The whole or partial consumption until values lower than minimum, will presume priority into the budget of the next fiscal year of its reestablishment. Standing committees, Division of Public Relations and Convention on Medical Education Organizing Committee will be able to resort to it. 1.2 Fund for support and promotion of Councils: Representative Members will be able to apply it for the execution of any project which integrates into the Association’s competences. 2. Found application 2.1 The project will be submitted to the Treasury, including the next points: 2.1.1 Introduction 2.1.2 Goals 2.1.3 Methods 2.1.4 Resources, materials and supports 2.1.5 Evaluation designs 2.1.6 Applied founds 2.2. After analyzing the project, the Treasury will recommend his criteria and the amount destined to the applicant. This amount will depend on the subsequent modification and/or approval by the Executive Board, if considered appropriate. 2.3. In case of acceptance, the applicant should submit to the Treasury the invoices which justify the destination of the founds granted within two months. Article 64. - Current account Saving account or current account will be opened in the name of the President and/or the Treasury of the CEEM. CHAPTER VI: the website and Forum

Article 65. – Website CEEM’s website will be used as broadcast media of CEEM’s activities and the information available to all medical students. It is the responsibility of all CEEM members to provide the Webmaster with the information required for keeping the contents of the page itself. Article 66.-Website Management Webmaster's responsibilities fall on the head of the new technologies area, who will coordinate the activity and the contents thereof. Webmaster will publish the information that is provided by CEEM members as well as the one that it considered appropriate and may not release any information without proven accuracy. Article 67.-CEEM Representatives’ forum The main working tool during the time between 2General Assemblies is Representatives’ Forum. Administration of the forum will be in the hands of people who hold positions in the Executive Board. It is their responsibility to ensure the proper functioning of the Forum, however, other people may be named Webmaster to assist the EB in his duties, being the Executive Board ultimately responsible. Article 68. - Monthly Reports It’s CEEM’s Representatives duty throughout the year to read the Representatives’ Forum, participate in discussions and answer the questions posed.At a minimum, all representations must publish a monthly report on the first of each month during the school year, reporting their status and activities that are developing. Article 69. – Comments a) The messages in the Forum of Representatives must be concise and clear, appropriate to the topic that are published or a start of new one if necessary.They must also contain the name of the person who submitted, the representation to which it belongs and a title that alludes to the content. b) All open questions raised in the Forum must be answered by all the representations as soon as possible. c) In any case, the Representative’ Forum may not be used to address issues unrelated to the Association’s purposes anduninteresting messages shall as well not be published. CHAPTER VII: Legal compliance and applicable sanctions Article 70.The Executive Board shall ensure legal compliance according to what’s written in CEEM’s Constitution and Bylaws, in accordance with the opinion of the General Assembly, which must ratify any penalty vote by absolute majority.Members of the various representations will also actively work to ensure compliance and respect to those behaviour standards, developing its role in the Council within a respect, tolerance, hard work and partnership atmosphere.

Article 71.-Penalties a) Shall be considered minor misdemeanours: 1. Not saving the right to speak and / or the proper speaking order during plenary. 2. Delay of more than ten minutes at the start of at least three of the various plenary sessions and without any justification accepted by the Assembly. 3. Not meet the use standards of the website and / or the forum. 4. Failure, without justification accepted by the Assembly, to 20% of the sessions, in the case of Representatives members, and 90% of sessions in the case of Representation, being still valid to register assistance it the presence of a single Representative. 5. Failure to meet the annual fee for the requested period, taking on an additional six months deadline. 6. All those who consider by the Assembly by absolute majority vote. b) Shall be considered serious misdemeanours: 1. Accumulation in a single day or during the same period between 2 General Assemblies of three minor misdemeanours. 2. Damage furniture used in a conference or general facilities. 3. Failure, without justification accepted by the Assembly, 40% of the sessions thereof, in the case of Representatives members, or not to go to 80% of sessions in the case of the Representation of origin, still valid to register assistance it the presence of a single Member Representative. 4. Seriously lacking respect for anyone present in the Assembly. 5. Unpaid fees of the previous year or having accumulated two misdemeanours for nonpayment. 6. All those considered by the Assembly. c) It is considered very serious misdemeanours: 1. Three serious misdemeanours during the same General Assembly or throughout the time between two General Assemblies 2. Deliberately acting against the objectives and purposes of the Association. 3. The action or attempt of inflicting physical harm, mental or moral harm to any member of the Assembly. 4. Two serious misconducts for failing to pay annual fee. 5. All those considered the Assembly. 6. Serious misdemeanours are applicable in any context to all Association Members: During General Assemblies, using the Web or the Representatives forum, and any other matter related to CEEM’s activities throughout the time between two General Assemblies Article 72. - Penalties a) Minor misdemeanours shall be appealed to public order by the President of the Assembly. Depending on the degree of seriousness of the offense, this may be reflected in the minutes. b) For serious misdemeanours penalties may range from a call to public order by the President of the Assembly, which in any case will be reflected in the minutes, to the expulsion of the suspended member during the session along with the refusal to issue the certificate of attendance, and notification reporting the events to the Member and Dean of his/her Faculty of origin of the suspended.

c) For very serious misdemeanours, the penalty in any case will be the expulsion of the suspended member as well as notification to the Member and Dean of his/her Faculty of origin. d) For very serious misdemeanours committed directly while using the website and/or forums of CEEM, the penalty will also involve the suspension of the participation of the member in the media from that time on, with the consequent elimination of his/her posted messages and interventions, if this member should try to enter again using the identification above, or any other means. Article 73.This regulation ensures that every Member shall be heard prior to any disciplinary action against him, and will be informed in detail by the Executive Board about all events giving rise to such measures. Any action taken should be led to agreement by a prior motivation to imposing the penalty. Article 74.Any damage, breakage or similar should be cause to any furniture in the General Assembly facilities, the Representative or CEEM Member will have to pay for the repair. CHAPTER VIII : Dissolution process Article 75.a) Once the Association dissolution is agreed, according to CEEM’s Constitution, the General Assembly shall take appropriate measures, both to the fate that is given to the properties and rights of the Association as to the purpose, dissolution and liquidation of any pending operation. b) The General Assembly is able to choose a Dissolution Taskforce if they consider this necessary. c) Members of the Association are exempt of personal responsibility. This responsibility will be limited to satisfy the obligations they have acquired voluntarily. d) Functions of dissolution and execution of the agreements mentioned above will be competence of the General Assembly, if it hasn’t delegated this on a Dissolution Taskforce. Article 76.It corresponds to the Dissolution Taskforce: a) To ensure the integrity of the Association’s patrimony. b) To charge the Association’s credits. c) To dissolve the patrimony and pay their creditors. d) To apply the remaining assets to the ends provided on the Constitution. e) To request the cancellation of the entries in the registry. CHAPTER IX: Change in the bylaws. Article 77.Requests of the Executive Board or any Member could be included in the next Agenda.

Amendments should be notified previously to the plenary according to the time and proceedings established by the Executive Board. Article 78.The General Secretary, at the request of the Legislative Division, will be able to make grammar changes on the bylaws without being necessary to submit these as amendments to the General Assembly, as long as they don’t involve a substantial change in the meaning of the involved articles. Final disposition These bylaws will become valid upon approval by the General Assembly.

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