preguntas juego Europa Civica1english_lorena

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Civic Europe: questions When I disagree with a friend: - I shout.

Have you ever mistreated an animal?

How do you solve problems with your partner?

If you play a game and make a hard foul and I apologize how do you react?:

- screaming.

- I accept the apology and 0 problems.

- Never

- I listen and talk about it giving reasons.

- Sometimes

- I get angry and leave.

- Always

Correct answer: I listen and talk giving reasons.

Correct answer: Never

Honestly ... you're on the subway sitting / day and into an older (3 rd age). What are you doing?:

You walk down the street and you take a piece of gum. What do you do with the package?:

- I do not know completely.

- Throw it always the nearest trash.

- I run away from it because it's more comfortable.

- I yield my seat.

- I throw it down because that is the sweepers.

- I face it talking about the situation and calm.

- Depends if I see the nice person or not. Correct answer: I yield my seat.

- I impose. - We talk and listen. Correct answer: We talk and listen.

When you have a problem, how do you face it?

- I insult the adversary. - I fight with the enemy. Correct answer: I accept the apology and 0 problems. You play a game and the referee is wrong against you. How do you react? - I insult. - If it’s clear I assault him.

- Depends on time.

- I use violence to fix it.

- Even if I’m angry with this, I keep quiet and keep playing.

Correct answer: Throw it always to the nearest bin.

Correct answer: I face it talking about the situation and calm

Correct answer: but I hate to keep quiet and keep playing.

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