Ceet's world

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Ceet’s world

Chokoli Strawberry & Kality Street present

graffiti world of Ceet

Always the entertainer, Ceet, can often be found telling an animated tale to a crowd of wide-eyed listeners. The ending is always the same as the audience doubles over in laughter, and a big grin emerges from the face of the world’s leading graffiti and contemporary artist, Ceet Fouad. Ceet’s voracious appetite for life began in Toulouse, France, where he was born 40 years ago to parents of North African origin. He spent his early years painting graffiti on any and all inanimate surfaces in his home town with his street crew, Truskool and Trumac. His graffiti style reflects his energetic personality and approach to life. Largely based on an interplay of colors and wild style lettering, the finished product is controlled and mechanically executed, yet sophisticated in the design style and finish. Ceet is not one to sugar coat the truth, and his work often reveals a brutal honesty about experiences from his own life. He has experimented with a variety of mediums; murals, sculptures, graphic design and canvases, through which he exposes his hopes, failures and opinions with his audience. Since the mid-80s, he has focused on his canvas work through a mixed use of acrylic, oil and spray paint. Striving for perfection, Ceet pays meticulous attention to each canvas detail and uses every inch of space to reveal his expressions on life. The quality of his creations have not gone unnoticed, as invitations from galleries, contemporary art shows and lifestyle brands have confirmed his place on the international stage of contemporary artists to watch and follow. A trip to China in xzy captivated his love for raw energy and in 2003, Ceet left France to share his talents and passion for contemporary art with China. Since 2003, he’s been very active in China with diverse exhibitions, events and artistic performances. Advertising companies and lifestyle brands also call on his talent and has been an art ambassador to global brands such as Adidas, Airbus, Ecko, Loewe, Moiselle, and Prada as an art Ceet belongs to the group of internationally acknowledged contemporary artists, his work is shown in numerous international graffiti and street art exhibitions around the globe. &HHW )RXDG äżźŕąąă–şâ°ťŕ§Ľĺž…ă˜żă§–â˜¨â†‚â– ă˜żă§–⭨Ṩ㯊㗠ă?˘ă”śâ˜¨ŕŹ˜á•Šâ­¨áą¨ă“żäą‰â‰żă”Šä”•ă–źăŁĄă&#x;Źä“Żă˜żă§–㏉⡪â’ąâŤ†ă”śă”śâ˜¨â¤Śă–źâ’˛â ľă˛‚ă°‡â‹ś ㏇ă?°áą¨ŕˇ­âŻ„㑉ӥኔ㌎厊㼢ㆨᚖᕊᎣ ă”śäťŹâžˆŕ¤Œâ˜¨&HHW๰ৼĺž…ă˜żă§–â˜¨ă˝—ăŽłâ§§áŤ…ăś ă–śäťŹă‹Śâ­¨ä–ťŕ¤—ĺ’şăŠ&#x;Ṩâ’Żă—Š㺲▙▙ă¨?ă¨?☨Ⱋ⿎ăľ?㎝ѹᢜăšłâ˜¨ŕ§Ľĺž…ă˜żă§–â€ŤŮ­â€Źăž—Ṩâ‰żă˜żă§–âŠ?䡹 ă˜żă§–ĺ†?Ṩá¨?ä“‘Óžă¨?â’Żă?Łâ­Šâź—㎼âž˝â€ˆă?Žă“§â?´áŽŁ &HHWâ˜¨ŕ§Ľĺž…ĺ‚˝â˘?ಣ䝏⠾â– ৼĺž…ĺ‚˝â˘?â˜¨ăť™â˝ƒḜ⡠㎚ăˆ?Ṩâ•ąĺ ‚ĺ‚˝â˘?ă?Žă“§ă— ≿㽜ĺ? ă žă?ŠăźŁă¨ťáą¨ă&#x;Źä“ŻŕşŽâźžâ˜¨ă“§â?´ŕą°âŒ´ăˆ¨â–”㟏㑉⽀㼲ă”Şâśœ 㹉㌣ṨăŻœâ•ąă?Žâ€ŤŮ€â€Źăš™ăŽłă“§â?´ä“­ăąŤâ˜¨â­’㎉Ꭳ ⳹㹸ຎ⟞Ӟ㑉傽â˘?☨&HHWäş—⥎áŠ”ăœ„â?Ľă´żáą¨ă— 㢭ŕą—âœšâ?Ľă?€â˜¨ă˜żă§–⭨Ṩⲽ⏰✚â?Ľăš?ă??â˜¨ăž—ăŠšâ?Ľâ˜?âž”ăą›â“žăšłâĄ˝â’”â˜¨âˇ ăŽšăˆ?⭒㎉Ṩ⢚ă&#x;Ż â“žă‹Śâ“Œᢜ⍆❲ㆨ⒗áœ?â˜¨ÓžăŠ‚â­†â?†á”‚â˜¨ă‘‰ă”śŕżƒâ›ŞáŽŁŕž?ㆨ㑉➜ăŚ?☨&HHWá?śă&#x;Źä“ŻáŹżâ?†Ꭲ♕㚔Ꭲ㊿ゎ㾒㨝㲜㰳⧧㹾â…šăž—á¨?ᥚă&#x;œâ˜¨ăşşăŽ”ă‚… ⰽṨ๏㽴â­?â˜¨âšťăŚ›Ꭲă–ĄăŻŒᎢ⯯ĺ?ˆä„?ኔâŒ?â˝€â˜źâ’˛â ľă˛‚ă°‡â‹śăŹ‡ă?°áą¨âžśăŚ?ă˝´â­?㞎ăŽ?ă”Šâ˜¨ă”śâŤ†ĺ? ĺ?ˆ⧧ăˇ?â ľăžŽă¸Šăś â˜¨ă”śâŤ†ŕżƒâ›ŞáŽŁ ≚㖨ㅰ■㺲Ṩ&HHWäąœă–śŕą­ă˝‚䝏㹾â…šă˜żă§–â˜¨â€ŤŮ­â€Źăž—Ꭳá¨?ăŽłă žă‚ˆṨ㚳㎞㎼âŻ?â?Ľâ¤’â˜¨ŕżƒâ›Şŕą°â–Łâ€ŤŮ­â€Źăž—㺲ょӞ⏰⣚Ṩ㞗㊚㺲ょ㎼âžśăŽĽâ€ŤÝ”â€ŹăŽœâ˝ƒ âż€ăťšăšłŕą°ă”śăƒ„â˜¨â?™⠾❲ᎣâœšăšłÖşä‚™â˜¨â€ŤŮ­â€Źăž—ăŻŠྏ⿀們ⰛṨă‚ˆă§–ĺ†?Ꭲâ†‚â– ă˜żă§–ăˇ?ă°„â­†ă”śâŤ†ă˜żă§–ăŠšăˆŠâ˜¨ăŹ§ăśŹâž”ăą›âź—ă°‡â‹śŕą°ăšłâ˜¨ăž—ăŠšâ˜¨ 㾯ă&#x; ⧧âś&#x;⛊Ṩă&#x; ው㯊â™?â›Šâź—ăšłăľ€ŕ¤Œäˇ ă˜żă§–ăŁšă†¤ă”‹â˜¨ăşşăŽ”â˜źă˘­áŽŁ&HHWâ˜¨ă˜żă§–â?Żă?€㎝â˜§â˜Ąŕ¤Œäˇ â˜¨â’¸ăľŻáą¨ă‹Śăž—ăŠšâ˘š䝏â‹śâœ‚ŕ¤Œäˇ ăŠ‚ৼĺž… â­†â°Şĺ€‘ă˜żă§–ăˇ?㰄‍פ‏ăˇ?â“žᎣ ✠⟯⟯㑝ㅰṨ&HHW䡹äąœâžˆŕ¤Œä”‰á‡­â˜Ąăş˛ŕ¤Œ⡭⡟âžśăŚ?ăšłâ˜¨ă˜żă§–â?Żă?€ă†¨áŤ…㜠Ꭳ㽴ă…?ă…°ă‹˛áą¨ăšłăŽĽăş“âŤ†äŠŞäťŹăş˛ŕ¤Œâ˘•âœŻĺ ‚㨝ăˇ?ă°„Ꭲă˜żă§–ŕą­â‰Ś â­†ă‚ˆă§–ăŹ‰â“žăˆŠă‘Ľ +DLQDQ 5HQGH]9RXV ⧧ /H )UHQFK 0D\Ṩă—–âœ‚Óžŕš›â˘„â¤‡ă™śâ§§ă”śâŤ†ă˜żă§–ăŠšăˆŠä‚?㝳Ṩ㑼⹅㚳㎝Ⓓá¨?âœ‚Óžŕ¤Œäˇ ç&#x;Ľĺ??ĺ“ ç‰ŒĺŚ‚Adidas, Airbus, Ecko, Loewe, Moiselle㎞â­†3UDGDâ˜¨ă˜żă§–â–™ă–łáŽŁ

What does graffiti represent for you ? Painting on the walls, canvas, train. When I first started to graffiti I didn’t think about what the audience could perceive from my work but the more I got into it and the more experience I got from it, I realized that through graffiti, those that liked my work understood what graffiti stands for. And of course in time, my work represented an expression of that understanding. Graffiti to me is like a representation of what I like to call “the ego-less man”, this meaning that every graffiti artist can find a wall and paint a piece of himself on it for display without any fear of a curator undermining their work or passing judgment. If the audience liked your work, in a sense they like you, the artist. Of course, one has to understand and appreciate that you cannot please everybody and not everyone is going to like your work however, you will undoubtedly find one that does. Who knows that one person could turn out to be a property developer and hire you to paint ever wall in the building! What would you like to say to those who don’t understand graffiti ? Don’t be afraid. Open your minds. Take in someone else’s view, consider someone else’s perception of the truth, realize that from another’s point of view or angle, the truth may look different. But to shut yourself off from not even considering that there may be another path to the truth is silly, foolish. We are all players of the same game called life. The difference between you and I are the different versions of the game, so you could be playing the 80s version but with me, when you’re part of the graffiti world, your game is always the one thats one step ahead. Always got to be ahead of the game. [smiles] Where would you like to see graffiti in 10 years time ? Back on the streets where it started and originated from. Where do you see yourself then in 10 years time ? The same. [laughs] More graffiti, more art and more expression of myself through my artwork. I am concentrating all my efforts and strengths into my two artistic passions which are DJing and graffiti. So hopefully in 10 years time I am doing those two with perfection and ease. Now looking back on your work, you’ve clearly matured in your artwork. Is there any difference between canvas and graffiti to you ? Yes of course. Not just on a technical aspect but on an emotional and mental aspect as well. When you do graffiti on a wall, you are rarely doing one on your own. So it’s a big group of us mixing colors together, exchanging mindsets, where we’re at on our space of the wall and where we are progressing to. I guess the best way to describe it is an orgy of artists only without the actual sex! Now when I do work on canvas, I’m more centered, focused and meticulous. Because every inch, centimeter and millimeter is mine, a representation of me, I work very hard to make sure that its a true and accurate depiction of that. Which do you prefer to work on ? Graffiti on the walls of course! That goes without saying! But my finest work is on canvas. And when this is your bread and water sometimes you just gotta put your brothers aside and concentrate on number one. As much as we all would love to sell a wall, that belongs to the streets, it belongs to the community so I do have to be realistic and that’s where my canvas work comes in. What words of wisdom would you like to say to the younger generation? Hey you there, listen. The only way to do something, whether it be in the world of graffiti or DJing or any kind of art form, you have to be patient. And this is very important. Being patient and focusing, especially on finding that one style. When you have found that one style, you then have to be patient in the perfection of it. You have to be able to grow with it, it has to be able to grow with you and take on new technologies and hurdles that life takes on. This is really really important because this one style is and becomes your bread and water.

“Baygon Rose”


130/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“I believe i can fly”


190/140 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Hands on the sky”


130/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Inside out”


110/110 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Red one”


190/150 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“kids war”


140/110 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Mc Maor”


140/110 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Mickey Moussa”


130/110 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Number 8”


140/80 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”



110/110 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Planet hearth”


130/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”



120/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Free style”


110/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“The hell”


80/140 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”



160 cm



110/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Real spider”


110/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“the temple”


120/150 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Never ever again”


130/150 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“La Ruche”


160/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Staying alive”


120/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”



130/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“La vie en rose”


130/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Put your hands up”


130/130 cm

mixed media

“Ceet’s world”

“Ceet’s world”

Text Photo credits

Fiona Foxon / Sky Tao Laurent Segretier, Robin Barbier, Henry Temple, Fouad B., Sarah Samantha Power.




CHOKOLI STRAWBERRY/KALITY STREET Copyright 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this book maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without express written permisssion of the publisher exept in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. www.megaceet.com Designed by CEET Printed in Hong Kong (China) - first printing Edition of 800 copies

Presented by :

www.chokolistrawberry.com lamia@chokolistrawberry.com (00852) 6351 0704

Supported by : :


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